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Re: Liquid Lye Soap Lotion

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Is this cheaper than esp soap? When you say small peices are you talkin of lye,

where do you get lye? I like this notion alwys wonted to make soap myslef.



> LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish soap

and plant spray as well )


> To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a good

way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the lotion

just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you use

either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the impurities

removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or something of

the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't know what you

may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your condition

further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the soap and

water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit. Anyway just

mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you want for your

lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix for. Now be

sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't dry right

back out. If you need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a

small squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also

been told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray

to keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.


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Not sure if its cheaper, for sure cheaper if you make your own. A bar that

weighs 4.5 oz at Ace hardware is $4.00. Our local feed mill now carries the same

brand as Ace for $3.50. Ace also sells the lye for making soap. Here is a simple

recipe for soap. Just Remember ALWAYS add the lye to water NEVER the lye to

water. You can substitute oils.



I have had many people tell me that they wanted to try soapmaking, but were

discouraged by some of the soapmaking books they read. Often books have only

recipes containing costly and hard to find ingredients. Most recipes list their

ingredients by weight, because that is the most accurate way of doing things,

but this can be another stumbling block for beginners. Most folks don't want to

invest in a suitable scale just to try out a new hobby. But I want to help

anyone who wants to make soap for themselves, so I am sharing my recipe for Tiny

Angel Castile, because its has simple ingredients you can find at the

supermarket and a mild basic nature that makes it a perfect place to start. I

have calculated the recipe so that you don't need to weigh out ingredients, you

can measure by liquid volume with a measuring container. If you do make soap

using this recipe, please drop us a line and let us know how it turned out.

This recipe is carefully calculated for just the ingredients listed below, do

not make any substitutions or attempt to reduce the size of this recipe! Each

oil has its own specific saponification number, which is the amount of lye

needed to turn that oil into soap. Changing the oils used or changing the size

of this recipe would require recalculating that ratio, you cannot simply reduce

or replace components of the recipe without changing everything else. This is a

recipe for beginners and people who want something simple. If once you have

tried this recipe you want to get into using more exotic oils and ingredients,

get some books and start experimenting...get a scale, calculate your own

recipes, and have at it!

Before you get started...

Lye is potentially a very dangerous substance and must be handled with extreme

caution. With the proper safety precautions, there is no reason for you to have

any problems. That means rubber gloves, protective eyewear & clothing, no kids

or animals running amok underfoot, etc. Never leave mixed lye-water on the

counter or table unattended, you must find a safe and secure location for it to

cool. Never use Aluminum utensils or pots for soapmaking, Lye reacts very badly

with Aluminum. Lye (also called Sodium Hydroxide or NaOH) is available in many

supermarkets across the U.S., a common name brand is " Red Devil " and it now

comes in an 18-ounce plastic can (it used to come in a 12 ounce can). Make sure

it says " 100% Lye " on the container. Do NOT use Drano, it is not pure Lye.

Olive Oil makes a great soap, a very hard, low-lathering bar that is

long-lasting, cleans well, and is very mild. This recipe calls for Berio Olive

Oil, as this is the most common and inexpensive brand in our area. If you can't

find this size or brand, then just measure out 20 cups of any other Olive Oil,

you should still get fine results. About stirring: Olive oil soaps can take a

very long time to reach trace with just hand-stirring, so we strongly recommend

" hurrying it along " through the (careful!) use of a stick blender. Stick

blenders are a terrific invention and a real boon to the soapmaker. Some folks

swear by hand mixers, but I don't recommend them. Hand mixers have a tendency to

splash things around, which can be quite hazardous, and they really do not seem

to get the job done in the way a stick blender can.Overuse of blenders can cause

premature emulsion of ingredients, to avoid this use them in short bursts, about

30 seconds or less at a time, then hand-stir for a little bit, then use the

stick blender again and continue alternating in this way. Don't skimp on this

step, a plain Olive Oil Soap that does not achieve full trace in the pot will

NOT make good soap in the mold! With mechanical assistance, full trace should

generally take less than 10 minutes.

The Mold I suggest for this a plastic Rubbermaid box, the size we have is

roughly 13 " x 9 " x 6 " deep, with a snap-on plastic lid. Any plastic or wooden

container of similar dimensions will work fine, as long as it has a lid. Once

you fill the mold and snap on the lid, you will need to cover the mold with

blankets to insulate the soap, this allows the saponification process to

continue. During saponification, the block of soap will heat up a great deal and

liquefy again, then cool off slowly and harden. Leave your block of soap

undisturbed for at least 12 hours, then take a peek and see how it looks. It

should be quite firm to the touch by this point, but don't unmold the soap yet

if the mold or the soap still feels hot. If the soap is warm, just leave it

alone until it cools completely. When you unmold the soap, you may notice some

liquid on the soap block and mold, this is condensation from the heat of

saponification. Just leave it, and it will be quickly reabsorbed into the soap.

It is advisable to cut your block of soap into bars as soon as possible after

unmolding, Olive Oil makes a very hard soap and it can be difficult to cut

" perfect " bars without any chipping or breakage if you wait too long.

