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> standards, with no increase in bf. Pavel eats only real food, no

> powders, shakes or bars, but he isn't a bb. I wonder what Coach Sonnon

> eats--Connie?

Also real food, . Meals of Protein/fat/veg/whole carbs at regular

intervals acording to your training demand, eat before you need it, he

ignores pre- and post-workout timing, preferring to have the food

steady and tailor the workouts to energy waves, protein in the 1 gm/lb

bodyweight range, no sugars or whites. If you google " Sonnon Day in

Life " on youtube you can see the physique this produces for him, in


As a person still losing fat I do fewer starches myself but I really

like how the rest of it feels. Especially front-loading the food. I

never come up short of energy for workouts this way.

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On 12/20/06, cbrown2008 <cbrown2008@...> wrote:


> you minx. I must get some KBs next

> (looks over shoulder)

Looking at the trailer for Rocky Balboa, I noticed that he is training

with kettlebells, among other things.


" All [gov't] can see in an original idea is potential change, and

hence an invasion of its prerogatives. The most dangerous man, to any

gov't, is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without

regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably

he comes to the conclusion that the gov't he lives under is dishonest,

insane, and intolerable, and so, if he is a romantic, he tries to

change it. And even if he is not...he is very apt to spread discontent

among those who are. "

H.L. Mencken

How sweet it is! The GOP, RIP


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Wow you have 4 kids, you must be busy!

I hope you find the right combo of drugs for yourself.

I am only on prednisone and arava right now and not

feeling that great but I use tylenol arthritis for pain and

sometimes I take tylenol pm. I think getting good sleep

really helps me feel a little better anyway.

Take care,


palpsu89 <palpsu89@...> wrote:


I just joined this group today (not sure why I waited so long...),

although I was diagnosed with RA about 4 years ago. I've tried

Arava, methotrexate injections, Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, and one

dose of Orencia (I didn't continue Orencia due to a " fluttering "

sensation in my chest that lasted two weeks). I also had been taking

15 mg of prednisone for about three years, but then this past summer

I had a fractured hip (no trauma involved) that they suspect was from

bone weakness from the prednisone. (What a nightmare. Please be

cautious if you've been taking predisone long term...)

So, here I am asking for suggestions. Right now I am on methotrexate

and Remicade, and my hands and wrists are absolutely killing me. I

take Advil and Relafen to try to control the swelling and pain, but

it's obviously not helping. Today I broke down and took 10 mg of

prednisone to try to make it through these next few days.

I see my doctor on Jan. 2, and I'd like to talk through a new plan of

attack since I feel lousy. She has given me information on Rituxan,

so I guess I'd like to know if anyone has tried that route. (I know

it works on the B-cells instead of the T-cells.) I've also never

tried Kineret, so I guess I'd like to know if that one has helped

anyone out there, too. I have always wondered about herbal or

natural supplements, but don't know much about them.

BTW, I am 39 years old, work full time, and have four kids, so I lead

a very hectic life. I can barely lift my 22 month old onto his

changing table to change his diaper. I am really discouraged.

Thanks for listening! Any suggestions are welcome.




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In a message dated 12/23/06 1:12:55 PM, palpsu89@... writes:

> I also had been taking

> 15 mg of prednisone for about three years, but then this past summer

> I had a fractured hip (no trauma involved) that they suspect was from

> bone weakness from the prednisone


Do you have osteoporosis?


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Re: [ ] New to group

3 years ago my bone scan numbers were good. I did not have another scan

until after the hip fracture diagnosis, but it showed

osteopenia stage numbers. (I think my lowest number was -1.6.) Since

there was absolutely no trauma involved, they blame

the long term prednisone usage. I'm taking Fosamax now, and am going to

repeat the scan next summer to see if the

numbers are any better.


> I also had been taking

> 15 mg of prednisone for about three years, but then this past summer

> I had a fractured hip (no trauma involved) that they suspect was from

> bone weakness from the prednisone


Do you have osteoporosis?


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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my friends on this list.

I hope you can have a pain free holiday and if not then take enough

painkillers to at least be comfortable enough to have some fun.

