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It is important to know your HCV viral load after end of treatment. That holds

the key to further outcome.

Dr Sharat Misra MD,DM,FACG

Like I posted before, I am almost done with recommended treatment of

6 month course for genotype 2b w/cirochiss. I ws just wondering if u

r still experiencing symptons of hep, I guess that means the viral

load and virus is still there and the chance of reaching undetectable

would not be good. Symptons i am talking about are still dark urine.

However, if i drink a glass of water, it goes normal. Also, I hv had

the red palms (which is also a symton of hep) for years and years and

that is still there. My eyes are not yellow nor my skin, but eyes

look cloudy. So, i see symptons of hep still lurking around so this

can't be good if i am physically seeing this, right??? Also, i

thought there ws suppose to be a viral load done @ 12 weeks and here

I am almost finished and I hvn't had one done and only hv had 2 liver

tests that tells about the enzymes alt and ast and both of them were

normal. The first one ws done @ 7 weeks into treatment and they were

normal and the second one the enzymes were even lower, but I guess

one doesn't hv anything to do with the other. Just because u hv

normal enzymes doesn't necessarily mean the viral load is coming

down, right. I know I sound and I am getting really anxious right now

and a little scared because if the dr won't extend the course of

treatment for me, this is it for me and I am coming down to the wire

now. So if anyone hs any responses for me and and all r appreciated.

This group hs been so helpful to me and u hv always been there for me

and I very much appreciate this.


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Cher, I am a 2b too. I didn't go undectable until my 9th month of treatment!

I had stage II fibrosis, normal enzymes. My starting viral load was greater

than 5 million copies. I was kept on treatment for 13 months and as of Feb.

I have remained undectable. I too developed hemolytic anemia and had weekly

labs for all 13 months. Couldn't take full dose of the Riba. Anyway, ur doc

should keep u on longer if u haven't gone undectable yet. It just may take u

a little longer like it did me. Best of luck, hang in there. This too shall

pass! lvoe, mzgee

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  • 1 month later...
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From what I've read, most people on methadone and with HCV do not get to do

treatment while on meth. Treatment could cause them to return to the drugs they

are trying to get off of. I had mild sides while on combo, but still I kept my

Vicodin and other pain meds handy and did need them from time to time.

I'm sure the doc is more concerned with causing more problems than anything for

people who are on methadone. If he allowed them to do treatment while on meth

and something happened, like they returned to their illegal drug use or killed

themselves from depression, etc., then the doctor could be held liable. I don't

know the details but that is my impression.

I have talked to a few alcoholics who were sober several years and the treatment

screwed up their brain and they went back to drinking. It's not that the

treatment is so bad in itself, but it can screw with the body and mind enough to

make someone who is already battling past problems like addiction return to

their old lifestyle. It kind of unbalances ya when what the person might need

is a sort of balance and control.

If you are on methadone and doing treatment, then I have to assume that your doc

feels comfortable with that and knows what's going on. Or, do you think he made

a mistake putting you on methadone and now is making sure he doesn't do it

again? It's really uncommon for someone on meth to do treatment. I sure as hell

wouldn't want to do that.

I don't know why a receptionist would ask if they were on methadone on the

phone. I think that may constitute an ethical issue and maybe needs to be

addressed with the doctor. It could just be a misunderstanding.

When I have gone to ER for migraines I've had a couple of nurses ask me how I

got hcv and I say 2 c sections and rho gam shots, take yer pick. But they

definitely look at me like I'm a druggie. I try to remind myself they are just

working people and have the wrong information and I feel it's my duty to share

the info on hep c when I can.

So maybe you should discuss that with your doctor. See why he is doing

something a particular way. He may have some reasons we can't see.


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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Meredith,

I have been on MTX (10mg, once a week) for about 10-12 weeks now.

It has completely (with very little exception) taken away my joint

pain.I have felt no side effects whatsoever. Prior to the MTX I had 3

swollen fingers, ankles like balloons, and walking was excrutiating

most the time. The positive effect started after about 2-3 weeks.

BUT, prior to the MTX, I had only minimal Psoriasis, now I have

patches on my scalp & groin area.

So I guess the cure for somethings, is the cause of others, at least

in my case.

I wish you the best.

