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has had no reaction or side effect with the first infusion so

hopefully it will continue like that.


osdbmom wrote:

> ok, so Dale, I understand your percentages you posted the other

> day.Regarding IVIG reactions, I mean. But then almost everyone I read

> on this board's child has flu like reactions, or nausea, or headaches,

> or fatigue for a few days afterwards. So, do you mean the difference

> between a REACTION(like, allergic or dystonic) and a side effect? Is

> that what I am reading about with the other kids, just a side effect,

> vs a reaction? Please just clear me up here, so I know what I am

> looking at.

> and oh, the benedryl.Savannah does fine with benedryl, its steroids I

> am worried about........she has psychotic reactions to any kind of

> oral steroid, like prelone. and they are not fun, and involve a LOT of

> screaming.

> thanks, valarie






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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

For us we were doing 50mg of diflucan twice a day if I remember

correctly. Check with your doctor. Nothing unique about using

diflucan with our kids. I would move to three times a day on

Valtrex when you are able. A greater number of kids seem to do well

with that.

Valtrex is prescribed for EBV. I wouldn't mess around with it. I

would jump in with Valtrex and you can always add OLE and VS or

switch later on, but I would jump in with Valtrex. Just my opinion.

- Stan


> Hi again,


> I have been praying that it would be clear if this was the route

we were to take. I think I got the answer! I just received copies

of labs including some viral panels we did through Labcorp. The

only ones out of range were:

> test/result/rr

> Neutrophils /53/30-49

> lymphs/35/36-65

> creatinine, serum/0.3L mg/dL/0.5-1.5

> BUN/Creatinine Ratio/53/8-27

> EBV Ab VCA, IgG/225U/mL/0-99

> prealbumin/19Lmg/dL/20-40


> Does EBV respond better to Valtrex or OLE/Virastop? She sent me

and RX for Valtrex 500mg 1/2 ? BID, if tolerated increase to ? BID -

can't read it very well but does this sound right? My son is about

30#. She also said to give monolauren 300 to 600mg/day - where do I

get this? I plan on calling for an RX for Diflucan tomorrow. How

should that be written? How long does he have to be on Diflucan

prior to starting the valtrex? I have seen post written about

dosing valtrex 3xday - should I have the rx re-written? Anything

else I need to know before getting started?

> Thanks again!





> ---------------------------------

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For us we were doing 50mg of diflucan twice a day if I remember

correctly. Check with your doctor. Nothing unique about using

diflucan with our kids. I would move to three times a day on

Valtrex when you are able. A greater number of kids seem to do well

with that.

Valtrex is prescribed for EBV. I wouldn't mess around with it. I

would jump in with Valtrex and you can always add OLE and VS or

switch later on, but I would jump in with Valtrex. Just my opinion.

- Stan


> Hi again,


> I have been praying that it would be clear if this was the route

we were to take. I think I got the answer! I just received copies

of labs including some viral panels we did through Labcorp. The

only ones out of range were:

> test/result/rr

> Neutrophils /53/30-49

> lymphs/35/36-65

> creatinine, serum/0.3L mg/dL/0.5-1.5

> BUN/Creatinine Ratio/53/8-27

> EBV Ab VCA, IgG/225U/mL/0-99

> prealbumin/19Lmg/dL/20-40


> Does EBV respond better to Valtrex or OLE/Virastop? She sent me

and RX for Valtrex 500mg 1/2 ? BID, if tolerated increase to ? BID -

can't read it very well but does this sound right? My son is about

30#. She also said to give monolauren 300 to 600mg/day - where do I

get this? I plan on calling for an RX for Diflucan tomorrow. How

should that be written? How long does he have to be on Diflucan

prior to starting the valtrex? I have seen post written about

dosing valtrex 3xday - should I have the rx re-written? Anything

else I need to know before getting started?

> Thanks again!





> ---------------------------------

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We're only doing 4mg once a day, as the dr. prescribed. Is the dosing dependent upon body weight? Wonder if my son's regression isn't really due to Valtrex, but to yeast overgrowth because we aren't doing enough about it.


