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Hi !

It is certainly possible to implement the program without Myoplex or

supplements. Myoplex in particular is a terrific aid to the process, because

it makes having six meals a day - which is essential to the program - much

easier. But it's not a requirement of the program to do that. It is possible

to prepare six, whole food meals and not use Myoplex at all.

Also, as others on the list can point out, there are other meal replacement

shakes available. Some may be available without aspartame, if that is a

concern of yours.

I'm not a doctor, and obviously I don't know your particular medical

scenario. You are wise to be careful about what you put in your body though.

As for aspartame, at least according to what I've read, for most people at

least and consumed in reasonable quantity, it should be harmless. But perhaps

you have specific medical advice against using anything with aspartame.

I definitely think that the program is healthy and worth your consideration.

Of course, if you have any medical concerns or questions, your doctor would

be the best person to ask about those.

Good health to you and your husband!

Fitness and the Mind-Body Connection

an unofficial support site for Body-for-LIFErs


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Good news ,

It can be done without sups but it isn't easy to eat that much real food. There are some protein powders out there that contain no aspartame. Do some online research, I can't think of the brands off the top of my head.

I know a gal that did it ala natural and she did great. Inspite of having a lack of funds and the fact that she is a stay at home MOM and uses a home gym to boot.

Best of luck


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  • 5 months later...

>I am entered in this years BFL challenge & am in my third week & not seeing

much progress. I un-officially did 12 weeks prior to this year and only saw a 2%

fat loss. Here are my stats & questions:

> BMR=1275 cal/day, 39 yr, 5'2, 142#, 28# body fat

I thought your BMR is supposed to be a minimum of your body weight x10. That

would mean you should be getting a minimum of 1420 calories a day, right? If

you eat less than what your body requires minimally, it goes into starvation

mode and hangs on to everything and you won't lose weight or fat.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


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> 1. How many calories/meal should I be consuming for optimal fat


To loose 1 lb of fat a week:

1.6 x your BMR and subtract 500 for every pound you want to lose per


You can find a lot of great info at



What should my carb/protein breakdown be? I am targeting fat

loss down to 15%.

> Here is what I have been eating:

> meal 1 Myoplex lite shake

> meal 2 1/2 cup oatmeal/small can salmon

> meal 3 Myoplex lite bar

> meal 4 Myoplex lite shake

> meal 5 a protein portion like chicken or fish, veggie, carb like

small potatoe or whole wheat pasta

> meal 6 precision protein & no carb

> I really appreciate all of your advice & support! I feel my

metabolism is way off. I do take Betagen, CLA, BetaLean supplements.

> Thanks,

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  • 10 months later...

I'd urge you to work with a child and adolescent psychiatrist rather than a


This professional would have far more expertise and experience diagnosing and


such problems. If you have not yet checked out the OC Foundation, their web

site is most

helpful and they are a wonderful resource for reading material -- they also have


referral service which you can tap into for psychiatrists and psychologists.

Finally, I would also suggest you check out the web site for the Tourette's

Syndrome of

America. While it may be too soon to tell, it might be helpful for you to arm


with information so you can keep an eye out for this, as well. OCD, Tourette's

and ADHD

(attention deficit hyperactive disorder) are a triad frequently present in boys

(if one

than often more than one is present simultaneously). The more you know up front


quicker you will be able to identify, and then treat whatever comes up.

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Hi, just wanted to say " welcome " to the group! You've already

received such excellent responses from Patti and Vivian. I'm a

single mom, 3 sons. One of them is 12 and was diagnosed last year

with OCD. It seemed to hit us almost overnight, there were so many

behaviors going on. But after learning more about OCD, I can now see

where had many OCD behaviors all his life. The only one I

had noticed up until then was where he'd erase and rewrite things in

elementary school, trace over letters, etc. Sort of minor compared

to what we're putting up with now! But now when I think of all the

reassurance questions and fears he had as a toddler and on up, I

understand better.

His obsessions/compulsions have definitely changed over the years and

even in this past year. He stopped some, kept some, began new ones

and some old ones would come back. Being 11 at the time it hit so

hard, he was and is against taking prescription meds so I don't have

him on any; but if he had been this bad at a much younger age, I

think I would have most likely started him on some. Strangely, his

twin DID have OCD at toddler age, even I knew enough back then to

identify it but didn't know anything then about treatment. But after

driving me crazy for a few months, it seemed to subside. And then

pops up with a bad case at 11!

This group has been a great support, we don't have anything local in

our small county area but in Atlanta I'm sure you'll find a good

therapist! The OCD foundation is a great site. Just a " search " for

OCD on the internet will turn up more than you can read. I do search

the archives here at times on the groups.yahoo.com site for certain

topics, that's a big help. And the " files " at the site have lots of


Well, this is getting long! Let us know how things progress!

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My son is 5 and has similar anxieties and has recently been diagnosed with

OCD. I agree that Dr. Chanksy's book is a fantastic place to start. My

son's psychologist is urging me to try Zoloft but we haven't gone there yet

because I'm concerned over him being so young to go on meds (although that

is just MY anxiety at play here - I'm sure if she recommends it it would be

fine). We are trying light and sound therapy first which he seems to be

responding to. His psychologist seemed reluctant to try CBT therapy because

she thought he would be too young to respond to it so I may switch to

someone else. I got a list of local providers mailed to me from the OCD

foundation website that I need to check out.

