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Thank you for the story. I just hope buy the time I get home from this

deployment in Iraq that she will be better. I will have to tell my wife about

the cimetidine. I guess that in a few weeks that the test will be in. I hope

that this is what is wrong wih her. I mean I do not wish her to be sick but if

she is at least know what is wrong with her.

ERIC STEIGHNER <steighner_41@...> wrote: Kim,

My daughter kylie has been on cimetidine for about 5 and a half months. kylie

used to get fevers evry 14 days and lasted for three days with fever spiking

around 103.9. She barely had enough time to get well again and play for a couple

of days , then it would be back. She aske me one time, " daddy , why am I always

sick? " This came from a three year old. It broke my heart, I didn't have an

answer for her, and there was nothing I could do except dump tylenol and motrin

down her throat every three hours and pray that the fevers would go away. We put

her on the cimetidine hoping for any kind of results. If it is truly the

cimetidine working kylie has been pretty much fever free for about four months.

There was an episode, but very mild. I will gladly except thid over every two

weeks. Now her only question is why do I half to take medicine all the time?

hope this helps.

father to kylie



My Name is Kim Thurmond, I am a the mother of Sammy(7yrs) and Lilly (4yrs).

Sammy is my son who has . He hasn't gone through all the testing that alot

of other children have gone through, (I am not sure that I want to go through

all of that) but he seems to be the classic case of . When he was a baby

(after 1yr) he would get sick with high fevers 105-106 and we would take him to

the doctors and they could never find anythin g wrong with him other than the

fevers. So he would have a virus they would say. So that went on for a long

time. Back then it wasn't every 5 weeks, but at least every other month or so. I

thought for sure that he got sick more often then the other babies that I knew.

He would always be sick for exactly 3 days. So then I thought that maybe he had

such a strong immune that he just burned off all his viruses and that was why he

had no other symptoms. I stoped taking him to the doctors because it started to

be a waste of money and time.

The older he got the more questions and frustrations I had with the whole thing.

So last October I decided that I would write down on a calender when he would

get sick. He got sick every month for three days. I started taking him to

different doctors and some would listen to my story and concern that he got sick

more often then the normal children that we knew. Most just wanted to take out

his tonsils. I didn't think that made much sense, since he never complained of

sore throat, never had strep. etc.

So my husband and I decided to do our own research and found out about .

Everything came together after that. The symptoms that he had, and needed for a

diagnoses were present. Sammy always had canker sores (which I never put two and

two together or mentioned to a doctor) , always had the high fevers which we

controled with Motrin and Tylenol, always had the bad head aches, leg aches, and

completly life less for those days, and had the swollen gland, with no other

symptoms. Once the three days are up everything goes away. When he is sick his

canker sores get very big in his mouth, does anybody know of ways to help heal

them faster?

Since last October, only twice has he been sick with something other than his

episodes. Once the begining of Pnemonia, and this school year got strep for the

first time. Which he finally managed to pass to his sister and I. Nobody has

ever gotten sick from him until now. I always thought that was fishy as well. I

started bringing him to a doctor who knew I had had it with doctors and was

determined to help us and figure out what was wrong with Sammy. He has had blood

work done twice, and the only thing that shows up abnormal is when he is sick

his white blood cell count is a bit high.

I actually mentioned to the doctor of . He then started to look into it,

and thought that for sure that was what was wrong with Sammy. He had never heard

of . So that is where we are with all this. I chose not to do the steriods,

as I don't see how that can be good for our children to have every few weeks

just to make the episode go away. It doen't seem to make the problem go away

just mask it for the time being. We did get a prescription filled of the

Cimetimdine and are trying to decide wether to do it or not. I am not a fan of

giving drugs to my son everyday for who knows how long. Does it bother anybody

else, or if you are using it for your child does it seem to be safe and really


We are not sure of the next steps but am glad that maybe there is some answers.

Other than Sammy getting fevers every 5 weeks for three days, he is a very

healthy and happy child , who is in second grade, loves to play sports, and is

very active.

Wish you all well this winter as it seems are kids are still able to pick up

other bugs in addition to their fevers.

Kim Thurmond

Fairview, NC

mother of Sammy and Lilly


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Good for you for delurking Joanna! Nice to hear from you, and hope to hear more :)DarcyOn 10/27/06, joanna B <

shes_your_gun@...> wrote:

Hi everyone

Figured it was about time I unlurked (delurked? ) and said hallo. I'm Joanna, 34, in the UK (essex, about 40 miles east of london), happily married (for 18 months so we're still all newlywedish :) ), no kids but 2 cats. Ive worked out on and off since my teens although a lot more off than on, for the last few months Ive been making a regular effort and found it to be really helpful with mental health stuff that I have (bipolar, anxiety) and have also lost a few inches and gained some muscles which is all good in a strong body strong mind kind of a way. I have a random selection of workouts culled from various budget sources (second hand, I'm on disability so have to budget). I got restarted when I came across Turbo Jam, Chalene is so perky and un english (all that blonde tanned Californian enthusiasm!) that she made me stick to it. Then I found some tae bo which I like as well although I can't understand a lot of what Blanks says (when he talks fast it sound like boomhauer from king of the hill :) ).

