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Re: Re: report on WAPF conference 2003

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Fantastic! I just got that book, but I haven't had time to crack it open

yet. I just hope it turns out to be a useful tool for persuasion.

>In " The Modern Nutritional Diseases and How to Prevent Them " the Ottobonis

>discuss this.


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I think you're right about the problem being from breaking over and over

again, but I think it's clearly undesirable (so far to me) to have plaque

build-up in the arteries. I think just about everybody thinks this including

Uffe Ravnskov. I don't know about broken limbs (I've never broken one) and

that's probably a flaw in my analogy. I'd rather have undamaged blood

vessels than plaque-covered ones though.


In a message dated 5/11/03 2:50:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

Idol@... writes:

> Not even necessarily that. After all, don't broken limbs generally heal to

> be stronger than they were before at the site of the break? I think it's

> just that the modern, agriculturalized and refined diet keeps on breaking

> and breaking and breaking the same things over and over again until the

> whole system collapses.

" To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are

to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and

servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. " --Theodore


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>>>>Fantastic! I just got that book, but I haven't had time to crack it


yet. I just hope it turns out to be a useful tool for persuasion.

>In " The Modern Nutritional Diseases and How to Prevent Them " the Ottobonis

>discuss this.

-------->oh great! I'd love to discuss the book with you - i think it adds

some pieces to the puzzle. on the positive side in terms of credibility to

your girlfriend, the Ottobonis credentials are quite impressive. but one

weakness that I noted is they cite too many secondary sources for my

comfort. Nonetheless, they have some solid info and all the charts of

biochemical pathways really helped me visualize a lot of this stuff. I

always do better with pictures! LOL

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development



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In a message dated 5/11/03 1:12:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Idol@... writes:

> Oh, I agree completely. I wasn't suggesting that plaque would somehow make

> arteries better the way a broken bone heals stronger than it was

> originally. But I do think it's plausible that a diet high in raw organs

> and glands, particularly those rich in vitamin C, could prevent or even

> possibly reverse atherosclerosis.

Oh, definitely. By the way, what amount of " fries " is safe to eat raw in one


I went to pick up some more heart and liver there... looked at them, picked

them up, put them back down. Maybe next time :-P


" To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are

to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and

servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. " --Theodore


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Oh, I agree completely. I wasn't suggesting that plaque would somehow make

arteries better the way a broken bone heals stronger than it was

originally. But I do think it's plausible that a diet high in raw organs

and glands, particularly those rich in vitamin C, could prevent or even

possibly reverse atherosclerosis.

>but I think it's clearly undesirable (so far to me) to have plaque

>build-up in the arteries.


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Boy, heck if I know. That's why I've only eaten small amounts on a couple

occasions. I have no idea what a safe dose is, let alone what amount with

what frequency would be beneficial. But I believe they're often called

" fries " because in some parts of the country, they were a traditional dish

served fried, and I think people would eat at least one whole fry at a

time. But maybe they're stronger stuff raw.

>By the way, what amount of " fries " is safe to eat raw in one



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Hi ,

Don't know what our pricing will be but will let you know when we do!

RE: Re: report on WAPF conference 2003


Thanks! Any idea what the pricing is likely to be?

>Yep - they audio and video taped the talks. The contact # is: (610)


>9287 for video/dvd, (845)679-6885 for audio. We hope to make them

>available at some point as well....


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  • 2 weeks later...
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>>>>I went to lobby by Senator's on banning use of infant soy formula in

the WIC program w/o a doctor's prescription, encouraging farm-to-

school programs and the expansion of the Fruit and Vegetable Pilot

Program to include animal foods, the replacement of soda and junk in

vending machines with bottled waters, milks, etc, and a repeal of the

ban on the ban of irradiated foods in school lunches. We also talked

a bit about the Foundation, our personal experiences with recovering

our health, our conference, etc.

----------->that is so great that you did that chris. thanks for taking the

time and effort to speak to your reps.

>>>On another note, I thought of this back when we were talking about

the board members' sample diets, but I'm reminded again now: I think

it was Suze who had mentioned that Sally's diet was through and

through traditional in each of the three days in that article, and

when I'd read that I just thought of how Sally is the best-looking

nutritional author I've seen (women 60% her age don't count ;-) ). I

mean in terms of smooth skin, vitality, etc. But she also just seems

radiant, especially in person. She is always smiling and sort of

glows :)

------>i second that. and i want to add that her eyes reflect a kindness and

warmth that just make you smile when you look at her. And i forgot to

mention her message of inclusion at the chapter leader breakfast in my last

post. in essence she told us whenever we charge for events, be sure to not

leave anyone behind - make it accessible to everyone by offering work

scholarships (which is exactly what she did for me and many other volunteers

at this conference). This is an essential part of this paradigm as far as

i'm concerned - it's vital that folks from all socio-economic backgrounds

have access to information on traditional nutrition and access to local

wholesome foods. i was thrilled to hear sally express this to chapter

leaders from all over the country and abroad.

>>>>Ok, so I'm all psyched now too. I'll get off my butt and start a

local chapter now.

---->go for it! c'mon over to our chapter leaders list if you want to

network with the rest of us, get ideas, etc.

>>>>>It was great to meet people in person too. Maybe again next year :)

----->ditto. i had a lot of fun hanging out with you...i think you like to

laugh as much as i do! i think i laughed for almost 3 days straight - not

that the conference was funny - just that there seemed to be so many

good-humored people, and we joked around a lot :)

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development



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>>>>I should add that since my appt at Kennedy's office was at 4pm, I

didn't get home last night until a little after 2am, which is why I'm

not in class right now :)

----->hope you still had some raw heart left in your cooler to get you

through the long, late drive! <g>

Suze Fisher

Lapdog Design, Inc.

Web Design & Development



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