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Oooooh yes, OCD DEFINITELY runs in families. In addition to my sister who

is the " counter " I also have a brother who is the neat freak like your

sister. I won't even go to his house because the last time we were there -

several years ago, he stressed so much over everyone being there that he

freaked out at Braden when he slammed the basement door...ugly scene. I

hear that he also ran the vacuum around people after I got outta there!!


I live in Bucks County. I guess we could meet somewhere in Cherry Hill area

or Northeast Philly. I really don't know those areas that well though - do

you? I honestly wouldn't mind coming down to your area if it would give

us a little more time to talk.


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In a message dated 7/17/03 9:37:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

rwinters@... writes:

> when he was little he used to get

> up freaking out because he was having a little erection (MY PENIS IS

> STANDING UUUUUUUUP!!!!) Oh, I do so love these trips down memory lane.


We have this problem currently.

Roxanna ôô

What doesn't kill us

Makes us really mean.

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In a message dated 7/20/2003 8:18:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

dayton@... writes:

> It may be a blessing that you aren't counting on.

> Perhaps you get to the new school district and wa-la

> all your prayers are answered. They might have a wonderful

> special ed department whose main function is to help the children who

> need help. They may be experts at writing and formulating functional IEP's

> and have the best interest of their students at heart.

> Dream big girl - Dream big!!!! <g>

> Good luck

> Dawn


Thanks, Dawn...also for your stim input. I will try that.

I know what you are talking about with the move....and I totally agree, but

my natural reaction is to whine first LOL, and then I adjust. Change is not

great for me and it takes me time to get used to it, then I'm fine :) From

what I have seen so far searching the net, that area seems to have a lot of

support systems so it could be just what my ds needs.

I'll keep ya posted:)


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

WOW! Kathy

It sounds like this psych was just the right guy for Braden.

I swear it's true, sometimes your whole life depends on who

answers the phone or who sits behind the desk. You can do

everything right and you get the wrong person and BAM! back

to square one or worse.

I'm very happy that you guys have found this dr. It sounds like

he really knows how to get through to your kids. Maybe there is

a light at the end of the tunnel. :o)

visuals are a good thing

wrong doc - flies in a junkyard

right doc - butterflies in a meadow

Anyway, very glad to hear he is helping Braden soooo much.

I'm happy for Braden and happy for you!!! LOL!!

I really like the big problem - small big thing. I have to teach this

to Bradley. Most of his problems are BIG!!

Take care,


Thanks Dawn,

BTW, everyone, Dawn and I had lunch together yesterday. We talked nonstop

for almost 3 hours. She's just as funny in person! Let's do it again soon,

Dawn. :)


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> BTW, everyone, Dawn and I had lunch together yesterday. We talked


> for almost 3 hours. She's just as funny in person! Let's do it

again soon,

> Dawn. :)


> Kathy

How neat! I'm glad you could get together and visit IRL!


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In a message dated 8/2/2003 7:29:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

dayton@... writes:


> one step at a time Mom, one step at a time :o)

> *** way to go Joe!!!!!!!!***

> Joe being stiff as a board reminded me of something funny

> We have a one word command for them to stop in their tracks

> immediately ** FREEZE** it used to be (Freeze like a statue)

> but we worked it down to just freeze and it really works out well.

> You never know when you might need it - car coming - poo poo

> that you don't want them to step in *hahaha* but it does come

> in handy - for both kids.

> Take care

> Dawn


Thanks, Dawn.

Joe does the " freeze " thing all by himself usually when I need him to come

with me...he'll say, I can't come I'm a statue! But then, I was hoping for him

to get an imagination, wasn't I??? LOL!. Glad to see he is having some, so I

just let it go. I'll try your method though....great idea, mom!


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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 8/30/2003 9:10:24 PM Eastern Standard Time,

kneeleee@... writes:

> Remember a few things, they cannot suspend him for more than 10 days

> without having a hearing to determine if the behavior is related to

> the disability (manifestation determination.) If they did start

> suspending him, I would immediately write a request for a positive

> behavior plan written by an expert/specialist in autism.


> Roxanna

> I love Roxanna's logic this is what our behaviorist told us to do with

the school when my son was in 6th grade, he got them to admit that one hour of

speech was not enough since socially he was not progressing they went up to

two hrs and he had an aide. Now luckily he is back down to one hour of speech

and no aide. So, this logic sounds wonderful get them where it counts their


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<<<<<<no t-shirts at all - only on gym day

get this - there is also no air conditioner - those kids looked like they

were going to get heat stroke last year. all wearing polo shirts - some

parents couldn't afford short sleeved polo shirts and had their kids in

turtle necks and it was over 90 degrees at the end of the school year - last

year - we don't get out until the middle - end - of June. It was awful. >

this ssi yikes !!!

but this is also a cultural differenece . In isarel, you can come to a wedding

party in Jeans and a polo shirt and snickers!

so tehre is no chance " uniform " here will consist of polo shirts or any other

boarding school midcenttury England type dress.......


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  • 3 weeks later...

Remind me again where you live. I'm afraid I'll drive thru there one day and

never find a way out. They'll put up construction zone signs and reroute me so

I'll never leave there. This IS a bizarre place.

