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Zoe's progress report

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Hi All,

I know it has been months. I've been waiting to write until I felt like I had

something useful to say. My husband and I are about 98% well now. We each get a

bite about 2-3 times a month. We had a recurrent acne-like infection on our

bottoms and legs ( both of us) and it confused the matter,.. Our skin is still

highly sensitive and it is very annoying... but life a absolute HEAVEN as

compared to how it was for the past 2 1/2 years before this, while we were

getting bit all the time.

Here are the things I am certain of now:

1) We had a microscopic bird mite infestation at our home in January of 2009.

Likely d. gallanae from entomology. All our specimens were caught on tape and

therefore were not in good enough condition to be definitive about the exact

type of bird mite.

2) The microscopic mites were able to live very happily on our skin and also in

our ears and mucous membranes of our digestive tract, nasal passages, and other

places and could not be easily or perhaps fully washed off of our skin.

3) The mites did not die when in our laundry in the washing machine and in a hot

drier. BioKleen Plus laundry detergent did kill them on our clothes with very

hot water.

4) Something about the presence of the mite bites on our skin, or some type of

bacterial or fungal infection we got from the bites caused us to become a host

to biting mites everywhere we went. it was as if we had some type of systemic

disease throughout our bodies which caused us to become 'labeled' as dinner and

were bitten up in certain environments, especially from late afternoon on

through the night.

5) Our cars were always the worst place, where we got the very most bites. We

also got a lot of crawling and many bites every time we went to museums (in

Europe and the US), movie theaters, and places at work with computer


6) We did not get crawled on or bit in bed at night at all after we figured out

how to sanitize the bed and keep it completely 'mite-free' (and had gotten rid

of most of the mites living on our inner and outer skin).

7) Much of our experience over the past few years has been similar to that of

people who suffer from Morgellons disease. However, we had no fibers and no

other symptoms; just a tons of skin crawling sensations, and lesions (painful

pin-prick-like-bites that would leave a small red hard bump that would grow a

bit in size over a few days and sometimes not go away for several

days-weeks-months-or-longer). And we were mite-margets everywhere we went.

8) Three different fresh lesions removed by the MD (over a 2 years period)

biopsied out as mite or spider 'bites' and when an a 1-2 week old lesion was

biopsied it came back as indicative of the broken down skin process indicative

of 'Grover's Disease' .

9) In order to get 98% cured we had to treated the house, all our things, the

cars, workplace, etc... as well as our inner bodies.

10) I made up a name for the unnamed HORROR my husband and I have suffered from

for the last few years: Human Bird Mite Host Syndrome (HBMHS)

So what has helped us:

1) Sanitize the environment: Vacuum, swifter dust, clean all surfaces with

vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, iron clothes/linens, STERI FAB (excellent

stuff!), laundry with hot water + BioKleen Plus. Insecticides that target

mites, bleach, and other strong cleaners may have helped reduced the mite

population in the home as well... we don't know how much or little though.

Heating the house did not help.

2) For the Skin: Benzyl Peroxide cream twice daily rubbed in well ever day; a

12-wk course of Clindomycin antibiotic cream helped a lot but did not cure ;

Spraying lesions with hydrogen peroxide and then immediately with white

vinegar.. let sit for a 3-minutes then rinse

3) For digestive tract and anus: Happy Tummy ( or other colon cleanse) for the

1st 10-days of the month for 6 months. We finished this process BEFORE we

started antibiotic. This would reduced the effectiveness of antibiotics.

4) Internal Body: Doxycycline 3 times daily with no dairy for 6 months or

Bactrim DS 2 times daily for 3-6 months. Probiotics between doses 1 time a day.

5) Dog and Cat treatment: revolution 2 times per month EVERY month

I'll write more as soon as I have time.

Zoe z3

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