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In a message dated 4/2/01 11:48:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Scherb@... writes:

<< And have you noticed how once a dr sticks his dx on your child, then

everyone chimes in " Well we knew that! " It would help so much if they said

something before. Then you could start treatment sooner.



I never had that happen! LOL The doc that dx'd Seth is the only one who

believes he is autistic. LOL Maybe that's why I find it difficult to

believe, even though he has every symptom.


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> << And have you noticed how once a dr sticks his dx on your child,

> then

> everyone chimes in " Well we knew that! " It would help so much if

> they said

> something before. Then you could start treatment sooner.

> >>



I had this happen.

When Matt was first diagnosed with ASD, his pediatrician said " I always

thought there was something else up besides the DOwn syndrome. And I

suspected autism, but didnt' want to alarm you until you saw an expert?

Then, we went to a different psychiatrist (Insurance stuff!) about 2

years later, who claimed that Matt did not have autism, but something

else that escapes me now (brain fart!). I didn't believe him, as he saw

Matt for a total of 1/2 hour before coming up with this wonderful

diagnosis and it was the same as the children he was used to seeing in

his residential facility-not one for children with Mental Retardation,

but one for children who were severely acting out.

So I told the ped what this guy said and he said " I never really believed

that Matt was autistic. " From my experience as a nurse, most docs are

like that. You, as a nurse, have to plant the idea for something in their

heads, leaving it to be " their " idea, and then they " discover " it!




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> << And have you noticed how once a dr sticks his dx on your child,

> then

> everyone chimes in " Well we knew that! " It would help so much if

> they said

> something before. Then you could start treatment sooner.

> >>



I had this happen.

When Matt was first diagnosed with ASD, his pediatrician said " I always

thought there was something else up besides the DOwn syndrome. And I

suspected autism, but didnt' want to alarm you until you saw an expert?

Then, we went to a different psychiatrist (Insurance stuff!) about 2

years later, who claimed that Matt did not have autism, but something

else that escapes me now (brain fart!). I didn't believe him, as he saw

Matt for a total of 1/2 hour before coming up with this wonderful

diagnosis and it was the same as the children he was used to seeing in

his residential facility-not one for children with Mental Retardation,

but one for children who were severely acting out.

So I told the ped what this guy said and he said " I never really believed

that Matt was autistic. " From my experience as a nurse, most docs are

like that. You, as a nurse, have to plant the idea for something in their

heads, leaving it to be " their " idea, and then they " discover " it!




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, Your post made me think about some of the drs we

have had for especially the one in the E.R.once

who informed us that he had d.s. he was 3 at the time

so i kinda think we knew. Whenever a friend of mine

hears a dr story she always asks this ??? What do you

call a dr who graduated last in his

class?????????????? DOCTOR !! Carole

--- J Stolz <stolzfamily@...> wrote:


> > << And have you noticed how once a dr sticks his

> dx on your child,

> > then

> > everyone chimes in " Well we knew that! " It would

> help so much if

> > they said

> > something before. Then you could start treatment

> sooner.

> > >>

> >

> ,

> I had this happen.

> When Matt was first diagnosed with ASD, his

> pediatrician said " I always

> thought there was something else up besides the DOwn

> syndrome. And I

> suspected autism, but didnt' want to alarm you until

> you saw an expert?

> Then, we went to a different psychiatrist (Insurance

> stuff!) about 2

> years later, who claimed that Matt did not have

> autism, but something

> else that escapes me now (brain fart!). I didn't

> believe him, as he saw

> Matt for a total of 1/2 hour before coming up with

> this wonderful

> diagnosis and it was the same as the children he was

> used to seeing in

> his residential facility-not one for children with

> Mental Retardation,

> but one for children who were severely acting out.

> So I told the ped what this guy said and he said " I

> never really believed

> that Matt was autistic. " From my experience as a

> nurse, most docs are

> like that. You, as a nurse, have to plant the idea

> for something in their

> heads, leaving it to be " their " idea, and then they

> " discover " it!


> S




> Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for

> less!

> Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit:

> http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.



