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Re: JOHN__

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try live on mres all summer I used to work wild land fire well still do just not on the line unless there are close fires since I am married and have a 6 month old but you what lots of mre's and if those who fought to save our country the true solders the ones here defending our country the firefighters can eat them then those who luxury house got hurt can eat thyme.

Re: JOHN__

Hello Helen

A pod is a FEMA Point of Distribution. Basically they set up a number of sites where you're expected to line up for a bag of ice, drinking water and a box of MRE's. Kroger is also setting up sites where they're handing out bags of ice and drinking water for free. I don't know if the people in the mansions are bothering to line up at the POD's but that one POD being in the middle of a very rich neighborhood is just unbelievable.

MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) were developed for the armed forces, they're prepared food that do not need to be refrigerated and they don't need to be rehydrated like freeze dried foods. They're supposed to be actually very good, probably better than those frozen dinners. Then again a Banquet frozen dinner costs about 90 cents while a MRE with side and dessert costs about 3 dollars. Still it's tempting to buy some. Of course, I could just go out and line up for a box of twelve meals. My sister buys them because of the earthquakes in Hawaii and mixes them in with their regular food so that they don't have any older than two years old.

I'm sure that distributing the supplies is a good thing but it does upset me that people aren't able to do without for a longer period of time. When we were children, my mother would talk the butcher into giving her the scrap meat for free and would make buns out of flour and yeast, that way all they had to buy was the flour. During the summer, my mother would have a huge vegetable garden and during the fall we had to help harvest the vegetables. She would purchase eggs from the Hutterites because they would be much less expensive and they would be fresh, once she bought a chicken and butchered it herself. I'm certain that having had to do with so little is what makes me so mad with the lines of SUV's with obviously well fed people collecting the emergency goods, that and when they complain about how little it is. I'm certain that my mother could've made those twelve MRE meals last a month with a family of five and probably has with less yet they had that lady on TV complaining about those twelve meals not being enough for her family of four for more than a day.


On Sep 17, 2008, at 9:07 PM, angelbear1129aol wrote:

, what is a POD??? I figured out MREs are food boxes...

Are the mansions getting these food boxes too??? If so, unbelievable.

I buy something extra every week when I get grocery's and keep my pantry as full as I can, its just the fear of being with out food I guess... When I was little and after my Mom died, there was 6 of us kids and me being second oldest at the ripe old age of 9 had to take care of all the baby's and little ones, sometimes my Dad wouldn't come home for days on end and we had no food in the house, luckily the 2 baby's went to live at our gramas and the other 4 of us ( 5,8,9,10yrs old) would get to eat lunch at school, we had to work in the cafeteria to get it free, I worked 2 shifts cause I didn't think my little 5yr old sister was big enough to do that heavy work and they allowed it... The weekends were a little more harder, but if it was springtime we ate dandelion greens and if the chickens were laying we had eggs... When our Uncle was in town from driving truck he would stop in and check on us and he always would bring us a bag of groceries, so I guess all in all we were ok, it was just when the pantry was totally empty and being kids with no adult around we got pretty scared at times... Sorry for going down memory lane, but I think if people really put their minds to it they could survive on their own more than they think, its usually just the fear of being with out... Just my Opinion! :o)

((( Caring Hugs )))Helen

"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."

Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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it was rental property so the land lords insurance pays for his building that is it nothing else and the cost of rental insurance would be way to high and carding to the investigator who did the investigation for the landlords insurance even if I had rental insurance there is 90% chance they would not pay he said they might not even pay the landlord because the building was miss wired sure I could sue him but it would have to go back to the previous owner who built them and it would drag out for ever

Re: JOHN__

Hello Dave

Didn't your home insurance cover the hotel bills when your house burned down? Usually most home insurance policies will cover temporary accommodations, of course you'll still be out of pocket till the claims are approved. Some insurance companies even have response teams that will come out to help with the recovery, these are services to enhance the marketability of their insurance products.

One rational for the government response has always been that private insurance companies can be overwhelmed by a disaster that affects so many of their customers hence many people would not get the assistance that they would've had had the disaster only affected them rather than so many.

Indeed, FEMA benefits require that you first exhaust all other avenues of assistance such as insurance and disaster loans. Actually very little of what the government "gives" is "free", search and rescue costs are invoiced to the survivors rescued though often that goes unpaid, only half of the foreign aid that the US government promises to other nations is ever paid out because the government puts numerous unrelated requirements to the funds given, stipulations such as requiring the foreign nation to cease distributing condoms before receiving foreign aid or to allow more visas for christian missionaries. The same is true with research grants, it's common in academia to say that the money comes in all colours meaning that each grant has numerous stipulations as to how and what the money can be spent on. The public never hears about this, they only hear about how our leaders have generously promised X amount of relief in dollars to a disaster. The altruism of our society is truly just a facade.


