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Another way to do treatments is before school, just after school and you can

give him one before you go to bed while he sleeps. I have done this many times

over the years. It gets you out of the mess for now. We were for a while having

to do them every 4 hours which meant 2x at school So I use to go to the school

and do them because they were doing them when he was having anxiety and boy was

he flying high on the albuterol. Many schools do not have a nurse so they use

office staff to do them and that makes it even crazier.


Re: Re: questions

We were doing the pulmicort twice daily, but with the allergy

season kicking up here in Texas, has had a really tough time this year,

so the doctor added the third dose. I don't want the school involved at all,

especially when the nurse is so inadequate. We i first told her of his

diagnosis, she asked if he could be a case study for her husband...how

insensitive. Then she didn't even call him by the right name...it was for

the first whole half of the year. When he does go to the clinic, she dismisses

his complaints, which he never does complain...so when he does we know it is

bad. I hate this.

rfrench496 <bluemtnfarm@ verizon.net> wrote: My son has CVID and asthma

also. I wouldn't be very happy about the

whole mask/tubing issue, either!! Mark takes pulmicort 2 x day

(prn) and when he needs it, I give it to him before school and after

supper, that way the school is not involved. Would that be an option

for you to reduce the treatments at school?

I'm not sure from your message, but I would guess that the school

nurse contacted your pediatrician about the hypogam. It might be a

good idea to have her actually contact your immunologist, as some

peds aren't as up-to-date on the ins and outs of PID. There are

things my ped thinks aren't that significant whereas our immunologist

acts on it right away. Just a thought for you.

Mark started Kindergarten this year and it was hard. You want them

to be as " normal " as possible, but we still have to use caution in

situations others wouldn't look twice at. I set up a meeting with

the teacher, school nurse, and principal before school started to

give them background on Mark and the different issues of PID. That

might be an idea too, as so many people look at our kids and think

they " look great " so there's no problem. IDF has a great resource

for school personnel that you can obtain. I got two copies, one for

his teacher and one for the school nurse and highlighted the parts

that pertain to Mark.

Good luck to you. Mark has been on atb's all winter it seems for a

sinus infection that just won't go away. These kids are braver than

a lot of adults I know. Spring is coming!

, mom to Mark, CVID, 6


> Hi, it has been awhile since I have written anything. My son was

diagnoised with Hypogammaglobulinem ia in August of 2007. He also

started school in August...he has had 13 ear infections, several

sinus infections.. .he took Cedax and Augmenten ES for all of them.

Three weeks ago he had his second set of ear tubes put in...they

cultured the stuff in his nose and he had staph and pneumonia

bacteria in his nose. So he is on another antibiotic that he takes

twice a day for 21 days.


> My real concern is this...at school he takes Pulimocort everyday

and Albuterol as needed. Before Christmas I went to get his machine

(nebulizer) to bring home for the holidays and personally pulled

another students tubing and mask off of his machine. Also, his

medication wasn't locked up. I went back in before he had surgery

and it was still not locked up. Also, the school nurse keeps his

machine set up. I wrote a complaint letter asking that she rinse his

mask daily and put it in a bag. I also asked if she would lock his

medication up.


> The district asked me for a release to talk to the doctor...I

signed it...the nurse supposedly called and the doctor told her that

his condition was mild and he should be treated like any other

child. He also said that the mask didn't need to be cleaned daily.

Does this make any sense to anyone????? (now I do want him treated

like everyone else) but they aren't the ones with him when he is



> What should I do? I can't quit work...I work in the district he

attends school. Should I call the doctor myself and explain my

dilema. All I want is common sense hygiene to occur...I hate this

that the condition is 'bad enough "


> Any suggestions would be appreciated.


> Jodi



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has been in public school...I just found out today that the doctor

wishes not to speak with the school or give them any information, because my son

isn't that bad off and there are kids much more sicker than him. He also said I

call his office 4 to 5 times a day and he is done spending time talking about my


Granted there are people out their sicker than my son, but my son gets sick

too. What irritates me is that we the parents are the ones who ulitmately do

all the care. I will be finding a new doctor...for sure.

My peditrician did write a letter stating that his mask needed to be rinsed

daily. that was really all I wanted, I am so frustrated right now.

Because I am new at this, can your levels be low and then go up and you not be

considered with a diagnosis of PID? Apparently all of his levels are higher,

the only one still low is the IgE.

s <momtoboywholoveshisgoats@...> wrote:


My son Blake is 16. When he was in the school(Private Christian)grades

k5-2nd....when not in the hospital!!! They asked if they could have another

student use Blake's machine because the other student did not have a second one.

I spoke with he child's mom & we got along as long as her child had his OWN

tubing & mask & placed Blake's in a zip-loc bag with his name(I provided one for

both)on it. Since they were in a different times, there was no problem with

this. we did this for a couple of yrs.

If your child has to have treatment, there really is no reason to lock it up. I

would be afraid that my child would have a flare up & NEED the meds. right away.

If it is locked up, who is to say the person who locked it up will be out of

school & may have the key.....that is a matter of life & death in a child who

HAS to be nebulized at school. If Blake were actually in school now(Homebound on

Medical Leave & homeschooled), he would still need the treatments. It would not

bother me about some else using it unless I were not asked & they were using

Blake's cup, tubing & mask.

As far as the Nurse calling the school, I too signed a note saying they can call

the Dr. but ONLY if I were present & I could talk to the Dr. first & then he

could relay what was needed to be done as school. The Nurse at teh Dr.s office

can not allow the school nurse to talk directly with the Dr. unless you have

signed & had a seal placed on it that you are willing to prudge medical info on

your child.

Best bet, is the School Nurse did NOT talk to the Dr. him/herself. She spoke to

someone in the office at the Dr. office. If your child is on IVIG or SCIG, I

don't believe the Dr. would call his health " Mild " !!!!