Simple Olive Oil Soap Recipe

One 18-ounce can of Lye (also called Sodium Hydroxide or NaOH) Red Devil is a

popular brand

5 cups of Distilled Water (Chemical & mineral impurities in plain tap water can

cause soapmaking problems)

20 cups of Olive Oil (by liquid volume measure)

1 heat-proof container (Pyrex, Stainless Steel, Heavy-duty Plastic) for mixing

the lye (at least 2 quart size)

1 large stainless steel or enamel pot for mixing soap (at least 2 gallon size)

1 spatula or spoon (Rubber or silicon)

1 plastic container with a lid

Pour your distilled water into the heat-proof container, then add the Lye and

stir carefully with rubber spatula to mix and dissolve. This stuff will get

hot, so watch out! It will also produce fumes for a few minutes, so it is best

to mix it up and get away from it quickly until the fumes disperse. Then make

sure to set the lye-water mixture aside in a safe place to cool off.

Once your lye has cooled to the point where the container is just warm to the

touch, pour Olive Oil into your large mixing pot and heat on the stove. We want

to heat the Olive Oil to approx. 100 degrees F, if you have a thermometer you

can measure this exactly. Otherwise, just heat it up until the outside of the

pot feels very warm to the touch, then remove the pot from the heat source.

Pour the lye-water mixture into the warm oil, very slowly and carefully to avoid

spills, stirring the oil all the while with your spatula. The mixture will

incorporate and become smoother, continue stirring for a couple of minutes to

make sure everything is well-mixed. Then start using your stick blender or

beater, for short intervals, hand-stirring in between. You will soon notice the

mixture getting thicker and more opaque, that means trace is occurring. Keep

stirring until you get a rather thick pudding-like consistency.

Pour soap mixture into mold, snap on lid, and cover with blankets. When it is

ready, pop the block out the the mold and cut it into whatever sizes you like.

Stack your soap on brown paper-lined shelves in a well-ventilated area, this

soap should be aged and cured for approx. 4 weeks before use. Makes more than

10 pounds of soap.

> >

> > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish soap

and plant spray as well )

> >

> > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a

good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the

lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you

use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the

impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or

something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't

know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your

condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the

soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit.

Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you

want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix

for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't

dry right back out. If you need to take it with you in your purse or something

just get a small squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We

have also been told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a

plant spray to keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.

> >


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Another simple good recipe. You can blend in flower of sulfur in the final step,

or make liquid lye and blend flower of sulfur into olive oil then blend into

liquid soap.

A beginner's recipe to stir the imagination

There are endless combinations in soapmaking, limited only by your ingenuity,

budget and natural law. Keep your first batch simple.

Very simple soap

1 cup plus 2 tablespoons Crisco

1 1/3 cups olive oil

1/4 cup Red Devil lye

6 fluid ounces cool distilled water

Arrange for two hours without interruptions. Wear long sleeves. Put on safety

glasses and gloves. Keep vinegar at hand for lye splashes.

Measure the cool water in the heatproof cup. Place it in the sink, where it

can't be knocked over. Working in a well-ventilated area, measure the lye. Hold

your breath (not because of the danger, but because there will be fumes) and

pour the lye slowly into the water, stirring until dissolved. The lye solution

will top 175 degrees.

Place the Crisco in the stainless-steel pot over low heat until it melts (about

20 minutes). Add the olive oil. After another 15 minutes, take the soap pot off

the heat.

Within five minutes, both the pot and the heatproof cup should feel toasty

(about 115 degrees if you have a glass candy thermometer) but not hot. Slowly

pour the lye solution into the fats, stirring steadily. The mixture will lighten

and start to thicken.

Looking for trace. Stir diligently for 15 minutes, or until the soap traces.

Trace occurs when a bit of raw soap, dribbled from the spatula across the

surface, leaves " traces " for a few seconds before sinking back in. If you don't

get trace after 15 minutes, take a 10-minute break. Stir another 15 minutes.

Repeat. Your soap should eventually trace. (If it doesn't, recheck your

measurements. You may have to start over.)

At trace, stir in 1 1/2 tablespoons scent and pour the soap immediately into the

mold. Insulate. Scrape the leftover soap in the pot onto a paper towel and toss


Wash the utensils in hot water.

The cure. Leave the soap undisturbed for 24 hours. It will heat up as it goes

through its chemical reaction, then cool. When the soap is firm, cut into four

to six bars and put them in a dry, well-ventilated place, away from kids and


Vegetable-based soap needs at least two weeks to tie up loose ends, while soaps

made with animal fat seem to take twice that long to lose their " bite. " Be


Otherwise, you'll arouse unnecessary suspicion if you offer your creation with

the words: " Here is your mild and moisturizing bar of homemade soap, but don't

use it for two weeks, OK?

> >

> > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish soap

and plant spray as well )

> >

> > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a

good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the

lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you

use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the

impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or

something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't

know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your

condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the

soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit.

Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you

want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix

for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't

dry right back out. If you need to take it with you in your purse or something

just get a small squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We

have also been told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a

plant spray to keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.

