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Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted in a while but have been trying to keep up with reading

yours. We have been having a really rough go here these past few weeks.

hit rock bottom but the good news is that it unfortunately sometimes

takes this to happen for him to let out all the things that have been

building up in him. I've noticed a change in him since last year but he

would always say everything was fine when I asked him about it. With all the

events that have been going on in the world and adolescence and girl issues

coming into the picture, he just crashed...big time.

He is in a major depression, can't be left alone and unable to go to school

for the past week. His therapist is on maternity leave so I've found someone

here on LI that he likes. We've also tried augmenting his prozac dose with

another SSRI (Celexa) to try to address the depression. It seemed to be

making him worse so we switched to Lithium and thank goodness, we are seeing

a lightening of his mood. He was able to go back to school on Monday and


I've been reading some of your posts about the strep issue and in Mike's case

an infection of some sort that is responding to antibiotic therapy. It

struck me that was just diagnosed with a skin rash a few weeks

ago...impetigo. I read up on it and it is a strep infection of the skin.

The doctor treated it with a topical ointment only. I'm wondering if this

type of strep could cause the same types of things in . Has anyone ever

read or heard anything about this?


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Dear ,

I'm sorry to hear that has bottomed out. That is so hard to go

through. I thought your question about impetigo was really interesting. I

don't have an answer, but you could go have his strep antibodies checked

(remember, it's not a " strep test " - you have to get a doctor or lab tech

who understands what you want). I feel so hopeful that we are all getting

closer to understanding this OCD/strep/immune system thing. Just reading the

posts from this group is giving me some insight (I hope there are some

researchers paying attention!!!!). I know my daughter relapses when she gets

sick, and it's unclear whether it is just the stress of being sick and

missing school or whether something else is going on. I think the latter, as

do her doctors.

Just hearing that your therapist is on maternity leave gives me

nightmares. This morning I asked my husband what we would do if our wonderful

therapist leaves (follow her, he said!!). Then I said, " but what if she gets

pregnant??? What about maternity leave??? " First he suggested we check that

she uses reliable birth control, and then, realizing that that might be

inappropriate, he said we'd just come to her house every two weeks. We could

babysit while she untangles my daughter's mind.

Anyway, good luck to you. I hope things improve soon. If you get an

answer to the impetigo question, let us know!!

in Nevada

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Hi ,

It's good to hear from you, and I am so sorry has crashed.

Unfortunately I don't know much about the strep stuff except that Mike had high

titers, was treated with PCN and responded. That response lasted 18 days. Was

treated again and responded. That lasted about 2 weeks. Monday the neurologist

put him on amoxicillin prophyllactically (i can't spell!). He said if we didn't

see a nice Mike again, by the end of the week, he would up the dose (it's

maintenance right now).

I think Mike is in a crash too, and I don't want to acknowledge it. Hang

in there. I can't wait for Lee to get back. Mike said he 'was on maternity

leave with Lee!' Kid's got a sense of humor some days. (((((Hugs)))))))))

in NJ (I met you at AATC more than a year ago)

Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted in a while but have been trying to keep up with reading

yours. We have been having a really rough go here these past few weeks.

hit rock bottom but the good news is that it unfortunately sometimes

takes this to happen for him to let out all the things that have been

building up in him. I've noticed a change in him since last year but he

would always say everything was fine when I asked him about it. With all the

events that have been going on in the world and adolescence and girl issues

coming into the picture, he just crashed...big time.

He is in a major depression, can't be left alone and unable to go to school

for the past week. His therapist is on maternity leave so I've found someone

here on LI that he likes. We've also tried augmenting his prozac dose with

another SSRI (Celexa) to try to address the depression. It seemed to be

making him worse so we switched to Lithium and thank goodness, we are seeing

a lightening of his mood. He was able to go back to school on Monday and


I've been reading some of your posts about the strep issue and in Mike's case

an infection of some sort that is responding to antibiotic therapy. It

struck me that was just diagnosed with a skin rash a few weeks

ago...impetigo. I read up on it and it is a strep infection of the skin.

