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RE: Digest Number 247

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To -

To give an answer to your question about having a group in the morning -

I can see it if there is some emergency reason for the time. But I work from

noon to 7 PM because most of the students we are tutoring in reading come to

us after they get home from school. If they are functioning OK in regular

school we would not think about pulling them out during classes!


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To -

To give an answer to your question about having a group in the morning -

I can see it if there is some emergency reason for the time. But I work from

noon to 7 PM because most of the students we are tutoring in reading come to

us after they get home from school. If they are functioning OK in regular

school we would not think about pulling them out during classes!


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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...
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Welcome Jeannine,

You sound like you have my exact symptoms. I have the same problems

swallowing....I always pretty much related it to the surgeries I

had....but the more I learn from the list I am beginning to really think

differently. I have the times too(often) when I can't quite seem to

swallow my own saliva and often start to choke. When I had both my

surgeries they went in thru my throat and from what I was told placed my

vocal cords to one side and went in to do fusion. I had a herniated

disk. This kind of scares me as to what I have to look forward to.

Thanks for writing about this.



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-----Original Message-----

From: cat926@... <cat926@...>

egroups <egroups>

Date: Sunday, April 16, 2000 9:59 AM

Subject: Re: [] Digest Number 247

>Welcome Jeannine,

>You sound like you have my exact symptoms. I have the same problems

>swallowing....I always pretty much related it to the surgeries I

>had....but the more I learn from the list I am beginning to really think

>differently. I have the times too(often) when I can't quite seem to

>swallow my own saliva and often start to choke. When I had both my

>surgeries they went in thru my throat and from what I was told placed my

>vocal cords to one side and went in to do fusion. I had a herniated

>disk. This kind of scares me as to what I have to look forward to.

>Thanks for writing about this.




I have the same problems with my CMT. Its not common, or as your

Dr. seems to think, MILD case of CMT? My neurologist says my CMT is taking

a rare course, I have Bulbar Palsy with it. My throat is atrophied and my

neck and right shoulder also. I have a cold now and nearly choke to death

when I cough, (phlegm). With this cold its affected my breathing, I cannot

take any deep breaths, only shallow ones. I cough and then my atrophied

throat spasms and I cannot breath. Very scary last few days for me. I hope

to get into see my Dr. in the morning. the more I hear from CMTer's around

the world the more I'm convinced The Medical Profession is in the dark

regarding the symptoms of CMT. They are still using the old standard set of

symptoms, I have heard that CMT is getting worse with each generation, the

Dr's need to do more surveys, research on symptoms of CMTer's as we all KNOW

there is really no set in cement symptoms for each type of CMT. It seems to

be crossing the lines of what type has what symptom. Such as type 1 or 2

doesn't have such and such symptom with it when we know it does and can have

those symptoms. We are proof of that. I wish the Medical Professional's

would wake up and take a stand for CMT! Instead of sticking their heads in

the sand and and writing us off as Oh Well there is no cure and there is

nothing to be done about it. Sorry guess its my day to complain and squawk

about our great Medical care available to us. >Becky M.

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Gretchen wrote:

I too have had hands layed on me - many times. In my opinion, it is

unrealistic to

think all will be healed like this. In my own opinion, I believe I have

been 'given' CMT as a gift - to help others.

I say:

Hallelujah. You're right about that Gretchen and you're doing a great job.

------ Rick Alber

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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 4/27/2000 3:39:42 AM US Eastern Standard Time,

egroups writes:

<< Re: 100 best beauty tips-part 1 >>

OK...I have lots to share this time! Woohoo! First of all....a great eye make

up remover that's NOT mineral oil is castor oil...it also conditions your

lashes! For dry elbows I use my lotion bar after the shower, I have baby soft

elbows, knees and feet from using this. Third of all stretch marks are

unfortunately hereditary and there's no way of preventing them if you're

gonna get them ( I know it stinks and I have the stretch marks to prove it!)

however the cocoa butter, Emu oil suggestions will definately cut down on

the nasty appearance of them and help with the itchy skin.

As far as acne goes, I'm still battling that one but I've heard that

toothpaste applied helps and also tea tree oil/emu oil combo...still working

on finding something that works for me but those suggestions have helped many

others! That's my help for the day, whew! I don't jump in often but, when I

do I make it count! LOL

Heidi the Hippie

[ Now & Zen Bathworks [

" It is only to the individual that a soul is given. " Einstein

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, Emu oil suggestions will definately cut down on

the nasty appearance of them and help with the itchy skin.


EMU oil is good for stretch marks and as you say it will help the skin. I

absorbs and does not leave you all oily. I use it for my wrinkles and it

does help. Not that I am that old but I used to worship the sun,now I am

paying for it.




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i've never heard of stretch marks being hereditary

from what i have heard, stretch marks are from the stretching of skin, ie,

weight gain, weight loss, pregnancy, etc

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You do get stretch marks from the stretching of the skin. However, some

races have more elastic skin than others. European skin is not very

elastic. Therefore, if your parents are European or whatever, you will get

that type of skin from them. If you ever notice that some races don't show

any wrinkles until they are really old whereas some show them before 40,

that is the same thing.

I hope this was easier to understand. You can pretty much tell if you have

a predisposition for stretch marks by seeing your mom's tummy. That is

unless you were fortunate to get a different type of skin from your dad.