Gentle hugs,


Joy wrote:


> Patty

> Wow you have 4 kids, you must be busy!

> I hope you find the right combo of drugs for yourself.

> I am only on prednisone and arava right now and not

> feeling that great but I use tylenol arthritis for pain and

> sometimes I take tylenol pm. I think getting good sleep

> really helps me feel a little better anyway.

> Take care,

> Joy


> palpsu89 <palpsu89@... <mailto:palpsu89%40ptd.net>> wrote:

> Hi,

> I just joined this group today (not sure why I waited so long...),

> although I was diagnosed with RA about 4 years ago. I've tried

> Arava, methotrexate injections, Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, and one

> dose of Orencia (I didn't continue Orencia due to a " fluttering "

> sensation in my chest that lasted two weeks). I also had been taking

> 15 mg of prednisone for about three years, but then this past summer

> I had a fractured hip (no trauma involved) that they suspect was from

> bone weakness from the prednisone. (What a nightmare. Please be

> cautious if you've been taking predisone long term...)


> So, here I am asking for suggestions. Right now I am on methotrexate

> and Remicade, and my hands and wrists are absolutely killing me. I

> take Advil and Relafen to try to control the swelling and pain, but

> it's obviously not helping. Today I broke down and took 10 mg of

> prednisone to try to make it through these next few days.


> I see my doctor on Jan. 2, and I'd like to talk through a new plan of

> attack since I feel lousy. She has given me information on Rituxan,

> so I guess I'd like to know if anyone has tried that route. (I know

> it works on the B-cells instead of the T-cells.) I've also never

> tried Kineret, so I guess I'd like to know if that one has helped

> anyone out there, too. I have always wondered about herbal or

> natural supplements, but don't know much about them.


> BTW, I am 39 years old, work full time, and have four kids, so I lead

> a very hectic life. I can barely lift my 22 month old onto his

> changing table to change his diaper. I am really discouraged.

> Thanks for listening! Any suggestions are welcome.

> Patty


> Joy

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Visit Joy's Homepage and Reading Room!

> http://jhoormann-ivil.tripod.com <http://jhoormann-ivil.tripod.com>

> Come see My Dog Salsa!

> http://www.geocities.com/jhoorm01/Salsa.html

> <http://www.geocities.com/jhoorm01/Salsa.html>




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--- In , " ladybuglady68 " <valerie3968@...>



> Hello everyone! I am new to this group. My name is and I


> in Oklahoma.

Welcome, ;

> I have been have rheumatoid symptoms says my dr but have not got a

> positive RA test yet. Has anyone experienced this? I am kind of

> frustrated and do not know which direction to go next. Any insight?


> A.


Yes; sure have. I went for years and was told I had everything but RA.

I kept thinking I had RA and researched it for some time and one day

after I had spent several months unable to have ny hands touched,

unable to use them to even hold a wash cloth' unable to bend my wrist

without excruciating pain to take care of my personal clean;iness,

unable to use the commode without adding a 6 inch seat, unable to drive

my car my hads were so painful and swollen, I called a Rhuemy and made

a appointment for 3 months later as that was the soonest I could get.

He asked me who referrd me and I said myself. By the time the

appointment had come around, my hands had gone down considerably and I

was able to drive myself. He kind of grinned and looked at my now

almost normal looking hands then at me with that kind, tolerant smile

that says, 'dear lady, I don't think you have RA or some DR would have

made a referral.' I explained to him how bad they had gotten before I

called him but that they had gotten better. Of course by his tone he

thought I was exagerating, but he finally decided to take the tests and

arranged for me to come back a week later.

