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Re: JOHN__

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Hello HelenYeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged.   Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in.   I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties.  Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up.   So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage.   He left them out for the last tropical storm too.   The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too.   I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while.   I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out).   The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in.    I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full.   The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain.   I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power.   I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light.   They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks.   If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them.   I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away.   I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system.   I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.houstonhidefromthewind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones.   The radar is showing the outer bands now.The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all.   I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the hand crank weather radio.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 11:00 AM, angelbear1129@... wrote:Hi ,  I hope you were able to get your meds, it may be a while before your able to get out and get them afterwards...  I do remember how hard it was in getting your meds last time there on time...  Its great you were able to get your own home...  Is your house up on stilts or are you far enough away from the gulf that its not necessary...  I see this morning that its already flooding on the coast line there...  Yes, people will take advantage of you for money, please do be careful, sounds like you have a soft heart so beware...  The litter robot looks like something that is in space, never seen anything like it...  We got the coupons too and already got the converters as the coupons are only good for so long before they expire then they are worthless. Our news told people on tv to hang onto the expired coupons as so many people didn't realize they had a time limit on them and some just couldn't get one before they expired cause here they get sold out as fast as they come in, and just Maybe the government may do something about it later for them...     Hope you have enough non perishables to get through...  Let us know how you do, will be waiting to hear that you are safe!((( Calming Hugs )))Helen      Hello HelenYeah, I'm riding it out.   The forecast track is right through Houston on the east side.   There's still another day to go so if there's any more changes to the east in the forecast we should be in the clear.   I feel better about this over Rita simply because I'm in a much stronger house now but the forecasts are shifting much slower than with Rita.   During Rita, the roof directly over my bedroom had been damaged by wind storms the year before and had obvious water damage to the structure, the repairs left a noticeable dip in the roof so I didn't feel it was safe to ride it out, I rode it out anyway because all the streets gridlocked.   Since that apartment complex wanted me out so they could renovate the apartment, I figured that I might as well buy a house if I was going to have to move so now I'm in a pretty good house up in the far NW of town, the winds should die down to about 75 mph by the time it gets way out here.   It's also possible to leave the city by the backroads from here.The house is officially in the countryside (US post considers it a rural address) but it's in a subdivision and being on a fake lake, it's kinda like having two front yards, three since I have lake on two sides.  I often think that maybe I should've gone a few more miles out and be in the real country, then I could've tried to make my own fake lake.   There's a Walmart right around the corner and so is the last metro park and ride so this is as far out as you can get and still have some semblance of public transportation but it costs as much as the gas required to drive into town and it takes ten to twenty minutes longer.   They're talking about putting in commuter rail on the heavy rail tracks here, you can hear the freight trains with their whistles at night.   There's also a Buffalo Wild Wings which actually still serves their hamburgers rare, all the ones in town cook them well done for health reasons, because of this BWW, the Mcs, the Lubys and the Denny's, it's considered the culinary center of this rural area.When I first brought the cats here, one wouldn't come out of the car, when I finally got him out, he found the master bathroom and refused to come out of the bathroom.The Litter Robot is expensive but it's worth it.   I found it when I went to Amazon.com to buy a replacement Litter Maid and the reviews for the Litter Maid was mixed but there was nothing but glowing reviews for the Litter Robot, I didn't buy it from Amazon though, I bought it direct from Litter Robot because then the warranty is a full three months.I don't have TV anymore, the cable signal was really weak and cable service is expensive with really bad customer service plus they stopped the ebills when the service got transferred and then cut me off when I didn't pay even though I told them they had to ebill me if they wanted to be paid, their cable box didn't always change to the right channel anyway.   ATT says they can provide their TV out here but apparently the contractors laid out the wiring in the neighborhood wrong such that the signal is too weak so I'm watching the news broadcasts over the Internet now.  I've sent out for those DTV converter box coupons from the government.   I wonder what the homeowners association will say about a rooftop aerial, everybody else has dish antennas. I don't have all of my meds with me so I'll have to do without Lotrel during the next few days while the storm stuff sorts itself out, it'll probably be too hard to try and get some tomorrow especially since they'll be switching all lanes to outbound only this evening.   Forgot to take my morning meds this morning too.   Of course the med situation was almost worse during Rita cause the meds didn't arrive till the day before the storm so I almost went without all the meds.A girl that I had been seeing was freaking out today because her mom lives on the coast and her mom's friend who was supposed to pick her up to evacuate evacuated without her so she needed gas to try and pick her mom up.   Her truck is a gas guzzler because she hasn't been maintaining it,  I said that if I got out of work early, maybe we could drive there to pick her up if the police would let us into the coastal areas.   She kept calling and calling, basically she wanted the gas money and to try in a Chevy Tahoe instead.   I think in general she's been more or less milking me for money anyway (there's always some reason for her needing money every time she calls) and thought it was a bit suspicious that she didn't want me to drive out to pick up her mom after work (we got out at noon after we shut the systems down and bagged all the computers), but I scraped together the money for her.  Don't know how I'll make up for that money but that's a problem for another day.Back with Rita, it was the girl who looks after my cats that needed money for evacuation but I've known her longer and trust her more plus I had more cash on hand during Rita.They're forecasting high temperatures after the Hurricane so if we loose power, I'll have to find that Frio pack some where in my moving boxes to try and keep the insulin cool.   I'll try and bag some ice tonight so that i can keep a cooler cool if we loose power.   CHF patients are supposed to stay in AC at all times anyway so I might just have to relocate if the power goes out.   During Rita, the power went out for 13 hours the day after the storm.In some ways, I was more prepared for Rita (my stuff wasn't in boxes, had kerosene for the hurricane lamp, candles, bottled water, charcoal briquets and a rusty old BBQ, extra gas in gas cans, extra money) but I'm probably safer this time around.Regards, "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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Hello HelenYeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged.   Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in.   I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties.  Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up.   So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage.   He left them out for the last tropical storm too.   The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too.   I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while.   I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out).   The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in.    I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full.   The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain.   I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power.   I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light.   They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks.   If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them.   I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away.   I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system.   I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.houstonhidefromthewind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones.   The radar is showing the outer bands now.The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all.   I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the hand crank weather radio.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 11:00 AM, angelbear1129@... wrote:Hi ,  I hope you were able to get your meds, it may be a while before your able to get out and get them afterwards...  I do remember how hard it was in getting your meds last time there on time...  Its great you were able to get your own home...  Is your house up on stilts or are you far enough away from the gulf that its not necessary...  I see this morning that its already flooding on the coast line there...  Yes, people will take advantage of you for money, please do be careful, sounds like you have a soft heart so beware...  The litter robot looks like something that is in space, never seen anything like it...  We got the coupons too and already got the converters as the coupons are only good for so long before they expire then they are worthless. Our news told people on tv to hang onto the expired coupons as so many people didn't realize they had a time limit on them and some just couldn't get one before they expired cause here they get sold out as fast as they come in, and just Maybe the government may do something about it later for them...     Hope you have enough non perishables to get through...  Let us know how you do, will be waiting to hear that you are safe!((( Calming Hugs )))Helen      Hello HelenYeah, I'm riding it out.   The forecast track is right through Houston on the east side.   There's still another day to go so if there's any more changes to the east in the forecast we should be in the clear.   I feel better about this over Rita simply because I'm in a much stronger house now but the forecasts are shifting much slower than with Rita.   During Rita, the roof directly over my bedroom had been damaged by wind storms the year before and had obvious water damage to the structure, the repairs left a noticeable dip in the roof so I didn't feel it was safe to ride it out, I rode it out anyway because all the streets gridlocked.   Since that apartment complex wanted me out so they could renovate the apartment, I figured that I might as well buy a house if I was going to have to move so now I'm in a pretty good house up in the far NW of town, the winds should die down to about 75 mph by the time it gets way out here.   It's also possible to leave the city by the backroads from here.The house is officially in the countryside (US post considers it a rural address) but it's in a subdivision and being on a fake lake, it's kinda like having two front yards, three since I have lake on two sides.  I often think that maybe I should've gone a few more miles out and be in the real country, then I could've tried to make my own fake lake.   There's a Walmart right around the corner and so is the last metro park and ride so this is as far out as you can get and still have some semblance of public transportation but it costs as much as the gas required to drive into town and it takes ten to twenty minutes longer.   They're talking about putting in commuter rail on the heavy rail tracks here, you can hear the freight trains with their whistles at night.   There's also a Buffalo Wild Wings which actually still serves their hamburgers rare, all the ones in town cook them well done for health reasons, because of this BWW, the Mcs, the Lubys and the Denny's, it's considered the culinary center of this rural area.When I first brought the cats here, one wouldn't come out of the car, when I finally got him out, he found the master bathroom and refused to come out of the bathroom.The Litter Robot is expensive but it's worth it.   I found it when I went to Amazon.com to buy a replacement Litter Maid and the reviews for the Litter Maid was mixed but there was nothing but glowing reviews for the Litter Robot, I didn't buy it from Amazon though, I bought it direct from Litter Robot because then the warranty is a full three months.I don't have TV anymore, the cable signal was really weak and cable service is expensive with really bad customer service plus they stopped the ebills when the service got transferred and then cut me off when I didn't pay even though I told them they had to ebill me if they wanted to be paid, their cable box didn't always change to the right channel anyway.   ATT says they can provide their TV out here but apparently the contractors laid out the wiring in the neighborhood wrong such that the signal is too weak so I'm watching the news broadcasts over the Internet now.  I've sent out for those DTV converter box coupons from the government.   I wonder what the homeowners association will say about a rooftop aerial, everybody else has dish antennas. I don't have all of my meds with me so I'll have to do without Lotrel during the next few days while the storm stuff sorts itself out, it'll probably be too hard to try and get some tomorrow especially since they'll be switching all lanes to outbound only this evening.   Forgot to take my morning meds this morning too.   Of course the med situation was almost worse during Rita cause the meds didn't arrive till the day before the storm so I almost went without all the meds.A girl that I had been seeing was freaking out today because her mom lives on the coast and her mom's friend who was supposed to pick her up to evacuate evacuated without her so she needed gas to try and pick her mom up.   Her truck is a gas guzzler because she hasn't been maintaining it,  I said that if I got out of work early, maybe we could drive there to pick her up if the police would let us into the coastal areas.   She kept calling and calling, basically she wanted the gas money and to try in a Chevy Tahoe instead.   I think in general she's been more or less milking me for money anyway (there's always some reason for her needing money every time she calls) and thought it was a bit suspicious that she didn't want me to drive out to pick up her mom after work (we got out at noon after we shut the systems down and bagged all the computers), but I scraped together the money for her.  Don't know how I'll make up for that money but that's a problem for another day.Back with Rita, it was the girl who looks after my cats that needed money for evacuation but I've known her longer and trust her more plus I had more cash on hand during Rita.They're forecasting high temperatures after the Hurricane so if we loose power, I'll have to find that Frio pack some where in my moving boxes to try and keep the insulin cool.   I'll try and bag some ice tonight so that i can keep a cooler cool if we loose power.   CHF patients are supposed to stay in AC at all times anyway so I might just have to relocate if the power goes out.   During Rita, the power went out for 13 hours the day after the storm.In some ways, I was more prepared for Rita (my stuff wasn't in boxes, had kerosene for the hurricane lamp, candles, bottled water, charcoal briquets and a rusty old BBQ, extra gas in gas cans, extra money) but I'm probably safer this time around.Regards, "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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They say that the police, fire and paramedic services are to be cut

off in a couple of hours, as soon as the winds get up to 30 mph

downtown, 911 will still be staffed but calls will just go into a

queue for response after the storm. The chron.com site has a photo

of the beach houses being flooded with one on fire.


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They say that the police, fire and paramedic services are to be cut

off in a couple of hours, as soon as the winds get up to 30 mph

downtown, 911 will still be staffed but calls will just go into a

queue for response after the storm. The chron.com site has a photo

of the beach houses being flooded with one on fire.


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They say that the police, fire and paramedic services are to be cut

off in a couple of hours, as soon as the winds get up to 30 mph

downtown, 911 will still be staffed but calls will just go into a

queue for response after the storm. The chron.com site has a photo

of the beach houses being flooded with one on fire.