Carole, wife of Rich, mom to and , m-i-l to and ,

grandmom to ,9,with d.s.and a.s.d. and 6 with adhd and possible

a.s.d.and Logan 2 year old chatterbox and Seth,9month old in to everything.Be

wise in the way you act toward outsiders;make the most of every



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I have been so flat out lately, havent had time to check my hotmail

inbox so sorry if there is an message from you patiently waiting.

I went for a sleep study last night. Do you by any chance have sleep

apnea as well? Evidently I do, so that explains some of the tiredness


When I woke in the unit this morning with some kamakaze nurse ripping

the sticky pads off my face at 6am, my only complaint was how sore my

arm was. They had one of those finger pulse thingys on my finger all

night, which didnt bother me at all, but keeping my finger out

straight all night caused a major muscle bunch right up into my

elbow, it is still really very sore, I can see a ridge of muscle

right up my forearm and it hurts like hell to press. This morning I

couldnt move my finger or my arm for a few hours without wincing.

Nurse said she had never heard of anyone having that before. She

asked if I usually have problems with muscle stiffness.

Understatement of the year LOL!

I clean forgot you have endo. WOW, maybe we were seperated at birth!

I am now 100% sure that I have Menieres. I have wondered about it for

a while, however the past 2 weeks I have been so dizzy, all day

everyday, and if I turn or tilt my head, the room slightly spins. It

is not very bad, but bad enough for me to be spaced out, banging into

things, losing balance, cant walk in a straight line, nauseous from

the dizziness, etc. As it is nonstop, I am getting really sick of it.

I rang the surgeon who has been doing all the testing,and asked for

something to stop the dizziness, and I have to pick up the script

tomorrow. I havent been officially diagnosed, until I see him next

week however it is a foregone conclusion I think, with my mother and

grandmother both with it.

Hey this is too weird isnt it? If you have sleep apnea then we must

be related!!!!!

How are you both going ? Will check my hotmail account

tomorrow and catch up there as well. Things have been full on here,

with Jai sicker - peeing 42 plus times per day again. More about that


Interested in the endo, how much of a prob is it for you? My symptoms

are bleeding into the pouch of douglas (where ever that is LOL) the

blood is always there. Last scan it was 50 mls. There are septations

there now as well as a cyst. Guess this is due to the inflammation

from the blood pooling there. What do you think? The Drs have not

thought of endo here, although I have had this for years, and the

quantity of blood etc is getting larger.

Also, my periods are now lasting only 1 1/2 days at most, which seems

really weird, although from my reading it seems as though that can go

either way with endo. My hormonal levels were just checked, and all

is normal except my corticol is low (not sure what this means, Dr

just ignored it) Am trying to decide if he will think I am paranoid

if I ask him if it is possible if I have endo so thought I would get

some more info first. Does any of that ring a bell with you????

Talk to you soon

Lots of love


> ,


> I know we correspond off list, but I thought I should remind you

that our

> symptoms seem to be absolutely the same!! Are we twins?? I have

> Fibromyalgia, PCOS, hearing loss, thought to have meneires, but


> have mondini's, and endometriosis. We are in the same boat!!




> Diagnosis



> Well, it seems to be coming thick and fast lately.

> First I was told that I have Fybromyalgia.

> Then I was told that I had severe hypermobility.

> First I find out I have polycystic ovaries (yeah I knew this before,

> but finally got confirmation)

> Then I just found out I have significant hearing loss in one ear,

> this coupled with the dizziness is most probably Menieres (have a

> appoint in April for the specialist to go through all the test

> results as he had to scan to eliminate the possibility of a tumour

> etc, if that is clear, he will rule in Menieres, for certain)

> On Tuesday I have a sleep study as it is pretty certain that I have

> sleep apnea.

> I am also flaring up again with my regular symptoms (could be

> sjogrens) eyes extrememly dry, I am soo tired, aching etc

> Lastly, I read an article on endometriosis, and I am suspicious.

> Seems to explain some very longstanding problems in that dept.

> Whew, and here I thought that I had one thing, and it would explain

> all my symptoms. Seems as though that is not the case.

