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> Thanks for all the warm congrats on my anniversary! I've purposed

todo more Advanced tapes than Basics this year. How's that sound?

I'mat every-other-day, which is working for me, as I don't want to

getburned out. I still get so excited at the beginning of every

workout,to see how much further I can go than the last time I did it.

My dear really encouraged me. She said, Mom, you're healthy; I

look atyour old pics and you look like a different person; just be

contentwith that. Many would be thrilled to fit in size 12 jeans and

8dresses. One day it'll happen. In the meantime, be healthy and

keepTBing. Words of wisdom from my 20 year-old newlywed daughter! I

thinkI'll take her advice. I DID put away the scale, which is

major!SURELY something will happen SOMEDAY! Yours and His, Vivian,


isoff to write to her new friend, Sherry, and then read for a while,

asmy dear snorer is already asleep....

Sounds like a realistic plan, Viv. Advanced tapes are fun, too. I

didn't realize you were so teany (size 8 dress). Maybe that's why


haven't lost any weight or inches -- maybe you don't need to. What a

good friend your daughter is.


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  • 2 months later...
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In a message dated 6/8/00 2:32:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

egroups writes:

Thank you to everyone who responded to my feeling selfish and sorry for

myself post.....it really helps when we're all in the same boat....misery

loves company?? LOL....now, I wouldn't mind bringing if we ALL got

together and had an outing!

BTW, I don't even go much to our local DS Support Group outings, because

doesn't even " fit in " with them! They're all " normal " kids with


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I think we should all REALLY consider some kind of get together.

By the way, I am kinda looking for someone going to the DS conference in

July to possibly share a room with. ANyone going? Without spouse? LEt me



On Thu, 8 Jun 2000 17:59:02 EDT Ltb3105@... writes:

> In a message dated 6/8/00 2:32:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> egroups writes:


> Thank you to everyone who responded to my feeling selfish and sorry

> for

> myself post.....it really helps when we're all in the same

> boat....misery

> loves company?? LOL....now, I wouldn't mind bringing if we ALL

> got

> together and had an outing!


> BTW, I don't even go much to our local DS Support Group outings,

> because

> doesn't even " fit in " with them! They're all " normal " kids with

> DS.......LOL......





> Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive

> chemistry

> experiments.

> 1/4051/10/_/691668/_/960501552/





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In a message dated 6/8/00 5:03:37 PM Central Daylight Time, Ltb3105@...



BTW, I don't even go much to our local DS Support Group outings, because

doesn't even " fit in " with them! They're all " normal " kids with

DS.. >>


Same with me. I was the coordinator of a large DS support group for two

years when was very young, and now we rarely go to any of their

activities. It just became too painful for Bob and I. I don't think the

purpose of a support group is to come home more depressed than when you

left!! LOL!!

Hang in there,


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i agree!!! laura and maureen!!!! what is the point of joining something if it

makes you sadder and down in the dumps..........i figure if ashton isnt

exposed or aroudn normal downs kids then i dont see what i am missing and

dont compare at all.........which i shouldnt do at all, but i am

guilty........... i would rather stay home in my safe haven and feel

comfortable. hang in there to all of us

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In a message dated 6/8/00 11:38:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, MRASMUS@...


<< ,

Same with me. I was the coordinator of a large DS support group for two

years when was very young, and now we rarely go to any of their

activities. It just became too painful for Bob and I. I don't think the

purpose of a support group is to come home more depressed than when you

left!! LOL!!

Hang in there,

Maureen >>

Me too Maureen. I was very active and did a ton, but have no interest now.

I just don't have the time or the inclination; nobody there really *gets it*.


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  • 2 months later...


My son has eating problems too, he is only 2 so I don't know yet what drives his dislike of food. However, he will begin starting occupational therapy soon. I was told they slowly (in a safe and fun environment) introduce foods and the smells and the textures so our children will not fear them anymore. Does anyone else know about this and it's effectiveness? I thought I would mention it just in case you hadn't come across this type of info.

Joy (Ventura, CA)

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I'm divorced from my 12 yr old's dad and now she has a step dad too. I left her

dad when she was 2 and Clay and I got married when she was 6. My experience

with kids in general is that whenever they reach a new " age of understanding "

they use their new skills to process past important events. That's why kids ask

new questions or deeper, more complex questions about something that you think

you've already explained or that they've already

" gotten over " .