Try calling 101.5 I'm sure they'd have a field day with this. Seriously !!!

in NJ

Re: ( ) Jill Kathy khaki


I just pulled up this schools report card on line and imagine that - the

scores are lower than the state average ACROSS THE BOARD!!!!!!!

so - at the next school board meeting I will bring this up - I am in the

progress of writing a Letter to the Editor -

here is a funny that should crack you guys up

we moved here 7 yrs ago and I was just getting ready to have Bradley

so - there was this dog that would crap in our yard EVERY DAY!!!

drove me insane - it lived on the other block and we called them, my

dh went over there, and we called them and we called them etc.

so i told the guy the next time it happened - I was bringing over

dirty diapers and dumping poop in his yard to see how he liked it,

so they put up a fence and the dog still would get out and come over

occasionally - well. . . . . . .

i find out this owner is the Mayor - typical - right?? hahaha

THEN - he has the nerve to comment at a public meeting that people who

don't take responsibility for their own animals - and let them go to the

bathroom in other people's yards should be fined and have possible jail

time - DO YOU BELIEVE IT????? (it was in the local paper)

So I wrote a letter to the editor and said

it was comical and ludicrous because his dog was the neighborhood menace

and it had been using my yard as a toilet for 4 years - I drove down the

street the

next day and 3 of the neighbors were clapping HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

so he wrote an immediate rebuff and said it only happened one time and he


care of it - i didn't write back because we all knew he was lying and i

figured the

paper wouldn't let us " argue " in such a public way - SO - I went to a school

board meeting last year and guess what?? He is the director of early

childhood and federal/state programs - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

If looks could kill - I would not be sitting here writing this today.


so - although i hate to do it - i think my best plan is to move - i have


things to do with my time than fight these idiots for the next 12 years -

thank you for your ideas and support - it means a lot!!!


Dear Dawn and Kathy,

You are right, Kathy, khaki is a color. But most pants sold as " khakis " are

made of a lighter weight twill fabric than most jeans. Perhaps that's what

the teacher was focusing on. In any case, your superintendent's dress code

is ridiculous. If his policy were taken to its logical extreme, teachers

would be carefully examining each child's clothes to see whether the fabric

they were made of had a certain number of threads per square inch, a certain

fiber content, etc. Perhaps they would have color charts to check whether

each child's clothes were dyed the exact shade of blue and khaki required by

school rules! These rules make the school sound like a prison or a reform

school, at the very least! If the superintendent cares that much about what

student wear, I think he should provide the kids with uniforms at the

school's expense. Federal law entitles them to a " free and appropriate "

education, after all, and he is making it something other than free. His

dress code appears to be costing parents extra money. A legal argument

could be made that he is also depriving children of an appropriate

education, since more attention is being focused on their clothes than on

what they are supposedly learning. Also, the Individuals with Disabilities

Education Act says that children with disabilities are supposed to be

educated in the " least restrictive environment. " If his dress code isn't

restrictive, I don't know what is. Sounds like a good opportunity for a

class action suit, if you ask me.


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  • 2 months later...

Thank YOU, Dawn


-- Re: ( ) New file uploaded to

I was able to access this speech by clicking on the below link. I agree

that it is very well done and I am sending it to my son's school

psychologist to be distributed to his teachers. It will hopefully give them

a grasp of what my son is facing and let them understand him a little bit.

Thanks for the great speech, Fania, and for sharing it with us!!


This email message is a notification to let you know that

a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the


File : /KnessetASSpeechNov9th2003.doc

Uploaded by : madassmom <kneeleee@...>

Description : Fania's speech

You can access this file at the URL


com/group/ /files/KnessetASSpeechNov9th2003.doc

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit



madassmom <kneeleee@...>

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


I seen this as well on t.v. last night and hoped that

someone else would pick up on this. Do you have the

address? I would like to send my condolences as well.


--- Dawn Rider <israelswarrior@...> wrote:


> RE:





> From: " Dawn Rider " <israelswarrior@...>

> " Don "

> Subject: I am so sorry to learn of your son's death.

> Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 06:43:37 -0700


> Dear Don and Gwen,


> A friend of mine sent word of your son's death. I

> am so terribly sorry to

> learn of this tragedy - such a beautiful boy with so

> much to live for...


> I am writing to you to express concern as to the

> cause of your son's death.

> Though I know steroids are drugs of abuse, and can

> lead to aggressive

> behavior and depression on withdrawal, I question

> whether appropriate tests

> were performed at his autopsy, especially since it

> appears he was no longer

> on steroids at the time of his death.


> I have spent hour upon hour researching

> antidepressants after losing my own

> son (his death was also ruled a suicide). I am

> convinced that

> antidepressants such as Lexapro can and do induce

> the same problems they are

> thought to alleviate.


> I am including a link where you can find information

> on Lexapro that your

> son's psychiatrist probably didn't tell you about.


> http://www.rxlist.com/cgi/generic/lexapro_ad.htm


> This is just a small part of the information:


> Psychiatric Disorders – Frequent: appetite

> increased, lethargy,

> irritability, concentration impaired. Infrequent:

> jitteriness, panic

> reaction, agitation, apathy, forgetfulness,

> depression aggravated,

> nervousness, restlessness aggravated, suicide

> attempt, amnesia, anxiety

> attack, bruxism, carbohydrate craving, confusion,

> depersonalization,

> disorientation, emotional lability, feeling unreal,

> tremulousness nervous,

> crying abnormal, depression, excitability, auditory

> hallucination, suicidal

> tendency.


> It would be very difficult to prove, as the standard

> response is


> " it's an unfortunate fact that those who cannot find

> relief from depression

> sometimes turn to suicide. "


> Yet, it is amazing to me that these drugs which can

> produce all of the above

> side effects are prescribed for children and

> adolescents.


> I wonder if they even checked the level of Lexapro.

> It's possible that he

> wasn't metabolizing it correctly. A percentage of

> the population cannot

> metabolize these drugs effectively, and therefore

> the drug concentrates in

> the tissues, and the above side effects can be

> greatly increased. Please

> see the information on the following link for a

> thorough explanation:


> http://www.healthanddna.com/drugreactiontest.html


> My biggest complaint is that the public is not being

> given all the

> information they need to make INFORMED decisions.

> If you had been presented

> with the information above, I'm sure you would have

> thought long and hard

> about allowing your son to take this drug. And,

> even knowing this, you

> would have known what signs to watch for.


> Deb probably already provided the following links

> for you to review, but

> just in case she didn't, I hope you will find time

> to review these:


> http://www.drugawareness.org

> http://www.antidepressantsfacts.com

> http://www.prozactruth.com


> You can find information about Lexapro on all of

> these. I'm also including

> the link where you can find the personal testimonies

> of many families who

> believe that one antidepressant or another caused

> one of their own loved

> ones to become violent or suicidal. I was present

> at this FDA hearing. My

> testimony is number 12.





