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RE: Flu Mist Vaccine campaign

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Just two things Bonnie,

- 37000 is the average deaths each year from the flu, so why all the hype this year? 15 was the actual count I had heard as of the email, I now read it's 23.

- The flu vaccine contains thimerosal, which you may or may not be aware is mercury.

I firmly believe my son's autism was caused by mercury poisoning. He is getting better each month as we chelate him (and I have the medical tests to prove that mercury is coming out of him as we detox). He has gone from severely autistic to a fairly high functioning one in two years as we detox. IF you give your child this vaccine, he may not get the flu, (by the way the current vaccine DOES NOT contain the strain of flu virus that is the deadly one the news media is warning about so your child isn't protected from that anyway) but his autistic symptoms may worsen from the mercury.

I'm trying to protect my son with immune boosters and if he does get sick, I will take him to the doctor, however I will never vaccinate

Just my opinion

In a message dated 12/12/2003 11:57:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, bonniesa@... writes:

Just hope your child does not get hit with it......

Oh and it is not 15 people, more like they predict 37,0000 DEATHS.


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Well you might feel differently if and when your child(ren) have the symptoms of the flu.

Both my kids were home yesterday and today. I am not taking that risk. On Tuesday my 8 year old came home with a bad headache and at night while doing homework had the chills, his legs were shaking and he had a fever.

I did a google search to find flu symptoms and these two were listed. While watching the news that nite I saw two confirmed children deaths here in CA and I called Dr office on Wed and nurse said bring him in.

People were jammed in the office, after almost two hours we were seen. She also gave me an Rx for my other son who is non verbal for the antibiotics so we would not have to come back if he gets sick.

Well turns out my son had little red bumps in his throat and strep throat, plus he could still be having onset of flu. I did learn while watching news and reading online that nauseous and diarrhea are not signs of the flu, just in case he gets either.

I saw on the news lines of families waiting in Florida for the shot. I heard someone from the CDC say they normally have to get rid of thousands of flu shots because there is no demand.

I think this is really serious, because last nite two more confirmed deaths here in CA due to the flu.

So if your child has the symptoms you make your own choices. Since they were having the holiday program I was not going to chance sending my non verbal child to school where all the kids come up and hug him and cough in his face.

The deaths I heard about here, well after a few days thinking it was a cold they took kid to Dr and that may be too late.

My son is sick so I will do what I have to, but if you want to spend your time with theories that is your perogative.

Just hope your child does not get hit with it......

Oh and it is not 15 people, more like they predict 37,0000 DEATHS.


==============Lake260@... wrote:

I know I'm getting real cynical these days but..... what's with all these scare tactics about flu on TV and radio. Is it really so horrible this year vs any other year? ooooh 15 people have died so far, out of how many millions? How many more have died from car accidents, shoveling snow, strokes, heart problems, getting the flu vaccine itself( I'm not even getting into the fact it contains mercury here)? - we may need vaccines for that. It's awfully suspicious. In the NJ papers it stated that there is no shortage here of the vaccine, yet they never mention that on the tv/radio news. How many people do you know who have this massive outbreak of the flu? It's very coincidental that Flumist, which contains live virus and in itself could spread the flu, (see below) was barely selling this year and now sales are picking up and just today I heard that HMO's are saying due to this crisis,

they are going to begin to cover the cost of the vaccine. PLEASE!!! I'm really thinking this is one big media campaign by the pharmaceuticals to increase their sales, I hope I'm wrong but the signs are there......

In a message dated 12/12/2003 8:12:02 AM Eastern Standard Time, TAAP@... writes:

The following article on the new FluMist™ vaccine was first published at the Online Vaccine Conference at Redflagsdaily.com. This important online conference on vaccines will play a significant role in stimulating public discussion on this vital public health issue. You can view other essential articles on vaccines at the Online Vaccine Conference and also at www.mercola.com.]"MedImmune, the manufacturer of FluMist™, recently announced that it signed an agreement that makes FluMist™, the new intranasal influenza vaccine, readily available to people as they shop at Wal-Mart, the world’s biggest retailer." [1]As the physician in charge of a bustling integrative medical clinic, questions about vaccines frequently arise. After reading about the MedImmune-Walmart joint venture, I felt compelled to warn our patients and our Internet subscribers of the potentially

serious complications that may come from direct and passive exposure to this new vaccine. I also wanted to give a "heads up" to everyone regarding the onslaught of advertising that is about to besiege them.Hundreds of TV and print advertisements have been designed to persuade everyone into taking the FluMist™ plunge. The campaign will be the "most intense, direct-to-consumer marketing campaign ever waged for a vaccine," costing an estimated $25 million over the next 2.5 months [2]. In addition, Wyeth, MedImmune’s partner, plans a three-year, $100 million campaign to encourage use of the nasal flu vaccine among physicians. [3]The television arm of the blitz campaign will focus on the "inconveniences" that your family, friends and co-workers will endure if you don’t get the flu shot and subsequently contract the flu. Print advertisements and magazine articles apparently will use scare tactics--similar to those that were used while promoting the smallpox

vaccine--which warned of the high possibility of a "bioterror aattack using the flu virus."[4]Apparently, the goal seems to center around frightening--or inducing enough guilt--so that everyone would begin to demand the vaccine as soon as it is available. And at nearly $70 aa dose, this will be a financial bonanza for MedImmune and Wyeth, who are expecting the vaccine to become the blockbuster new drug that will push MedImmune’s revenues to more than $1 billion/year. [5]However, there are many reasons for caution. FluMist™ contains live (attenuated) influenza viruses that replicate in the nasopharynx of the vaccine recipient. The most common side effects include "cough, runny nose/nasal congestion, irritability, headaches, chills, muscle aches and fever > 100° F."[6] These symptoms are nearly identical to those the flu vaccine is designed to prevent. [7]A cause for significant concern is the vaccine’s most prevalent side effects: "runny nose" and