I actually went through this. Blake's principal & Head Master of the school

wanted this permission. Dad said No!!! He said if they need to talk to the Dr.

Then they could go with us to an appt. We were in the right in saying NO!! You

do not have to give them permission to talk & perge your child. The reason now

is the Privacy act. Hippa Law states clearly that NO dr. is to talk about your

child unless you are present!!!!

I would call the Dr. ask Him/her if they acually spoke with the SN. If not, then

call the Nurse on the rug!!! Plain as day, if she lied, then she can be

fired....I would not trust my son's health to someone who would lie just to make

you think they are in the right.....Mild or NOT.

If you ask me, PIDD is NOT to be taken lightly & neither is Asthma....I have

seen my son nearly die because of both!!!!!

just my 3 cents worth!!!

Mom to Blake 16, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency(SCID) With Complete T-Cell




Jodi Tyra <tyrajodi@...> wrote:

Hi, it has been awhile since I have written anything. My son was diagnoised with

Hypogammaglobulinemia in August of 2007.

I went to get his machine (nebulizer) to bring home for the holidays and

personally pulled another students tubing and mask off of his machine. Also, his

medication wasn't locked up. I went back in before he had surgery and it was

still not locked up. Also, the school nurse keeps his machine set up. I wrote a

complaint letter asking that she rinse his mask daily and put it in a bag. I

also asked if she would lock his medication up.

The district asked me for a release to talk to the doctor...I signed it...the

nurse supposedly called and the doctor told her that his condition was mild and

he should be treated like any other child. He also said that the mask didn't

need to be cleaned daily. Does this make any sense to anyone????? (now I do want

him treated like everyone else) but they aren't the ones with him when he is


What should I do? I can't quit work...I work in the district he attends school.

Should I call the doctor myself and explain my dilema. All I want is common

sense hygiene to occur...I hate this that the condition is 'bad enough "

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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Depending on what age he is there I a transient hypogam but that tends to

resolve by 5 or 6 years old. Older children have been known to resolve sometime

at puberty (some get worse though). If the levels have improved that is

wonderful. Hopefully his clinical picture looks the same. I would have another

set run 6 months from now or if he gets an infection that won't resolve with

conventional antibiotics.

Ursula - mom to (15) and Macey (12, CVID)




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I do not think what you are asking for is unreasonable. Sounds like you are

needing more support right now. Please feel free to ask away to this group. Also

I would also feel free to contact IDF and get all the information they have to

offer. Being that I do not know your sons whole picture I cannot comment whether

he still has an immune disorder or CVID as you wrote in an earlier post. What I

would suggest is that you get a full evaluation since its sounds like he is

still not doing well clinically. As many will say to you numbers at just numbers

and what really is important is how sick your kids is. If you is having all the

infections you have stated I would encourage you to continue your journey of

figuring out what is best for your son. Many Asthma and Allergist really are

just that. The only dabble in Immunology so you need to look for a Pediatric

Immunoligist and the best way to do that is through the IDF. Go to this groups

Home page and look for

contact info. Ursula has done a very nice job putting resources there for you.

His IgG, A, M and E are only indicators of part of his immune system and if they

have not tested his responses to vaccines yet it sounds like that would be the

next step. Pre and post titers to Pneumovax is the most common and then to see

if he has responded to his other vaccines like tetnus, chickenpox MMR etc. Our

immune systems are complex and there are times that they do get better but in my

opinion there is NO EXCUSE for the doctor to be rude to you in regard to your

concern about you son. If you are calling frequently then you are concerned and

he is not fulfilling your need to feel comfortable with your childs illness. Use

us as a sounding board, use IDF and find you a doctor who is not only

compassionate but also knowledgeable. Bless you as you are going through all of

this. I think we can all empathize with your situation at some level. Do

something special for

yourself this weekend. YOU deserve it !!


Re: questions

has been in public school...I just found out today

that the doctor wishes not to speak with the school or give them any

information, because my son isn't that bad off and there are kids much more

sicker than him. He also said I call his office 4 to 5 times a day and he is

done spending time talking about my son.

Granted there are people out their sicker than my son, but my son gets sick

too. What irritates me is that we the parents are the ones who ulitmately do

all the care. I will be finding a new doctor...for sure.

My peditrician did write a letter stating that his mask needed to be rinsed

daily. that was really all I wanted, I am so frustrated right now.

Because I am new at this, can your levels be low and then go up and you not be

considered with a diagnosis of PID? Apparently all of his levels are higher,

the only one still low is the IgE.

s <momtoboywholoveshis goats (DOT) com> wrote:


My son Blake is 16. When he was in the school(Private Christian)grades

k5-2nd....when not in the hospital!!! They asked if they could have another

student use Blake's machine because the other student did not have a second one.

I spoke with he child's mom & we got along as long as her child had his OWN

tubing & mask & placed Blake's in a zip-loc bag with his name(I provided one for

both)on it. Since they were in a different times, there was no problem with

this. we did this for a couple of yrs.

If your child has to have treatment, there really is no reason to lock it up. I

would be afraid that my child would have a flare up & NEED the meds. right away.

If it is locked up, who is to say the person who locked it up will be out of

school & may have the key.....that is a matter of life & death in a child who

HAS to be nebulized at school. If Blake were actually in school now(Homebound on

Medical Leave & homeschooled) , he would still need the treatments. It would not

bother me about some else using it unless I were not asked & they were using

Blake's cup, tubing & mask.

As far as the Nurse calling the school, I too signed a note saying they can call

the Dr. but ONLY if I were present & I could talk to the Dr. first & then he

could relay what was needed to be done as school. The Nurse at teh Dr.s office

can not allow the school nurse to talk directly with the Dr. unless you have

signed & had a seal placed on it that you are willing to prudge medical info on

your child.