> While Lexapro isn't listed among the specific drugs

> in question, neither is

> Prozac, the drug my son was prescribed. Eli Lilly,

> the manufacturer of

> Prozac, somehow wrangled through all the red tape

> and managed to get Prozac

> designated as the only antidepressant deemed " safe "

> for children. But

> Prozac victims think otherwise. Please refer to

> this petition:


> http://www.petitiononline.com/lilpro


> It has taken fifteen years for all the problems with

> Prozac and her cousins

> to come to the attention of an unsuspecting public.

> Since Lexapro is

> relatively new, all the numbers aren't in yet.


> If I can be of any assistance at all, please let me

> know. I am not a

> professional. I am just a mother who has vowed to

> not let my son's death be

> in vain. I network with medical doctors (including

> psychiatrists),

> researchers, attorneys, activists, and the media who

> are fighting for proper

> labeling and enforcement of informed consent, and

> should you want to obtain

> assistance from them, I will help you establish

> contact with them. I cannot

> determine if it was the steroids that caused your

> son's death, or Lexapro or

> a combination of the two. But I am certain that

> antidepressants are deadly

> for some of us.


> Again, I wish I had words that would ease the ache

> that comes from the

> hollow feeling that accompanies such a loss as you

> are enduring, but I

> don't. May God give you strength and courage. You

> will see your beloved

> son again.


> Kindest Regards,

> Dawn Rider


> President,

> A.S.P.I.R.E.

> http://www.aspire.us


> Owner/Moderator: SSRI medications (an internet

> support group)


> Lehi, Utah



> israelswarrior@...

> dawnrider@...





> From: " Deb "

> " Dawn Rider " <israelswarrior@...>

> Subject: A story on 60 Minutes II, Lexapro

> Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 21:37:08 -0500


> Hi Dawn, did you happen to see the segment on 60

> Minutes II tonight? The

> transcript of the show is available on the internet.

> I'll see if I can find

> you the link.


> I don't want to barage him with articles, so not

> sure how to go from here.

> I thought that you'd be a good person to contact him

> and send him the best

> information. He had heard about the recent FDA

> hearings. On the 60 Minutes

> interview, he stated that he and his wife were on a

> mission to expose

> steroids as causing this problem, which is

> commendable, but when they didn't

> even consider that Lexapro may have been involved, I

> just had to contact


=== message truncated ===

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Guest guest


I seen this as well on t.v. last night and hoped that

someone else would pick up on this. Do you have the

address? I would like to send my condolences as well.


--- Dawn Rider <israelswarrior@...> wrote:


> RE:





> From: " Dawn Rider " <israelswarrior@...>

> " Don "

> Subject: I am so sorry to learn of your son's death.

> Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 06:43:37 -0700


> Dear Don and Gwen,


> A friend of mine sent word of your son's death. I

> am so terribly sorry to

> learn of this tragedy - such a beautiful boy with so

> much to live for...


> I am writing to you to express concern as to the

> cause of your son's death.

> Though I know steroids are drugs of abuse, and can

> lead to aggressive

> behavior and depression on withdrawal, I question

> whether appropriate tests

> were performed at his autopsy, especially since it

> appears he was no longer

> on steroids at the time of his death.


> I have spent hour upon hour researching

> antidepressants after losing my own

> son (his death was also ruled a suicide). I am

> convinced that

> antidepressants such as Lexapro can and do induce

> the same problems they are

> thought to alleviate.


> I am including a link where you can find information

> on Lexapro that your

> son's psychiatrist probably didn't tell you about.


> http://www.rxlist.com/cgi/generic/lexapro_ad.htm


> This is just a small part of the information:


> Psychiatric Disorders – Frequent: appetite

> increased, lethargy,

> irritability, concentration impaired. Infrequent:

> jitteriness, panic

> reaction, agitation, apathy, forgetfulness,

> depression aggravated,

> nervousness, restlessness aggravated, suicide

> attempt, amnesia, anxiety

> attack, bruxism, carbohydrate craving, confusion,

> depersonalization,

> disorientation, emotional lability, feeling unreal,

> tremulousness nervous,

> crying abnormal, depression, excitability, auditory

> hallucination, suicidal

> tendency.


> It would be very difficult to prove, as the standard

> response is


> " it's an unfortunate fact that those who cannot find

> relief from depression

> sometimes turn to suicide. "


> Yet, it is amazing to me that these drugs which can

> produce all of the above

> side effects are prescribed for children and

> adolescents.


> I wonder if they even checked the level of Lexapro.

> It's possible that he

> wasn't metabolizing it correctly. A percentage of

> the population cannot

> metabolize these drugs effectively, and therefore

> the drug concentrates in

> the tissues, and the above side effects can be

> greatly increased. Please

> see the information on the following link for a

> thorough explanation:


> http://www.healthanddna.com/drugreactiontest.html


> My biggest complaint is that the public is not being

> given all the

> information they need to make INFORMED decisions.

> If you had been presented

> with the information above, I'm sure you would have

> thought long and hard

> about allowing your son to take this drug. And,

> even knowing this, you

> would have known what signs to watch for.


> Deb probably already provided the following links

> for you to review, but

> just in case she didn't, I hope you will find time

> to review these:


> http://www.drugawareness.org

> http://www.antidepressantsfacts.com

> http://www.prozactruth.com


> You can find information about Lexapro on all of

> these. I'm also including

> the link where you can find the personal testimonies

> of many families who

> believe that one antidepressant or another caused

> one of their own loved

> ones to become violent or suicidal. I was present

> at this FDA hearing. My

> testimony is number 12.





