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Introducing myself

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I think you can find them at www.mindforbody.com/renee


Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones.

On Jul 28, 2009, at 11:02 AM, bsindaco wrote:

> Hi Everyone-

> My friend Bonnie introduced me to this podcast and the group. She is

> really taking charge of her life and it SHOWS!!! I want to be just

> like her.

> I'd love to love my body because when I do, I am brimming with

> confidence and sex appeal. I feel unstoppable!

> Soooo.....I've started with the Prologue, but I don't know where to

> find the worksheets.

> Can any one help me?

> Thanks!

> Beth




> ------------------------------------


> Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights

> reserved.

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Welcome Beth!!!!


Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones.

On Jul 28, 2009, at 11:02 AM, bsindaco wrote:

> Hi Everyone-

> My friend Bonnie introduced me to this podcast and the group. She is

> really taking charge of her life and it SHOWS!!! I want to be just

> like her.

> I'd love to love my body because when I do, I am brimming with

> confidence and sex appeal. I feel unstoppable!

> Soooo.....I've started with the Prologue, but I don't know where to

> find the worksheets.

> Can any one help me?

> Thanks!

> Beth




> ------------------------------------


> Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights

> reserved.

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Welcome Beth!!!!


Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones.

On Jul 28, 2009, at 11:02 AM, bsindaco wrote:

> Hi Everyone-

> My friend Bonnie introduced me to this podcast and the group. She is

> really taking charge of her life and it SHOWS!!! I want to be just

> like her.

> I'd love to love my body because when I do, I am brimming with

> confidence and sex appeal. I feel unstoppable!

> Soooo.....I've started with the Prologue, but I don't know where to

> find the worksheets.

> Can any one help me?

> Thanks!

> Beth




> ------------------------------------


> Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights

> reserved.

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Thank you Jean. It is really nice of you to make me feel welcome.

I am finding the podcasts to be very soul searching. Especially when it comes to

working out my towards and away from movitivations and also my dreams. For so

long I have wanted to lose weight and feel better in myself but not had the

direction or motivation to do anything serious about it. Now I have a renewed

purpose and that is to find the me that was lost and allow myself to dream of

the person that I want to be. That is once I work out what and who the person I

want to be is. Lol.


> From: sharonleestonestreet <sharonleestonestreet@...>

> Subject: Introducing myself

> weightloss

> Date: Saturday, July 25, 2009, 8:20 PM













> Hi my name is Sharon-Lee and I have struggled with my weight

since having my first child at 21. This is when my challanges started and I

guess I have never truely learnt to manage my feeling and turned to food as a

comfort. Two days after my daughter was born we found out that she had a broken

collarbone (due to a difficult birth) and my husband went into hospital. Three

weeks later we found out that he had Cancer. Eight months later he was gone. I

never regained my pre-pregnancey weight (55kg) and stayed around the 69 kg until

around Febraury 2002 when I reached 61kg. My insentive was to marry my dear

friend with whom I had gone to school with and had been seeing for the past 4

and a half years. We now have 2 beautiful girls together and life is great but i

always seem to be on a the dieting cycle trying to lose weight. I managed to

lose 3kg earlier this year and keep it off but I still really need to lose

around 15-20kg. My daughter

> found the weightloss podcasts and at this stage have only listened

to the first two but have found them to be extremely interesting and

challanging. Motivation has been my downfall many a time and I am now mentally

and physically ready to conquer it.


> I am hoping to gain more prospective and knowledge through the use of this


































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Hi I too am looking for the worksheets. I tried www.mindforbody.com/renee but

didnt come up with anything. Maybe I put it in wrong or something. Will try

again. Can you find them anywhere else?




> > Hi Everyone-

> > My friend Bonnie introduced me to this podcast and the group. She is

> > really taking charge of her life and it SHOWS!!! I want to be just

> > like her.

> > I'd love to love my body because when I do, I am brimming with

> > confidence and sex appeal. I feel unstoppable!

> > Soooo.....I've started with the Prologue, but I don't know where to

> > find the worksheets.

> > Can any one help me?

> > Thanks!

> > Beth

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights

> > reserved.

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Hi I too am looking for the worksheets. I tried www.mindforbody.com/renee but

didnt come up with anything. Maybe I put it in wrong or something. Will try

again. Can you find them anywhere else?




> > Hi Everyone-

> > My friend Bonnie introduced me to this podcast and the group. She is

> > really taking charge of her life and it SHOWS!!! I want to be just

> > like her.

> > I'd love to love my body because when I do, I am brimming with

> > confidence and sex appeal. I feel unstoppable!

> > Soooo.....I've started with the Prologue, but I don't know where to

> > find the worksheets.

> > Can any one help me?

> > Thanks!

> > Beth

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights

> > reserved.

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After some searching I found.



> > Hi Everyone-

> > My friend Bonnie introduced me to this podcast and the group. She is

> > really taking charge of her life and it SHOWS!!! I want to be just

> > like her.

> > I'd love to love my body because when I do, I am brimming with

> > confidence and sex appeal. I feel unstoppable!

> > Soooo.....I've started with the Prologue, but I don't know where to

> > find the worksheets.

> > Can any one help me?

> > Thanks!

> > Beth

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights

> > reserved.

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After some searching I found.



> > Hi Everyone-

> > My friend Bonnie introduced me to this podcast and the group. She is

> > really taking charge of her life and it SHOWS!!! I want to be just

> > like her.

> > I'd love to love my body because when I do, I am brimming with

> > confidence and sex appeal. I feel unstoppable!

> > Soooo.....I've started with the Prologue, but I don't know where to

> > find the worksheets.

> > Can any one help me?

> > Thanks!

> > Beth

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights

> > reserved.

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  • 2 months later...