Best bet, is the School Nurse did NOT talk to the Dr. him/herself. She spoke to

someone in the office at the Dr. office. If your child is on IVIG or SCIG, I

don't believe the Dr. would call his health " Mild " !!!!

I actually went through this. Blake's principal & Head Master of the school

wanted this permission. Dad said No!!! He said if they need to talk to the Dr.

Then they could go with us to an appt. We were in the right in saying NO!! You

do not have to give them permission to talk & perge your child. The reason now

is the Privacy act. Hippa Law states clearly that NO dr. is to talk about your

child unless you are present!!!!

I would call the Dr. ask Him/her if they acually spoke with the SN. If not, then

call the Nurse on the rug!!! Plain as day, if she lied, then she can be

fired....I would not trust my son's health to someone who would lie just to make

you think they are in the right.....Mild or NOT.

If you ask me, PIDD is NOT to be taken lightly & neither is Asthma....I have

seen my son nearly die because of both!!!!!

just my 3 cents worth!!!

Mom to Blake 16, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency( SCID) With Complete T-Cell


~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


Jodi Tyra <tyrajodi (DOT) com> wrote:

Hi, it has been awhile since I have written anything. My son was diagnoised with

Hypogammaglobulinem ia in August of 2007.

I went to get his machine (nebulizer) to bring home for the holidays and

personally pulled another students tubing and mask off of his machine. Also, his

medication wasn't locked up. I went back in before he had surgery and it was

still not locked up. Also, the school nurse keeps his machine set up. I wrote a

complaint letter asking that she rinse his mask daily and put it in a bag. I

also asked if she would lock his medication up.

The district asked me for a release to talk to the doctor...I signed it...the

nurse supposedly called and the doctor told her that his condition was mild and

he should be treated like any other child. He also said that the mask didn't

need to be cleaned daily. Does this make any sense to anyone????? (now I do want

him treated like everyone else) but they aren't the ones with him when he is


What should I do? I can't quit work...I work in the district he attends school.

Should I call the doctor myself and explain my dilema. All I want is common

sense hygiene to occur...I hate this that the condition is 'bad enough "

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Your email has brought tears to my eyes.

Not only did the comments the doctor made hurt me deeply as I thought he would

want what is best for my son, but it made me look incompetent as a mother at my

son's school where I happen to work. While my principal tried to understand,

you can't unless you are going through it. they all did agree that the doctor

was being a complete jerk.

I dread so much the sound of him coughing or the smallest red spot on his body

for fear of what we will have to face.

Of course I have the support of my husband who was furious...but all he wants

to do is fix it and his solution is for me to find another school to work at.

My support at work is watching at for my son in my absence...I am out on workers

comp(a whole different story). I really love my school and those I work with,

yes there are problems, but there is everywhere.

thanks for the shoulder...

Barbara Jimenez <mother5590@...> wrote:


I do not think what you are asking for is unreasonable. Sounds like you are

needing more support right now. Please feel free to ask away to this group. Also

I would also feel free to contact IDF and get all the information they have to

offer. Being that I do not know your sons whole picture I cannot comment whether

he still has an immune disorder or CVID as you wrote in an earlier post. What I

would suggest is that you get a full evaluation since its sounds like he is

still not doing well clinically. As many will say to you numbers at just numbers

and what really is important is how sick your kids is. If you is having all the

infections you have stated I would encourage you to continue your journey of

figuring out what is best for your son. Many Asthma and Allergist really are

just that. The only dabble in Immunology so you need to look for a Pediatric

Immunoligist and the best way to do that is through the IDF. Go to this groups

Home page and look for

contact info. Ursula has done a very nice job putting resources there for you.

His IgG, A, M and E are only indicators of part of his immune system and if they

have not tested his responses to vaccines yet it sounds like that would be the

next step. Pre and post titers to Pneumovax is the most common and then to see

if he has responded to his other vaccines like tetnus, chickenpox MMR etc. Our

immune systems are complex and there are times that they do get better but in my

opinion there is NO EXCUSE for the doctor to be rude to you in regard to your

concern about you son. If you are calling frequently then you are concerned and

he is not fulfilling your need to feel comfortable with your childs illness. Use

us as a sounding board, use IDF and find you a doctor who is not only

compassionate but also knowledgeable. Bless you as you are going through all of

this. I think we can all empathize with your situation at some level. Do

something special for

yourself this weekend. YOU deserve it !!


Re: questions

has been in public school...I just found out today that the doctor

wishes not to speak with the school or give them any information, because my son

isn't that bad off and there are kids much more sicker than him. He also said I

call his office 4 to 5 times a day and he is done spending time talking about my


Granted there are people out their sicker than my son, but my son gets sick too.

What irritates me is that we the parents are the ones who ulitmately do all the

care. I will be finding a new doctor...for sure.

My peditrician did write a letter stating that his mask needed to be rinsed

daily. that was really all I wanted, I am so frustrated right now.

Because I am new at this, can your levels be low and then go up and you not be

considered with a diagnosis of PID? Apparently all of his levels are higher, the

only one still low is the IgE.

s <momtoboywholoveshis goats (DOT) com> wrote:


My son Blake is 16. When he was in the school(Private Christian)grades

k5-2nd....when not in the hospital!!! They asked if they could have another

student use Blake's machine because the other student did not have a second one.

I spoke with he child's mom & we got along as long as her child had his OWN

tubing & mask & placed Blake's in a zip-loc bag with his name(I provided one for

both)on it. Since they were in a different times, there was no problem with

this. we did this for a couple of yrs.

If your child has to have treatment, there really is no reason to lock it up. I

would be afraid that my child would have a flare up & NEED the meds. right away.

If it is locked up, who is to say the person who locked it up will be out of

school & may have the key.....that is a matter of life & death in a child who

HAS to be nebulized at school. If Blake were actually in school now(Homebound on

Medical Leave & homeschooled) , he would still need the treatments. It would not

bother me about some else using it unless I were not asked & they were using

Blake's cup, tubing & mask.