"nasal congestion." It has been documented that the live viruses from the vaccine can be shed (and potentially spread into the community) from recipient children for up to 21 days, [8] and even longer from adults. [9] Viral shedding also puts breastfeeding infants at risk if the mother has been given FluMist™. [10]In addition to shedding via nasal secretions, the virus can be dispersed through sneezing. What is the normal physiological response when an irritant enters the nasal passages? A sneeze … sometimes a big sneeze … sometimes several big sneezes. Therefore, the risk for shedding--and spreading--live viruses throughout a school, church, workplace or store--especially one which is administering the vacciine.In the section of the FluMist™ package insert labeled "PRECAUTIONS," the manufacturer states the following warning:"FluMist™® recipients should avoid close contact with immunocompromised individuals for at least 21 days."The warning

is specifically directed toward those living in the same household with an immunocompromised person, but the on-going release of live viruses throughout the community may be a significant risk to everyone who has a weak, or weakened, immune system.The number of immunocompromised people in the United States is enormous: * It is estimated that at least 10 percent, or more than 28 million people have eczema. [11] * More than 8.5 million people have cancer. [12] * There are reported to be 850,000 individuals with diagnosed and undiagnosed HIV infection or AIDS [13] * Based on 2001 data, there were 184,000 organ recipients [14]An even more extensive list of at-risk people includes the untold millions on drugs called corticosteroids. Prednisone®, Medrol®, and a variety of similar medications given to both adults and children. These drugs are prescribed for dozens of conditions including asthma,

allergies, eczema, emphysema, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, herniated spinal discs, acute muscular pain syndromes, and all types of rheumatoid and autoimmune diseases. As much as 60 percent of the entire population could be considered to be "chemically immunosuppressed." It is important to realize that FluMist™ is CONTRAINDICATED for people who are immunocompromised. People who receive FluMist™ and are living with an immunocompromised person put their loved ones at risk.Will this make stores that administer the vaccines--like Walmart and the other pharmaceutical chain stores that have announced they will carry FluMist™ [15]--risky places to shhop for large segments of the population? What measures will be taken in these stores to ensure that the virus will not become commingled with food? What hand washing policy is going to be enforced in the stores for all Walmart employees and customers who have received FluMist™? These are reasonable questions that

deserve answers.The target market for FluMistâ„¢ is "healthy children and adults, ages 5 to 49 years." Some believe that by vaccinating these people, a type of "herd immunity" will occur that will protect the very young and the elderly who are excluded from getting this vaccine. However, it is these very "at-risk" populations who may suffer the most from the flu by being exposed to people who are given FluMistâ„¢.According to information presented at the May 2003 National Influenza Summit, [16] approximately 85 percent of Americans between the ages of 20 and 50 go unvaccinated, and nearly 66 percent between the ages of 50 and 64 do not receive the flu vaccine. Have there been "raging epidemics" across the country due to lack of flu vaccinations? It appears that the massive campaign to vaccinate everyone this year may be motivated, in part, by economics.The viruses suspected to be the most likely cause for the flu this season were negligibly different from the

strains used in last year’s flu vaccine. Therefore, the influenza vaccine produced for the 2003-2004 season is identical in composition to the one used last year. This marks only the second time that the same strains have been used during two consecutive flu seasons. [17] Consider that antibodies from other viral vaccines--such as MMR, polio and chickenpox vaccines--last at least three years, and in some instances, up to 15 years. If the virusess used in the vaccine are the same as last year, why is this year’s vaccine even necessary?An even greater concern about FluMist™ is the contents within the vaccine. Each 0.5 ml of the formula contains 10 6.5-7.5 particles of live, attenuated influenza virus. That means that between 10 million and 100 million viral particles will be forcefully injected into the nostrils when administered. The viral strain was developed by serial passage through "specific pathogen-free primary chick kidney cells" and then grown in "specific

pathogen-free eggs." That means that the culture media was free of pathogens that were specifically tested for, but not a culture that was necessarily "pathogen-free." The risk that the vaccine may contain contaminant avian retroviruses still remains. In addition, a stabilizing buffer containing potassium phosphate, sucrose (table sugar) and nearly 0.5 mg of monosodium glutamate (MSG) is added to each dose. [18]One of the most troubling concerns over the injection of this "chemical soup" is the potential for the viruses to enter directly into the brain. At the top of the nasal passages is a paper-thin bone called the cribriform plate. The olfactory nerves pass through this bone and line the nasal passages, carrying messenger molecules to the brain that are identified as "smells" familiar to us. The olfactory tract has long been recognized as a direct pathway to the brain. Intranasal injection of certain viruses has resulted in a serious brain infection called encephalitis,

presumably by direct infection of the olfactory neurons that carried the viruses to the brain. [19] Time will tell whether the live viruses in FluMist™ will become linked to cases of encephalitis.The pharmaceutical companies do not necessarily always do a reasonable job of considering the "down side" when they are pushing new drugs or new vaccines. FluMist™ has the potential for causing the worst, most severe flu epidemic seen in years. Parents tell their young children not to put things up their noses because they might cause them harm. It would be wise to consider that advice for adults. With all the risks involved, one should be extremely cautious about what one allows to be sprayed in one’s nose.For Further InformationSherri Tenpenny, DOWebsite: www.nmaseminars.comPhone: 440-268-0897://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2003-12-09-medimmune_x

outbreak of flu in Colorado and other states has led toincreased demand for flu shots. The two companies that make the traditional injection - Aventis and Chiron - have shipped their entire inventories, about 83 million doses. But if those supplies are used up, demand for MedImmune's (MEDI) FluMist vaccine may grow. So far, however, sales of the product have been slow.> > While FluMist was expected to be a hit among the needle-shy, thecompany said in November that it had distributed only 400,000 doses of the spray, although it had made about 4 million.> > MedImmune spokeswoman Lacey says she cannot release new salesfigures. But marketing partner Wyeth said it has had "increased interest" from customers in the past few days. > > The launch was hampered by several factors:> > . Wal-Mart decided not to offer the product, saying it wasn't

surepharmacists could dispense it. > > . It sells to doctors for $46 a dose, far more than the $8 to $12for the traditional vaccine. Most insurance companies don't cover FluMist, but MedImmune is offering a $25-per-dose rebate to patients.> > . It is approved only for healthy patients ages 5 to 49.> > . It must be shipped and kept frozen. Shipping containers did notfit in many clinics' freezers.> > "There are not a lot of incentives for people who provide thevaccine," says Webster of Webster Consulting, a Bethlehem, Pa., firm. "It's difficult to transport. You have to keep it frozen, and you can't make as big a profit on a $50 vaccine" as on a less expensive shot.> > But increased demand - along with a freezer distribution programunderway by Wyeth - could help boost sales. Also, because the vaccine contains a live but weakened version of the virus, the company says

it might prove more effective against this year's flu strain. > > Analyst Mark Schoenebaum of U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffray says theperception of increased demand for FluMist will probably help the stock, at least until the end of January when MedImmune reports its earnings.> > "If the company says they sold anywhere near 1 million doses, itwould be a positive for the stock," he says.> > But some others say FluMist may still face slow sales because ofdistribution problems and age limits on who can use the spray vaccine.> > MedImmune shares fell to $23.30 in November on news of the slowshipments. They were trading at almost $40 in June. Shares closed at $27.30 Tuesday.

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I tend to agree with you... The pharmaceutical companies have allot of money

to be made with the scare tactic's... Thanks for sharing... I passed this

along to everyone I know.

Thanks again.


Flu Mist Vaccine campaign

I know I'm getting real cynical these days but..... what's with all these

scare tactics about flu on TV and radio. Is it really so horrible this year


any other year? ooooh 15 people have died so far, out of how many millions?

