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Del Honey, we have all been there in one shape or another. My Dad & I had a different one, it was my Mum who got out the belt or whatever (she broke a big metal ladle over my head one time), my Dad just ignored you after you started to talk. Before that he was great but after - well, the only time you heard your name said by him it was to give you s^%$ about something. He had his own problems. This caused me to enter into "love " relationships & then, expecting the same rejection I got from him, I'd push them, do things I knew they'd hate until finally they did & I could say "I knew it." this led to an abusive one, black eyes & bruises that I thought I deserved. It took a few years for me to realize that no one deserves that & get out but here I am, stronger than ever & with a

pretty good relationship with both my parents. Of course I live with a cat not a man & never had any children (I didn't want to inflict the kind of parent I thought I'd be on any small psyche) but at least I like me now & I'm totally off any & all drugs finally. Like I said, we've all been there & now we're back, hopefully all stronger & smarter than we were back then. I know you are my strong caring friend. Gods we're good! I think I'm in love with all of us, I know I love you & me & the Small Red One - yes YOU Toots. Hugs to us all, We deserve them, SuZie & Sir SpYke the Great (who's crying kitty cat tears & sending Lots of kitty cat kisses for everyone) _._,___

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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del your honesty and unselfishiness are very uplifting,and i think you are a incredible person whom im very glad that i got to meet.i dont ride me horses and bikes seem to not get along.i always wind up in the hospital.lol, del i hope some day we can meet,and im sure someday we will. my writing skills lack,so i hope my feelings come thru on what im trying to say,but thanks so much its amazeing to have so many great people under 1 room and im my life ive got to meet them here.because of hep c .again it proves a blessing,Del Compton <go_deliman@...> wrote: Hi Tim.. Thank you for those kinds words and feelings. I am just getting caught up( I hope) with mail. I know EXACTLY what you mean about your buddy...How can you be in a hospital have test after test done, with Xrays and MRI's and all the rest of the three letter test's.... and not know? Star was just in getting checked out, and she had even been complaining about abdominal pains, as long ago as six months, asking our adivise, and she asked her doctor. How in the heck does that happen?I realize that it may be compared to a auto mechanic, that didn't know the car was out of oil;, because he was fixing the tire, but hell, even Midas puts your car on a 29 point check list to make sure all that kinda' crap is OK.. My Dad and I had personality conflict issues... meaning he liked to hit me and belittle me, as a child, and I didn't like

it. So I just tried not to be noticed, or be gone... I figured if the dog wasn't laying around in the hallway, he wouldn't get stepped on, and then bitched at. haha. When he (father) became ill, there was a feeling in my 12 yr. old soul, that shouldn't have been there, it was ugly. for many years. It lasted into my 30's. When he died I said good, thats what he deserves! I was a pissed off young man, with hate in my heart, and very little if any feeling of worth. I could not trust anyone. My parents taught me well in that respect.... the two times I tried to share my heart, didn't work out...because I had too much overflowing baggage to get rid of, but I didn't know that then, It just hardened me to reality of love all the more. I'm still f * & ^ed up, in that regard.So.. yeah.. I liked drugs and alcohol. Damn sure did!!! Give me a buzzzz... I forgave him in my heart years after he died... because I realized he was

sick..mentally and physically, and I no longer held him personally responsible. He had demons in his brain, that didn't get to his heart, I don't think, because I like to think he knew that unacceptable behaviour, yet powerless to control his hate and anger. Please , do not pity me. It has made a stronger person, and I hope a more understanding and compassionate person, except towards child beating. When he died, the night before , after being in the hospital, in and out.. for the last 12 years of his life, or at home..ringing a bell when he needed something, and my mother a nurse to him. My mother could hardly take it anymore, and I feel she was contemplating pulling the plug. She had had enough. I held her more responsible than my Dad, as I feel she should have done more to protect us from the beatings. She now says we must have grown up in different houses, because she says she doesn't remember any of what I say