First, before I could answer ANY questions I had to begin living the reality of

this statement: If you want your children to be healthy, happy and well-adjusted

you must have these same goals for yourself " . I hear some familiar guilt and

shame in your post about your divorce and I know that I had to do some work

myself on this. I deserve a good life and so do you. An emotionally abusive

relationship doesn't work for anyone!

As my daughter Ava has grown her questions about my divorce have gotten more

complex. She has wanted to know the Whys and hows and what ifs. She also has

ocd and so I have to be careful about questions that are about information and

questions that are ocd driven. Basically what I tell her is this. All

relationships have conflict, successful relationships are with people who are

committed to resolving those conflicts or with people who

realize that the conflicts are too big too resolve and so they should part. An

unsuccessful relationship is when people have conflicts they are unable to

resolve and they stay together anyway.

When she asks the exact nature of my conflicts with her dad I tell her that my

adult relationship life is private. When she asks if I ever loved her dad I say

of course. She still tries to get more info but I don't give it. When she was

about 9 she said " oh, I think I know why you broke up with my dad, the other

day I saw him pick his nose and wipe it on the couch - I know you wouldn't like

that! " . Now she says " you probably should have

dated my dad for more than a year so you could have seen whether you two could

resolve conflicts, but then I wouldn't have been born so nevermind " . A few

months ago she said she loves Clay but she wishes her dad and I lived together.

I asked if she has ever been around 2 people who argue a lot and she said " oh

yeah, nevermind! " .

I never try to point out the advantages (like 2 Christmases, lots more

vacations, way more time w/dad then most kids spend etc) because that would feed

into her OCD " never enough " stuff. I say, " well some people would enjoy the

advantages and some people would mourn the losses and sometimes people feel both

ways; I trust you will decide what's right for you " . Sometimes she is just

trying to get my attention or guilt trip me and this

response really cuts out that ploy.

I hope this is helpful. You are not alone with any of this. I'm glad you found

this group.

Dana in NC

Laurie Weiss wrote:

> Thank you all so much for the warm welcome and all of the encouragement. I

> really appreciate it, and it really helps me feel as though I'm not alone.


> just turned 6... and in looking back, her earliest OCD symptom began

> when she was about 3. She began holding her bowel movements for fear that

> they were too big and would hurt her. She struggles with this problem even

> now. She's to the point now though, where she'll go when I ask her.... but if

> I don't mention it, she'll continue to hold it. She does the same thing with

> her gas.


> Today she had a particularly upsetting day. For the past couple of days,

> she's eaten very little. She had some friends over, but I asked them to leave

> so that she could eat. I tried to allow her friends to stay, but it was just

> too much of a distraction. She began crying and screaming at me - when this

> happens, I send her to her room. She went but then came down again and was

> somewhat aggitated and emotional. She began crying even more and told me that

> she was tired of always being bad and having bad days - - - and then she told

> me that she wished she was never born.


> It really broke my heart... I couldn't help but cry. She saw my response and

> began sobbing and then ran to her room. She was afraid to come down for fear

> that I would spank her, but I was eventually able to coax her. I told her how

> much I loved her, and how happy I was to have her in my life. She asked me if

> I would forgive her " forever " for saying what she did. I told her yes... and

> we held each other for a long time. She was better after that.


> We talked a little bit afterwards, and it came out that she's upset because

> her real father and I don't live together anymore (we're divorced and I'm

> remarried). She loves her stepdad, but told me today that she wants to live

> with me and her real daddy. I didn't know what to tell her - I didn't even

> know that it bothered her. I've asked her questions about it before, but she

> didn't seem affected.


> I felt horribly guilty about her pain in association with the divorce. I left

> the marriage to get away from neglect and emotional abuse... and to shield her

> from it. I guess there's no way she could realize that - and I don't want to

> tell her about it. Her father has more of a relationship with her now than he

> ever did before - I don't want to cause her more pain. I guess this would be

> a VERY important thing to bring up to the doctor, so that he can help her with

> this. Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing?


> How about pretending? CONSTANTLY pretends that she's someone else...

> but it's not enough for her to simply be that character. She constantly has

> to have everyone's reassurance that she is indeed that character.... and she

> also needs constant reassurance of what she looks like as that character. She

> drills us repeatidly about what she looks like and who she is. When we

> concur, she asks us repeatidly if we're " really really really really really

> really really really really sure. " It continues to the point of exhaustion

> and aggitation. The doctor suggested limiting the number of times that she

> can ask us, which seems to help some.