Beth, it truely is one day at time. The podcasts are fabulous and the

information directs you to go within to really see how ones beliefs can be

hindering the process. I welcome you to the path and just be gentle with

yourself. Sylvia


> Greetings:

> My name is Beth and I just turned 46. I have never really tried to lose

weight and yet it seems like I have always been anticipating/dreaming of my life

when I am just a bit less weight. In general, I have been comfortable with

myself and weight. But also, in general, I have worked towards good health by

eating good foods and exercising with the expectation that I would a close to

normal weight. However I never achieved it. In fact, I gained weight.


> When I was 20 lbs lighter than now, I wanted to be 20 lbs lighter than that -

and never achieved it. And before that, I wanted to be 20 lbs lighter. I

exercised and ate right, but ate too much and never took off the weight. Then

when I actually GAINED 20 lbs and another 20 lbs, I felt like I had failed and

worse. Not only did I not lose weight, but I gained it.


> This weight stuff feels like chasing rainbows. You can see it. You want it.

You run after it. But you never get it.


> I don't want to chase rainbows. I did it as a kid and realized you just can't

get to it. And I don't want to be a size 8. I just want to be comfortable in my

clothing. I just want to feel great in my body. I just want to dance with

defined muscles and form. I want to be free of this weight...not just

physically but emotionally.


> Somehow this weight feels more symbolic than physical. It sort of represents

a crappy belief that the more you want something, the more you can't have it.


> I am struggling to figure this out. Now and then I get a glimpse - but like

the rainbow, I just never quite " catch it. "


> So, here's to a start...


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  • 1 month later...

Hi. Hang in there. A lot of us have useful experiences and information to share. It sounds like you are on your way to recovery from the past.

As for hep C -- there are powerful drugs (with severe side effects, although limited to the treatment period) that can result in clearance of the hep C virus in around 40% or so of coinfected people with hep C genotype 1 (the most common variant of the virus in North America). There are some new drugs that will be approved next year that, when added to the present treatment of pegylated interferon and Ribavirin, increase the likelihood of clearance in hep C monoinfected people substantially. Experts tell me that they are likelyto work well for coinfected people too. Still other meds, in earlier stages of development, show even greater efficacy with much lower side effects.

The two web sites that I suggested can help you identify new meds, new treatment trials, and centers of expertise in diagnosis and treatment of liver disease. Major world-class centers include those at NIH (Bethesda, MD), Hopkins Center for Viral Hepatitis (Baltimore), and the UC Medical Center in San Diego.

HIV and Hepatitis.com - Up-to-date treatment and care information

HCV Advocate: Hepatitis C – Living with Hepatitis C

Good luck,


In a message dated 11/15/2009 1:52:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, loufont88@... writes:

Hello all. I just joined today after stumbling across some very useful information. I am a 39 year old HIV positive man and I just found out I am HCV positive which scared me and led to my frantic internet search. As with many people co infected I was an IDU for three years and have been clean for two months. I also got rid of the partner of three years who introduced the drugs to me. Quite a price to pay for a few years of what I thought was fun but I own up to it and accept responsibility. I am committed to remaining clean and becoming mentally and physically healthy and that is why I am here. I corresponded with the moderator earlier in the day which helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel and inspired me to learn as much as I can. Thanks for being here.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Leith,

I've been meaning to introduce myself, too--funny thing is, your introduction

sounds really similar to what I would have written. :-) I also lost a lot (~45

lbs), kept it off for over 2 years, and then gained back more than half before

something inside threw on the brakes and said it was time to find a way back

down the scale.

In my case, it was work issues, not relationship issues, that threw me out of

alignment, as it were.... (Oh, and I'm a bit older. :-) )

I was wondering how I was ever going to find my way back to what was working

before, when someone pointed me to the podcast. It was amazing--I had this whole

inner checklist of things I wanted to do again, and things I knew I couldn't do

again. Most of the items were touched on in the first few podcasts! Since I

started listening in August, I'm back down ~12 lbs.

I also tend to listen on my commute. Even though I take public transportation, I

find it hard to get deep into a guided journey when I'm worrying about not

missing my stop. (Funny, the presence of all those strangers doesn't bother

me...) But I've learned that I do much better in every area of my life if I can

listen to at least the first 10 minutes of a podcast in the morning. So If I

know I don't have time for a new one, I'll randomly pick something I've already

listened to.

Glad to meet you, too!


> Hi! My name is Leith, I'm 33 and I've been listening to the podcasts for a few

months now. I have 2 kids aged 7 & a half and nearly 6, and got remarried to

wonderful man in March 2009. I've always been on the big side, though not too

bad. However I hit my biggest weight of 95kg (about 209 pounds) about 6 months

after my first child was born and got really serious about losing weight. I even

worked as a weight loss coach for about a year which was very helpful and gave

me a lot of insight into how people are affected and react differently with very

different results. After about 3 years I got within about 2kg of my goal weight

(got to 66kg / 145 pounds) and then I met my wonderful husband and have

gradually over the last 4 years put about 15kg (33 pounds) back on. I find that

really frustrating cause I feel I know better and I know I can lose weight

because I've done it before. But this time it seems to be so much more of a

struggle. I really want to get back to my lower weight cause I felt much more

comfortable and happy with my size then. I'm pretty good with exercise - have

the blessing of access to a free gym at work and have a friend who comes with me

and we encourage each other to be fit - but food, and in particular chocolate,

is my downfall. I listen to the podcasts on the 45minute commute to and from

work - the only disadvantage of which is that I can't do the guided journeys

then! I find it hard to find time to do the journeys between kids, work,

husband, keeping house, study (oh yeah, I'm also studying at Uni) and keeping up

with friends. Any suggestions? Anyway, that's me. Very glad to meet u all and

looking forward to an excellent journey!


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Hi !

I'm really glad u wrote. Looking forward to finding some ways forward together.