Stay Well

> Hi again,

> I forgot to ask....How long does it take for the P to clear up


> on methotrexate??? I have been taking it for 2 1/2 weeks and have

> seen no improvement to my scalp. In fact, i am beginning to get


> on my arms,back,legs and hands! Does it have to get worse before


> gets better???!!!

> I thought that prednisone also helped the P?

> Any thoughts on this??

> Frustrated in Indiana

> Meredith



> [Moderator's note: Meredith, MTX usually takes about six months

before it's effects begin to kick in - at least that's what the

doctors will tell you. Judging from the past posts I've read on this

forum, MTX's effects seem to vary greatly from one person to the

next. It works magic for some, but does nothing for others. For

example, I was on 12.5 mg of MTX orally for about 8 months. It had no

discernable effect at all on either my P or PA that I could see. The

only effect it seemed to have was that I lost a few more hairs from

my head than I normally do and was nauseous for one or two days each

week after taking it. Actually there was very little nausea at first,

but then it started lasting all day, then two days, and by the end of

eight months it was lasting almost three full days - that's part of

the reason I stopped taking it. As for Prednisone helping Psoriasis,

I just finished a Medrol dose pack a couple of weeks ago, and didn't

notice any effect on my Psoriasis at all even though it eliminated

the swelling in my right knee and ankle almost immediately. Ron]

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Dear Mike,

The law requires for safety reasons that Chemotherapy agents be made

inside a verticle laminar flow hood or biological safety cabinet.

The first three drugs are antibiotics. The forth is a chemotherapy

drug of the antibiotic class. Chemotherapy drugs can be of



Alkylating agents


Natural or other Neoplastics

Hope this helps!


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS Chemistry

Pharmacy Technician Educator

-- In @y..., " Mike & Anita Corbus "

<mcorbus@m...> wrote:

> Here another question


> Which of the following parenteral medications must be prepared

inside a biological safety cabinet?

> 1. Vancomycin

> 2. Streptomycin

> 3. Eyrthomycin

> 4. Dactinomycin




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answer is dactinomycin because it is a antineoplastic

antibiotic. Antineoplastic is another term for


--- Mike & Anita Corbus <mcorbus@...> wrote:

Here another question


> Which of the following parenteral medications must

> be prepared inside a biological safety cabinet?

> 1. Vancomycin

> 2. Streptomycin

> 3. Eyrthomycin

> 4. Dactinomycin



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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  • 1 month later...

Treating a person with cirrhosis is considered to be strictly up to

the doctor and each person should be individually evaluated. Some

doctors just won't consider it however. It could be he has a doctor

who just doesn't want to treat him, or feels like his cirrhosis is so

advanced that it would be dangerous. However, some doctors will even

cautiously treat people in liver failure while on a transplant

waiting list. It is really at the doctor's discretion. If he has

early cirrhosis he should definitely be on treatment unless he has

other health conditions you don't know about. He should probably get

a second opinion. If his cirrhosis is really very advanced it is true

that treatment is much more risky. (Of course, so is doing nothing.)

If it were me I would definitely be looking for another doctor.


--- runabout_104 <runabout104@...> wrote:

> I hv a question regarding a person I hv not met yet, but hs hep C

> and

> I was asked to talk to him in regards to hepatitis since I had been


> on treatment, he hd no where to turn or no one to ask questions of.


> Anyway, the only info I hv @ the moment is that the dr. he is

> seeing

> right now won't treat him because he hs cirochiss. I too, hv

> cirrochis. Can someone give me some info regarding y he won't be

> treated or direct me to some sites for info. Could it be he hs

> found

> a dr that is from the " old school " and thinks cirochiss is " the

> end " .The dr that ws treating me made the remark that he recommended


> treatment, at least I wd be doing something towards it. What kind

> of

> statement is that anyway??? I just don't get it. Anyay, any info

> that

> u can give me to help this guy or sites u can direct me to that I

> can

> get some info that this guy can take to his dr, I wd appreciate it,


> if anyone hs time. Thanks

> cher




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Treating a person with cirrhosis is considered to be strictly up to

the doctor and each person should be individually evaluated. Some

doctors just won't consider it however. It could be he has a doctor

who just doesn't want to treat him, or feels like his cirrhosis is so

advanced that it would be dangerous. However, some doctors will even

cautiously treat people in liver failure while on a transplant

waiting list. It is really at the doctor's discretion. If he has

early cirrhosis he should definitely be on treatment unless he has

other health conditions you don't know about. He should probably get

a second opinion. If his cirrhosis is really very advanced it is true

that treatment is much more risky. (Of course, so is doing nothing.)

