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Re: Re:slight let down

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I am sorry if I am over stepping my bounds...but does

anyone know if made up that saying? because if

he did, then when you use a sig. line, you should give

him credit, for instance, my DH, a huge Wayne fan

uses a quote of his and then puts - Wayne...so for

example it would go like this...





> Let your faith be your guide on this journey. You

> have come so far and

> accomplished so much already. Do you realize you



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agaw1257-@... wrote:

Another pregnancy would

> be devastating right now. I know that sounds awful, but we could not


> for another child financially, my husband and I still need to finish


> we have no medical insurance and I can't seem to gain less that 70


> when pregnant!!!

, that doesn't sound awful! It sounds like you are being



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"debbie stout" wrote:

original article:

Elena-I can't comment on 's placing at these shootings, but

please don't ever put yourself down again. You are a beautiful lady,

both on the inside and outside. What you reflect to us here, is only a

fraction of the real you. I can imagine just how special you are in

real life. Thanks, Deb! You have made me feel very good. I'll check out the book.

Elena, who thinks that had nothing to do with the placings

because he has a very large production crew who take care of all those

types of matters.

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One of the main reasons I had a tubal after having when he was born

was cause I said I would never go on birth control again. They always made

me gain weight. I had Norplant and in about 6 months time I gained 25

pounds..I knew when I got it they said that I could gain SOME weight, but at

150 pounds at the time I wasn't expecting to gain 25 pounds!! After I had

I got regular birth control pills but the first kind I would get

shortness of breath really bad after taking them. so I stopped taking them

and bang, there I was pregnant with when was 6 months old. I

figure it was just best to get a tubal after having then I knew that

I wouldn't gain weight from that.

Re: Re:slight let down

> Elena,


> Have you and your husband every considered vastectomy?


> I had an awful experience with and IUD ::shudder::


> ;-)

> F

> who refuses to put another pill, injection, contraption, or goo inside

> my body to prevent pregnancy...it's up to the guy(s) now!


> " elena carroll " <etcarrol-@...> wrote:

> original article:tae-bo_on/?start=13275

> > " jill clappison " <j.clappiso-@...> wrote:

> >

> > > When I came of the pill at 27, the bleak depression lifted

> > considerably

> > > (I will NEVER take anything like that again) and I started to feel

> > more

> > > able to control my feelings.

> >

> > Jill, what do you use for birth control? Does anyone here use the

> IUD?

> > If so, have you had problems with it?

> >

> > Elena

> >



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> As Deb has said: " Fitness is a journey and it begins with the first step. "

> Visit our new vault site http://taeboon.isportsdot.com/


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He talked you out of getting a tubal? How mean!! I was 23 when I had my

tubal and no one tried to talk me out of it. In fact they did it 3 hours

after was born. I just have a little tiny scar below my belly button.

Re: Re:slight let down

> In a message dated 3/2/00 10:02:49 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> j.clappison@... writes:


> <<

> Actually I just had mine checked yesterday - if it fits properly & is

> used correctly it's supposed to be 92% - 96% effective. The other

> relevant thing is that if you loose or gain weight (the nurse suggested

> 7-14 lbs) you must have the fit checked again. >>\


> Jill,

> Have you had any problems with urinary track infections due to the


> Boy, I sure did and had to stop using it. It is so frustrating for me. I

> can't use the diaphragm for that reason, the pills make me nuts, it seems

> like I am out of options! I got switched to a new pill that is supposed to

> help my moods. I start that Sunday. I hope it works!! Another pregnancy


> be devastating right now. I know that sounds awful, but we could not


> for another child financially, my husband and I still need to finish


> we have no medical insurance and I can't seem to gain less that 70 pounds

> when pregnant!!! I guess I will stick with the pill until I find one that

> doesn't make me so nutty. I am wishing that my doctor hadn't have talked


> out of getting my tubes tied after I had my youngest!!

> :)


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> As Deb has said: " Fitness is a journey and it begins with the first step. "

> Visit our new vault site http://taeboon.isportsdot.com/


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At 02:47 PM 03/02/00 -0500, wrote:

>He talked you out of getting a tubal? How mean!! I was 23 when I had my

>tubal and no one tried to talk me out of it.

I was 24 when my second child was born. I wanted a tubal at that time, but

the doctor talked me out of it. I finally got it when I was 33.

-- Sandy

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" jill clappison " <j.clappiso-@...> wrote:

original article:tae-bo_on/?start=13273

> To be honest I get quite alarmed by the frequent reference that many

> people in this group make to medication.