When I walked into his office, he greeted me with a sheepish little

smile and says, " Well, I have good news and I have bad news; the bad

news is you do test positive for RA, but the good news is there is a

lot that can be done to help. "

Now I know it sounds rediculous for me to say that finding that I

tested positive was somewhat a relief, but I had been in so much pain

from muscles and joints for so many years and had been treated as if it

was just a 'nervous' problem, and the inuendos that it was all in my

head, that in a way putting a name to it and knowing there was

*something* that could be done and that I wasn't crazy; yes! that was a


No. It doesn't stop the pain and the weariness, but with careful

medication, changing food and drink regimen, keeping busy thereby

allowing your mind to be filled with other things than the pain, doing

proper exercises regularly and believing that Our Creator will not give

us anything we can't handel, WE CAN live a full life. We will learn to

improvize. If you do not believe in a " Creator, " this would be a good

time to check that possibility. It really helps me to have this entity

to call on for peace of mind which contributes to some releif of pain..

I call My Creator " God. "

Get involved with people. DO some volunteer work. Keep limber. The

Arthritis Foundation <htp:\www.arthriti.org> has videos or DVDs' of

exercises you can do in your home, that are good, like warm ups and

also Tai Chi vidios/dvd's.

Also this is a good group to come to when you need to vent.

Love, Lee

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Welcome ,

If your not seeing a rheumatologist, that would be my next step. What

part of OK are you in? I live in the ee area. I have a

wonderful rheumy. He helped me with my disability about four years

ago, then I changed insurance. I had to see another rheumy, and I

suffered for two years. Now, I'm back with the first one, and I know

I'm in good hands. There are not many GOOD rheumy's in OK. I'm glad

you found the group, an amazing place to be, Tawny

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You might want to contact a government funded program called " Help Me

Grow. " You probably have a local service, though I'm not 100% sure about


I couldn't afford speech therapy, either. But they got the ball rolling.

They'll come to your house, and work with you and your son. They'll help

you go through the testing, and qualifications for special preschool.

They're really super. They only go up to age 3, then they transistion over

to preschool. So it's important to get involved with them before your son

turns 3.

Hope this helps.

On 12/26/06, Selena <selenadepp@...> wrote:


> Hi all, I found this group looking for something on the subject. My 2

> yr. old son was born tongue-tied..this is something that runs in my

> husband's family as he had it too. My doctor said they don't clip it

> anymore. As a former toddler teacher I have worked with him, reading

> and making sure that we properly pronounce everything. Since I am not

> getting assistance from our doctors..we don't qualify for any medical

> assistance and can't really afford a speech therapist..any suggestions??


> Selena




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My son had an ear, nose, throat doctor (he's now retired) who would

still clip tongue ties. It's not harmful, and with speech

delays/disorders, you want to do everything you can to help. Our son

turned out to not be tongue tied, but if he was, we would have had it


If you are not happy with your doctor, could you find another



> Hi all, I found this group looking for something on the subject. My


> yr. old son was born tongue-tied..this is something that runs in my

> husband's family as he had it too. My doctor said they don't clip it

> anymore. As a former toddler teacher I have worked with him, reading

> and making sure that we properly pronounce everything. Since I am not

> getting assistance from our doctors..we don't qualify for any medical

> assistance and can't really afford a speech therapist..any




> Selena


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Selena, please see my other post about Early Intervention. If your son

qualifies as being delayed they (the state program) will provide

therapies (they are required to- it's part of a federal act).

, mom to Nate, age 3


> Hi all, I found this group looking for something on the subject. My


> yr. old son was born tongue-tied..this is something that runs in my

> husband's family as he had it too. My doctor said they don't clip it

> anymore. As a former toddler teacher I have worked with him, reading

> and making sure that we properly pronounce everything. Since I am not

> getting assistance from our doctors..we don't qualify for any medical

> assistance and can't really afford a speech therapist..any




> Selena


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My son had an ear, nose, throat doctor (he's now retired) who would

still clip tongue ties. It's not harmful, and with speech

delays/disorders, you want to do everything you can to help. Our son

turned out to not be tongue tied, but if he was, we would have had it


If you are not happy with your doctor, could you find another



> Hi all, I found this group looking for something on the subject. My


> yr. old son was born tongue-tied..this is something that runs in my

> husband's family as he had it too. My doctor said they don't clip it

> anymore. As a former toddler teacher I have worked with him, reading

> and making sure that we properly pronounce everything. Since I am not

> getting assistance from our doctors..we don't qualify for any medical

> assistance and can't really afford a speech therapist..any




> Selena


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You might want to contact a government funded program called " Help Me

Grow. " You probably have a local service, though I'm not 100% sure about


I couldn't afford speech therapy, either. But they got the ball rolling.

