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Hi Rosemary: Glad we had beautiful weather for you while you were here.

Orlando is about 40 minutes from where I live. Hope you are doing well.

Take care and God bless, Genny/Jodi's Mom

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Hi Rosemary: Boy Hunter doesn't waste any time does he? He must have girls

lined up waiting for a date. Good for him, I hate to see kids tie themselves

down to just one person so young. I made that mistake but I guess it takes

getting older to see it. In this day and time you can't play the field if

your having an adult relationship though, if you know what I mean. I know

waiting for marriage is the uncool way but it really is the best way. I'm

glad he is feeling good right now. Take care and God bless. Genny/Jodi's Mom

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi there...

Sorry to hear that Hunt had to drop his biology....Being so tired so much of the time...with the added brain fog...I know it is not easy...

Ty is going to start with the tutoring next week ...we hope..and back to school sometime soon...I just don't want him to push it...and end up in the hosp again....

I think the main thing with the diet is that these guys think that fast food is good eating....what wrong with that....YUCK...

And Ty has no real interest in knowing about his diseases...maybe it because he knows that I am doing all this and so why should he...or what I really think is that he would just as soon not think about it...He takes his meds with no problem...so I guess I can't ask for more...

I hope you all have a nice week end...My husband had taken Sat off....because our anniversary is Sun and we usually like to go away for the a couple of day trips ...shopping in little shops in some of our favorite old places...But this yr we will be staying home with Ty...Maybe get some good tapes to watch...and maybe make some fun food if Ty is up to eating....We will see....We have a favorite bakery out on the beach about 45 minutes away...and they make great crumbuns....YUMMMM...so maybe we will take a ride on Sunday am and get them...

Well anyways have a good weekend....

Luanne Ty's mom

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True, Las Vegas is its own comic book. I too am not a gambler. Having grown up

here playing in the desert, riding horses, and water skiing, I learned very

young that it is losers who pay to build these casinos - not winners. They are

not in business to pay out the money. However, gaming does help keep our tax

base low and provide for local entertainment and restaurants. Though,

truthfully, I seldom ever go to the casinos. Many of the newer ones have never

been visited. My family works completely away from the gaming industry. Yes, we

even have real people who are not disney types here. My father was an electrical

contractor, my brother a dentist, my ex-husband a pipefitter-welder, and I a

defense contract manager (now a glorified secretary at the University). Living

here is almost like living in a suburb of Los Angles with easy access in and out

of the city by car or plane. The major flaw is the summer heat, ugh. Sweltering.

I don't care what they say about " But it is a dry heat. " Hot is hot. The 10

years I lived in land on the humid hot Chesapeake was hot also. No wonder we

live so much longer than the pioneers, it is due to air conditioning.

Let me know if you plan another trip to Vegas. I will be in enmuth,

Michigan the first week of April at the Newfoundland Dog National.

Sylvia - AIH - Las Vegas, NV

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I wonder why my e-mails aren't going through to your address. I replied to

your last e-mail and sent you several others. Since I didn't hear from you

I thought there was something wrong. I didn't get an error message.

Computers..... Anyway, MIL is here. So far I'm handling it. Would like some

privacy once in a while though. We are both trying to be sensitive re: the

other's feelings. Her furniture was delivered yesterday.

Today is my husband's last day on the job. I don't know what we are going

to do. We spent all of our savings on Tommy's and my medical bills. The

doctor changed around some of my meds to help me keep moving. So far I am

starting to feel better. I guess the only reason I'm not more stressed

about no money coming in is 60 mg of Prozac every day.

Tommy is doing wonderful. I'm actually praying that he had drug induced

hepatitis from the morphine Duke kept giving him instead of AIH. His doctor

doesn't think so though. She expects his counts to remain elevated, but is

giving him a chance to get them down by himself before resorting to

medication since he looks so good now. Of course if his counts go up

anytime on the next few blood tests medication will start immediately. Or,

if his counts or still elevated in June, medication will start. That will

document 6 months of high LFTs. BUT his biopsy only showed some

inflammation and no permanent damage! Yea!!!!!!!!!

Is Hunt doing better since he dropped those classes? I hope so. How was

your daughter's missionary trip? Is your husband back to work yet?