As far as the Nurse calling the school, I too signed a note saying they can call

the Dr. but ONLY if I were present & I could talk to the Dr. first & then he

could relay what was needed to be done as school. The Nurse at teh Dr.s office

can not allow the school nurse to talk directly with the Dr. unless you have

signed & had a seal placed on it that you are willing to prudge medical info on

your child.

Best bet, is the School Nurse did NOT talk to the Dr. him/herself. She spoke to

someone in the office at the Dr. office. If your child is on IVIG or SCIG, I

don't believe the Dr. would call his health " Mild " !!!!

I actually went through this. Blake's principal & Head Master of the school

wanted this permission. Dad said No!!! He said if they need to talk to the Dr.

Then they could go with us to an appt. We were in the right in saying NO!! You

do not have to give them permission to talk & perge your child. The reason now

is the Privacy act. Hippa Law states clearly that NO dr. is to talk about your

child unless you are present!!!!

I would call the Dr. ask Him/her if they acually spoke with the SN. If not, then

call the Nurse on the rug!!! Plain as day, if she lied, then she can be

fired....I would not trust my son's health to someone who would lie just to make

you think they are in the right.....Mild or NOT.

If you ask me, PIDD is NOT to be taken lightly & neither is Asthma....I have

seen my son nearly die because of both!!!!!

just my 3 cents worth!!!

Mom to Blake 16, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency( SCID) With Complete T-Cell


~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~


Jodi Tyra <tyrajodi (DOT) com> wrote:

Hi, it has been awhile since I have written anything. My son was diagnoised with

Hypogammaglobulinem ia in August of 2007.

I went to get his machine (nebulizer) to bring home for the holidays and

personally pulled another students tubing and mask off of his machine. Also, his

medication wasn't locked up. I went back in before he had surgery and it was

still not locked up. Also, the school nurse keeps his machine set up. I wrote a

complaint letter asking that she rinse his mask daily and put it in a bag. I

also asked if she would lock his medication up.

The district asked me for a release to talk to the doctor...I signed it...the

nurse supposedly called and the doctor told her that his condition was mild and

he should be treated like any other child. He also said that the mask didn't

need to be cleaned daily. Does this make any sense to anyone????? (now I do want

him treated like everyone else) but they aren't the ones with him when he is


What should I do? I can't quit work...I work in the district he attends school.

Should I call the doctor myself and explain my dilema. All I want is common

sense hygiene to occur...I hate this that the condition is 'bad enough "

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


We use pred. with each fever and yes, they did come closer together at first but

then spread out, and she even got long breaks in between. My daughter is 4 1/2

and has been fevering since 16 months old, using steroids since 21 months. We

chose this path for our daughter because the cimetidine (tagamet) did not work

for her and she get back to herself so quickly with the steroids. We have been

to the NIH in MD and see a pediatric id doc in CT as well as our pediatrician.

Have you located someone in your area familiar with ? That will help as

does this board. Each child is different as is each approach to dealing with

the fevers. You have to do what is right for your child and your family and

listen to your heart.

Hope this helps.


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We use pred. with each fever and yes, they did come closer together at first but

then spread out, and she even got long breaks in between. My daughter is 4 1/2

and has been fevering since 16 months old, using steroids since 21 months. We

chose this path for our daughter because the cimetidine (tagamet) did not work

for her and she get back to herself so quickly with the steroids. We have been

to the NIH in MD and see a pediatric id doc in CT as well as our pediatrician.

Have you located someone in your area familiar with ? That will help as

does this board. Each child is different as is each approach to dealing with

the fevers. You have to do what is right for your child and your family and

listen to your heart.

Hope this helps.


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As far as we can tell, here's the course of treatments

that our doctors have discussed with us:

1. they prescribed cimetidine, brand name tagamet, for

us to try. our son is 4 years old (Nov birthday) and

weighs 35 lbs. he takes a 1/2 tsp twice a day. the

Dr. told us that this has worked in less than 30% of

the patients that tried it.

2. in addition to the cimetidine, he did give us the

prednisone to use when he has an episode. he did warn

us that it will bring in the fevers closer

together/with increasing frequency. he did not tell

us anything about the severity increasing. we've only

used it twice in 6 1/2 months. we're a bit wary of

using it as we don't like the idea of more fevers,

even if we can eliminate them with the prednisone.

3. our dr. did not discuss with us, but many on this

board have used singulair, an allergy/asthma

medication that seems to have some results. recently

however, there has been increased concern about it's

side effects, most notably depression and other

psychological impacts.

4. There has been a recent article in a Pediatrics

Journal that daily doses of Colcichine have also shown

results in patients. This is interesting as

this medication is primarly used to treat Familial

Mediterranean Fever (FMF). Our Dr. has not suggested

we use this medication yet.

5. Finally, the last resort seems to be a

tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. A recent

article/study has shown this procedure to hold great

promise for most that undergo this path. We're

viewing this as our last resort until we've played out

other paths.

I hope this is helpful for you.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Our son Jack, also had fungal infections after numerous bacterial infections in

his ears, even after tubes were placed, however this was before we knew about

his PID, so now that we started the IVIG we haven't had any problems.  

From: Ladden <LLadden@...>

Subject: questions

Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 5:53 PM

Hi everyone:

Just came from from our DisneyWorld Make a Wish trip and it was spectacular! !!

Held my breath that he did not get really sick, but no, just our normal

resistant ear infections with fever and drainage


Has anyone's child had to have t tubes(permanent ear tubes) removed because the

body is attacking and it is causing resisitant fungal or bacterial infections?

This is what we are experiencing with nd we cannot treat the fungus because

it is deep in the ear canal and not able to be reached by culture.

So on August 13th, will have a larger replacement port put in and have his

t ubes removed, ear canals cleaned and scraped, cultured and biopsied.

