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Sorry you are having such a rough time right now CZ...

I have spurs in my neck that cause a lot of problems along with the degenerative arthritis... When they give me the shots in my head and shoulders, it does help the neck a lot also and my arms... I hate the shots, but its quick pain that will go away and it takes most of the dreadful daily pain away for a while, so it is worth it... I just have to get up enough nerve to get it done :o)

Hope your birdies are feeling better soon along with you also...

((( Healing Hugs )))


helen my own dr is a knob. he is not going to tell me anything useful

about my neck. they said something about trapped nerves causing pain in

the ulner nerve or something. i think they want to do a release on my

neck but most of it sounded like psychobabble to me. either which way

they are not getting near me.

my birds playgym has been packed away for months because they have all

been too ill to go on it. or even the symptom free ones i do not want

mixing amongst themselves because if anyone is not perfectly healthy

then they will just reinfect them all.

today my dr gave me some packs of clarithromycin and a prescription for

vibramycin. he said that they will help my balance and clear up my nose.


"Don't be afraid to be yourself.

You are unique and special just the way you are."

Sue Calwell &

((((((( RAINBOW HUGS )))))))



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Hi Patti,

Got to the stills group page, sign in, then look upper right hand

and look for (edit my member ship), that will put you on page that

you will see you can change your email address.



> anyone know how to change the address that my stills stuff goes to

or add another address or somethign?

> PAtti



> -------------------------------------------------------------------






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You could address your problem to Jay our web master at

gobulldawgs@... and she will probably do it for you if you give her

the information you need changed?

We Will Win

Love Y'all

Mom & Dad

Bob & Carole

Panama City, Florida

Please Visit the International Stills Disease Foundation Web

Site at: www.stillsdisease.org

Politicians & Diapers have one thing in common..... They should be changed

regularly - - and for the same reason !!

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Phew! I thought she unsubbed! Ling...could you make sure her b-day is

still on the list? Thanks. I'm back, going to sleep though now.



Hi everyone! I'm not new, I just had to get a new email account, and

will be DCing the other one.(no, I'm not quitting) It took me

forever, hope I can find my way back!

My husband got hooked up at work, and has been dumping all my email.

At first I thought it was an accident, but he also dumps the trash,

so I cant retrieve anything. AAARGGH! Just like the mail, he decides

what I should read. I had a lot of good medical info on there, I am

so pissed!

And you know what really bugs me? While he was doing this yesterday

(again) I was sooo busy getting his car fixed- got it done in 1 day!-

and returned it to him filled up with gas(there wasnt enough to get

home), and stopped at the store and bought him chocolate, among other

things, took his children to the dentist, fed a group of teenage boys

lunch, and somehow managed to do some housework........ was so

exhausted I nearly collapsed... and then I had the evenings chores

to look forward to. But I dont " work " .

I need this group, and I need it to be private, ya know?

I miss you! Hope I can get caught up. (my lifes story)

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

The Being Sick Community

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2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to

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This group is not intended to diagnose or treat illnesses. No one on

this group is qualified to diagnose medical conditions. If you feel you

need medical attention, seek the advice of a qualified physician. ~~~~

*** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ When nothing is sure, everything is possible.

--- Margaret Drabble

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Ah! Sorry!!! My blunder? I was shocked when I found out she 'unsubbed' too....

Will put her name back on the BD list ASAP.

I'm very sorry, !



> From: " Don & " <handd1@...>

> Date: Mon 26/05/2003 8:15 AM GMT+08:00

> < >

> Subject: RE: Hi


> Phew! I thought she unsubbed! Ling...could you make sure her b-day is

> still on the list? Thanks. I'm back, going to sleep though now.


> Hugs,




> Hi



> Hi everyone! I'm not new, I just had to get a new email account, and

> will be DCing the other one.(no, I'm not quitting) It took me

> forever, hope I can find my way back!

> My husband got hooked up at work, and has been dumping all my email.

> At first I thought it was an accident, but he also dumps the trash,

> so I cant retrieve anything. AAARGGH! Just like the mail, he decides

> what I should read. I had a lot of good medical info on there, I am

> so pissed!

