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Fw: DUSTING [and other dangerous drugs]

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The attached story is unfortunately true. I verified it through Urban Legends at the following link http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/dustoff.asp

I empathize with the family of the young man who fell victim to "dusting." I've also been affected by a similar and unnecessary loss of a loved one so I have great personal compassion with the loved ones who he's left behind.

It's unfortunate that another young person's life has been wasted due to taking chances with dangerous substances and practices. Why did the young man do this? Did he observe adults or peers taking various drugs (so-called legal or illegal), smoking, drinking? And decided it was OK to do.

Humans have to be one of the strangest creatures on earth. We have been given a brain with which to think things out and do good things. But sometimes we get sidetracked and do crazy things that do much harm to ourselves and others. Even primitive people find different ways to take their minds to distant and altered places.

Alcohol, tobacco, chemicals and all types of so-called legal drugs (and illegal) are creating heavy burdens on mankind. Just the high costs of most modern medications is enough to burden anyone on a limited income and then one has to worry about all of the side effects -- both long and short term. The average older American is hooked on many prescription and over the counter drugs. I recently read of one retiree who was taking > 20 different drugs each day.

The best thing we can all do is to educate others so that children don't fall victim to these various chemicals and drugs that are so pervasive in the different societies of the world. Many innocent folks have suffered and will continue to suffer unless we all do our part to educate and inform others.

I recently picked up a prescription, Aerobid 250MCG (approx. cost $94) an inhalator that uses Freon R-11, a CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) or Trichlorofluoromethane and Dichloro etc. This was the propellant for the medication that one would inhale into his/her lungs, hold your breath for a period of time then take another puff. This was supposed to be repeated twice a day. I took one puff -- it was the worst thing I've ever tasted -- washed my mouth out with water and never took the second puff. I then read all of the info and warnings that came with the inhalator and it was enough to scare me or anyone who read the warnings.

Under adverse reactions reported for this drug in so-called "controlled clinical trials" and long term open studies -- 514 patients were treated with Aerobid (flunisolide). Of those patients, 463 were treated for 3 months or longer, 407 for 6 months or longer, 287 for 1 year or longer, and 122 for 2 years or longer." Rats and mice were also tested and they developed certain tumors.

"Musculoskeletal reactions were reported in 35% of steroid-dependent patients in whom the dose of oral steroid was being tapered. This is a well-known effect of steroid withdrawal." There were numerous and different reactions in a significant percentage of the 541 test cases e.g., gastrointestinal, flu, mouth and throat, nervous system, respiratory, cardiovascular, skin, ear infections, enlarged lymph nodes, insomnia, acne, hives, shortness of breath etc., etc.

Needless to say I haven't taken another puff and stopped all of the other potentially dangerous prescription drugs. There's always an alternative to dangerous drugs that just might cause more problems than the original condition.

All of the best.

, , , ,

bcc et al groups/friends/family


*| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *| *|"To sin by silence, when they should protest, makes cowards of men." -- Abe Lincoln