From: mb12 valtrex [mailto:mb12 valtrex ] On Behalf Of Stan KurtzSent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 2:09 PMmb12 valtrex Subject: Re: More questions

For us we were doing 50mg of diflucan twice a day if I remember correctly.

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We're only doing 4mg once a day, as the dr. prescribed. Is the dosing dependent upon body weight? Wonder if my son's regression isn't really due to Valtrex, but to yeast overgrowth because we aren't doing enough about it.


From: mb12 valtrex [mailto:mb12 valtrex ] On Behalf Of Stan KurtzSent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 2:09 PMmb12 valtrex Subject: Re: More questions

For us we were doing 50mg of diflucan twice a day if I remember correctly.

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  • 3 months later...

The lympth nodes can be from abnormal white blood cell counts and they should return to normal . It just takes a little time for the meds to completely be out of your system . It can take up to 6 months to fully get the tx meds out of your system , but you should see the doc about the lympth glands to be safe .Most doc's will do a one month post tx pcr if you ask them , but if not the usual is 3 months , 6months and 1 yr .By the way congratulations on completing treatment !

More Questions

Hi All,

I finished treatment on July 27 and my doctor will run the PCR tests at three months and six months to see if I stay clear. Three months seems like such a long time to wait (patience is not a strong point for me) so I am wondering when most people get their after treatment PCR. Has anyone ever been tested at one month?

Also, over the last two weeks, I am noticing that my lymph glands are swollen throughout my neck and underarm area. Has anyone who's done treatment had this type of after side effect? Yes I will go to the doctor, but in the meantime I am hoping that someone can share their experiences.



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  • 1 year later...
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Sounds like my son Lucas.  He was also FTT at 2 and did not eat anything and

gagged and choked and had constant tantrums etc etc. There are both physical as

well as emotional causes for much of what you are talking about. some kids seem

to be fine others like my son have other emotional ( my son is ADD, bipolar,

severe anxiety, SID etc etc) he has a high IQ and does well overall but really

struggles.  I had my own company during the early years so I was the

employer but it was very hard since I had to spend so much time with him being

sick and it was impossible to leave him in daycare. Both for medical as well as

emotional issues. I was able to find a home daycare where he was the only child

except for her girls. He did OK but still got everything the kids had +++++ but

did not get well EVER without an antibiotic.  

As far as your daughter some testing can be done now but some of it will not be

accurate until her immune system is on its own for awhile. ususally at about age

2. But yes they can do some of the testing. Some kids can really go down hill

after they stop nursing so keep it up as long as you can. A couple of years may

be very helpful if you can. May just help to reduce the # and severity of

overall infections with the extra boost from your immune system. Not too many

studies in that line but lots of anecdotal info from moms about he # of

infections. Yes you will have lots of lots of questions. Many will answer but I

think it is pretty quiet tonight. Hope this helps a little bit.BARBIE 

More questions

Sorry again for all the questions!

Curious about how everyone in the family was tested?

Did the PED Immun. rec these tests or did you get referred to


My daughter is only 11months and she has had a UTI and 4xs with

fevers since she started solids at 6months. I still breastfeed her

currently and I was wondering about the procedures for testing


Also how many moms work outside the home and what reactions have you

received from your employer?

I also wanted to add that I have started reading the older messages

however with three kids and a full time job.. my time is always

crunched so please bear with me if I ask stuff that has already been


One more thing (honest)

I am reading that lots of your kiddos also have SID and eating issues

(DIAG w FTT before age 2 and went to feeding therapy).... That has

been our battle as well!!! Lance only eats a handful of foods and

that is on a good day. He would go all day and eat nothing if I

didn't remind him that he MUST eat. (Hence meds are very difficult

with him) He also hates showers and certain smells and he hates

watching his little sister eat. (He will even gag when looking at

her!) AND he is VERY VERY HYPER when he is feeling good!

So that is more info in a nutshell!