> ANyone here got much experience with polycystic ovaries or Menieres?

> bye for now




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even if

> it's easier to let go. " - Pueblo Prayer


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  • 8 months later...

It was our regualr md that mentiond it to me, i had no

idea, other than nathan's behavior was more than we

could handle, then we got refered to a pshychiatrist

and after a 3-4 hour appt they told us he was

autistic, and thats when we started considering meds

to help calm him plus behavior mangement thrugh his

psychologist team he sees. shawna




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  • 2 weeks later...


> Hi,


> What kind of doctor did y'all take your kids to to get a diagnosis?


> Thanks,


> We went to a pediatric psychologist! Best thing we ever did!






> ---------------------------------


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  • 11 months later...

Kennedy Kreiger is where I took her. But, I took her to a dev. ped. instead of

the CARD group. The CARD group was $1,800 and I just don't have that kind of

money and my insurance won't cover it. I was hoping that since the dev. ped.

works at Kennedy Kreiger he would be able to give us an accurate diagnosis. He

did say that her age made it difficult. He is also running a bunch of

blood/urine/genetic tests that will hopefully help. The infants & toddlers said

that since I have a formal diagnosis now they could put in a request for the

County psychologist to evaluate her. I said o.k. I figure what the heck.

Thank you! Pati

Re: diagnosis

Are you consider taking her to Kennedy Kreiger? That is where we got 's

diagnoses. They were very thorough I felt. It is expensive and will take all day

for all the testing that they do but well worth it I think.

One of the reason for not having a real clear diagnoses may be her age too.


Should I get a second opinion? I did take her to a top notch place (a

division of Hopkins hospital), specializing in autism. Should I have her

evaluated by a psychologist? My insurance will not pay for it, that is why I

went to a dev. ped. as a first step.

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land (Montgomery County). How about you? Pati

Re: diagnosis

What state are you in?


Kennedy Kreiger is where I took her. But, I took her to a dev. ped. instead

of the CARD group. The CARD group was $1,800 and I just don't have that kind of

money and my insurance won't cover it. I was hoping that since the dev. ped.

works at Kennedy Kreiger he would be able to give us an

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This is really getting interesting!! My husband and I are currently building a

house just outside of Hagerstown in Boonsboro, MD. I received the application

for state benefits and need to fill it out and send it in. I had to have a

diagnosis first, which I just got. I hope that the diagnosis I got will work.

The man at the state said that sometimes you can get approved for aid, but there

is a waiting list for services. Do you know if that includes the insurance?

Thanks so much for the info, I will try to get approved. How old is ? Pati

Re: diagnosis

Pa-Chambersburg. Not far from Hagerstown at all.

Is your daughter eligible for SSI benefits? If so, she would be eligible for the

state insurance that goes with it. Here in Pa it is called ACCESS. It can only

be used in state though, but it would I think, pay for full testing at KKI.


land (Montgomery County). How about you? Pati

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Also, if you wouldn't mind-What do SSI benefits include? They sent me an

application with no explanation of what I was applying for. Thanks. Pati

Re: diagnosis

Pa-Chambersburg. Not far from Hagerstown at all.

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I do feel that my sons Asperger Diagnosis was also from lack of Oxygen at birth.

He had the cord around his neck if I am not mistaken twice and he was on 40%

oxygen for 4-6 hours. Of course I also think there is some family history that

goes along with it so I guess you can take your choice HAHAHAHA. Anyway Lack of

Oxygen does cause neurological problems.



I just got my daughter's written report from the developmental pediatrican

today where we went for a diagnosis. is is 2 1/2. The doctor said under

the diagnostic impressions that some of her abilities could be considered as a

pervasive development disorder, others receptive-expressive lang. disorder, and

others mental retardation, thus he feels her best diagnosis is encephalopathy,

which according to my ped. is a very general term that means neourological


My problem is, I don't know what to do with this diagnosis. Should I be

considering an ABA program and all the other suggestions for PDD? I see other

people on this sight have a clear diagnosis.