> Regarding 's eating again - I'm concerned about how she's going to do in

> school. How is she going to eat if she won't eat now? She hates to touch

> food because it makes her hands sticky... usually, I have to feed her or she

> won't eat. I'm so worried about this - she can't afford to lose weight. She

> just doesn't have the extra pounds to spare.


> Well... thanks again for the welcome, and for listening. I really appreciate

> it!


> Sincerely,


> Laurie


> ____________________________________________________________________

> Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1




> You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In the

body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. The Archives, Files,

and Features List for the may be accessed by going to

, enter your email address and password, then point and

click. Subscription issues, problems, or suggestions may be addressed to Louis

Harkins, list owner, at harkins@... .

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Hi Joy,

My son has OCD and also a very limited menu of foods. I mean all he eats are kidney beans with ketchup, chocolate milk and chocolate milkshakes and candy. I don't know if it's related to the OCD or not. He's 9 and has been eating like this since we stopped the pureed baby food.

If the occupational therapy helps with the food thing, let me know. I'd like to find an eating disorder clinic but all of the research I do just leads me to bulimia or anorexia, neither of which are his problem. He just seems to be overly sensitive to smells ,tastes and sounds.

Terry ( Orange County , Ca.0

RE: Thank you!


My son has eating problems too, he is only 2 so I don't know yet what drives his dislike of food. However, he will begin starting occupational therapy soon. I was told they slowly (in a safe and fun environment) introduce foods and the smells and the textures so our children will not fear them anymore. Does anyone else know about this and it's effectiveness? I thought I would mention it just in case you hadn't come across this type of info.

Joy (Ventura, CA)You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. The Archives, Files, and Features List for the may be accessed by going to , enter your email address and password, then point and click. Subscription issues, problems, or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at harkins@... .

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I wish I had known to do something like that when my son was younger.

His pediatrician treated me like a over-involved mom and said " he's

growing, isn't he? " Of course, now he is 15 and NOT growing. He had

one session with an eating disorders clinic last year, but I didn't

bring him back because the director of it was convinced he was refusing

to eat to manipulate me. Yeah right. I just found a new therapist who

is treating him and another OCD teenager for the eating problems.

Please keep us posted on how it goes.


> K & J wrote:


> Laurie~


> My son has eating problems too, he is only 2 so I don't know

> yet what drives his dislike of food. However, he will begin

> starting occupational therapy soon. I was told they slowly

> (in a safe and fun environment) introduce foods and the

> smells and the textures so our children will not fear them

> anymore. Does anyone else know about this and it's

> effectiveness? I thought I would mention it just in case

> you hadn't come across this type of info.

> Joy (Ventura, CA)


> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

> You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... .

> In the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. The

> Archives, Files, and Features List for the may

> be accessed by going to , enter your email

> address and password, then point and click. Subscription issues,

> problems, or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list

> owner, at harkins@... .

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Hi Dana:

I think your advice is right on the money. Ava is so lucky that you have

been able to communicate so effectively with her about this difficult

subject. I am sure what you have written here has helped many people

today. Take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 04:08 PM 08/19/2000 -0400, you wrote:



>I'm divorced from my 12 yr old's dad and now she has a step dad too. I

left her dad when she was 2 and Clay and I got married when she was 6. My

experience with kids in general is that whenever they reach a new " age of

understanding " they use their new skills to process past important events.

That's why kids ask new questions or deeper, more complex questions about

something that you think you've already explained or that they've already

> " gotten over " .



> First, before I could answer ANY questions I had to begin living the

reality of this statement: If you want your children to be healthy, happy

and well-adjusted you must have these same goals for yourself " . I hear

some familiar guilt and shame in your post about your divorce and I know

that I had to do some work myself on this. I deserve a good life and so do

you. An emotionally abusive relationship doesn't work for anyone!


>As my daughter Ava has grown her questions about my divorce have gotten

more complex. She has wanted to know the Whys and hows and what ifs. She

also has ocd and so I have to be careful about questions that are about

information and questions that are ocd driven. Basically what I tell her

is this. All relationships have conflict, successful relationships are

with people who are committed to resolving those conflicts or with people who

>realize that the conflicts are too big too resolve and so they should

part. An unsuccessful relationship is when people have conflicts they are

unable to resolve and they stay together anyway.