I think everybody's different. I also try to avoid medication, but for

those in this group who are on it....I think they've tried everything

else and this is what works for them. You have to find what works for

you, and if that means medication, then that's fine. If you are able

to find an alternative to meds, then that's fine, too. Everybody is

different and will need different things. I say go with whatever works

for you :)

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I can't exerciseanymore than I already am without injuring myself and according to mydoctor, there is nothing they can do about my metabolism (he said, bythe way, that our metabolism decreases with age).


Take the time to visit Neville's page for a while. It sounds like you need some bufftitude! You can increase your metabolism, but there is nothing a doc can do to help you. You can eat small meals 5-6 times a day and see if that helps after a few weeks. I was SO excited when I hit full on euphoria 5 minutes into AL2 yesterday. I know that means my metabolism has increased considerably in just the last couple of months. I didn't think I could do it at full intensity since I lost muscle in my left foot, but I did. It takes time to increase metabolism. It's true that metabolism generally decreases with age, but you can still change it. It takes time, so try not to let it get you down. You might want to visit realage, too and find out how you can make yourself younger. I'm hoping the links are at the website created, cause I didn't bookmark them.


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I'm glad you are open to trying an antidepressant, (if the new

pill doesn't work). Antidepressants are great for evening out moods,

especially those controlled by hormones. I used to be so up and down.

I'd write in my journal as a kid: " Today is a good day, so tomorrow

will be a bad day " and it would happen that suddenly and predictably.

Also, depression tends to run in families. I hope the new birth control

pill works out for you, though.


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Gosh, Elena we sound a lot alike only I was 28, on Zoloft/Prozac and

Tri-Orcycolen (sp?)and despite the pill helping with ovarian cancer (do

you have it in your family too?) and the endrometriosis (sorry whoever

corrected me before - I wrote it down on a piece of paper and can't

find it:)!), I did go off both. How tall are you? A 142 would be my

dream to weight that much again. But we all have a different weight we

want to be at - I know when I was 143, I still wanted to be 135. Being

185 - oops, 175 now, I will be happy with 145 and I WILL stay happy

(remind me of this if I am ever so lucky to get down to that!). If you

can't lose anymore (and you know, even if you were to go off the

pills, it took me over a year to lose just 10 pounds!), at least Taebo

can give you definition and you could be more fit then if you were to

weigh 135. A few people have said they weigh more doing Taebo but fit

in the same size jeans they wore when the weighed less. I know it has

to be very frustrating for you and I wish that medication didn't have

to mess with our metablism so much. It's the pits. How long have you

been doing Taebo? Hang in there Elena! Thinking of you. le

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THANKS!!!!! Then we ought to give whatever book it

came from credit...unfortunatly, I don't

know...sshhh...don't tell my Mom


--- Debbie Stout <dstout5@...> wrote:


<html>Hi na-It's from the Bible. The guy who was

in charge of the last

mission trip that my husband went on, uses this saying

all the time. <p>



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I agree...if meds work great...I take 20 supplements a

day...but no perscription meds...there is not really a

difference, except mine are unregulated and over the



--- Owens <slowens@...> wrote:


> " jill clappison " <j.clappiso-@...> wrote:

> original




> > To be honest I get quite alarmed by the frequent

> reference that many

> > people in this group make to medication.



> Jill,


> I think everybody's different. I also try to avoid

> medication, but for

> those in this group who are on it....I think they've

> tried everything

> else and this is what works for them. You have to

> find what works for

> you, and if that means medication, then that's fine.

> If you are able

> to find an alternative to meds, then that's fine,

> too. Everybody is

> different and will need different things. I say go

> with whatever works

> for you :)







> As Deb has said: " Fitness is a journey and it begins

> with the first step. "

> Visit our new vault site

> http://taeboon.isportsdot.com/


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Unfortunately, when they set us up for the tapings, they can't see

> what is INSIDE of us as well, because if they did, I'm sure we'd both

be in

> the front row, gurl!!



What a great message Susi (every single word of it)!!!!! And Elena, I

know this might not make you feel better, but I know for sure that if I

was lucky enought to go to the tapings, I too, would have been put in

the back. It hurts when others judge us by the outside but it is more

important as to what is in the inside!!! It really is. I might leave

this earth tomorrow overweight, but I hope what everyone would remember

me by is that I was a good friend, wife, and mother - not that I was

fat. ;) le

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Forgot to add this to my first post, but I agree that you should talk

with a psychiatrist who is specialized with the antidepressents. When

I went to one she said there are three types (with a lot of pills under

each three catagories) and that most people are lucky to find one kind

that works for them.