happened..and I should be happy I was disciplined. I just try to make her happy, by not upsetting her. WOWQ!! this is real; personal stuff, but it's who I am and what goes on in homes. All my neighbors knew what was going on to, and my friends, would watch sometimes, through the basement window, while trying to run from him. I was embarrassed, in my underwear, and especially kept to myself at school. But I did have a lot of people that seemed to like me... I was just so mentally screwed up that I didn't know how to deal with friends. Tim, a surgeon came in the last night of his comatose life, and said, We have discovered a tumor in his brain, the size of a mans fist. What the F$%^*K??? How can that happen?? They said they could make him normal again! What the hell was normal??? That doctor had no idea what he walking into when he made that stupid

statement...Well... I have told this to ya'll, and I'm not ashamed, and I don't feel like I'm "ratting" anybody out. It's me..it's how I was raised, I haven't robbed any Stop and Goes and shot customers because I didn't get that red bike for Christmas...and be sure, for each story like mine..there are 100 others that are really sick, and it's hard for me to feel compassion towards those that beat the crap out a child. Well....... I feel better!!! Any one for a nice ride in the country, and w'ell get lemonaide, and ice cream... and feel real good again !! hahahaha.... I'm not sure why I said all this... but I think it's an attempt to be open and honest with y'all... and let somebody know who I am... Not too many people do. I hope you don't think less of me, for crying out loud, in public...but I can't hide anymore. Del Hillbilly Tim <knoxweb1 > wrote: HOW CAN YOU GET CANCER WHILE ON TREATMENT? A GUY LOCAL WAS DIAGNOST 6 WEEKS AGO BUT SAID IT WAS TO LATE IT WAS THRU OUT HIS BODY.HE PASS'T SATURDAY OF THROAT CANCER,AND AS WITH STAR IT SEEMS THAT THEY WOULD BE DOING LABS ETC ON A REGULAR BASIS.IM NOT COMPLAINING JUST WANT INFO ON FUTURE LABS IF I NEED TO ASK FOR. DEL YOU ARE A VERY SPECIAL PERSON AND KNOW THE LORD HAS A PLACE FOR YOU ALLREADY RSVP.BUT I PRAY THAT THE LORD KNOWS YOUR NEEDED HERE AS WELL YOU ARE ONE OF A KIND. Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work www.knoxville1.com Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection.Try the free Beta. Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows. Answers - Check it out. Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work www.knoxville1.com

Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows. Answers - Check it out.

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Dear Kathleen,

I think when we say our children ARE autistic, it's like a life sentence, like saying they're male or female.

When we say our child (children) HAVE autism, it's like saying he or she has a cold. It is healable, and is not who they are, but an imposition, just as a cold is.



In a message dated 6/10/2007 12:07:17 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, kvmoose@... writes:

a friend ask me what the difference was between saying my son has autism and that he is autistic.

do you guys have an opinion? can you explain that to me?

Thank you so much!

Kathleen in IN

See what's free at AOL.com.

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I'm sure I'm late in answering this,,,,,but there's no diff in my eyes. My neice has diabetes.........and she is diabetic. RobinVisscher family <kvmoose@...> wrote: a friend ask me what the difference was between saying my son has autism and that he is autistic. do you guys have an opinion? can you explain that to me? Thank you so much! Kathleen in IN

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I find your question interesting. I usually say my son has

autism. 'Cause to me he's a normal kid that just happens to have




> a friend ask me what the difference was between saying my son has

autism and that he is autistic.


> do you guys have an opinion? can you explain that to me?


> Thank you so much!


> Kathleen in IN


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I use them to mean the same thing, it like saying: my daughter has

brown hair and she is a brunette.

Our story: http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,660226195,00.html

Our blog: http://autismbitestheblog.blogspot.com/

Our Autism t-shirts: www.AutismBites.com


> a friend ask me what the difference was between saying my son has

autism and that he is autistic.


> do you guys have an opinion? can you explain that to me?


> Thank you so much!


> Kathleen in IN


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I use them to mean the same thing, it like saying: my daughter has

brown hair and she is a brunette.

Our story: http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,660226195,00.html

Our blog: http://autismbitestheblog.blogspot.com/

Our Autism t-shirts: www.AutismBites.com


> a friend ask me what the difference was between saying my son has

autism and that he is autistic.