The doctor treated it with a topical ointment only. I'm wondering if this

type of strep could cause the same types of things in . Has anyone ever

read or heard anything about this?


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, I have read that strep A is responsible for both the throat

infection and impetigo. I looked at the research I was sent from

NIMH where they are doing research regarding the strep/OCD

connection, and I did not see anything about impetigo. The

physicians are, however, interested in the fact that everytime my

daughter gets ill her eczema flares up as well as her OCD. You might

want to call NIMH and ask if they have information regarding the

above. Hope it helps.

Sonya mother of (,8 with OCD) ( 5)

> Hi Everyone,

> I haven't posted in a while but have been trying to keep up with


> yours. We have been having a really rough go here these past few


> hit rock bottom but the good news is that it unfortunately


> takes this to happen for him to let out all the things that have


> building up in him. I've noticed a change in him since last year

but he

> would always say everything was fine when I asked him about it.

With all the

> events that have been going on in the world and adolescence and

girl issues

> coming into the picture, he just crashed...big time.

> He is in a major depression, can't be left alone and unable to go

to school

> for the past week. His therapist is on maternity leave so I've

found someone

> here on LI that he likes. We've also tried augmenting his prozac

dose with

> another SSRI (Celexa) to try to address the depression. It seemed

to be

> making him worse so we switched to Lithium and thank goodness, we

are seeing

> a lightening of his mood. He was able to go back to school on

Monday and

> Tuesday.

> I've been reading some of your posts about the strep issue and in

Mike's case

> an infection of some sort that is responding to antibiotic

therapy. It

> struck me that was just diagnosed with a skin rash a few


> ago...impetigo. I read up on it and it is a strep infection of the


> The doctor treated it with a topical ointment only. I'm wondering

if this

> type of strep could cause the same types of things in . Has

anyone ever

> read or heard anything about this?

> /NY

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Yes, definitely, the strep in any form can cause the reactions...have you talked

with your doctor about this? That's the first thing our physician asked us


in Nebraska

Re: update

Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted in a while but have been trying to keep up with reading

yours. We have been having a really rough go here these past few weeks.

hit rock bottom but the good news is that it unfortunately sometimes

takes this to happen for him to let out all the things that have been

building up in him. I've noticed a change in him since last year but he

would always say everything was fine when I asked him about it. With all the

events that have been going on in the world and adolescence and girl issues

coming into the picture, he just crashed...big time.

He is in a major depression, can't be left alone and unable to go to school

for the past week. His therapist is on maternity leave so I've found someone

here on LI that he likes. We've also tried augmenting his prozac dose with

another SSRI (Celexa) to try to address the depression. It seemed to be

making him worse so we switched to Lithium and thank goodness, we are seeing

a lightening of his mood. He was able to go back to school on Monday and


I've been reading some of your posts about the strep issue and in Mike's case

an infection of some sort that is responding to antibiotic therapy. It

struck me that was just diagnosed with a skin rash a few weeks

ago...impetigo. I read up on it and it is a strep infection of the skin.

The doctor treated it with a topical ointment only. I'm wondering if this

type of strep could cause the same types of things in . Has anyone ever

read or heard anything about this?


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Hi ,

I am glad to hear that is feeling better enough

to go back to school. It sounds like things were

really rough for him. Depression/OCD and adolesence IS


Your question about the strep/impetigo would be an

interesting one to find out. Have you posted to the

'ask the experts' on the OCF site? I always felt like

I got some good responses from them. Let us know if

you find out. Take care, is so lucky to have you

there for him.

Vivian in WA ST

--- larkspurmr@... wrote:

> Hi Everyone,

> I haven't posted in a while but have been trying to

> keep up with reading

> yours. We have been having a really rough go here

> these past few weeks.

> hit rock bottom but the good news is that it

> unfortunately sometimes

> takes this to happen for him to let out all the

> things that have been

> building up in him. I've noticed a change in him

> since last year but he

> would always say everything was fine when I asked

> him about it. With all the

> events that have been going on in the world and

> adolescence and girl issues

> coming into the picture, he just crashed...big time.