> And you know what really bugs me? While he was doing this yesterday

> (again) I was sooo busy getting his car fixed- got it done in 1 day!-

> and returned it to him filled up with gas(there wasnt enough to get

> home), and stopped at the store and bought him chocolate, among other

> things, took his children to the dentist, fed a group of teenage boys

> lunch, and somehow managed to do some housework........ was so

> exhausted I nearly collapsed... and then I had the evenings chores

> to look forward to. But I dont " work " .

> I need this group, and I need it to be private, ya know?

> I miss you! Hope I can get caught up. (my lifes story)


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Hi :o)

Just making sure you keep me on my toes I see :o) Everyone needs thier own privacy at times! That is Very understandable :o) How are ya doing???

Love Ya


Hi everyone! I'm not new, I just had to get a new email account, and

will be DCing the other one.(no, I'm not quitting) It took me

forever, hope I can find my way back!

My husband got hooked up at work, and has been dumping all my email.

At first I thought it was an accident, but he also dumps the trash,

so I cant retrieve anything. AAARGGH! Just like the mail, he decides

what I should read. I had a lot of good medical info on there, I am

so pissed!

And you know what really bugs me? While he was doing this yesterday

(again) I was sooo busy getting his car fixed- got it done in 1 day!-

and returned it to him filled up with gas(there wasnt enough to get

home), and stopped at the store and bought him chocolate, among other

things, took his children to the dentist, fed a group of teenage boys

lunch, and somehow managed to do some housework........ was so

exhausted I nearly collapsed... and then I had the evenings chores

to look forward to. But I dont "work".

I need this group, and I need it to be private, ya know?

I miss you! Hope I can get caught up. (my lifes story)

"Don't be afraid to be yourself.

You are unique and special just the way you are."

Sue Calwell &

((((((( RAINBOW HUGS )))))))



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi , so happy you made it. As you can see this is a good group of

people. It seems you have been through an awful lot with your onset and I

will hope that a remission would come soon. You hang in there. Sometimes

it takes a little while but you sound like your handling it very well. You

know we shall be here anytime night or day just ask. I will look forward to

a long friendship. Patty Melt from chat.

----- Original Message -----

From: " Myers " <adm_chick@...>

> Hello everyone. My name is . I am 16 years old. I was diagnosed

> with Stills Disease in April.

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> I just wanted to say Hi . I would like to say to be careful when you

> get those fevers because if they go too high it can be dangerous I think.

> Mine used to run up to 105 but I was always being told that wasn't good and

> the nurses would always take my blankets leaving me with just a sheet. They

> said if I got too bundled up it would just drive the fever higher. I hope

> yours subside soon. Once again good evening, till soon, Melt

Once I stayed at 106 for a couple of days. They thought I was going to die.

I have fevers every afternoon and they are more 100 to 102. Sometimes, like

now, my fevers come and go all day. My almost daily night sweats are from

breaking fevers and one doc told me they were a by-product of white blood cells

breaking down. Whatever causes my night sweats, I hate them when I wake up

drenched, but love the way I feel better the next day. This makes about 30 years


night sweats!


Peace and Carrots Farm




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I just wanted to say Hi . I would like to say to be careful when you

get those fevers because if they go too high it can be dangerous I think.

Mine used to run up to 105 but I was always being told that wasn't good and

the nurses would always take my blankets leaving me with just a sheet. They

said if I got too bundled up it would just drive the fever higher. I hope

yours subside soon. Once again good evening, till soon, Melt

----- Original Message -----

From: <wsm311@...>

One of the very best things

> for me is a good night sweat ;-) My lymphs go down and I'm not as feverish


> stiff all over. Had a good, blanket and quilt drencher last night.

> Ahhhhhhhhhhh........


> (wsm311@...)

> Peace and Carrots Farm

> Vermont

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Goodness , that is so long. Yes, mine would break a couple of times a

night also causing the drenching. I think that is what we should call them,

the drenching. Many others here have them too. I hope you don't have to

suffer another 30 years. Love, melt

----- Original Message -----

From: <wsm311@...>

I hate them when I wake up

> drenched, but love the way I feel better the next day. This makes about 30

years of

> night sweats!