> do you guys have an opinion? can you explain that to me?


> Thank you so much!


> Kathleen in IN


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We know EXACTLY what you go through! We got soooooo tired of it that

we ended up making up t-shirts for them to wear. Our blog we talk about

a recent success with all of the kids in one hamburger store. We

couldn't keep the t-shirts to ourselves and have made them available to

other Autistic parents.

Our story: http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,660226195,00.html

Our blog: http://autismbitestheblog.blogspot.com/

Our Autism t-shirts: www.AutismBites.com


> How do you all handle it when your child acts out in public and

> strangers stare or have the nerve to say something to you about

> getting control of your child? is eleven but is small enough


> pass for seven and she sometimes will act out and make noises or flap

> her arms or she loves to walk around with her stuffed toys, one for

> each hand. The stares and comments really make mad, I want to tell

> people to mind their own buisiness and my hubby yells at them which

> makes a bigger scene. I just try to take her and walk away to avoid

> the confrontation. Sharon


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


Do not feel confused. I liked it right aways as well... I started with the

Synergy from GT Dave but when for the Raw Kombucha and loved it. I did not know

I was supposed to start slowly so on the first day I gulped one entire bottle

and liked it so much that by the second day I was taking 2 entire bottles.. then

it hit me that this habit would be quite expensive at 3.50 per bottle... I

started brewing my own, not expecting it to taste as good as GT Dave's so far

not a contest mine are so much better and cost so much less even when I factor

the cost of the brewing containers and other accessories!! This morning I just

got a Hibiscus KT that has been in secondary fermentation in the garage for 4

days.. OMG!!!.. I stop here...


My List Stuff <vcassel.lists@...> wrote:

Hi. I'm new, have made and bottled my first batch of KT and am on the

second one.

My question:

After reading the WSJ article, I'm wondering if I'm doing something

wrong. My KT isn't an acquired taste - I liked it right away, as did

the teenagers in my house (which is saying something). It's not

particularly sweet, not sour, not vinegary, it tastes almost like apple

cider - not extremely fermented tasting (referring to the apple juice in

the back of the fridge comment), it's nicely carbonated... If mine

tastes good, why is it (it seems) abnormal? (confused over this one...)

Virginia in Milwaukee



Don't pick lemons.

See all the new 2007 cars at Autos.

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Do not feel confused. I liked it right aways as well... I started with the

Synergy from GT Dave but when for the Raw Kombucha and loved it. I did not know

I was supposed to start slowly so on the first day I gulped one entire bottle

and liked it so much that by the second day I was taking 2 entire bottles.. then

it hit me that this habit would be quite expensive at 3.50 per bottle... I

started brewing my own, not expecting it to taste as good as GT Dave's so far

not a contest mine are so much better and cost so much less even when I factor

the cost of the brewing containers and other accessories!! This morning I just

got a Hibiscus KT that has been in secondary fermentation in the garage for 4

days.. OMG!!!.. I stop here...


My List Stuff <vcassel.lists@...> wrote:

Hi. I'm new, have made and bottled my first batch of KT and am on the

second one.

My question:

After reading the WSJ article, I'm wondering if I'm doing something

wrong. My KT isn't an acquired taste - I liked it right away, as did

the teenagers in my house (which is saying something). It's not

particularly sweet, not sour, not vinegary, it tastes almost like apple

cider - not extremely fermented tasting (referring to the apple juice in

the back of the fridge comment), it's nicely carbonated... If mine

tastes good, why is it (it seems) abnormal? (confused over this one...)

Virginia in Milwaukee



Don't pick lemons.

See all the new 2007 cars at Autos.

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In message <467D4EAF.6090306@...> you wrote:

> Hi. I'm new, have made and bottled my first batch of KT and am on the

> second one.

Well done!! :-)

> My question:

> After reading the WSJ article, I'm wondering if I'm doing something

> wrong. My KT isn't an acquired taste - I liked it right away, as did

> the teenagers in my house (which is saying something). It's not

> particularly sweet, not sour, not vinegary, it tastes almost like apple

> cider - not extremely fermented tasting (referring to the apple juice in

> the back of the fridge comment), it's nicely carbonated... If mine

> tastes good, why is it (it seems) abnormal? (confused over this one...)