The horse vet thinks our mare is due around Easter. We will be working on a

separate pen for her this weekend. We had the vet out for an emergency

visit last week. She wouldn't get up and was wheezing real bad. He said the

foal is making his final turn inside and was putting a lot of pressure on

her lungs and intestines causing her pain and colic. She is doing better

now. We are now giving her mash everyday in addition to her food to help

with her intestines.

I'm going to try to resend my last e-mails. Let me know if you get them or


Debbie (Tommy's Mom)

> [Original Message]

> From: <mamacdoo@...>

> < >

> Date: 3/22/01 10:09:57 PM

> Subject: Re: [ ] Rosemary


> No, Debbie, I have not heard a thing from you. I have been getting



> Rosemary


--- Have a fun day!

--- debbiehenry@...


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Finally getting around to answering some of the mail....

Ty's WBC is always about 2.2...2.3...When he went into the hosp the last time with the very painful spleen it went up to 15....Very very odd for him...

Well I am trying to get this organized here as much as possible...so much to do to get ready to leave for our vacation....Will be leaving Wed am...am actually getting excited about it....

Ty didn't go to school today....Woke up with a migraine so is back in bed with his meds...will see him up about 11 am....

Hope Hunt is still doing well...

will write when we get back...

Luanne Ty's mom

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  • 2 months later...
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I second the thoughts about the web site. It is great! And I also appreciate

so much your doing it!! I love to put faces to names that I see so often on the

message board.



In a message dated 6/2/01 8:45:11 PM, rosemarylocklear@... writes:


I love the web site, and visit it often! Thanks for all the work you do.

It really helps to put faces with emails!

Congratulations on the run! I hope to one day be able to run. Walking is as

far as I get these days, but then I'm still 120 pounds over weight! Maybe

if my mgb holds out past the 18 month line somebody posted about I'll get a

chance to run one day!

Again thanks for all the hard work on maintaining the web site. One day

I'll get my courage up and send some pics.

Rosemary Locklear>>

Thank you, Rosemary for the kind words about the website and the run. I look

forward to hearing about your " upcoming run " as well as your pictures!

Tricia in IL

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Rosemary....if i can help you in anyway let me know ...i can be a support

for you if nothing else.......i think im a local call for you also :-)~

Since my last name is Locklear also......and i know that is a Lumbee name :)

Kathy Locklear

521 0223

call anytime :)



At 07:40 PM 6/4/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>Hi ,

>Yes, someone else has had a plateau last that long. I haven't lost a pound

>since March. Well actually I've lost 6 pounds off and on. I'm up one day

>and down the next. Haven't broke out of the 260 since I entered them in

>March for more than a day. I still have over 120 pounds to lose so I'm

>praying I will start up again soon. I do try to take comfort in what

>several people have said about being at a weight you were once at for an

>extended period of time being hard to break through. I weighed 268 when I

>graduated high school, so maybe my body just likes being at what it thinks

>an 18 year old should weigh?????????????? LOL **smile**

>Try to hang on. I know exactly how you feel and I had my surgery in July

>2000. I've lost about 82 pounds but just keep going from 257 to 267 back

>and forth. I've tried counting the WW points, exercise, protein shakes

>(yuck!) and everything everybody has suggested but I'm definitely stuck and

>depressed but trying to stay positive. Write me and will gripe to each


>Rosemary Locklear

> Re: Re: Drema;s Attachment



> > HELP !!! My surgery was also is September and my

> > total loss is 74 lbs...My problem is, I haven't

> > lost anything in almost 3 mos.....I'm getting

> > very discouraged about losing the rest of my

> > wgt....Has anyone had a plateau last that long ????

> > Hugs, in Hilton Head

> >

> >

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Since I have developed the dreaded " moon face " I have also found that I have

become allergic to cameras LOL. I'll have to search around and see if I can

find a good Pre-Prednisone picture to send.

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Wow Kathy, this is tooooooo cool! Yes you are very local for me! LOL Just

down the rode obviously! 521 is a Pembroke or Rowland extension right??