> He is in a major depression, can't be left alone and

> unable to go to school

> for the past week. His therapist is on maternity

> leave so I've found someone

> here on LI that he likes. We've also tried

> augmenting his prozac dose with

> another SSRI (Celexa) to try to address the

> depression. It seemed to be

> making him worse so we switched to Lithium and thank

> goodness, we are seeing

> a lightening of his mood. He was able to go back to

> school on Monday and

> Tuesday.

> I've been reading some of your posts about the strep

> issue and in Mike's case

> an infection of some sort that is responding to

> antibiotic therapy. It

> struck me that was just diagnosed with a skin

> rash a few weeks

> ago...impetigo. I read up on it and it is a strep

> infection of the skin.

> The doctor treated it with a topical ointment only.

> I'm wondering if this

> type of strep could cause the same types of things

> in . Has anyone ever

> read or heard anything about this?

> /NY



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  • 2 months later...

Hey, Ling, How are you doing???

Yep, there is friction between mom and I, has been for three years and even prior to that, she is not what you call a loving , compasionate mother, she treats outsiders with more love and compassion. My Daddy died in 91 we were very close.

Three years ago mom was struck with macular degeneration while taking care of my girls after my hyst, and bso and she was not able to get to the eye Dr fast enough, no one knew she was having a problem, she claims she told Amber, well, she was a kid, 13, what was she to do and I was fresh post op, well, ever since then she has taken it out on my whole family, not calling me on BDay, ect, being mean to April, but being all so nice to outsiders.

Just like yesterday, came by here in a hurry, wanting to find a street address for a "friend", makes no mention how I am, after biopsy, nothing, well, I sent Amber and April to lead her there and on way home they were in accident, they are ok, miniamal damage to van, but still, then she came back by, all sucking up, little to late, told her about the wreck, she said it was her fault, never should have come by, well, duh, I think the same thing, well, anyway, my story, what a heck of a week around here. Very sorry top hear of your loss with your mom. You take care, Marsha

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Helen, How are you, hubby, MIL and girls doing?? Man, it has been one heck of a week around here. To top it off, the girls were in wreck yesterday, coming home from leading their Grandma to a "friend's" home. Some elderly man slowed and kept coming at a 4 way stop, struck the back of van, miniamal damage, but he kept going, I told police lady, I want him found and prosecuted. Of course no one got license plate number, even the witness, Amber has seen the same man run the same stop sign before.

I work tonite, was suppose to last night, but I was sick and still am, April shared her bug with me, and you read abut my mom, she is a real pill, let me say that.

Well, write soon, and take care, Marsha

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If Amber has seen him do this before, then he must live in the area close by... Yes, you have had a very interesting week... Makes all them boring ones look a lot better now don't they :o)

Sorry you are ill also... :o(

Ross is limping quit a bit, his knee is giving him a lot of trouble...Two of the girls have bad colds...Two have ringworm :o( Their father said they got a paper telling them that they were having epidemic proportions of children with ringworm at the day care... They have no school Mon. so we would keep them here instead of the day care, but of course them spending an extra day with us is out of the question, He'd rather send them where more than half the kids have colds and the other half have ring worm, instead of letting them be where they could have been taken care of and loved and not in danger of getting something else.... :(

Myself, I'm just worn out... I also have this pain in my back on my right side, just below the rib cage...I's sharp and stabbing and comes and goes...When its here it takes my breath away... Anyone have any idea's what it could be??? It do Hurt :o(

Be careful at work... Hope you will get some rest when you get home... Keep us in touch as to how you are doing... Also when your test results come back!!!

{{{ Get Well Hugs }}}


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Helen, How are you, hubby, MIL and girls doing?? Man, it has been one heck of a week around here. To top it off, the girls were in wreck yesterday, coming home from leading their Grandma to a "friend's" home. Some elderly man slowed and kept coming at a 4 way stop, struck the back of van, miniamal damage, but he kept going, I told police lady, I want him found and prosecuted. Of course no one got license plate number, even the witness, Amber has seen the same man run the same stop sign before.