How many more have died from car accidents, shoveling snow, strokes, heart

problems, getting the flu vaccine itself( I'm not even getting into the fact


contains mercury here)? - we may need vaccines for that. It's awfully

suspicious. In the NJ papers it stated that there is no shortage here of

the vaccine,

yet they never mention that on the tv/radio news. How many people do you


who have this massive outbreak of the flu? It's very coincidental that

Flumist, which contains live virus and in itself could spread the flu, (see

below) was barely selling this year and now sales are picking up and just

today I

heard that HMO's are saying due to this crisis, they are going to begin to

cover the cost of the vaccine. PLEASE!!! I'm really thinking this is one


media campaign by the pharmaceuticals to increase their sales, I hope I'm


but the signs are there......

In a message dated 12/12/2003 8:12:02 AM Eastern Standard Time,

TAAP@... writes:

The following article on the new FluMistâ„¢ vaccine was first published at the

Online Vaccine Conference at Redflagsdaily.com. This important online

conference on vaccines will play a significant role in stimulating public


on this vital public health issue. You can view other essential articles on

vaccines at the Online Vaccine Conference and also at www.mercola.com.]

" MedImmune, the manufacturer of FluMistâ„¢, recently announced that it signed

an agreement that makes FluMistâ„¢, the new intranasal influenza vaccine,


available to people as they shop at Wal-Mart, the world’s biggest retailer. "


As the physician in charge of a bustling integrative medical clinic,

questions about vaccines frequently arise. After reading about the


joint venture, I felt compelled to warn our patients and our Internet

subscribers of the potentially serious complications that may come from

direct and

passive exposure to this new vaccine. I also wanted to give a " heads up " to

everyone regarding the onslaught of advertising that is about to besiege


Hundreds of TV and print advertisements have been designed to persuade

everyone into taking the FluMistâ„¢ plunge. The campaign will be the " most


direct-to-consumer marketing campaign ever waged for a vaccine, " costing an

estimated $25 million over the next 2.5 months [2]. In addition, Wyeth,


s partner, plans a three-year, $100 million campaign to encourage use of the

nasal flu vaccine among physicians. [3]

The television arm of the blitz campaign will focus on the " inconveniences "

that your family, friends and co-workers will endure if you don’t get the


shot and subsequently contract the flu. Print advertisements and magazine

articles apparently will use scare tactics--similar to those that were used


promoting the smallpox vaccine--which warned of the high possibility of a

" bioterror aattack using the flu virus. " [4]

Apparently, the goal seems to center around frightening--or inducing enough

guilt--so that everyone would begin to demand the vaccine as soon as it is

available. And at nearly $70 aa dose, this will be a financial bonanza for

MedImmune and Wyeth, who are expecting the vaccine to become the blockbuster

new drug

that will push MedImmune’s revenues to more than $1 billion/year. [5]

However, there are many reasons for caution. FluMistâ„¢ contains live

(attenuated) influenza viruses that replicate in the nasopharynx of the


recipient. The most common side effects include " cough, runny nose/nasal


irritability, headaches, chills, muscle aches and fever > 100° F. " [6] These

symptoms are nearly identical to those the flu vaccine is designed to



A cause for significant concern is the vaccine’s most prevalent side


" runny nose " and " nasal congestion. " It has been documented that the live

viruses from the vaccine can be shed (and potentially spread into the


from recipient children for up to 21 days, [8] and even longer from adults.

[9] Viral shedding also puts breastfeeding infants at risk if the mother has

been given FluMistâ„¢. [10]

In addition to shedding via nasal secretions, the virus can be dispersed

through sneezing. What is the normal physiological response when an irritant

enters the nasal passages? A sneeze … sometimes a big sneeze … sometimes


big sneezes. Therefore, the risk for shedding--and spreading--live viruses

throughout a school, church, workplace or store--especially one which is

administering the vacciine.

In the section of the FluMistâ„¢ package insert labeled " PRECAUTIONS, " the

manufacturer states the following warning:

" FluMist™® recipients should avoid close contact with immunocompromised

individuals for at least 21 days. "

The warning is specifically directed toward those living in the same

household with an immunocompromised person, but the on-going release of live


throughout the community may be a significant risk to everyone who has a


or weakened, immune system.

The number of immunocompromised people in the United States is enormous:

* It is estimated that at least 10 percent, or more than 28 million

people have eczema. [11]

* More than 8.5 million people have cancer. [12]

* There are reported to be 850,000 individuals with diagnosed and

undiagnosed HIV infection or AIDS [13]

* Based on 2001 data, there were 184,000 organ recipients [14]

An even more extensive list of at-risk people includes the untold millions


drugs called corticosteroids. Prednisone®, Medrol®, and a variety of similar

medications given to both adults and children. These drugs are prescribed


dozens of conditions including asthma, allergies, eczema, emphysema, Crohn’s

disease, multiple sclerosis, herniated spinal discs, acute muscular pain

syndromes, and all types of rheumatoid and autoimmune diseases. As much as


percent of the entire population could be considered to be " chemically

immunosuppressed. " It is important to realize that FluMistâ„¢ is


who are immunocompromised. People who receive FluMistâ„¢ and are living with


immunocompromised person put their loved ones at risk.

Will this make stores that administer the vaccines--like Walmart and the

other pharmaceutical chain stores that have announced they will carry


[15]--risky places to shhop for large segments of the population? What


will be taken in these stores to ensure that the virus will not become

commingled with food? What hand washing policy is going to be enforced in

the stores

for all Walmart employees and customers who have received FluMistâ„¢? These


reasonable questions that deserve answers.

The target market for FluMistâ„¢ is " healthy children and adults, ages 5 to 49

years. " Some believe that by vaccinating these people, a type of " herd

immunity " will occur that will protect the very young and the elderly who


excluded from getting this vaccine. However, it is these very " at-risk "


who may suffer the most from the flu by being exposed to people who are



According to information presented at the May 2003 National Influenza


[16] approximately 85 percent of Americans between the ages of 20 and 50 go

unvaccinated, and nearly 66 percent between the ages of 50 and 64 do not

receive the flu vaccine. Have there been " raging epidemics " across the

country due

to lack of flu vaccinations? It appears that the massive campaign to


everyone this year may be motivated, in part, by economics.

The viruses suspected to be the most likely cause for the flu this season

were negligibly different from the strains used in last year’s flu vaccine.

Therefore, the influenza vaccine produced for the 2003-2004 season is

identical in

composition to the one used last year. This marks only the second time that

the same strains have been used during two consecutive flu seasons. [17]

Consider that antibodies from other viral vaccines--such as MMR, polio and


vaccines--last at least three years, and in some instances, up to 15 years.

If the virusess used in the vaccine are the same as last year, why is this


s vaccine even necessary?