If it were me I would definitely be looking for another doctor.


--- runabout_104 <runabout104@...> wrote:

> I hv a question regarding a person I hv not met yet, but hs hep C

> and

> I was asked to talk to him in regards to hepatitis since I had been


> on treatment, he hd no where to turn or no one to ask questions of.


> Anyway, the only info I hv @ the moment is that the dr. he is

> seeing

> right now won't treat him because he hs cirochiss. I too, hv

> cirrochis. Can someone give me some info regarding y he won't be

> treated or direct me to some sites for info. Could it be he hs

> found

> a dr that is from the " old school " and thinks cirochiss is " the

> end " .The dr that ws treating me made the remark that he recommended


> treatment, at least I wd be doing something towards it. What kind

> of

> statement is that anyway??? I just don't get it. Anyay, any info

> that

> u can give me to help this guy or sites u can direct me to that I

> can

> get some info that this guy can take to his dr, I wd appreciate it,


> if anyone hs time. Thanks

> cher




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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, my son is actually doing very well. He began mainstream preK in

a private NT school with no aide 2 weeks ago and without the school

knowing his background. He had to pass a review board to get in.

Chelation is what did the trick for him-the icing on the cake. I am

now proceeding with the MT promoter to try and keep metals in check.

We have done MANY interventions. Right now the thing I can't do with

out is CarnAware. I would give everything else up to keep him on

this stuff. It has been a savior in areas in which he was lacking

such as empathy. Moria has s history in the love letters

section. He was a real mess! Not to sound harsh, but he had tons of

problems. The only thing I deal with now is the food issues. But

he's okay with it. He's been restricted since he was 2 and doesn't

know what real food tastes like. I'd hate to cave in only to have to

take it away. He was scoped and confirmed as a celiac so enzymes are

not an option in place of the diet, however, he could have been metal

induced in which case eventually he can eat normally again. I plan

on scoping again next year. As afr as what chelates the antinomy and

arsenic, I believe it is DMSA, but I could be wrong.

> Is your son doing really well now that he stopped dumping metals? I

> hope so. My doctor has ordered a urine toxic metals and we were

> planning on doing that next round. I guess I would love for it to be

> over but in reality I cannot believe it could have been that short


> a time needed. My son also has high Antimony but we got rid of all

> that nasty stuff and I wonder if DMSA chelates animony? I know no-


> knows for sure, maybe it will show up in the urine test? Thanks for

> the insight Patti

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--- that is excellent! Yes my son did not have any empathy either

and that is a tough one isnt it? He now asks me when something goes

wrong if I am having a bad day and really cares! He also goes and

comforts his sister when she is upset, by hugging her and bringing her

tisseues! With the anger and agression as bad as it was and no empathy

it was tough to live with him. I still pinch myself. I will go and

read your sons story in the love letters. The food issue for us isnt

too bad because of the enzymes but it would be nice not to have to

give him them but if that is as bad as it gets i will take it. thanks

for your reply.


In @y..., " wrdupuy " <wrdupuy@c...> wrote:

> Yes, my son is actually doing very well. He began mainstream preK in

> a private NT school with no aide 2 weeks ago and without the school

> knowing his background. He had to pass a review board to get in.

> Chelation is what did the trick for him-the icing on the cake. I am

> now proceeding with the MT promoter to try and keep metals in check.

> We have done MANY interventions. Right now the thing I can't do with

> out is CarnAware. I would give everything else up to keep him on

> this stuff. It has been a savior in areas in which he was lacking

> such as empathy. Moria has s history in the love letters

> section. He was a real mess! Not to sound harsh, but he had tons of

> problems. The only thing I deal with now is the food issues. But

> he's okay with it. He's been restricted since he was 2 and doesn't

> know what real food tastes like. I'd hate to cave in only to have to

> take it away. He was scoped and confirmed as a celiac so enzymes are

> not an option in place of the diet, however, he could have been metal

> induced in which case eventually he can eat normally again. I plan

> on scoping again next year. As afr as what chelates the antinomy and

> arsenic, I believe it is DMSA, but I could be wrong.