> (wsm311@...)

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Hmm i wondered why i caught heck from nurses when they came in and i was bundled

up trying to make myself sweat cause it also made my fever break faster.I had

two quilts my mother brought into the hospital for me and id get under them and

sweat it out.Also when i got home id get the sweats followed by the shivering

chills and yes wendy it was like ohh yeah for those few hours after the fevers

broke.I often wonder why seems like were all soo different my fevers it seemed

dissappeared overnight after the prednisone was prescribed.Then for bout few

weeks after just nightsweats which slowly subsided,weird.Take care and im pullin

for ya dragons gotta run outta steam soon. d.Canada

Re: Hi

> I just wanted to say Hi . I would like to say to be careful when you

> get those fevers because if they go too high it can be dangerous I think.

> Mine used to run up to 105 but I was always being told that wasn't good and

> the nurses would always take my blankets leaving me with just a sheet. They

> said if I got too bundled up it would just drive the fever higher. I hope

> yours subside soon. Once again good evening, till soon, Melt

Once I stayed at 106 for a couple of days. They thought I was going to die.

I have fevers every afternoon and they are more 100 to 102. Sometimes, like

now, my fevers come and go all day. My almost daily night sweats are from

breaking fevers and one doc told me they were a by-product of white blood


breaking down. Whatever causes my night sweats, I hate them when I wake up

drenched, but love the way I feel better the next day. This makes about 30

years of

night sweats!


Peace and Carrots Farm




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> I don't think that you should let your fevers even reach past 103, you

> should go to the emergency room if it gets higher.. That's just not good..

When I got to 103, I called the doc. Immediately went to his office and it

was 104. The ambulance came for me and I was 105. Got to the hospital and was

106. They put me in ice and alcohol, did a zillion tests. Couldn't get the fever

down and they couldn't figure out why I had it. I was pretty delerious by

then ;-)

I know all too well how bad a fever is. My dad went to 107!! We were in the

hospital by then ;-) He had gotten a contaminated IV that gave him a fever.


Peace and Carrots Farm




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You are so right about this, when fevers get that high it does not take long

for brain damage to occur, It is nothing to play with!

Lynn Renae Dudenhoefer


-On any path that you may stroll,

-keep your angel in your soul!

-- Re: Hi

> I don't think that you should let your fevers even reach past 103, you

> should go to the emergency room if it gets higher.. That's just not good..

When I got to 103, I called the doc. Immediately went to his office and it

was 104. The ambulance came for me and I was 105. Got to the hospital and


106. They put me in ice and alcohol, did a zillion tests. Couldn't get the


down and they couldn't figure out why I had it. I was pretty delerious by

then ;-)

I know all too well how bad a fever is. My dad went to 107!! We were in the

hospital by then ;-) He had gotten a contaminated IV that gave him a fever.


Peace and Carrots Farm




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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

That's what we are her for. Welcome Mae


> Hi i am new and try to get fit. is it ok that i join this club and

> get so idea form you all. so my name is Mae.

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  • 1 month later...

Where would you work out? In a gym or at home? That's the big question I

think, and fitting it into your schedule so that you'll do it. Obviously with

the eating you'll have to read the book, maybe look up some ideas for meals

on-line that you think you'd like, and definitely plan ahead so that you can

bring them with you while you're at school. Oh - and get a big water bottle!

And make sure you know where the bathrooms are!

Hope that helps!

http://qwesteferral.com/r.jsp?a=Fmu9DBSgHpRfVU541Lz2HA$$ & x


just been busy with college I'm so upset with

myself i need to start exercising and eating right again. any tips


starting again i mean i own the body for life book and success

journal i just need to start its hard. i also want to let you know i

start fall classes on October 7th i only go on Tuesday and Thursday

the 7th and 9th i go from 8am to 9:55am then after that Tuesday and

Thursday the rest of the Tuesday and Thursday i got from 8am to

noon. heres my day. I'm going to have to get up at 5am leave the

house at 6am to catch city bus, get downtown at 6:45am next bus

comes at 7:10am, get to school at 7:45am first class starts at 8am

to 9:55am then have a break then my last class starts at 10:30am

tell 11:55am then wait tell 12:45pm for bus get downtown at 1:30pm

mom picks me up. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday i have on line

class at home. so really starting the 14th my my real schedule. any

tips or ideas. please help i really need to lose weight.