I was just flipping through the workouts and deciding what to do but reading this list made me realise that it definately pays to plan in advance ( Ive found the less thinking I have to do the more likely I am to just do it). Where do you all get your rotation plans from?

Anyway, I will now hit send and go and actually... work out :) Today is tae bo cardio, The cats run and hide when I start kicking (theyre not as stupid as people think :) )

Joanna :)

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welcome to the group.

this is a really nice group - everyone is nice


> Hi everyone


> Figured it was about time I unlurked (delurked? ) and said hallo.

I'm Joanna, 34, in the UK (essex, about 40 miles east of london),

happily married (for 18 months so we're still all newlywedish :) ),

no kids but 2 cats. Ive worked out on and off since my teens

although a lot more off than on, for the last few months Ive been

making a regular effort and found it to be really helpful with

mental health stuff that I have (bipolar, anxiety) and have also

lost a few inches and gained some muscles which is all good in a

strong body strong mind kind of a way. I have a random selection of

workouts culled from various budget sources (second hand, I'm on

disability so have to budget). I got restarted when I came across

Turbo Jam, Chalene is so perky and un english (all that blonde

tanned Californian enthusiasm!) that she made me stick to it. Then I

found some tae bo which I like as well although I can't understand a

lot of what Blanks says (when he talks fast it sound like

boomhauer from king of the hill :) ).


> I was just flipping through the workouts and deciding what to do

but reading this list made me realise that it definately pays to

plan in advance ( Ive found the less thinking I have to do the more

likely I am to just do it). Where do you all get your rotation plans



> Anyway, I will now hit send and go and actually... work out :)

Today is tae bo cardio, The cats run and hide when I start kicking

(theyre not as stupid as people think :) )


> Joanna :)


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hi joanna!!! ::waving madly::

im carolyn, age 43, living in ontario canada with my husband and our

2 young sons.

i had to laugh at your comment about billy blanks. he does talk

fast and i also miss alot of what he says. but i still luv him :)

as for rotations, we often just make them up... it does really help

to have some sort of plan, but you still do have to be flexible with

it at times, of course.

there are some general 'rules' for rotations... like not weight

training a body part 2 days in a row, and ensuring that you schedule

enough flexibility training and always include a rest day, and so

on.... really it all depends on your goals. if you want to lose

weight then put the emphasis on cardio, if you want to build muscles

then do more weight lifting, etc...


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Welcome, Joanna!!! Looking forward to hearing more

about your workouts!


--- joanna B <shes_your_gun@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone


> Figured it was about time I unlurked (delurked? )

> and said hallo. I'm Joanna, 34, in the UK (essex,

> about 40 miles east of london), happily married (for

> 18 months so we're still all newlywedish :) ), no

> kids but 2 cats. Ive worked out on and off since my

> teens although a lot more off than on, for the last

> few months Ive been making a regular effort and

> found it to be really helpful with mental health

> stuff that I have (bipolar, anxiety) and have also

> lost a few inches and gained some muscles which is

> all good in a strong body strong mind kind of a way.

> I have a random selection of workouts culled from

> various budget sources (second hand, I'm on

> disability so have to budget). I got restarted when

> I came across Turbo Jam, Chalene is so perky and un

> english (all that blonde tanned Californian

> enthusiasm!) that she made me stick to it. Then I

> found some tae bo which I like as well although I

> can't understand a lot of what Blanks says

> (when he talks fast it sound like boomhauer from

> king of the hill :) ).


> I was just flipping through the workouts and

> deciding what to do but reading this list made me

> realise that it definately pays to plan in advance (

> Ive found the less thinking I have to do the more

> likely I am to just do it). Where do you all get

> your rotation plans from?


> Anyway, I will now hit send and go and actually...

> work out :) Today is tae bo cardio, The cats run and

> hide when I start kicking (theyre not as stupid as

> people think :) )


> Joanna :)





Everyone is raving about the all-new


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Hi Joanna,

Nice to meet you, so glad you decided to post. My name is Kerry I'm a 45 year old mother of two wonderful teenaged daughters and I've been happily married for 25 years. I've exercised off an on since about 20 years ago, and am trying to get back into it; my knee is complaining so I have to really modify my workouts.

I'm so glad you found a workout to motivate you. I agree with you; cats aren't stupid!

Looking forward to reading about your workouts any results you get from them.