Your brew sounds just like mine : Yummy.

Believe it or not, I sometimes let new friends try this IMO yummy

KT and they seem to have a taste-bud aberration ;-) and pull the most

disgusted faces.

It's a strange thing that some people (me included) took to Kombucha

like ducks to water, but other people just can't stand the taste.

I have the theory going that folks that eat lots of artificially flavoured

stuff, especially drinks, find it harder to tolerate the truly natural

taste of Kombucha.

If they overcome their initial distaste and make themselves get used to

the wonder-drink, they find that it's the artificial stuff they had before

that becomes YUK to them.

Wonder whether anyone else had that experience?

Just rejoice that you and all your family enjoy your KT so much.

You must have been feeding them good food and drink, it seems!

Kombucha greetings,

Margret UK:-)


+------------------ Minstrel@... --------------------+

<:))))<>< http://www.therpc.f9.co.uk <:))))<><


+----------------- http://www.Gotquestions.org ------------------+

Eternity is a long time to be wrong. Especially about Jesus.

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In message <467D4EAF.6090306@...> you wrote:

> Hi. I'm new, have made and bottled my first batch of KT and am on the

> second one.

Well done!! :-)

> My question:

> After reading the WSJ article, I'm wondering if I'm doing something

> wrong. My KT isn't an acquired taste - I liked it right away, as did

> the teenagers in my house (which is saying something). It's not

> particularly sweet, not sour, not vinegary, it tastes almost like apple

> cider - not extremely fermented tasting (referring to the apple juice in

> the back of the fridge comment), it's nicely carbonated... If mine

> tastes good, why is it (it seems) abnormal? (confused over this one...)



Your brew sounds just like mine : Yummy.

Believe it or not, I sometimes let new friends try this IMO yummy

KT and they seem to have a taste-bud aberration ;-) and pull the most

disgusted faces.

It's a strange thing that some people (me included) took to Kombucha

like ducks to water, but other people just can't stand the taste.

I have the theory going that folks that eat lots of artificially flavoured

stuff, especially drinks, find it harder to tolerate the truly natural

taste of Kombucha.

If they overcome their initial distaste and make themselves get used to

the wonder-drink, they find that it's the artificial stuff they had before

that becomes YUK to them.

Wonder whether anyone else had that experience?

Just rejoice that you and all your family enjoy your KT so much.

You must have been feeding them good food and drink, it seems!

Kombucha greetings,

Margret UK:-)


+------------------ Minstrel@... --------------------+

<:))))<>< http://www.therpc.f9.co.uk <:))))<><


+----------------- http://www.Gotquestions.org ------------------+

Eternity is a long time to be wrong. Especially about Jesus.

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Hi , I am also in WI, I guess from what I have seen, some really like

it, and some say " No Way " You must be some of the people who just

really like it. My son -in law won't go near the room its brewed in

has says " No way am I going in there " he can't even stand the smell.

Don't worry, soulds like your doing just fine!

Connie B


> Hi. I'm new, have made and bottled my first batch of KT and am on


> second one.


> My question:

> After reading the WSJ article, I'm wondering if I'm doing something

> wrong. My KT isn't an acquired taste - I liked it right away, as


> the teenagers in my house (which is saying something). It's not

> particularly sweet, not sour, not vinegary, it tastes almost like


> cider - not extremely fermented tasting (referring to the apple

juice in

> the back of the fridge comment), it's nicely carbonated... If mine

> tastes good, why is it (it seems) abnormal? (confused over this



> Virginia in Milwaukee


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I liked the raw GT Dave Kombucha right off, too. I drank 8 oz right

off and then again the next day. The guy at the healthfood store

says he drinks a bottle every morning when I realized that would cost

over $100 I decided to read more about making it.

It's good to hear that you actually think yours tastes better! I

have been wondering what kind of tea GT used, etc. Will you tell me

where you got your starter and the kind of tea and sugar you use?

I got my Sun Tea jar today and a glass measuring cup. Monday I plan

to hit the healthfood store and get whatever tea and sugar I need. I

don't know where to get a mushroom though, or if I should just order

a whole kit.