Has anyone experienced anything similar and what happened with infections after

the t tubesd were removed?

Also, has anyone expereinced low RBC's, with increased MCH and MCHC?

In addition, 's WBC's keep hovering around 3.2-3.5


in CT mom to 6 ½ years

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Unfortunately, we take daily Omnicef, Diflucan (120mg), and get IVIG every other

week, and we are still having this problem.

in CT


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 6:03 PM

Subject: Re: questions

Our son Jack, also had fungal infections after numerous bacterial infections in

his ears, even after tubes were placed, however this was before we knew about

his PID, so now that we started the IVIG we haven't had any problems.

From: Ladden <LLadden@... <mailto:LLadden%40connexintl.com> >

Subject: questions


Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 5:53 PM

Hi everyone:

Just came from from our DisneyWorld Make a Wish trip and it was spectacular! !!

Held my breath that he did not get really sick, but no, just our normal

resistant ear infections with fever and drainage


Has anyone's child had to have t tubes(permanent ear tubes) removed because the

body is attacking and it is causing resisitant fungal or bacterial infections?

This is what we are experiencing with nd we cannot treat the fungus because

it is deep in the ear canal and not able to be reached by culture.

So on August 13th, will have a larger replacement port put in and have his

t ubes removed, ear canals cleaned and scraped, cultured and biopsied.

Has anyone experienced anything similar and what happened with infections after

the t tubesd were removed?

Also, has anyone expereinced low RBC's, with increased MCH and MCHC?

In addition, 's WBC's keep hovering around 3.2-3.5


in CT mom to 6 ½ years

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Glad to hear you had a good trip!

Do you know his MCV? Is it elevated?

Mark has an extremely rare congenital anemia that affects those

values, but his MCV is always elevated, which is a big indicator to

his particular hematologic disease.

mom to Mark 7 CVID


> Hi everyone:


> Just came from from our DisneyWorld Make a Wish trip and it was

spectacular!!! Held my breath that he did not get really sick, but

no, just our normal resistant ear infections with fever and drainage


> Question:


> Has anyone's child had to have t tubes(permanent ear tubes) removed

because the body is attacking and it is causing resisitant fungal or

bacterial infections? This is what we are experiencing with nd

we cannot treat the fungus because it is deep in the ear canal and

not able to be reached by culture.


> So on August 13th, will have a larger replacement port put in

and have his t ubes removed, ear canals cleaned and scraped, cultured

and biopsied.


> Has anyone experienced anything similar and what happened with

infections after the t tubesd were removed?


> Also, has anyone expereinced low RBC's, with increased MCH and MCHC?


> In addition, 's WBC's keep hovering around 3.2-3.5


> Thanks!


> in CT mom to 6 ½ years





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Hi !!

My Blake went through all of the ear infections, resistant bacteria, ear tubes,

removal of ear tubes...actually had an ENT tell Blaek that it did NOT hurt when

he accidentally scratch out an ear tube trying to clean it....needless to say,

those memories are still too real each time he goes in to see his ENT(Not the

one who was sensless & careless, but they are partners).

Blake wound up having to have a mastoidectomy...Ha your ENT mentioned

this....they clean out the area behind the ear drum while under sedation. Blake

had the basic one but it did not work. He had the major Mastoidectomy when he

had his ear canal wall removed..he also wound up having to have a " grafted " ear

drum placed because the original was so eaten up with infection.

Blake wound up having a Radical Mastoidectomy(all ear bones roemoved) because he

had a major bone infection at the base of his skull, right behind the

ear...Osteomylitis...infection of the bone.

Blake can hear NOTHING from the left ear, & has lost 60% of the right hearing. 

It is frustrating when all they can do is " Surgery " to get it figured out!!

We will be praying for you & & Pray that you don't have to go the road we

had to get Blaek at least feeling better...he still has some serious infections

& we had to have his ear drum regrafted in April because an infection ate it


Good Luck


The Greatest Adventure of MY Lifetime.....Just come & see for yourself!!!!!






From: Ladden <LLadden@...>

Subject: questions

Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 5:53 PM

Hi everyone:

Just came from from our DisneyWorld Make a Wish trip and it was spectacular! !!

Held my breath that he did not get really sick, but no, just our normal

resistant ear infections with fever and drainage


Has anyone's child had to have t tubes(permanent ear tubes) removed because the

body is attacking and it is causing resisitant fungal or bacterial infections?

This is what we are experiencing with nd we cannot treat the fungus because

it is deep in the ear canal and not able to be reached by culture.

So on August 13th, will have a larger replacement port put in and have his

t ubes removed, ear canals cleaned and scraped, cultured and biopsied.

Has anyone experienced anything similar and what happened with infections after

the t tubesd were removed?

Also, has anyone expereinced low RBC's, with increased MCH and MCHC?

In addition, 's WBC's keep hovering around 3.2-3.5


in CT mom to 6 ½ years

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Yes, , they are going to scrape out and clean behind the ear drum because

he has a resistant fungal infection going on there-with biopsies and cultures

done. There was some question whether he had a cholesteatoma behind the left

ear, so this will tell the tale.

ENT has already told me in July that was going to lose his hearing in the

near future due to the infection issues, whether or not he had any tubes in the

ears. His is on the blunt side, but I guess it is better than not knowing. He

told me to be prepared and watch for when he needs hearing aids.

So August 13th surgery will tell us a lot, I guess.

I am afraid that is traveling down the same road as your son has.

Thank you for all of the information, .

in CT mom to 6 ½ years


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 12:17 AM

Subject: Re: questions

Hi !!

My Blake went through all of the ear infections, resistant bacteria, ear tubes,

removal of ear tubes...actually had an ENT tell Blaek that it did NOT hurt when

he accidentally scratch out an ear tube trying to clean it....needless to say,

those memories are still too real each time he goes in to see his ENT(Not the

one who was sensless & careless, but they are partners).