It's really funny to notice now I look over what I wrote that I successfully

lost a lot of weight when I was in a very unhappy marriage and when going

through the first year after we separated. When I met my husband - who has

brought so much joy to my life - I started gaining it back. And I even refer to

the weight gain as my " happy weight " referring to that habit of people to get

complacent and gain weight when they are in a happy relationship. Hmm... This is

going to be interesting to work out. I'll keep u posted.


> >

> > Hi! My name is Leith, I'm 33 and I've been listening to the podcasts for a

few months now. I have 2 kids aged 7 & a half and nearly 6, and got remarried to

wonderful man in March 2009. I've always been on the big side, though not too

bad. However I hit my biggest weight of 95kg (about 209 pounds) about 6 months

after my first child was born and got really serious about losing weight. I even

worked as a weight loss coach for about a year which was very helpful and gave

me a lot of insight into how people are affected and react differently with very

different results. After about 3 years I got within about 2kg of my goal weight

(got to 66kg / 145 pounds) and then I met my wonderful husband and have

gradually over the last 4 years put about 15kg (33 pounds) back on. I find that

really frustrating cause I feel I know better and I know I can lose weight

because I've done it before. But this time it seems to be so much more of a

struggle. I really want to get back to my lower weight cause I felt much more

comfortable and happy with my size then. I'm pretty good with exercise - have

the blessing of access to a free gym at work and have a friend who comes with me

and we encourage each other to be fit - but food, and in particular chocolate,

is my downfall. I listen to the podcasts on the 45minute commute to and from

work - the only disadvantage of which is that I can't do the guided journeys

then! I find it hard to find time to do the journeys between kids, work,

husband, keeping house, study (oh yeah, I'm also studying at Uni) and keeping up

with friends. Any suggestions? Anyway, that's me. Very glad to meet u all and

looking forward to an excellent journey!

> >


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Hi !

I'm really glad u wrote. Looking forward to finding some ways forward together.


It's really funny to notice now I look over what I wrote that I successfully

lost a lot of weight when I was in a very unhappy marriage and when going

through the first year after we separated. When I met my husband - who has

brought so much joy to my life - I started gaining it back. And I even refer to

the weight gain as my " happy weight " referring to that habit of people to get

complacent and gain weight when they are in a happy relationship. Hmm... This is

going to be interesting to work out. I'll keep u posted.


> >

> > Hi! My name is Leith, I'm 33 and I've been listening to the podcasts for a

few months now. I have 2 kids aged 7 & a half and nearly 6, and got remarried to

wonderful man in March 2009. I've always been on the big side, though not too

bad. However I hit my biggest weight of 95kg (about 209 pounds) about 6 months

after my first child was born and got really serious about losing weight. I even

worked as a weight loss coach for about a year which was very helpful and gave

me a lot of insight into how people are affected and react differently with very

different results. After about 3 years I got within about 2kg of my goal weight

(got to 66kg / 145 pounds) and then I met my wonderful husband and have

gradually over the last 4 years put about 15kg (33 pounds) back on. I find that

really frustrating cause I feel I know better and I know I can lose weight

because I've done it before. But this time it seems to be so much more of a

struggle. I really want to get back to my lower weight cause I felt much more

comfortable and happy with my size then. I'm pretty good with exercise - have

the blessing of access to a free gym at work and have a friend who comes with me

and we encourage each other to be fit - but food, and in particular chocolate,

is my downfall. I listen to the podcasts on the 45minute commute to and from

work - the only disadvantage of which is that I can't do the guided journeys

then! I find it hard to find time to do the journeys between kids, work,

husband, keeping house, study (oh yeah, I'm also studying at Uni) and keeping up

with friends. Any suggestions? Anyway, that's me. Very glad to meet u all and

looking forward to an excellent journey!

> >


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  • 1 year later...

Hi Stacey,

My recommendation is to seek an educated/super experienced opinion on

Early Treatment w/ Mehta casting from a doc that has been doing it for a

while....Please try Dr. P.S. at the Cincinnati Childrens Medical Center.

His contact info should also be up in the database section of this group.

If not, please contact me direct.




> Hi!

> My name is Stacey and I am so excited to have found you all! We live on

> the west side of Michigan. My youngest son, Charlie (2 1/2) was born with

> Cleido Cranial Dysplasia and one of the unfortunate side affects from the

> syndrome is scoliosis. He's been in a day time brace since the age of 6

> months and holding steady at a curve of 67 degrees. We were warned that we

> wouldn't know the true nature of his curve until he could stand

> unsupported during his x-rays. Well, wouldn't you know, first unsupported

> standing x-ray and the curve jumped to 85 degrees. This is new information

> for us so we are still gathering information as to what to do. We were

> referred to Dr. Farley at U of M and will be seeing her at the beginning

> of December. At this point, it is looking likely that growing rods will be

> in Charlie's near future. I am devestated at this prospect but we are

> looking at ALL alternatives. I look forward to getting to know you all and

> hearing your stories. It's good to know I'm not alone in this!