I, also, order Gunther 's book.





> Virginia


> Do not feel confused. I liked it right aways as well... I started

with the Synergy from GT Dave but when for the Raw Kombucha and loved

it. I did not know I was supposed to start slowly so on the first day

I gulped one entire bottle and liked it so much that by the second

day I was taking 2 entire bottles.. then it hit me that this habit

would be quite expensive at 3.50 per bottle... I started brewing my

own, not expecting it to taste as good as GT Dave's so far not a

contest mine are so much better and cost so much less even when I

factor the cost of the brewing containers and other accessories!!

This morning I just got a Hibiscus KT that has been in secondary

fermentation in the garage for 4 days.. OMG!!!.. I stop here...


> Frantz

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I liked the raw GT Dave Kombucha right off, too. I drank 8 oz right

off and then again the next day. The guy at the healthfood store

says he drinks a bottle every morning when I realized that would cost

over $100 I decided to read more about making it.

It's good to hear that you actually think yours tastes better! I

have been wondering what kind of tea GT used, etc. Will you tell me

where you got your starter and the kind of tea and sugar you use?

I got my Sun Tea jar today and a glass measuring cup. Monday I plan

to hit the healthfood store and get whatever tea and sugar I need. I

don't know where to get a mushroom though, or if I should just order

a whole kit.

I, also, order Gunther 's book.





> Virginia


> Do not feel confused. I liked it right aways as well... I started

with the Synergy from GT Dave but when for the Raw Kombucha and loved

it. I did not know I was supposed to start slowly so on the first day

I gulped one entire bottle and liked it so much that by the second

day I was taking 2 entire bottles.. then it hit me that this habit

would be quite expensive at 3.50 per bottle... I started brewing my

own, not expecting it to taste as good as GT Dave's so far not a

contest mine are so much better and cost so much less even when I

factor the cost of the brewing containers and other accessories!!

This morning I just got a Hibiscus KT that has been in secondary

fermentation in the garage for 4 days.. OMG!!!.. I stop here...


> Frantz

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Guest guest

Hi Jan,

If you are in the United States I love to send you one

of my very happy thick white scobies. I learned so

much from this loop that I am happily certain that my

scobies are just what they are supposed to be. I'll

even send you two. I'll charge you shipping and my

expenses but nothing else. And it has been the

practice on this loop to collect the money (small as

it might be) before I ship scobies.

Let me Know.

To Your Health,

ann, Atlanta Area KT Lover

--- jan <jpos123@...> wrote:

> I liked the raw GT Dave Kombucha right off, too. I

> drank 8 oz right

> off and then again the next day. The guy at the

> healthfood store

> says he drinks a bottle every morning when I

> realized that would cost

> over $100 I decided to read more about making it.


> It's good to hear that you actually think yours

> tastes better! I

> have been wondering what kind of tea GT used, etc.

> Will you tell me

> where you got your starter and the kind of tea and

> sugar you use?


> I got my Sun Tea jar today and a glass measuring

> cup. Monday I plan

> to hit the healthfood store and get whatever tea and

> sugar I need. I

> don't know where to get a mushroom though, or if I

> should just order

> a whole kit.


> I, also, order Gunther 's book.


> jan



> >

> >

> >

> > Virginia

> >

> > Do not feel confused. I liked it right aways as

> well... I started

> with the Synergy from GT Dave but when for the Raw

> Kombucha and loved

> it. I did not know I was supposed to start slowly so

> on the first day

> I gulped one entire bottle and liked it so much that

> by the second

> day I was taking 2 entire bottles.. then it hit me

> that this habit

> would be quite expensive at 3.50 per bottle... I

> started brewing my

> own, not expecting it to taste as good as GT Dave's

> so far not a

> contest mine are so much better and cost so much

> less even when I

> factor the cost of the brewing containers and other

> accessories!!

> This morning I just got a Hibiscus KT that has been

> in secondary

> fermentation in the garage for 4 days.. OMG!!!.. I

> stop here...