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Hi, and welcome. Im Valarie, mom to four kids, three with CVID, two of

those with sensory problems. All my kids have allergies, asthma, and

reflux. Once it was realized three of the children had CVID, we did

test my other child, just bc she had a tendency to have a lot of sinus

problems, etc, but her IGs are fine. We've tested yearly for over two

yrs, and she's still fine. We've not seen any genetics dr, we've done

everything through first pulmonary, then infectious disease drs. I

used to work, I dont anymore and I havent in about 5 yrs. It became so

that I was calling in more often than I was going to work, and then

our pulmo asked me to take one yr off work to try to get our boys

health under control. Well, that was five yrs ago, and I still cant go

back bc we have too many illnesses, appts, etc for me to keep

something steady. My ten yr old daughter(CVID) was just dx'd FTT, she

is also one with sensory problems. We're working hard on helping her

gain some weight. Both of mine with sensory problems did some

extensive OT and that helped a LOT. My youngest son was FTT before we

started IVIG, and now he is growing wonderfully:)



In , " ruley3 " <ruley3@...> wrote:


> Sorry again for all the questions!

> Curious about how everyone in the family was tested?

> Did the PED Immun. rec these tests or did you get referred to

> genetics?

> My daughter is only 11months and she has had a UTI and 4xs with

> fevers since she started solids at 6months. I still breastfeed her

> currently and I was wondering about the procedures for testing

> siblings?

> Also how many moms work outside the home and what reactions have you

> received from your employer?


> I also wanted to add that I have started reading the older messages

> however with three kids and a full time job.. my time is always

> crunched so please bear with me if I ask stuff that has already been

> posted....


> One more thing (honest)

> I am reading that lots of your kiddos also have SID and eating issues

> (DIAG w FTT before age 2 and went to feeding therapy)....That has

> been our battle as well!!! Lance only eats a handful of foods and

> that is on a good day. He would go all day and eat nothing if I

> didn't remind him that he MUST eat. (Hence meds are very difficult

> with him) He also hates showers and certain smells and he hates

> watching his little sister eat. (He will even gag when looking at

> her!) AND he is VERY VERY HYPER when he is feeling good!

> So that is more info in a nutshell!

> April


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Hi April,

My daughter is on the milder side of PID and I do work full time. She is in

a daycare and has been in the same one since she was diagnosed two years ago.

As she has gained diagnoses they have adapted and let me know when someone is

ill and understand what is ill for her. I work for an agency that works with

families with medical or developmental issues. I think because of this they

have been wonderful about all the issues that my daughter has had. They let me

work from home at times, at night, or on weekends to make up my time. I truly

believe that another job would have fired me long ago.

More questions

Sorry again for all the questions!

Curious about how everyone in the family was tested?

Did the PED Immun. rec these tests or did you get referred to


My daughter is only 11months and she has had a UTI and 4xs with

fevers since she started solids at 6months. I still breastfeed her

currently and I was wondering about the procedures for testing


Also how many moms work outside the home and what reactions have you

received from your employer?

I also wanted to add that I have started reading the older messages

however with three kids and a full time job.. my time is always

crunched so please bear with me if I ask stuff that has already been


One more thing (honest)

I am reading that lots of your kiddos also have SID and eating issues

(DIAG w FTT before age 2 and went to feeding therapy).... That has

been our battle as well!!! Lance only eats a handful of foods and

that is on a good day. He would go all day and eat nothing if I

didn't remind him that he MUST eat. (Hence meds are very difficult

with him) He also hates showers and certain smells and he hates

watching his little sister eat. (He will even gag when looking at

her!) AND he is VERY VERY HYPER when he is feeling good!

So that is more info in a nutshell!




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  • 2 years later...
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No, it will not damage.


From: Raw <raw@...>

Subject: More questions

Date: Monday, 17 May, 2010, 3:23 AM


Ok, I know that Mung Bean Sprouts like weight but what about the other

seeds? Do they like or dislike it, or do they care? What I'm thinking is I

can stack 2 or 3 colanders on top of one another to save space, will it

damage the sprouts underneath?

Lorri (WA)

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My answer is no, do put weight on sprouts other than mung. If you need to

stack, cut a piece of cardboard slightly larger than the colander and set the

next one on it. Drain really well or your cardboard will get wet and you'll be

cutting new pieces.


More questions

Ok, I know that Mung Bean Sprouts like weight but what about the other

seeds? Do they like or dislike it, or do they care? What I'm thinking is I

can stack 2 or 3 colanders on top of one another to save space, will it

damage the sprouts underneath?