> > Is your son doing really well now that he stopped dumping metals? I

> > hope so. My doctor has ordered a urine toxic metals and we were

> > planning on doing that next round. I guess I would love for it to be

> > over but in reality I cannot believe it could have been that short

> of

> > a time needed. My son also has high Antimony but we got rid of all

> > that nasty stuff and I wonder if DMSA chelates animony? I know no-

> one

> > knows for sure, maybe it will show up in the urine test? Thanks for

> > the insight Patti

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SAMe reportedly chelates antimony. S

From: tiredmamma18042 [mailto: CFRITCH@...]To:

@...: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 22:31:47 -0000Subject:

[ ] Another question Is your son doing really well now that he

stopped dumping metals? Ihope so. My doctor has ordered a urine toxic metals and

we wereplanning on doing that next round. I guess I would love for it to beover

but in reality I cannot believe it could have been that short ofa time needed.

My son also has high Antimony but we got rid of allthat nasty stuff and I wonder

if DMSA chelates animony? I know no-oneknows for sure, maybe it will show up in

the urine test? Thanks forthe insight Patti

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Right now the thing I can't do with

> out is CarnAware. I would give everything else up to keep him on

> this stuff. It has been a savior in areas in which he was lacking

> such as empathy. Moria has s history in the love letters

> section. He was a real mess! Not to sound harsh, but he had tons


Hi ,

Forgive me for horning in but could you tell us more about this

CarnAware? The good and the bad? I've heard it mentioned on the

chelatingkids board but it sounded like the results were mixed.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Cheri...yes it is true that HCV is in other organs, but organ donation is

possible (to another HCV patient)...there is a test (the AFP marker) that can

give an idea of cancer tumors although it is normal for it to be somewhat

elevated in persons with HCV....haven't heard anything about detecting cirrhosis

through bloodwork - really think you need a biopsy for this....anticipation of

this procedure is much worse than the actual biopsy. Hope this helps,


another question

Thank you for the response about the iron. Another thing, I wanted to

ask, isn't it true that HCV goes into other parts of our organs. We

are not able to donate any organs because of this, correct?? Also,

can't cirochiss be found thru blood work--just can't tell how much

damange until a biopsy is found and isn't it also true thru an AFP

test that tumors can be picked up thru a blood test. I know -lot of

questions, and would appreciate any feedback. Thanks cheri

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Cheri...yes it is true that HCV is in other organs, but organ donation is

possible (to another HCV patient)...there is a test (the AFP marker) that can

give an idea of cancer tumors although it is normal for it to be somewhat

elevated in persons with HCV....haven't heard anything about detecting cirrhosis

through bloodwork - really think you need a biopsy for this....anticipation of

this procedure is much worse than the actual biopsy. Hope this helps,


another question

Thank you for the response about the iron. Another thing, I wanted to

ask, isn't it true that HCV goes into other parts of our organs. We

are not able to donate any organs because of this, correct?? Also,

can't cirochiss be found thru blood work--just can't tell how much

damange until a biopsy is found and isn't it also true thru an AFP

test that tumors can be picked up thru a blood test. I know -lot of

questions, and would appreciate any feedback. Thanks cheri

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> Hey I forgot to ask, do any of the rest you have joints making a

> popping noise? Because lately I sound like a bowl of rice


> (Ha-Ha) I just wondered if anyone else experienced this.




> [Moderator's note: I sometimes experience this in various joints.

In fact once when I went in to get my medical parking permit renewed

from my employer's Health Services department where they have a full

time doctor who is a retired surgeon on staff. He seemed skeptical

that there was anything wrong with me despite many doctors notes

saying that my knee was totally trashed. He asked to see my left knee

(the worst one). I was sitting down, so I pulled up my pants leg and

he stared at my knee as I flexed the knee by moving my lower leg up

and down. The patella appeared to literally jump out of place and

move up and down as though it were alive as it always does because of

the rough surface underneath it. His eyes got very BIG, and he was

speechless. I asked if he had seen that, and all he said was " Yes. "

That was the last time I ever had any trouble with that doctor

getting my medical parking permit renewed. ;-) Ron]

Hi, I started having popping and cracking in my joints too...mostly

neck, spine and jaw. I didn't have this until about three months ago

so I don't know what changed. My son wants to know what that noise

is when I'm chewing/eating! B

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In response to popping noises....