> Stacey



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Welcome Stacey. Our son was diagnosed at 4months of age and we were told to wait until he was 1. By the time he was 1 his curve was at 79*. We found out that the cause of his Scoliosis was actually an intramedullary lipoma. This mass of fat is wrapped around the nerves and the spinal cord. is in his 4th cast and is doing well. The correction that we get is great but when he comes out of the cast his curve goes back to 90*. We are experimenting with this cast. He will stay in this cast for 10-12 weeks and be out of his cast for only a day and a half. We are hoping that this will be better for our son. The drs won't remove the lipoma yet due to the fact that he hasn't shown any signs of neurological failure. He is finally gaining weight and is walking in a walker and along furniture. We are pleased with his progress. We are so blessed to have found our medical team here in Canada that is on top of our sons treatment and his well-being. I guess my advice to you would be don't wait. We did for the first year and that's because of the inexperience of our first doctors. You need to advocate for your son. Our son is now 22 months. He will eventually need growing rods and will need to have the lipoma removed. But I am so glad that he is being casted at this point. It has helped him developmentally and physically. Good luck. This journey definitely has its ups and downs. But the people on this site are fantastic. They have first hand experience and can provide lots of advice and wisdom. Good luck Keeley Mom to 22months 4th cast 45* in cast. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheldFrom: "artinian_s" <artinian_s@...>Sender: infantile scoliosis treatment Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 14:21:40 -0000<infantile scoliosis treatment >Reply infantile scoliosis treatment Subject: Introducing myself Hi!My name is Stacey and I am so excited to have found you all! We live on the west side of Michigan. My youngest son, Charlie (2 1/2) was born with Cleido Cranial Dysplasia and one of the unfortunate side affects from the syndrome is scoliosis. He's been in a day time brace since the age of 6 months and holding steady at a curve of 67 degrees. We were warned that we wouldn't know the true nature of his curve until he could stand unsupported during his x-rays. Well, wouldn't you know, first unsupported standing x-ray and the curve jumped to 85 degrees. This is new information for us so we are still gathering information as to what to do. We were referred to Dr. Farley at U of M and will be seeing her at the beginning of December. At this point, it is looking likely that growing rods will be in Charlie's near future. I am devestated at this prospect but we are looking at ALL alternatives. I look forward to getting to know you all and hearing your stories. It's good to know I'm not alone in this!Stacey

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Dr. H at Chicago Shriners is closer. He is gifted and casts to Mehtas guidelines with great success. His coordinator is lcree@... Sent from my iPhoneOn Nov 11, 2011, at 10:46 AM, heather@... wrote:

Hi Stacey,

My recommendation is to seek an educated/super experienced opinion on

Early Treatment w/ Mehta casting from a doc that has been doing it for a

while....Please try Dr. P.S. at the Cincinnati Childrens Medical Center.

His contact info should also be up in the database section of this group.

If not, please contact me direct.




> Hi!

> My name is Stacey and I am so excited to have found you all! We live on

> the west side of Michigan. My youngest son, Charlie (2 1/2) was born with

> Cleido Cranial Dysplasia and one of the unfortunate side affects from the

> syndrome is scoliosis. He's been in a day time brace since the age of 6

> months and holding steady at a curve of 67 degrees. We were warned that we

> wouldn't know the true nature of his curve until he could stand

> unsupported during his x-rays. Well, wouldn't you know, first unsupported

> standing x-ray and the curve jumped to 85 degrees. This is new information

> for us so we are still gathering information as to what to do. We were

> referred to Dr. Farley at U of M and will be seeing her at the beginning

> of December. At this point, it is looking likely that growing rods will be

> in Charlie's near future. I am devestated at this prospect but we are

> looking at ALL alternatives. I look forward to getting to know you all and

> hearing your stories. It's good to know I'm not alone in this!


> Stacey



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Hi ,

Welcome. I am sure you have a lot to absorb right now. My daughter Chloe is 4

and has been in a cast since 20 months. We live in Chicago and she is treated

at Chicago Shriners. She was originally a patient of Dr. S who is now at

Children's Cincinnati. She is now treated by Dr. H. at Shriners. He is also

trained in EDF casting, the method pioneered by Mehta.

We are fortunate to live in Chicago and not have to travel but I would travel

for the care we receive. we also had terrible insurance when this started and

don't know if we would have even been covered. that's not a worry with

shriners. they bill your insurance but pick up all costs not covered.

they are both great options but Chicago is probably closer for you. where in

Michigan do you live?

feel free to ask any questions.


(mom to Chloe 4 years old, casted at Chicago Shriners, also has Chromosome 6q

Deletion Syndrome)


> Hi!

> My name is Stacey and I am so excited to have found you all! We live on the

west side of Michigan. My youngest son, Charlie (2 1/2) was born with Cleido

Cranial Dysplasia and one of the unfortunate side affects from the syndrome is

scoliosis. He's been in a day time brace since the age of 6 months and holding

steady at a curve of 67 degrees. We were warned that we wouldn't know the true

nature of his curve until he could stand unsupported during his x-rays. Well,

wouldn't you know, first unsupported standing x-ray and the curve jumped to 85

degrees. This is new information for us so we are still gathering information as

to what to do. We were referred to Dr. Farley at U of M and will be seeing her

at the beginning of December. At this point, it is looking likely that growing

rods will be in Charlie's near future. I am devestated at this prospect but we

are looking at ALL alternatives. I look forward to getting to know you all and

hearing your stories. It's good to know I'm not alone in this!


> Stacey


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  • 2 months later...

Ok what does SLC stand for? Where is it?I'm hearing all these awesome things about this place and wishing I could be s part of it all. Is this place that good? Did they tell you all about the casting before hand? Live, laugh, and loveJoyOn Jan 17, 2012, at 5:09 PM, "Amber Scholl" <amber@...> wrote:

Hi ,

We also go to SLC & have nothing but the best to say about the care my son

has received. Levi is in his 2nd cast & is almost 23 mos old. (2 @ end of

FEB) We will be in SLC on FEB 29th also! Levi gets his 3rd cast done

March 1 & we go in sometime late afternoon the day before (when we land)

to get the old one cut off. If your baby girl is casted right away (as in

your 1st trip out) maybe we will see you guys there getting casted also.

Its a lot that 1st time, but SLC made it all so smooth. Levi had an MRI

prior to getting accepted as a patient so I have no idea about if they

will cast without it, but I'm sure they will tell you. We had a similar

choice for treatment...we could have gone closer to home, but we wanted an

experienced doc & a cast made out of POP instead of only fiberglass. Can

I ask why you suspect Marfan's syndrome? I ask because when we 1st went

down this road we got a lot of comments about my husband's height (6'7'')

But everyone in his whole family is tall (at least 6' or over) so I've

just thought genetics....also SLC has met my husband in person & never

suggested testing, but it's everyone in the medical community's 1st

question "Is your whole family tall"....I've often wondered if they were

trying to rule out Marfan's.


mommy to Levi

SLC 2nd cast 31* holding at 16/17* in cast with no rotation!