-Stacey from NM

Newbie questions

My almost five year old is exhibiting symptonso of OCD.

Lately he's been humming and has said that his body is making him do

it and he wants to stop but can't. He's asked to see his

pediatrician. His obsessions change a bit. Tonight he was concerned

he was going to accidently poison himself. First he was afraid he

ate a banana peel. Later it was a Monarch butterfly and so on. It's

also been air freshener and berries he's seen on a tree through a car

window. He's also been distracted which I mistook for daydreaming

but now seems to be anxiety.

We've called the pediatrician and have scheduled a consultation.

She's already talking about Zoloft.

Here are some of my questions. Any help is much appreciated.

Is there a FAQ for this group (I didn't see one)?

What qualifications should I look for in a doctor?

What kind of doctor/professional should I see besides the


BTW, I'm in Atlanta if anyone wants to suggest someone.

Where should I go for more info - specific books, web sites etc?

How common is OCD in someone so young?

Are other disorders more likely to occur such as depression?

What other questions should I be asking?

You may subscribe to the Parents of Adults with OCD List at

parentsofadultswithOCD-subscribe . You may subscribe to

the OCD and Homeschooling List at

ocdandhomeschooling-subscribe . You may subscribe to the

OCD Kids Support Group at OCDKidsSupportGroup-subscribe .

You may change your subscription format or access the files, bookmarks, and

archives for our list at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ .

Our list advisors are Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., Aureen Pinto Wagner, Ph.D., and

Dan Geller, M.D. Our list moderators are Birkhan, Kathy Hammes,

Joye, Kathy Mac, Jule Monnens, Gail Pesses, Kathy ,

Vivian Stembridge, and Jackie Stout. Subscription issues or suggestions

may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at louisharkins@... or

louisharkins@... .

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My son is 5 and has similar anxieties and has recently been diagnosed with

OCD. I agree that Dr. Chanksy's book is a fantastic place to start. My

son's psychologist is urging me to try Zoloft but we haven't gone there yet

because I'm concerned over him being so young to go on meds (although that

is just MY anxiety at play here - I'm sure if she recommends it it would be

fine). We are trying light and sound therapy first which he seems to be

responding to. His psychologist seemed reluctant to try CBT therapy because

she thought he would be too young to respond to it so I may switch to

someone else. I got a list of local providers mailed to me from the OCD

foundation website that I need to check out.

-Stacey from NM

Newbie questions

My almost five year old is exhibiting symptonso of OCD.

Lately he's been humming and has said that his body is making him do

it and he wants to stop but can't. He's asked to see his

pediatrician. His obsessions change a bit. Tonight he was concerned

he was going to accidently poison himself. First he was afraid he

ate a banana peel. Later it was a Monarch butterfly and so on. It's

also been air freshener and berries he's seen on a tree through a car

window. He's also been distracted which I mistook for daydreaming

but now seems to be anxiety.

We've called the pediatrician and have scheduled a consultation.

She's already talking about Zoloft.

Here are some of my questions. Any help is much appreciated.

Is there a FAQ for this group (I didn't see one)?

What qualifications should I look for in a doctor?

What kind of doctor/professional should I see besides the


BTW, I'm in Atlanta if anyone wants to suggest someone.

Where should I go for more info - specific books, web sites etc?

How common is OCD in someone so young?

Are other disorders more likely to occur such as depression?

What other questions should I be asking?

You may subscribe to the Parents of Adults with OCD List at

parentsofadultswithOCD-subscribe . You may subscribe to

the OCD and Homeschooling List at

ocdandhomeschooling-subscribe . You may subscribe to the

OCD Kids Support Group at OCDKidsSupportGroup-subscribe .

You may change your subscription format or access the files, bookmarks, and

archives for our list at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ .

Our list advisors are Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., Aureen Pinto Wagner, Ph.D., and

Dan Geller, M.D. Our list moderators are Birkhan, Kathy Hammes,

Joye, Kathy Mac, Jule Monnens, Gail Pesses, Kathy ,

Vivian Stembridge, and Jackie Stout. Subscription issues or suggestions

may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at louisharkins@... or

louisharkins@... .

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One thing to review is your childs past illnesses aprox 3 months up the time

OC symptoms first occured. There is a type of OCD thought caused by

antibodies to the Strep bacteria, it is called PANDAS, Pediatric Autoimmune

NeuroPsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal infection.It is

thought that the strep bacteria trigger antibodies that cross-react with the

basal ganglia of genetically susceptible children leading to OCD and or tics.

There is a blood test to check for antibodies of a recent infection, they

gradually decrease, around 8 to 10 weeks, i believe. Even if your child did

not test positive for a rapid strep test [one should always insist on a 3 day

test, they are more accurate] ,they still could have had strep, other signs

and symptoms are sore throat, fever, stomach ache, nausea and vomiting and

diarrhea and of course, fever. There is a theory that strep initiates the OCD

but then possibly other infections, even viral can exacerbate the OCD. With

this type of OCD symptoms gradually subside until the next infection and then

quickly symptoms escalate. After 20 mths when my daughter was first

diagnosed, i am now coming to the conclusion she has PANDAS. She is now 7.