They'll come to your house, and work with you and your son. They'll help

you go through the testing, and qualifications for special preschool.

They're really super. They only go up to age 3, then they transistion over

to preschool. So it's important to get involved with them before your son

turns 3.

Hope this helps.

On 12/26/06, Selena <selenadepp@...> wrote:


> Hi all, I found this group looking for something on the subject. My 2

> yr. old son was born tongue-tied..this is something that runs in my

> husband's family as he had it too. My doctor said they don't clip it

> anymore. As a former toddler teacher I have worked with him, reading

> and making sure that we properly pronounce everything. Since I am not

> getting assistance from our doctors..we don't qualify for any medical

> assistance and can't really afford a speech therapist..any suggestions??


> Selena




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I am in Norman, OK. Pretty close to ee. My PCP has not even mentioned

a rheumotologist...in fact, he saw the swelling, said he thought it had to

be rheumatoid, took blood, changed his mind and has done nothing since.

I've been swollen, like I said, for 6 months so my husband has suggested

that I go to an " arthritis doctor " without the referral of my pcp. Where is

the one you were mentioning? Is he/she in the city?

Thanks for the info,

>From: " tdianaok " <tdianaok@...>



>Subject: [ ] Re: New to Group

>Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2006 23:22:16 -0000


>Welcome ,


>If your not seeing a rheumatologist, that would be my next step. What

>part of OK are you in? I live in the ee area. I have a

>wonderful rheumy. He helped me with my disability about four years

>ago, then I changed insurance. I had to see another rheumy, and I

>suffered for two years. Now, I'm back with the first one, and I know

>I'm in good hands. There are not many GOOD rheumy's in OK. I'm glad

>you found the group, an amazing place to be, Tawny







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HI ,

I'm , and I live in Claremore. What part of OK are you in? Have you seen

a Rheumatologist? I have a great one in Tulsa.

I too have a negative RA factor, but everything else pointed to RA.

Including my clinical exam. I like my rheumy b/c he treats the person not

just the labs.

Let me know if you need any more info.

New to Group

Posted by: " ladybuglady68 " valerie3968@... ladybuglady68

Date: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:56 am ((PST))

Hello everyone! I am new to this group. My name is and I live

in Oklahoma.

I have been have rheumatoid symptoms says my dr but have not got a

positive RA test yet. Has anyone experienced this? I am kind of

frustrated and do not know which direction to go next. Any insight?



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Selena, please see my other post about Early Intervention. If your son

qualifies as being delayed they (the state program) will provide

therapies (they are required to- it's part of a federal act).

, mom to Nate, age 3


> Hi all, I found this group looking for something on the subject. My


> yr. old son was born tongue-tied..this is something that runs in my

> husband's family as he had it too. My doctor said they don't clip it

> anymore. As a former toddler teacher I have worked with him, reading

> and making sure that we properly pronounce everything. Since I am not

> getting assistance from our doctors..we don't qualify for any medical

> assistance and can't really afford a speech therapist..any




> Selena


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Hi !

I am in Norman but used to live in Claremore/Pryor area. Small world. I

have talked to 2 of you now that are here in OK.

I am going to take the advice of you all and my husband and go see a rheumy.

Hopefully she can shed some light.

>From: <marywheezer@...>


>< >

>Subject: [ ] Re: New to Group

>Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2006 09:02:56 -0600


>HI ,

>I'm , and I live in Claremore. What part of OK are you in? Have you


>a Rheumatologist? I have a great one in Tulsa.

>I too have a negative RA factor, but everything else pointed to RA.

>Including my clinical exam. I like my rheumy b/c he treats the person not

>just the labs.

>Let me know if you need any more info.









>New to Group

> Posted by: " ladybuglady68 " valerie3968@... ladybuglady68

> Date: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:56 am ((PST))


>Hello everyone! I am new to this group. My name is and I live

>in Oklahoma.