Hi everyone

Figured it was about time I unlurked (delurked? ) and said hallo. I'm Joanna, 34, in the UK (essex, about 40 miles east of london), happily married (for 18 months so we're still all newlywedish :) ), no kids but 2 cats. Ive worked out on and off since my teens although a lot more off than on, for the last few months Ive been making a regular effort and found it to be really helpful with mental health stuff that I have (bipolar, anxiety) and have also lost a few inches and gained some muscles which is all good in a strong body strong mind kind of a way. I have a random selection of workouts culled from various budget sources (second hand, I'm on disability so have to budget). I got restarted when I came across Turbo Jam, Chalene is so perky and un english (all that blonde tanned Californian enthusiasm!) that she made me stick to it. Then I found some tae bo which I like as well although I can't understand a lot of what Blanks says (when he talks fast it sound like boomhauer from king of the hill :) ).

I was just flipping through the workouts and deciding what to do but reading this list made me realise that it definately pays to plan in advance ( Ive found the less thinking I have to do the more likely I am to just do it). Where do you all get your rotation plans from?

Anyway, I will now hit send and go and actually... work out :) Today is tae bo cardio, The cats run and hide when I start kicking (theyre not as stupid as people think :) )

Joanna :)

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Hi Joanna, I'm from Michigan. I'm 41 and

I live with two crazy Siamese cats!

I usually just make up my own rotations...whether

or not I stick to them is another story :(


--- Festival City Concrete <pvisser@...> wrote:

> hi joanna!!! ::waving madly::

> im carolyn, age 43, living in ontario canada with my

> husband and our

> 2 young sons.

> i had to laugh at your comment about billy blanks.

> he does talk

> fast and i also miss alot of what he says. but i

> still luv him :)

> as for rotations, we often just make them up... it

> does really help

> to have some sort of plan, but you still do have to

> be flexible with

> it at times, of course.

> there are some general 'rules' for rotations... like

> not weight

> training a body part 2 days in a row, and ensuring

> that you schedule

> enough flexibility training and always include a

> rest day, and so

> on.... really it all depends on your goals. if

> you want to lose

> weight then put the emphasis on cardio, if you want

> to build muscles

> then do more weight lifting, etc...

> :*carolyn.


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You mentioned your daughter having hives. Our daughter had a

significant rash shortly after birth that was misdiagnosed a couple

of times- leukemia cutis and then later a clinical diagnosis of

Sweet's syndrome when blast cells were never seen in her marrow.

She seemed to keep a lowgrade fever in the hospital but was

eventually started on prednisolone for the Sweet's. We were

discharged after a month and had no problems for several months- we

were also taking the prednisone and then weaning off it. I'm

wondering now if she had this fever disorder then and the constant

predisone masked all the symptoms. While in the hospital, we ran

into problems with her hands and feet swelling and turning so purple

they looked blackish. (She's 9 months old now and we still see a

color change during fevers.) Since June, she's had 103-106 fevers

every 2-3 weeks but the rash hasn't returned. Just thought it was

interesting to read about another child with " hives " and maybe

vascular problems. Did doctors ever comment on her hands/feet?

- mom to Riley, maybe ????

-- In , " ginwax " <thewaxes@...> wrote:


> I want to thank everyone for the wealth of information. i have


> hesitant to post anything because we are so unsure if this is our

> diagnosis or not. My daughter turned one in March '06. She had

> recurring fevers before that but we got the " fever virus "


> it was winter and we just went on about life. After her 1st

> birthday she developed SEVERE hives where her eyes swelled shut,


> she got vasculitis and her hands and feet were cold and purple.


> had no respiratory symptoms and after high dose prednisone they


> away after a month. This has not happened again, but the fevers

> began a pattern after this. They are usually every 3 weeks but

> lately have been every 2. They are 103-105 and of course no

> symptoms. They have tested and her sed rate and wbc are always

> elevated during the episode and then return to normal. She doesn't

> have the sores or aches that we know of. She is relativley happy

> during these episodes. At this opint we are just documenting her

> temperature and keeping a calender. I am a registered nurse and I

> took her out of daycare this week because she is never there

> anyway! Again I thank you all for the supprt you offer each other

> and look forward to learning from you.


> Waxenberg

> Chattanooga, TN


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Hi Jeanne,

I have had the same run around as you - we took our daughter to the

doctor for 12 months with these fevers and each time that told me it

was a virus and put her on antibotics - as a mother I knew something

was wrong. To cut a long story short a new person at my mum's work

found out about my daughters illness and did some research on the

internet and came up with . I am so grateful to her as this is

now 15 months on from the start of my daughters illness and we are

finally getting some answers. My daughter is still in the process

of being diagnosed but the doctor is just getting all the blood

tests done before he fully confirms it. He has put her on

Prednisone which is a steriod and it is excellent. I understand

what you mean when you say it is exhausting - I was getting to the

point that I would break down crying everytime my daughter started

her temps - she would get so so sick - she would be like a rag doll

and just cry and whinge the whole time - it just broke my heart. I

also have a 10 month old daughter who I pray does not get this.