>When she asks the exact nature of my conflicts with her dad I tell her

that my adult relationship life is private. When she asks if I ever loved

her dad I say of course. She still tries to get more info but I don't

give it. When she was about 9 she said " oh, I think I know why you broke

up with my dad, the other day I saw him pick his nose and wipe it on the

couch - I know you wouldn't like that! " . Now she says " you probably

should have

>dated my dad for more than a year so you could have seen whether you two

could resolve conflicts, but then I wouldn't have been born so nevermind " .

A few months ago she said she loves Clay but she wishes her dad and I lived

together. I asked if she has ever been around 2 people who argue a lot and

she said " oh yeah, nevermind! " .


>I never try to point out the advantages (like 2 Christmases, lots more

vacations, way more time w/dad then most kids spend etc) because that would

feed into her OCD " never enough " stuff. I say, " well some people would

enjoy the advantages and some people would mourn the losses and sometimes

people feel both ways; I trust you will decide what's right for you " .

Sometimes she is just trying to get my attention or guilt trip me and this

>response really cuts out that ploy.


>I hope this is helpful. You are not alone with any of this. I'm glad you

found this group.


>Dana in NC

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It sounds like Vicki Stone has already "been there-done that" I am excited to see if this will help Ian! He eats a lot of grains (but not bread) more like dry cereal, crackers, etc. He also likes sweets. He will drink ensure so I give him a couple a day. I may be over doing it but, I also give him a mutivitamin in his juice.

Lets keep each other posted on any progress: resources or good ideas.


RE: Thank you!


My son has eating problems too, he is only 2 so I don't know yet what drives his dislike of food. However, he will begin starting occupational therapy soon. I was told they slowly (in a safe and fun environment) introduce foods and the smells and the textures so our children will not fear them anymore. Does anyone else know about this and it's effectiveness? I thought I would mention it just in case you hadn't come across this type of info.

Joy (Ventura, CA)You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. The Archives, Files, and Features List for the may be accessed by going to , enter your email address and password, then point and click. Subscription issues, problems, or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at harkins@... . You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. The Archives, Files, and Features List for the may be accessed by going to , enter your email address and password, then point and click. Subscription issues, problems, or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at harkins@... .

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It sounds like Vicki Stone has already "been there-done that" I am excited to see if this will help Ian! He eats a lot of grains (but not bread) more like dry cereal, crackers, etc. He also likes sweets. He will drink ensure so I give him a couple a day. I may be over doing it but, I also give him a mutivitamin in his juice.

Lets keep each other posted on any progress: resources or good ideas.


RE: Thank you!


My son has eating problems too, he is only 2 so I don't know yet what drives his dislike of food. However, he will begin starting occupational therapy soon. I was told they slowly (in a safe and fun environment) introduce foods and the smells and the textures so our children will not fear them anymore. Does anyone else know about this and it's effectiveness? I thought I would mention it just in case you hadn't come across this type of info.

Joy (Ventura, CA)You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. The Archives, Files, and Features List for the may be accessed by going to , enter your email address and password, then point and click. Subscription issues, problems, or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at harkins@... . You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. The Archives, Files, and Features List for the may be accessed by going to , enter your email address and password, then point and click. Subscription issues, problems, or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at harkins@... .

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Hi Joy,

When first got off baby food he would try things but that didn't last. The we started him on Pediasure ( Ensure for Kids) We went through several different flavors until we found the Eggnog flavor. He loved that and would have several a day. We felt he was getting well nourished so we didn't worry. I think he drank them well into first grade. Then the company changed the Eggnog to Eggnog Light. We didn't tell that there was a difference but he noticed it immediately and stopped drinking it. Its been downhill since then.(He's now going into 4th grade.)


RE: Thank you!


My son has eating problems too, he is only 2 so I don't know yet what drives his dislike of food. However, he will begin starting occupational therapy soon. I was told they slowly (in a safe and fun environment) introduce foods and the smells and the textures so our children will not fear them anymore. Does anyone else know about this and it's effectiveness? I thought I would mention it just in case you hadn't come across this type of info.