> While Lexapro isn't listed among the specific drugs

> in question, neither is

> Prozac, the drug my son was prescribed. Eli Lilly,

> the manufacturer of

> Prozac, somehow wrangled through all the red tape

> and managed to get Prozac

> designated as the only antidepressant deemed " safe "

> for children. But

> Prozac victims think otherwise. Please refer to

> this petition:


> http://www.petitiononline.com/lilpro


> It has taken fifteen years for all the problems with

> Prozac and her cousins

> to come to the attention of an unsuspecting public.

> Since Lexapro is

> relatively new, all the numbers aren't in yet.


> If I can be of any assistance at all, please let me

> know. I am not a

> professional. I am just a mother who has vowed to

> not let my son's death be

> in vain. I network with medical doctors (including

> psychiatrists),

> researchers, attorneys, activists, and the media who

> are fighting for proper

> labeling and enforcement of informed consent, and

> should you want to obtain

> assistance from them, I will help you establish

> contact with them. I cannot

> determine if it was the steroids that caused your

> son's death, or Lexapro or

> a combination of the two. But I am certain that

> antidepressants are deadly

> for some of us.


> Again, I wish I had words that would ease the ache

> that comes from the

> hollow feeling that accompanies such a loss as you

> are enduring, but I

> don't. May God give you strength and courage. You

> will see your beloved

> son again.


> Kindest Regards,

> Dawn Rider


> President,

> A.S.P.I.R.E.

> http://www.aspire.us


> Owner/Moderator: SSRI medications (an internet

> support group)


> Lehi, Utah



> israelswarrior@...

> dawnrider@...





> From: " Deb "

> " Dawn Rider " <israelswarrior@...>

> Subject: A story on 60 Minutes II, Lexapro

> Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 21:37:08 -0500


> Hi Dawn, did you happen to see the segment on 60

> Minutes II tonight? The

> transcript of the show is available on the internet.

> I'll see if I can find

> you the link.


> I don't want to barage him with articles, so not

> sure how to go from here.

> I thought that you'd be a good person to contact him

> and send him the best

> information. He had heard about the recent FDA

> hearings. On the 60 Minutes

> interview, he stated that he and his wife were on a

> mission to expose

> steroids as causing this problem, which is

> commendable, but when they didn't

> even consider that Lexapro may have been involved, I

> just had to contact


=== message truncated ===

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Dawn

I think you're doing good here on this forum Dawn....everytime you write in you

sound better. Depression is something I didn't have at all until my Mom died in

1992....I was always the strong one, the one who stayed with my sister-in-law

when my brother died....a week before my wedding. My Mom was the one who had

serious depression issues off and on after menopause. Dad was rock solid. They

didn't have really good anti depressants then. I take 2 effexor a day cuz my

Doc says I'm seriously depressed and I say huh? I know what it's like and I

don't feel like I am depressed now.....up and down sometimes but nothing major.

Also going thru menopause and not being able to take anything for that doesn't

help much but I'm getting thru it. We have to give ourselves credit for the

things we do even if we didn't feel like doing them, and we have to stop being

so hard on ourselves....you've come a long way girl. I sure know what you mean

about it taking a few minutes to get up LOL....either my knee gives out or

something....like you, I'm doing a lot of remembering lately.....getting old is

not an option, I'm staying 49.95 and that's my story LOL.


Carol in Canada

Re: Pigeons

In a message dated 5/8/2004 8:36:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

parend53@... writes:

> Dawn, I've suffered from depression most of my life. For about 10 years I

> wasn't diagnosed. Just thought it was me being a schmuck. I wish I had

> some good advice - I don't. I've tried different anti-depressants, gained

> weight because of it and still have trouble understanding exactly what part

> is depression and what isn't. Talking does help. I guess all I can say is

> we are listening and understand.


> Pam in Maine



thanks, Pam.... I have the ups and downs with depression.. funny.. i was

never depressed all my life til this came.. when i was diagnosed .. docs said


had probably had it for about 20 years.... so at the beginning of my


think maybe came at the birth of my first child.... very dirty rural hosp...

had infection in my stitches even and had to have minor surgery on them..

couldnt sit for some weeks.. LOL... loved that donut thing for the bath...


it a sits bath then.. LOL... memories.. do a lot of remembering of late ..

comes with age i guess.. fought idea that i am older for some time but.. is

finally sneaking in .. when it takes me a few minutes to get up from sitting..

LOL...Yes, Pam, talking is so good.. and esp on here and at my support group..

altho better here cuz most in my support group dont seem to have problems i


as yet.. no one with cirrhosis.. sorry .. running at the mouth.. been a long

week... and going to sleep in tmr.. or should say this morning... later all..

not so down this week,


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  • 6 months later...


Is your son still on meds or not and what supplements are you giving him and how

much of each. Also, how old is your son and how old was he when he began having

seizures? Thanks!


Dawn Tollefson <dawn_t@...> wrote:

When my son was going to begin seizing he would get

these stomach aches and his heart would race, he would

lay down where ever he was and this happened before

every seizure he ever had. He has been seizure free

for 133 days(19 weeks). His seizures had become every

14-21 days but since being on supplements he hasn't

appeared to have any during the night or day. My

son's seizures became more regular when he was put on

seizure meds. He would have clusters of seizures on

the meds but he would go into status epileptus before

we started meds.

Dawn mom to Noah

--- sarahbri813@... wrote:


> Can someone explain to me about auras?

> My daughter a, is for the most part,

> non-verbal... how would

> I know if she was having them?


> I can tell when Bri is about to have a seizure, cuz

> of her aura. She doesn't

> tell me, but she will get this look on her face .

> then grab her stomach.

> She's 8




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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  • 3 weeks later...