Blake wound up having to have a mastoidectomy...Ha your ENT mentioned

this....they clean out the area behind the ear drum while under sedation. Blake

had the basic one but it did not work. He had the major Mastoidectomy when he

had his ear canal wall removed..he also wound up having to have a " grafted " ear

drum placed because the original was so eaten up with infection.

Blake wound up having a Radical Mastoidectomy(all ear bones roemoved) because he

had a major bone infection at the base of his skull, right behind the

ear...Osteomylitis...infection of the bone.

Blake can hear NOTHING from the left ear, & has lost 60% of the right hearing.

It is frustrating when all they can do is " Surgery " to get it figured out!!

We will be praying for you & & Pray that you don't have to go the road we

had to get Blaek at least feeling better...he still has some serious infections

& we had to have his ear drum regrafted in April because an infection ate it


Good Luck



The Greatest Adventure of MY Lifetime.....Just come & see for yourself!!!!!



From: Ladden <LLadden@... <mailto:LLadden%40connexintl.com> >

Subject: questions


Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 5:53 PM

Hi everyone:

Just came from from our DisneyWorld Make a Wish trip and it was spectacular! !!

Held my breath that he did not get really sick, but no, just our normal

resistant ear infections with fever and drainage


Has anyone's child had to have t tubes(permanent ear tubes) removed because the

body is attacking and it is causing resisitant fungal or bacterial infections?

This is what we are experiencing with nd we cannot treat the fungus because

it is deep in the ear canal and not able to be reached by culture.

So on August 13th, will have a larger replacement port put in and have his

t ubes removed, ear canals cleaned and scraped, cultured and biopsied.

Has anyone experienced anything similar and what happened with infections after

the t tubesd were removed?

Also, has anyone expereinced low RBC's, with increased MCH and MCHC?

In addition, 's WBC's keep hovering around 3.2-3.5


in CT mom to 6 ½ years

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  • 2 months later...

I'm no doctor either, but I wasn't aware that my ICD would react to anything other than a heart arrythmia. That is, I didn't know that not breathing would trigger it. Did he start breathing again on his own or did the paramedics get him started? Please keep us posted.




The boyfriend (Bob) of a co-worker of my wife had an ICD implanted about a year or two ago. (I tried to get him to join the , but he is not a joiner and opted not to do so.) He's about 55-60 years old. To date he has had no firings.

This morning he had some sort of incident, lost consciousness, fell out of bad (hard) and stopped breathing for a while. Paramedics got him to the ER where he remains unconscious but breathing on his own. A CT scan shows no bleeding of tumor, and a stroke has been either ruled out or not considered likely. (At least that is what I was told.)

My medical knowledge is pretty limited compared to some of the people on this group, and I hope someone here can give me some insights if not answers to my questions.

My thought was that Bob had suffered a heart attack that was not electrically related, but if he stopped breathing would not the ICD have kicked in? (It may have, and his girlfriend just does not know that it did.)

If it was an electrical problem and the ICD did go off would it not have gone off several times until he resumed breathing?

Can a plain old heart attack occur withut any ICD response if the heart continues to pump?

Could the ICD settings have been too low/high for a response?

I realize that none of us here are doctors, and I am just looking for personal opinions/guidance as to what to expect when I see him. (Hopefully not to much damage from the no-breathing period.)

Any responses on forum or off will be appreciated.



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As far as I know, the ICD only detects arrhythmias then converts it to normal sinus rhythm. If one has a heart attack but the heart rhythm is within acceptable limits, the ICD would not fire. If a person stopped breathing, the ICD would fire IF the cause was arrhythmia. It would also fire in the case of the heart stopping. Having said that, the heart doesn't really stop as in flat line unless you're dead. Even in the hospital, a flat line (no detectable cardiac electrical activity at all) will very rarely convert even with external defibrillation. What usually happens is that the heart quivers. This is called ventricular fibrillation. On the cardiac monitor it looks like a squiggly line. There is no beat (pumping action) to pump blood from the ventricle to the body. The heart muscle is still alive and the ICD will attempt to convert the quivering to regular

heart beats. A quivering heart (v-fib) can lead to loss of consciousness from lack of oxygenated blood to the brain.Not breathing. Many people stop breathing in sleep from apnea, caused by blockage of air, not by the heart stopping. This is usually remedied with a continuous positive air pressure device (CPAP) or a surgical procedure. When one stops breathing, the heart starts goes crazy trying to get more oxygen into the blood, which leads to arrythmia and cardioversion. When I had a sleep study, the pulmonologist (lung doctor) got freaked out when he saw what he called "malignant ventricular arrythmias" when the CPAP was not being used. Since I had an ICD, it would not have been life threatening, but he freaked out nonetheless.For more information about apnea, look at:http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/Diseases/SleepApnea/SleepApnea_Causes.htmlI have central sleep apnea with some obstructive sleep apnea. For an

understanding of the difference, read:http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/Diseases/SleepApnea/SleepApnea_WhatIs.htmlMy wife is not a cardiologist (she's a family practice physician who knows a lot about cardiac events because of my adventures) and I am just an ordinary human so read these comments with that in mind.From: MARTHA or BILL MAHAN <billandmarthamahan@...>Subject: Questions" " < >Date: Friday, October 17, 2008, 9:30 AM


The boyfriend (Bob) of a co-worker of my wife had an ICD implanted about a year or two ago. (I tried to get him to join the , but he is not a joiner and opted not to do so.) He's about 55-60 years old. To date he has had no firings.

This morning he had some sort of incident, lost consciousness, fell out of bad (hard) and stopped breathing for a while. Paramedics got him to the ER where he remains unconscious but breathing on his own. A CT scan shows no bleeding of tumor, and a stroke has been either ruled out or not considered likely. (At least that is what I was told.)