An even greater concern about FluMistâ„¢ is the contents within the vaccine.

Each 0.5 ml of the formula contains 10 6.5-7.5 particles of live, attenuated

influenza virus. That means that between 10 million and 100 million viral

particles will be forcefully injected into the nostrils when administered.

The viral

strain was developed by serial passage through " specific pathogen-free


chick kidney cells " and then grown in " specific pathogen-free eggs. " That

means that the culture media was free of pathogens that were specifically


for, but not a culture that was necessarily " pathogen-free. " The risk that


vaccine may contain contaminant avian retroviruses still remains. In

addition, a stabilizing buffer containing potassium phosphate, sucrose

(table sugar)

and nearly 0.5 mg of monosodium glutamate (MSG) is added to each dose. [18]

One of the most troubling concerns over the injection of this " chemical

soup "

is the potential for the viruses to enter directly into the brain. At the


of the nasal passages is a paper-thin bone called the cribriform plate. The

olfactory nerves pass through this bone and line the nasal passages,


messenger molecules to the brain that are identified as " smells " familiar to

us. The olfactory tract has long been recognized as a direct pathway to the

brain. Intranasal injection of certain viruses has resulted in a serious


infection called encephalitis, presumably by direct infection of the


neurons that carried the viruses to the brain. [19] Time will tell whether


live viruses in FluMistâ„¢ will become linked to cases of encephalitis.

The pharmaceutical companies do not necessarily always do a reasonable job


considering the " down side " when they are pushing new drugs or new vaccines.

FluMistâ„¢ has the potential for causing the worst, most severe flu epidemic

seen in years. Parents tell their young children not to put things up their


because they might cause them harm. It would be wise to consider that advice

for adults. With all the risks involved, one should be extremely cautious

about what one allows to be sprayed in one’s nose.

For Further Information

Sherri Tenpenny, DO

Website: www.nmaseminars.com

Phone: 440-268-0897


outbreak of flu in Colorado and other states has led to

increased demand for flu shots. The two companies that make the

traditional injection - Aventis and Chiron - have shipped their

entire inventories, about 83 million doses. But if those supplies are

used up, demand for MedImmune's (MEDI) FluMist vaccine may grow. So

far, however, sales of the product have been slow.


> While FluMist was expected to be a hit among the needle-shy, the

company said in November that it had distributed only 400,000 doses

of the spray, although it had made about 4 million.


> MedImmune spokeswoman Lacey says she cannot release new sales

figures. But marketing partner Wyeth said it has had " increased

interest " from customers in the past few days.


> The launch was hampered by several factors:


> . Wal-Mart decided not to offer the product, saying it wasn't sure

pharmacists could dispense it.


> . It sells to doctors for $46 a dose, far more than the $8 to $12

for the traditional vaccine. Most insurance companies don't cover

FluMist, but MedImmune is offering a $25-per-dose rebate to patients.


> . It is approved only for healthy patients ages 5 to 49.


> . It must be shipped and kept frozen. Shipping containers did not

fit in many clinics' freezers.


> " There are not a lot of incentives for people who provide the

vaccine, " says Webster of Webster Consulting, a Bethlehem, Pa.,

firm. " It's difficult to transport. You have to keep it frozen, and

you can't make as big a profit on a $50 vaccine " as on a less

expensive shot.


> But increased demand - along with a freezer distribution program

underway by Wyeth - could help boost sales. Also, because the vaccine

contains a live but weakened version of the virus, the company says

it might prove more effective against this year's flu strain.


> Analyst Mark Schoenebaum of U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffray says the

perception of increased demand for FluMist will probably help the

stock, at least until the end of January when MedImmune reports its



> " If the company says they sold anywhere near 1 million doses, it

would be a positive for the stock, " he says.


> But some others say FluMist may still face slow sales because of

distribution problems and age limits on who can use the spray vaccine.


> MedImmune shares fell to $23.30 in November on news of the slow

shipments. They were trading at almost $40 in June. Shares closed at

$27.30 Tuesday.

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I too am grounded in believing that mercury in vaccines caused

autism in my son , who is 5. I stopped vaccines for him also.

What is " chelating " ? It sounds like you've had quite a bit of


I hope and pray that someone will finally expose the pharmaceutical

companies, just like someone did the tobacco company....it makes me

so angry that congress is so blind to something that is so obvious.


> Just two things Bonnie,

> - 37000 is the average deaths each year from the flu, so why all

the hype

> this year? 15 was the actual count I had heard as of the email, I

now read it's

> 23.

> - The flu vaccine contains thimerosal, which you may or may not

be aware is

> mercury.

> I firmly believe my son's autism was caused by mercury

poisoning. He is

> getting better each month as we chelate him (and I have the

medical tests to

> prove that mercury is coming out of him as we detox). He has gone

from severely

> autistic to a fairly high functioning one in two years as we

detox. IF you

> give your child this vaccine, he may not get the flu, (by the way

the current

> vaccine DOES NOT contain the strain of flu virus that is the

deadly one the

> news media is warning about so your child isn't protected from

that anyway) but

> his autistic symptoms may worsen from the mercury.

> I'm trying to protect my son with immune boosters and if he does

get sick, I

> will take him to the doctor, however I will never vaccinate


> Just my opinion



> In a message dated 12/12/2003 11:57:54 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> bonniesa@p... writes:

> Just hope your child does not get hit with it......


> Oh and it is not 15 people, more like they predict 37,0000 DEATHS.


> Bonnie

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> Well you might feel differently if and when your child(ren) have

the symptoms of the flu.

Bonnie, I think in some cases we feel that we are damned if we do

and damned if we do not. My husband took his flu shot again this

year. He feels that it is safe to do so. I used to take them and

made sure that the kids had theirs but the more I learn about them

the more I am thinking the flu shot is worse than the flu itself.

And I am sick and tired of them telling us that the flu we have

going through our area is not the one that we were vacinated for.

And I will not go for the Flu Mist. When I went by and Evan's

medical group there was a noticed posted that all flu shots were

cancelled because they were out of the vacine. But it also seems

that happens about this time every year. People wait until the flu

is going around and then run to get the shot and they run out.

Right now we are having enough problems with other viruses going

around to stick one in their bodies on purpose. Evan has had the

runs for so many days that we have lost count of the loose bowels.

Now we are waiting to hear what the lab says about the stool samples

we took in. He came home, on the bus, Thursday screaming to the top

of his voice in pain. His screams hurt our ears they were so shrill

and loud. His teacher said that he had been acting like his stomach

was hurting so I gave him a pink, crushed Pepto-Bismol tablet in oj.