Sorry for the long delay in answering, I've been

divided between two kids and the holidays. My son is

still on trileptal and topamax. We have slowly

titrated down. He has been slowly improving. He is

on magnesium, glutamate, amino acids, vit c, magnesium

cream, glutothione, co q10, l-carnitine, biomin, vit

E, multi vit, B-12 shots and he is 150 days without a

seizure. He has been tested for the COMT, one

positive and he was null for the gene glutothione,

GSTM1. He began having seizures at 18 months. He

would have a seizure always associated with a severe

stomach ache. His health slid severely after

contracted the Roto virus. In May of 03, day before

mothers day, I almost lost Noah to a status epileptus,

lasting from 10a.m. to 2:30p.m.. Noah went on

dilantin and his seizures became more regular, every 4

to 6 weeks clusters lasting 24 to 36 hours. He was

switched to trileptal, more regular seizures but no

status, added topamax, seizures came every two weeks,

started the vits, minerals, amino's, shots, creams and

150 days without seizures 21 weeks! His cognitive,

focus, attentiveness is still very difficult. Today,

Christmas day, he did fairly well with many people

around. He is definitely more in this world.

--- Grace <foxyfoxgrace@...> wrote:


> Dawn,


> Is your son still on meds or not and what

> supplements are you giving him and how much of each.

> Also, how old is your son and how old was he when

> he began having seizures? Thanks!


> Grace


> Dawn Tollefson <dawn_t@...> wrote:

> When my son was going to begin seizing he would get

> these stomach aches and his heart would race, he

> would

> lay down where ever he was and this happened before

> every seizure he ever had. He has been seizure free

> for 133 days(19 weeks). His seizures had become

> every

> 14-21 days but since being on supplements he hasn't

> appeared to have any during the night or day. My

> son's seizures became more regular when he was put

> on

> seizure meds. He would have clusters of seizures on

> the meds but he would go into status epileptus

> before

> we started meds.

> Dawn mom to Noah

> --- sarahbri813@... wrote:


> >

> > Can someone explain to me about auras?

> > My daughter a, is for the most part,

> > non-verbal... how would

> > I know if she was having them?

> >

> > I can tell when Bri is about to have a seizure,

> cuz

> > of her aura. She doesn't

> > tell me, but she will get this look on her face .

> > then grab her stomach.

> > She's 8

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Thanks for the info and I hope that your son continues to be seizure free. I

truly believe that supplements along with a good diet can do so much to help our

children. Maybe one day you'll be able to completely wean your son off of the

AEDs. I wish you all the best.


Dawn Tollefson <dawn_t@...> wrote:


Sorry for the long delay in answering, I've been

divided between two kids and the holidays. My son is

still on trileptal and topamax. We have slowly

titrated down. He has been slowly improving. He is

on magnesium, glutamate, amino acids, vit c, magnesium

cream, glutothione, co q10, l-carnitine, biomin, vit

E, multi vit, B-12 shots and he is 150 days without a

seizure. He has been tested for the COMT, one

positive and he was null for the gene glutothione,

GSTM1. He began having seizures at 18 months. He

would have a seizure always associated with a severe

stomach ache. His health slid severely after

contracted the Roto virus. In May of 03, day before

mothers day, I almost lost Noah to a status epileptus,

lasting from 10a.m. to 2:30p.m.. Noah went on

dilantin and his seizures became more regular, every 4

to 6 weeks clusters lasting 24 to 36 hours. He was

switched to trileptal, more regular seizures but no

status, added topamax, seizures came every two weeks,

started the vits, minerals, amino's, shots, creams and

150 days without seizures 21 weeks! His cognitive,

focus, attentiveness is still very difficult. Today,

Christmas day, he did fairly well with many people

around. He is definitely more in this world.

--- Grace wrote:


> Dawn,


> Is your son still on meds or not and what

> supplements are you giving him and how much of each.

> Also, how old is your son and how old was he when

> he began having seizures? Thanks!


> Grace


> Dawn Tollefson wrote:

> When my son was going to begin seizing he would get

> these stomach aches and his heart would race, he

> would

> lay down where ever he was and this happened before

> every seizure he ever had. He has been seizure free

> for 133 days(19 weeks). His seizures had become

> every

> 14-21 days but since being on supplements he hasn't

> appeared to have any during the night or day. My

> son's seizures became more regular when he was put

> on

> seizure meds. He would have clusters of seizures on

> the meds but he would go into status epileptus

> before

> we started meds.

> Dawn mom to Noah

> --- sarahbri813@... wrote:


> >

> > Can someone explain to me about auras?

> > My daughter a, is for the most part,

> > non-verbal... how would

> > I know if she was having them?

> >

> > I can tell when Bri is about to have a seizure,

> cuz

> > of her aura. She doesn't

> > tell me, but she will get this look on her face .

> > then grab her stomach.

> > She's 8

> >

> >

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >

> >

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you mean Dawn I think, I'd like to know that too.

Have looked up the Metamatrix site but am in the UK

so going thru my doc for my son is useless! Can you

approach them privately without a referral??


Re: [ ] Chris

How did you go about having these tests done?


Dawn Tollefson <dawn_t@...> wrote:

We did an organics panel with metametrix, urine and

plasma to help us find out what his deficiencies were.

We found he had a serious lack of magnesium, in

addition he had mineral transport problems, low in

amino acids etc. hope this helps because it certainly

helped him.

--- Daggett <onecsd@...> wrote:


> Dawn I dont know what a organix panel is?


> jennifer werner <bruzedviolet@...>

> wrote:

> You know some pain meds can cause seizures.


> Daggett <onecsd@...> wrote:

> Thanks I think my seizures are related to alcohol

> and prescribed pain meds. But I've lost my job

> because of it. Do you think I should hire a really

> good nutrionlist to study my situation? Blood

> chem??


> Dawn Tollefson <dawn_t@...> wrote:I agree

> with Grace, do a organix panel and find out

> what you may be low or high in and supplement. My

> son

> had rare seizures but became clusters. Once we went

> on meds, dilantin, my son's seizures became more

> often. Once we started supplementing with

> magnesium,

> bcomplex to name a few, his seizures stopped and we

> haven't had them for 155 days.

> Dawn, mom to Noah 8yrs.