Lorri (WA)

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OOOH that was a good question. Stacking colander on top of colander. I never

thought to do that. And when I read your response EW, I said " okay, he says

don't stack colanders " , so Melody won't stack colanders.

I do my own thing and so far, so good.


sproutlady Melody



> My answer is no, do put weight on sprouts other than mung. If you need to

stack, cut a piece of cardboard slightly larger than the colander and set the

next one on it. Drain really well or your cardboard will get wet and you'll be

cutting new pieces.

> ew









> More questions






> Ok, I know that Mung Bean Sprouts like weight but what about the other

> seeds? Do they like or dislike it, or do they care? What I'm thinking is I

> can stack 2 or 3 colanders on top of one another to save space, will it

> damage the sprouts underneath?


> Lorri (WA)



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  • 5 months later...


I've been reading your posts. I think you should get into pt asap to help with

muscle development and monitoring of general situation. Not sure about the

slings/wraps. Ask you pediatric. It might be okay to wear her the opposite way

she favors? I know when was treated got tortocolis at 4 months we had

to make sure his head was propped to counteract the tendancy to turn it to

favored direction. Someone should have checked his back THEN but that's a whole

different story.

Your child is young and u seem to be on top of things! Pt can show you things to

do at home to help. Best of luck!


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 24, 2010, at 12:58 AM, " chilliwackpitbull " <chilliwackpitbull@...>


First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are providing


Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...

She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(

I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to get

an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.

I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's back

get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis yet,

or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is my DH


So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?

As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.

I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are tied

while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so that

we can start actually talking about how to get her better.

It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about it!

Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do with

her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she said

no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby spends

in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and bouncy

chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice. Do any

of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a couple

woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her more

once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her (supported

in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core muscles)?

But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I shouldn't

be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just don't know!

Thanks again!


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I've been reading your posts. I think you should get into pt asap to help with

muscle development and monitoring of general situation. Not sure about the

slings/wraps. Ask you pediatric. It might be okay to wear her the opposite way

she favors? I know when was treated got tortocolis at 4 months we had

to make sure his head was propped to counteract the tendancy to turn it to

favored direction. Someone should have checked his back THEN but that's a whole

different story.

Your child is young and u seem to be on top of things! Pt can show you things to

do at home to help. Best of luck!


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 24, 2010, at 12:58 AM, " chilliwackpitbull " <chilliwackpitbull@...>


First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are providing


Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...

She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(

I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to get

an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.

I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's back

get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis yet,

or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is my DH


So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?

As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.

I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are tied

while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so that

we can start actually talking about how to get her better.

It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about it!

Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do with

her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she said

no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby spends

in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and bouncy

chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice. Do any

of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a couple

woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her more

once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her (supported

in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core muscles)?

But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I shouldn't

be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just don't know!

Thanks again!


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PS I love the name Audrey! Maybe u could ask the pediatrician about tummy time.

Ours said even at bens age 3.5 it's good to get him on tummy as much as possible

to build core muscles along spine.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 24, 2010, at 12:58 AM, " chilliwackpitbull " <chilliwackpitbull@...>


First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are providing


Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...

She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(

I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to get

an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.

I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's back

get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis yet,

or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is my DH


So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?

As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.

I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are tied

while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so that

we can start actually talking about how to get her better.

It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about it!

Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do with

her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she said

no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby spends

in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and bouncy

chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice. Do any

of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a couple

woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her more

once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her (supported

in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core muscles)?

But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I shouldn't

be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just don't know!

Thanks again!


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PS I love the name Audrey! Maybe u could ask the pediatrician about tummy time.

Ours said even at bens age 3.5 it's good to get him on tummy as much as possible

to build core muscles along spine.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 24, 2010, at 12:58 AM, " chilliwackpitbull " <chilliwackpitbull@...>


First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are providing


Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...

She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(

I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to get

an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.

I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's back

get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis yet,

or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is my DH


So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?

As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.

I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are tied

while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so that

we can start actually talking about how to get her better.

It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about it!

Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do with

her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she said

no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby spends

in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and bouncy

chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice. Do any

of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a couple

woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her more

once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her (supported

in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core muscles)?