We could not see a doctor at the clinic until late so we took him to

ER because he seemed in so much pain that we were frightened. His

screams stopped before we even got there and he continued to look

and behave better as each hour passed by. Finally, we could see

that he was better and his mom became frantic that we would catch

what ever was being passed around in ER. Even the surgical masks did

not reassure her so we just told them that since he was better we

were taking him home. We stopped to get something to eat because it

was late and before we got into the car he had a bm in his clothes

that was so bad we had to mask our faces to stand it enough to drive

home. I told to just throw the clothes away. She cleaned him

up while I cleaned up the car. His teacher told the school nurse

that he had a bout with stomach cramps that were extremely painful

and we think that is what Evan had.

I am a bit behind on responding to mail on this site because for

some reason it is not coming thru to my mail box and I am having to

read online which is not always an option for me.


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I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but I was curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were there for annuals late November.

I was responding about the theories on whether the flu is an epidemic or something to do with the drug companies making it seem bad so people will buy those items like the flu mist.

I was trying to state, but obviously did not do so clearly, that you will not really care about theories when your child is sick and just take care of them.

Sorry if it somehow got perceived wrong.


===============gummibear_112 <banthony@...> wrote:

> Well you might feel differently if and when your child(ren) have the symptoms of the flu.Bonnie, I think in some cases we feel that we are damned if we do and damned if we do not. My husband took his flu shot again this year. He feels that it is safe to do so. I used to take them and made sure

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lol, Bonnie, there is one thing that you can be certain of and that is at one time or another in a person's time in an egroup, their post is going to be misunderstood by at least one person.


----- Original Message -----

From: Bonnie Sayers

I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but I was curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were there for annuals late November.

I was responding about the theories on whether the flu is an epidemic or something to do with the drug companies making it seem bad so people will buy those items like the flu mist.

I was trying to state, but obviously did not do so clearly, that you will not really care about theories when your child is sick and just take care of them.

Sorry if it somehow got perceived wrong.


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I too am tired of the media trying to scare people into these flu

shots. The truth is that the drug companies made so much that they

want to make sure that they get there money....I have read and re-

read so much on this that I've figured out that it's all a Scare

Tactic to make sure that the Drug Companies make Millions of Dollars.

I saw Bill Frist on the news last night and he was really pushing

people getting the shot.. He wants to make sure that his wallet is

filled too!! Oh for any of you that might not know: He is on the

Board of eli -lilley... They all are watching out for one another,

If only they would pay up to those of us whose Kids they posioned or

killed with their Vaccines!! I'm sick of the whole lot of them


In autism , Lake260@a... wrote:

> I know I'm getting real cynical these days but..... what's with all


> scare tactics about flu on TV and radio. Is it really so horrible

this year vs

> any other year? ooooh 15 people have died so far, out of how many


> How many more have died from car accidents, shoveling snow,

strokes, heart

> problems, getting the flu vaccine itself( I'm not even getting into

the fact it

> contains mercury here)? - we may need vaccines for that. It's


> suspicious. In the NJ papers it stated that there is no shortage

here of the vaccine,

> yet they never mention that on the tv/radio news. How many people

do you know

> who have this massive outbreak of the flu? It's very coincidental


> Flumist, which contains live virus and in itself could spread the

flu, (see

> below) was barely selling this year and now sales are picking up

and just today I

> heard that HMO's are saying due to this crisis, they are going to

begin to

> cover the cost of the vaccine. PLEASE!!! I'm really thinking this

is one big

> media campaign by the pharmaceuticals to increase their sales, I

hope I'm wrong

> but the signs are there......




> In a message dated 12/12/2003 8:12:02 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> TAAP@A... writes:

> The following article on the new FluMistâ„¢ vaccine was first

published at the

> Online Vaccine Conference at Redflagsdaily.com. This important


> conference on vaccines will play a significant role in stimulating

public discussion

> on this vital public health issue. You can view other essential

articles on

> vaccines at the Online Vaccine Conference and also at



> " MedImmune, the manufacturer of FluMistâ„¢, recently announced


it signed

> an agreement that makes FluMistâ„¢, the new intranasal


vaccine, readily

> available to people as they shop at Wal-Mart, the world’s


retailer. "

> [1]


> As the physician in charge of a bustling integrative medical


> questions about vaccines frequently arise. After reading about the


> joint venture, I felt compelled to warn our patients and our


> subscribers of the potentially serious complications that may come

from direct and

> passive exposure to this new vaccine. I also wanted to give

a " heads up " to

> everyone regarding the onslaught of advertising that is about to

besiege them.


> Hundreds of TV and print advertisements have been designed to


> everyone into taking the FluMistâ„¢ plunge. The campaign will


the " most intense,

> direct-to-consumer marketing campaign ever waged for a vaccine, "

costing an

> estimated $25 million over the next 2.5 months [2]. In addition,

Wyeth, MedImmune’

> s partner, plans a three-year, $100 million campaign to encourage

use of the

> nasal flu vaccine among physicians. [3]


> The television arm of the blitz campaign will focus on

the " inconveniences "

> that your family, friends and co-workers will endure if you


get the flu

> shot and subsequently contract the flu. Print advertisements and


> articles apparently will use scare tactics--similar to those that

were used while

> promoting the smallpox vaccine--which warned of the high

possibility of a

> " bioterror aattack using the flu virus. " [4]


> Apparently, the goal seems to center around frightening--or

inducing enough

> guilt--so that everyone would begin to demand the vaccine as soon

as it is

> available. And at nearly $70 aa dose, this will be a financial

bonanza for

> MedImmune and Wyeth, who are expecting the vaccine to become the

blockbuster new drug

> that will push MedImmune’s revenues to more than $1




> However, there are many reasons for caution. FluMistâ„¢



> (attenuated) influenza viruses that replicate in the nasopharynx of

the vaccine

> recipient. The most common side effects include " cough, runny

nose/nasal congestion,

> irritability, headaches, chills, muscle aches and fever > 100°

F. " [6] These

> symptoms are nearly identical to those the flu vaccine is designed

to prevent.

> [7]


> A cause for significant concern is the vaccine’s most


side effects:

> " runny nose " and " nasal congestion. " It has been documented that

the live

> viruses from the vaccine can be shed (and potentially spread into

the community)

> from recipient children for up to 21 days, [8] and even longer from


> [9] Viral shedding also puts breastfeeding infants at risk if the

mother has

> been given FluMistâ„¢. [10]


> In addition to shedding via nasal secretions, the virus can be


> through sneezing. What is the normal physiological response when an


> enters the nasal passages? A sneeze … sometimes a big sneeze


sometimes several

> big sneezes. Therefore, the risk for shedding--and spreading--live


> throughout a school, church, workplace or store--especially one

which is

> administering the vacciine.


> In the section of the FluMistâ„¢ package insert

labeled " PRECAUTIONS, " the

> manufacturer states the following warning:


> " FluMist™® recipients should avoid close contact with


> individuals for at least 21 days. "


> The warning is specifically directed toward those living in the


> household with an immunocompromised person, but the on-going

release of live viruses

> throughout the community may be a significant risk to everyone who

has a weak,

> or weakened, immune system.