Her first psychiatrist knew little of it and did not insist on an antibodie

blood test and could not direct me to any information on it. The National

Institute of Mental Health has some articles that have good info. If your

child needs blood work you can ask for a prescription topical cream called

EMLA cream and they won't feel the stick. Even if your insurance doesn't

cover it, the 40.00 is worth it, and it lasts for several sticks [5 to 8]

Good Luck, you've come to the right place for support and info. You sound

like you are on top of things and are educating yourself. a Cronin

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One thing to review is your childs past illnesses aprox 3 months up the time

OC symptoms first occured. There is a type of OCD thought caused by

antibodies to the Strep bacteria, it is called PANDAS, Pediatric Autoimmune

NeuroPsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal infection.It is

thought that the strep bacteria trigger antibodies that cross-react with the

basal ganglia of genetically susceptible children leading to OCD and or tics.

There is a blood test to check for antibodies of a recent infection, they

gradually decrease, around 8 to 10 weeks, i believe. Even if your child did

not test positive for a rapid strep test [one should always insist on a 3 day

test, they are more accurate] ,they still could have had strep, other signs

and symptoms are sore throat, fever, stomach ache, nausea and vomiting and

diarrhea and of course, fever. There is a theory that strep initiates the OCD

but then possibly other infections, even viral can exacerbate the OCD. With

this type of OCD symptoms gradually subside until the next infection and then

quickly symptoms escalate. After 20 mths when my daughter was first

diagnosed, i am now coming to the conclusion she has PANDAS. She is now 7.

Her first psychiatrist knew little of it and did not insist on an antibodie

blood test and could not direct me to any information on it. The National

Institute of Mental Health has some articles that have good info. If your

child needs blood work you can ask for a prescription topical cream called

EMLA cream and they won't feel the stick. Even if your insurance doesn't

cover it, the 40.00 is worth it, and it lasts for several sticks [5 to 8]

Good Luck, you've come to the right place for support and info. You sound

like you are on top of things and are educating yourself. a Cronin

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Thanks for everyone's support. This whole thing just came out of

nowhere and there's so much to learn. What is light and sound


> My son is 5 and has similar anxieties and has recently been

diagnosed with

> OCD. I agree that Dr. Chanksy's book is a fantastic place to

start. My

> son's psychologist is urging me to try Zoloft but we haven't gone

there yet

> because I'm concerned over him being so young to go on meds

(although that

> is just MY anxiety at play here - I'm sure if she recommends it it

would be

> fine). We are trying light and sound therapy first which he seems

to be

> responding to. His psychologist seemed reluctant to try CBT

therapy because

> she thought he would be too young to respond to it so I may switch


> someone else. I got a list of local providers mailed to me from

the OCD

> foundation website that I need to check out.


> -Stacey from NM

> Newbie questions



> My almost five year old is exhibiting symptonso of OCD.


> Lately he's been humming and has said that his body is making him


> it and he wants to stop but can't. He's asked to see his

> pediatrician. His obsessions change a bit. Tonight he was


> he was going to accidently poison himself. First he was afraid he

> ate a banana peel. Later it was a Monarch butterfly and so on.


> also been air freshener and berries he's seen on a tree through a


> window. He's also been distracted which I mistook for daydreaming

> but now seems to be anxiety.


> We've called the pediatrician and have scheduled a consultation.

> She's already talking about Zoloft.


> Here are some of my questions. Any help is much appreciated.


> Is there a FAQ for this group (I didn't see one)?

> What qualifications should I look for in a doctor?

> What kind of doctor/professional should I see besides the

> pediatrician?

> BTW, I'm in Atlanta if anyone wants to suggest someone.

> Where should I go for more info - specific books, web sites etc?

> How common is OCD in someone so young?

> Are other disorders more likely to occur such as depression?

> What other questions should I be asking?



> You may subscribe to the Parents of Adults with OCD List at

> parentsofadultswithOCD-subscribe@y... . You may subscribe to

> the OCD and Homeschooling List at

> ocdandhomeschooling-subscribe@y... . You may subscribe to the

> OCD Kids Support Group at OCDKidsSupportGroup-subscribe@y... .

> You may change your subscription format or access the files,

bookmarks, and

> archives for our list at

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ .

> Our list advisors are Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., Aureen Pinto Wagner,

Ph.D., and

> Dan Geller, M.D. Our list moderators are Birkhan, Kathy


> Joye, Kathy Mac, Jule Monnens, Gail Pesses, Kathy


> Vivian Stembridge, and Jackie Stout. Subscription issues or


> may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at louisharkins@y...


> louisharkins@h... .





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Thanks for everyone's support. This whole thing just came out of

nowhere and there's so much to learn. What is light and sound


> My son is 5 and has similar anxieties and has recently been

diagnosed with

> OCD. I agree that Dr. Chanksy's book is a fantastic place to

start. My

> son's psychologist is urging me to try Zoloft but we haven't gone

there yet

> because I'm concerned over him being so young to go on meds

(although that

> is just MY anxiety at play here - I'm sure if she recommends it it

would be

> fine). We are trying light and sound therapy first which he seems

to be

> responding to. His psychologist seemed reluctant to try CBT

therapy because

> she thought he would be too young to respond to it so I may switch


> someone else. I got a list of local providers mailed to me from

the OCD

> foundation website that I need to check out.


> -Stacey from NM

> Newbie questions



> My almost five year old is exhibiting symptonso of OCD.


> Lately he's been humming and has said that his body is making him


> it and he wants to stop but can't. He's asked to see his

> pediatrician. His obsessions change a bit. Tonight he was


> he was going to accidently poison himself. First he was afraid he

> ate a banana peel. Later it was a Monarch butterfly and so on.