<g> My dh is Hawaiian and has a more elastic skin. My 22 year old only has

one stretch mark. However, her baby was only 4-13.


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Re: Digest Number 247

: i've never heard of stretch marks being hereditary

: from what i have heard, stretch marks are from the stretching of skin, ie,

: weight gain, weight loss, pregnancy, etc


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Stretch marks are indeed hereditary. This has been confirmed many times over

the last decade. I'm sure that good oils can lessen the severity of stretch

marks and keeping your skin well hydrated it always a good idea. Just my 2


Carla Fountain

Fountain Fresh Bath & Body

Ripon, California

" Almond Capital of the World "

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  • 2 months later...
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In a message dated 7/20/00 4:23:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

egroups writes:


His e-mail is DrVJC@...

Info on his upcomming workshops is on the jericho site:


He is going to be at Penn State for the Summer Autism conference in mid


The last I spoke with one of his assocates, he was planning to be in NY in

the fall, but

so far there had been no arrangements made on where he was going to conduct

the workshop. *Anyone out there in NY/NJ who can find a hall/conference area

for him to

conduct the workshop?

Hope this helps!




I spoke to Suzanne at his office and offered my help in doing just that, but

she assured me they are working on it. I would love to help. I have a

number of contacts.

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In a message dated 7/20/00 4:23:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

egroups writes:


Bradley's summer program is half way over. He is doing so well! At the

link are his annual goals with the district and I highlighted the ones that

he's met so far. Some of the goals we did not write, such as the lip

closure one. lol Try taking data on that one!!! Anyhow... in one month

his annual goals are 48% met!!! And these goals were challenging compared

to his last set. He is learning at 6 times the rate as when he received 8

hours per week of ABA as opposed to 40 hours per week of ABA!


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In a message dated 7/20/00 4:23:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

egroups writes:


Bradley's summer program is half way over. He is doing so well! At the

link are his annual goals with the district and I highlighted the ones that

he's met so far. Some of the goals we did not write, such as the lip

closure one. lol Try taking data on that one!!! Anyhow... in one month

his annual goals are 48% met!!! And these goals were challenging compared

to his last set. He is learning at 6 times the rate as when he received 8

hours per week of ABA as opposed to 40 hours per week of ABA!


Hooray for Bradley!! and MOm too for all that hard work in developing a

very specific IEP!! Thanks for sharing.

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  • 9 months later...
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ICDanrokky - your husband and I have some things in common (although I'm

female). I got my ICD in 1998 at the age of 44. I went into v-fib. They

discovered I had heart damage due to an unnoticed heart attack. Over the

next 3 months I got zapped 7 times, but once they got the proper amount of

sotalol I should be taking, I've only been zapped once in the last three

years. (Although I've now switched from sotalol to amoidarone.) May your

husband be blessed with no trouble from now on!


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  • 8 months later...

Yeah Diane, they are talking like over 100,000 people in South Philly this weekend! The men in my family are in their glory! Flyers in the Afternoon, Eagles in the late Afternoon and Phantoms at night! What's a guy to do! Three cheers for all of our Philly Teams! Need to hope for very cold weather!

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My son asked me if I wanted to go to some kind of race at the

Spectrum tomorrow..... I said No Way!!!!!!!! Too many people there for

me...... I guess he thought I would drive to the city..... They are

putting on extra transportation for the people...... It is going to be a

mad house......

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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  • 3 months later...
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re: First serious day! Puple-haired lady weighs in:

My goodness, Eleanora! First thing, I wish you a speedy recovery (not too

speedy -- pace yourself)! Second (and always), hang in there! Slow and

steady is the way to go. :-)

Thanks for the welcome.

re: avgolemono sauce-made with tofu

YUM! sounds like hollandaise!

re: K

Nice to meet you. :-) Great job on designing your own program. Looking

forward to chatting with you more.

Be well, all.




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  • 6 months later...

Hey ,

I will join you if it is not on a Friday, Sat, or Sunday since I live in Tac

and work in Oly as you know. Perhaps we could get Gloria to join us finally

since we NEVER see or hear from her.


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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 12/30/2002 6:41:13 AM Eastern Standard Time,


> Please everybody, drop this topic and forget it before the list is torn

> apart. We've always respected each other in spite of certain differences

> before, can't we do it on this one too?

> Jeni


I agree Jeni. How long are we going to beat this dead dog? Let it go, my

friends. We're about to start a new wonderful year. Let's start it with love

and respect for all. I wish you all love, peace and good health for 2003 and

beyond. Happy New Year! Vickie 0:)

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In a message dated 12/30/2002 6:41:13 AM Eastern Standard Time,


> I had hoped Christmas would clear the topic and it did till today! My

> grandma

> had emergency surgery Christmas Eve so I haven't checked my email much.




, I hope your grandmother is okay and will be well soon. I lost mine

just two years ago and still miss her terribly. I'll keep you both in my

thoughts. Vickie 0:)

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In a message dated 12/30/02 4:19:13 PM Central Standard Time, Vic549@...



> , I hope your grandmother is okay and will be well soon. I lost mine

> just two years ago and still miss her terribly. I'll keep you both in my

> thoughts. Vickie 0:)


Thanks. The surgery was long but was a success. She is still very sick so it

will be months before she is well. But the docs shake their heads at how

she's still alive at all. I want to give flowers but right now she's too

drugged to notice. This is new to me to see my grandma as " old " !

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