> The number of immunocompromised people in the United States is



> * It is estimated that at least 10 percent, or more than 28


> people have eczema. [11]

> * More than 8.5 million people have cancer. [12]

> * There are reported to be 850,000 individuals with diagnosed


> undiagnosed HIV infection or AIDS [13]

> * Based on 2001 data, there were 184,000 organ recipients [14]


> An even more extensive list of at-risk people includes the untold

millions on

> drugs called corticosteroids. Prednisone®, Medrol®, and a


of similar

> medications given to both adults and children. These drugs are

prescribed for

> dozens of conditions including asthma, allergies, eczema,

emphysema, Crohn’s

> disease, multiple sclerosis, herniated spinal discs, acute muscular


> syndromes, and all types of rheumatoid and autoimmune diseases. As

much as 60

> percent of the entire population could be considered to

be " chemically

> immunosuppressed. " It is important to realize that FluMistâ„¢



> who are immunocompromised. People who receive FluMistâ„¢ and


living with an

> immunocompromised person put their loved ones at risk.


> Will this make stores that administer the vaccines--like Walmart

and the

> other pharmaceutical chain stores that have announced they will

carry FluMistâ„¢

> [15]--risky places to shhop for large segments of the population?

What measures

> will be taken in these stores to ensure that the virus will not


> commingled with food? What hand washing policy is going to be

enforced in the stores

> for all Walmart employees and customers who have received

FluMistâ„¢? These are

> reasonable questions that deserve answers.


> The target market for FluMistâ„¢ is " healthy children and


ages 5 to 49

> years. " Some believe that by vaccinating these people, a type

of " herd

> immunity " will occur that will protect the very young and the

elderly who are

> excluded from getting this vaccine. However, it is these very " at-

risk " populations

> who may suffer the most from the flu by being exposed to people who

are given

> FluMistâ„¢.


> According to information presented at the May 2003 National

Influenza Summit,

> [16] approximately 85 percent of Americans between the ages of 20

and 50 go

> unvaccinated, and nearly 66 percent between the ages of 50 and 64

do not

> receive the flu vaccine. Have there been " raging epidemics " across

the country due

> to lack of flu vaccinations? It appears that the massive campaign

to vaccinate

> everyone this year may be motivated, in part, by economics.


> The viruses suspected to be the most likely cause for the flu this


> were negligibly different from the strains used in last


flu vaccine.

> Therefore, the influenza vaccine produced for the 2003-2004 season

is identical in

> composition to the one used last year. This marks only the second

time that

> the same strains have been used during two consecutive flu seasons.


> Consider that antibodies from other viral vaccines--such as MMR,

polio and chickenpox

> vaccines--last at least three years, and in some instances, up to

15 years.

> If the virusess used in the vaccine are the same as last year, why

is this year’

> s vaccine even necessary?


> An even greater concern about FluMistâ„¢ is the contents within



> Each 0.5 ml of the formula contains 10 6.5-7.5 particles of live,


> influenza virus. That means that between 10 million and 100 million


> particles will be forcefully injected into the nostrils when

administered. The viral

> strain was developed by serial passage through " specific pathogen-

free primary

> chick kidney cells " and then grown in " specific pathogen-free

eggs. " That

> means that the culture media was free of pathogens that were

specifically tested

> for, but not a culture that was necessarily " pathogen-free. " The

risk that the

> vaccine may contain contaminant avian retroviruses still remains.


> addition, a stabilizing buffer containing potassium phosphate,

sucrose (table sugar)

> and nearly 0.5 mg of monosodium glutamate (MSG) is added to each

dose. [18]


> One of the most troubling concerns over the injection of

this " chemical soup "

> is the potential for the viruses to enter directly into the brain.

At the top

> of the nasal passages is a paper-thin bone called the cribriform

plate. The

> olfactory nerves pass through this bone and line the nasal

passages, carrying

> messenger molecules to the brain that are identified as " smells "

familiar to

> us. The olfactory tract has long been recognized as a direct

pathway to the

> brain. Intranasal injection of certain viruses has resulted in a

serious brain

> infection called encephalitis, presumably by direct infection of

the olfactory

> neurons that carried the viruses to the brain. [19] Time will tell

whether the

> live viruses in FluMistâ„¢ will become linked to cases of



> The pharmaceutical companies do not necessarily always do a

reasonable job of

> considering the " down side " when they are pushing new drugs or new


> FluMistâ„¢ has the potential for causing the worst, most severe



> seen in years. Parents tell their young children not to put things

up their noses

> because they might cause them harm. It would be wise to consider

that advice

> for adults. With all the risks involved, one should be extremely


> about what one allows to be sprayed in one’s nose.

> For Further Information


> Sherri Tenpenny, DO

> Website: www.nmaseminars.com

> Phone: 440-268-0897


> ://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2003-12-09-medimmune_x

> outbreak of flu in Colorado and other states has led to

> increased demand for flu shots. The two companies that make the

> traditional injection - Aventis and Chiron - have shipped their

> entire inventories, about 83 million doses. But if those supplies


> used up, demand for MedImmune's (MEDI) FluMist vaccine may grow. So

> far, however, sales of the product have been slow.

> >

> > While FluMist was expected to be a hit among the needle-shy, the

> company said in November that it had distributed only 400,000 doses

> of the spray, although it had made about 4 million.

> >

> > MedImmune spokeswoman Lacey says she cannot release new


> figures. But marketing partner Wyeth said it has had " increased

> interest " from customers in the past few days.

> >

> > The launch was hampered by several factors:

> >

> > . Wal-Mart decided not to offer the product, saying it wasn't sure

> pharmacists could dispense it.

> >

> > . It sells to doctors for $46 a dose, far more than the $8 to $12

> for the traditional vaccine. Most insurance companies don't cover

> FluMist, but MedImmune is offering a $25-per-dose rebate to


> >

> > . It is approved only for healthy patients ages 5 to 49.

> >

> > . It must be shipped and kept frozen. Shipping containers did not

> fit in many clinics' freezers.

> >

> > " There are not a lot of incentives for people who provide the

> vaccine, " says Webster of Webster Consulting, a Bethlehem,


> firm. " It's difficult to transport. You have to keep it frozen, and

> you can't make as big a profit on a $50 vaccine " as on a less

> expensive shot.

> >

> > But increased demand - along with a freezer distribution program

> underway by Wyeth - could help boost sales. Also, because the


> contains a live but weakened version of the virus, the company says

> it might prove more effective against this year's flu strain.

> >

> > Analyst Mark Schoenebaum of U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffray says the

> perception of increased demand for FluMist will probably help the

> stock, at least until the end of January when MedImmune reports its

> earnings.