> --- Grace <foxyfoxgrace@...> wrote:


> >

> > With 2 seizures in 4 years, my advice is unless

> you

> > are feeling pretty bad or it starts happening more

> > often, I would consider supplements or diet before

> > meds. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

> >

> > Grace

> >

> >

> > onecsd <onecsd@...> wrote:

> >

> > I have had two seizures in about 4 years. The

> first

> > one was

> > after waking up after taking NyQuil. The next one

> > was after taking

> > loritab for a shoulder injury and having a drink

> of

> > wiskey, now I

> > have been diagnosed with epilepsy, and has

> affected

> > my life in a

> > very neg way. the doctor has prescribed Lamictal.


> > Any info from

> > anybody would be a great help. Thanks please

> help

> > me

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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My neuro as well as my ped. had us do a panel of metabolic tests and they all

came back normal, however, I have heard that the tests my docs have recommended

are not as accurate as if you go to a special lab such as the one you went to

and this is why I was asking how you went about it. The way I understand it,

even if these tests come back normal, it does not mean that you don't have a



Dawn Tollefson <dawn_t@...> wrote:

I had these test run at the request of our DAN dr. I

knew very little about this type of testing prior to

her ordering the tests and reading them. They were

very beneficial to figuring out some of the pieces of

my son's puzzle. Many times the labs have dr.'s on

staff that can order the test, I'll check on it, you

can check on it also. This test was helpful in

confirming what my son needed, I have been more

vigilent about his supplements because of the testing.

--- Grace <foxyfoxgrace@...> wrote:




> How did you go about having these tests done?


> Grace


> Dawn Tollefson <dawn_t@...> wrote:

> We did an organics panel with metametrix, urine and

> plasma to help us find out what his deficiencies

> were.

> We found he had a serious lack of magnesium, in

> addition he had mineral transport problems, low in

> amino acids etc. hope this helps because it

> certainly

> helped him.

> --- Daggett <onecsd@...> wrote:


> >

> > Dawn I dont know what a organix panel is?

> >

> > jennifer werner <bruzedviolet@...>

> > wrote:

> > You know some pain meds can cause seizures.

> >

> > Daggett <onecsd@...> wrote:

> > Thanks I think my seizures are related to alcohol

> > and prescribed pain meds. But I've lost my job

> > because of it. Do you think I should hire a

> really

> > good nutrionlist to study my situation? Blood

> > chem??

> >

> > Dawn Tollefson <dawn_t@...> wrote:I

> agree

> > with Grace, do a organix panel and find out

> > what you may be low or high in and supplement. My

> > son

> > had rare seizures but became clusters. Once we

> went

> > on meds, dilantin, my son's seizures became more

> > often. Once we started supplementing with

> > magnesium,

> > bcomplex to name a few, his seizures stopped and

> we

> > haven't had them for 155 days.

> > Dawn, mom to Noah 8yrs.

> > --- Grace <foxyfoxgrace@...> wrote:

> >

> > >

> > > With 2 seizures in 4 years, my advice is unless

> > you

> > > are feeling pretty bad or it starts happening

> more

> > > often, I would consider supplements or diet

> before

> > > meds. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

> > >

> > > Grace

> > >

> > >

> > > onecsd <onecsd@...> wrote:

> > >

> > > I have had two seizures in about 4 years. The

> > first

> > > one was

> > > after waking up after taking NyQuil. The next

> one

> > > was after taking

> > > loritab for a shoulder injury and having a drink

> > of

> > > wiskey, now I

> > > have been diagnosed with epilepsy, and has

> > affected

> > > my life in a

> > > very neg way. the doctor has prescribed

> Lamictal.

> >

> > > Any info from

> > > anybody would be a great help. Thanks please

> > help

> > > me

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Beth and Dawn,

It took me 5 years to get rid of some of the symptoms, but I almost died

from a severe rupture. And I detoxed, detoxed, detoxed for years.

BTW, my brother lives in Collegeville, PA. I visit your area now and

then. My granddaughter lives in town.


At 10:34 AM 4/3/2005, you wrote:

>Hi Dawn,


>Thanks for making me laugh! I've read some of your postings and I do not

>believe that you 'blab, blab, blab'.


>We are neighbors by the way. I live in Philadelphia. What area of New

>Jersey are you from?


>I went through 2 1/2 years of testing. Not only blood work but biopsies,

>colonoscopy, endoscopy, cat scans, x-rays, MRI's. At one point I had

>difficulty driving or even walking for that matter. I was in a

>wheelchair. But all the doctors told me that it was definitely not from

>the implants! All the tests were negative.


>Funny thing though, as soon as the implants were removed, some of my

>symptoms disappeared. Tingling in my hands, constant yeast infections

>GONE! I am still weak and very tired and have flare ups about 4 times a

>month. It is an improvement from constant pain, weakness and those

>terrible yeast infections. I've only had my implants out for four months

>now so I'm hoping within a year I'll be at least 80% what I had once been.


>Good Luck to You,


>Beth S.




>Good Morning Kenda,


>You're probably still sleeping out there in Ok!! Not me out on the

>east coast.


>Anyway, I just want to clarify with you... It is only MY opinion

>that Oprah is not the best choice. Let me remind you, I am only one

>big mouthed girl from New Jersey!!!!..... and I am not the majority

>of this group as you know.


>Whatever the other girls want is what you should go with. Don't mind

>me... I just blab blab blab... not that there is no validity to what

>I say, but don't let me influence your efforts.


>Like you said, isn't it worth it to try? Yes, it is worth it. And,

>like others are saying.. if enough people also bombard her with

>stories, maybe it would have a second look.


>No, there aren't any guarantees that we... and Dr. M will not be

>attacked or edited into what the media wants.. but hey there are no

>guarantees with anything in life.


>I want you to try and understand that for years now, not one doctor

>has been able to identify what has been wrong with me. When I called

>my ps and asked if I could be so sick due to the implants... his

>response was " no, no way, they are safe, you had a pre existing

>condition " .. One particular friend with implants thinks I am

>absolutely nuts for getting explant... she thinks there is no way

>it's the implants either. So, please know that the root of my

>frustration is what I wrote above... in addition to going from doc

>to doc to doc with all NORMAL blood tests, etc. etc. etc. Have

>never been " VALIDATED " that what is happening is real.