Should I get a second opinion? I did take her to a top notch place (a

division of Hopkins hospital), specializing in autism. Should I have her

evaluated by a psychologist? My insurance will not pay for it, that is why I

went to a dev. ped. as a first step.

Also, as a side note, my daughter displays the same behaviors as many of the

other people on this sight, major speech & cogn. development delays, major

repetitive behaviors, sensory issues (craver), fearless, scared of new places

and crowds, stays up for hours at night. She seems to want to interact with

people sometimes but can't understand language.

Lastly, she had emergency open heart surgery at five weeks old (TAPVR) to

re-arrange the arteries around the heart and repair a hole. This was a birth

defect that had been overlooked until she turned BLUE during a feeding at five

weeks and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor thinks that this lack of

oxygen to her brain, from birth to five weeks, may be responsible for her issues

now. Does anyone else have a situation like this? Sorry for the novel!! I

just want to give you the whole picture. Details are my specialty :) Pati

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I guess I'm wondering, does the cause matter when trying to decide on treatment

methods, esp. ABA, and GF & CF diets. From what I have read, there seems to be

certain sub-groups under the spectrum that respond differently to treatments and

I'm not sure if the cause of their disorder matters. Pati


I just got my daughter's written report from the developmental pediatrican

today where we went for a diagnosis. is is 2 1/2. The doctor said under

the diagnostic impressions that some of her abilities could be considered as a

pervasive development disorder, others receptive-expressive lang. disorder, and

others mental retardation, thus he feels her best diagnosis is encephalopathy,

which according to my ped. is a very general term that means neourological


My problem is, I don't know what to do with this diagnosis. Should I be

considering an ABA program and all the other suggestions for PDD? I see other

people on this sight have a clear diagnosis.

Should I get a second opinion? I did take her to a top notch place (a

division of Hopkins hospital), specializing in autism. Should I have her

evaluated by a psychologist? My insurance will not pay for it, that is why I

went to a dev. ped. as a first step.

Also, as a side note, my daughter displays the same behaviors as many of the

other people on this sight, major speech & cogn. development delays, major

repetitive behaviors, sensory issues (craver), fearless, scared of new places

and crowds, stays up for hours at night. She seems to want to interact with

people sometimes but can't understand language.

Lastly, she had emergency open heart surgery at five weeks old (TAPVR) to

re-arrange the arteries around the heart and repair a hole. This was a birth

defect that had been overlooked until she turned BLUE during a feeding at five

weeks and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor thinks that this lack of

oxygen to her brain, from birth to five weeks, may be responsible for her issues

now. Does anyone else have a situation like this? Sorry for the novel!! I

just want to give you the whole picture. Details are my specialty :) Pati

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Are you consider taking her to Kennedy Kreiger? That is where we got 's

diagnoses. They were very thorough I felt. It is expensive and will take all day

for all the testing that they do but well worth it I think.

One of the reason for not having a real clear diagnoses may be her age too.


Should I get a second opinion? I did take her to a top notch place (a

division of Hopkins hospital), specializing in autism. Should I have her

evaluated by a psychologist? My insurance will not pay for it, that is why I

went to a dev. ped. as a first step.

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What state are you in?


Kennedy Kreiger is where I took her. But, I took her to a dev. ped. instead

of the CARD group. The CARD group was $1,800 and I just don't have that kind of

money and my insurance won't cover it. I was hoping that since the dev. ped.

works at Kennedy Kreiger he would be able to give us an

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Pa-Chambersburg. Not far from Hagerstown at all.

Is your daughter eligible for SSI benefits? If so, she would be eligible for the

state insurance that goes with it. Here in Pa it is called ACCESS. It can only

be used in state though, but it would I think, pay for full testing at KKI.


land (Montgomery County). How about you? Pati

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Did your daughter have an MRI of the brain? If she has encephalopathy due

to lack of oxygen at 5 weeks, there may be changes on the MRI to support

this diagnosis.