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Hi ,I just read your email......you really seem prepared. I was going to tell youthat on the news last night (Dallas news) they had gone around to some of the hotels and they said most were all booked already......and that's all theway up here by Dallas. I could see San /Austin being booked, but I wasreally shocked to see that up here. So you would probably have a difficult timefinding a hotel if it came to that. But they have also set up a lot of shelters,huge shelters for the people coming up with nowhere to go. Hopefully thingswon't be as bad as they think and since you're on the "good" side of the stormmaybe you won't get all the flooding and power outages. I've been amazedat the support

that they have been sending down that way from up here. Theyhad school buses that left early in the week to help evacuate and I believe workersfrom the power company are sitting in San waiting for the storm to passso they're closer and can get down there and get to work as soon as they're able.Someone seems to have their act together this time and hopefully with all thehelp ready and waiting, services will get restored a lot more quickly. I thinkyou're a brave soul for riding this out. But when you have pets it's so difficultto leave. I have a dog, and I remember Katrina. When they were trying to rescuepeople and the people were refusing to leave their pets.....it was just tragic. Of course they have passed a law that they do have to rescue the pets also now andI was glad to see that happen. I would never leave my dog, we're a package deal!!!I wish you the best

and I look forward to seeing you post when you're able. Take Care, B. in TEXAS Re: JOHN__

Hello HelenYeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged. Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in. I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties. Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up. So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my

neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage. He left them out for the last tropical storm too. The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too. I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while. I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out). The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps

so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in. I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full. The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain. I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power. I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light. They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks. If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll

have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them. I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away. I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system. I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.houstonhidefromthew ind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones. The radar is showing the outer bands now.The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all. I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the

hand crank weather radio.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 11:00 AM, angelbear1129@ aol.com wrote:Hi , I hope you were able to get your meds, it may be a while before your able to get out and get them

afterwards.. . I do remember how hard it was in getting your meds last time there on time... Its great you were able to get your own home... Is your house up on stilts or are you far enough away from the gulf that its not necessary... I see this morning that its already flooding on the coast line there... Yes, people will take advantage of you for money, please do be careful, sounds like you have a soft heart so beware... The litter robot looks like something that is in space, never seen anything like it... We got the coupons too and already got the converters as the coupons are only good for so long before they expire then they are worthless. Our news told people on tv to hang onto the expired coupons as so many people didn't realize they had a time limit on them and some just couldn't get one

before they expired cause here they get sold out as fast as they come in, and just Maybe the government may do something about it later for them... Hope you have enough non perishables to get through... Let us know how you do, will be waiting to hear that you are safe!((( Calming Hugs )))Helen Hello HelenYeah, I'm riding it out. The forecast track is right through Houston on the east side. There's still another day to go so if there's any more changes to the east in the forecast we should be in the clear. I feel better about this over Rita simply because I'm in a much stronger house now but the forecasts are shifting much

slower than with Rita. During Rita, the roof directly over my bedroom had been damaged by wind storms the year before and had obvious water damage to the structure, the repairs left a noticeable dip in the roof so I didn't feel it was safe to ride it out, I rode it out anyway because all the streets gridlocked. Since that apartment complex wanted me out so they could renovate the apartment, I figured that I might as well buy a house if I was going to have to move so now I'm in a pretty good house up in the far NW of town, the winds should die down to about 75 mph by the time it gets way out here. It's also possible to leave the city by the backroads from here.The house is officially in the countryside (US post considers it a rural address) but it's in a subdivision and being on a fake lake, it's kinda like having two front yards, three since I have lake on two sides. I often think that maybe I

should've gone a few more miles out and be in the real country, then I could've tried to make my own fake lake. There's a Walmart right around the corner and so is the last metro park and ride so this is as far out as you can get and still have some semblance of public transportation but it costs as much as the gas required to drive into town and it takes ten to twenty minutes longer. They're talking about putting in commuter rail on the heavy rail tracks here, you can hear the freight trains with their whistles at night. There's also a Buffalo Wild Wings which actually still serves their hamburgers rare, all the ones in town cook them well done for health reasons, because of this BWW, the Mcs, the Lubys and the Denny's, it's considered the culinary center of this rural area.When I first brought the cats here, one wouldn't come out of the car, when I finally got him out,

he found the master bathroom and refused to come out of the bathroom.The Litter Robot is expensive but it's worth it. I found it when I went to Amazon.com to buy a replacement Litter Maid and the reviews for the Litter Maid was mixed but there was nothing but glowing reviews for the Litter Robot, I didn't buy it from Amazon though, I bought it direct from Litter Robot because then the warranty is a full three months.I don't have TV anymore, the cable signal was really weak and cable service is expensive with really bad customer service plus they stopped the ebills when the service got transferred and then cut me off when I didn't pay even though I told them they had to ebill me if they wanted to be paid, their cable box didn't always change to the right channel anyway. ATT says they can provide their TV out here but apparently the contractors laid out the wiring in the neighborhood wrong

such that the signal is too weak so I'm watching the news broadcasts over the Internet now. I've sent out for those DTV converter box coupons from the government. I wonder what the homeowners association will say about a rooftop aerial, everybody else has dish antennas. I don't have all of my meds with me so I'll have to do without Lotrel during the next few days while the storm stuff sorts itself out, it'll probably be too hard to try and get some tomorrow especially since they'll be switching all lanes to outbound only this evening. Forgot to take my morning meds this morning too. Of course the med situation was almost worse during Rita cause the meds didn't arrive till the day before the storm so I almost went without all the meds.A girl that I had been seeing was freaking out today because her mom lives on the coast and her mom's friend who was supposed to pick her

up to evacuate evacuated without her so she needed gas to try and pick her mom up. Her truck is a gas guzzler because she hasn't been maintaining it, I said that if I got out of work early, maybe we could drive there to pick her up if the police would let us into the coastal areas. She kept calling and calling, basically she wanted the gas money and to try in a Chevy Tahoe instead. I think in general she's been more or less milking me for money anyway (there's always some reason for her needing money every time she calls) and thought it was a bit suspicious that she didn't want me to drive out to pick up her mom after work (we got out at noon after we shut the systems down and bagged all the computers), but I scraped together the money for her. Don't know how I'll make up for that money but that's a problem for another day.Back with Rita, it was the girl who looks after my cats that needed money

for evacuation but I've known her longer and trust her more plus I had more cash on hand during Rita.They're forecasting high temperatures after the Hurricane so if we loose power, I'll have to find that Frio pack some where in my moving boxes to try and keep the insulin cool. I'll try and bag some ice tonight so that i can keep a cooler cool if we loose power. CHF patients are supposed to stay in AC at all times anyway so I might just have to relocate if the power goes out. During Rita, the power went out for 13 hours the day after the storm.In some ways, I was more prepared for Rita (my stuff wasn't in boxes, had kerosene for the hurricane lamp, candles, bottled water, charcoal briquets and a rusty old BBQ, extra gas in gas cans, extra money) but I'm probably safer this time around.Regards, "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at


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Hi ,I just read your email......you really seem prepared. I was going to tell youthat on the news last night (Dallas news) they had gone around to some of the hotels and they said most were all booked already......and that's all theway up here by Dallas. I could see San /Austin being booked, but I wasreally shocked to see that up here. So you would probably have a difficult timefinding a hotel if it came to that. But they have also set up a lot of shelters,huge shelters for the people coming up with nowhere to go. Hopefully thingswon't be as bad as they think and since you're on the "good" side of the stormmaybe you won't get all the flooding and power outages. I've been amazedat the support

that they have been sending down that way from up here. Theyhad school buses that left early in the week to help evacuate and I believe workersfrom the power company are sitting in San waiting for the storm to passso they're closer and can get down there and get to work as soon as they're able.Someone seems to have their act together this time and hopefully with all thehelp ready and waiting, services will get restored a lot more quickly. I thinkyou're a brave soul for riding this out. But when you have pets it's so difficultto leave. I have a dog, and I remember Katrina. When they were trying to rescuepeople and the people were refusing to leave their pets.....it was just tragic. Of course they have passed a law that they do have to rescue the pets also now andI was glad to see that happen. I would never leave my dog, we're a package deal!!!I wish you the best

and I look forward to seeing you post when you're able. Take Care, B. in TEXAS Re: JOHN__

Hello HelenYeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged. Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in. I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties. Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up. So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my

neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage. He left them out for the last tropical storm too. The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too. I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while. I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out). The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps

so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in. I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full. The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain. I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power. I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light. They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks. If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll

have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them. I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away. I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system. I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.houstonhidefromthew ind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones. The radar is showing the outer bands now.The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all. I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the

hand crank weather radio.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 11:00 AM, angelbear1129@ aol.com wrote:Hi , I hope you were able to get your meds, it may be a while before your able to get out and get them

afterwards.. . I do remember how hard it was in getting your meds last time there on time... Its great you were able to get your own home... Is your house up on stilts or are you far enough away from the gulf that its not necessary... I see this morning that its already flooding on the coast line there... Yes, people will take advantage of you for money, please do be careful, sounds like you have a soft heart so beware... The litter robot looks like something that is in space, never seen anything like it... We got the coupons too and already got the converters as the coupons are only good for so long before they expire then they are worthless. Our news told people on tv to hang onto the expired coupons as so many people didn't realize they had a time limit on them and some just couldn't get one

before they expired cause here they get sold out as fast as they come in, and just Maybe the government may do something about it later for them... Hope you have enough non perishables to get through... Let us know how you do, will be waiting to hear that you are safe!((( Calming Hugs )))Helen Hello HelenYeah, I'm riding it out. The forecast track is right through Houston on the east side. There's still another day to go so if there's any more changes to the east in the forecast we should be in the clear. I feel better about this over Rita simply because I'm in a much stronger house now but the forecasts are shifting much

slower than with Rita. During Rita, the roof directly over my bedroom had been damaged by wind storms the year before and had obvious water damage to the structure, the repairs left a noticeable dip in the roof so I didn't feel it was safe to ride it out, I rode it out anyway because all the streets gridlocked. Since that apartment complex wanted me out so they could renovate the apartment, I figured that I might as well buy a house if I was going to have to move so now I'm in a pretty good house up in the far NW of town, the winds should die down to about 75 mph by the time it gets way out here. It's also possible to leave the city by the backroads from here.The house is officially in the countryside (US post considers it a rural address) but it's in a subdivision and being on a fake lake, it's kinda like having two front yards, three since I have lake on two sides. I often think that maybe I

should've gone a few more miles out and be in the real country, then I could've tried to make my own fake lake. There's a Walmart right around the corner and so is the last metro park and ride so this is as far out as you can get and still have some semblance of public transportation but it costs as much as the gas required to drive into town and it takes ten to twenty minutes longer. They're talking about putting in commuter rail on the heavy rail tracks here, you can hear the freight trains with their whistles at night. There's also a Buffalo Wild Wings which actually still serves their hamburgers rare, all the ones in town cook them well done for health reasons, because of this BWW, the Mcs, the Lubys and the Denny's, it's considered the culinary center of this rural area.When I first brought the cats here, one wouldn't come out of the car, when I finally got him out,

he found the master bathroom and refused to come out of the bathroom.The Litter Robot is expensive but it's worth it. I found it when I went to Amazon.com to buy a replacement Litter Maid and the reviews for the Litter Maid was mixed but there was nothing but glowing reviews for the Litter Robot, I didn't buy it from Amazon though, I bought it direct from Litter Robot because then the warranty is a full three months.I don't have TV anymore, the cable signal was really weak and cable service is expensive with really bad customer service plus they stopped the ebills when the service got transferred and then cut me off when I didn't pay even though I told them they had to ebill me if they wanted to be paid, their cable box didn't always change to the right channel anyway. ATT says they can provide their TV out here but apparently the contractors laid out the wiring in the neighborhood wrong

such that the signal is too weak so I'm watching the news broadcasts over the Internet now. I've sent out for those DTV converter box coupons from the government. I wonder what the homeowners association will say about a rooftop aerial, everybody else has dish antennas. I don't have all of my meds with me so I'll have to do without Lotrel during the next few days while the storm stuff sorts itself out, it'll probably be too hard to try and get some tomorrow especially since they'll be switching all lanes to outbound only this evening. Forgot to take my morning meds this morning too. Of course the med situation was almost worse during Rita cause the meds didn't arrive till the day before the storm so I almost went without all the meds.A girl that I had been seeing was freaking out today because her mom lives on the coast and her mom's friend who was supposed to pick her

up to evacuate evacuated without her so she needed gas to try and pick her mom up. Her truck is a gas guzzler because she hasn't been maintaining it, I said that if I got out of work early, maybe we could drive there to pick her up if the police would let us into the coastal areas. She kept calling and calling, basically she wanted the gas money and to try in a Chevy Tahoe instead. I think in general she's been more or less milking me for money anyway (there's always some reason for her needing money every time she calls) and thought it was a bit suspicious that she didn't want me to drive out to pick up her mom after work (we got out at noon after we shut the systems down and bagged all the computers), but I scraped together the money for her. Don't know how I'll make up for that money but that's a problem for another day.Back with Rita, it was the girl who looks after my cats that needed money

for evacuation but I've known her longer and trust her more plus I had more cash on hand during Rita.They're forecasting high temperatures after the Hurricane so if we loose power, I'll have to find that Frio pack some where in my moving boxes to try and keep the insulin cool. I'll try and bag some ice tonight so that i can keep a cooler cool if we loose power. CHF patients are supposed to stay in AC at all times anyway so I might just have to relocate if the power goes out. During Rita, the power went out for 13 hours the day after the storm.In some ways, I was more prepared for Rita (my stuff wasn't in boxes, had kerosene for the hurricane lamp, candles, bottled water, charcoal briquets and a rusty old BBQ, extra gas in gas cans, extra money) but I'm probably safer this time around.Regards, "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at