>I have been have rheumatoid symptoms says my dr but have not got a

>positive RA test yet. Has anyone experienced this? I am kind of

>frustrated and do not know which direction to go next. Any insight?


> A.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Haddayr,

Believe it or not, you're ahead of the game. Your son was diagnosed

early, so you're getting him services that much earlier. My son, for

example, wasn't diagnosed until he was 11. That doesn't discount how

discombobulated you must feel. I know what it's like to deal with AS.

My son is 18 and going into his second semester of college. We're

working with a life coach this semester, to help him organize himself

better. This woman wrote the book " Asperger's: An Owner's Manual. " I

hope it works out well. He does okay academically, not as well as he

should, but socially he pretty much ignores everybody. sigh.

Liz in Boston

On Jan 4, 2007, at 8:50 PM, Haddayr wrote:

> Hello, all: I'm a parent of a 4 1/2 year old named Arie with

> Tourette's who was just diagnosed two weeks ago with Asperger's, as

> well. I have ordered a bunch of books on it, and I'm trying to sign

> him up for social skills classes, and he's already in OT and

> behavioral therapy for his Tourette's.


> I'm just feeling kind of overwhelmed and exhausted and yes, humorless,

> and felt this might be a place to vent and/or hear about how other

> parents are dealing with this. Hoping to hear from people whose kids

> improved, as well, for inspiration.


> Also: any books you found very helpful would be great, too. Thanks!


> -- Haddayr Copley-Woods, Minneapolis, MN




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Welcome welcome. Feel free to vent anytime.

We all do it once in a while. I probably should more often, but being

a mom, I find myself feeling like I should be able to handle

everything on my own.

Once in a while I get stuck too, and have to ask for advice.

My favorite is to share what I have gone through and what I do for my

boys, just in case it helps someone.

I also have A.S. (like other members that post here) and I feel like

we have an inside track for some of these kids (we get it!) We don't

have all the answers, but we can certainly talk about how we feel..

Sometimes that helps a little , I hope ;-)

Enjoy the board, post often, read often!

Gain support, because you now have some!!




> Hello, all: I'm a parent of a 4 1/2 year old named Arie with

> Tourette's who was just diagnosed two weeks ago with Asperger's, as

> well. I have ordered a bunch of books on it, and I'm trying to sign

> him up for social skills classes, and he's already in OT and

> behavioral therapy for his Tourette's.


> I'm just feeling kind of overwhelmed and exhausted and yes,


> and felt this might be a place to vent and/or hear about how other

> parents are dealing with this. Hoping to hear from people whose kids

> improved, as well, for inspiration.


> Also: any books you found very helpful would be great, too. Thanks!


> -- Haddayr Copley-Woods, Minneapolis, MN


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  • 2 weeks later...

I lived in Boston until 2005 and my daughter was in special ed

preschool at the time. She was in the Cambridge school district and

was in school for 5 hours. The class was great. We moved to Ca and

only got 2 1/2 hours daily so I thought MA had good services.



> hi,


> i've been lurking for a while. i was wondering if there is anyone

here from MA? we are in

> the process of relocating to another town. the school district

where we are now is doing

> OK, but there are many problems in the town itself that make us

want to move including

> the need to build a new high school and elementary school. we

have BROWN, yes, brown

> water all the time. the town is very old fashioned and doesn't

want to expand to help

> defer any costs, so i know things will just get worse.


> my son, is 6 and has AS. He is very high functioning, and right

now he is doing pretty

> good in school. i think as he gets older it will be more

difficult for him as the higher level

> social stuff he doesn't get at all. we want to move before it

becomes harder for him to

> socialize.


> anyway, i have enjoyed reading the posts.


> -lisa


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15 years ago, I lived in Arlington. Shortly before we moved to

California, I pulled my NT dd out of the Arlington Public School she

was in for first grade, because we found it stifling and awful. She

read at quite a high level and had to write 10 first grade spelling

words 5 times each. It was torture. And there were other things. We

sent her back to Montessori school, where she thrived.