I know I do!! When I stand up at work, knee usually pops so loud

that everyone turns their head to see if I'm gonna fall down!! (I

think secretly they WANT me to fall!! hahaha) If/when it pops going

up or down stairs, then there's pain involved with it. If I've been

sitting or laying down and go to get up, thats when the rest of the

joints seem to chime in...knees, elbows, ankles, toes....

[Moderator's note: Maybe with a little practice we could all form a band and

play at concert halls? We could call ourselves the PA Bones Band, and our lead

song could be " Dem Bones " ;-) Ron]

-- In @y..., " jam2552001 " <jam255@c...> wrote:


> > Hey I forgot to ask, do any of the rest you have joints making a

> > popping noise? Because lately I sound like a bowl of rice

> crispies!;)

> > (Ha-Ha) I just wondered if anyone else experienced this.

> >

> >


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  • 3 weeks later...

> I have noticed that when I brush my teeth , there is some blood. Is


> part of the oral candida?




Gum disease is what got me in trouble with candida. Its too late for

me but you can save your teeth if it hasn't gone too far. This is a

lack of beneficial bacteria, weak immunity and nutritional

deficiencies. Start taking coQ10, mega vitamin C and Calcium, also

you can make a slurry with powdered cayenne pepper and force into the

gums. This will burn but it will heal and tighten the gums. Hope this




> All things country !

> Countrylife

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I've had severe gum/teeth problems related to candida. Swishing with

MSM powder and water after brushing will definitely help clear it up.

Another thing which made a huge difference with me was changing to an

electric toothbrush.

MSM is hardly ever mentioned on here and is very beneficial for

candidiasis sufferers, but you do have to use only the powder in large

quantities instead of the capsules because initial cleansing with it is

extremely important. I've done some research on this.

Diane Mc

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> --


> I've had severe gum/teeth problems related to candida. Swishing


> MSM powder and water after brushing will definitely help clear it


> Another thing which made a huge difference with me was changing to


> electric toothbrush.

> MSM is hardly ever mentioned on here and is very beneficial for

> candidiasis sufferers, but you do have to use only the powder in


> quantities instead of the capsules because initial cleansing with

it is

> extremely important. I've done some research on this.

> Diane Mc


> Hi, Could you please tell me what MSM powder is and where I may buy

it in England. Many thanks, Jen



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you can buy MSM here!!


Re: Another Question


> > --

> >

> > I've had severe gum/teeth problems related to candida. Swishing

> with

> > MSM powder and water after brushing will definitely help clear it

> up.

> > Another thing which made a huge difference with me was changing to

> an

> > electric toothbrush.

> > MSM is hardly ever mentioned on here and is very beneficial for

> > candidiasis sufferers, but you do have to use only the powder in

> large

> > quantities instead of the capsules because initial cleansing with

> it is

> > extremely important. I've done some research on this.

> > Diane Mc

> >

> > Hi, Could you please tell me what MSM powder is and where I may buy

> it in England. Many thanks, Jen

> >

> >

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MY experience with bleeding gums has always been related to plaque

and beginning periodontal problems. Flossing, more frequent brushing

or a softer bristle tooth brush usually helped the problem go away.

> I have noticed that when I brush my teeth , there is some blood. Is


> part of the oral candida?





> All things country !

> Countrylife

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  • 1 month later...

Hi ,

I think most parents are concerned about regression. It is pretty

rare though. I think for the most part, most of the babies are pretty

much sleeping anyway they want by the time the graduate. A lot of

babies become tummy sleepers once they learn to roll over.

Some parents are forever repositioners. :-)

> Once a child is graduated from a helmet or band, are there

> precautions that parents make to insure that the flat spot doesn't

> return? I know they move around more as they get older and they

> aren't on their backs nearly as much, but is it still a concern


> they sleep?

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HI :

YOu are correct, once the child is older and off their backs so much,

the chance of regression is very low....the younger a child is, the

better the odds of regression are, however, the #'s of regression

post graduation, even in younger babies, are very, very low. I've

been a member of this group for over 2 yrs, and have only heard of a

couple cases or so.

Debbie Abby's mom DOCGrad


> Once a child is graduated from a helmet or band, are there

> precautions that parents make to insure that the flat spot doesn't

> return? I know they move around more as they get older and they

> aren't on their backs nearly as much, but is it still a concern


> they sleep?

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