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is there a gym on campus? i have a similar schedule, except on tuesdays

i'm out at 3. on thursdays i have a break from 3-5, then another class.

i go to the gym directly after class on tuesday, and between 3-5 on

thursday. it helps to have your gym be on campus or within a few minutes

on public transit. m, w, f, & s, try going first thing in the morning.

also, if you can do some of your workouts at home that's always helpful.

i find that i procrastinate a lot if i'm working out at home, but it's

nice to have weights here, so that i have the option if i need it.

dont wait for things to change on their own-just start.


Dupree wrote:

>Where would you work out? In a gym or at home? That's the big question I

think, and fitting it into your schedule so that you'll do it. Obviously with

the eating you'll have to read the book, maybe look up some ideas for meals

on-line that you think you'd like, and definitely plan ahead so that you can

bring them with you while you're at school. Oh - and get a big water bottle!

And make sure you know where the bathrooms are!


>Hope that helps!



>http://qwesteferral.com/r.jsp?a=Fmu9DBSgHpRfVU541Lz2HA$$ & x

> HI



> just been busy with college I'm so upset with

> myself i need to start exercising and eating right again. any tips

> on

> starting again i mean i own the body for life book and success

> journal i just need to start its hard. i also want to let you know i

> start fall classes on October 7th i only go on Tuesday and Thursday

> the 7th and 9th i go from 8am to 9:55am then after that Tuesday and

> Thursday the rest of the Tuesday and Thursday i got from 8am to

> noon. heres my day. I'm going to have to get up at 5am leave the

> house at 6am to catch city bus, get downtown at 6:45am next bus

> comes at 7:10am, get to school at 7:45am first class starts at 8am

> to 9:55am then have a break then my last class starts at 10:30am

> tell 11:55am then wait tell 12:45pm for bus get downtown at 1:30pm

> mom picks me up. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday i have on line

> class at home. so really starting the 14th my my real schedule. any

> tips or ideas. please help i really need to lose weight.




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In a message dated 9/22/2003 2:13:19 PM Eastern Standard Time,

ICANFIELD@... writes:

> Thanks for hearing me vent out and sharing this. Y'all welcome to

> share any experiences or ideas how to deal with this, Any reply will

> be appreciated. Thanks.


> Irma,STeven15,DS/ASD



Aw Irma,

Sorry things aren't going well. I can relate about the bus and aide issues!

Seth's aide gave me a dirty look and told me I wasn't allowed on the bus.

(his first day on the bus) That's all she said. LOL No hello, no nice to meet

you...NOTHING. Well, she let Seth off the bus before I even got off the porch.

Needless to say, down he went. Scraped his back and hit his head. I was

livid!!!!!!!!!!! After a call to the bus garage, I am now allowed on the bus

to get him on and off. Sounds like you are making progress with having

training for the aides. It's nice when you can see the good that comes from

bad. I

hope all goes well with your meeting.


Gail :-)

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Hi Gail, Louise, Carole, Donna, & Laurie and anyone else I had


Thanks for your replies of supportive words, it had lifted my

spirits up and now I'm ready to conquer my challenges. Eh, time to

move on after I had posted I had to be with family and of course

that just added on to the grieving stages.

I'm back and now I have to start preparing for an ARD meeting next

week and this will involve vocational skills. Of course I now need

to include OT & ABA Therapy for an older student towards his IEP

Goals. So I'm having to do some homework on this.

Like I needed additional stress or whatever you call it last week

along with a family loss. The school finally saw part of 's

aggression and at least they understood its part of his disability

but one of the P.M. Instructor was asking for some type of

suggestions or techniques to work around when insist that the

classroom door be closed. This is part of his OCD behavior. To me of

course this was something that at least now its understandable why

he was acting out and shoving the teacher, hitting as this was his

way of communicating.