> >

> > " If the company says they sold anywhere near 1 million doses, it

> would be a positive for the stock, " he says.

> >

> > But some others say FluMist may still face slow sales because of

> distribution problems and age limits on who can use the spray


> >

> > MedImmune shares fell to $23.30 in November on news of the slow

> shipments. They were trading at almost $40 in June. Shares closed


> $27.30 Tuesday.

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The reason the physicians have been suggestion that the

young as well as the old and health workers get the flu shot this year is

that, contrary to past years' experience, children in the U. S. have been

dying in this particular epidemic of the strains involved. This

information was broadcast rather widely starting about two weeks ago.

Pediatricians have been in the business of preventing fatal childhood

diseases since roughly the 1950s when polio was the main concern as a

common cause of crippling and killing of children, and was then abruptly

changed into mostly just an historical footnote subsequently in this


At 02:37 PM 12/13/2003, you wrote:

I have never said anything about

getting my kids the flu shot, but I was curious to know why the PED never

made the suggestion when we were there for annuals late November.






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How dangerous are vaccines, anyway?




Re: Flu Mist Vaccine campaign

The reason the physicians have been suggestion that the young as well as the old and health workers get the flu shot this year is that, contrary to past years' experience, children in the U. S. have been dying in this particular epidemic of the strains involved. This information was broadcast rather widely starting about two weeks ago. Pediatricians have been in the business of preventing fatal childhood diseases since roughly the 1950s when polio was the main concern as a common cause of crippling and killing of children, and was then abruptly changed into mostly just an historical footnote subsequently in this country.At 02:37 PM 12/13/2003, you wrote:

I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but I was curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were there for annuals late November. <snip>Bonnie<snip>

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Don't worry, Colin, you and your child probably won't die this time around. My wife and I, because we work around children, have received the vaccine, so we won't take it home with us from work. Still, I wish I cold get it for my son but supplies are low right now. This whose articles you cited below seems like a real crank.Thanks for today's chuckle.

A. Mulick, Ph.D.

Professor, Pediatrics & Psychology

The Ohio State University

Columbus Children's Hospital

700 Children's Drive. CHPB-4

Columbus, OH 43205-2696

[No institutional endorsement of message content implied]

-----Original Message-----From: Colin Wessels [mailto:CWessels@...] Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 12:08 AMautism Subject: Re: Flu Mist Vaccine campaign

How dangerous are vaccines, anyway?




Re: Flu Mist Vaccine campaign

The reason the physicians have been suggestion that the young as well as the old and health workers get the flu shot this year is that, contrary to past years' experience, children in the U. S. have been dying in this particular epidemic of the strains involved. This information was broadcast rather widely starting about two weeks ago. Pediatricians have been in the business of preventing fatal childhood diseases since roughly the 1950s when polio was the main concern as a common cause of crippling and killing of children, and was then abruptly changed into mostly just an historical footnote subsequently in this country.At 02:37 PM 12/13/2003, you wrote:

I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but I was curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were there for annuals late November. <snip>Bonnie<snip>

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I see nothing to " chuckle " about in her intrepretations of the Flu

Mist. The problems with it are documented on there web site and most

likely it is contributing to the current flu increase since everyone

who uses it will be a carrier for 21 days and increase the number of

people affected by that strain of the flu.



> I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but

I was

> curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were


> for annuals late November.


> <snip>

> Bonnie

> <snip>


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Did you miss the other aspects of 's articles? Tell me you really

think that the CDC would approve a vaccine that would increase the

number of infections. Please tell me. Because I really want to know.

A. Mulick, Ph.D.

Professor, Pediatrics & Psychology

The Ohio State University

Columbus Children's Hospital

700 Children's Drive. CHPB-4

Columbus, OH 43205-2696

[No institutional endorsement of message content implied]

Re: Flu Mist Vaccine campaign

I see nothing to " chuckle " about in her intrepretations of the Flu

Mist. The problems with it are documented on there web site and most

likely it is contributing to the current flu increase since everyone

who uses it will be a carrier for 21 days and increase the number of

people affected by that strain of the flu.



> I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but

I was

> curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were


> for annuals late November.


> <snip>

> Bonnie

> <snip>


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I will quote DIRECTLY from the FLU Mist WEB SITE


" Due to the possible transmission of vaccine virus, FluMist

recipients should avoid being in close (for example, within the same

household) contact with immunocompromised individuals for 3 weeks

following vaccination. "

In my honest opinion the very young, the very old, the chronically

sick, and anyone pregnant are all immunocompromised. Anyone who uses

FluMist should wear a sign warning those around him or her that they

could infect anyone with the flu for 21 days. This from someone with

a chronic sickness.

> >

> >

> > I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but

> I was

> > curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were

> there

> > for annuals late November.

> >

> > <snip>

> > Bonnie

> > <snip>

> >

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At 04:39 PM 12/15/2003, Chuck wrote:

> " Due to the possible transmission of vaccine virus, FluMist recipients

>should avoid being in close (for example, within the same household)

>contact with immunocompromised individuals for 3 weeks following vaccination. "

Perhaps it should be mandatory then that anyone receiving this vaccine be

1) a member of a household in which everyone's received the vaccine

2) given a leave of absence from work for 3 weeks following vaccination

Come to think of it, doesn't this mean that ppl in certain occupations e.g.

medical, education shouldn't be allowed back to work until they are shown

to be non-contagious? Nah, can't be. I must be misunderstanding. After all,

nurses, doctors, schoolteachers and etc. wouldn't go to work knowing they

are carrying a potentially dangerous disease, right? Therefore they can't

vaccinate (this way) or have to take 3 weeks off of work if they do chose to.

Marty Landman


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Actually Mr. Landman, you sound very intelligent and insightful.

However, you would be to late the CDC has already said so,

" Can contacts of people with weakened immune systems get the nasal-

spray flu vaccine (LAIV)?

Use of inactivated influenza vaccine (the flu shot) is preferred for

vaccinating household members, health-care workers, and others who

have close contact with people who have weakened immune systems

because of the theoretical risk that a vaccine virus could be

transmitted and cause illness. Otherwise, either inactivated vaccine

or the nasal-spray flu vaccine can be used for healthy people between

the ages of 5 and 49 years who are in close contact with other people

at high risk for flu-related complication (for example, people with

heart disease who are not on medications that could weaken the immune

system). Updated Dec 10, 2003 "


Given CDC recommendation, people who use FluMist should be given a

three week leave from work, without pay. It isn't the employers fault

that employees act irresponsibly during their off hours and go

against CDC guidelines. So the employer shouldn't be fined. This

would probably save strapped hospitals and school systems millions

for unpaid leave.