I live in Lumberton! We have GOT to get together! I will call you real

soon! I would say now, but I'm about 200 emails behind, and I like to read

them all each day! LOL, talk to you real soon! Call me too! 608-0467


Re: Re: Drema;s Attachment

> >

> >

> > > HELP !!! My surgery was also is September and my

> > > total loss is 74 lbs...My problem is, I haven't

> > > lost anything in almost 3 mos.....I'm getting

> > > very discouraged about losing the rest of my

> > > wgt....Has anyone had a plateau last that long ????

> > > Hugs, in Hilton Head

> > >

> > >

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Hi there....

The mail does seem to still be having some problems....I haven't heard anything from or about Genny and Jodi in awhile....I missed the orginal e-mail about there transplant.....it seems that the mail is very mixed up...getting answers before the orginal or not getting the original at all....makes it very hard to make anysense out of the mail at times....

I have only been able to do some reading here....not having the time to write and now am trying to catch up....

How is Hunt doing.....is he home from school...Ty graduates on the 20th and will I be glad to see that all over with....he will be going to the county college....his senior grades were not in ...in time to get the applications in for college....because he was in the hospital most of the winter and was catching up....but he seems to be ok with that....I am glad because I think the stress of school and living away from home and having to worry about his meds etc...is just too much....this way I will still be able to do alot of that stuff for him....and maybe he will be feeling well enough to enjoy himself for awhile...that would be nice.....

He got a special award for being on the high honor roll all 4 yrs...and he is looking forward to going to college.....

Ty goes to the hosp on the 18 for another Remicade infusion....I am hoping this one goes more smoothly than the last one....just never know....

Well I just wanted to touch basis and say HI.....

Talk to you soon

Luanne Ty's mom

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks , I believe I will do just that! So what if I weigh 265 for the

rest of my life, hey at least my chance of dieing went down (according to

Dr. R's chart!) and I can move around, and don't feel guilty everytime I

put something in my mouth (well almost never! LOL) Okay, I'll just hush

about it! Hey somebody has to stay a size 22 to keep a market for the

clothes right??? LOL, I'm feeling better, maybe pms has passed!

Rosemary L


> If you are happy being around 200, then no one should give a care. I just

> want to get to 180 and if I stop before then, will fight for it. But if I

> get to 180 and the weightloss stops, I'll be content. I will always


> for the rest of my life since it gives so much more than it takes, but I

> won't kill myself to get to any size.


> I just want health. If you are healthy, feel better than you did, then


> your own ticket, hon, and enjoy the view!


> in Ark

> 3-08

> 322-245




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Hey Hon, if I said HUSh you slap my yap!

You are ALWAYS welcome to share with me and everyone here WHATEVER you are

feeling...God knows I just open up this mouth and whatever mood is on my

tongue spills out....I've always been that way, too, and am not apt to

change. And don't you dare change!

If we can't be open and honest about all the ups and downs, this board isn't

worth having, right? And as the Queen of PMS, you are welcome to vent around

me any day and anytime!


in ark

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Dear Rosemary: Yes, we did get your cards and thank you so much. I am still

trying to get all of the thank yous out because we had so many cards,

goodies, prayers, blood, food, donations that we want to say a special thank

you to everyone but it's impossible. We are going to put one in the

newspaper for they are going to do a follow up story on us. So we will be

able to get the word out some more to DONATE YOUR ORGANS.

Thanks again Rosemary and I pray Hunt is doing well. I haven't been on line

in two days because they thought I may have fluid under the lungs but the

chest x-ray says not so I'm not sure but the off and on ache is around the

diaphragm area. I will have to ask Cheryl because my doctor here in town

doesn't know. I guess I will feel places where I didn't know I had places

for a while.

God bless, Genny

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Hi Genny, Sorry you are having problems. I hope it is something simple.

What newspaper did the story on you and Jodi? Is there a way we can access

the archives on line, so we can read the article. And see the picture of

your HUGE liver. I heard it was so big that you could have given some to

Debbie LOL.

Debbie (Tommy's Mom)

> [Original Message]

> From: <Babycolt98102690@...>

> < >

> Date: 6/28/01 12:18:34 AM

> Subject: Re: [ ] Rosemary


> Dear Rosemary: Yes, we did get your cards and thank you so much.