Sam Abdul-Rahim

>From: " PATRICIA HOYT " <phoyt916@...>


> " Autism_in_Girl " <Autism_in_Girls >

>Subject: diagnosis

>Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 21:55:56 -0500


>I just got my daughter's written report from the developmental pediatrican

>today where we went for a diagnosis. is is 2 1/2. The doctor said

>under the diagnostic impressions that some of her abilities could be

>considered as a pervasive development disorder, others receptive-expressive

>lang. disorder, and others mental retardation, thus he feels her best

>diagnosis is encephalopathy, which according to my ped. is a very general

>term that means neourological disorder.


>My problem is, I don't know what to do with this diagnosis. Should I be

>considering an ABA program and all the other suggestions for PDD? I see

>other people on this sight have a clear diagnosis.


>Should I get a second opinion? I did take her to a top notch place (a

>division of Hopkins hospital), specializing in autism. Should I have

>her evaluated by a psychologist? My insurance will not pay for it, that is

>why I went to a dev. ped. as a first step.


>Also, as a side note, my daughter displays the same behaviors as many of

>the other people on this sight, major speech & cogn. development delays,

>major repetitive behaviors, sensory issues (craver), fearless, scared of

>new places and crowds, stays up for hours at night. She seems to want to

>interact with people sometimes but can't understand language.


>Lastly, she had emergency open heart surgery at five weeks old (TAPVR) to

>re-arrange the arteries around the heart and repair a hole. This was a

>birth defect that had been overlooked until she turned BLUE during a

>feeding at five weeks and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor thinks

>that this lack of oxygen to her brain, from birth to five weeks, may be

>responsible for her issues now. Does anyone else have a situation like

>this? Sorry for the novel!! I just want to give you the whole picture.

>Details are my specialty :) Pati





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You know I am still new in all of this and I have absolutely no clue.



I just got my daughter's written report from the developmental pediatrican

today where we went for a diagnosis. is is 2 1/2. The doctor said under

the diagnostic impressions that some of her abilities could be considered as a

pervasive development disorder, others receptive-expressive lang. disorder, and

others mental retardation, thus he feels her best diagnosis is encephalopathy,

which according to my ped. is a very general term that means neourological


My problem is, I don't know what to do with this diagnosis. Should I be

considering an ABA program and all the other suggestions for PDD? I see other

people on this sight have a clear diagnosis.

Should I get a second opinion? I did take her to a top notch place (a

division of Hopkins hospital), specializing in autism. Should I have her

evaluated by a psychologist? My insurance will not pay for it, that is why I

went to a dev. ped. as a first step.

Also, as a side note, my daughter displays the same behaviors as many of the

other people on this sight, major speech & cogn. development delays, major

repetitive behaviors, sensory issues (craver), fearless, scared of new places

and crowds, stays up for hours at night. She seems to want to interact with

people sometimes but can't understand language.

Lastly, she had emergency open heart surgery at five weeks old (TAPVR) to

re-arrange the arteries around the heart and repair a hole. This was a birth

defect that had been overlooked until she turned BLUE during a feeding at five

weeks and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor thinks that this lack of

oxygen to her brain, from birth to five weeks, may be responsible for her issues

now. Does anyone else have a situation like this? Sorry for the novel!! I

just want to give you the whole picture. Details are my specialty :) Pati

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Thank you! I will check into it!

is' doctor has been negative about doing CAT scan, MRI, etc. because he

believes that finding the cause isn't that important because it would not change

the way she is treated and he says often those types of tests don't show

anything. I'm not sure I agree with that. I believe an accurate diagnosis is

important in understanding your child and helping them. What do you think?



>Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 21:55:56 -0500


>I just got my daughter's written report from the developmental pediatrican

>today where we went for a diagnosis. is is 2 1/2. The doctor said

>under the diagnostic impressions that some of her abilities could be

>considered as a pervasive development disorder, others receptive-expressive

>lang. disorder, and others mental retardation, thus he feels her best

>diagnosis is encephalopathy, which according to my ped. is a very general

>term that means neourological disorder.


>My problem is, I don't know what to do with this diagnosis. Should I be

>considering an ABA program and all the other suggestions for PDD? I see

>other people on this sight have a clear diagnosis.