I've asked his therapist at the ABA Therapy to see if they could

figure out some type of techinque. Then later on I went to a parent

training class and the autism team were there and so I had asked

them the same thing.

Their replies were-

" Why does the door need to be kept open on that particular day? "

" Maybe they could accommodate in the mean time until a solution has

been solved. "

Maybe placing him on the other side of the room where he will not

see the door open. "

" Oh, this is a minor thing. "

These were some remarks but something tells me I do not want

to have it his way when something like this happens. I like to

address this issue when he gets upset and he hits and shoves.

Oh, I was told he was given a time-out, you got it place to the

other side of the room and stimming away. Wa-lah! How rewarding. Of

course I went in and had expained how they reinforced a negative

behavior. Plus this was not fair for him to get punished, of course

to he does not see it this way. Still why he should he get

punished when he is used to the door being shut so that he will not

escape or to reduce sounds or thats the way it should be, the door

remains close all the time. Duh, structure routine.

What a day for some educating because earlier in the morning.

has a new bus aide and she sort of got off the bus with an

attitude and I was like " Good Morning " , from her nothing. So this

had upset me as it had bothered me, how doe this affect the

students? Then was shoved over to another seat instead of his

unsual sitting spot and he kept staring and was in a slow mode. The

aide not understanding just prompt/shoved him to the other seat

without a word. I was like poor and here we go again. I

brought this up to my dh and he wanted to address it to the bus

driver and I had one of those little poster of the characters

addressing the autism behavior and so he gave it to the aide and she

just handed it right back to him. Ok, so then I went to plan B and I

had mentioned it to the SD Autism Team and now they are going to

have to attend a a little training meeting to discuss Autism. Yes!

I know its hard to get good help but as I told them I do not want to

continue pointing finger or complaining or telling them how to do

their job. Its just that my son has travelled a journey and he has

progressed very well this year and if anyone has walked in my shoes

they are going to hear from me. I have to speak up for my son and

you can imagine the rest. Today my dh said that the aide got off the

bus and actually said " Good Morning. "

Hey I can wake up on the other side of the bed but I will still have

the courtesy to say something nice to start the day with God willing

so that person could have some hope and a good day. But then thats

me. ; )

Thanks for hearing me vent out and sharing this. Y'all welcome to

share any experiences or ideas how to deal with this, Any reply will

be appreciated. Thanks.


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Hi Gail,

The bus aide came through today. just arrived and of course

her attitude was better. As long as I know it does not affect

's day than she can have one.

My goodness, poor Seth. Yep! When accidents happen than things will

happen. This happen to when he was younger about 3 y/o, he

did not have good motor skills and he was under a private physcial

therapy. had his accident and boy, starting with the school

district than the main transportation office I was mad because he

was undergoing private physical therapy and learning how to walk,

balance, alternating going up and down which required some money

coming out of our pocket for this and then for him to get injured

seemed like we needed to be reimbursed. was a pretty clumsy

fellow back then. His teacher than had us write it down on his IEP

that even if it was not us parents assisting him on the bus, a bus

aide would be provided.

Back then I did not know my rights or what services were available.

I just knew from a book about Down syndrome that most kids required

PT, so I went by that and he was undergoing PT since he was about 5

mos. old, but once public school kicked in than I trusted them. Live

and learn. Glad things worked out for you.


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Glad to hear the aide situation is getting better for . That can set

the tone for the whole day. Well, Irma, sounds to me like you were on top of

things from the very start. We didn't start home therapy for Seth until he was

8 months old. I wanted and needed time just to enjoy him before we started

the circus of therapy. LOL Not that therapy was bad, just VERY hectic around

here with them coming and going 6 days a week, trying to fit meals, naps and

errands around the coming and going of therapists. I'm glad we took the time

when we did, because it hasn't been quiet around here since! LOL

Gail :-)

> Hi Gail,

> The bus aide came through today. just arrived and of course

> her attitude was better. As long as I know it does not affect

> 's day than she can have one.