> I am still

> trying to get all of the thank yous out because we had so many

> cards,

> goodies, prayers, blood, food, donations that we want to say a

> special thank

> you to everyone but it's impossible. We are going to put one in the


> newspaper for they are going to do a follow up story on us. So we

> will be

> able to get the word out some more to DONATE YOUR ORGANS.

> Thanks again Rosemary and I pray Hunt is doing well. I haven't been

> on line

> in two days because they thought I may have fluid under the lungs

> but the

> chest x-ray says not so I'm not sure but the off and on ache is

> around the

> diaphragm area. I will have to ask Cheryl because my doctor here in

> town

> doesn't know. I guess I will feel places where I didn't know I had

> places

> for a while.

> God bless, Genny



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She's just SOOOOOOOO stingy!!! I told you all!



> Hi Genny, Sorry you are having problems. I hope it is something


> What newspaper did the story on you and Jodi? Is there a way we can


> the archives on line, so we can read the article. And see the

picture of

> your HUGE liver. I heard it was so big that you could have given

some to

> Debbie LOL.


> Debbie (Tommy's Mom)



> > [Original Message]

> > From: <Babycolt98102690@a...>

> > < @y...>

> > Date: 6/28/01 12:18:34 AM

> > Subject: Re: [ ] Rosemary

> >

> > Dear Rosemary: Yes, we did get your cards and thank you so


> > I am still

> > trying to get all of the thank yous out because we had so many

> > cards,

> > goodies, prayers, blood, food, donations that we want to say a

> > special thank

> > you to everyone but it's impossible. We are going to put one in


> >

> > newspaper for they are going to do a follow up story on us. So


> > will be

> > able to get the word out some more to DONATE YOUR ORGANS.

> > Thanks again Rosemary and I pray Hunt is doing well. I haven't


> > on line

> > in two days because they thought I may have fluid under the lungs

> > but the

> > chest x-ray says not so I'm not sure but the off and on ache is

> > around the

> > diaphragm area. I will have to ask Cheryl because my doctor

here in

> > town

> > doesn't know. I guess I will feel places where I didn't know I


> > places

> > for a while.

> > God bless, Genny

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...


Don't fret. I also go up and down a couple of lbs for a few weeks and then

suddenly the couple don't come back and one or 2 more fall off. It will

happen to you also. Like you said we are older (I am 53). I think it just

takes us a little more time. Keep your chin up and think about where you

were last year at this time and where you will be next year at this time.

You are doing GREAT!





231/171 up 2 again /138

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Hi Carla: I had an open in 1980 and it was a piece of cake. I had had a

C-section in mid September and thought I would die if I had to be cut on

again, It was my 3rd)c-section. I had my GB sdurgery December 1,1980 But I

went to Garage Sales on the way home from the hospital and went Christmas

shopping on the way home from getting my staples out. I don't reccommend

this but it worked for me and I did fine. I think life is a lot of what you

make it. I did not have anything for pain and moved around real well the day

after surgery. I got up the day of surgery. Dr. R said I had some pretty

bad adhesions and I certainly don't disagree with him, but they have never

bothered me. It did take him 42 minutes to do my surgery but you already

have that behind you so just pray for the best as I am praying for you.

Phyllis in fla

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I been eatin for bout 2 weeks almost the same way rite after surgery

.........i would say even less at sum point...i memba havin broth and yogurt

but i held more then than i do now.........that is what has me

worried.......gonna wait and see if it continues........i was wondering if

it was bc school started adn i went back to work and i am just so stressed

and dont have much time to eat and when i go eat i really dont want it so i

stop at the first feel of being full.......was wonderin if i was doing that

this summer........either way ....it still feels like a smaller

amount........i will know more bout my bloodwork next friday......i see my

pcp then.......for my 6 ms check..........hopin i can wait that

long........u r rite that i do have to eat more frequent durin the

day........it is very hard for me to do thou with my job.........:( but

next week im going to put forth a better effort to do so.........thanks for

listening & the advice!

Kathy in NC

At 08:36 AM 8/24/2001 -0400, you wrote:



> I remember that you said you buy the shrimp for the week and have

> them.