PS. please feel free to email me if I can help you with any questions at

all! I remember how overwhelming the 1st time was...where to stay.. what

to expect...what to bring...its a lot!

> Hi, I am . We found our 17.5 month old daughter has a 25* curve.

> The initial report was 20 but after the Ortho read it they said 25, and

> that was about 6 weeks ago it was taken. We have an appointment at SLC on

> Feb 29. I am currently waiting to hear back if they will do a casting at

> her first appointment. She has not had an MRI yet, so I don't know if

> that will hold them back at all. I don't care if I have to be there for a

> week, I really want her casted like yesterday. She has been getting

> chiropractic adjustments in the meantime. We also found out this week

> that my 8 year old son has a moderate curve, but we have yet to hear the

> actual degree. This has all hit like a ton of bricks. What an emotional

> roller coaster! My husband also has scoliosis and has rods and fusion at

> 16, so we know what that is like and really don't want them to have to go

> what he has gone through and the pain he still has. I have so much guilt

> for not finding their diagnosis sooner. We are in Southern California by

> Loma and they talked to us yesterday and said they can and do Mehta

> casting like SLC (traction, table, etc.) but we know our insurance would

> only pay half. Plus there just seems to be a comfort to me when I think of

> SLC and the time they have been doing it and what I have read about how

> supportive they are for any testing (I have suspicions that my husband and

> kids have Marfans). I am so grateful to have found this site and to be

> gathering info as we wait for our appointment.





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Salt lake city Utah. Its a shriners hospital that was one of the first

main centers for treatment (someone please correct me if im wrong about

that) They are wonderful but that being said I'm sure there are other

wonderful places for treatment around the county and we need even more! I

think you may hear a lot of folks here talk about them because they do

tell their paitents about the cast support group. At least they did me.

And yes they did go over every detail prior to casting with us. We heard

about them from heather but choose them because the pediatrics ortho

doctor we were seeing locally referred us that way.


Ok what does SLC stand for? Where is it?

> I'm hearing all these awesome things about this place and wishing I could

> be s part of it all. Is this place that good? Did they tell you all about

> the casting before hand?




> Live, laugh, and love

> Joy


> On Jan 17, 2012, at 5:09 PM, " Amber Scholl " <amber@...> wrote:


>> Hi ,

>> We also go to SLC & have nothing but the best to say about the care my

>> son

>> has received. Levi is in his 2nd cast & is almost 23 mos old. (2 @ end

>> of

>> FEB) We will be in SLC on FEB 29th also! Levi gets his 3rd cast done

>> March 1 & we go in sometime late afternoon the day before (when we land)

>> to get the old one cut off. If your baby girl is casted right away (as

>> in

>> your 1st trip out) maybe we will see you guys there getting casted also.

>> Its a lot that 1st time, but SLC made it all so smooth. Levi had an MRI

>> prior to getting accepted as a patient so I have no idea about if they

>> will cast without it, but I'm sure they will tell you. We had a similar

>> choice for treatment...we could have gone closer to home, but we wanted

>> an

>> experienced doc & a cast made out of POP instead of only fiberglass. Can

>> I ask why you suspect Marfan's syndrome? I ask because when we 1st went

>> down this road we got a lot of comments about my husband's height

>> (6'7'')

>> But everyone in his whole family is tall (at least 6' or over) so I've

>> just thought genetics....also SLC has met my husband in person & never

>> suggested testing, but it's everyone in the medical community's 1st

>> question " Is your whole family tall " ....I've often wondered if they were

>> trying to rule out Marfan's.

>> Amber

>> mommy to Levi

>> SLC 2nd cast 31* holding at 16/17* in cast with no rotation!


>> PS. please feel free to email me if I can help you with any questions at

>> all! I remember how overwhelming the 1st time was...where to stay.. what

>> to expect...what to bring...its a lot!


>> > Hi, I am . We found our 17.5 month old daughter has a 25*

>> curve.

>> > The initial report was 20 but after the Ortho read it they said 25,

>> and

>> > that was about 6 weeks ago it was taken. We have an appointment at SLC

>> on

>> > Feb 29. I am currently waiting to hear back if they will do a casting

>> at

>> > her first appointment. She has not had an MRI yet, so I don't know if

>> > that will hold them back at all. I don't care if I have to be there

>> for a

>> > week, I really want her casted like yesterday. She has been getting

>> > chiropractic adjustments in the meantime. We also found out this week

>> > that my 8 year old son has a moderate curve, but we have yet to hear

>> the

>> > actual degree. This has all hit like a ton of bricks. What an

>> emotional

>> > roller coaster! My husband also has scoliosis and has rods and fusion

>> at

>> > 16, so we know what that is like and really don't want them to have to

>> go

>> > what he has gone through and the pain he still has. I have so much

>> guilt

>> > for not finding their diagnosis sooner. We are in Southern California

>> by

>> > Loma and they talked to us yesterday and said they can and do

>> Mehta

>> > casting like SLC (traction, table, etc.) but we know our insurance

>> would

>> > only pay half. Plus there just seems to be a comfort to me when I

>> think of

>> > SLC and the time they have been doing it and what I have read about

>> how

>> > supportive they are for any testing (I have suspicions that my husband

>> and

>> > kids have Marfans). I am so grateful to have found this site and to be

>> > gathering info as we wait for our appointment.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >




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By the way, I have to agree: SLC is AWESOME! In our case, it's the third doctor we've consulted with, but only the first where we've actually seen any progress, so yes, TOTALLY worth the trip! Also, you don't really have to worry too much about logistics. The care coordinator can help you arrange to stay at the Mc housing, Shriners will shuttle you to and from the airport and everyone is very generous, friendly and considerate. That's been our experience, at least. Good luck!