> also been air freshener and berries he's seen on a tree through a


> window. He's also been distracted which I mistook for daydreaming

> but now seems to be anxiety.


> We've called the pediatrician and have scheduled a consultation.

> She's already talking about Zoloft.


> Here are some of my questions. Any help is much appreciated.


> Is there a FAQ for this group (I didn't see one)?

> What qualifications should I look for in a doctor?

> What kind of doctor/professional should I see besides the

> pediatrician?

> BTW, I'm in Atlanta if anyone wants to suggest someone.

> Where should I go for more info - specific books, web sites etc?

> How common is OCD in someone so young?

> Are other disorders more likely to occur such as depression?

> What other questions should I be asking?



> You may subscribe to the Parents of Adults with OCD List at

> parentsofadultswithOCD-subscribe@y... . You may subscribe to

> the OCD and Homeschooling List at

> ocdandhomeschooling-subscribe@y... . You may subscribe to the

> OCD Kids Support Group at OCDKidsSupportGroup-subscribe@y... .

> You may change your subscription format or access the files,

bookmarks, and

> archives for our list at

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ .

> Our list advisors are Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., Aureen Pinto Wagner,

Ph.D., and

> Dan Geller, M.D. Our list moderators are Birkhan, Kathy


> Joye, Kathy Mac, Jule Monnens, Gail Pesses, Kathy


> Vivian Stembridge, and Jackie Stout. Subscription issues or


> may be addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at louisharkins@y...


> louisharkins@h... .





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Hello, you wrote:

----- Original Message -----

> Is there a FAQ for this group (I didn't see one)?

No there isn't, but the archives are searchable and offer a wealth of

information about OCD, its treatment, related topics such as schooling, etc.

> What qualifications should I look for in a doctor?

Many kids have a psychiatrist for medication management, and a therapist or

psychologist for therapy.

> What kind of doctor/professional should I see besides the

> pediatrician?

If your ped is knowlegeable about OCD, and is comfortable managing your

son's meds if they are indicated, then she could function as his medical

doctor (a psychiatrist is a MD) and you would then just need to locate a

therapist for your son.

> Where should I go for more info - specific books, web sites etc?

Books I suggest are " Freeing Your Child from OCD " by Tamar Chansky, and " OCD

in Children and Adolescents " by March and Mulle. Both are, I

believe, available through the Obsessive Compulsive Foundation,

www.ocfoundation.org This website is a wonderful resource on all aspects

of OCD.

> How common is OCD in someone so young?

I've never seen statistics but according to my daughter's doctor, it's more

common than once believed. There is an area of research that focuses on

very young children who have onsets of OCD or Tourette's Syndrome following

a strep infection.

> Are other disorders more likely to occur such as depression?

Yes, people who have a diagnosis of OCD are more likely to have other mental

illnesses such as depression.

> What other questions should I be asking?

:-) You have made a spectacular start! Please post anytime you have any

more questions.

Kathy R. in Indiana

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Hello, you wrote:

----- Original Message -----

> Is there a FAQ for this group (I didn't see one)?

No there isn't, but the archives are searchable and offer a wealth of

information about OCD, its treatment, related topics such as schooling, etc.

> What qualifications should I look for in a doctor?

Many kids have a psychiatrist for medication management, and a therapist or

psychologist for therapy.

> What kind of doctor/professional should I see besides the

> pediatrician?

If your ped is knowlegeable about OCD, and is comfortable managing your

son's meds if they are indicated, then she could function as his medical

doctor (a psychiatrist is a MD) and you would then just need to locate a

therapist for your son.

> Where should I go for more info - specific books, web sites etc?

Books I suggest are " Freeing Your Child from OCD " by Tamar Chansky, and " OCD

in Children and Adolescents " by March and Mulle. Both are, I

believe, available through the Obsessive Compulsive Foundation,

www.ocfoundation.org This website is a wonderful resource on all aspects

of OCD.

> How common is OCD in someone so young?

I've never seen statistics but according to my daughter's doctor, it's more

common than once believed. There is an area of research that focuses on

very young children who have onsets of OCD or Tourette's Syndrome following

a strep infection.

> Are other disorders more likely to occur such as depression?

Yes, people who have a diagnosis of OCD are more likely to have other mental

illnesses such as depression.

> What other questions should I be asking?

:-) You have made a spectacular start! Please post anytime you have any

more questions.

Kathy R. in Indiana

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Kerry,

Other books that may be good for you to check out are:

1. Create Your Own Perfume Using Essential Oils by Chrissie Wildwood.

2. Natural Perfumes by Mindy Green

3. Perfumes, Splashes, & Colognes by Booth

I think that would be a good place to start.

In answer to you question regarding which oils to buy, that would depend

on which oils you already have. You mentioned having Mandy Aftel’s book. She

gives some good suggestions on creating a beginning set of oils to purchase.

Good Luck,


>From: " Kerry " <ckthomas@...>


>< >

>Subject: newbie questions

>Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 23:22:01 -0500


>Hi guys,




>Now that I am getting started, I have some really simple questions for

>you all. I have Mandy Aftel's book and it's a great read. Can anyone

>recommend another book that is " the " book for a newbie?




>Also, I would like some opinions regarding what oils are " must have

>basics " in a perfumers collection. I need some guidance otherwise I'll

>be living in a tent next month. ;0)) Thanks everyone!