It is nice to hear that your son is now well - I feel that alot of

the has to do with their tonsills. The poor little things

have to go through so much - although hopefully they we will not

remember alot of their illness years down the track.

Kind regards,


Mother to Breanna 2 years 5 months


> My 3 year son Bren had periodic fevers every 4 to 6 weeks up to

> 105.8. The fever would last 7 days. We could predict it. I


> him to the pediatrican every time he was sick. Most of the time


> diagnosis was " viral " . He did have intermittent pharyngitis.

After a

> year and mulitple blood and urine cultures, CBC, immunoglobulins,


> no cause was identified. We were sent to ENT for possible chronic

> sinusitis although upper respiratory symptoms were usually not

> present. He had a tonsillectomy almost a year ago; he has only

had 2

> episodes of fever since. He had also seen an immunologists-no

> diagnosis.


> Last week we went to a new pediatrician. I explained his periodic

> fever episodes. He said " oh he had ! " I was surprised since


> had never heard of it. After researching , I do believe


> what he had.


> My heart goes out all the parents who are dealing with this. The

> month after month fevers are exhausting. I wish I had known about

> using steriods-this we never tried. My son is now doing well with


> exception of a recent 5 day febrile episodes assoicated with a


> It did bring back terrible memories. I pray that this is not


> all over again. He finally was able to start preschool, since


> not sick very often.


> I will keep all of you in my prayers


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you definately have not bored anyone. we are glad to have you in the group and look forward to hearing from you again. evelynCheryl <cscottnc@...> wrote: Thank you for letting me join your group! My name is Cheryl, I am 51, mother of two daughters, and ;

grandmother of two granddaughters, and Jessie and one grandson, . No pets at the moment. My oldest daughter, , lives with me as does my Mother, who is 77. My Daddy died 2 years ago of heart failure. He was 85. I was born and live in North Carolina. When I was little, we lived in both Compton and Hermosa Beach, California. Most of my relatives are in Georgia and Alabama, where my Daddy and Mother come from, respectively. I retired on disability from Social Services after working there for 23 years. I was lucky to have done that, because I receive a monthly retirement check from them, as well as my Social Security. The retirement system also pays for my health insurance, except for about $45 per month, which I pay. And I also have loads of life insurance that I pay a nominal fee for from the

retirement system. So I was very lucky there. On to the good stuff! lol I think I can remember everything that is wrong with me...lol From the time I was born I had bronchial problems. Neither of my parent's smoked, either, by the way. I was 9 years old and on vacation at my Grandma's in Alabama. My period started and a couple of days later I had my first asthma attack. I never outgrew it. So I have Asthma, but it is pretty well controlled for the most part. I do take meds for that. I have had thyroid disease since I was about 20. It runs in my family...mother's side. I started out with hypothyroidism with goiter. After taking Synthroid for a while, the goiter and the 15 goiterous nodules around my thyroid went away. After years of taking

Synthroid, my thyroid suddenly went hyper and I had Grave's disease. I drank the radioactive cocktail, which did not destroy my thyroid, but did slow it down and now I am back to hypo. My maternal Grandmother had hypo, my oldest aunt had hypo, my Mother has Hashimoto's and my younger aunt has Grave's. I'm still taking Synthroid. When I was around 6 or so, after having measles, mumps, german measles and chickenpox all in one year, the doctor discovered a heart murmur. He said it was just an innocent one, probably caused by the stress of being sick so much that year. Well, not! lol I have a bicuspid aortic valve. (You should have three openings, but I only have two). So it makes for a wonderfully loud murmur. The valve is getting stenotic from the stress of trying to work, so they want to do a valve replacement. At least the last

cardiologist did. Since I am not having symptoms of any note, or that I can tell apart from my other diseases, I just chose not to have a replacement done. I may have to, but not now. lol I have rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteopenia, tendonitis (including tennis elbow), bursitis, rotator cuff problems, TMJ..and whatever else! lol I have started going to a new rheumatologist that I absolutely despise, but that's another story. Right now I take Fosamax and Enbrel; but for RA I have tried Prednisone, Plaquenil, Arava, and Methotrexate. I got myself off the Prednisone. Plaquenil didn't help at all; Arava worked, but stopped after about a year or so; Methotrexate helped some, too, but my hair fell out in clumps after about a year. I have an umbilical hernia that I

need to see about. The surgeon that checked it out said that he would rather I had the heart surgery first...so I haven't done anything about it. He thinks that the hernia was caused by taking Prednisone for so many years. I took it for asthma for years as a teenager; then for RA. He told me that it can thin your tissues and make them less elastic. So... I have had migraines for years, but they finally stopped and then started again as Ocular-Muscle migraines. I don't take the meds for them. I don't have them often enough to bother. Knock wood! Oh, and lest we forget, GERD and depression. I think that might be all. For now. I really do need some feedback on the doctor I am seeing. He is telling me things my other doctors haven't even mentioned. Certainly not my old

rheumatologist! I'll write about that later. Hope I haven't bored you all silly. I have been reading the messages and I think this is a wonderful group. I hope I can contribute something besides whining! lol Oh, and my oldest daughter who lives with me is Bi-Polar, Manic-Depressive and has OCD. My Mother has Osteoporosis, Hashimoto's, Osteoarthritis, and a leaky Mitral valve, high blood pressure and just had her gall bladder out and a "baby" hernia repaired. She's doing great. Talk to you all later! Healing Hugs and Love, Cheryl S. www.fotki.com/CherylsPearls http://tech./group/HensandChicks Tags_by_Cheryl Magickal_Madams