HOWEVER, my sister=in-law sends her 7 year old son to the Arlington

Public Schools, and she quite likes them. He is NT, however. I can

poke around and see what I can find out about those on ieps. I talked

to someone whose son has AS, and she lives in Arlington, too.

Right now, I'm in Allston, but am moving to Cambridge in a couple of

weeks. is in college, so I don't know much about special needs

services in the public schools.


On Jan 19, 2007, at 1:23 PM, jennifer_thorson wrote:

> I lived in Boston until 2005 and my daughter was in special ed

> preschool at the time. She was in the Cambridge school district and

> was in school for 5 hours. The class was great. We moved to Ca and

> only got 2 1/2 hours daily so I thought MA had good services.


> Jen



> >

> > hi,

> >

> > i've been lurking for a while. i was wondering if there is anyone

> here from MA? we are in

> > the process of relocating to another town. the school district

> where we are now is doing

> > OK, but there are many problems in the town itself that make us

> want to move including

> > the need to build a new high school and elementary school. we

> have BROWN, yes, brown

> > water all the time. the town is very old fashioned and doesn't

> want to expand to help

> > defer any costs, so i know things will just get worse.

> >

> > my son, is 6 and has AS. He is very high functioning, and right

> now he is doing pretty

> > good in school. i think as he gets older it will be more

> difficult for him as the higher level

> > social stuff he doesn't get at all. we want to move before it

> becomes harder for him to

> > socialize.

> >

> > anyway, i have enjoyed reading the posts.

> >

> > -lisa

> >




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Hi,my name is Bonnie

I suffer from severe RA. I also suffer from osteoporous, Raynauds

syndrome, nerve damage and problems with the cartilage in my knees.

I've had two surgeries on my right foot for hammertoes and tarsel

tunnel. The tarsel tunnel surgery was a mistake.

Most of the timeI need I need to take Advil in the morning for pain.

The pain I suffer from is in my feet, ankles, back, hands, wrist,

elbows and upper arm.

I like to put puzzles together, play pogo games, spend time with my

friends, play yahtzee and card games.

I'd like to get support and feedback. I also want to be supportive to

the group and help people that are going through the samee symptoms

I'm going through.

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Hello Bonnie;

Welcome to the group. I just had the tarsal tunnel

surgery on 12/6. I am curious as to your recovery and

status now after surgery. Any feedback on this would

be greatly appreciated. My goal is to return to work

Tuesday, although I still do not have full strength or

mobility in the foot.

Patti ( Chicago)

" Taking it one day at a time! "

--- piggy_castella_pretty

<piggy_castella_pretty@...> wrote:

> Hi,my name is Bonnie



> I suffer from severe RA. I also suffer from

> osteoporous, Raynauds

> syndrome, nerve damage and problems with the

> cartilage in my knees.


> I've had two surgeries on my right foot for

> hammertoes and tarsel

> tunnel. The tarsel tunnel surgery was a mistake.



> Most of the timeI need I need to take Advil in the

> morning for pain.

> The pain I suffer from is in my feet, ankles, back,

> hands, wrist,

> elbows and upper arm.



> I like to put puzzles together, play pogo games,

> spend time with my

> friends, play yahtzee and card games.


> I'd like to get support and feedback. I also want to

> be supportive to

> the group and help people that are going through the

> samee symptoms

> I'm going through.









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Welcome, Bonnie! So sorry to hear about all of your health problems, but I

hope you enjoy being part of the group.

Not an MD

[ ] Re: new to group

> Hi,my name is Bonnie


> I suffer from severe RA. I also suffer from osteoporous, Raynauds

> syndrome, nerve damage and problems with the cartilage in my knees.


> I've had two surgeries on my right foot for hammertoes and tarsel

> tunnel. The tarsel tunnel surgery was a mistake.


> Most of the timeI need I need to take Advil in the morning for pain.

> The pain I suffer from is in my feet, ankles, back, hands, wrist,

> elbows and upper arm.


> I like to put puzzles together, play pogo games, spend time with my

> friends, play yahtzee and card games.


> I'd like to get support and feedback. I also want to be supportive to

> the group and help people that are going through the samee symptoms

> I'm going through.

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