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Hi, Kerry

> Also, I would like some opinions regarding what oils are " must have

> basics " in a perfumers collection. I need some guidance otherwise


> be living in a tent next month. ;0)) Thanks everyone!

I'm a beginning perfumer too, and my favorite perfumes are exotic and

oriental. With this set of notes, I could make a wide variety of

exotic perfumes, light florals, and probably some decent mens


I to focus on first are the fixatives and base notes. Perfumes just

aren't any fun if they don't last. For the most part, these are

fairly inexpensive materials so you should be able to get most of

them. The exceptions are the floral absolutes, of course.

Base Notes & fixatives

Patchouli EO

Vanilla tincture, oleoresin, or CO2

Sandalwood EO

Ambrette Seed EO

incense EO, CO2 or tincture

Vetiver EO

Balsams are inexpensive and smell great, but personally I'm afraid of

sensitizing to them. (Anyone know of a source for Copaiba balsam

that meets IFRA guidelines?)

Middle notes

--most of the expensive floral absolutes go here, and really depend

on your personal taste. I'd say start with just a few different

florals and buld up your collection from there.

Rose abs. or otto - the absolute is more widely used in perfumery

Jasmine abs. I prefer J. sambac

Linden Blossom abs, Champa abs, Tuberose abs, or something else

sweetly floral

Lavender abs. (maybe)

Middle to top notes

Ylang ylang EO

Petitgrain EO - cuts the sweetness of florals

Marjoram EO for men's fragrances

Bay Rum EO (Pimenta racemosa) - I like this better than clove

Top Notes

Bergamot FCF - my favorite citrus

Tangerine or Mandarin EO

Coriander EO or CO2

Cardamom EO or CO2

Balsam Fir EO (special effect for outdoorsy men's perfumes)

Boy, is that a lot of materials. You can probably go slow on the

spices if you're not fond of them - they're just essential to me.

Hope this helps, and doesn't land you in that tent!


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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

5 meals are fine. you really need to eat more than 900 calories. you

need to look at how many grams of protein and carbs in each meal.---

In , " Heckenberg "

<theckenberg@e...> wrote:

> Good evening ladies!


> Today is the 2nd day of challenge 1 for me and I have already run

into 2 big concerns so I hope so of you more experienced can share

your thoughts!


> 1. I don't know how I am going to get in 6 meals a day. I can

get in 5 but that sixth will be hard with not eating for an hour on

either side of working out (I work out at 5pm or so) Can I make one

meal a double? Or 2 meals a meal and a half?


> 2. I'm also concerned with getting enough calories. I added up

my plan for tomorrow, and with 5 meals I hit just under 900 calories.

That seems really low to do such an intense cardio workout plus

everything else one does on a daily basis. I did calculations on a

bunch of websites and came up with closer to 1,300 a day for weight

loss with this activity level.


> I am so confused with this - I like the fact the program is simple

but I don't want the body to think its starving either!





> " Even if you think you have nothing worth stealing.

> . someone will come along and take your tail. "

> - Eeyore





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It isn't wise to double up on meals. The whole idea is to only give

your body what it needs to run on at each meal so that none of it

will be stored as fat.

Why don't you post a day's worth of meals. There must be something

glaring that is missing to add up to only 900 calories. We'll let you

know what can be changed/added to make up the difference.


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Thanks Stasia! This is what I have planned for today!

M1 - 2 egg whites, organic brown rice cake

M2 - same as meal one (I hate eating before noon as it is )

M3 - 2 oz turkey, organic brown rice cake, 1 cup of carrot sticks

M4 - 1 oz fat free cheese, organic brown rice cake

M5 - 3 oz turkey, 1 cup brown rice, steamed cauliflower

M6 - ????

I'm pretty limited on carbs but have no idea what to eat at work during the day

with no microwave! All suggestions are welcome. Could part of the problem be

my small hands?? I literally dished this stuff out and compared to palm/fist

like the book says! I don't have any shakes included because I really don't

like them but want to try the new orange myoplex if I can find a single packet

of it - I'm not spending $24 for a case to decide it stinks.

Thanks for the help! All suggestions are welcome!

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Egg whites: I believe most women have 4-5 per serving. I eat 4 egg

whites and 1 whole egg. 2 egg whites only have 7 grams of protein.

Not sure how BFL friendly the brown rice cake is? Is it processed?

Sounds tasty though :)

Meat is usually 3-4 oz per serving. 20-25 grams protein per serving

Cheese isn't recommended as a protein source for BFL. If you do

choose the cheese, just make sure to get in about 20 grams of protein


Carbs without a microwave...now that is tough: fruit, true WW bread,

cold 3 bean salad or cold corn on a salad

Hope this helps some!



> Thanks Stasia! This is what I have planned for today!

> M1 - 2 egg whites, organic brown rice cake

> M2 - same as meal one (I hate eating before noon as it is )

> M3 - 2 oz turkey, organic brown rice cake, 1 cup of carrot sticks

> M4 - 1 oz fat free cheese, organic brown rice cake

> M5 - 3 oz turkey, 1 cup brown rice, steamed cauliflower

> M6 - ????


> I'm pretty limited on carbs but have no idea what to eat at work

during the day with no microwave! All suggestions are welcome.