On Sep 16, 2008, at 2:44 AM, Dave Fales wrote:

yea but they have pplaces to go they have places that feed them they have funds to help them rebuild go tyhrough what i did there is none of thst your on your own end of sotry

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

How is it there now??? Have you been able to go back to work yet??? Keep us posted when ya can...

((( Caring Hugs )))Helen

"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators.

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Hi ,

Glad things are getting back to normal somewhat... You getting so tired out is not good, glad your going to the Dr. this week... I still can't imagine the devastation down there... There's not much on the news about it anymore... Just like Katrina, here and gone, hope their still getting help for those that need it...

Maybe all those folks running generators don't know about being able to hook them up to gas lines, or don't have the knowledge to do so... My Dad had a generator at his house and he knew all about them, he worked construction his whole life and welding...

Take care keep us updated on how things are going... Hope all goes well at your Dr's. appt..

((( Caring Hugs )))Helen

Hello Helen

Things are starting to return to normal, whatever that is. I've checked with the people that I know, one got flooded out, one had her chimney ripped out and one had two windows blown in.

Officially, the office reopened last Thursday, of course I was in on Tuesday and Wednesday as well fixing the mess that they did on Monday. I asked why did they come in on Monday, it was because they had no power at home so they came in to the office to be in the air-conditioning. I guess they didn't come in on Tuesday and Wednesday because they had created all that work for me to begin with. The traffic was horrible last week because of all the traffic lights being out with Wednesday being the worse but it looks like the traffic has almost returned to normal. Gas stations are still a problem with people filling their SUV's and filling numerous gas cans for their generators, why they don't just run the generators off their natural gas line is beyond me. Pretty much all gasoline powered generators also come in a tri-fuel configuration and you can usually get a tri-fuel conversion kit from the manufacturer (the conversion is basically drilling a hole and sticking a pipe in). Seems a lot safer to me if you run the generator off the natural gas line so you don't have to keep trying to find and get gas and don't have to worry about spilling gas onto a hot engine. The traffic seems to be better today, still slower than normal but not as crowded as normal, if that makes any sense. I was meaning to take the bus but I usually stock some cans of diet coke in my desk so that I wouldn't be tempted by the vending machine and I had to bring in another case so driving made sense for today but given how tired I get, I don't like having to drive such long distances. Tomorrow, I have another Dr's appointment so I'll have to drive tomorrow as well, but I'll try and take the bus on Wed. and Thurs.


"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators.

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Hello HelenThings are starting to return to normal, whatever that is.   I've checked with the people that I know, one got flooded out, one had her chimney ripped out and one had two windows blown in.Officially, the office reopened last Thursday, of course I was in on Tuesday and Wednesday as well fixing the mess that they did on Monday.   I asked why did they come in on Monday, it was because they had no power at home so they came in to the office to be in the air-conditioning.   I guess they didn't come in on Tuesday and Wednesday because they had created all that work for me to begin with.   The traffic was horrible last week because of all the traffic lights being out with Wednesday being the worse but it looks like the traffic has almost returned to normal.   Gas stations are still a problem with people filling their SUV's and filling numerous gas cans for their generators, why they don't just run the generators off their natural gas line is beyond me.   Pretty much all gasoline powered generators also come in a tri-fuel configuration and you can usually get a tri-fuel conversion kit from the manufacturer (the conversion is basically drilling a hole and sticking a pipe in).   Seems a lot safer to me if you run the generator off the natural gas line so you don't have to keep trying to find and get gas and don't have to worry about spilling gas onto a hot engine.   The traffic seems to be better today, still slower than normal but not as crowded as normal, if that makes any sense.   I was meaning to take the bus but I usually stock some cans of diet coke in my desk so that I wouldn't be tempted by the vending machine and I had to bring in another case so driving made sense for today but given how tired I get, I don't like having to drive such long distances.   Tomorrow, I have another Dr's appointment so I'll have to drive tomorrow as well, but I'll try and take the bus on Wed. and Thurs.Regards,On Sep 28, 2008, at 7:51 PM, angelbear1129@... wrote:Hi ,  How is it there now???  Have you been able to go back to work yet???  Keep us posted when ya can...((( Caring Hugs )))Helen   "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators.

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