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Hello I was thinking that I'm quite unprepared for this.   I haven't boarded up or put up storm panels, taping is pointless, did that for Rita, it takes too long and doesn't help at all.    I don't have the cupboards filled with pork and beans like everyone else, and I haven't got the stacks of bottled water that everybody was buying.   I've only taken what preparations I could without jumping onto the panic wagon.It would be irresponsible to evacuate, I'm not in an evacuation zone and I'm in a solid structure.   During Rita, I was in a modified 100 year flood plain which due to the surrounding dams, counted as a 500 year flood plain provided those earthen dykes held (the 100 year flood plains were voluntary evac zones so I was provisionally in an evac zone).   Also the roof over my bedroom had suffered damage in the year before Rita and I didn't feel the repairs were sufficient so for Rita, I believe I should've evacuated but could not due to the gridlock from people who did not need to evacuate evacuating.I can't see evacuating without the pets, problem is how to provide them with water and a litter box during the evacuation.   Maybe I should get a Winnebago...The Mayor says to be off the street by 6:30 pm and that the curfew is at 7 pm.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 4:28 PM, B wrote:Hi ,I just read your email......you really seem prepared.  I was going to tell youthat on the news last night (Dallas news) they had gone around to some of the hotels and they said most were all booked already......and that's all theway up here by Dallas.  I could see San /Austin being booked, but I wasreally shocked to see that up here.   So you would probably have a difficult timefinding a hotel if it came to that.  But they have also set up a lot of shelters,huge shelters for the people coming up with nowhere to go.  Hopefully thingswon't be as bad as they think and since you're on the "good" side of the stormmaybe you won't get all the flooding and power outages.   I've been amazedat the support that they have been sending down that way from up here.  Theyhad school buses that left early in the week to help evacuate and I believe workersfrom the power company are sitting in San waiting for the storm to passso they're closer and can get down there and get to work as soon as they're able.Someone seems to have their act together this time and hopefully with all thehelp ready and waiting, services will get restored a lot more quickly.  I thinkyou're a brave soul for riding this out.  But when you have pets it's so difficultto leave.  I have a dog, and I remember Katrina.  When they were trying to rescuepeople and the people were refusing to leave their pets.....it was just tragic.  Of course they have passed a law that they do have to rescue the pets also now andI was glad to see that happen.  I would never leave my dog, we're a package deal!!!I wish you the best and I look forward to seeing you post when you're able. Take Care, B. in TEXAS Re: JOHN__Hello HelenYeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged.   Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in.   I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties.  Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up.   So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage.   He left them out for the last tropical storm too.   The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too.   I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while.   I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out).   The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in.    I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full.   The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain.   I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power.   I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light.   They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks.   If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them.   I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away.   I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system.   I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.houstonhidefromthew ind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones.   The radar is showing the outer bands now.The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all.   I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the hand crank weather radio.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 11:00 AM, angelbear1129@ aol.com wrote:Hi ,  I hope you were able to get your meds, it may be a while before your able to get out and get them afterwards.. .  I do remember how hard it was in getting your meds last time there on time...  Its great you were able to get your own home...  Is your house up on stilts or are you far enough away from the gulf that its not necessary...  I see this morning that its already flooding on the coast line there...  Yes, people will take advantage of you for money, please do be careful, sounds like you have a soft heart so beware...  The litter robot looks like something that is in space, never seen anything like it...  We got the coupons too and already got the converters as the coupons are only good for so long before they expire then they are worthless. Our news told people on tv to hang onto the expired coupons as so many people didn't realize they had a time limit on them and some just couldn't get one before they expired cause here they get sold out as fast as they come in, and just Maybe the government may do something about it later for them...     Hope you have enough non perishables to get through...  Let us know how you do, will be waiting to hear that you are safe!((( Calming Hugs )))Helen      Hello HelenYeah, I'm riding it out.   The forecast track is right through Houston on the east side.   There's still another day to go so if there's any more changes to the east in the forecast we should be in the clear.   I feel better about this over Rita simply because I'm in a much stronger house now but the forecasts are shifting much slower than with Rita.   During Rita, the roof directly over my bedroom had been damaged by wind storms the year before and had obvious water damage to the structure, the repairs left a noticeable dip in the roof so I didn't feel it was safe to ride it out, I rode it out anyway because all the streets gridlocked.   Since that apartment complex wanted me out so they could renovate the apartment, I figured that I might as well buy a house if I was going to have to move so now I'm in a pretty good house up in the far NW of town, the winds should die down to about 75 mph by the time it gets way out here.   It's also possible to leave the city by the backroads from here.The house is officially in the countryside (US post considers it a rural address) but it's in a subdivision and being on a fake lake, it's kinda like having two front yards, three since I have lake on two sides.  I often think that maybe I should've gone a few more miles out and be in the real country, then I could've tried to make my own fake lake.   There's a Walmart right around the corner and so is the last metro park and ride so this is as far out as you can get and still have some semblance of public transportation but it costs as much as the gas required to drive into town and it takes ten to twenty minutes longer.   They're talking about putting in commuter rail on the heavy rail tracks here, you can hear the freight trains with their whistles at night.   There's also a Buffalo Wild Wings which actually still serves their hamburgers rare, all the ones in town cook them well done for health reasons, because of this BWW, the Mcs, the Lubys and the Denny's, it's considered the culinary center of this rural area.When I first brought the cats here, one wouldn't come out of the car, when I finally got him out, he found the master bathroom and refused to come out of the bathroom.The Litter Robot is expensive but it's worth it.   I found it when I went to Amazon.com to buy a replacement Litter Maid and the reviews for the Litter Maid was mixed but there was nothing but glowing reviews for the Litter Robot, I didn't buy it from Amazon though, I bought it direct from Litter Robot because then the warranty is a full three months.I don't have TV anymore, the cable signal was really weak and cable service is expensive with really bad customer service plus they stopped the ebills when the service got transferred and then cut me off when I didn't pay even though I told them they had to ebill me if they wanted to be paid, their cable box didn't always change to the right channel anyway.   ATT says they can provide their TV out here but apparently the contractors laid out the wiring in the neighborhood wrong such that the signal is too weak so I'm watching the news broadcasts over the Internet now.  I've sent out for those DTV converter box coupons from the government.   I wonder what the homeowners association will say about a rooftop aerial, everybody else has dish antennas. I don't have all of my meds with me so I'll have to do without Lotrel during the next few days while the storm stuff sorts itself out, it'll probably be too hard to try and get some tomorrow especially since they'll be switching all lanes to outbound only this evening.   Forgot to take my morning meds this morning too.   Of course the med situation was almost worse during Rita cause the meds didn't arrive till the day before the storm so I almost went without all the meds.A girl that I had been seeing was freaking out today because her mom lives on the coast and her mom's friend who was supposed to pick her up to evacuate evacuated without her so she needed gas to try and pick her mom up.   Her truck is a gas guzzler because she hasn't been maintaining it,  I said that if I got out of work early, maybe we could drive there to pick her up if the police would let us into the coastal areas.   She kept calling and calling, basically she wanted the gas money and to try in a Chevy Tahoe instead.   I think in general she's been more or less milking me for money anyway (there's always some reason for her needing money every time she calls) and thought it was a bit suspicious that she didn't want me to drive out to pick up her mom after work (we got out at noon after we shut the systems down and bagged all the computers), but I scraped together the money for her.  Don't know how I'll make up for that money but that's a problem for another day.Back with Rita, it was the girl who looks after my cats that needed money for evacuation but I've known her longer and trust her more plus I had more cash on hand during Rita.They're forecasting high temperatures after the Hurricane so if we loose power, I'll have to find that Frio pack some where in my moving boxes to try and keep the insulin cool.   I'll try and bag some ice tonight so that i can keep a cooler cool if we loose power.   CHF patients are supposed to stay in AC at all times anyway so I might just have to relocate if the power goes out.   During Rita, the power went out for 13 hours the day after the storm.In some ways, I was more prepared for Rita (my stuff wasn't in boxes, had kerosene for the hurricane lamp, candles, bottled water, charcoal briquets and a rusty old BBQ, extra gas in gas cans, extra money) but I'm probably safer this time around.Regards, "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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Hello I was thinking that I'm quite unprepared for this.   I haven't boarded up or put up storm panels, taping is pointless, did that for Rita, it takes too long and doesn't help at all.    I don't have the cupboards filled with pork and beans like everyone else, and I haven't got the stacks of bottled water that everybody was buying.   I've only taken what preparations I could without jumping onto the panic wagon.It would be irresponsible to evacuate, I'm not in an evacuation zone and I'm in a solid structure.   During Rita, I was in a modified 100 year flood plain which due to the surrounding dams, counted as a 500 year flood plain provided those earthen dykes held (the 100 year flood plains were voluntary evac zones so I was provisionally in an evac zone).   Also the roof over my bedroom had suffered damage in the year before Rita and I didn't feel the repairs were sufficient so for Rita, I believe I should've evacuated but could not due to the gridlock from people who did not need to evacuate evacuating.I can't see evacuating without the pets, problem is how to provide them with water and a litter box during the evacuation.   Maybe I should get a Winnebago...The Mayor says to be off the street by 6:30 pm and that the curfew is at 7 pm.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 4:28 PM, B wrote:Hi ,I just read your email......you really seem prepared.  I was going to tell youthat on the news last night (Dallas news) they had gone around to some of the hotels and they said most were all booked already......and that's all theway up here by Dallas.  I could see San /Austin being booked, but I wasreally shocked to see that up here.   So you would probably have a difficult timefinding a hotel if it came to that.  But they have also set up a lot of shelters,huge shelters for the people coming up with nowhere to go.  Hopefully thingswon't be as bad as they think and since you're on the "good" side of the stormmaybe you won't get all the flooding and power outages.   I've been amazedat the support that they have been sending down that way from up here.  Theyhad school buses that left early in the week to help evacuate and I believe workersfrom the power company are sitting in San waiting for the storm to passso they're closer and can get down there and get to work as soon as they're able.Someone seems to have their act together this time and hopefully with all thehelp ready and waiting, services will get restored a lot more quickly.  I thinkyou're a brave soul for riding this out.  But when you have pets it's so difficultto leave.  I have a dog, and I remember Katrina.  When they were trying to rescuepeople and the people were refusing to leave their pets.....it was just tragic.  Of course they have passed a law that they do have to rescue the pets also now andI was glad to see that happen.  I would never leave my dog, we're a package deal!!!I wish you the best and I look forward to seeing you post when you're able. Take Care, B. in TEXAS Re: JOHN__Hello HelenYeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged.   Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in.   I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties.  Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up.   So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage.   He left them out for the last tropical storm too.   The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too.   I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while.   I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out).   The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in.    I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full.   The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain.   I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power.   I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light.   They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks.   If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them.   I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away.   I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system.   I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.houstonhidefromthew ind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones.   The radar is showing the outer bands now.The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all.   I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the hand crank weather radio.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 11:00 AM, angelbear1129@ aol.com wrote:Hi ,  I hope you were able to get your meds, it may be a while before your able to get out and get them afterwards.. .  I do remember how hard it was in getting your meds last time there on time...  Its great you were able to get your own home...  Is your house up on stilts or are you far enough away from the gulf that its not necessary...  I see this morning that its already flooding on the coast line there...  Yes, people will take advantage of you for money, please do be careful, sounds like you have a soft heart so beware...  The litter robot looks like something that is in space, never seen anything like it...  We got the coupons too and already got the converters as the coupons are only good for so long before they expire then they are worthless. Our news told people on tv to hang onto the expired coupons as so many people didn't realize they had a time limit on them and some just couldn't get one before they expired cause here they get sold out as fast as they come in, and just Maybe the government may do something about it later for them...     Hope you have enough non perishables to get through...  Let us know how you do, will be waiting to hear that you are safe!((( Calming Hugs )))Helen      Hello HelenYeah, I'm riding it out.   The forecast track is right through Houston on the east side.   There's still another day to go so if there's any more changes to the east in the forecast we should be in the clear.   