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We also will be in SLC for Olive's 2nd casting on March 1st! She is doing very well in her first cast- honestly, she hasn't even acted like she knows it's there. This is probably due to her only being 15 months old, but it really hasn't been too bad. She has gotten frustrated over the things she isn't able to do physically any more, but that's getting better as well, as she relearns how to do things. It's been 4 weeks now, and she has regained most of what she was doing before- she is definitely top heavy, but it gets better every day! She has had no trouble sleeping, which I was worried would be really hard for her, so that's a blessing. When we got to SLC, her curve was at 73 degrees & they were able to get it to 27 degrees in the first cast! We are hoping for more correction each time, obviously, but you never know...We have two friends here in Oklahoma now, Jonas' & Londynn's families, & they have been so kind to us, with all sorts of tips & encouragement!! We are so thankful to have made new friends who know exactly what we are going through & help this to feel more "normal". Anyway, just wanted to give everyone an update on us- things were so crazy when we got back from SLC a few days before Xmas, but we've got things under control now (knock on wood) and I thought I should touch base. See you in SLC, Amber- looking forward to meeting you! LoganMom of Olive- 15 months 73 degrees out of cast/ 27 degrees in first cast On Jan 17, 2012, at 4:09 PM, "Amber Scholl" <amber@...> wrote:

Hi ,

We also go to SLC & have nothing but the best to say about the care my son

has received. Levi is in his 2nd cast & is almost 23 mos old. (2 @ end of

FEB) We will be in SLC on FEB 29th also! Levi gets his 3rd cast done

March 1 & we go in sometime late afternoon the day before (when we land)

to get the old one cut off. If your baby girl is casted right away (as in

your 1st trip out) maybe we will see you guys there getting casted also.

Its a lot that 1st time, but SLC made it all so smooth. Levi had an MRI

prior to getting accepted as a patient so I have no idea about if they

will cast without it, but I'm sure they will tell you. We had a similar

choice for treatment...we could have gone closer to home, but we wanted an

experienced doc & a cast made out of POP instead of only fiberglass. Can

I ask why you suspect Marfan's syndrome? I ask because when we 1st went

down this road we got a lot of comments about my husband's height (6'7'')

But everyone in his whole family is tall (at least 6' or over) so I've

just thought genetics....also SLC has met my husband in person & never

suggested testing, but it's everyone in the medical community's 1st

question "Is your whole family tall"....I've often wondered if they were

trying to rule out Marfan's.


mommy to Levi

SLC 2nd cast 31* holding at 16/17* in cast with no rotation!

PS. please feel free to email me if I can help you with any questions at

all! I remember how overwhelming the 1st time was...where to stay.. what

to expect...what to bring...its a lot!

> Hi, I am . We found our 17.5 month old daughter has a 25* curve.

> The initial report was 20 but after the Ortho read it they said 25, and

> that was about 6 weeks ago it was taken. We have an appointment at SLC on

> Feb 29. I am currently waiting to hear back if they will do a casting at

> her first appointment. She has not had an MRI yet, so I don't know if

> that will hold them back at all. I don't care if I have to be there for a

> week, I really want her casted like yesterday. She has been getting

> chiropractic adjustments in the meantime. We also found out this week

> that my 8 year old son has a moderate curve, but we have yet to hear the

> actual degree. This has all hit like a ton of bricks. What an emotional

> roller coaster! My husband also has scoliosis and has rods and fusion at

> 16, so we know what that is like and really don't want them to have to go

> what he has gone through and the pain he still has. I have so much guilt

> for not finding their diagnosis sooner. We are in Southern California by

> Loma and they talked to us yesterday and said they can and do Mehta

> casting like SLC (traction, table, etc.) but we know our insurance would

> only pay half. Plus there just seems to be a comfort to me when I think of

> SLC and the time they have been doing it and what I have read about how

> supportive they are for any testing (I have suspicions that my husband and

> kids have Marfans). I am so grateful to have found this site and to be

> gathering info as we wait for our appointment.





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So glad you were able to get into SLC on Feb. 29Th! Perhaps, you could

schedule an appt. for both kids... Although, that may a bit overwhelming.

Please dont let guilt seep in. You are doing all you can for your kiddos

and will definitely get some answers in SLC.


Hi, I am . We found our 17.5 month old daughter has a 25* curve.

> The initial report was 20 but after the Ortho read it they said 25, and

> that was about 6 weeks ago it was taken. We have an appointment at SLC on

> Feb 29. I am currently waiting to hear back if they will do a casting at

> her first appointment. She has not had an MRI yet, so I don't know if

> that will hold them back at all. I don't care if I have to be there for a

> week, I really want her casted like yesterday. She has been getting

> chiropractic adjustments in the meantime. We also found out this week

> that my 8 year old son has a moderate curve, but we have yet to hear the

> actual degree. This has all hit like a ton of bricks. What an emotional

> roller coaster! My husband also has scoliosis and has rods and fusion at

> 16, so we know what that is like and really don't want them to have to go

> what he has gone through and the pain he still has. I have so much guilt

> for not finding their diagnosis sooner. We are in Southern California by

> Loma and they talked to us yesterday and said they can and do Mehta

> casting like SLC (traction, table, etc.) but we know our insurance would

> only pay half. Plus there just seems to be a comfort to me when I think of

> SLC and the time they have been doing it and what I have read about how

> supportive they are for any testing (I have suspicions that my husband and

> kids have Marfans). I am so grateful to have found this site and to be

> gathering info as we wait for our appointment.





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SLC is the Shriners Intermountain Hospital in Salt Lake City. The first

hospital to receive hands on training from the pioneer of Early Treatment

w/ Mehta's specialized edf casting. (May 2005)


> Ok what does SLC stand for? Where is it?

> I'm hearing all these awesome things about this place and wishing I could

> be s part of it all. Is this place that good? Did they tell you all about

> the casting before hand?




