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Re: Crohn's disease

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>Stress of course plays an enormous role in everything. It lowers your

>resistance to illness. It can even precipitate illness. But illness also

>causes stress. And the simplistic conclusion that many people in the

>medical and journalistic communities have jumped to, that certain illnesses

>are therefore simply psychological and should be treated as mental

>disorders, is tremendously harmful.




There is a lot of opinion and writings that have little valid research to

support them, regarding the link between the mind and physical symptoms, but

there is also well-conducted research published in reputable peer-reviewed

journals supporting such a link, so while it may not be everyone's solution,

I don't think the role of the mind should be discounted.

I certainly don't think it should be taken for granted that physical

symptoms should be treated as mental disorders, but I think it is worth

looking for psychological causes if other approaches to treatment have not

worked. While some people find that psychotherapy does not work for them,

others find that it does, and I think it should be considered if you have

physical symptoms that seem treatment-resistant. Again, I think the main

problem is getting effective psychotherapy, but lots of you seem to be in

the U.S. and Canada where there are a number of extremely good

psychotherapists (who can successfully cure a range of physical complaints

with psychotherapy).

I know some people are adverse to having their illness called

" psychological " but I think the label should be irrelevant - it's just about

finding what works for the individual in terms of a cure. Changes in diet

don't bring total cure for everyone, just as psychotherapy, medication etc.

don't work for everyone either.

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  • 1 year later...

the results for chrohns has been incredible. if you email me

privately i can give you ann brashers email - she is the president

of the autism association and she has krohns -my email is



On Aug 29, 2006, at 9:45 PM, sl91911 wrote:


> Has anyone here tried LDN for Crohn's and what was the result ? (I am

> aware of the Penn State Pilot

> study)


> Larry









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  • 8 months later...
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Sandy ~

Strange you mention that, I was reading about that last night..........I pray you never get that on top of things either........


DedeSee what's free at AOL.com.

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  • 11 months later...
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I am back on line. My mouse died, and I had to pick one up today. Just got it installed. :-)

Our health quality is determined by many factors: These are some. Please keep in mind, they are just a simple explanation. There is a lot more to them.

1. Our nutrition - our bodies were made to eat raw vegetables and fruits. Man has gotten away from this. Man tends to eat more carbohydrates, than anything. When we cook our vegetables and fruits, we lose most of the nutrients depending upon how we cook them and the temperature. High heat destroys more.

2. Stress level - Do you have too much going on in your life? Do you have more responsibilities, than is considered normal?

3. DNA - (Your genes). within each of our DNA are weaknesses, such as cancer and most diseases. Those weaknesses will not show up, if one eats correctly, has a good attitude, exercises, controls their stress level (using meditation, walks in nature, ect.), and are responsible for their own health and life.

4. Attitude - This is very important. If you are a person whose attitude is one that says I will fight with all of my might by handling any problems in the right manner, then I feel any disease can be conquered. However, if one is a whiner, and places blame on others, then they can not conquer their problems.

5. Emotions - Are you cheerful or blasé. Do you take things personally? Do you carry anger with you always? These will affect your health.

6. Personality - There are leaders and there are followers. Then there are those, who do neither, for they walk their own path. They care not what others think, for they are tuned in to Spirit. Leaders usually have a lot of stress. They like being in charged. They like the power they think it gives them. It doesn't mean they know what they are doing, either. Followers for the most part do not have much self-confidence. They rely upon others to tell them what to do. Then when their lives fall apart, they tend to blame others.

7. Environment - Where do you live? Is it urban or rural? Urban has more pollution, noise, and moves at a faster pace. Rural is normally less polluted, with less noise, and moves at a slower pace.

Now, if any of the above categories are negative, if you was to rate them, then you would tend to have a poorer quality of life. This could lead to disease, no matter at what age, a person is.

Something to think about.

Blessings, Joy

[ ] Crohn's disease

I went to the surgeon today to prepare for a colonoscopy. He read my charts of everything I have and he said I got Crohn’s disease and he's going to make an appointment for me to see a specialist. Every doctor I go too said I'm too young to have all these health problems.


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2 Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++if you join up and refer 13 people you will a free PS3 or $450. Just click on the link and sign up.http://www.YourPS34free.com/index.php?ref=4379734==============================http://146122.spreadshirt.comvisit my store.