I feel better about this over Rita simply because I'm in a much stronger house now but the forecasts are shifting much slower than with Rita.   During Rita, the roof directly over my bedroom had been damaged by wind storms the year before and had obvious water damage to the structure, the repairs left a noticeable dip in the roof so I didn't feel it was safe to ride it out, I rode it out anyway because all the streets gridlocked.   Since that apartment complex wanted me out so they could renovate the apartment, I figured that I might as well buy a house if I was going to have to move so now I'm in a pretty good house up in the far NW of town, the winds should die down to about 75 mph by the time it gets way out here.   It's also possible to leave the city by the backroads from here.The house is officially in the countryside (US post considers it a rural address) but it's in a subdivision and being on a fake lake, it's kinda like having two front yards, three since I have lake on two sides.  I often think that maybe I should've gone a few more miles out and be in the real country, then I could've tried to make my own fake lake.   There's a Walmart right around the corner and so is the last metro park and ride so this is as far out as you can get and still have some semblance of public transportation but it costs as much as the gas required to drive into town and it takes ten to twenty minutes longer.   They're talking about putting in commuter rail on the heavy rail tracks here, you can hear the freight trains with their whistles at night.   There's also a Buffalo Wild Wings which actually still serves their hamburgers rare, all the ones in town cook them well done for health reasons, because of this BWW, the Mcs, the Lubys and the Denny's, it's considered the culinary center of this rural area.When I first brought the cats here, one wouldn't come out of the car, when I finally got him out, he found the master bathroom and refused to come out of the bathroom.The Litter Robot is expensive but it's worth it.   I found it when I went to Amazon.com to buy a replacement Litter Maid and the reviews for the Litter Maid was mixed but there was nothing but glowing reviews for the Litter Robot, I didn't buy it from Amazon though, I bought it direct from Litter Robot because then the warranty is a full three months.I don't have TV anymore, the cable signal was really weak and cable service is expensive with really bad customer service plus they stopped the ebills when the service got transferred and then cut me off when I didn't pay even though I told them they had to ebill me if they wanted to be paid, their cable box didn't always change to the right channel anyway.   ATT says they can provide their TV out here but apparently the contractors laid out the wiring in the neighborhood wrong such that the signal is too weak so I'm watching the news broadcasts over the Internet now.  I've sent out for those DTV converter box coupons from the government.   I wonder what the homeowners association will say about a rooftop aerial, everybody else has dish antennas. I don't have all of my meds with me so I'll have to do without Lotrel during the next few days while the storm stuff sorts itself out, it'll probably be too hard to try and get some tomorrow especially since they'll be switching all lanes to outbound only this evening.   Forgot to take my morning meds this morning too.   Of course the med situation was almost worse during Rita cause the meds didn't arrive till the day before the storm so I almost went without all the meds.A girl that I had been seeing was freaking out today because her mom lives on the coast and her mom's friend who was supposed to pick her up to evacuate evacuated without her so she needed gas to try and pick her mom up.   Her truck is a gas guzzler because she hasn't been maintaining it,  I said that if I got out of work early, maybe we could drive there to pick her up if the police would let us into the coastal areas.   She kept calling and calling, basically she wanted the gas money and to try in a Chevy Tahoe instead.   I think in general she's been more or less milking me for money anyway (there's always some reason for her needing money every time she calls) and thought it was a bit suspicious that she didn't want me to drive out to pick up her mom after work (we got out at noon after we shut the systems down and bagged all the computers), but I scraped together the money for her.  Don't know how I'll make up for that money but that's a problem for another day.Back with Rita, it was the girl who looks after my cats that needed money for evacuation but I've known her longer and trust her more plus I had more cash on hand during Rita.They're forecasting high temperatures after the Hurricane so if we loose power, I'll have to find that Frio pack some where in my moving boxes to try and keep the insulin cool.   I'll try and bag some ice tonight so that i can keep a cooler cool if we loose power.   CHF patients are supposed to stay in AC at all times anyway so I might just have to relocate if the power goes out.   During Rita, the power went out for 13 hours the day after the storm.In some ways, I was more prepared for Rita (my stuff wasn't in boxes, had kerosene for the hurricane lamp, candles, bottled water, charcoal briquets and a rusty old BBQ, extra gas in gas cans, extra money) but I'm probably safer this time around.Regards, "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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Hello I was thinking that I'm quite unprepared for this.   I haven't boarded up or put up storm panels, taping is pointless, did that for Rita, it takes too long and doesn't help at all.    I don't have the cupboards filled with pork and beans like everyone else, and I haven't got the stacks of bottled water that everybody was buying.   I've only taken what preparations I could without jumping onto the panic wagon.It would be irresponsible to evacuate, I'm not in an evacuation zone and I'm in a solid structure.   During Rita, I was in a modified 100 year flood plain which due to the surrounding dams, counted as a 500 year flood plain provided those earthen dykes held (the 100 year flood plains were voluntary evac zones so I was provisionally in an evac zone).   Also the roof over my bedroom had suffered damage in the year before Rita and I didn't feel the repairs were sufficient so for Rita, I believe I should've evacuated but could not due to the gridlock from people who did not need to evacuate evacuating.I can't see evacuating without the pets, problem is how to provide them with water and a litter box during the evacuation.   Maybe I should get a Winnebago...The Mayor says to be off the street by 6:30 pm and that the curfew is at 7 pm.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 4:28 PM, B wrote:Hi ,I just read your email......you really seem prepared.  I was going to tell youthat on the news last night (Dallas news) they had gone around to some of the hotels and they said most were all booked already......and that's all theway up here by Dallas.  I could see San /Austin being booked, but I wasreally shocked to see that up here.   So you would probably have a difficult timefinding a hotel if it came to that.  But they have also set up a lot of shelters,huge shelters for the people coming up with nowhere to go.  Hopefully thingswon't be as bad as they think and since you're on the "good" side of the stormmaybe you won't get all the flooding and power outages.   I've been amazedat the support that they have been sending down that way from up here.  Theyhad school buses that left early in the week to help evacuate and I believe workersfrom the power company are sitting in San waiting for the storm to passso they're closer and can get down there and get to work as soon as they're able.Someone seems to have their act together this time and hopefully with all thehelp ready and waiting, services will get restored a lot more quickly.  I thinkyou're a brave soul for riding this out.  But when you have pets it's so difficultto leave.  I have a dog, and I remember Katrina.  When they were trying to rescuepeople and the people were refusing to leave their pets.....it was just tragic.  Of course they have passed a law that they do have to rescue the pets also now andI was glad to see that happen.  I would never leave my dog, we're a package deal!!!I wish you the best and I look forward to seeing you post when you're able. Take Care, B. in TEXAS Re: JOHN__Hello HelenYeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged.   Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in.   I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties.  Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up.   So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage.   He left them out for the last tropical storm too.   The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too.   I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while.   I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out).   The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in.    I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full.   The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain.   I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power.   I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light.   They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks.   If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them.   I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away.   I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system.   I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.houstonhidefromthew ind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones.   The radar is showing the outer bands now.The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all.   I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the hand crank weather radio.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 11:00 AM, angelbear1129@ aol.com wrote:Hi ,  I hope you were able to get your meds, it may be a while before your able to get out and get them afterwards.. .  I do remember how hard it was in getting your meds last time there on time...  Its great you were able to get your own home...  Is your house up on stilts or are you far enough away from the gulf that its not necessary...  I see this morning that its already flooding on the coast line there...  Yes, people will take advantage of you for money, please do be careful, sounds like you have a soft heart so beware...  The litter robot looks like something that is in space, never seen anything like it...  We got the coupons too and already got the converters as the coupons are only good for so long before they expire then they are worthless. Our news told people on tv to hang onto the expired coupons as so many people didn't realize they had a time limit on them and some just couldn't get one before they expired cause here they get sold out as fast as they come in, and just Maybe the government may do something about it later for them...     Hope you have enough non perishables to get through...  Let us know how you do, will be waiting to hear that you are safe!((( Calming Hugs )))Helen      Hello HelenYeah, I'm riding it out.   The forecast track is right through Houston on the east side.   There's still another day to go so if there's any more changes to the east in the forecast we should be in the clear.   I feel better about this over Rita simply because I'm in a much stronger house now but the forecasts are shifting much slower than with Rita.   During Rita, the roof directly over my bedroom had been damaged by wind storms the year before and had obvious water damage to the structure, the repairs left a noticeable dip in the roof so I didn't feel it was safe to ride it out, I rode it out anyway because all the streets gridlocked.   Since that apartment complex wanted me out so they could renovate the apartment, I figured that I might as well buy a house if I was going to have to move so now I'm in a pretty good house up in the far NW of town, the winds should die down to about 75 mph by the time it gets way out here.   It's also possible to leave the city by the backroads from here.The house is officially in the countryside (US post considers it a rural address) but it's in a subdivision and being on a fake lake, it's kinda like having two front yards, three since I have lake on two sides.  I often think that maybe I should've gone a few more miles out and be in the real country, then I could've tried to make my own fake lake.   There's a Walmart right around the corner and so is the last metro park and ride so this is as far out as you can get and still have some semblance of public transportation but it costs as much as the gas required to drive into town and it takes ten to twenty minutes longer.   They're talking about putting in commuter rail on the heavy rail tracks here, you can hear the freight trains with their whistles at night.   There's also a Buffalo Wild Wings which actually still serves their hamburgers rare, all the ones in town cook them well done for health reasons, because of this BWW, the Mcs, the Lubys and the Denny's, it's considered the culinary center of this rural area.When I first brought the cats here, one wouldn't come out of the car, when I finally got him out, he found the master bathroom and refused to come out of the bathroom.The Litter Robot is expensive but it's worth it.   I found it when I went to Amazon.com to buy a replacement Litter Maid and the reviews for the Litter Maid was mixed but there was nothing but glowing reviews for the Litter Robot, I didn't buy it from Amazon though, I bought it direct from Litter Robot because then the warranty is a full three months.I don't have TV anymore, the cable signal was really weak and cable service is expensive with really bad customer service plus they stopped the ebills when the service got transferred and then cut me off when I didn't pay even though I told them they had to ebill me if they wanted to be paid, their cable box didn't always change to the right channel anyway.   ATT says they can provide their TV out here but apparently the contractors laid out the wiring in the neighborhood wrong such that the signal is too weak so I'm watching the news broadcasts over the Internet now.  I've sent out for those DTV converter box coupons from the government.   I wonder what the homeowners association will say about a rooftop aerial, everybody else has dish antennas. I don't have all of my meds with me so I'll have to do without Lotrel during the next few days while the storm stuff sorts itself out, it'll probably be too hard to try and get some tomorrow especially since they'll be switching all lanes to outbound only this evening.   Forgot to take my morning meds this morning too.   Of course the med situation was almost worse during Rita cause the meds didn't arrive till the day before the storm so I almost went without all the meds.A girl that I had been seeing was freaking out today because her mom lives on the coast and her mom's friend who was supposed to pick her up to evacuate evacuated without her so she needed gas to try and pick her mom up.   Her truck is a gas guzzler because she hasn't been maintaining it,  I said that if I got out of work early, maybe we could drive there to pick her up if the police would let us into the coastal areas.   She kept calling and calling, basically she wanted the gas money and to try in a Chevy Tahoe instead.   I think in general she's been more or less milking me for money anyway (there's always some reason for her needing money every time she calls) and thought it was a bit suspicious that she didn't want me to drive out to pick up her mom after work (we got out at noon after we shut the systems down and bagged all the computers), but I scraped together the money for her.  Don't know how I'll make up for that money but that's a problem for another day.Back with Rita, it was the girl who looks after my cats that needed money for evacuation but I've known her longer and trust her more plus I had more cash on hand during Rita.They're forecasting high temperatures after the Hurricane so if we loose power, I'll have to find that Frio pack some where in my moving boxes to try and keep the insulin cool.   I'll try and bag some ice tonight so that i can keep a cooler cool if we loose power.   CHF patients are supposed to stay in AC at all times anyway so I might just have to relocate if the power goes out.   During Rita, the power went out for 13 hours the day after the storm.In some ways, I was more prepared for Rita (my stuff wasn't in boxes, had kerosene for the hurricane lamp, candles, bottled water, charcoal briquets and a rusty old BBQ, extra gas in gas cans, extra money) but I'm probably safer this time around.Regards, "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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Well that neighbour with the folding chairs outside was out gathering up stuff, probably because the wind is now blowing the lake fountain water onto her yard but she's still left her folding chair out.   Quite irresponsible of her.On Sep 12, 2008, at 5:32 PM, Wang wrote:Hello I was thinking that I'm quite unprepared for this.   I haven't boarded up or put up storm panels, taping is pointless, did that for Rita, it takes too long and doesn't help at all.    