Could part of the problem be my small hands?? I literally dished

this stuff out and compared to palm/fist like the book says! I don't

have any shakes included because I really don't like them but want to

try the new orange myoplex if I can find a single packet of it - I'm

not spending $24 for a case to decide it stinks.


> Thanks for the help! All suggestions are welcome!






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Thanks Colleen! Today actual improved by accident - I decided to go

out to eat at work and ordered a grilled chicken salad with a plain

baked potato. I hate half the chicken and dipped the salad fixing

and potato into some salsa. So, my M3 will now replace M4, which is

a slight improvement I hope.

With this information, I should be able to make tomorrow a better day

and hopefully have all the bugs out by next week :)

> >

> > Thanks Stasia! This is what I have planned for today!

> > M1 - 2 egg whites, organic brown rice cake

> > M2 - same as meal one (I hate eating before noon as it is )

> > M3 - 2 oz turkey, organic brown rice cake, 1 cup of carrot sticks

> > M4 - 1 oz fat free cheese, organic brown rice cake

> > M5 - 3 oz turkey, 1 cup brown rice, steamed cauliflower

> > M6 - ????

> >

> > I'm pretty limited on carbs but have no idea what to eat at work

> during the day with no microwave! All suggestions are welcome.

> Could part of the problem be my small hands?? I literally dished

> this stuff out and compared to palm/fist like the book says! I


> have any shakes included because I really don't like them but want


> try the new orange myoplex if I can find a single packet of it -


> not spending $24 for a case to decide it stinks.

> >

> > Thanks for the help! All suggestions are welcome!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 1 year later...

ohhhhhh Farmer's Markets are a lot of fun, they're a group of great people.

I think a lot of folks go back to them so they can see the friends they've

met over the years.

Have you put fresh roses in your soap?? I'd love to hear they didn't turn

brown on you, but they just might.

Yes, using a stick blender will cut your stirring time way down, to about 10

- 20 min. You can get any kind. Most use a Braun (I think) - that they

picked up at Walmarts for $20. The trick to using a stick blender is to blend

it in spurts then hand blend using the stick blender like a spoon. This helps

keep the stick blender from burning out. My Braun has been going strong for

over 3 years.

Trace?? Have you ever made pudding, you stir it then it thickens up. This

is trace. Light trace is when you lift out the stick blender and you can see

a trail of soap that it left behind. For most folks, light trace is when

they add their goodies (fragrance, herbs, etc). It goes through trace fairly

quickly. Medium trace is when it really looks like pudding. Heavy trace,

well you better put it in the mold before it gets any thicker. I also set my

timer for 20 min. and then put a layer of plastic (saran wrap) over the soap to

eliminate soda ash. (oxidation that looks like white ash (ugly)

You do have to let cold processed soap sit out to cure until there is no lye

left in the soap. You put JUST THE TIP of your tounge to the soap. If you

feel a tingle (teenie little zap) - there is still lye left in the soap. This

may take over two or three weeks. Or if you wash with it and it leaves your

hands very dry, there is still lye left in the soap. Cold water nuetralizes

soap. If it makes your hands dry it's not ready to sell, and you can just

rinse off with cold water and put on some lotion. Be sure to wear rubber

gloves and eye coverings while making soap. It's a MUST.

It should only take a few weeks to cure. I make my soap in the winter and

it's fine to sell come May. Well, will the scent stay, ok. When I use

Lavender EO, it won't unless I anchor it with a bit of Geranium (my preferrace)


some use Lemongrass, pachouli, whatever. Lavender is a top note and it's

fleeting. Forget about the citrises. I gave up trying to make Orange Soap, I

put everything in it and it still wouldn't stick.

Lye, try a chemical store or a janitorial supply. It's pick up only. Netw

ork and call around, finding lye locally was one of the most challenging (and

fun) things about learning to soap. Tell us what area you are from and

someone will know where you can get lye, most soapmaking vendors have it. I

called a drugstore looking for it in large quantities, they asked if I was in


process of decomposing my husband. Snowdrift farms ships but only in small


One last note. You will have a hard time selling M & P (Melt and Pour) Soap

in the warm weather at the farmer's market. It melts. If you still want to

try and sell it, you will need a cooler with ice to keep it from melting.

Type " Chestnut Farms " into the search engine and you will come up with

Chestnut Farms. They have plans for molds and cutters. Also a lot of vendors


this list have both. Don't bother with the recipie section of Chestnut Farms

unless you like chestnuts.

Again, there are tons of vendors everywhere. Everyone has their favs.

Where are you located? We will all share.

in Cambridge

I have a couple of questions that I could use answers for. I had to stir


soap for over 3 hours when the instructions said about 2 hours or to trace.

Since I've never seen " trace " before, I had to kind of guess when this

happened. It took over 3 hours of stirring. Did I stir too slow or

something? I

also noticed people on the list talking about stick blenders which cut down

considerabley on the stirring time. What brands to people use? Do they


to be the expensive ones, or could I use the $20 variety. Also, does


have written plans for soap cutters. I did it by hand, but I am toying

with the idea of making this more than a hobby and selling soap at our


farmer's market next summer. How far ahead can I make the soap before

selling it? If I made it this winter, like Jan - March would it still keep


scent in July-September? I love this list and I have learned so much from

reading the posts. I have to figure out some of the lingo that you all

use, but I

think I will eventually. Also, where is a more inexpensive website to


soapmaking supplies? Can people buy lye locally, or does it have to be

ordered. I used to see Red Devil Lye in our stores, but now that I want

to buy

it, I can't seem to find it, even in hardware stores that carry plumbing

supplies. Any suggestions? I would really appreciate the help.

