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Re: bump/low amniotic fluid-MARY

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Hey ,

From the time I read your post that said:

my ? is my baby has this bump on the top of her head..it's

not no ordinary bump...the bump is from ear to ear..if you can,

imagine a head band on top of the head..but this is from the

inside..does anyone else exp. this with their child? also the top

between this bump and her forehead is very flattening..it's like her

head is growing after that bump and back..flattened space after the

bump..i hope i'm not confusing anyone...for those that don't know me

i'm mary...thnks for any help

The first thing that popped into my mind was cranio. Especially when

I read where you said:

also the top

between this bump and her forehead is very flattening..

I know that is one of the signs of cranio, this type is when the

coronal sutures are fused. I have pictures of 2 babies who coronal

sutures were fused, they too have a ridge (bump) If you like email me

taime @ optonline.net (get rid of the spaces between the @ sign) and

I'll send you the pictures. Maybe you can compare them to your

daughters head. It is possible for a baby to have both plagio and

cranio. I pray that your baby doesn't have cranio. I'm only telling

you this b/c since I read your post, I've been very concerned. I

didn't want to say anything to you about it b/c I didn't want to

offend you or upset you. I hope I did neither, by posting this. If so

please forgive me.

Please keep us posted! You and your daughter are in my prayers!

> Hey everyone..you know my doc thought i had low amniotic fluid..had

4 u/s and the 3rd said i was..4th said i wasn't..turns out i

did..when my " water " broke the nurse in the delivery room said

where?..isn't that crazy..anyways..i have read that low amniotic

fluid causes tort & plagio..her tort is better now..but somehow she

still prefers to sleep on the right side..to tell you the truth..i

was scared that her head will just be like that so i tried to help it

go down..by laying on her back..that's what my mom told me to

do..since she was 4mth..it didn't help as much just a little..-mary

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