I don't have the cupboards filled with pork and beans like everyone else, and I haven't got the stacks of bottled water that everybody was buying.   I've only taken what preparations I could without jumping onto the panic wagon.It would be irresponsible to evacuate, I'm not in an evacuation zone and I'm in a solid structure.   During Rita, I was in a modified 100 year flood plain which due to the surrounding dams, counted as a 500 year flood plain provided those earthen dykes held (the 100 year flood plains were voluntary evac zones so I was provisionally in an evac zone).   Also the roof over my bedroom had suffered damage in the year before Rita and I didn't feel the repairs were sufficient so for Rita, I believe I should've evacuated but could not due to the gridlock from people who did not need to evacuate evacuating.I can't see evacuating without the pets, problem is how to provide them with water and a litter box during the evacuation.   Maybe I should get a Winnebago...The Mayor says to be off the street by 6:30 pm and that the curfew is at 7 pm.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 4:28 PM, B wrote:Hi ,I just read your email......you really seem prepared.  I was going to tell youthat on the news last night (Dallas news) they had gone around to some of the hotels and they said most were all booked already......and that's all theway up here by Dallas.  I could see San /Austin being booked, but I wasreally shocked to see that up here.   So you would probably have a difficult timefinding a hotel if it came to that.  But they have also set up a lot of shelters,huge shelters for the people coming up with nowhere to go.  Hopefully thingswon't be as bad as they think and since you're on the "good" side of the stormmaybe you won't get all the flooding and power outages.   I've been amazedat the support that they have been sending down that way from up here.  Theyhad school buses that left early in the week to help evacuate and I believe workersfrom the power company are sitting in San waiting for the storm to passso they're closer and can get down there and get to work as soon as they're able.Someone seems to have their act together this time and hopefully with all thehelp ready and waiting, services will get restored a lot more quickly.  I thinkyou're a brave soul for riding this out.  But when you have pets it's so difficultto leave.  I have a dog, and I remember Katrina.  When they were trying to rescuepeople and the people were refusing to leave their pets.....it was just tragic.  Of course they have passed a law that they do have to rescue the pets also now andI was glad to see that happen.  I would never leave my dog, we're a package deal!!!I wish you the best and I look forward to seeing you post when you're able. Take Care, B. in TEXAS Re: JOHN__Hello HelenYeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged.   Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in.   I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties.  Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up.   So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage.   He left them out for the last tropical storm too.   The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too.   I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while.   I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out).   The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in.    I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full.   The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain.   I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power.   I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light.   They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks.   If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them.   I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away.   I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system.   I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.houstonhidefromthew ind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones.   The radar is showing the outer bands now.The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all.   I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the hand crank weather radio.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 11:00 AM, angelbear1129@ aol.com wrote:Hi ,  I hope you were able to get your meds, it may be a while before your able to get out and get them afterwards.. .  I do remember how hard it was in getting your meds last time there on time...  Its great you were able to get your own home...  Is your house up on stilts or are you far enough away from the gulf that its not necessary...  I see this morning that its already flooding on the coast line there...  Yes, people will take advantage of you for money, please do be careful, sounds like you have a soft heart so beware...  The litter robot looks like something that is in space, never seen anything like it...  We got the coupons too and already got the converters as the coupons are only good for so long before they expire then they are worthless. Our news told people on tv to hang onto the expired coupons as so many people didn't realize they had a time limit on them and some just couldn't get one before they expired cause here they get sold out as fast as they come in, and just Maybe the government may do something about it later for them...     Hope you have enough non perishables to get through...  Let us know how you do, will be waiting to hear that you are safe!((( Calming Hugs )))Helen      Hello HelenYeah, I'm riding it out.   The forecast track is right through Houston on the east side.   There's still another day to go so if there's any more changes to the east in the forecast we should be in the clear.   I feel better about this over Rita simply because I'm in a much stronger house now but the forecasts are shifting much slower than with Rita.   During Rita, the roof directly over my bedroom had been damaged by wind storms the year before and had obvious water damage to the structure, the repairs left a noticeable dip in the roof so I didn't feel it was safe to ride it out, I rode it out anyway because all the streets gridlocked.   Since that apartment complex wanted me out so they could renovate the apartment, I figured that I might as well buy a house if I was going to have to move so now I'm in a pretty good house up in the far NW of town, the winds should die down to about 75 mph by the time it gets way out here.   It's also possible to leave the city by the backroads from here.The house is officially in the countryside (US post considers it a rural address) but it's in a subdivision and being on a fake lake, it's kinda like having two front yards, three since I have lake on two sides.  I often think that maybe I should've gone a few more miles out and be in the real country, then I could've tried to make my own fake lake.   There's a Walmart right around the corner and so is the last metro park and ride so this is as far out as you can get and still have some semblance of public transportation but it costs as much as the gas required to drive into town and it takes ten to twenty minutes longer.   They're talking about putting in commuter rail on the heavy rail tracks here, you can hear the freight trains with their whistles at night.   There's also a Buffalo Wild Wings which actually still serves their hamburgers rare, all the ones in town cook them well done for health reasons, because of this BWW, the Mcs, the Lubys and the Denny's, it's considered the culinary center of this rural area.When I first brought the cats here, one wouldn't come out of the car, when I finally got him out, he found the master bathroom and refused to come out of the bathroom.The Litter Robot is expensive but it's worth it.   I found it when I went to Amazon.com to buy a replacement Litter Maid and the reviews for the Litter Maid was mixed but there was nothing but glowing reviews for the Litter Robot, I didn't buy it from Amazon though, I bought it direct from Litter Robot because then the warranty is a full three months.I don't have TV anymore, the cable signal was really weak and cable service is expensive with really bad customer service plus they stopped the ebills when the service got transferred and then cut me off when I didn't pay even though I told them they had to ebill me if they wanted to be paid, their cable box didn't always change to the right channel anyway.   ATT says they can provide their TV out here but apparently the contractors laid out the wiring in the neighborhood wrong such that the signal is too weak so I'm watching the news broadcasts over the Internet now.  I've sent out for those DTV converter box coupons from the government.   I wonder what the homeowners association will say about a rooftop aerial, everybody else has dish antennas. I don't have all of my meds with me so I'll have to do without Lotrel during the next few days while the storm stuff sorts itself out, it'll probably be too hard to try and get some tomorrow especially since they'll be switching all lanes to outbound only this evening.   Forgot to take my morning meds this morning too.   Of course the med situation was almost worse during Rita cause the meds didn't arrive till the day before the storm so I almost went without all the meds.A girl that I had been seeing was freaking out today because her mom lives on the coast and her mom's friend who was supposed to pick her up to evacuate evacuated without her so she needed gas to try and pick her mom up.   Her truck is a gas guzzler because she hasn't been maintaining it,  I said that if I got out of work early, maybe we could drive there to pick her up if the police would let us into the coastal areas.   She kept calling and calling, basically she wanted the gas money and to try in a Chevy Tahoe instead.   I think in general she's been more or less milking me for money anyway (there's always some reason for her needing money every time she calls) and thought it was a bit suspicious that she didn't want me to drive out to pick up her mom after work (we got out at noon after we shut the systems down and bagged all the computers), but I scraped together the money for her.  Don't know how I'll make up for that money but that's a problem for another day.Back with Rita, it was the girl who looks after my cats that needed money for evacuation but I've known her longer and trust her more plus I had more cash on hand during Rita.They're forecasting high temperatures after the Hurricane so if we loose power, I'll have to find that Frio pack some where in my moving boxes to try and keep the insulin cool.   I'll try and bag some ice tonight so that i can keep a cooler cool if we loose power.   CHF patients are supposed to stay in AC at all times anyway so I might just have to relocate if the power goes out.   During Rita, the power went out for 13 hours the day after the storm.In some ways, I was more prepared for Rita (my stuff wasn't in boxes, had kerosene for the hurricane lamp, candles, bottled water, charcoal briquets and a rusty old BBQ, extra gas in gas cans, extra money) but I'm probably safer this time around.Regards, "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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Well that neighbour with the folding chairs outside was out gathering up stuff, probably because the wind is now blowing the lake fountain water onto her yard but she's still left her folding chair out.   Quite irresponsible of her.On Sep 12, 2008, at 5:32 PM, Wang wrote:Hello I was thinking that I'm quite unprepared for this.   I haven't boarded up or put up storm panels, taping is pointless, did that for Rita, it takes too long and doesn't help at all.    I don't have the cupboards filled with pork and beans like everyone else, and I haven't got the stacks of bottled water that everybody was buying.   I've only taken what preparations I could without jumping onto the panic wagon.It would be irresponsible to evacuate, I'm not in an evacuation zone and I'm in a solid structure.   During Rita, I was in a modified 100 year flood plain which due to the surrounding dams, counted as a 500 year flood plain provided those earthen dykes held (the 100 year flood plains were voluntary evac zones so I was provisionally in an evac zone).   Also the roof over my bedroom had suffered damage in the year before Rita and I didn't feel the repairs were sufficient so for Rita, I believe I should've evacuated but could not due to the gridlock from people who did not need to evacuate evacuating.I can't see evacuating without the pets, problem is how to provide them with water and a litter box during the evacuation.   Maybe I should get a Winnebago...The Mayor says to be off the street by 6:30 pm and that the curfew is at 7 pm.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 4:28 PM, B wrote:Hi ,I just read your email......you really seem prepared.  I was going to tell youthat on the news last night (Dallas news) they had gone around to some of the hotels and they said most were all booked already......and that's all theway up here by Dallas.  I could see San /Austin being booked, but I wasreally shocked to see that up here.   So you would probably have a difficult timefinding a hotel if it came to that.  But they have also set up a lot of shelters,huge shelters for the people coming up with nowhere to go.  Hopefully thingswon't be as bad as they think and since you're on the "good" side of the stormmaybe you won't get all the flooding and power outages.   I've been amazedat the support that they have been sending down that way from up here.  Theyhad school buses that left early in the week to help evacuate and I believe workersfrom the power company are sitting in San waiting for the storm to passso they're closer and can get down there and get to work as soon as they're able.Someone seems to have their act together this time and hopefully with all thehelp ready and waiting, services will get restored a lot more quickly.  I thinkyou're a brave soul for riding this out.  But when you have pets it's so difficultto leave.  I have a dog, and I remember Katrina.  When they were trying to rescuepeople and the people were refusing to leave their pets.....it was just tragic.  Of course they have passed a law that they do have to rescue the pets also now andI was glad to see that happen.  I would never leave my dog, we're a package deal!!!I wish you the best and I look forward to seeing you post when you're able. Take Care, B. in TEXAS Re: JOHN__Hello HelenYeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged.   Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in.   I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties.  Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up.   So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage.   He left them out for the last tropical storm too.   The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too.   I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while.   I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out).   The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in.    I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full.   The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain.   I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power.   I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light.   They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks.   If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them.   I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away.   I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system.   I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.houstonhidefromthew ind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones.   The radar is showing the outer bands now.The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all.   I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the hand crank weather radio.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 11:00 AM, angelbear1129@ aol.com wrote:Hi ,  I hope you were able to get your meds, it may be a while before your able to get out and get them afterwards.. .  I do remember how hard it was in getting your meds last time there on time...  Its great you were able to get your own home...  Is your house up on stilts or are you far enough away from the gulf that its not necessary...  I see this morning that its already flooding on the coast line there...  Yes, people will take advantage of you for money, please do be careful, sounds like you have a soft heart so beware...  The litter robot looks like something that is in space, never seen anything like it...  We got the coupons too and already got the converters as the coupons are only good for so long before they expire then they are worthless. Our news told people on tv to hang onto the expired coupons as so many people didn't realize they had a time limit on them and some just couldn't get one before they expired cause here they get sold out as fast as they come in, and just Maybe the government may do something about it later for them...     Hope you have enough non perishables to get through...  Let us know how you do, will be waiting to hear that you are safe!((( Calming Hugs )))Helen      Hello HelenYeah, I'm riding it out.   The forecast track is right through Houston on the east side.   