> Live, laugh, and love

> Joy


> On Jan 17, 2012, at 5:09 PM, " Amber Scholl " <amber@...> wrote:


>> Hi ,

>> We also go to SLC & have nothing but the best to say about the care my

>> son

>> has received. Levi is in his 2nd cast & is almost 23 mos old. (2 @ end

>> of

>> FEB) We will be in SLC on FEB 29th also! Levi gets his 3rd cast done

>> March 1 & we go in sometime late afternoon the day before (when we land)

>> to get the old one cut off. If your baby girl is casted right away (as

>> in

>> your 1st trip out) maybe we will see you guys there getting casted also.

>> Its a lot that 1st time, but SLC made it all so smooth. Levi had an MRI

>> prior to getting accepted as a patient so I have no idea about if they

>> will cast without it, but I'm sure they will tell you. We had a similar

>> choice for treatment...we could have gone closer to home, but we wanted

>> an

>> experienced doc & a cast made out of POP instead of only fiberglass. Can

>> I ask why you suspect Marfan's syndrome? I ask because when we 1st went

>> down this road we got a lot of comments about my husband's height

>> (6'7'')

>> But everyone in his whole family is tall (at least 6' or over) so I've

>> just thought genetics....also SLC has met my husband in person & never

>> suggested testing, but it's everyone in the medical community's 1st

>> question " Is your whole family tall " ....I've often wondered if they were

>> trying to rule out Marfan's.

>> Amber

>> mommy to Levi

>> SLC 2nd cast 31* holding at 16/17* in cast with no rotation!


>> PS. please feel free to email me if I can help you with any questions at

>> all! I remember how overwhelming the 1st time was...where to stay.. what

>> to expect...what to bring...its a lot!


>> > Hi, I am . We found our 17.5 month old daughter has a 25*

>> curve.

>> > The initial report was 20 but after the Ortho read it they said 25,

>> and

>> > that was about 6 weeks ago it was taken. We have an appointment at SLC

>> on

>> > Feb 29. I am currently waiting to hear back if they will do a casting

>> at

>> > her first appointment. She has not had an MRI yet, so I don't know if

>> > that will hold them back at all. I don't care if I have to be there

>> for a

>> > week, I really want her casted like yesterday. She has been getting

>> > chiropractic adjustments in the meantime. We also found out this week

>> > that my 8 year old son has a moderate curve, but we have yet to hear

>> the

>> > actual degree. This has all hit like a ton of bricks. What an

>> emotional

>> > roller coaster! My husband also has scoliosis and has rods and fusion

>> at

>> > 16, so we know what that is like and really don't want them to have to

>> go

>> > what he has gone through and the pain he still has. I have so much

>> guilt

>> > for not finding their diagnosis sooner. We are in Southern California

>> by

>> > Loma and they talked to us yesterday and said they can and do

>> Mehta

>> > casting like SLC (traction, table, etc.) but we know our insurance

>> would

>> > only pay half. Plus there just seems to be a comfort to me when I

>> think of

>> > SLC and the time they have been doing it and what I have read about

>> how

>> > supportive they are for any testing (I have suspicions that my husband

>> and

>> > kids have Marfans). I am so grateful to have found this site and to be

>> > gathering info as we wait for our appointment.

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >




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I didnt know that...Good deal! Im glad their telling new parents about CAST!


> Salt lake city Utah. Its a shriners hospital that was one of the first

> main centers for treatment (someone please correct me if im wrong about

> that) They are wonderful but that being said I'm sure there are other

> wonderful places for treatment around the county and we need even more! I

> think you may hear a lot of folks here talk about them because they do

> tell their paitents about the cast support group. At least they did me.

> And yes they did go over every detail prior to casting with us. We heard

> about them from heather but choose them because the pediatrics ortho

> doctor we were seeing locally referred us that way.


> Amber


> Ok what does SLC stand for? Where is it?

>> I'm hearing all these awesome things about this place and wishing I

>> could

>> be s part of it all. Is this place that good? Did they tell you all

>> about

>> the casting before hand?




>> Live, laugh, and love

>> Joy


>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 5:09 PM, " Amber Scholl " <amber@...> wrote:


>>> Hi ,

>>> We also go to SLC & have nothing but the best to say about the care my

>>> son

>>> has received. Levi is in his 2nd cast & is almost 23 mos old. (2 @ end

>>> of

>>> FEB) We will be in SLC on FEB 29th also! Levi gets his 3rd cast done

>>> March 1 & we go in sometime late afternoon the day before (when we

>>> land)

>>> to get the old one cut off. If your baby girl is casted right away (as

>>> in

>>> your 1st trip out) maybe we will see you guys there getting casted

>>> also.

>>> Its a lot that 1st time, but SLC made it all so smooth. Levi had an MRI

>>> prior to getting accepted as a patient so I have no idea about if they

>>> will cast without it, but I'm sure they will tell you. We had a similar

>>> choice for treatment...we could have gone closer to home, but we wanted

>>> an

>>> experienced doc & a cast made out of POP instead of only fiberglass.

>>> Can

>>> I ask why you suspect Marfan's syndrome? I ask because when we 1st went

>>> down this road we got a lot of comments about my husband's height

>>> (6'7'')

>>> But everyone in his whole family is tall (at least 6' or over) so I've

>>> just thought genetics....also SLC has met my husband in person & never

>>> suggested testing, but it's everyone in the medical community's 1st

>>> question " Is your whole family tall " ....I've often wondered if they

>>> were

>>> trying to rule out Marfan's.

>>> Amber

>>> mommy to Levi

>>> SLC 2nd cast 31* holding at 16/17* in cast with no rotation!


>>> PS. please feel free to email me if I can help you with any questions

>>> at

>>> all! I remember how overwhelming the 1st time was...where to stay..

>>> what

>>> to expect...what to bring...its a lot!