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

I am a new member myself (just joined this week). My daugther Abby just

turned 2 last week and just have her 5th episode of fever. Yes, it is extremely

frustrating having a sick child and all the doctor tells you is that she just

has a virus. I have an appointment in a few weeks myself with an ID doctor and

although I am terrified to have a name to Abby's fevers I am more terrified of

the unknown. In the last week I ahve read a lot of stories from moms with ill

children, some very scary but all in all it is very comforting to know your

child isn't the " only " one and you are not alone. Welcome to the group and hope

it is helpful!

Shari; mom of Abby 2 yrs, not yet diagnosed

curlsnyc30 <curlsnyc30@...> wrote:

Hello, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a new memeber in the

group. I am a mother of 3

young girls-- almost 3 yr old twins and an almost 5 yr old. One of my twins,

is, has been

recently diagnosed with " periodic fever syndrome. " She has been sick a lot in

her short life

with seemingly harmless viruses- but we're now figuring out that there may be


else going on. After bringing her to the pediatrician for the umpteenth time

with a " fever

virus " she finally suggested seeing an infectious disease doctor, which is where

we got this

diagnoses. We are just starting to figure everything out. I am anxious to put

all of the pieces

of our puzzle together. She has a lot of other " issues, " and I'm curious about

whether or not

they are related. I'm happy to find a great group like this to help me find some



Maplewood, NJ


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  • 2 weeks later...


Well my daughter was Dx With PF in 2005. Its funny how you said you had any

of the same Sx When you were young. I ordered my hospital records from when I

was a kid and I had the exact same Sx as my daughter, my ped. wanted my mom

to have some testing done for JRA., needless to say she never did. I just

thought I was going nuts and reading too far into my records just for some hope

to get my daughter diagnosed. Just thought Id share.


Ava 22 months

Dx in 2005

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  • 3 weeks later...

Corey, welcome to the group! As someone once said to me, " glad you found us but

sorry you had to! "

Be sure to read all the info in the files section of the group. There are many

different causes of periodic fevers and there's alot of good info on most of

them in the files.

I would suggest that you consider having genetic testing done for the 3 main

genetic periodic fevers. They are FMF and Traps and Hids, FMF being the most

common with approx. 1000 cases in the U.S. and Hids being the rarest, I'm

guessing about 300 cases worldwide. While these genetic disorders are

predominantly linked to specific backgrounds, please don't let a doc discourage

you from having your son tested for all 3. There are more and more cases being

found where people do not seemingly fit the genetic mold for one particular

disorder but wound up being diagnosed with it anyway. My now 14 year old son is

a good example of that. He was diagnosed by NIH as having FMF (familial

mediterranean fever) at age 8 1/2 years but we have yet to find the

mediterranean connection anywhere in our families!

Not to say that your sons' symptoms sound like a very familiar song but age 7

is a really common age of onset for FMF. The belly pains are all too familiar.

As the body goes through one of these episodes, part of the inflammation happens

in the lining of the stomach resulting in alot of pain. Also typically affected

are the lining of the lungs and heart, (chest pain) and sometimes inflammation

in the larger joints, mimicking arthritis.

Your son, as have most of our kids, has probably already experienced more than

his fair share of needle pokes but the genetic testing doesn't necessarily have

to be done by yet another stick. Some people do it with swab samples. I'm

pushing for the testing because it seems like so many people are so willing put

their kids through surgery with all of it's associated risks of a T & A before

testing, thinking they may get a quick and easy fix and then don't understand

why they continue to fever after the surgery. If your child has one of the

genetic disorders, I don't care how many organs or body parts you remove, the

episodes are not going to go away! And if he does indeed get diagnosed with one

of those disorders, they all have their disease-specific treatments. FMF COULD

possibly be fatal if left untreated appropriately.

So, all that said, read, read, read! Research and then do more research! So

little is known about these periodic fevers that YOU mat be the one guiding your

sons doctor through the necessary testing, instead of the other way around.

I wish you well as you and your family travel this road. You are not alone.

Pat, mom to PJ, 14 years old, Clinical FMF, 13 and a half years of fevers

under our belts!