>Thanks for what you are doing to help.





> Messenger

>Show us what our next emoticon should look like.



>the fun.


>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by

>licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed

>health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.


> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

>Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live

>a happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,

>two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)



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Hi Beth..

Oh, thanks, I am glad you are able to pick up on the humor I try to

fling out there!!

It gives me alot of hope to know that atleast a portion of your

symptoms HAVE gone away. Sheeesh.. my stomach just did flips, I am

scared (sah care eddd). Trying to keep myself occupied so that I

don't have to think about this surgery until it's literally on top

of me.

I bet in a year we will all be much better.



In , " Beth S. " <schaffe88@y...> wrote:

> Hi Dawn,


> Thanks for making me laugh! I've read some of your postings and I

do not believe that you 'blab, blab, blab'.


> We are neighbors by the way. I live in Philadelphia. What area

of New Jersey are you from?


> I went through 2 1/2 years of testing. Not only blood work but

biopsies, colonoscopy, endoscopy, cat scans, x-rays, MRI's. At one

point I had difficulty driving or even walking for that matter. I

was in a wheelchair. But all the doctors told me that it was

definitely not from the implants! All the tests were negative.


> Funny thing though, as soon as the implants were removed, some of

my symptoms disappeared. Tingling in my hands, constant yeast

infections GONE! I am still weak and very tired and have flare ups

about 4 times a month. It is an improvement from constant pain,

weakness and those terrible yeast infections. I've only had my

implants out for four months now so I'm hoping within a year I'll be

at least 80% what I had once been.


> Good Luck to You,


> Beth S.




> Good Morning Kenda,


> You're probably still sleeping out there in Ok!! Not me out on the

> east coast.


> Anyway, I just want to clarify with you... It is only MY opinion

> that Oprah is not the best choice. Let me remind you, I am only


> big mouthed girl from New Jersey!!!!..... and I am not the


> of this group as you know.


> Whatever the other girls want is what you should go with. Don't


> me... I just blab blab blab... not that there is no validity to


> I say, but don't let me influence your efforts.


> Like you said, isn't it worth it to try? Yes, it is worth it. And,

> like others are saying.. if enough people also bombard her with

> stories, maybe it would have a second look.


> No, there aren't any guarantees that we... and Dr. M will not be

> attacked or edited into what the media wants.. but hey there are


> guarantees with anything in life.


> I want you to try and understand that for years now, not one


> has been able to identify what has been wrong with me. When I


> my ps and asked if I could be so sick due to the implants... his

> response was " no, no way, they are safe, you had a pre existing

> condition " .. One particular friend with implants thinks I am

> absolutely nuts for getting explant... she thinks there is no way

> it's the implants either. So, please know that the root of my

> frustration is what I wrote above... in addition to going from doc

> to doc to doc with all NORMAL blood tests, etc. etc. etc. Have

> never been " VALIDATED " that what is happening is real.


> Thanks for what you are doing to help.


> Dawn




> ---------------------------------

> Messenger

> Show us what our next emoticon should look like. Join the fun.

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Hey !

Glad you didn't die, happy that you are now well.. gives me much

hope. I plan on doing the same thing too... detox, detox etc.

Whatever it takes.



In , Lynda <coss@p...> wrote:

> Beth and Dawn,


> It took me 5 years to get rid of some of the symptoms, but I

almost died

> from a severe rupture. And I detoxed, detoxed, detoxed for years.


> BTW, my brother lives in Collegeville, PA. I visit your area now


> then. My granddaughter lives in town.


> Lynda


> At 10:34 AM 4/3/2005, you wrote:

> >Hi Dawn,

> >

> >Thanks for making me laugh! I've read some of your postings and

I do not

> >believe that you 'blab, blab, blab'.

> >

> >We are neighbors by the way. I live in Philadelphia. What area

of New

> >Jersey are you from?

> >

> >I went through 2 1/2 years of testing. Not only blood work but


> >colonoscopy, endoscopy, cat scans, x-rays, MRI's. At one point I


> >difficulty driving or even walking for that matter. I was in a

> >wheelchair. But all the doctors told me that it was definitely

not from

> >the implants! All the tests were negative.

> >

> >Funny thing though, as soon as the implants were removed, some of


> >symptoms disappeared. Tingling in my hands, constant yeast


> >GONE! I am still weak and very tired and have flare ups about 4

times a

> >month. It is an improvement from constant pain, weakness and


> >terrible yeast infections. I've only had my implants out for

four months

> >now so I'm hoping within a year I'll be at least 80% what I had

once been.

> >

> >Good Luck to You,

> >

> >Beth S.

> >

> >

> >

> >Good Morning Kenda,

> >

> >You're probably still sleeping out there in Ok!! Not me out on the

> >east coast.

> >

> >Anyway, I just want to clarify with you... It is only MY opinion

> >that Oprah is not the best choice. Let me remind you, I am only


> >big mouthed girl from New Jersey!!!!..... and I am not the


> >of this group as you know.

> >

> >Whatever the other girls want is what you should go with. Don't


> >me... I just blab blab blab... not that there is no validity to


> >I say, but don't let me influence your efforts.

> >

> >Like you said, isn't it worth it to try? Yes, it is worth it. And,

> >like others are saying.. if enough people also bombard her with

> >stories, maybe it would have a second look.

> >

> >No, there aren't any guarantees that we... and Dr. M will not be

> >attacked or edited into what the media wants.. but hey there are


> >guarantees with anything in life.