Joy (Ventura, CA)You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. The Archives, Files, and Features List for the may be accessed by going to , enter your email address and password, then point and click. Subscription issues, problems, or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at harkins@... . You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. The Archives, Files, and Features List for the may be accessed by going to , enter your email address and password, then point and click. Subscription issues, problems, or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at harkins@... . You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing listserv@... . In the body of your message write: subscribe OCD-L your name. The Archives, Files, and Features List for the may be accessed by going to , enter your email address and password, then point and click. Subscription issues, problems, or suggestions may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at harkins@... .

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  • 1 year later...

{{{HUGS}}} . Still praying for you.

Hope you feel better soon...


Thank you!

Diane, , , Ray, Martha, and Ursula,

Thank you al so much, i'm sure your prayers have been heard and

answered, as the grief has lifted so much the last couple of days. I

know it will be time before it ceases to accompany me so much, but I know

that God will bring me through it, somehow doing something marvelous

along the way. We have'tn and will not tell the boys, they only know

about the 1st, and the latest. They regularly comfort by saying things

like " Enoch was lucky, he never had to learn to obey. He is with the

Father now, and it's easy for him! " and " I " m so glad we dont' have to

worry about Enoch growing up to be a bad guy, he is there waiting for

us. " Such wisdom from the mouths of babes. I'ts interesting, they

don't talk much about it, but it is always when my heart is hurting that

God sends those things thru them. They have become more and more dear

to us with every loss, but i dont' think they could bear the grief or the

implications o fthe continuing difficulty. They still ask for a baby

sister regularly!! Anwya, i know i'm way off subject here, but thank

you all so much for your encouragement.

WEsley and and i persist in not being able to quite throw this

bug. My doc was glad to have an opportunity to use quinolones on me, but

it isn't helping much...We have enough abx around hear to need a

pharmaceutical license, i'm sure. May God be with all of us with our

pumkins. WArmly, maurita, mom to WEsley, iga def, and all the ongoing

junk like chronic sinusitus, etc, ANdrew, .

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

, where are you from? We also had a tragedy yesterday. The

camp director where my dtr is working is also a coach at a nearby

city school and a 2nd grader road his bike out in front of a 16 year

old's car and was killed. Was an unavoidable accident...tragedy for

both families. We're praying for Josh.

> Friends,

> I wanted to thank EVERYONE, whom responded to my son, Josh's

tragedy yesterday. I wanted to write to you all individually, but I

am having server problems with my computer and had to delete all my

mail system. I have LOST all messages, including messages that I had

stored for my Stills. Anyway, I am back to Outlook Express as my

default mail. My computer has just been too messed up lately. I

just wanted to say how wonderful you all are, as always. You NEVER

let me down. Josh is doing somewhat better. It was extremely

difficult at school today, but the students made it through. Poor

Josh slept with me last night. He didn't want to be alone. He cried

so much. He sat right next to him in school. At 9 pm last night,

we made a run back to school and I brought a beautiful flowering tree

for the playground so they could dedicate it for him. We put a

beautiful bow around it. It was in bloom and very pretty. I am

hoping that it will grow large and just be gorgeous for years to

come. It made Josh feel good to do this. It's so hard to do

anything in such a horrific situation. We miss him dearly. He was

truly a wonderful boy. Thank you so much for understanding. ALL of

you. Again, I am so sorry that I cannot respond to all of you

privately. I have lost all my files. Just know how much we very

much appreciate you caring so kindly.

> Love, Sue #2



> A. Matera

> Surplus Unlimited

> The Store With Unlimited Surplus

> 381 West Main Street

> Norwich CT 06360 USA

> work 860-887-1400

> home 860-376-4433

> cell 860-861-1023

> e-mail cjlabbe01@s...





> Add this card to your address book




> --------------------------------------------------------------------


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Caroline,

30 mgs. of Prednisone should work for you although when I was feeling quite

ill, I would take 60 mgs. and lessen it about every three days. I made up my

own dosage schedule and it worked for me. Is this the first time you have

taken Prednisone? When I was in the hospital, I was given 240 mgs. by I.V. and


felt like I could run a marathon. I stayed on that for three days and when I

came home, my dose was 80 mgs. daily and then I weaned off of it slowly.

I guess Prednisone just isn't working for you and I don't know what to tell

you to try. Some of us are on pain meds but I tried Darvocet once and it

didn't faze my pain. Oh, it might have taken the edge off of it but nothing

like a

big dose of Pred.

Is a Prof. a doctor in England? There are a few of us from England so maybe

they can suggest a new doctor that knows about Stills. A good one is very

hard to find.