But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I shouldn't

be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just don't know!

Thanks again!


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I'll push for the PT referral now, rather than waiting until after the ortho

referral's gone through (which was the ped's initial plan, but we may be waiting

MONTHS for that ortho appointment). I did ask the ped about the

wrapping/wearing, and she said it was fine. However she was really surprised

that Audrey has a curve so young, said it's pretty much unheard of in babes taht

young, and I got the sense she wasn't very informed? I find our pediatricians

here in town are basically just GPs for babies/children - they do regular

checkup stuff, and if they find anything they just refer the child to BCCH's

appropriate department - they don't seem to diagnose or treat anything

themselves beyond ear aches and such.

As for tummy time, we try to do a little bit every day, but Audrey is NOT a fan

:( When she's on her tummy her curve becomes very noticeable and I think it's

uncomfortable for her. As I said, I do wear her a bit, which helps build up

those core muscles, and when she's not being worn she's often carried in arms -

I'm big on attachment parenting and have a busy demanding household so she

spends very little time where she's not being carried in some way or another.

As a result she's been able to lift her head and push up from her tummy since

she was 3 weeks old!

We did go swimming at the pool for the first time the other day, and she was

much happier to do her tummy time in the water. I think we're going to try to

go to the pool a couple of times a week, since she liked it so much :)


> First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are

providing :)


> Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...


> She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(


> I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to get

an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.


> I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's

back get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis

yet, or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is

my DH :(


> So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?


> As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.


> I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are

tied while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so

that we can start actually talking about how to get her better.


> It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about



> Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do with

her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she said

no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby spends

in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and bouncy

chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice. Do any

of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a couple

woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her more

once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her (supported

in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core muscles)?

But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I shouldn't

be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just don't know!


> Thanks again!




> ------------------------------------



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I'll push for the PT referral now, rather than waiting until after the ortho

referral's gone through (which was the ped's initial plan, but we may be waiting

MONTHS for that ortho appointment). I did ask the ped about the

wrapping/wearing, and she said it was fine. However she was really surprised

that Audrey has a curve so young, said it's pretty much unheard of in babes taht

young, and I got the sense she wasn't very informed? I find our pediatricians

here in town are basically just GPs for babies/children - they do regular

checkup stuff, and if they find anything they just refer the child to BCCH's

appropriate department - they don't seem to diagnose or treat anything

themselves beyond ear aches and such.

As for tummy time, we try to do a little bit every day, but Audrey is NOT a fan

:( When she's on her tummy her curve becomes very noticeable and I think it's

uncomfortable for her. As I said, I do wear her a bit, which helps build up

those core muscles, and when she's not being worn she's often carried in arms -

I'm big on attachment parenting and have a busy demanding household so she

spends very little time where she's not being carried in some way or another.

As a result she's been able to lift her head and push up from her tummy since

she was 3 weeks old!

We did go swimming at the pool for the first time the other day, and she was

much happier to do her tummy time in the water. I think we're going to try to

go to the pool a couple of times a week, since she liked it so much :)


> First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are

providing :)


> Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...


> She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(


> I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to get

an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.


> I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's

back get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis

yet, or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is

my DH :(


> So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?


> As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.


> I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are

tied while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so

that we can start actually talking about how to get her better.


> It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about



> Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do with

her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she said

no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby spends

in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and bouncy

chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice. Do any

of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a couple

woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her more

once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her (supported

in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core muscles)?

But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I shouldn't

be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just don't know!


> Thanks again!




> ------------------------------------



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Swimming is great for muscles! That's a fantastic idea! Maybe you could do a

carrier that holds her upright instead of a sling sometimes.... U know the

kangaroo pouch kind???? Maybe she would slouch too much though. I bet you could

research it and see or ask a good doc. still hates being on his stomach

for the same reason I am sure.... It's probably not comfy. His PT works with him

on that. She also puts him on his knees on a verticle position playing with

items like on a chair or something to help muscle development which wouldn't be

possible for Audrey yet since she's so young:). I am sure you will find some

things that work well for you! In the meantime it sounds that you are being very

proactive so good for you! You sound a little natural so in you spare time

(haha) research yoga, hippotherapy, and chiropractic treatment for future

reference ;) some families have tried these forms of treatment to combat scoli.