I work tonite, was suppose to last night, but I was sick and still am, April shared her bug with me, and you read abut my mom, she is a real pill, let me say that.

Well, write soon, and take care, Marsha

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I'm sorry you are hurting so badly. I wonder if it could be gall stones or gall bladder. I had a huge stone blocking my gall bladder and that's where it hurt.

I'm the same as usual. I get so tired of hurting, just like everyone else. I haven't given up yet though. I will get over this fall. It just thinks it's going to keep me down.



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Good Morning, Helen, How are you feeling, how is the stabbing in your rib area, maybe pluirsy?? Does it hurt to take a deep breath???

How is Ross' knee feeling?? Guess the weather does not help any.

The girls are sick and with ringworm, poor little things, sure hope he gets them in to the Dr. and get it treated.

April still has the wet cough, but better, still on Albuterol treatments four times a day. Thank you for the card, she loved it. You are sooo sweet and caring!!!!!

Amber has tender lymph glands under face, nausea and sinus drainage, to Dr. today after school. Jim and I are sick as well, wirh the uRI.

I am still awaiting my report.

I had the police lady over while ago, no leads and well like not to eager to find him, I know they do not have license, but still, I told her we will hunt for him ourselves I am going to put a thing in the paper, maybe fliers, she was against it, but come on, this guy broke the law he needs to be found.

Amber says she never wants to drive again, otherwise they both have seemed to have recovered from it. They are out to find him, though.

Take care, Marsha

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Ling, you could never bore me, whenever you are up to it, I would love to hear about your relationship with your dad. It does help to talk about it, at least that way we are not alone. Hope you are doing fine. Marsha

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marsha-am so sorry your mother chose to blame you for her physical condition-she may not have said the words but the way she discounts you has to hurt a lot. hope that you can find comfort anf validation her and among others that cares. carol

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 16:09:14 -0000 "Marsha Machacek" <marsha@...> writes:

Hey, Ling, How are you doing???

Yep, there is friction between mom and I, has been for three years and even prior to that, she is not what you call a loving , compasionate mother, she treats outsiders with more love and compassion. My Daddy died in 91 we were very close.

Three years ago mom was struck with macular degeneration while taking care of my girls after my hyst, and bso and she was not able to get to the eye Dr fast enough, no one knew she was having a problem, she claims she told Amber, well, she was a kid, 13, what was she to do and I was fresh post op, well, ever since then she has taken it out on my whole family, not calling me on BDay, ect, being mean to April, but being all so nice to outsiders.

Just like yesterday, came by here in a hurry, wanting to find a street address for a "friend", makes no mention how I am, after biopsy, nothing, well, I sent Amber and April to lead her there and on way home they were in accident, they are ok, miniamal damage to van, but still, then she came back by, all sucking up, little to late, told her about the wreck, she said it was her fault, never should have come by, well, duh, I think the same thing, well, anyway, my story, what a heck of a week around here. Very sorry top hear of your loss with your mom. You take care, Marsha~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMemorial Pagehttp://www.dreamwater.net/lovingmemory/Message Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at # on IRC DALnet./files/chat.htmBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into eGroups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~“Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. Hold on to what you must do even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go." - Pueblo Prayer~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Hi Marsha,

I'm sorry to hear about the things going on between you and your mum. I suppose she is still unhappy over what happened to her 3 years ago? It must hurt you a lot.... Actually we are almost in the same situation, except the opposite - I was very close to my mum, but am not on good terms with my dad. He is a very uncaring and selfish husband and father, so I am just unable to bring myself to be nice to him. As for how uncaring and selfish.... long story.... If you want I can tell you about it, hopefully it does not bore you!

You take care too,


Re: update

Hey, Ling, How are you doing???

Yep, there is friction between mom and I, has been for three years and even prior to that, she is not what you call a loving , compasionate mother, she treats outsiders with more love and compassion. My Daddy died in 91 we were very close.