> My goodness, poor Seth. Yep! When accidents happen than things will

> happen. This happen to when he was younger about 3 y/o, he

> did not have good motor skills and he was under a private physcial

> therapy. had his accident and boy, starting with the school

> district than the main transportation office I was mad because he

> was undergoing private physical therapy and learning how to walk,

> balance, alternating going up and down which required some money

> coming out of our pocket for this and then for him to get injured

> seemed like we needed to be reimbursed. was a pretty clumsy

> fellow back then. His teacher than had us write it down on his IEP

> that even if it was not us parents assisting him on the bus, a bus

> aide would be provided.

> Back then I did not know my rights or what services were available.

> I just knew from a book about Down syndrome that most kids required

> PT, so I went by that and he was undergoing PT since he was about 5

> mos. old, but once public school kicked in than I trusted them. Live

> and learn. Glad things worked out for you.


> Irma,15,DS/ASD



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Hi and welcome Elyssa! We just love babies here :)

I'm 's mom (the wandering child) and also mom to (22- VA Tech

alumni and American U grad student), TJ (20- WVU sophmore and ROTC), Katey (16-

junior HS/varsity cheerleader), Snoop (5 golden retriever), Chiquita (4 Bengal

cat), Fiona (2 Rescued Bengal cat) and FMIL to Matt. I live in Northern


How is Codey doing? I look forward to hearing more about Codey and Lucas.


Hi everyone,

My name is Elyssa.

I had my son Codey on July 3rd 2003. He has DS..my husband and i did

not know before hand...it was quite the shock, but we have come

along way since then and are feeling pretty darn good about our

little guy. We have a older son Lucas he is 4.

Well, i just wanted to introduce myself..and say hi to everyone..i

hope to meet some good people on here and perhaps some new friends.

Elyssa(25) mom to Lucas(4) Codey(11 weeks)ds

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First of all Congratulations on having a beautiful baby boy! I'm sort

of a lurker on this list - I don't really have a lot to add yet...my

baby girl, Bethany has DS and will be a year old in 2 weeks...YIKES! I

can't believe how time has flown! We did not know either before she was

born. I've read all the emails and gotten lots of good info here -

hopefully one day I'll have some to share.



Mom to Tyler (5), and Bethany soon to be 1!


Hi everyone,

My name is Elyssa.

I had my son Codey on July 3rd 2003. He has DS..my husband and i did

not know before hand...it was quite the shock, but we have come

along way since then and are feeling pretty darn good about our

little guy. We have a older son Lucas he is 4.

Well, i just wanted to introduce myself..and say hi to everyone..i

hope to meet some good people on here and perhaps some new friends.

Elyssa(25) mom to Lucas(4) Codey(11 weeks)ds

Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

messages to go to the sender of the message.

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Hi, Elyssa,

Welcome aboard. I'm grandma to Abbie, 7-3/4 months, who was also a surprise DS

baby for our son Jon and his lovely wife . She is their first child. They

were shocked too; we all were. But we looooooooove Abbie so much.... she is

soooooooooo sweet!! She had open-heart surgery at 4 months to repair a bunch of

nasty malformations, but bounced right back and is doing great.

We're all in this together!

Ellie, who has been lurking for a while in Western land

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Good evening to all..

Today was the day from he--..I'm not sure which part of my body hurt the worse.

The dragon has me in a bear hug.

Work was no fun, stress..home is also stressful as of late.

Does anyone else have the problem with weight? I can't seem to loose any. I gain

really fast, then I'll loose 2 pounds and keep that off..then gain 4..

Was in the hospital first part of the week with blood pressure problems. Is that

any part of the dragon? Oh well..think I'll go to sleep and let the bones rest

for a while..

Hope all is well..don't mind me..just having a pity party..I'll be back to me

in the morning..

in NC


Sorry to hear you have this dragon called stills...hugs!! I have had my ups

and downs with it since 1972.. I am 47 now...believe this will go away..and

make good choices in your life...if you can..pick a less stressful way to


always finds us) but always..give yourself that extra break!! Liz NJ

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