> >

> > Frantz





No need to miss a message. Get email on-the-go

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Guest guest

Hi Jan,

If you are in the United States I love to send you one

of my very happy thick white scobies. I learned so

much from this loop that I am happily certain that my

scobies are just what they are supposed to be. I'll

even send you two. I'll charge you shipping and my

expenses but nothing else. And it has been the

practice on this loop to collect the money (small as

it might be) before I ship scobies.

Let me Know.

To Your Health,

ann, Atlanta Area KT Lover

--- jan <jpos123@...> wrote:

> I liked the raw GT Dave Kombucha right off, too. I

> drank 8 oz right

> off and then again the next day. The guy at the

> healthfood store

> says he drinks a bottle every morning when I

> realized that would cost

> over $100 I decided to read more about making it.


> It's good to hear that you actually think yours

> tastes better! I

> have been wondering what kind of tea GT used, etc.

> Will you tell me

> where you got your starter and the kind of tea and

> sugar you use?


> I got my Sun Tea jar today and a glass measuring

> cup. Monday I plan

> to hit the healthfood store and get whatever tea and

> sugar I need. I

> don't know where to get a mushroom though, or if I

> should just order

> a whole kit.


> I, also, order Gunther 's book.


> jan



> >

> >

> >

> > Virginia

> >

> > Do not feel confused. I liked it right aways as

> well... I started

> with the Synergy from GT Dave but when for the Raw

> Kombucha and loved

> it. I did not know I was supposed to start slowly so

> on the first day

> I gulped one entire bottle and liked it so much that

> by the second

> day I was taking 2 entire bottles.. then it hit me

> that this habit

> would be quite expensive at 3.50 per bottle... I

> started brewing my

> own, not expecting it to taste as good as GT Dave's

> so far not a

> contest mine are so much better and cost so much

> less even when I

> factor the cost of the brewing containers and other

> accessories!!

> This morning I just got a Hibiscus KT that has been

> in secondary

> fermentation in the garage for 4 days.. OMG!!!.. I

> stop here...

> >

> > Frantz





No need to miss a message. Get email on-the-go

with for Mobile. Get started.


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Hello ann,

I have just joined this group today. My sister and I brewed KT some years ago, I

have really missed it.... I didn't realize how much I missed it untill a friend

accused me of getting her on a health food kick, and showed me the beverage she

found, which turned out to be KT. was I ever surprised, and pleased and bought

one immediatly. Well I think I am addicted as I think about KT when I dont have

one to drink and when the nest time I well be in town to beable to get one. My

sister is not sure about where to get a new scoby....I don't think I con live

with out it.....How can I contact you to send the little money that is need to

receive one of your little beauties.

Thank you

Sheffel c_sheffel@...

Re: Question

Hi Jan,

If you are in the United States I love to send you one

of my very happy thick white scobies. I learned so

much from this loop that I am happily certain that my

scobies are just what they are supposed to be. I'll

even send you two. I'll charge you shipping and my

expenses but nothing else. And it has been the

practice on this loop to collect the money (small as

it might be) before I ship scobies.

Let me Know.

To Your Health,

ann, Atlanta Area KT Lover

--- jan <jpos123 (DOT) com> wrote:

> I liked the raw GT Dave Kombucha right off, too. I

> drank 8 oz right

> off and then again the next day. The guy at the

> healthfood store

> says he drinks a bottle every morning when I

> realized that would cost

> over $100 I decided to read more about making it.


> It's good to hear that you actually think yours

> tastes better! I

> have been wondering what kind of tea GT used, etc.

> Will you tell me

> where you got your starter and the kind of tea and

> sugar you use?


> I got my Sun Tea jar today and a glass measuring

> cup. Monday I plan

> to hit the healthfood store and get whatever tea and

> sugar I need. I

> don't know where to get a mushroom though, or if I

> should just order

> a whole kit.


> I, also, order Gunther 's book.