Three years ago mom was struck with macular degeneration while taking care of my girls after my hyst, and bso and she was not able to get to the eye Dr fast enough, no one knew she was having a problem, she claims she told Amber, well, she was a kid, 13, what was she to do and I was fresh post op, well, ever since then she has taken it out on my whole family, not calling me on BDay, ect, being mean to April, but being all so nice to outsiders.

Just like yesterday, came by here in a hurry, wanting to find a street address for a "friend", makes no mention how I am, after biopsy, nothing, well, I sent Amber and April to lead her there and on way home they were in accident, they are ok, miniamal damage to van, but still, then she came back by, all sucking up, little to late, told her about the wreck, she said it was her fault, never should have come by, well, duh, I think the same thing, well, anyway, my story, what a heck of a week around here. Very sorry top hear of your loss with your mom. You take care, Marsha

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


Hello Julana!! Glad you will be getting some answers. I understand the questions

about school for . I am sure things will work out for the best! Let us

know about your evaluation, Dawn, 's mom, 5 in April, ds/asd

Hi all,

Thanks for the friendly introductions to the list last week. I tried to

answer all of them privately, but one or two bounced back. I don't have time

to write much now, but more later.

I have filled out and mailed the pre-appointment paperwork to the Ctr for

Dev Disorders in Cincinnati, which someone suggested. I also have a stack of

paperwork to fill out from the local Children's Hospital's psychology unit.

Last week we saw Dr. Jim Mac, a speech coach, here in Columbus. I

have been a fan of his since I first heard him at a parents' meeting a few

years ago. I appreciate the value he places on the role of parents. Now

that I have had some experience with early intervention, we agree on a some

things. It turned out that he knows Joan Goodman, the author of _When Slow

Is Fast Enough_, which I have been trying to read for a few months. We both

agree with her on some things, too. I got it through Borders, and recomend

it, though it is $24 and a little slow reading, for someone who prefers

mysteries and gardening books. He said she has been blackballed by a lot of

people in the EI community for some ideas expressed the book. Two points I

remember from the first few chapters: 1) EI teachers know their subjects

well, but not their students, and don't adapt material to the students; 2)

compliance is more valued in the special needs classroom, while creativity

is more valued in the mainstream classroom

We have been thinking about homeschooling for a few years. We are on the

home-based system again this year. Therapists come out to the house. We have

one more year where we will be allowed to do this. When turns six,

we have to officially declare ourselves homeschoolers or put him in a


Take care,


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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest

can you get a pill crusher?

--- duffey48@... wrote:

> In a message dated 4/3/02 11:40:09 AM Eastern

> Standard Time,

> burnett@... writes:



> > not very successfully, I'm afraid. She doesn't

> > drink milk (makes her too mucousy). I'll keep at

> it.


> ,

> How bout those calcium added orange juices

> (Tropicana, Minute Maid?)

> Also, maybe you could buy some calcium tablets,

> crush them, and hide them in

> her food. I disguise ALL Maddie reflux meds,

> vitamins, and even Tylenol or

> Motrin. I just LOVE my pill crusher..LOL

> Great news on Steph!! I'm so happy to hear

> that you like her new aides

> and that she's doing so well!! And Congrats on the

> socks!!!!!! Next is

> shoes!!! ;-)

> Donna



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Guest guest

can you get a pill crusher?

--- duffey48@... wrote:

> In a message dated 4/3/02 11:40:09 AM Eastern

> Standard Time,

> burnett@... writes:



> > not very successfully, I'm afraid. She doesn't

> > drink milk (makes her too mucousy). I'll keep at

> it.


> ,

> How bout those calcium added orange juices

> (Tropicana, Minute Maid?)

> Also, maybe you could buy some calcium tablets,

> crush them, and hide them in

> her food. I disguise ALL Maddie reflux meds,

> vitamins, and even Tylenol or

> Motrin. I just LOVE my pill crusher..LOL

> Great news on Steph!! I'm so happy to hear

> that you like her new aides

> and that she's doing so well!! And Congrats on the

> socks!!!!!! Next is

> shoes!!! ;-)

> Donna



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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  • 5 months later...