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Fwd: DUSTING> > > >>>> <GRNEYES1031@...> 08/16/06 12:10 AM >>>> >> First, I'm going to tell you a little about me and my family. My> name>> is Jeff. I am a Police Officer for a city which is known nationwide> for>> its crime rate. We have a lot of gangs and drugs. At one point we were> # 2>> in the nation in homicides per capita. I also have a police K-9 named> Thor.>> He was certified in drugs and general duty. He retired at 3 years> old>> because he was shot in the line of duty. He lives with us now and I> still>> train with him because he likes it. I always liked the fact that there> was>> no way to bring drugs into my house. Thor wouldn't allow it. He would> tell>> on you. The reason I say this is so you understand that I know about> drugs.>> >> I have taught in schools about drugs. My wife asks all our kids at>> least once a week if they used any drugs. Makes them promise they won'> t.>> >> I like building computers occasionally and started building a new> one>> in February 2005. I also was working on some of my older computers.>> They were full of dust so on one of my trips to the computer store I>> bought a 3 pack of DUST OFF. Dust Off is a can of compressed air to> blow>> dust off a computer. A few weeks later when I went to use one of them> they>> were all used. I talked to my kids and my two sons both said they had> used>> them on their computer and messing around with them. I yelled at them> for>> wasting the 10 dollars I paid for them.>> >> On February 28 I went back to the computer store. They didn't have the> 3>> pack which I had bought on sale so I bought a single jumbo can of Dust> Off.>> I went home a nd set it down beside my computer.>> >> On March 1st, I left for work at 10 PM. Just before midnight my wife>> went down and kissed goodnight. At 5:30 am the next morning Kathy> went>> downstairs to wake up for school, before she left for work. He> was>> propped up in bed with his legs crossed and his head leaning over.> She>> called to him a few times to get up. He didn't move. He would> sometimes>> tease her like this and pretend he fell back asleep. He was never easy> to>> get up. She went in and shook his arm. He fell over. He was pale white> and>> had the straw from the Dust Off can coming out of his mouth. He had> the new>> can of Dust Off in his hands. was dead.>> >> I am a police officer and I had never heard of this. My wife is a> nurse>> and she had never heard of this. We later found out from the coroner,> after>> the autopsy, that only the propellant from the can of Dust off was in> his>> system. No other drugs. had died between midnight and 1 AM.>> >> I found out that using Dust Off is being done mostly by kids ages 9>> through 15. They even have a name for it. It's called dusting. A> take>> off from the Dust Off name. It gives them a slight high for about 10>> seconds. It makes them dizzy. A boy who lives down the street from> us>> showed how to do this about a month before. showed his> best>> friend. Told him it was cool and it couldn't hurt you. Its just> compressed>> air. It cant hurt you. His best friend said no.>> >> was wrong. It's not just compressed air. It also co ntains a>> propellant called R2. Its a refrigerant like what is used in your>> refrigerator. It is a heavy gas. Heavier than air. When you inhale> it,>> it fills your lungs and keeps the good air, with oxygen, out That's> why>> you feel dizzy, buzzed. It decreases the oxygen to your brain, to> your>> heart. was right. It cant hurt you. IT KILLS YOU.>> >> The horrible part about this is there is no warning. There is no> level>> that kills you. It's not cumulative or an overdose; it can just go>> randomly, terribly wrong. Roll the dice and if your number comes up> you>> die. ITS NOT AN OVERDOSE. Its Russian Roulette. You don't die later.> Or not>> feel good and say I've had too much. You usually die as you're> breathing it>> in. If not you die within 2 seconds of finishing "the hit." That's why> the>> straw was still in 's mouth when he died. Why his eyes were still> open.>> The experts want to call this huffing. The kids don't believe its> huffing.>> As adults we tend to lump man y things together. But it doesn't fit> here.>> And that's why its more accepted. There is no chemical>> reaction, no strong odor. It doesn't follow the huffing signals.> >> complained a few days before he died of his tongue hurting. It> probably>> did. The propellant causes frostbite. If I had only known.>> >> Its easy to say hey, its my life and I'll do what I want. But it> isn't.>> Others are always affected. This has forever changed our family's>> life. I have a hole in my heart and soul that can never be fixed.> The>> pain is so immense I can't describe it. There's nowhere to run from> it. I>> cry all the time and I don't ever cry. I do what I'm supposed to do> but I>> don't really care. My kids are messed up. One won't talk about it.> The>> other will only sleep in our room at night. And my wife, I can't> even>> describe how bad she is taking this. I thought we were safe because> of>> Thor. I thought we were safe because we knew about drugs and talked to> our>> kids about them.>> >> After died another story came out. A probation Officer went to> the>> school system next to ours to speak with a student. While there he> found a>> student using Dust Off in the bathroom. This student told him about> another>> student who also had some in his locker. This is a rather affluent> school>> system. They will tell you they don't have a drug problem there.>> They don't even have a dare or plus program there. So rather than>> tell everyone about this "new" way of getting high they found, they> hid it.>> The probation officer told the media after 's death and they,> the>> school, then admitted to it. I know that if they would have told the> media>> and I had heard, it wouldn't have been in my house.>> >> We need to get this out of our homes and school computer labs. Using>> Dust Off isn't new and some "professionals" do know about. It just> isn't>> talked>> about much, except by the kids. They all seem to know about it. April> 2nd>> was 1 month since died. April 5th would have been his 15th>> birthday. And every weekday I catch myself sitting on the living room> couch>> at 2:30 in the afternoon and waiting to see him get off the bus. I> know>> is in heaven but I cant help but wonder If I died and went to> Hell.>> >> >> This Officer is asking for everyone who receives this email to> forward>> it to everyone in their address book, even Law Enforcement Officers.>> > >

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