There's also something out

there dealing with soft tissue massage.

Kuddos to you for being on top of things. Don't worry about anyone thinging your

nuts if I would have listened to others Ben wouldn't be where he is today!


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 24, 2010, at 10:15 AM, " chilliwackpitbull " <chilliwackpitbull@...>



I'll push for the PT referral now, rather than waiting until after the ortho

referral's gone through (which was the ped's initial plan, but we may be waiting

MONTHS for that ortho appointment). I did ask the ped about the

wrapping/wearing, and she said it was fine. However she was really surprised

that Audrey has a curve so young, said it's pretty much unheard of in babes taht

young, and I got the sense she wasn't very informed? I find our pediatricians

here in town are basically just GPs for babies/children - they do regular

checkup stuff, and if they find anything they just refer the child to BCCH's

appropriate department - they don't seem to diagnose or treat anything

themselves beyond ear aches and such.

As for tummy time, we try to do a little bit every day, but Audrey is NOT a fan

:( When she's on her tummy her curve becomes very noticeable and I think it's

uncomfortable for her. As I said, I do wear her a bit, which helps build up

those core muscles, and when she's not being worn she's often carried in arms -

I'm big on attachment parenting and have a busy demanding household so she

spends very little time where she's not being carried in some way or another.

As a result she's been able to lift her head and push up from her tummy since

she was 3 weeks old!

We did go swimming at the pool for the first time the other day, and she was

much happier to do her tummy time in the water. I think we're going to try to

go to the pool a couple of times a week, since she liked it so much :)

First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are providing


Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...

She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(

I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to get

an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.

I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's back

get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis yet,

or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is my DH


So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?

As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.

I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are tied

while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so that

we can start actually talking about how to get her better.

It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about it!

Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do with

her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she said

no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby spends

in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and bouncy

chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice. Do any

of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a couple

woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her more

once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her (supported

in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core muscles)?

But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I shouldn't

be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just don't know!

Thanks again!


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Swimming is great for muscles! That's a fantastic idea! Maybe you could do a

carrier that holds her upright instead of a sling sometimes.... U know the

kangaroo pouch kind???? Maybe she would slouch too much though. I bet you could

research it and see or ask a good doc. still hates being on his stomach

for the same reason I am sure.... It's probably not comfy. His PT works with him

on that. She also puts him on his knees on a verticle position playing with

items like on a chair or something to help muscle development which wouldn't be

possible for Audrey yet since she's so young:). I am sure you will find some

things that work well for you! In the meantime it sounds that you are being very

proactive so good for you! You sound a little natural so in you spare time

(haha) research yoga, hippotherapy, and chiropractic treatment for future

reference ;) some families have tried these forms of treatment to combat scoli.

There's also something out

there dealing with soft tissue massage.

Kuddos to you for being on top of things. Don't worry about anyone thinging your

nuts if I would have listened to others Ben wouldn't be where he is today!


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 24, 2010, at 10:15 AM, " chilliwackpitbull " <chilliwackpitbull@...>



I'll push for the PT referral now, rather than waiting until after the ortho

referral's gone through (which was the ped's initial plan, but we may be waiting

MONTHS for that ortho appointment). I did ask the ped about the

wrapping/wearing, and she said it was fine. However she was really surprised

that Audrey has a curve so young, said it's pretty much unheard of in babes taht

young, and I got the sense she wasn't very informed? I find our pediatricians

here in town are basically just GPs for babies/children - they do regular

checkup stuff, and if they find anything they just refer the child to BCCH's

appropriate department - they don't seem to diagnose or treat anything

themselves beyond ear aches and such.

As for tummy time, we try to do a little bit every day, but Audrey is NOT a fan

:( When she's on her tummy her curve becomes very noticeable and I think it's

uncomfortable for her. As I said, I do wear her a bit, which helps build up

those core muscles, and when she's not being worn she's often carried in arms -

I'm big on attachment parenting and have a busy demanding household so she

spends very little time where she's not being carried in some way or another.