Terri it's SO good to see you posting again!! :o( I'm so sorry to hear about what's been going on!!! Is there anything we can do?! Please keep us all posted when you are able to!! Take care okay!!!!

( *)= { ~~ )Jmducky@...-Jessi

"Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve."-- Lewin

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Awweeeeeeee Terry :o(

I am so Sorry to hear of all that you are suffering through right now :o( This is terrible :o( my Prayers are with you my Friend... Thank heavens it was found when it was... Hopefully they will get it all and that it has not spread!!! When will you be getting the radioactive iodine??? Wish I lived closer, I would help you out with your grandson... That is something I am capable of doing! You can bore me antime you want Terri !!! I'm All ears and listening! You need someone to talk too... I'm here dear one if you need me... Please keep me posted!!!

Yayyyyy!!!! Your searching paid off!!! I hope you do get to meet someday soon... :o)

((( Angel Hugs )))

Love Helen

Hi, this is Terri, sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Have had a lot going on in my personal life lately.

First, wanted to let you guys know that on Thursday I was diagnosed with Follicular Thyroid Cancer. They kind of found it by accident. I had went in for some tests for the vertigo I was having. One of the tests was an ultrasound where they check the arteries in the side of your neck. The lady passed the ultrasound across my neck and made the comment, "there's your thyroid". I said...umm..can't be, my thyroid was removed in 1990. So, the tests began. They did a biopsy and after studying it and the records from my previous three thyroid surgeries, they diagnosed it as Thyroid Cancer. According to my dr., under "normal" circumstances, it's fairly easy to treat..then he looked over at my medical file and commented that my medical history is anything but normal. ( I also have a disease that only 100 other people have ever been diagnosed with.) Right now they are weaning me off my synthroid, when that is done and my blood level is at a certain point, then I will go in for a huge dose of radioactive iodine. Three days in the hospital at that point cause I'll be "hot". For seven days after that...somewhat of isolation. I'm more then a little concerned because as some of you know, we are raising our four year old grandson. I cannot have contact with him for more then 10 minutes a day during that period. I have NO idea where he is going to go during that time. I also will not be able to cook for anyone other then myself, use disposable utensils...After that is all done, they will do a full body scan to see if it has spread anywhere. Right now, I'm still kind of freaking about the whole situation and wondering what we will do with the little one. Under normal conditions, I'd ask my oldest son Mike who lives 70 miles from here. But, about the time I will be having this done, they will be having their third baby. They also have twins that just turned a year in July. My daughter lives in NJ..I'm in KS. So......that's how that is going.

Also, another thing taking up my time..we found my husband's birthsister after 3 years of searching. Have talked to her quite a few times and she seems like a wonderful person. We found her living in Brooklyn NY.

This weekend we are driving to Nebraska to meet my new granddaughter for the first time. My daughter is flying in for two weeks. Can hardly wait. We are going to have a four generation picture done while we are there.

Anyway. that is how my life has been going..actually, just a "cliff's notes" of what is going on but won't bore you all with the rest. **grin** Hugs Terri


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi e

It's great to hear everything's going well for you. I'm

glad you haven't got PA's from Hell too!

I have been wondering how your surgery turned out. Sorry

it's not gone as planned, that must be disappointing for

you. Does your doc think it'll get better?


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The docs originally said that it would " hopefully " get better with time, but

they weren't guarenteeing anything. I don't know, I haven't seen much

improvement yet, but I guess we'll see. Overall I'd still say I'm glad I had the

surgery, it does give me more freedom. But it's definitely not what I hoped it

would be either.


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Hey, , myself and Taleah (my daughter) have been talking about one

of those *much discussed* get togethers. We're all in Provo, we should

make a little party of it, if you want!

It'd be really fun!

I'm glad to hear your pa's are working out so well for you, I can just

imagine that hiring someone you already know is really helpful.