> jan



> >

> >

> >

> > Virginia

> >

> > Do not feel confused. I liked it right aways as

> well... I started

> with the Synergy from GT Dave but when for the Raw

> Kombucha and loved

> it. I did not know I was supposed to start slowly so

> on the first day

> I gulped one entire bottle and liked it so much that

> by the second

> day I was taking 2 entire bottles.. then it hit me

> that this habit

> would be quite expensive at 3.50 per bottle... I

> started brewing my

> own, not expecting it to taste as good as GT Dave's

> so far not a

> contest mine are so much better and cost so much

> less even when I

> factor the cost of the brewing containers and other

> accessories! !

> This morning I just got a Hibiscus KT that has been

> in secondary

> fermentation in the garage for 4 days.. OMG!!!.. I

> stop here...

> >

> > Frantz



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I sent you an email, then got to thinking maybe your email would be

full or changed, or it isn't one you check often... So,wanted to let

you know here that I appreciate the offer very much and would like to

take you up on it.



> Hi Jan,


> If you are in the United States I love to send you one

> of my very happy thick white scobies. I learned so

> much from this loop that I am happily certain that my

> scobies are just what they are supposed to be. I'll

> even send you two. I'll charge you shipping and my

> expenses but nothing else. And it has been the

> practice on this loop to collect the money (small as

> it might be) before I ship scobies.


> Let me Know.


> To Your Health,


> ann, Atlanta Area KT Lover

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I sent you an email, then got to thinking maybe your email would be

full or changed, or it isn't one you check often... So,wanted to let

you know here that I appreciate the offer very much and would like to

take you up on it.



> Hi Jan,


> If you are in the United States I love to send you one

> of my very happy thick white scobies. I learned so

> much from this loop that I am happily certain that my

> scobies are just what they are supposed to be. I'll

> even send you two. I'll charge you shipping and my

> expenses but nothing else. And it has been the

> practice on this loop to collect the money (small as

> it might be) before I ship scobies.


> Let me Know.


> To Your Health,


> ann, Atlanta Area KT Lover

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That could be. I have never allowed my kids to drink much soda, the

sugar in our house is (mostly) unrefined (I have a canister that had

some white sugar in it but I never use it), not much in the way of

convenience foods or refined stuff. But still.... My son's g/f tried

some yesterday and like it, too, and she drinks soda.

My daughter did say that she felt it didn't have a LOT of flavor. I'm

noticing that the brew I bottled on Weds, did a secondary ferment for 24

hours then refrigerated, has more flavor now than when I bottled it.

The flavor was quite subtle at first but seems to be developing. It

might be similar to when someone is used to a lot of salt and then cuts

back.. nothing tastes like anything until their tastebuds adjust - then

they can actually taste the food, rather than the salt.

Virginia in Milwaukee

Margret Pegg wrote:

> In message <467D4EAF.6090306@...> you wrote:



> I have the theory going that folks that eat lots of artificially flavoured

> stuff, especially drinks, find it harder to tolerate the truly natural

> taste of Kombucha.


> If they overcome their initial distaste and make themselves get used to

> the wonder-drink, they find that it's the artificial stuff they had before

> that becomes YUK to them.


> Wonder whether anyone else had that experience?


> Just rejoice that you and all your family enjoy your KT so much.

> You must have been feeding them good food and drink, it seems!


> Kombucha greetings,


> Margret UK:-)

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That could be. I have never allowed my kids to drink much soda, the

sugar in our house is (mostly) unrefined (I have a canister that had

some white sugar in it but I never use it), not much in the way of

convenience foods or refined stuff. But still.... My son's g/f tried

some yesterday and like it, too, and she drinks soda.

My daughter did say that she felt it didn't have a LOT of flavor. I'm

noticing that the brew I bottled on Weds, did a secondary ferment for 24

hours then refrigerated, has more flavor now than when I bottled it.

The flavor was quite subtle at first but seems to be developing. It

might be similar to when someone is used to a lot of salt and then cuts

back.. nothing tastes like anything until their tastebuds adjust - then

they can actually taste the food, rather than the salt.

Virginia in Milwaukee

Margret Pegg wrote:

> In message <467D4EAF.6090306@...> you wrote:



> I have the theory going that folks that eat lots of artificially flavoured

> stuff, especially drinks, find it harder to tolerate the truly natural

> taste of Kombucha.