> Perhaps it should be mandatory then that anyone receiving this

vaccine be


> 1) a member of a household in which everyone's received the vaccine

> 2) given a leave of absence from work for 3 weeks following



> Come to think of it, doesn't this mean that ppl in certain

occupations e.g.

> medical, education shouldn't be allowed back to work until they are


> to be non-contagious? Nah, can't be. I must be misunderstanding.

After all,

> nurses, doctors, schoolteachers and etc. wouldn't go to work

knowing they

> are carrying a potentially dangerous disease, right? Therefore they


> vaccinate (this way) or have to take 3 weeks off of work if they do

chose to.


> Marty Landman

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I do not personally know but I am cynical enough to believe if there is

enough money involved they would not care.


----- Original Message -----

From: " james A. Mulick " <mulick.1@...>

> Did you miss the other aspects of 's articles? Tell me you really

> think that the CDC would approve a vaccine that would increase the

> number of infections. Please tell me. Because I really want to know.


> A. Mulick, Ph.D.

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The flu mist is an attenuated form of the virus that immunizes by, at

worst, giving you a very mils case of the disease. That is how many live

virus vaccines work, whether inhaled or not.

A. Mulick, Ph.D.

Professor, Pediatrics & Psychology

The Ohio State University

Columbus Children's Hospital

700 Children's Drive. CHPB-4

Columbus, OH 43205-2696

[No institutional endorsement of message content implied]

Re: Flu Mist Vaccine campaign

I will quote DIRECTLY from the FLU Mist WEB SITE


" Due to the possible transmission of vaccine virus, FluMist

recipients should avoid being in close (for example, within the same

household) contact with immunocompromised individuals for 3 weeks

following vaccination. "

In my honest opinion the very young, the very old, the chronically

sick, and anyone pregnant are all immunocompromised. Anyone who uses

FluMist should wear a sign warning those around him or her that they

could infect anyone with the flu for 21 days. This from someone with

a chronic sickness.

> >

> >

> > I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but

> I was

> > curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were

> there

> > for annuals late November.

> >

> > <snip>

> > Bonnie

> > <snip>

> >

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A. Mulick, Ph.D.

Professor, Pediatrics & Psychology

The Ohio State University

Columbus Children's Hospital

700 Children's Drive. CHPB-4

Columbus, OH 43205-2696

[No institutional endorsement of message content implied]

Re: Flu Mist Vaccine campaign

I will quote DIRECTLY from the FLU Mist WEB SITE


" Due to the possible transmission of vaccine virus, FluMist

recipients should avoid being in close (for example, within the same

household) contact with immunocompromised individuals for 3 weeks

following vaccination. "

In my honest opinion the very young, the very old, the chronically

sick, and anyone pregnant are all immunocompromised. Anyone who uses

FluMist should wear a sign warning those around him or her that they

could infect anyone with the flu for 21 days. This from someone with

a chronic sickness.

> >

> >

> > I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but

> I was

> > curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were

> there

> > for annuals late November.

> >

> > <snip>

> > Bonnie

> > <snip>

> >

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A. Mulick, Ph.D.

Professor, Pediatrics & Psychology

The Ohio State University

Columbus Children's Hospital

700 Children's Drive. CHPB-4

Columbus, OH 43205-2696

[No institutional endorsement of message content implied]

Re: Flu Mist Vaccine campaign

I will quote DIRECTLY from the FLU Mist WEB SITE


" Due to the possible transmission of vaccine virus, FluMist

recipients should avoid being in close (for example, within the same

household) contact with immunocompromised individuals for 3 weeks

following vaccination. "

In my honest opinion the very young, the very old, the chronically

sick, and anyone pregnant are all immunocompromised. Anyone who uses

FluMist should wear a sign warning those around him or her that they

could infect anyone with the flu for 21 days. This from someone with

a chronic sickness.

> >

> >

> > I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but

> I was

> > curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were

> there

> > for annuals late November.

> >

> > <snip>

> > Bonnie

> > <snip>

> >

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A. Mulick, Ph.D.

Professor, Pediatrics & Psychology

The Ohio State University

Columbus Children's Hospital

700 Children's Drive. CHPB-4

Columbus, OH 43205-2696

[No institutional endorsement of message content implied]

Re: Flu Mist Vaccine campaign

I will quote DIRECTLY from the FLU Mist WEB SITE


" Due to the possible transmission of vaccine virus, FluMist

recipients should avoid being in close (for example, within the same

household) contact with immunocompromised individuals for 3 weeks

following vaccination. "

In my honest opinion the very young, the very old, the chronically

sick, and anyone pregnant are all immunocompromised. Anyone who uses

FluMist should wear a sign warning those around him or her that they

could infect anyone with the flu for 21 days. This from someone with

a chronic sickness.

> >

> >

> > I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but

> I was

> > curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were

> there

> > for annuals late November.

> >

> > <snip>

> > Bonnie

> > <snip>

> >

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A. Mulick, Ph.D.

Professor, Pediatrics & Psychology

The Ohio State University

Columbus Children's Hospital

700 Children's Drive. CHPB-4

Columbus, OH 43205-2696

[No institutional endorsement of message content implied]

Re: Flu Mist Vaccine campaign

I will quote DIRECTLY from the FLU Mist WEB SITE


" Due to the possible transmission of vaccine virus, FluMist

recipients should avoid being in close (for example, within the same

household) contact with immunocompromised individuals for 3 weeks

following vaccination. "

In my honest opinion the very young, the very old, the chronically

sick, and anyone pregnant are all immunocompromised. Anyone who uses

FluMist should wear a sign warning those around him or her that they

could infect anyone with the flu for 21 days. This from someone with

a chronic sickness.

> >

> >

> > I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but

> I was

> > curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were

> there

> > for annuals late November.

> >

> > <snip>

> > Bonnie

> > <snip>

> >

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A. Mulick, Ph.D.

Professor, Pediatrics & Psychology

The Ohio State University

Columbus Children's Hospital

700 Children's Drive. CHPB-4

Columbus, OH 43205-2696

[No institutional endorsement of message content implied]

Re: Flu Mist Vaccine campaign

I will quote DIRECTLY from the FLU Mist WEB SITE


" Due to the possible transmission of vaccine virus, FluMist

recipients should avoid being in close (for example, within the same

household) contact with immunocompromised individuals for 3 weeks

following vaccination. "

In my honest opinion the very young, the very old, the chronically

sick, and anyone pregnant are all immunocompromised. Anyone who uses

FluMist should wear a sign warning those around him or her that they

could infect anyone with the flu for 21 days. This from someone with

a chronic sickness.

> >

> >

> > I have never said anything about getting my kids the flu shot, but

> I was

> > curious to know why the PED never made the suggestion when we were

> there

> > for annuals late November.

> >

> > <snip>

> > Bonnie

> > <snip>

> >

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