At 03:37 PM 10/1/02 -0400, you wrote:

>Hey everybody,


>I just realized how long it's been since I've written a message to the

>group, and thought I'd update you on what's been going on in my life.

>Because I know you're all just dying to know. ;) (and because I'm looking

>for excuses for not studying)


>I moved away from home! 900 miles away! I'm now experiencing the joys of

>dorm life at Brigham Young University in Utah. I was originally planning

>to be in one of the " mobility impaired " rooms, but they called me a few

>weeks before school started and told me that the other girls in those

>rooms are like 10 years older than me, and they thought I might prefer a

>regular room with another freshman. And that's actually worked out really

>well. I'm on the ground floor, as opposed to the disabled room which are

>upstairs, which makes no sense to me. So I don't have to mess with the

>elevator, 'cuz that's just a pain. The disabled rooms are also kind of

>isolated, so I like actually being in the hall better. Utah doors seem to

>be a lot heavier than Washington doors, go figure. I used to be able to

>open most doors, but can't here. So they installed a remote control opener

>on my dorm room. I was surprised at how willing they were to do it! I'm so

>used to having to argue for accessibility.


>Finding the accessible entrances to a lot of the buildings was an

>adventure, but I think I've figured it out now! As if it's not hard enough

>for us poor freshman just to find the buildings, getting inside some of

>them is quite a process.


>I have two girls that I knew from home (they're a year older than me and

>have already been here a year) working as my PAs. DVR is paying them and

>seems willing to give me as many hours as I say I need. So that's worked

>out great. I've heard so many horror stories about terrible PAs, but my

>girls are wonderful. Couldn't ask for better!


>I can't remember how much I told you about my mitrofanoff surgery, but

>it's been SUCH a pain. I spent more time in the hospital in August with

>various complications. Went to a urologist here in Utah, and he'd never

>even heard of the surgery! Great, that's comforting. Anyway, most of the

>problems are better. But it still leaks like crazy. It has a good day now

>and then, but my clothes are often soaked by the end of the day. (I've

>become grateful for my seatbelt, which seems to hide it pretty well!) It's

>been nice to have that as an option when there's nobody to help me in the

>bathroom, but I don't use it all the time. It's pretty uncomfortable,

>makes me kind of sick to my stomach.


>So I should really get some studying done. I can't believe I already have

>a bunch of midterms in the very near future!






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Wow! Sounds like things are going very well (reminds me of my happy <and by

happy I mean wild party> days...oops, don't want to be a bad influence...I

was a good student too-I swear!). I'm very happy and excited for you!

Have you decided on a major yet?



Hey everybody,

I just realized how long it's been since I've written a message to the

group, and thought I'd update you on what's been going on in my life.

Because I know you're all just dying to know. ;) (and because I'm looking

for excuses for not studying)

I moved away from home! 900 miles away! I'm now experiencing the joys of

dorm life at Brigham Young University in Utah. I was originally planning to

be in one of the " mobility impaired " rooms, but they called me a few weeks

before school started and told me that the other girls in those rooms are

like 10 years older than me, and they thought I might prefer a regular room

with another freshman. And that's actually worked out really well. I'm on

the ground floor, as opposed to the disabled room which are upstairs, which

makes no sense to me. So I don't have to mess with the elevator, 'cuz that's

just a pain. The disabled rooms are also kind of isolated, so I like

actually being in the hall better. Utah doors seem to be a lot heavier than

Washington doors, go figure. I used to be able to open most doors, but can't

here. So they installed a remote control opener on my dorm room. I was

surprised at how willing they were to do it! I'm so used to having to argue

for accessibility.

Finding the accessible entrances to a lot of the buildings was an adventure,

but I think I've figured it out now! As if it's not hard enough for us poor

freshman just to find the buildings, getting inside some of them is quite a


I have two girls that I knew from home (they're a year older than me and

have already been here a year) working as my PAs. DVR is paying them and

seems willing to give me as many hours as I say I need. So that's worked out

great. I've heard so many horror stories about terrible PAs, but my girls

are wonderful. Couldn't ask for better!