As a result she's been able to lift her head and push up from her tummy since

she was 3 weeks old!

We did go swimming at the pool for the first time the other day, and she was

much happier to do her tummy time in the water. I think we're going to try to

go to the pool a couple of times a week, since she liked it so much :)

First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are providing


Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...

She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(

I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to get

an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.

I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's back

get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis yet,

or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is my DH


So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?

As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.

I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are tied

while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so that

we can start actually talking about how to get her better.

It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about it!

Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do with

her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she said

no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby spends

in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and bouncy

chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice. Do any

of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a couple

woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her more

once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her (supported

in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core muscles)?

But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I shouldn't

be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just don't know!

Thanks again!


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My son with scoliosis (and the one without it) vary rarely spent any time not

being worn or held. We don't do lots of tummy time with either or them - they

both really hated it until older. I wouldn't worry about it or the formation of

core muscles. My older son who is 2.5 has never has any problems with that even

with his scoliosis. I feel that wearing him facing out sometimes or sitting up

where he has to hold his own head and body up a bit was just fine. So don't


Also my son, although not diagnosed until 15 months was clearly born with his

scoliosis. It is very uncommon (most physicians will only see 1 or 2 kids their

entire careers with it that age) for kids to present that young, but as we all

know it does happen.

You are doing a great job! Hang in there.


Mommy to cole and max

> >

> > First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are

providing :)

> >

> > Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...

> >

> > She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(

> >

> > I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to

get an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.

> >

> > I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's

back get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis

yet, or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is

my DH :(

> >

> > So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?

> >

> > As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.

> >

> > I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are

tied while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so

that we can start actually talking about how to get her better.

> >

> > It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about


> >

> > Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do

with her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she

said no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby

spends in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and

bouncy chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice.

Do any of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a

couple woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her

more once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her

(supported in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core

muscles)? But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I

shouldn't be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just

don't know!

> >

> > Thanks again!

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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My son with scoliosis (and the one without it) vary rarely spent any time not

being worn or held. We don't do lots of tummy time with either or them - they

both really hated it until older. I wouldn't worry about it or the formation of

core muscles. My older son who is 2.5 has never has any problems with that even

with his scoliosis. I feel that wearing him facing out sometimes or sitting up

where he has to hold his own head and body up a bit was just fine. So don't


Also my son, although not diagnosed until 15 months was clearly born with his

scoliosis. It is very uncommon (most physicians will only see 1 or 2 kids their

entire careers with it that age) for kids to present that young, but as we all

know it does happen.

You are doing a great job! Hang in there.


Mommy to cole and max

> >

> > First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are

providing :)

> >

> > Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...

> >

> > She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(

> >

> > I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to

get an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.

> >

> > I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's

back get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis

yet, or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is

my DH :(

> >

> > So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?

> >

> > As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.

> >

> > I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are

tied while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so

that we can start actually talking about how to get her better.

> >

> > It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about


> >

> > Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do

with her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she

said no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby

spends in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and

bouncy chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice.

Do any of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a

couple woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her

more once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her

(supported in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core

muscles)? But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I

shouldn't be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just

don't know!

> >

> > Thanks again!

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Oops one more thing. Check out the new directions dvd from ISOP and it has a

section on good positions for them.


Mommy to Cole and Max

> >

> > First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are

providing :)

> >

> > Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...

> >

> > She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(

> >

> > I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to

get an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.

> >

> > I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's

back get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis

yet, or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is

my DH :(

> >

> > So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?

> >

> > As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.

> >

> > I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are

tied while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so

that we can start actually talking about how to get her better.

> >

> > It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about


> >

> > Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do

with her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she

said no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby

spends in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and

bouncy chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice.

Do any of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a

couple woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her

more once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her

(supported in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core

muscles)? But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I

shouldn't be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just

don't know!

> >

> > Thanks again!

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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Oops one more thing. Check out the new directions dvd from ISOP and it has a

section on good positions for them.


Mommy to Cole and Max

> >

> > First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are

providing :)

> >

> > Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...

> >

> > She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(

> >

> > I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to

get an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.

> >

> > I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's

back get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis

yet, or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is

my DH :(

> >

> > So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?