My medical knowledge is pretty limited compared to some of the people on this group, and I hope someone here can give me some insights if not answers to my questions.

My thought was that Bob had suffered a heart attack that was not electrically related, but if he stopped breathing would not the ICD have kicked in? (It may have, and his girlfriend just does not know that it did.)

If it was an electrical problem and the ICD did go off would it not have gone off several times until he resumed breathing?

Can a plain old heart attack occur withut any ICD response if the heart continues to pump?

Could the ICD settings have been too low/high for a response?

I realize that none of us here are doctors, and I am just looking for personal opinions/guidance as to what to expect when I see him. (Hopefully not to much damage from the no-breathing period.)

Any responses on forum or off will be appreciated.




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He may not have had a heart attack. If he

lost consciousness it might be due to some other cause (electrolyte imbalance

comes to mind, high potassium is common in diabetics, kidney failure). Did they

need to do CPR? People can lose consciousness due to a metabolic problem (non

electrical) and not have a cardiac arrhythmia at all- hence the ICD didn’t

go off. Or he had asystole (flat line) which the ICD wouldn’t have done

anything about.. however if they didn’t need to do CPR that probably wasn’t

the case. If he had a heart attack bad enough to cause him to be unconscious

then I would bet he had VF and the ICD did go off.

If you find out more details I can probably give you a better idea.

So sorry to hear about this.


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of MARTHA or BILL MAHAN

Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008

12:30 PM

Subject: Questions


The boyfriend (Bob) of a co-worker of my

wife had an ICD implanted about a year or two ago. (I tried to get him to

join the , but he is not a joiner and opted not to do so.) He's

about 55-60 years old. To date he has had no firings.

This morning he had some sort of incident,

lost consciousness, fell out of bad (hard) and stopped breathing for a

while. Paramedics got him to the ER where he remains unconscious but

breathing on his own. A CT

scan shows no bleeding of tumor, and a stroke has been either ruled out or not

considered likely. (At least that is what I was told.)

My medical knowledge is pretty limited

compared to some of the people on this group, and I hope someone here can give

me some insights if not answers to my questions.

My thought was that Bob had suffered a

heart attack that was not electrically related, but if he stopped breathing

would not the ICD have kicked in? (It may have, and his girlfriend just

does not know that it did.)

If it was an electrical problem and the

ICD did go off would it not have gone off several times until he resumed


Can a plain old heart attack occur withut

any ICD response if the heart continues to pump?

Could the ICD settings have been too

low/high for a response?

I realize that none of us here are

doctors, and I am just looking for personal opinions/guidance as to what to

expect when I see him. (Hopefully not to much damage from the

no-breathing period.)

Any responses on forum or off will be




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Bob, my friend, is currently in critical but stable consition. He was given what was describd as a paralyzing drug and he is currently not conscious. There's been talkmnabout some sort of infection. Having had endocarditis myself, I know that was not it unless the symptoms before hand never happened. Reports are sketchy, but supposedly the EMT's gave himtheir own defibrillator, but I have never heard of that hapenig to one of us with an ICD. I'd think that it would be pretty dangerous. Of course I think a vacuum in my hand is pretty dangerous.

Will post more as I learn it.

And for Stacie: congratulations on your new family member. I'm sure you two will be great together. Hopefully your dog can't read. Becasue if he did and he read the drivel I post, he'd probably protect you by going after me.



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Please do keep us posted Bill. I am very curious about all this.

My prayers are with your friend Bob and his girlfriend.



> Bob, my friend, is currently in critical but stable consition. He was

> given what was describd as a paralyzing drug and he is currently not

> conscious. There's been talkmnabout some sort of infection. Having

> had endocarditis myself, I know that was not it unless the symptoms

> before hand never happened. Reports are sketchy, but supposedly the

> EMT's gave himtheir own defibrillator, but I have never heard of that

> hapenig to one of us with an ICD. I'd think that it would be pretty

> dangerous. Of course I think a vacuum in my hand is pretty dangerous.


> Will post more as I learn it.


> And for Stacie: congratulations on your new family member. I'm sure

> you two will be great together. Hopefully your dog can't read.

> Becasue if he did and he read the drivel I post, he'd probably protect

> you by going after me.


> Best.


> Bill




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bill shes smat enough to read however i wont let her read the bad emails got to protect her eyes from tha:) no really your emails are great i'm sue if she could read she would laugh and cry and smile as needed but it wont suprize me a bit if she could sead shes learned over 55 complex task and 200 commands ! so shes mart enough to knwo how to read ! whoever said shelter dogs dont amount to nothing never met kira or dogs lke her that came from shelter life !!!!! it's a shame such great smart dogs are in shelters! if only they knew the potincal these dogs have when time is given and love is shown and returned oh and a few treats are involved !

Re: Questions

Bob, my friend, is currently in critical but stable consition. He was given what was describd as a paralyzing drug and he is currently not conscious. There's been talkmnabout some sort of infection. Having had endocarditis myself, I know that was not it unless the symptoms before hand never happened. Reports are sketchy, but supposedly the EMT's gave himtheir own defibrillator, but I have never heard of that hapenig to one of us with an ICD. I'd think that it would be pretty dangerous. Of course I think a vacuum in my hand is pretty dangerous.

Will post more as I learn it.

And for Stacie: congratulations on your new family member. I'm sure you two will be great together. Hopefully your dog can't read. Becasue if he did and he read the drivel I post, he'd probably protect you by going after me.



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I am soo happy for you Stacie! You have a new life friend. She sounds

like a wonderfully smart dog. She will be a big asset to giving you

freedom to do more things. She may not be able to actually read but

she will be doing alot of other things with you there to help guide her.