I can't remember how much I told you about my mitrofanoff surgery, but it's

been SUCH a pain. I spent more time in the hospital in August with various

complications. Went to a urologist here in Utah, and he'd never even heard

of the surgery! Great, that's comforting. Anyway, most of the problems are

better. But it still leaks like crazy. It has a good day now and then, but

my clothes are often soaked by the end of the day. (I've become grateful for

my seatbelt, which seems to hide it pretty well!) It's been nice to have

that as an option when there's nobody to help me in the bathroom, but I

don't use it all the time. It's pretty uncomfortable, makes me kind of sick

to my stomach.

So I should really get some studying done. I can't believe I already have a

bunch of midterms in the very near future!


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Hi e,

So nice to hear your news. I'm very happy for you. It must be great now to be

all that independent and away from parents and be able to do all the stuff you

want and to be free... I'm still longing for that kind of independence and I'm

looking for ways to move out and live on my own and also to be as happy with

PAs...But for now I'm trying to earn enough money from all of these home based

jobs which I do by the computer...

I'm sure you'll be a great student. What is your major going to be?

Anyways, have much fun, sweety! And do keep us updated with your news...

Best wishes to you.


Hey everybody,

I just realized how long it's been since I've written a message to the group,

and thought I'd update you on what's been going on in my life. Because I know

you're all just dying to know. ;) (and because I'm looking for excuses for not


I moved away from home! 900 miles away! I'm now experiencing the joys of dorm

life at Brigham Young University in Utah. I was originally planning to be in one

of the " mobility impaired " rooms, but they called me a few weeks before school

started and told me that the other girls in those rooms are like 10 years older

than me, and they thought I might prefer a regular room with another freshman.

And that's actually worked out really well. I'm on the ground floor, as opposed

to the disabled room which are upstairs, which makes no sense to me. So I don't

have to mess with the elevator, 'cuz that's just a pain. The disabled rooms are

also kind of isolated, so I like actually being in the hall better. Utah doors

seem to be a lot heavier than Washington doors, go figure. I used to be able to

open most doors, but can't here. So they installed a remote control opener on my

dorm room. I was surprised at how willing they were to do it! I'm so used to

having to argue for accessibility.

Finding the accessible entrances to a lot of the buildings was an adventure, but

I think I've figured it out now! As if it's not hard enough for us poor freshman

just to find the buildings, getting inside some of them is quite a process.

I have two girls that I knew from home (they're a year older than me and have

already been here a year) working as my PAs. DVR is paying them and seems

willing to give me as many hours as I say I need. So that's worked out great.

I've heard so many horror stories about terrible PAs, but my girls are

wonderful. Couldn't ask for better!

I can't remember how much I told you about my mitrofanoff surgery, but it's been

SUCH a pain. I spent more time in the hospital in August with various

complications. Went to a urologist here in Utah, and he'd never even heard of

the surgery! Great, that's comforting. Anyway, most of the problems are better.

But it still leaks like crazy. It has a good day now and then, but my clothes

are often soaked by the end of the day. (I've become grateful for my seatbelt,

which seems to hide it pretty well!) It's been nice to have that as an option

when there's nobody to help me in the bathroom, but I don't use it all the time.

It's pretty uncomfortable, makes me kind of sick to my stomach.

So I should really get some studying done. I can't believe I already have a

bunch of midterms in the very near future!


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OUCH !!!!! That would hurt :o( How are you doing now??? Please keep us posted!!!

((( PainFree Hugs )))


Hi all just wanted to let you know how everything is going, I went to

the dentist today, he thinks it is infected where they pulled the

tooth Thursday, he put me on stronger antibiotics and stronger pain

medication, but If I dont feel any better I am to go back on

Wednesday and get it packed, since I may have dry socket. So we will

see how that goes!!!

, email me when you get back so I know you are home safely!!

Hi Lee,

Im pretty new on here so I dont know you, but it is nice to see that

you have come back!! I have really enjoyed being part of this group,

and looking forward to talking to you!!!

Well hope all is well with everyone!!! Take care!!!


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