> >

> > As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.

> >

> > I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are

tied while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so

that we can start actually talking about how to get her better.

> >

> > It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about


> >

> > Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do

with her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she

said no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby

spends in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and

bouncy chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice.

Do any of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a

couple woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her

more once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her

(supported in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core

muscles)? But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I

shouldn't be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just

don't know!

> >

> > Thanks again!

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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She's always carried upright :) I use a homemade woven wrap (basically just a

length of cloth) and carry her in various tummy-to-tummy positions. Now that

she's got more core strength and better head control, I'm starting to do some

hip carries and back carries too. With the woven wrap she doesn't slouch - I

snug it up so that there's no room for that. She does tend to lean to the one

side even wrapped, but I'm getting better and more creative at wrapping so that

she can't ;) The other thing I use to carry her is an Ergo Baby r. It's

a soft-structured-carrier, basically a soft front-pack (like the old snugglies),

but supportive. She can't slouch in that either as I cinch it up tight to my


I'm actually not that " crunchy " lol. I kind of fell into attachment parenting

because it just feels right to me, and the babywearing is something I wanted to

do as it's good for the babes, and very convenient (hands free so I can tidy,

cook, take care of the pets, and chase around my son and foster kids). I've had

a few people recommend chiro, but I'm just not comfortable with it. I did a lot

of looking into it, and any " research " I find that supports using chiro on

infants is put out there by the chiropractic association - hardly unbiased. On

the other hand I found a couple reputable, solid papers that were not affiliated

with the chiropractic association - these studies showed that chiro is not

proven effective in treating infants or children and that it can actually cause

harm. I'm really glad it's worked for some parents, I'm just not comfortable

with it myself.

Physio on the other hand? Bring it :)


> First, thank you again for the warm welcome and all the info y'all are

providing :)


> Tonight I took baby Audrey to see my cousin so she could have a look at her

back. My cousin knows nothing about baby scoliosis, but is very familiar with

curvatures and contractures from her work, and is brutally honest so I knew

she'd tell me whether she saw what I'm seeing, or if I'm just being paranoid and

seeing things that aren't there...


> She could clearly see the curve in Audrey's spine, and where her ribs are

starting to bulge out. So it's not my imagination - baby's back is getting

worse :(


> I'm going to call BCCH again on Monday to see if I can (politely!) push to get

an appointment booked for Audrey to see the orthopedist. If that's not

successful, I'll call her pediatrician and put pressure on there.


> I can't find the words to explain how distressing it is to watch my baby's

back get worse right in front of my eyes, and she doesn't even have a diagnosis

yet, or even an appointment to get diagnosed! I'm just sick over it :( So is

my DH :(


> So, some questions - for those Canadians who travelled to the US for their

babies medical treatments - did you need to get a passport for your babies?

Hubby and I have passports, but baby does not - should I be applying for one for

her now?


> As for contacting the Shriners Hospital in SLC - is there any point in doing

that when we haven't even got a diagnosis yet? Really, all I have at this point

is a single set of xrays showing a 13 degree curve. However my baby's back is

VISIBLY getting worse, to the naked and untrained eye.


> I just feel like she's getting worse and I'm losing time; yet my hands are

tied while I wait for her to see the specialist and hopefully get a diagnosis so

that we can start actually talking about how to get her better.


> It's so hard watching her get worse and not being able to DO anything about



> Also, a possibly silly question - is there anything I should/shouldn't do with

her in terms of positioning or activities? I asked the ped this, and she said

no, just live life as normal. I told her I try to minimize the time baby spends

in positions that seem to encourage her lean (like her car seat and bouncy

chair), and she said that was fine, but didn't give me any other advice. Do any

of you babywear? I wear Audrey a bit (in a wrap or an Ergo), and have a couple

woven wraps I just bought on their way in the mail and I plan to wear her more

once they get here. I would think the wearing would be good for her (supported

in a good position for orthopedic/posture development and builds core muscles)?

But it seems she's straightest when lying flat on her back, so maybe I shouldn't

be wearing her and should have her laying flat a lot? Ack! I just don't know!


> Thanks again!




> ------------------------------------



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