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Hi ,

I have been think a lot about these clinical diagnoses, i don't like them

however, they make sense. has been on cimetidine for 9 months now and

yet his episodes are not gone just different. He is now having little episodes

in between his 21 day episodes. His main complaints are stomach pain, back pain

and his ankle. has had the genetic testing here in Seattle and all came

back neg. With his age in mind like PJ's I think it's more than . I can't

remember does PJ ever have any abnormal blood work? Is PJ on a medication now?

Thanks, Gretchen, 13 almost 14 (?)

Bombardier <petish44@...> wrote:

Corey, welcome to the group! As someone once said to me, " glad you

found us but sorry you had to! "

Be sure to read all the info in the files section of the group. There are many

different causes of periodic fevers and there's alot of good info on most of

them in the files.

I would suggest that you consider having genetic testing done for the 3 main

genetic periodic fevers. They are FMF and Traps and Hids, FMF being the most

common with approx. 1000 cases in the U.S. and Hids being the rarest, I'm

guessing about 300 cases worldwide. While these genetic disorders are

predominantly linked to specific backgrounds, please don't let a doc discourage

you from having your son tested for all 3. There are more and more cases being

found where people do not seemingly fit the genetic mold for one particular

disorder but wound up being diagnosed with it anyway. My now 14 year old son is

a good example of that. He was diagnosed by NIH as having FMF (familial

mediterranean fever) at age 8 1/2 years but we have yet to find the

mediterranean connection anywhere in our families!

Not to say that your sons' symptoms sound like a very familiar song but age 7 is

a really common age of onset for FMF. The belly pains are all too familiar. As

the body goes through one of these episodes, part of the inflammation happens in

the lining of the stomach resulting in alot of pain. Also typically affected are

the lining of the lungs and heart, (chest pain) and sometimes inflammation in

the larger joints, mimicking arthritis.

Your son, as have most of our kids, has probably already experienced more than

his fair share of needle pokes but the genetic testing doesn't necessarily have

to be done by yet another stick. Some people do it with swab samples. I'm

pushing for the testing because it seems like so many people are so willing put

their kids through surgery with all of it's associated risks of a T & A before

testing, thinking they may get a quick and easy fix and then don't understand

why they continue to fever after the surgery. If your child has one of the

genetic disorders, I don't care how many organs or body parts you remove, the

episodes are not going to go away! And if he does indeed get diagnosed with one

of those disorders, they all have their disease-specific treatments. FMF COULD

possibly be fatal if left untreated appropriately.

So, all that said, read, read, read! Research and then do more research! So

little is known about these periodic fevers that YOU mat be the one guiding your

sons doctor through the necessary testing, instead of the other way around.

I wish you well as you and your family travel this road. You are not alone.

Pat, mom to PJ, 14 years old, Clinical FMF, 13 and a half years of fevers under

our belts!


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Hi Gretchen! I'm so sorry! I saved your mail to reply to it and then didn't get

back into it til now.

You know, I've thought alot about ...I know that he tested negative for

the genetic disorders but you really still can't rule them out. I personally

believe that in his case it might be one of the genetic disorders too. Refresh

my memory. Has he been to NIH? Are you on the list to go? He really needs to be

seen by them

Something else to consider meanwhile might be to see if one of his doctors

might let him try Colchicine. It's kind of hard to take at first because it may

cause diarrhea but that usually subsides within a couple of weeks. PJ has tested

negative for all of the disorders too but Colchicine has been like a miracle

drug for him in that it almost completely erased the episodes as soon as he

started on it. The fact that the Colchicine worked for him is a diagnosis of FMF

in itself. Consider trying it.

I really feel bad for these older kids. They have dealt with this for so

long and at their ages, they really feel the effect on missing out on " normal "

life. School work is harder and harder to keep up with, sports and other

physical activities are impossible to keep up with when you have to miss so many

days. PJ has a little girl friend now! SHE asked HIM to " go out " with her about

a week ago and the past couple of days he has had to stay home from school

because of an episode! How does he explain that to her and how does he explain

to her why he has to get straight home from school every day to take medicine?

Maybe one of our newer members, , can help the boys with that!

Anyway, as far as labs, his labs are pretty normal except for a couple of

things that have always been abnormal for him, things that indicate a chronic

condition, plus one of his Immune globulins is way high, I believe it's the IG,

either the 'D' or the 'G'. I'll have to double check his labs. He's on

Colchicine 0.6 mg 3 times a day plus I think that Dr. Kastner wants to add

Enbrel to his meds next time he sees him plus they gave him Phenergan 50mg to

use as needed for nausea and vomiting. Not to mention that we should probably

own stock in Advil considering how nuch he takes!

Let me know if I can somehow help or answer anymore questions.

Pat, mom to PJ,

Hi ,

I have been think a lot about these clinical diagnoses, i don't like them

however, they make sense. has been on cimetidine for 9 months now and

yet his episodes are not gone just different. He is now having little episodes

in between his 21 day episodes. His main complaints are stomach pain, back pain

and his ankle. has had the genetic testing here in Seattle and all came

back neg. With his age in mind like PJ's I think it's more than . I can't

remember does PJ ever have any abnormal blood work? Is PJ on a medication now?