> >

> >I want you to try and understand that for years now, not one


> >has been able to identify what has been wrong with me. When I


> >my ps and asked if I could be so sick due to the implants... his

> >response was " no, no way, they are safe, you had a pre existing

> >condition " .. One particular friend with implants thinks I am

> >absolutely nuts for getting explant... she thinks there is no way

> >it's the implants either. So, please know that the root of my

> >frustration is what I wrote above... in addition to going from doc

> >to doc to doc with all NORMAL blood tests, etc. etc. etc. Have

> >never been " VALIDATED " that what is happening is real.

> >

> >Thanks for what you are doing to help.

> >HUGS,

> >Dawn

> >

> >

> > Messenger

> >Show us what our next emoticon should look like.




> >the fun.

> >

> >Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice

given by

> >licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or


> >health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.

> >

> > " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians

mislead you.

> >Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about

how to live

> >a happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus


> >two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

> >

> >

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Dearest Lynda:

It is so nice to see that you are posting. I have a question for you,

because we both had ruptures. Dr. Blais said that my implants had been

ruptured for many years, but the capsule was so hard that the rupture did

not show on a mammmogram. My very first implants, that were implanted in

1974, were Dow thin-shelled silicone, and they ruptured within 2 years. The

capsules from the Dow implants and the shells with Dacron patches were left

in me. My plastic surgeon put the new implants on top of this mess. We know

that these were Surgitek, and according to Dr. Guidoin they were the

Replicon, but all he had was the tissue from pathology. I have all my

original medical records, plus Dr. Guidoin's report. My implants were thrown

into the garbage; really there were no implants because he only took out the

loose silicone and left everything else in me. One year later, another

plastic surgeon tried to remove this mess and found a seroma that broke, and

this led him to remove my left breast. We think that the capsule was left in

my right breast. Do you think that I could get well? I would love to think

that there is hope for me. Thank you.

Sending you lots of love...Lea


Re: Dawn


> Beth and Dawn,


> It took me 5 years to get rid of some of the symptoms, but I almost died

> from a severe rupture. And I detoxed, detoxed, detoxed for years.


> BTW, my brother lives in Collegeville, PA. I visit your area now and

> then. My granddaughter lives in town.


> Lynda


> At 10:34 AM 4/3/2005, you wrote:

>>Hi Dawn,


>>Thanks for making me laugh! I've read some of your postings and I do not

>>believe that you 'blab, blab, blab'.


>>We are neighbors by the way. I live in Philadelphia. What area of New

>>Jersey are you from?


>>I went through 2 1/2 years of testing. Not only blood work but biopsies,

>>colonoscopy, endoscopy, cat scans, x-rays, MRI's. At one point I had

>>difficulty driving or even walking for that matter. I was in a

>>wheelchair. But all the doctors told me that it was definitely not from

>>the implants! All the tests were negative.


>>Funny thing though, as soon as the implants were removed, some of my

>>symptoms disappeared. Tingling in my hands, constant yeast infections

>>GONE! I am still weak and very tired and have flare ups about 4 times a

>>month. It is an improvement from constant pain, weakness and those

>>terrible yeast infections. I've only had my implants out for four months

>>now so I'm hoping within a year I'll be at least 80% what I had once been.


>>Good Luck to You,


>>Beth S.




>>Good Morning Kenda,


>>You're probably still sleeping out there in Ok!! Not me out on the

>>east coast.


>>Anyway, I just want to clarify with you... It is only MY opinion

>>that Oprah is not the best choice. Let me remind you, I am only one

>>big mouthed girl from New Jersey!!!!..... and I am not the majority

>>of this group as you know.


>>Whatever the other girls want is what you should go with. Don't mind

>>me... I just blab blab blab... not that there is no validity to what

>>I say, but don't let me influence your efforts.


>>Like you said, isn't it worth it to try? Yes, it is worth it. And,

>>like others are saying.. if enough people also bombard her with

>>stories, maybe it would have a second look.


>>No, there aren't any guarantees that we... and Dr. M will not be

>>attacked or edited into what the media wants.. but hey there are no

>>guarantees with anything in life.


>>I want you to try and understand that for years now, not one doctor

>>has been able to identify what has been wrong with me. When I called

>>my ps and asked if I could be so sick due to the implants... his

>>response was " no, no way, they are safe, you had a pre existing

>>condition " .. One particular friend with implants thinks I am

>>absolutely nuts for getting explant... she thinks there is no way

>>it's the implants either. So, please know that the root of my

>>frustration is what I wrote above... in addition to going from doc

>>to doc to doc with all NORMAL blood tests, etc. etc. etc. Have

>>never been " VALIDATED " that what is happening is real.


>>Thanks for what you are doing to help.





>> Messenger

>>Show us what our next emoticon should look like.



>>the fun.


>>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by

>>licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed

>>health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.


>> " Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you.

>>Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live

>>a happy life and how to work for a better world. " - Linus ing,

>>two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)



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I wrote you, but posted it under Marie. Sorry. Please read...


Hi Marie..Happy to hear that your up and running again with your computer.. I wondered where you were!So, if you get those lab numbers back from the doc.. please post.Remember to post them with the actual ranges.. for example.. Tsh is usually something like between .5 and 5.5 ... something like that. With TSH anything above 3 is suspect of hypo and even 2.. although the lab range is up to 5.5. The Am Assoc of Endocrinoligists have changed the range from 5.5 to 3.0... but for some reason the laboratory reports do not reflect that new number and if your doc is not familiar with this she will say you are normal.Also with the Free T's... your numbers should be in the upper 1/3 of the range... you could be just slipping over the minimum and not know it.. she's telling you your normal.... I saw that someone here said they used silica pellets... actually silica does work.. it is great for hair and nails.Silica is aka: horsetail.. When I first had my hair loss issue I went to an herbalist who recommended it... The hair did stop falling out within a week.. although it is falling out again now.. that's another story.Hugs.. DawnOpinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment. "Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

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That's pretty far from me. Thought maybe you were closer.

Beth S.Dawn A <daldre@...> wrote:

Oh yeah, Cranford, New Jersey. It's North Jersey, about 15 mins from the Holland Tunnel.DawnOpinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment. "Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)

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