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I try to remember to treat other with the love and respect they need.

I try to honor the feelings of others and try to see both sides of the coin if I can.

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

I am back on line. My mouse died, and I had to pick one up today. Just got it installed. :-)

Our health quality is determined by many factors: These are some. Please keep in mind, they are just a simple explanation. There is a lot more to them.

1. Our nutrition - our bodies were made to eat raw vegetables and fruits. Man has gotten away from this. Man tends to eat more carbohydrates, than anything. When we cook our vegetables and fruits, we lose most of the nutrients depending upon how we cook them and the temperature. High heat destroys more.

2. Stress level - Do you have too much going on in your life? Do you have more responsibilities, than is considered normal?

3. DNA - (Your genes). within each of our DNA are weaknesses, such as cancer and most diseases. Those weaknesses will not show up, if one eats correctly, has a good attitude, exercises, controls their stress level (using meditation, walks in nature, ect.), and are responsible for their own health and life.

4. Attitude - This is very important. If you are a person whose attitude is one that says I will fight with all of my might by handling any problems in the right manner, then I feel any disease can be conquered. However, if one is a whiner, and places blame on others, then they can not conquer their problems.

5. Emotions - Are you cheerful or blasé. Do you take things personally? Do you carry anger with you always? These will affect your health.

6. Personality - There are leaders and there are followers. Then there are those, who do neither, for they walk their own path. They care not what others think, for they are tuned in to Spirit. Leaders usually have a lot of stress. They like being in charged. They like the power they think it gives them. It doesn't mean they know what they are doing, either. Followers for the most part do not have much self-confidence. They rely upon others to tell them what to do. Then when their lives fall apart, they tend to blame others.

7. Environment - Where do you live? Is it urban or rural? Urban has more pollution, noise, and moves at a faster pace. Rural is normally less polluted, with less noise, and moves at a slower pace.

Now, if any of the above categories are negative, if you was to rate them, then you would tend to have a poorer quality of life. This could lead to disease, no matter at what age, a person is.

Something to think about.

Blessings, Joy

[ ] Crohn's disease

I went to the surgeon today to prepare for a colonoscopy. He read my charts of everything I have and he said I got Crohn's disease and he's going to make an appointment for me to see a specialist. Every doctor I go too said I'm too young to have all these health problems.


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2 Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++if you join up and refer 13 people you will a free PS3 or $450. Just click on the link and sign up.http://www.YourPS34free.com/index.php?ref=4379734

==============================http://146122.spreadshirt.comvisit my store.


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I believe what Antoinette is saying here, that one way of handling a situation/people that is/are stressful, is to be respectful and remember God's Love for All. She tries to honor the feelings of others and tries to see both sides of the coin.

Since, we communicate, I can tell you, she really does practice this, in all situations, as we all should.

Antoinette, am I right?

Blessings, Joy

[ ] Crohn's disease

I went to the surgeon today to prepare for a colonoscopy. He read my charts of everything I have and he said I got Crohn's disease and he's going to make an appointment for me to see a specialist. Every doctor I go too said I'm too young to have all these health problems.


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2 Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++if you join up and refer 13 people you will a free PS3 or $450. Just click on the link and sign up.http://www.YourPS34free.com/index.php?ref=4379734==============================http://146122.spreadshirt.comvisit my store.


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Part of it comes from my faith as well as the wonderful people I have met through the years both in person and on line.

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 7:37 PM, Joyce Hudson <bjoyful@...> wrote:

I believe what Antoinette is saying here, that one way of handling a situation/people that is/are stressful, is to be respectful and remember God's Love for All. She tries to honor the feelings of others and tries to see both sides of the coin.

Since, we communicate, I can tell you, she really does practice this, in all situations, as we all should.

Antoinette, am I right?

Blessings, Joy

[ ] Crohn's disease

I went to the surgeon today to prepare for a colonoscopy. He read my charts of everything I have and he said I got Crohn's disease and he's going to make an appointment for me to see a specialist. Every doctor I go too said I'm too young to have all these health problems.


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2 Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++if you join up and refer 13 people you will a free PS3 or $450. Just click on the link and sign up.http://www.YourPS34free.com/index.php?ref=4379734

==============================http://146122.spreadshirt.comvisit my store.


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