I think, if the sex drive is a problem, I would get a second opinion.

Especially if he said he had never heard of that pill.


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In a message dated 3/2/00 8:26:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, srferron@...


<< hen again,

there is the vasectomy option.


My husband has flat out refused that one! I told him that if I get pregnant

again then he is getting himself a second job, dang it!!


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le wrote:


> Gosh, Elena we sound a lot alike only I was 28, on Zoloft/Prozac and

> Tri-Orcycolen (sp?)and despite the pill helping with ovarian cancer

> (do

> you have it in your family too?) and the endrometriosis (sorry whoever

> corrected me before - I wrote it down on a piece of paper and can't

> find it:)!), I did go off both. How tall are you? A 142 would be my

> dream to weight that much again. But we all have a different weight we

> want to be at - I know when I was 143, I still wanted to be 135. Being

> 185 - oops, 175 now, I will be happy with 145 and I WILL stay happy

> (remind me of this if I am ever so lucky to get down to that!). If you

> can't lose anymore (and you know, even if you were to go off the

> pills, it took me over a year to lose just 10 pounds!), at least Taebo

> can give you definition and you could be more fit then if you were to

> weigh 135. A few people have said they weigh more doing Taebo but fit

> in the same size jeans they wore when the weighed less. I know it has

> to be very frustrating for you and I wish that medication didn't have

> to mess with our metablism so much. It's the pits. How long have you

> been doing Taebo? Hang in there Elena! Thinking of you. le

le, what an encouraging message. In fact, you just persuaded me

to seriously consider going back to the diaphram once I have the

antidepressant under control. I was trying to remember why I switched

to the pill and then it occurred to me, I switched because my

then-gynecologist said it would be easier, regulate my periods, and

would help prevent SEVERAL cancers. Now they are saying that the pill

only helps against ovarian cancer and I don't have a history of that in

my family. I have never had problems with my period (with the freak

exception 2 months ago). As for ease of use, I end up going to the

bathroom and washing up before and after anyway. So, thank you for

triggering that memory.

As for your weight loss, I PROMISE that I will remind you of your advice

(about not relying on the scale) when you reach 145. You just have to

let us know when you get there (no more losing 10 pounds and not



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agaw1257-@... wrote:

original article:tae-bo_on/?start=13283

> In a message dated 3/2/00 10:02:49 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> j.clappison@... writes:

Another pregnancy would

> be devastating right now. I know that sounds awful, but we could not


> for another child financially, my husband and I still need to finish


> we have no medical insurance and I can't seem to gain less that 70


> when pregnant!!! ...I am wishing that my doctor hadn't have talked me

> out of getting my tubes tied after I had my youngest!!

> :)


In no way does what you said " sound awful! " REALLY!!!!! I don't know

why all these docs refuse to tie women's tubes or talk them out of

it...it's soooo wrong! You know, it's not too late...and, then again,

there is the vastectomy option.



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I think you're right, . It is Dr. Price's quote (he's 's

pastor). However, I don't think that either of them would mind us

" spreading the word " ...even without quotation marks.



who doesn't think na was out of line at all.

agaw1257-@... wrote:

original article:tae-bo_on/?start=13310

> In a message dated 3/2/00 12:28:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> eyore68@... writes:


> << na



> I don't think it was ! Wasn't it Dr. Price? I am not sure.

Someone here

> knows!

> :)

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Thanks - I have a feeeling I might need that! I hope, after feeling

this gross at 185 ( & NOT pregnant) that I can just be happy with

whatever I end up getting down to. Why can't we just love our bodies????



> As for your weight loss, I PROMISE that I will remind you of your


> (about not relying on the scale) when you reach 145. You just have to

> let us know when you get there (no more losing 10 pounds and not

> sharing).


> Elena

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OOPS - should say " why can't I love my body " - I do realize that some

people actually have peace with their bodies and I wish I could too.


" rachelle " <ravi-@...> wrote:

original article:tae-bo_on/?start=13493

> Thanks - I have a feeeling I might need that! I hope, after feeling

> this gross at 185 ( & NOT pregnant) that I can just be happy with

> whatever I end up getting down to. Why can't we just love our


> le

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