>You you go back to the way we ate right after surgery for a few days, see if

>that helps you, I too at times feel like I can not eat ore sometimes even

>drink. First of all make sure you take the citercal and vitamins, and go

>back to the very small yoguarts (they come 6 together) they are like 4 oz

>at one point I could only take half of one. But see for that cause it has

>protein, or try cottage cheese or ricotta, and every hour or couple of

>hours put something in you mouth. either cheese or yoguart or see if there

>is something that you really liked before, even if you think you shouldn't

>have, just taste it or have a little, but keep eating all day even if it is

>only one or two bites, and you will see, it will get better. I buy cup of

>soups, they have a cream of chicken, it is great, and when I do not feel

>like eating later I feel that empty feeling in my stomach and I make one of

>those and a couple crackers and it is good. But those gatorade bars , they

>are like candy bars, or any protein bar, you have to see which one you like.

> I too do not do protein drinks often, and I worry about if I am getting

>enough, how is you blood work???


> Hope this helps-- Rosemary Commisso




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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi ...it was nice to hear from you...How is Hunt doing...I know it is hard to keep up with so many people on here now....

The whole thing with the NIH has given me mixed feelings....In one respect it is good because it means that that many more really intelligent doctors will be putting their heads together to figure what they can do for him...We are really at the end of the list for meds for him...and when he flares....whether it be his liver diseases ...or his crohns...or his RA...the list goes on....they all seems to act up and we are running out of things for him to take...even Pred which we all hate for its side effects but know that it does the job...does not work on him anymore....so he now takes medrol..similar but different.....

so yes I am grateful that they are interested....

But at the same time am afraid to get my hopes too high...because we were at this point last yr...them wanting to fit him into a study....but it didn't work...

and then there is the feeling in me that he has so many complicating things gojng on that he needs to be somewhere else....and that is scary....so my emotions go in many different directions....making me a little frustrated at times....and a little weary....

To add to that my mom is having more problems...and that is also on my shoulders....

Ty spent the last 5 days pretty sick...running temps and a bad cough...normally it would be that you would just say ...you have a bad cold....take some cough syrup and such and get some rest...but what can he take...then he starts to vomit from the coughing and throws up blood...of course it is after midnight on a sat night...thanks god it was only that one time...but enough to scare the .....you know what out of me...He does have espohogal varices....he is supposed to be going to CHOP for another Remicade...this coming fri.....just to be able to get that because of past problems he has to start taking a Medrol Pack on thur.....high doses...including his reg dose....again on fri and then wean down...staying on regular dose....then when he gets there he gets another pulse of medrol...1 gram...thats 1000 mg IV and also IV he will get tylenol and benadryl....then 8 hrs of the Remicade...which should only take about 2 hrs but because he has gone into shock in the past...about 4 times....they have to run the infusion very very slowly...thus...8 hrs....

He weighed 148...in aug....now he is 135 again....really skinny...

so you can see that at this time my mind is swimming and then to top that with all that is going on in our country....My other son was flying home from Japan yesterday..to Atlanta....I tracked his flight from when he left Tokyo until it landed in Atlanta...and he called as soon as they were on the ground and allowed to use their cell phones....

This pm I have to go to my moms surgeons for a conference on what is going on with her other leg...and whether she is need of more surgery....

I am completely overwhelmed at this time....and really not sure where to looked for some relief...and then again I feel guilty...because I am so fortunate not to have had family or friends involved in the terrorists attack....

I am sorry ...you did not ask for this...but this is one place I can go...and pour out my feelings and not have someone tell me I am overreacting...mainly because they do not understand....so for anyone that is reading this....just know that I appreciate the arms that always seem to be open here...to really listen and understand....

I am having thoughts of deleting this whole letter....but I think I really need to send it....for me....sorry...

my thoughts and prayers are out there for everyone who is going thru a tough time...no matter what it is....

Luanne Ty's mom

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  • 2 weeks later...


> Doris,


> I have awful news. As we were driving home from Durham, Vinnie had


> heart attack and he was driving , we hit the middle divider and I steered

> car offf to the grass. But Doris he didn't make it, he died. I am lost


> We were still a few hours away from home, I called my son and I waited


> him to come it haappened Near Trenton New Jersey It then took us 4


> to ge home with all the traffic.




> I didn't even see you when we left. Sorry . Please


> me in your prayers, I do not know what I will do without Vinnie, he was


> life,


> Rosemary Commisso

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