I wish you luck. Have you asked him/her about MTX? Are you in pain in your

joints or do you have the classic Stills symptoms and feel like you know what?

Keep us informed..... :o)

Michigan Carmen

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, I thought that card was ROMANTIC.

What is this? I can't even send and " enticing " card and be taken

serious. See if I catch any more moon beams for YOU. Sheesh!!!! :)

Try tea, Melisa, with a LOT of honey in it. That's what we did on stage

(acting and opera) when we had throat problems. The honey will coat the

throat and sooth it.


Who recognizes that a lot of whiskey in Melisa's coffee could do some

good, too. :)

Thank You!

.... and thanks Jim for the funny ha ha card...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


Hi friends,

don't know if you will get this or not. I am not getting any email from

the group at all, unless it's personal e-mails. I apologize. This has never

happened like this before, but I wanted to thank ALL of you, whom made it

possible for those very important pictures to get to me at work today. I have

nothing about my Stills on my work computer, only at home, and I am having some

severe bruising problems and sent pics to Tricia and Patty last night. My

rheumy wanted me to e-mail them to him from work and I was unable to retrieve

them, so THANK you for all the effort to notify them both. I had them within 20

minutes! Because my rheumy is so far away, he had me seen right away at my pcp

doctor and I am scheduled for an ultra sound of my legs first thing in the

morning. They are worried about a possible clot in my leg. I am having a lot

of pain and a few days ago, had a huge knot in the right one. I haven't been

feeling too well. I wanted to talk about Vegas to everyone, but being cut off

from is difficult. By now, I am sure that you are filled in. I just

wanted to say what an incredible time that my mom and I had once again. It was

just up-lifting and truly inspirational to us both. To meet the new people

that I have been talking with for years, and to put the face with the e-mails,

just leaves me speechless I guess. The incredible work of Bob & Carole,

Kathleen, Melt and Caroline is too much to mention. The tears in the room says

enough. What you do for us is unbelievable and NEVER forgotten or taken for

granted. It is something from the heart...it's contagious and so meaningful to

me and my mom. Thank you once again for accepting us and loving us so much. My

mother treasures each and everyone of you. Kathleen it was an honor to meet

you, and I give you so much credit for being the woman that you are. You are

very strong and caring. The time that you needed to yourself was so

understandable. We just love you. Thank you for your talk about Stills. Even

though I think I know everything about it, it's so nice to have someone actually

stand up and re-explain about things to re-fresh the memory. It was very

helpful, not only to me, but my mom as well. She just adores you all so much.

She too wishes that we could all be together for longer periods of time. She

sees the healing that goes on through hugs, talks and communication with one

another. I want to remind Bob & Carole, that if the foundation needs anything

from the office supply store, please leave me a list, and I will get it out in

the mail right away. I promise! Well, I am off to help my children with the

homework. I will be going to the hospital first thing in the morning for the

ultrasound and to the university hospital Friday afternoon to see my rheumy.

URGHHH...hate the drive! I will let you know. Thank you again from the bottom

of my heart for coming to my rescue today. Be good to yourselves.

Love, Sue #2


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  • 9 months later...
Guest guest

I wanted to see them ...... what folder are they in ? I am @32% BF

and I want to be @19% BF ............Congradulations on your

success...woot woot! I am so glad you shared :)

> Just wanted to take a moment to thank you to everyone who responded

> to my

> posts regarding pregnancy and fitness. Jen the article you

> referenced was

> great. I printed it up and gave it to my husband since he is my

> workout

> partner.


> I am so grateful for everyone's posts they really help me get


> the day.

> It is extremely comforting to know everything I am struggling with

> someone

> else somewhere is struggling with too. I am now at 19% BF and have

> started

> my first official challenge. I have been gradually adding the BFL

> principles

> into my life and have made progress but want to really buckle down

> hard now

> and lose even more.


> Once again thanks to everyone for all of their great posts.


> has

> helped me so much. I have posted my pics if anyone wants to look


> them. I

> do not have pictures from when I started in January. The first set

> of pics is

> from April and the second set of pics is this past week. Overall I

> have gone

> from 38% BF to 19%. I hope to continue making progress. Some days

> it is

> just so hard. Reading the posts helps me recommit everyday.


> Best wishes to everyone! Hope this link works. : )


> http://bfltracker.com/searchprofile.cfm?id=5435


> Melinda

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