>Should I get a second opinion? I did take her to a top notch place (a

>division of Hopkins hospital), specializing in autism. Should I have

>her evaluated by a psychologist? My insurance will not pay for it, that is

>why I went to a dev. ped. as a first step.


>Also, as a side note, my daughter displays the same behaviors as many of

>the other people on this sight, major speech & cogn. development delays,

>major repetitive behaviors, sensory issues (craver), fearless, scared of

>new places and crowds, stays up for hours at night. She seems to want to

>interact with people sometimes but can't understand language.


>Lastly, she had emergency open heart surgery at five weeks old (TAPVR) to

>re-arrange the arteries around the heart and repair a hole. This was a

>birth defect that had been overlooked until she turned BLUE during a

>feeding at five weeks and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor thinks

>that this lack of oxygen to her brain, from birth to five weeks, may be

>responsible for her issues now. Does anyone else have a situation like

>this? Sorry for the novel!! I just want to give you the whole picture.

>Details are my specialty :) Pati





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I am new at all this too! Thanks for the input! Pati


I just got my daughter's written report from the developmental pediatrican

today where we went for a diagnosis. is is 2 1/2. The doctor said under

the diagnostic impressions that some of her abilities could be considered as a

pervasive development disorder, others receptive-expressive lang. disorder, and

others mental retardation, thus he feels her best diagnosis is encephalopathy,

which according to my ped. is a very general term that means neourological


My problem is, I don't know what to do with this diagnosis. Should I be

considering an ABA program and all the other suggestions for PDD? I see other

people on this sight have a clear diagnosis.

Should I get a second opinion? I did take her to a top notch place (a

division of Hopkins hospital), specializing in autism. Should I have her

evaluated by a psychologist? My insurance will not pay for it, that is why I

went to a dev. ped. as a first step.

Also, as a side note, my daughter displays the same behaviors as many of the

other people on this sight, major speech & cogn. development delays, major

repetitive behaviors, sensory issues (craver), fearless, scared of new places

and crowds, stays up for hours at night. She seems to want to interact with

people sometimes but can't understand language.

Lastly, she had emergency open heart surgery at five weeks old (TAPVR) to

re-arrange the arteries around the heart and repair a hole. This was a birth

defect that had been overlooked until she turned BLUE during a feeding at five

weeks and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor thinks that this lack of

oxygen to her brain, from birth to five weeks, may be responsible for her issues

now. Does anyone else have a situation like this? Sorry for the novel!! I

just want to give you the whole picture. Details are my specialty :) Pati

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I'm pretty sure that a child who is sick should NOT recieve a flu shot

until they are better. Call a pharmacist and ask them, sometimes they

are less biased than docs when it comes to these things.

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The more accurate the diagnosis the better. You might also consider a

second opinion from a pediatric neurologist, if you haven't done that



>From: " PATRICIA HOYT " <phoyt916@...>


> " Autism_in_Girl " <Autism_in_Girls >

>Subject: Re: diagnosis

>Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 10:57:11 -0500


>Thank you! I will check into it!

>is' doctor has been negative about doing CAT scan, MRI, etc. because

>he believes that finding the cause isn't that important because it would

>not change the way she is treated and he says often those types of tests

>don't show anything. I'm not sure I agree with that. I believe an

>accurate diagnosis is important in understanding your child and helping

>them. What do you think? Pati


> diagnosis

> >Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 21:55:56 -0500

> >

> >I just got my daughter's written report from the developmental


> >today where we went for a diagnosis. is is 2 1/2. The doctor said

> >under the diagnostic impressions that some of her abilities could be

> >considered as a pervasive development disorder, others


> >lang. disorder, and others mental retardation, thus he feels her best

> >diagnosis is encephalopathy, which according to my ped. is a very general

> >term that means neourological disorder.

> >

> >My problem is, I don't know what to do with this diagnosis. Should I be

> >considering an ABA program and all the other suggestions for PDD? I see

> >other people on this sight have a clear diagnosis.