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ohhhhhh Farmer's Markets are a lot of fun, they're a group of great people.

I think a lot of folks go back to them so they can see the friends they've

met over the years.

Have you put fresh roses in your soap?? I'd love to hear they didn't turn

brown on you, but they just might.

Yes, using a stick blender will cut your stirring time way down, to about 10

- 20 min. You can get any kind. Most use a Braun (I think) - that they

picked up at Walmarts for $20. The trick to using a stick blender is to blend

it in spurts then hand blend using the stick blender like a spoon. This helps

keep the stick blender from burning out. My Braun has been going strong for

over 3 years.

Trace?? Have you ever made pudding, you stir it then it thickens up. This

is trace. Light trace is when you lift out the stick blender and you can see

a trail of soap that it left behind. For most folks, light trace is when

they add their goodies (fragrance, herbs, etc). It goes through trace fairly

quickly. Medium trace is when it really looks like pudding. Heavy trace,

well you better put it in the mold before it gets any thicker. I also set my

timer for 20 min. and then put a layer of plastic (saran wrap) over the soap to

eliminate soda ash. (oxidation that looks like white ash (ugly)

You do have to let cold processed soap sit out to cure until there is no lye

left in the soap. You put JUST THE TIP of your tounge to the soap. If you

feel a tingle (teenie little zap) - there is still lye left in the soap. This

may take over two or three weeks. Or if you wash with it and it leaves your

hands very dry, there is still lye left in the soap. Cold water nuetralizes

soap. If it makes your hands dry it's not ready to sell, and you can just

rinse off with cold water and put on some lotion. Be sure to wear rubber

gloves and eye coverings while making soap. It's a MUST.

It should only take a few weeks to cure. I make my soap in the winter and

it's fine to sell come May. Well, will the scent stay, ok. When I use

Lavender EO, it won't unless I anchor it with a bit of Geranium (my preferrace)


some use Lemongrass, pachouli, whatever. Lavender is a top note and it's

fleeting. Forget about the citrises. I gave up trying to make Orange Soap, I

put everything in it and it still wouldn't stick.

Lye, try a chemical store or a janitorial supply. It's pick up only. Netw

ork and call around, finding lye locally was one of the most challenging (and

fun) things about learning to soap. Tell us what area you are from and

someone will know where you can get lye, most soapmaking vendors have it. I

called a drugstore looking for it in large quantities, they asked if I was in


process of decomposing my husband. Snowdrift farms ships but only in small


One last note. You will have a hard time selling M & P (Melt and Pour) Soap

in the warm weather at the farmer's market. It melts. If you still want to

try and sell it, you will need a cooler with ice to keep it from melting.

Type " Chestnut Farms " into the search engine and you will come up with

Chestnut Farms. They have plans for molds and cutters. Also a lot of vendors


this list have both. Don't bother with the recipie section of Chestnut Farms

unless you like chestnuts.

Again, there are tons of vendors everywhere. Everyone has their favs.

Where are you located? We will all share.

in Cambridge

I have a couple of questions that I could use answers for. I had to stir


soap for over 3 hours when the instructions said about 2 hours or to trace.

Since I've never seen " trace " before, I had to kind of guess when this

happened. It took over 3 hours of stirring. Did I stir too slow or

something? I

also noticed people on the list talking about stick blenders which cut down

considerabley on the stirring time. What brands to people use? Do they


to be the expensive ones, or could I use the $20 variety. Also, does


have written plans for soap cutters. I did it by hand, but I am toying

with the idea of making this more than a hobby and selling soap at our


farmer's market next summer. How far ahead can I make the soap before

selling it? If I made it this winter, like Jan - March would it still keep


scent in July-September? I love this list and I have learned so much from

reading the posts. I have to figure out some of the lingo that you all

use, but I

think I will eventually. Also, where is a more inexpensive website to


soapmaking supplies? Can people buy lye locally, or does it have to be

ordered. I used to see Red Devil Lye in our stores, but now that I want

to buy

it, I can't seem to find it, even in hardware stores that carry plumbing

supplies. Any suggestions? I would really appreciate the help.

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ohhhhhh Farmer's Markets are a lot of fun, they're a group of great people.

I think a lot of folks go back to them so they can see the friends they've

met over the years.

Have you put fresh roses in your soap?? I'd love to hear they didn't turn

brown on you, but they just might.

Yes, using a stick blender will cut your stirring time way down, to about 10

- 20 min. You can get any kind. Most use a Braun (I think) - that they

picked up at Walmarts for $20. The trick to using a stick blender is to blend

it in spurts then hand blend using the stick blender like a spoon. This helps

keep the stick blender from burning out. My Braun has been going strong for

over 3 years.