Thanks, Gretchen, 13 almost 14 (?)


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  • 2 weeks later...

We had my son's tonsils out in October and the fevers have gone away. Check

with an Ear Nost and Throat Dr. If you want more info let me know.


Holz <jennyholz@...> wrote:

Hi, My name is and I just joined this group. There is not a lot


information on online so I'm grateful that this group is out there!

My daughter Livi will be three in February. She is a very active, happy

little girl with lots of curiosity. Developmentally, she is doing

extremely well but in August, she started getting fevers all the time.

They rarely went above 101F but, like I said, they were frequent.

Occasionally she had a runny nose or cough to accompany them but more

often than not the fevers were her only symptom that something was

wrong. We took her to the Pediatrician over and over but he kept telling

us that it was a virus and there was nothing to be done about it. He

said fevers were common among children in daycare but as long as she was

eating, drinking and sleeping well, there was nothing to worry about.

That was making us feel aggravated and helpless. Now it's been over five

months and she's had, on average, about two days per month without a

fever. Yesterday, we finally convinced her doctor to probe a little

deeper and not dismiss the fevers as a virus. He suggested she may have

. I'm still waiting to get her blood test results back and she is

seeing a specialist next week. I'm glad that her fevers are finally

getting some attention but I'm also very frightened. From what I've read

so far, sounds different from Livi's symptoms. She has a low fever

all the time rather than high fevers for a week every month. I also have

no idea when this will go away. Her doctor said (again) that there was

nothing to be done about it and that she would outgrow it eventually. He

also said that it would not have any long-term effects. I guess that's as

far as my story goes until her appointment next week. Thanks, Columbus,


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Welcome to the group - there is tons of information out there. I think

that the fever patterns can change over time - so you might be

catching it at the beginning. My son Aidan fevered for almost a year

before I started insisiting that something be done about it - and that

it wasn't a virus. So make sure that you are keeping a journal - or a

calendar - and recording fevers - and things that go along with the

fevers - achiness - mouth sores - etc.

Also - before some cycles - some of us have noticed that their breath

smells " metallic " - not every episode for Aidan though - and before a

cycle Aidan gets really loving - he's typically a loving boy - but

before a fever hits he says again and again " I love you mommy " etc.

It's a clue that a fever is about to hit for us . . .

Hang in there and start your journaling!


Aidan - 3

Sid - 5

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

I used to be an avid botanist, an

area I may enter again (MS makes it more difficult for me now than in

the past). I'm a poet, playwright, musician, photographer. and

graphic designer. I think of perfumery as being my final frontier,

with which I might affect folks more deeply and resoundingly than

with any of the other arts I've used in my attempts to touch people,

all of them combined. I have loads of questions, of course, but

wanted to say hello. Hello.

Hello backatcha :-)

You are among some good company here..... many like you botanists, artists,

jazz musicians, singers, embroiderers, all loving the natural fumes.........

so explore, delve and indulge...... any questions..... someone will always

answer and if they don't just ask again :-)


Janita's Attar blueprint Natural Perfume http://www.janitasattars.blogspot.com

Project http://flowersofmyddfaiproject.blogspot.com

Ascent http://www.hayspace.co.uk


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Hi - I'm sorry for the way you are feeling but we have all

been there. I emerged myself into finding the truth and writing

letters and taking actions like talking people's ears off about why

my Kaleb became Autistic. I also have written letters to the idiot

medical professionals who are responsible for Kaleb's injuries. I

have not sent them all in fear of getting a summons for terrorizing-

he he. Anyway know your child can and will be better and hope for

nothing less than a child who can function in our worls happily and

healthy! I also find it very helpful to attend conferences to

network with other parents and drink a little too :) Good luck and

Yes Virginia- It is the Mercury! (AT least for my Kaleb) Holly


> I wanted to introduce myself to the group. My name is

> Steward. My son Caleb was dx with autism this past January,


> I've been taking him to doctors since he was 2 with concerns of

> autism. He will be 4 this May. My son was developing at an


> fast rate up until he was about 18 months and then it just


> His speech is that of a one year old but doctors said that he was


> As with all of us I watched something in my son shut off. I love


> with all my heart and soul. I just want to know how this is


> and if it is the mercury, how we as people could, or doctors with


> ethics whatsoever let ourselves do this to our children? I just


> wrap my head around all this. Any suggestions?


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Guest guest

You may want to visit the website

www.generationrescue.org There is lots of good info


best wishes

--- <steward_mm@...> wrote:

> I wanted to introduce myself to the group. My name

> is

> Steward. My son Caleb was dx with autism this past

> January, though

> I've been taking him to doctors since he was 2 with

> concerns of

> autism. He will be 4 this May. My son was

> developing at an extremely

> fast rate up until he was about 18 months and then

> it just stopped.