There's still another day to go so if there's any more changes to the east in the forecast we should be in the clear.   I feel better about this over Rita simply because I'm in a much stronger house now but the forecasts are shifting much slower than with Rita.   During Rita, the roof directly over my bedroom had been damaged by wind storms the year before and had obvious water damage to the structure, the repairs left a noticeable dip in the roof so I didn't feel it was safe to ride it out, I rode it out anyway because all the streets gridlocked.   Since that apartment complex wanted me out so they could renovate the apartment, I figured that I might as well buy a house if I was going to have to move so now I'm in a pretty good house up in the far NW of town, the winds should die down to about 75 mph by the time it gets way out here.   It's also possible to leave the city by the backroads from here.The house is officially in the countryside (US post considers it a rural address) but it's in a subdivision and being on a fake lake, it's kinda like having two front yards, three since I have lake on two sides.  I often think that maybe I should've gone a few more miles out and be in the real country, then I could've tried to make my own fake lake.   There's a Walmart right around the corner and so is the last metro park and ride so this is as far out as you can get and still have some semblance of public transportation but it costs as much as the gas required to drive into town and it takes ten to twenty minutes longer.   They're talking about putting in commuter rail on the heavy rail tracks here, you can hear the freight trains with their whistles at night.   There's also a Buffalo Wild Wings which actually still serves their hamburgers rare, all the ones in town cook them well done for health reasons, because of this BWW, the Mcs, the Lubys and the Denny's, it's considered the culinary center of this rural area.When I first brought the cats here, one wouldn't come out of the car, when I finally got him out, he found the master bathroom and refused to come out of the bathroom.The Litter Robot is expensive but it's worth it.   I found it when I went to Amazon.com to buy a replacement Litter Maid and the reviews for the Litter Maid was mixed but there was nothing but glowing reviews for the Litter Robot, I didn't buy it from Amazon though, I bought it direct from Litter Robot because then the warranty is a full three months.I don't have TV anymore, the cable signal was really weak and cable service is expensive with really bad customer service plus they stopped the ebills when the service got transferred and then cut me off when I didn't pay even though I told them they had to ebill me if they wanted to be paid, their cable box didn't always change to the right channel anyway.   ATT says they can provide their TV out here but apparently the contractors laid out the wiring in the neighborhood wrong such that the signal is too weak so I'm watching the news broadcasts over the Internet now.  I've sent out for those DTV converter box coupons from the government.   I wonder what the homeowners association will say about a rooftop aerial, everybody else has dish antennas. I don't have all of my meds with me so I'll have to do without Lotrel during the next few days while the storm stuff sorts itself out, it'll probably be too hard to try and get some tomorrow especially since they'll be switching all lanes to outbound only this evening.   Forgot to take my morning meds this morning too.   Of course the med situation was almost worse during Rita cause the meds didn't arrive till the day before the storm so I almost went without all the meds.A girl that I had been seeing was freaking out today because her mom lives on the coast and her mom's friend who was supposed to pick her up to evacuate evacuated without her so she needed gas to try and pick her mom up.   Her truck is a gas guzzler because she hasn't been maintaining it,  I said that if I got out of work early, maybe we could drive there to pick her up if the police would let us into the coastal areas.   She kept calling and calling, basically she wanted the gas money and to try in a Chevy Tahoe instead.   I think in general she's been more or less milking me for money anyway (there's always some reason for her needing money every time she calls) and thought it was a bit suspicious that she didn't want me to drive out to pick up her mom after work (we got out at noon after we shut the systems down and bagged all the computers), but I scraped together the money for her.  Don't know how I'll make up for that money but that's a problem for another day.Back with Rita, it was the girl who looks after my cats that needed money for evacuation but I've known her longer and trust her more plus I had more cash on hand during Rita.They're forecasting high temperatures after the Hurricane so if we loose power, I'll have to find that Frio pack some where in my moving boxes to try and keep the insulin cool.   I'll try and bag some ice tonight so that i can keep a cooler cool if we loose power.   CHF patients are supposed to stay in AC at all times anyway so I might just have to relocate if the power goes out.   During Rita, the power went out for 13 hours the day after the storm.In some ways, I was more prepared for Rita (my stuff wasn't in boxes, had kerosene for the hurricane lamp, candles, bottled water, charcoal briquets and a rusty old BBQ, extra gas in gas cans, extra money) but I'm probably safer this time around.Regards, "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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Well that neighbour with the folding chairs outside was out gathering up stuff, probably because the wind is now blowing the lake fountain water onto her yard but she's still left her folding chair out.   Quite irresponsible of her.On Sep 12, 2008, at 5:32 PM, Wang wrote:Hello I was thinking that I'm quite unprepared for this.   I haven't boarded up or put up storm panels, taping is pointless, did that for Rita, it takes too long and doesn't help at all.    I don't have the cupboards filled with pork and beans like everyone else, and I haven't got the stacks of bottled water that everybody was buying.   I've only taken what preparations I could without jumping onto the panic wagon.It would be irresponsible to evacuate, I'm not in an evacuation zone and I'm in a solid structure.   During Rita, I was in a modified 100 year flood plain which due to the surrounding dams, counted as a 500 year flood plain provided those earthen dykes held (the 100 year flood plains were voluntary evac zones so I was provisionally in an evac zone).   Also the roof over my bedroom had suffered damage in the year before Rita and I didn't feel the repairs were sufficient so for Rita, I believe I should've evacuated but could not due to the gridlock from people who did not need to evacuate evacuating.I can't see evacuating without the pets, problem is how to provide them with water and a litter box during the evacuation.   Maybe I should get a Winnebago...The Mayor says to be off the street by 6:30 pm and that the curfew is at 7 pm.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 4:28 PM, B wrote:Hi ,I just read your email......you really seem prepared.  I was going to tell youthat on the news last night (Dallas news) they had gone around to some of the hotels and they said most were all booked already......and that's all theway up here by Dallas.  I could see San /Austin being booked, but I wasreally shocked to see that up here.   So you would probably have a difficult timefinding a hotel if it came to that.  But they have also set up a lot of shelters,huge shelters for the people coming up with nowhere to go.  Hopefully thingswon't be as bad as they think and since you're on the "good" side of the stormmaybe you won't get all the flooding and power outages.   I've been amazedat the support that they have been sending down that way from up here.  Theyhad school buses that left early in the week to help evacuate and I believe workersfrom the power company are sitting in San waiting for the storm to passso they're closer and can get down there and get to work as soon as they're able.Someone seems to have their act together this time and hopefully with all thehelp ready and waiting, services will get restored a lot more quickly.  I thinkyou're a brave soul for riding this out.  But when you have pets it's so difficultto leave.  I have a dog, and I remember Katrina.  When they were trying to rescuepeople and the people were refusing to leave their pets.....it was just tragic.  Of course they have passed a law that they do have to rescue the pets also now andI was glad to see that happen.  I would never leave my dog, we're a package deal!!!I wish you the best and I look forward to seeing you post when you're able. Take Care, B. in TEXAS Re: JOHN__Hello HelenYeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged.   Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in.   I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties.  Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up.   So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage.   He left them out for the last tropical storm too.   The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too.   I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while.   I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out).   The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in.    I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full.   The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain.   I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power.   I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light.   They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks.   If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them.   I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away.   I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system.   I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.houstonhidefromthew ind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones.   The radar is showing the outer bands now.The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all.   I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the hand crank weather radio.Regards,On Sep 12, 2008, at 11:00 AM, angelbear1129@ aol.com wrote:Hi ,  I hope you were able to get your meds, it may be a while before your able to get out and get them afterwards.. .  I do remember how hard it was in getting your meds last time there on time...  Its great you were able to get your own home...  Is your house up on stilts or are you far enough away from the gulf that its not necessary...  I see this morning that its already flooding on the coast line there...  Yes, people will take advantage of you for money, please do be careful, sounds like you have a soft heart so beware...  The litter robot looks like something that is in space, never seen anything like it...  We got the coupons too and already got the converters as the coupons are only good for so long before they expire then they are worthless. Our news told people on tv to hang onto the expired coupons as so many people didn't realize they had a time limit on them and some just couldn't get one before they expired cause here they get sold out as fast as they come in, and just Maybe the government may do something about it later for them...     Hope you have enough non perishables to get through...  Let us know how you do, will be waiting to hear that you are safe!((( Calming Hugs )))Helen      Hello HelenYeah, I'm riding it out.   The forecast track is right through Houston on the east side.   There's still another day to go so if there's any more changes to the east in the forecast we should be in the clear.   I feel better about this over Rita simply because I'm in a much stronger house now but the forecasts are shifting much slower than with Rita.   During Rita, the roof directly over my bedroom had been damaged by wind storms the year before and had obvious water damage to the structure, the repairs left a noticeable dip in the roof so I didn't feel it was safe to ride it out, I rode it out anyway because all the streets gridlocked.   Since that apartment complex wanted me out so they could renovate the apartment, I figured that I might as well buy a house if I was going to have to move so now I'm in a pretty good house up in the far NW of town, the winds should die down to about 75 mph by the time it gets way out here.   It's also possible to leave the city by the backroads from here.The house is officially in the countryside (US post considers it a rural address) but it's in a subdivision and being on a fake lake, it's kinda like having two front yards, three since I have lake on two sides.  I often think that maybe I should've gone a few more miles out and be in the real country, then I could've tried to make my own fake lake.   There's a Walmart right around the corner and so is the last metro park and ride so this is as far out as you can get and still have some semblance of public transportation but it costs as much as the gas required to drive into town and it takes ten to twenty minutes longer.   They're talking about putting in commuter rail on the heavy rail tracks here, you can hear the freight trains with their whistles at night.   There's also a Buffalo Wild Wings which actually still serves their hamburgers rare, all the ones in town cook them well done for health reasons, because of this BWW, the Mcs, the Lubys and the Denny's, it's considered the culinary center of this rural area.When I first brought the cats here, one wouldn't come out of the car, when I finally got him out, he found the master bathroom and refused to come out of the bathroom.The Litter Robot is expensive but it's worth it.   I found it when I went to Amazon.com to buy a replacement Litter Maid and the reviews for the Litter Maid was mixed but there was nothing but glowing reviews for the Litter Robot, I didn't buy it from Amazon though, I bought it direct from Litter Robot because then the warranty is a full three months.I don't have TV anymore, the cable signal was really weak and cable service is expensive with really bad customer service plus they stopped the ebills when the service got transferred and then cut me off when I didn't pay even though I told them they had to ebill me if they wanted to be paid, their cable box didn't always change to the right channel anyway.   ATT says they can provide their TV out here but apparently the contractors laid out the wiring in the neighborhood wrong such that the signal is too weak so I'm watching the news broadcasts over the Internet now.  I've sent out for those DTV converter box coupons from the government.   I wonder what the homeowners association will say about a rooftop aerial, everybody else has dish antennas. I don't have all of my meds with me so I'll have to do without Lotrel during the next few days while the storm stuff sorts itself out, it'll probably be too hard to try and get some tomorrow especially since they'll be switching all lanes to outbound only this evening.   Forgot to take my morning meds this morning too.   Of course the med situation was almost worse during Rita cause the meds didn't arrive till the day before the storm so I almost went without all the meds.A girl that I had been seeing was freaking out today because her mom lives on the coast and her mom's friend who was supposed to pick her up to evacuate evacuated without her so she needed gas to try and pick her mom up.   Her truck is a gas guzzler because she hasn't been maintaining it,  I said that if I got out of work early, maybe we could drive there to pick her up if the police would let us into the coastal areas.   She kept calling and calling, basically she wanted the gas money and to try in a Chevy Tahoe instead.   I think in general she's been more or less milking me for money anyway (there's always some reason for her needing money every time she calls) and thought it was a bit suspicious that she didn't want me to drive out to pick up her mom after work (we got out at noon after we shut the systems down and bagged all the computers), but I scraped together the money for her.  Don't know how I'll make up for that money but that's a problem for another day.Back with Rita, it was the girl who looks after my cats that needed money for evacuation but I've known her longer and trust her more plus I had more cash on hand during Rita.They're forecasting high temperatures after the Hurricane so if we loose power, I'll have to find that Frio pack some where in my moving boxes to try and keep the insulin cool.   I'll try and bag some ice tonight so that i can keep a cooler cool if we loose power.   CHF patients are supposed to stay in AC at all times anyway so I might just have to relocate if the power goes out.   During Rita, the power went out for 13 hours the day after the storm.In some ways, I was more prepared for Rita (my stuff wasn't in boxes, had kerosene for the hurricane lamp, candles, bottled water, charcoal briquets and a rusty old BBQ, extra gas in gas cans, extra money) but I'm probably safer this time around.Regards, "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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We'll all be thinking of you, LOTS, and conCERNed for you all