Trace?? Have you ever made pudding, you stir it then it thickens up. This

is trace. Light trace is when you lift out the stick blender and you can see

a trail of soap that it left behind. For most folks, light trace is when

they add their goodies (fragrance, herbs, etc). It goes through trace fairly

quickly. Medium trace is when it really looks like pudding. Heavy trace,

well you better put it in the mold before it gets any thicker. I also set my

timer for 20 min. and then put a layer of plastic (saran wrap) over the soap to

eliminate soda ash. (oxidation that looks like white ash (ugly)

You do have to let cold processed soap sit out to cure until there is no lye

left in the soap. You put JUST THE TIP of your tounge to the soap. If you

feel a tingle (teenie little zap) - there is still lye left in the soap. This

may take over two or three weeks. Or if you wash with it and it leaves your

hands very dry, there is still lye left in the soap. Cold water nuetralizes

soap. If it makes your hands dry it's not ready to sell, and you can just

rinse off with cold water and put on some lotion. Be sure to wear rubber

gloves and eye coverings while making soap. It's a MUST.

It should only take a few weeks to cure. I make my soap in the winter and

it's fine to sell come May. Well, will the scent stay, ok. When I use

Lavender EO, it won't unless I anchor it with a bit of Geranium (my preferrace)


some use Lemongrass, pachouli, whatever. Lavender is a top note and it's

fleeting. Forget about the citrises. I gave up trying to make Orange Soap, I

put everything in it and it still wouldn't stick.

Lye, try a chemical store or a janitorial supply. It's pick up only. Netw

ork and call around, finding lye locally was one of the most challenging (and

fun) things about learning to soap. Tell us what area you are from and

someone will know where you can get lye, most soapmaking vendors have it. I

called a drugstore looking for it in large quantities, they asked if I was in


process of decomposing my husband. Snowdrift farms ships but only in small


One last note. You will have a hard time selling M & P (Melt and Pour) Soap

in the warm weather at the farmer's market. It melts. If you still want to

try and sell it, you will need a cooler with ice to keep it from melting.

Type " Chestnut Farms " into the search engine and you will come up with

Chestnut Farms. They have plans for molds and cutters. Also a lot of vendors


this list have both. Don't bother with the recipie section of Chestnut Farms

unless you like chestnuts.

Again, there are tons of vendors everywhere. Everyone has their favs.

Where are you located? We will all share.

in Cambridge

I have a couple of questions that I could use answers for. I had to stir


soap for over 3 hours when the instructions said about 2 hours or to trace.

Since I've never seen " trace " before, I had to kind of guess when this

happened. It took over 3 hours of stirring. Did I stir too slow or

something? I

also noticed people on the list talking about stick blenders which cut down

considerabley on the stirring time. What brands to people use? Do they


to be the expensive ones, or could I use the $20 variety. Also, does


have written plans for soap cutters. I did it by hand, but I am toying

with the idea of making this more than a hobby and selling soap at our


farmer's market next summer. How far ahead can I make the soap before

selling it? If I made it this winter, like Jan - March would it still keep


scent in July-September? I love this list and I have learned so much from

reading the posts. I have to figure out some of the lingo that you all

use, but I

think I will eventually. Also, where is a more inexpensive website to


soapmaking supplies? Can people buy lye locally, or does it have to be

ordered. I used to see Red Devil Lye in our stores, but now that I want

to buy

it, I can't seem to find it, even in hardware stores that carry plumbing

supplies. Any suggestions? I would really appreciate the help.

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Welcome to the insanity, um, no I mean the addiction, um, no, must be, thats


Congrats on your first batch. Fun isnt it???

There are several sites that delineate plans for a soap cutter. The easiest is

to buy a plastic mitre box and a putty knife from Wally World. Less than $10.

Works well too.

Soap, stored properly, will last indefinitely. I store mine in plastic sweater

boxes. It needs to be clean, dry & out of sunlight.

Lye can be purchased at some hardware stores like Menards. Try to locate a local

chemical vendor. Take him/her a bar of your soap and see if you can order in

bulk. I buy 50# of lye in big bags. If you cannot find a local vendor--look

online at Boyer Corp. They will ship to you. They are VERY nice to work with.

The lingo is easy to learn. It will come eventually. Just ask if it doesnt seem

too obvious.


Happpy Soappping


Newbie questions

Hi there. My name is Marcia. I live in upstate NY. I made my first batch

of real soap last week. It was soooo exciting. It was lavender CP soap. It

came out so nice and smells so pretty. I also made some MP soap that I

colored with a piece of pink crayon, added rose scent and put 10 little

roses in

a long half circle mold. When it was hard I cut it into 10 slices. They

came out so pretty. They are for my great nieces that are from 7-13 years


I have a couple of questions that I could use answers for. I had to stir the

soap for over 3 hours when the instructions said about 2 hours or to trace.

Since I've never seen " trace " before, I had to kind of guess when this

happened. It took over 3 hours of stirring. Did I stir too slow or

something? I

also noticed people on the list talking about stick blenders which cut down

considerabley on the stirring time. What brands to people use? Do they have

to be the expensive ones, or could I use the $20 variety. Also, does anyone

have written plans for soap cutters. I did it by hand, but I am toying

with the idea of making this more than a hobby and selling soap at our


farmer's market next summer. How far ahead can I make the soap before

selling it? If I made it this winter, like Jan - March would it still keep


scent in July-September? I love this list and I have learned so much from

reading the posts. I have to figure out some of the lingo that you all use,

but I

think I will eventually. Also, where is a more inexpensive website to order

soapmaking supplies? Can people buy lye locally, or does it have to be

ordered. I used to see Red Devil Lye in our stores, but now that I want to


it, I can't seem to find it, even in hardware stores that carry plumbing

supplies. Any suggestions? I would really appreciate the help. Thanks in

advance. Marcia

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