>>> > Hi, I am . We found our 17.5 month old daughter has a 25*

>>> curve.

>>> > The initial report was 20 but after the Ortho read it they said 25,

>>> and

>>> > that was about 6 weeks ago it was taken. We have an appointment at

>>> SLC

>>> on

>>> > Feb 29. I am currently waiting to hear back if they will do a casting

>>> at

>>> > her first appointment. She has not had an MRI yet, so I don't know if

>>> > that will hold them back at all. I don't care if I have to be there

>>> for a

>>> > week, I really want her casted like yesterday. She has been getting

>>> > chiropractic adjustments in the meantime. We also found out this week

>>> > that my 8 year old son has a moderate curve, but we have yet to hear

>>> the

>>> > actual degree. This has all hit like a ton of bricks. What an

>>> emotional

>>> > roller coaster! My husband also has scoliosis and has rods and fusion

>>> at

>>> > 16, so we know what that is like and really don't want them to have

>>> to

>>> go

>>> > what he has gone through and the pain he still has. I have so much

>>> guilt

>>> > for not finding their diagnosis sooner. We are in Southern California

>>> by

>>> > Loma and they talked to us yesterday and said they can and do

>>> Mehta

>>> > casting like SLC (traction, table, etc.) but we know our insurance

>>> would

>>> > only pay half. Plus there just seems to be a comfort to me when I

>>> think of

>>> > SLC and the time they have been doing it and what I have read about

>>> how

>>> > supportive they are for any testing (I have suspicions that my

>>> husband

>>> and

>>> > kids have Marfans). I am so grateful to have found this site and to

>>> be

>>> > gathering info as we wait for our appointment.

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >







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oops..i meant they're

Salt lake city Utah. Its a shriners hospital that was one of the first

> main centers for treatment (someone please correct me if im wrong about

> that) They are wonderful but that being said I'm sure there are other

> wonderful places for treatment around the county and we need even more! I

> think you may hear a lot of folks here talk about them because they do

> tell their paitents about the cast support group. At least they did me.

> And yes they did go over every detail prior to casting with us. We heard

> about them from heather but choose them because the pediatrics ortho

> doctor we were seeing locally referred us that way.


> Amber


> Ok what does SLC stand for? Where is it?

>> I'm hearing all these awesome things about this place and wishing I

>> could

>> be s part of it all. Is this place that good? Did they tell you all

>> about

>> the casting before hand?




>> Live, laugh, and love

>> Joy


>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 5:09 PM, " Amber Scholl " <amber@...> wrote:


>>> Hi ,

>>> We also go to SLC & have nothing but the best to say about the care my

>>> son

>>> has received. Levi is in his 2nd cast & is almost 23 mos old. (2 @ end

>>> of

>>> FEB) We will be in SLC on FEB 29th also! Levi gets his 3rd cast done

>>> March 1 & we go in sometime late afternoon the day before (when we

>>> land)

>>> to get the old one cut off. If your baby girl is casted right away (as

>>> in

>>> your 1st trip out) maybe we will see you guys there getting casted

>>> also.

>>> Its a lot that 1st time, but SLC made it all so smooth. Levi had an MRI

>>> prior to getting accepted as a patient so I have no idea about if they

>>> will cast without it, but I'm sure they will tell you. We had a similar

>>> choice for treatment...we could have gone closer to home, but we wanted

>>> an

>>> experienced doc & a cast made out of POP instead of only fiberglass.

>>> Can

>>> I ask why you suspect Marfan's syndrome? I ask because when we 1st went

>>> down this road we got a lot of comments about my husband's height

>>> (6'7'')

>>> But everyone in his whole family is tall (at least 6' or over) so I've

>>> just thought genetics....also SLC has met my husband in person & never

>>> suggested testing, but it's everyone in the medical community's 1st

>>> question " Is your whole family tall " ....I've often wondered if they

>>> were

>>> trying to rule out Marfan's.

>>> Amber

>>> mommy to Levi

>>> SLC 2nd cast 31* holding at 16/17* in cast with no rotation!


>>> PS. please feel free to email me if I can help you with any questions

>>> at

>>> all! I remember how overwhelming the 1st time was...where to stay..

>>> what

>>> to expect...what to bring...its a lot!


>>> > Hi, I am . We found our 17.5 month old daughter has a 25*

>>> curve.

>>> > The initial report was 20 but after the Ortho read it they said 25,

>>> and

>>> > that was about 6 weeks ago it was taken. We have an appointment at

>>> SLC

>>> on

>>> > Feb 29. I am currently waiting to hear back if they will do a casting

>>> at

>>> > her first appointment. She has not had an MRI yet, so I don't know if

>>> > that will hold them back at all. I don't care if I have to be there

>>> for a

>>> > week, I really want her casted like yesterday. She has been getting

>>> > chiropractic adjustments in the meantime. We also found out this week

>>> > that my 8 year old son has a moderate curve, but we have yet to hear

>>> the

>>> > actual degree. This has all hit like a ton of bricks. What an

>>> emotional

>>> > roller coaster! My husband also has scoliosis and has rods and fusion

>>> at

>>> > 16, so we know what that is like and really don't want them to have

>>> to

>>> go

>>> > what he has gone through and the pain he still has. I have so much

>>> guilt

>>> > for not finding their diagnosis sooner. We are in Southern California

>>> by

>>> > Loma and they talked to us yesterday and said they can and do

>>> Mehta

>>> > casting like SLC (traction, table, etc.) but we know our insurance

>>> would

>>> > only pay half. Plus there just seems to be a comfort to me when I

>>> think of

>>> > SLC and the time they have been doing it and what I have read about

>>> how

>>> > supportive they are for any testing (I have suspicions that my

>>> husband

>>> and

>>> > kids have Marfans). I am so grateful to have found this site and to

>>> be

>>> > gathering info as we wait for our appointment.

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >

>>> >







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