As long as you can, pls do keep posting, and that u r ok

that goes for ALL of you in harm's way, pls!


From: Wang

Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 6:32 PM

Subject: Re: JOHN__


I was thinking that I'm quite unprepared for this. I haven't boarded up or put up storm panels, taping is pointless, did that for Rita, it takes too long and doesn't help at all. I don't have the cupboards filled with pork and beans like everyone else, and I haven't got the stacks of bottled water that everybody was buying. I've only taken what preparations I could without jumping onto the panic wagon.

It would be irresponsible to evacuate, I'm not in an evacuation zone and I'm in a solid structure. During Rita, I was in a modified 100 year flood plain which due to the surrounding dams, counted as a 500 year flood plain provided those earthen dykes held (the 100 year flood plains were voluntary evac zones so I was provisionally in an evac zone). Also the roof over my bedroom had suffered damage in the year before Rita and I didn't feel the repairs were sufficient so for Rita, I believe I should've evacuated but could not due to the gridlock from people who did not need to evacuate evacuating.

I can't see evacuating without the pets, problem is how to provide them with water and a litter box during the evacuation. Maybe I should get a Winnebago...

The Mayor says to be off the street by 6:30 pm and that the curfew is at 7 pm.


On Sep 12, 2008, at 4:28 PM, B wrote:

Hi ,I just read your email......you really seem prepared. I was going to tell youthat on the news last night (Dallas news) they had gone around to some of the hotels and they said most were all booked already......and that's all theway up here by Dallas. I could see San /Austin being booked, but I wasreally shocked to see that up here. So you would probably have a difficult timefinding a hotel if it came to that. But they have also set up a lot of shelters,huge shelters for the people coming up with nowhere to go. Hopefully thingswon't be as bad as they think and since you're on the "good" side of the stormmaybe you won't get all the flooding and power outages. I've been amazedat the support that they have been sending down that way from up here. Theyhad school buses that left early in the week to help evacuate and I believe workersfrom the power company are sitting in San waiting for the storm to passso they're closer and can get down there and get to work as soon as they're able.Someone seems to have their act together this time and hopefully with all thehelp ready and waiting, services will get restored a lot more quickly. I thinkyou're a brave soul for riding this out. But when you have pets it's so difficultto leave. I have a dog, and I remember Katrina. When they were trying to rescuepeople and the people were refusing to leave their pets.....it was just tragic. Of course they have passed a law that they do have to rescue the pets also now andI was glad to see that happen. I would never leave my dog, we're a package deal!!!I wish you the best and I look forward to seeing you post when you're able.

Take Care,


Re: JOHN__

Hello Helen

Yeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged. Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in. I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties. Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up. So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage. He left them out for the last tropical storm too. The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too. I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while. I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out). The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in. I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full. The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain. I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power. I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light. They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks. If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.

I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them. I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away. I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system. I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.

houstonhidefromthew ind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones. The radar is showing the outer bands now.

The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all. I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the hand crank weather radio.


On Sep 12, 2008, at 11:00 AM, angelbear1129@ aol.com wrote:

Hi ,

I hope you were able to get your meds, it may be a while before your able to get out and get them afterwards.. . I do remember how hard it was in getting your meds last time there on time... Its great you were able to get your own home... Is your house up on stilts or are you far enough away from the gulf that its not necessary... I see this morning that its already flooding on the coast line there...

Yes, people will take advantage of you for money, please do be careful, sounds like you have a soft heart so beware...

The litter robot looks like something that is in space, never seen anything like it...

We got the coupons too and already got the converters as the coupons are only good for so long before they expire then they are worthless. Our news told people on tv to hang onto the expired coupons as so many people didn't realize they had a time limit on them and some just couldn't get one before they expired cause here they get sold out as fast as they come in, and just Maybe the government may do something about it later for them...

Hope you have enough non perishables to get through... Let us know how you do, will be waiting to hear that you are safe!

((( Calming Hugs )))Helen

Hello Helen

Yeah, I'm riding it out. The forecast track is right through Houston on the east side. There's still another day to go so if there's any more changes to the east in the forecast we should be in the clear. I feel better about this over Rita simply because I'm in a much stronger house now but the forecasts are shifting much slower than with Rita. During Rita, the roof directly over my bedroom had been damaged by wind storms the year before and had obvious water damage to the structure, the repairs left a noticeable dip in the roof so I didn't feel it was safe to ride it out, I rode it out anyway because all the streets gridlocked. Since that apartment complex wanted me out so they could renovate the apartment, I figured that I might as well buy a house if I was going to have to move so now I'm in a pretty good house up in the far NW of town, the winds should die down to about 75 mph by the time it gets way out here. It's also possible to leave the city by the backroads from here.

The house is officially in the countryside (US post considers it a rural address) but it's in a subdivision and being on a fake lake, it's kinda like having two front yards, three since I have lake on two sides. I often think that maybe I should've gone a few more miles out and be in the real country, then I could've tried to make my own fake lake.

There's a Walmart right around the corner and so is the last metro park and ride so this is as far out as you can get and still have some semblance of public transportation but it costs as much as the gas required to drive into town and it takes ten to twenty minutes longer. They're talking about putting in commuter rail on the heavy rail tracks here, you can hear the freight trains with their whistles at night. There's also a Buffalo Wild Wings which actually still serves their hamburgers rare, all the ones in town cook them well done for health reasons, because of this BWW, the Mcs, the Lubys and the Denny's, it's considered the culinary center of this rural area.

When I first brought the cats here, one wouldn't come out of the car, when I finally got him out, he found the master bathroom and refused to come out of the bathroom.

The Litter Robot is expensive but it's worth it. I found it when I went to Amazon.com to buy a replacement Litter Maid and the reviews for the Litter Maid was mixed but there was nothing but glowing reviews for the Litter Robot, I didn't buy it from Amazon though, I bought it direct from Litter Robot because then the warranty is a full three months.

I don't have TV anymore, the cable signal was really weak and cable service is expensive with really bad customer service plus they stopped the ebills when the service got transferred and then cut me off when I didn't pay even though I told them they had to ebill me if they wanted to be paid, their cable box didn't always change to the right channel anyway. ATT says they can provide their TV out here but apparently the contractors laid out the wiring in the neighborhood wrong such that the signal is too weak so I'm watching the news broadcasts over the Internet now. I've sent out for those DTV converter box coupons from the government. I wonder what the homeowners association will say about a rooftop aerial, everybody else has dish antennas.

I don't have all of my meds with me so I'll have to do without Lotrel during the next few days while the storm stuff sorts itself out, it'll probably be too hard to try and get some tomorrow especially since they'll be switching all lanes to outbound only this evening. Forgot to take my morning meds this morning too. Of course the med situation was almost worse during Rita cause the meds didn't arrive till the day before the storm so I almost went without all the meds.

A girl that I had been seeing was freaking out today because her mom lives on the coast and her mom's friend who was supposed to pick her up to evacuate evacuated without her so she needed gas to try and pick her mom up. Her truck is a gas guzzler because she hasn't been maintaining it, I said that if I got out of work early, maybe we could drive there to pick her up if the police would let us into the coastal areas. She kept calling and calling, basically she wanted the gas money and to try in a Chevy Tahoe instead. I think in general she's been more or less milking me for money anyway (there's always some reason for her needing money every time she calls) and thought it was a bit suspicious that she didn't want me to drive out to pick up her mom after work (we got out at noon after we shut the systems down and bagged all the computers), but I scraped together the money for her. Don't know how I'll make up for that money but that's a problem for another day.

Back with Rita, it was the girl who looks after my cats that needed money for evacuation but I've known her longer and trust her more plus I had more cash on hand during Rita.

They're forecasting high temperatures after the Hurricane so if we loose power, I'll have to find that Frio pack some where in my moving boxes to try and keep the insulin cool. I'll try and bag some ice tonight so that i can keep a cooler cool if we loose power. CHF patients are supposed to stay in AC at all times anyway so I might just have to relocate if the power goes out. During Rita, the power went out for 13 hours the day after the storm.

In some ways, I was more prepared for Rita (my stuff wasn't in boxes, had kerosene for the hurricane lamp, candles, bottled water, charcoal briquets and a rusty old BBQ, extra gas in gas cans, extra money) but I'm probably safer this time around.


"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."

Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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We'll all be thinking of you, LOTS, and conCERNed for you all

As long as you can, pls do keep posting, and that u r ok

that goes for ALL of you in harm's way, pls!


From: Wang

Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 6:32 PM

Subject: Re: JOHN__


I was thinking that I'm quite unprepared for this. I haven't boarded up or put up storm panels, taping is pointless, did that for Rita, it takes too long and doesn't help at all. I don't have the cupboards filled with pork and beans like everyone else, and I haven't got the stacks of bottled water that everybody was buying. I've only taken what preparations I could without jumping onto the panic wagon.

It would be irresponsible to evacuate, I'm not in an evacuation zone and I'm in a solid structure. During Rita, I was in a modified 100 year flood plain which due to the surrounding dams, counted as a 500 year flood plain provided those earthen dykes held (the 100 year flood plains were voluntary evac zones so I was provisionally in an evac zone). Also the roof over my bedroom had suffered damage in the year before Rita and I didn't feel the repairs were sufficient so for Rita, I believe I should've evacuated but could not due to the gridlock from people who did not need to evacuate evacuating.

I can't see evacuating without the pets, problem is how to provide them with water and a litter box during the evacuation. Maybe I should get a Winnebago...

The Mayor says to be off the street by 6:30 pm and that the curfew is at 7 pm.


On Sep 12, 2008, at 4:28 PM, B wrote:

Hi ,I just read your email......you really seem prepared. I was going to tell youthat on the news last night (Dallas news) they had gone around to some of the hotels and they said most were all booked already......and that's all theway up here by Dallas. I could see San /Austin being booked, but I wasreally shocked to see that up here. So you would probably have a difficult timefinding a hotel if it came to that. But they have also set up a lot of shelters,huge shelters for the people coming up with nowhere to go. Hopefully thingswon't be as bad as they think and since you're on the "good" side of the stormmaybe you won't get all the flooding and power outages. I've been amazedat the support that they have been sending down that way from up here. Theyhad school buses that left early in the week to help evacuate and I believe workersfrom the power company are sitting in San waiting for the storm to passso they're closer and can get down there and get to work as soon as they're able.Someone seems to have their act together this time and hopefully with all thehelp ready and waiting, services will get restored a lot more quickly. I thinkyou're a brave soul for riding this out. But when you have pets it's so difficultto leave. I have a dog, and I remember Katrina. When they were trying to rescuepeople and the people were refusing to leave their pets.....it was just tragic. Of course they have passed a law that they do have to rescue the pets also now andI was glad to see that happen. I would never leave my dog, we're a package deal!!!I wish you the best and I look forward to seeing you post when you're able.

Take Care,


Re: JOHN__

Hello Helen

Yeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged. Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in. I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties. Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up. So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage. He left them out for the last tropical storm too. The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too. I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while. I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out). The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in. I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full. The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain. I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power. I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light. They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks. If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.

I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them. I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away. I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system. I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.

houstonhidefromthew ind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones. The radar is showing the outer bands now.

The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all. I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the hand crank weather radio.


On Sep 12, 2008, at 11:00 AM, angelbear1129@ aol.com wrote:

Hi ,

I hope you were able to get your meds, it may be a while before your able to get out and get them afterwards.. . I do remember how hard it was in getting your meds last time there on time... Its great you were able to get your own home... Is your house up on stilts or are you far enough away from the gulf that its not necessary... I see this morning that its already flooding on the coast line there...

Yes, people will take advantage of you for money, please do be careful, sounds like you have a soft heart so beware...

The litter robot looks like something that is in space, never seen anything like it...

We got the coupons too and already got the converters as the coupons are only good for so long before they expire then they are worthless. Our news told people on tv to hang onto the expired coupons as so many people didn't realize they had a time limit on them and some just couldn't get one before they expired cause here they get sold out as fast as they come in, and just Maybe the government may do something about it later for them...

Hope you have enough non perishables to get through... Let us know how you do, will be waiting to hear that you are safe!