> >

> >Should I get a second opinion? I did take her to a top notch place (a

> >division of Hopkins hospital), specializing in autism. Should I


> >her evaluated by a psychologist? My insurance will not pay for it, that


> >why I went to a dev. ped. as a first step.

> >

> >Also, as a side note, my daughter displays the same behaviors as many of

> >the other people on this sight, major speech & cogn. development delays,

> >major repetitive behaviors, sensory issues (craver), fearless, scared of

> >new places and crowds, stays up for hours at night. She seems to want to

> >interact with people sometimes but can't understand language.

> >

> >Lastly, she had emergency open heart surgery at five weeks old (TAPVR) to

> >re-arrange the arteries around the heart and repair a hole. This was a

> >birth defect that had been overlooked until she turned BLUE during a

> >feeding at five weeks and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor thinks

> >that this lack of oxygen to her brain, from birth to five weeks, may be

> >responsible for her issues now. Does anyone else have a situation like

> >this? Sorry for the novel!! I just want to give you the whole picture.

> >Details are my specialty :) Pati

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I think you are right. I won't be getting it while she is sick, but I'm not

sure if I should get it at all because of the Mercury issue. On the other hand,

she does get sick alot and I hate to see her suffer through the winter with

illnesses. I will talk to her doctor about the mercury issue, but I won't be

surprised if he downplays it like everything else! Is anyone else getting flu

shots for their kids? Pati

Re: diagnosis

I'm pretty sure that a child who is sick should NOT recieve a flu shot

until they are better. Call a pharmacist and ask them, sometimes they

are less biased than docs when it comes to these things.

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Thanks Sam. Pati


> >Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 21:55:56 -0500

> >

> >I just got my daughter's written report from the developmental


> >today where we went for a diagnosis. is is 2 1/2. The doctor said

> >under the diagnostic impressions that some of her abilities could be

> >considered as a pervasive development disorder, others


> >lang. disorder, and others mental retardation, thus he feels her best

> >diagnosis is encephalopathy, which according to my ped. is a very general

> >term that means neourological disorder.

> >

> >My problem is, I don't know what to do with this diagnosis. Should I be

> >considering an ABA program and all the other suggestions for PDD? I see

> >other people on this sight have a clear diagnosis.

> >

> >Should I get a second opinion? I did take her to a top notch place (a

> >division of Hopkins hospital), specializing in autism. Should I


> >her evaluated by a psychologist? My insurance will not pay for it, that


> >why I went to a dev. ped. as a first step.

> >

> >Also, as a side note, my daughter displays the same behaviors as many of

> >the other people on this sight, major speech & cogn. development delays,

> >major repetitive behaviors, sensory issues (craver), fearless, scared of

> >new places and crowds, stays up for hours at night. She seems to want to

> >interact with people sometimes but can't understand language.

> >

> >Lastly, she had emergency open heart surgery at five weeks old (TAPVR) to

> >re-arrange the arteries around the heart and repair a hole. This was a

> >birth defect that had been overlooked until she turned BLUE during a

> >feeding at five weeks and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor thinks

> >that this lack of oxygen to her brain, from birth to five weeks, may be

> >responsible for her issues now. Does anyone else have a situation like

> >this? Sorry for the novel!! I just want to give you the whole picture.

> >Details are my specialty :) Pati

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Message: 18

Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 23:41:13 -0500

From what i have seen, gf/cf works particularly well on children who developed

well and had subsequent regression, and even more so for children who have a

history of antibiotic use.

I have aspergers and althouth i do not have that history, personally g.cf and

enzymes helped me a lot as an adult. 10 months on, people are commenting on how

well i look. nobody has ever told me i look well before.

addressing the issue of phenols through enzymes seems to be efficacious vor many

children who have add/adhd and very red ears.


From: " PATRICIA HOYT " <phoyt916@...>

Subject: Re: diagnosis

I guess I'm wondering, does the cause matter when trying to decide on treatment

methods, esp. ABA, and GF & CF diets. From what I have read, there seems to be

certain sub-groups under the spectrum that respond differently to treatments and

I'm not sure if the cause of their disorder matters. Pati


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