> If they overcome their initial distaste and make themselves get used to

> the wonder-drink, they find that it's the artificial stuff they had before

> that becomes YUK to them.


> Wonder whether anyone else had that experience?


> Just rejoice that you and all your family enjoy your KT so much.

> You must have been feeding them good food and drink, it seems!


> Kombucha greetings,


> Margret UK:-)

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southern_mom_2 wrote:



> I was wondering if anyone in the group could help me out. We are in

> florida right now and I have an 8 year old autisic son. As of right now

> there are no services for my son here. We are planning on moving next

> year. And I have 2 places picked out. One is in sevier county Tn

> (knoxville, sevierville, gatlinburg area) and the other is Denver CO,

> westminster, northglenn, federal heights, area) and my question is

> which would be better to move to for services for my son. He has mild

> to mod autism. Right now he is on serquel, lamtical. But other than

> that he has no services. He needs speech, occupation, and behavior. Any

> advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.



You might think about one state down from Colo., New Mexico. Especially

Albuquerque. We have pretty good services here. We've lived here since

Louie was 12, and he's had all the services you mention from then to now

(he's 27 now). The cost of living isn't too bad here either, there are

lots of kid-friendly activities that are cheap to free, there's a good

Special Olympics program here, and the politicians are endlessly

entertaining (as good as a circus, any day). :P:) Also, we only have a

week or two of 100+ temperatures per year, and the winters never get

really cold. So think about Albuquerque.

Annie, who loves ya annie@...


You know how they say we only use 10 percent of our brains? I think we

only use 10 percent of our hearts. -- Owen in Wedding Crashers

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Hi Trudy,

I'm desperately trying to figure things out too! This is such a hard syndrome

to understand.

is 2 and his fevers usually just last 5 or 6 days. He has never episoded

that quick again before. Sometimes though I think the episode is over and I stop

the Motrin/Tylenol (not wanting to over medicate him) and the fever pops right

back because it was masked by the pain relievers. had a episode last week

and the fevers stopped on Friday... finally. He is still up all night saying

" Ouch. " So for some reason he hurts still even though the fevers have stopped.

Hope your little girls feels better soon!

We all understand what you are going through.

Amy- Mother of - Age 2

Trudy Gossett <trudymaegossett@...> wrote:

3 1/2 years old. started a new fevering episode last

Monday, 16 days since the last episode. She ran a fever Mon., Tues., Wedn.,

Thurs. highest fever 101.7. No fever Friday or Saturday. Then yesterday started

again jumped to 102.7 last night. She now is refusing to eat or drink, and

complaining that her legs hurt. has never stopped for a day or two then

started back so quickly and so strong. Question does anyone else have this

happen often.

On another note also had severe reflux as a infant and toddler.

Thanks, a mom trying very hard to get a grasp on what is going on with my



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Hi gals,

I too feel in the same boat this past week. Zak, just turned 3, has

been " not well " since monday. He hasn't had a " classic " fever

since March, but we've been getting wierd lower grade temps, upset

tummy, mouth ulcers, and constant pain in his chest. I wrote earlier

that he had just started the cimenitine (sp?) on friday, on top of

his daily prevacid since we're not sure if it's reflux related???? I

feel frazzled today and have another call into the dr, as he is

miserable for the 8th day in a row. He's up and down, no fever over

102, but chest pain, says his whole body is icky, a little goopy

eyes, and LOTS of drooling! I don't know what's going on, but I'm

beginning to think that is not the answer! My frustrations and

prayers are with you both!


> 3 1/2 years old. started a new fevering

episode last Monday, 16 days since the last episode. She ran a fever

Mon., Tues., Wedn., Thurs. highest fever 101.7. No fever Friday or

Saturday. Then yesterday started again jumped to 102.7 last night.

She now is refusing to eat or drink, and complaining that her legs

hurt. has never stopped for a day or two then started back so

quickly and so strong. Question does anyone else have this happen



> On another note also had severe reflux as a infant and



> Thanks, a mom trying very hard to get a grasp on what is going on

with my daughter.


> ---------------------------------

> No need to miss a message. Get email on-the-go

> with for Mobile. Get started.



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