Bonnie aka joy


> bill shes smat enough to read  however i wont let her read the bad

emails  got to protect her eyes from  tha:) no really your emails are

great i'm sue if she could read she would laugh and cry and smile as

needed  but it wont suprize me a bit if she could sead shes learned

over 55 complex task and 200 commands !  so shes mart enough to knwo

how to read !  whoever said shelter dogs dont amount to nothing never

met kira or dogs lke her that came from shelter life !!!!! it's a

shame such great smart dogs are in shelters! if only they knew the

potincal these dogs have when time is given and love is shown and

returned oh and a few treats are involved !




> Re: Questions



> Bob, my friend, is currently in critical but stable consition.  He

was given what was describd as a paralyzing drug and he is currently

not conscious.  There's been talkmnabout some sort of infection. 

Having had endocarditis myself, I know that was not it unless the

symptoms before hand never happened.  Reports are sketchy, but

supposedly the EMT's gave himtheir own defibrillator, but I have never

heard of that hapenig to one of us with an ICD.  I'd think that it

would be pretty dangerous.  Of course I think a vacuum in my hand is

pretty dangerous.


> Will post more as I learn it.


> And for Stacie:  congratulations on your new family member.  I'm

sure you two will be great together.  Hopefully your dog can't read. 

Becasue if he did and he read the drivel I post, he'd probably protect

you by going after me.


> Best.


> Bill





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  • 4 months later...

Hi ,

I checked a little into this after reading your post and I wonder to what

you're referring specifically. E.g. this


says that the health benefits of kombucha are unproven by modern medical

science and that serious problems can occur if you don't brew correctly. The

blog does not claim that under normal conditions there are no health

benefits of kombucha.

According to the wikipedia entry


recent research suggests that kombucha contains not glucuronic acid but

another acid that makes glucuronic acid operate more effectively in the

digestive tract, leading it to be excreted with toxins rather than

reabsorbed. Again, this doesn't disprove or argue against health benefits --

it suggests a somewhat different mechanism of detoxification.



> I'm from Wisconsin. I've been brewing and drinking kombucha for

> a little over 2 years. I first became interested in kombucha after

> reading Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. I bought some GT's

> kombucha at the store--it was so delicious I started making my own.


> Just recently I've seen websites (some linked to here) that kombucha

> does not have many of the health benefits that others claim. GT

> Dave's kombucha clearly lists B vitamins as well as folic acid on the

> nutrition label--which, I assume, had to be 3rd-party verified. I've

> also read conflicting reports about whether there is glucuronic acid

> in kombucha.


> So, what are the health benefits of kombucha? Some sources have

> amazing claims, other sources say it may even impair your health. I

> absolutely love the taste, I'd be heartbroken to give it up.


> Thanks,



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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Ok Lois this CRACKS me up. LOL, LOL......"if they can handle my big mouth" Too funny. :) BTW, I love Geraniums (hydrangea is my fav, but I adore Ger. too----- as well as Reese's candy...if that is the way you spell it :) Great taste Lois :)


From: lois noland <jlois@...>autism Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2009 8:43:24 PMSubject: Questions

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:30am 2.. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Can't remenber-To long ago4. What is your favorite TV show? Dancing with the stars!5. What do you usually have for breakfast? coffee ,cereal6. What is your middle name? Jean7. What food20do you dislike? Osyters

8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Journey

9. What kind of car do you drive? Dodge van10. Favorite sandwich? Veggie sub11. What characteristic do you despise? People who think they are all that........ ...

12. Favorite item of clothing? Shorts13. If you could=2 0go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Love the beach!

14. Favorite brand of clothing? Whatever is on sale15. Where would you retire to? The beach!16. What was your most memorable birthday?

I was at work and the ladies had me a 50th birthday party and they had black balloons and san "The old gray mare just ain't what she use to be"!!!!!! LOL!

17. Favorite sport to watch ?Don't like to watch...Like to do....

18. Furthest place you are sending this? Good question????19. Person you expect to send it back first?? I don't know, and it's OK whoever or not :)

20. When is your birthday? May 10th21. Are you a morning person or a night person? morning...22. What is your shoe size? 7 to 823. Pets? 2 dogs and a "pet" husband! LOL!

24. Any new and exciting news you 'd like to share with us? JJ has had 2 good days!

25. What did you want to be when you were little? A hairdresser

26. How are you today? Doing well27. What is your favorite candy? Reeses28. What is your favorite flower? Geraniums

29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? When summer comes and I am off work for the summer30. What's your full name? too much info for online... :)

31. What are you listening to right now?JJ "talking" haha!32. What was the last thing you ate?Cake!

33. Do you wish on stars? No

34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple

35. How is the weather right now? about 65 degrees36.. The first person you spoke to on the phone today My older son ..37. Favorite soft drink? I drink alot of Propel flavered water

38. Favorite restaurant? All I ever hit is burger king! LOL!39. Real hair color? Brunette

40. What was your favorite toy as a child? My playhouse that had electric in it!!! (In the 60's)!!!!41. Summer or winter? Summer!!!!!! !!!!42. Hugs or kisses? Kisses43.. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla44. Coffee or tea? Coffee45. Do you want your friends to email you back? I would love to know each of you better, and or in a "fun" way!!!!46. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday

47. What is under your bed? Who knows!

48. What did you do last night? Went bike riding with JJ49. What are you afraid of ? Worrying about JJ

50. Salty or sweet? Both!51. How many keys on your key ring? 452.. How many years at your current job? 7!

53. Favorite day of the week? Friday as I am looking forward to the weekend

54. How many towns have you lived in? 155. Do you make friends easily? If they like listening to my big mouth! haha!56. How many people will you send this to? Lots and lots57 Thinking about right now Duck tape for JJ's mouth! Just Kidding!

58. How many will respond? dont know 0A

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hello lois just wanted to see if u were online?

From: lois noland <jlois@...>autism Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 9:14:54 PMSubject: Re: Questions

I have about 20 geraiums in my yard. All colors. And I like anything with chcolate and peanutbutter together. Lois

Re: Questions

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