((( Calming Hugs )))Helen

Hello Helen

Yeah, I'm riding it out. The forecast track is right through Houston on the east side. There's still another day to go so if there's any more changes to the east in the forecast we should be in the clear. I feel better about this over Rita simply because I'm in a much stronger house now but the forecasts are shifting much slower than with Rita. During Rita, the roof directly over my bedroom had been damaged by wind storms the year before and had obvious water damage to the structure, the repairs left a noticeable dip in the roof so I didn't feel it was safe to ride it out, I rode it out anyway because all the streets gridlocked. Since that apartment complex wanted me out so they could renovate the apartment, I figured that I might as well buy a house if I was going to have to move so now I'm in a pretty good house up in the far NW of town, the winds should die down to about 75 mph by the time it gets way out here. It's also possible to leave the city by the backroads from here.

The house is officially in the countryside (US post considers it a rural address) but it's in a subdivision and being on a fake lake, it's kinda like having two front yards, three since I have lake on two sides. I often think that maybe I should've gone a few more miles out and be in the real country, then I could've tried to make my own fake lake.

There's a Walmart right around the corner and so is the last metro park and ride so this is as far out as you can get and still have some semblance of public transportation but it costs as much as the gas required to drive into town and it takes ten to twenty minutes longer. They're talking about putting in commuter rail on the heavy rail tracks here, you can hear the freight trains with their whistles at night. There's also a Buffalo Wild Wings which actually still serves their hamburgers rare, all the ones in town cook them well done for health reasons, because of this BWW, the Mcs, the Lubys and the Denny's, it's considered the culinary center of this rural area.

When I first brought the cats here, one wouldn't come out of the car, when I finally got him out, he found the master bathroom and refused to come out of the bathroom.

The Litter Robot is expensive but it's worth it. I found it when I went to Amazon.com to buy a replacement Litter Maid and the reviews for the Litter Maid was mixed but there was nothing but glowing reviews for the Litter Robot, I didn't buy it from Amazon though, I bought it direct from Litter Robot because then the warranty is a full three months.

I don't have TV anymore, the cable signal was really weak and cable service is expensive with really bad customer service plus they stopped the ebills when the service got transferred and then cut me off when I didn't pay even though I told them they had to ebill me if they wanted to be paid, their cable box didn't always change to the right channel anyway. ATT says they can provide their TV out here but apparently the contractors laid out the wiring in the neighborhood wrong such that the signal is too weak so I'm watching the news broadcasts over the Internet now. I've sent out for those DTV converter box coupons from the government. I wonder what the homeowners association will say about a rooftop aerial, everybody else has dish antennas.

I don't have all of my meds with me so I'll have to do without Lotrel during the next few days while the storm stuff sorts itself out, it'll probably be too hard to try and get some tomorrow especially since they'll be switching all lanes to outbound only this evening. Forgot to take my morning meds this morning too. Of course the med situation was almost worse during Rita cause the meds didn't arrive till the day before the storm so I almost went without all the meds.

A girl that I had been seeing was freaking out today because her mom lives on the coast and her mom's friend who was supposed to pick her up to evacuate evacuated without her so she needed gas to try and pick her mom up. Her truck is a gas guzzler because she hasn't been maintaining it, I said that if I got out of work early, maybe we could drive there to pick her up if the police would let us into the coastal areas. She kept calling and calling, basically she wanted the gas money and to try in a Chevy Tahoe instead. I think in general she's been more or less milking me for money anyway (there's always some reason for her needing money every time she calls) and thought it was a bit suspicious that she didn't want me to drive out to pick up her mom after work (we got out at noon after we shut the systems down and bagged all the computers), but I scraped together the money for her. Don't know how I'll make up for that money but that's a problem for another day.

Back with Rita, it was the girl who looks after my cats that needed money for evacuation but I've known her longer and trust her more plus I had more cash on hand during Rita.

They're forecasting high temperatures after the Hurricane so if we loose power, I'll have to find that Frio pack some where in my moving boxes to try and keep the insulin cool. I'll try and bag some ice tonight so that i can keep a cooler cool if we loose power. CHF patients are supposed to stay in AC at all times anyway so I might just have to relocate if the power goes out. During Rita, the power went out for 13 hours the day after the storm.

In some ways, I was more prepared for Rita (my stuff wasn't in boxes, had kerosene for the hurricane lamp, candles, bottled water, charcoal briquets and a rusty old BBQ, extra gas in gas cans, extra money) but I'm probably safer this time around.


"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."

Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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I wish you had gotten more food and your meds in the house... Looks like your getting a severe hit right now with rain according to the weather channel...

I do hope the folks on the tanker are safe... I hope the gas fumes don't get into your house... I don't think the home owners association is going to be worried about your weeds growing for awhile, they will be busy with other things for the time being... But I do like your idea of the winds helping get rid of the weeds! :o)

Their saying most of Houston is without power now, stay safe my friend keep postin when ya can... My Thoughts and Prayers are with you...

((( Safe Hugs )))Helen

Hello Helen

Yeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged. Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in. I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties. Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up. So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage. He left them out for the last tropical storm too. The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too. I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while. I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out). The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in. I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full. The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain. I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power. I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light. They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks. If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.

I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them. I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away. I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system. I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.

houstonhidefromthewind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones. The radar is showing the outer bands now.

The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all. I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the hand crank weather radio.


"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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Well, the wind is really howling now, my poor trees are bending back

and forth. I hope they survive, they were planted about a year ago,

the builder had them staked but only with two stakes per tree,

would've made more sense to do three stakes per tree. The waves in

the lake are getting rather large now, any larger and you can surf.

The balcony is shielded from the wind so you can stand there quite

comfortably and watch the waves jump around. All this and the

outer edge of the storm is probably still a hundred miles away.

Reports from the other side of town are that the rain is being blown

horizontally, no rain here yet. They say that the stranded

freighter that they couldn't rescue has made it to the other side of

the eye so the worse is over for them. We won't actually be in the

storm for another three hours. I've turned on all the outside

lights, might as well have as much lit as possible.

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Well, the wind is really howling now, my poor trees are bending back

and forth. I hope they survive, they were planted about a year ago,

the builder had them staked but only with two stakes per tree,

would've made more sense to do three stakes per tree. The waves in

the lake are getting rather large now, any larger and you can surf.

The balcony is shielded from the wind so you can stand there quite

comfortably and watch the waves jump around. All this and the

outer edge of the storm is probably still a hundred miles away.

Reports from the other side of town are that the rain is being blown

horizontally, no rain here yet. They say that the stranded

freighter that they couldn't rescue has made it to the other side of

the eye so the worse is over for them. We won't actually be in the

storm for another three hours. I've turned on all the outside

lights, might as well have as much lit as possible.

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Well, the wind is really howling now, my poor trees are bending back

and forth. I hope they survive, they were planted about a year ago,

the builder had them staked but only with two stakes per tree,

would've made more sense to do three stakes per tree. The waves in

the lake are getting rather large now, any larger and you can surf.

The balcony is shielded from the wind so you can stand there quite

comfortably and watch the waves jump around. All this and the

outer edge of the storm is probably still a hundred miles away.

Reports from the other side of town are that the rain is being blown

horizontally, no rain here yet. They say that the stranded

freighter that they couldn't rescue has made it to the other side of

the eye so the worse is over for them. We won't actually be in the

storm for another three hours. I've turned on all the outside

lights, might as well have as much lit as possible.

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It might be transformers blowing, they've been showing them on the weather channel... CNN said there is 3 fires going on right now in Houston... They just said the restaurant burned to the ground... Do you still have power where you are??? They said the storm is still strengthening and it could be a category 3 by the time it hits shore... They just had gusts of 135mph...


just saw three blue flashes of light, looks like lightning on the other side of the house but no thunder so it must still be far away. The news says that Brenners is on fire, that's a pretty famous restaurant in midtown, it was in "Terms of Endearment".

"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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They say that the outer edge has finally made land fall. Note that

it matters that much, I don't think there's very much left in

Galveston for that to make a difference. It'll still be a few hours

before it gets up here.

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They say that the outer edge has finally made land fall. Note that

it matters that much, I don't think there's very much left in

Galveston for that to make a difference. It'll still be a few hours

before it gets up here.

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They say that the outer edge has finally made land fall. Note that

it matters that much, I don't think there's very much left in

Galveston for that to make a difference. It'll still be a few hours

before it gets up here.

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They're showing the transformers blow on the Fox channel as power is going out throughout Houston.   All of that is inside the beltway, I'm way outside of the beltway on the side furthest from the storm so it's just real windy.   I tried to take a movie of the trees bending back and forth but it's night so there's not enough light.   The power in this subdivision is underground which is very unusual for Houston so hopefully we won't have the power problems that the rest of Houston is having.   A lot of what they're showing on TV is the Medical Center where all the big hospitals are, they lost power just a few minutes ago.   So far, it's 600,000 people without power so far; of course that's actually 600,000 meters so it could be 600,000 families hence easily a million or two million people.   The wind gusts just freaked out the cats.   The radar says that I'm just through the first band so the heavy rainfall should be within the next hour but I'm probably in a quiet spot between bands right now.   They're saying that some of the lightning is green because of all the rain, that should be interesting to see.   Apparently, the storm is weakening early so that's good.Regards,On Sep 13, 2008, at 12:02 AM, angelbear1129@... wrote:I wish you had gotten more food and your meds in the house...  Looks like your getting a severe hit right now with rain according to the weather channel...   I do hope the folks on the tanker are safe...  I hope the gas fumes don't get into your house...  I don't think the home owners association is going to be worried about your weeds growing for awhile, they will be busy with other things for the time being...  But I do like your idea of the winds helping get rid of the weeds! :o)  Their saying most of Houston is without power now, stay safe my friend keep postin when ya can...  My Thoughts and Prayers are with you...((( Safe Hugs )))HelenHello HelenYeah, the web cams in Galveston have gone out but the web cam in Kemah shows that the boardwalk is about to submerge, the lower decks have already submerged.   Soon the Kemah aquarium will be keeping water out rather then in.   I'm on the opposite side of Houston and in the far edge of the second tier of counties affected, the first tier are the coastal counties, the second are the near coastal counties.  Only the houses right by the coast are on stilts, I'm on a fake lake, if the water rises about ten feet then I may be in trouble but this lake overflows into a water retention area, problem is that when it rains, the lake fills up faster than it drains so the water creeps up.   So far, it's only ever creeped up to the bottom of the docks ie.: 1 foot during heavy rains but this may be twelve to twenty hours of rain so the dock may go under, everybody has pulled their boats into their garages but my neighbour across the water still has his folding banqet chairs out, if they start flying around, they can cause a lot of damage.   He left them out for the last tropical storm too.   The neighbour across the street still has their garbage cans out, they just pulled them close to the house and turned them upside down so those will probably go flying too.   I only have about three cans of soap, one tin of tuna, three single lunch serving tins of tuna salad, some rice and some tins of oats, everything else is frozen so tonight may be the last full meal for a while.   I've been bagging ice from the ice maker and I've got the small stockpot filled with water and in the freezer (hopefully it'll freeze before the power goes out).   The other stockpots and pots are filled with water and in the lower cabinets, the master bath tub is filled with water, the other tubs won't hold the water for more than a few hours but I've runned the taps so that the P traps are full, don't want any sewer gases blowing in.    I've got the gas tank full, a two gallon can full and a 1 gallon partially full.   The 1 gallon tipped over on the way home so I have about a 1/4 gallon of gas in the trunk, I've got the trunk open and the garage door open so it can air out, I'll close the door when it starts to rain.   I found my charcoal briquets but no BBQ, but the stove is gas so as long as I light it with a lighter, it should work without power.   I have the hurricane lamp but no kerosene, there is a small bottle of lamp oil that will work and I have a couple of hand wind flashlights as well as one of those car jump starters with an emergency light.   They say to expect the power to be out for five days to two weeks.   If it's out for more than a couple of days, I may try to pack the cats off to somewhere unaffected but I really can't afford to evacuate especially since you'll have to go far before there'll be hotel rooms available.I've brought in the yard stuff and I pulled a few more weeds out, I figured that if the storm blows those weeds away then I won't have to bag them.   I was going to put out a rain gauge but I figured it'll blow away.   I do have a rain sensor clamped to the eaves for the sprinkler system.   I'll leave that outside but it might blow away too, still better than being out on a ladder today.houstonhidefromthewind.org is no longer posting wind data from the evacuated zones.   The radar is showing the outer bands now.The Litter Robot is pretty strange looking, I thought that the cats wouldn't figure it out but they had no problems with it at all.   I've found my old rabbit ear antennas so I may try to pick up some signals but at least I can see the Fox newscasts live over the net and I still have the hand crank weather radio.Regards, "When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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I just saw three blue flashes of light, looks like lightning on the

other side of the house but no thunder so it must still be far

away. The news says that Brenners is on fire, that's a pretty

famous restaurant in midtown, it was in " Terms of Endearment " .

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