> His speech is that of a one year old but doctors

> said that he was ok.

> As with all of us I watched something in my son shut

> off. I love him

> with all my heart and soul. I just want to know how

> this is happening

> and if it is the mercury, how we as people could, or

> doctors with any

> ethics whatsoever let ourselves do this to our

> children? I just can't

> wrap my head around all this. Any suggestions?





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You may want to visit the website

www.generationrescue.org There is lots of good info


best wishes

--- <steward_mm@...> wrote:

> I wanted to introduce myself to the group. My name

> is

> Steward. My son Caleb was dx with autism this past

> January, though

> I've been taking him to doctors since he was 2 with

> concerns of

> autism. He will be 4 this May. My son was

> developing at an extremely

> fast rate up until he was about 18 months and then

> it just stopped.

> His speech is that of a one year old but doctors

> said that he was ok.

> As with all of us I watched something in my son shut

> off. I love him

> with all my heart and soul. I just want to know how

> this is happening

> and if it is the mercury, how we as people could, or

> doctors with any

> ethics whatsoever let ourselves do this to our

> children? I just can't

> wrap my head around all this. Any suggestions?





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My son id named Caleb, just spelled different.

> >

> > I wanted to introduce myself to the group. My name is

> > Steward. My son Caleb was dx with autism this past January,

> though

> > I've been taking him to doctors since he was 2 with concerns of

> > autism. He will be 4 this May. My son was developing at an

> extremely

> > fast rate up until he was about 18 months and then it just

> stopped.

> > His speech is that of a one year old but doctors said that he was

> ok.

> > As with all of us I watched something in my son shut off. I love

> him

> > with all my heart and soul. I just want to know how this is

> happening

> > and if it is the mercury, how we as people could, or doctors with

> any

> > ethics whatsoever let ourselves do this to our children? I just

> can't

> > wrap my head around all this. Any suggestions?

> >


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Hi ,

We are 7mos into dx & 8 mos into biomedical treatment. My son stopped making gains in language at 12 mos after his MMR & varicella vax, then after his 4th Dtap & 3rd Hib at 15mos he lost skills, did not gain language. By age 2 he was having head banging tantrums, loss of eye contact, still no language & he appeared unable to hear. Thank God for my husband who insisted I get Spencer's hearing checked (I was in DENIAL that something was wrong) Our ped told my husband "oh no he doesn't have autism" boys just develop later than girls( in a conversation unknown to me).

After dx at age 3 it took 3 months before I could say Spencer has autism w/out bursting into tears. The first thing I did was research which led me to Autism Research Institute and the DAN! protocol. We made an appt with a DAN! doc and he gave me HOPE.For me biomedical gave me a direction, something I could DO to help my son. The diet kept me from feeling helpless, especially when he began to respond well:)

The other thing that really helped me wrap my mind around everything is becoming active with my local autism support group. Other parents who have walked this road have been my most valuable resource & I can talk to them about poop or whatever! Since then I have tried to educate myself about vaccinations, biomedical intervention, various therapies & special education law. I also keep copies of "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations" . I give them as baby gifts, to pregnant women & basically anyone who seems interested. Lastly I pray often for God to heal our kids! I hope this was helpful to you.



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Ann <mrs_bberger@...> wrote: I am a 69 year old woman and I am a

beginner. I work as an

instructional assistant at the University of New Mexico and live alone

with my cat. I love perfume and wish to take everything artificial

out of my life that I can. I have made a very few salves, bath salts,

deodorant, etc, and essential oil blends for my own use. I saw a

demonstration of aromatherapy at MD Hospital while I was a

patient there and for the first time heard about top, middle, and

bottom notes and I want to know more. I don't have many flowering

plants, but a few roses, apple trees, and a lilac bush. The sweetest

odor I have are some honeysuckle vines that perfume the air when thy


Ann Brandenberger

Hi Ann

A warm welcome to you...... please join in and ask away any questions....

there are many knowledgeable people here who will try and help..... if you

don't receive an answer ask again........ it may be just that it was

overlooked....... enjoy the files there is alot there and thousands of messages

with lots of info......


Ascent http://www.hayspace.co.uk

Project http://www.flowersofmyddfaiproject.blogspot.com

Travel log http://www.janitasattarsblogspot.com


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On Apr 9, 2007, at 4:59 AM, laramcevoy00 wrote:

> My question is related to studies, and specifically I am wondering

> whether anyone of you has

> assisted to the week long natural perfumery course at PRODAROM in

> Grasse, and has any

I actually signed up for a similar class there in 2001 and ended up

not taking it because it was geared toward tourists (I was touring

through France that year). It would be interesting to see what

others know (those who have actually taken it, that is). I would

like to get some inside info as well!


------Lord, please help me to be the person my dog thinks that I am.

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