> >


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So(rry to use this thread for a new topic, but I lost the address to our main website and I don't even know if I remember my pass codes.

I found a site that tell you how to make silicate (water glass). We need that to add to the cedarside Marie told us about. You just need the silica gel, water, low heat (maybe), and sodium hydoxide. Here is the link:


From: healinghope <mfrreman@...>Subject: Re: Liquid Lye Soap Lotionbird mites Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 2:57 PM

Another simple good recipe. You can blend in flower of sulfur in the final step, or make liquid lye and blend flower of sulfur into olive oil then blend into liquid soap. A beginner's recipe to stir the imaginationThere are endless combinations in soapmaking, limited only by your ingenuity, budget and natural law. Keep your first batch simple.Very simple soap1 cup plus 2 tablespoons Crisco1 1/3 cups olive oil1/4 cup Red Devil lye6 fluid ounces cool distilled waterArrange for two hours without interruptions. Wear long sleeves. Put on safety glasses and gloves. Keep vinegar at hand for lye splashes.Measure the cool water in the heatproof cup. Place it in the sink, where it can't be knocked over. Working in a well-ventilated area, measure the lye. Hold your breath (not because of the danger, but because there will be fumes) and pour the lye slowly into the water, stirring until

dissolved. The lye solution will top 175 degrees.Place the Crisco in the stainless-steel pot over low heat until it melts (about 20 minutes). Add the olive oil. After another 15 minutes, take the soap pot off the heat.Within five minutes, both the pot and the heatproof cup should feel toasty (about 115 degrees if you have a glass candy thermometer) but not hot. Slowly pour the lye solution into the fats, stirring steadily. The mixture will lighten and start to thicken.Looking for trace. Stir diligently for 15 minutes, or until the soap traces. Trace occurs when a bit of raw soap, dribbled from the spatula across the surface, leaves "traces" for a few seconds before sinking back in. If you don't get trace after 15 minutes, take a 10-minute break. Stir another 15 minutes. Repeat. Your soap should eventually trace. (If it doesn't, recheck your measurements. You may have to start over.)At trace, stir in 1 1/2 tablespoons

scent and pour the soap immediately into the mold. Insulate. Scrape the leftover soap in the pot onto a paper towel and toss it.Wash the utensils in hot water.The cure. Leave the soap undisturbed for 24 hours. It will heat up as it goes through its chemical reaction, then cool. When the soap is firm, cut into four to six bars and put them in a dry, well-ventilated place, away from kids and pets.Vegetable-based soap needs at least two weeks to tie up loose ends, while soaps made with animal fat seem to take twice that long to lose their "bite." Be patient.Otherwise, you'll arouse unnecessary suspicion if you offer your creation with the words: "Here is your mild and moisturizing bar of homemade soap, but don't use it for two weeks, OK?> >> > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish soap and plant spray as well )> > > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you use either a

spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit. Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't dry right back out. If you need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a small squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also been told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray to keep unwanted bugs away

from your plants.> >>

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Also if you google bulk lye soap and buy loaves you will save money.

If buying single bar here is another link with borax added, or just buy regular

lye soap make liquid and add borax, or flower of sulfur. The second link I have

only bought the peppermint from. I do not like scented soap.



> > >

> > > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish

soap and plant spray as well )

> > >

> > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a

good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the

lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you

use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the

impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or

something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't

know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your

condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the

soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit.

Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you

want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix

for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't

dry right back out. If you need to take it with you in your purse or something

just get a small squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We

have also been told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a

plant spray to keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.

> > >

> >


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Thats fine post get hijacked all the time. You should be able to click on

view messages at the bottom of the email? Anyway dear I think the chemical you

list is different than that in cedarcide. The cedarcide I make is from a

concentrate that cedarcide sells called horse and stable. Here is the inert

ingredient in cedarcide best yet.

Silane fluid. Silane Fluid is melted quartz rock. This is used as a carrier if

you will.


> > >

> > > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish soap

and plant spray as well )

> > >

> > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a

good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the

lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you

use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the

impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or

something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't

know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your

condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the

soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit.

Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you

want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix

for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't

dry right back out. If you

> need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a small squeeze

bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also been told if

you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray to keep

unwanted bugs away from your plants.

> > >

> >


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I found a website that tells you how to make soap with lye. It also has a calculator to help with measurements for different oils.


From: healinghope <mfrreman@...>Subject: Re: Liquid Lye Soap Lotionbird mites Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 2:57 PM

Another simple good recipe. You can blend in flower of sulfur in the final step, or make liquid lye and blend flower of sulfur into olive oil then blend into liquid soap. A beginner's recipe to stir the imaginationThere are endless combinations in soapmaking, limited only by your ingenuity, budget and natural law. Keep your first batch simple.Very simple soap1 cup plus 2 tablespoons Crisco1 1/3 cups olive oil1/4 cup Red Devil lye6 fluid ounces cool distilled waterArrange for two hours without interruptions. Wear long sleeves. Put on safety glasses and gloves. Keep vinegar at hand for lye splashes.Measure the cool water in the heatproof cup. Place it in the sink, where it can't be knocked over. Working in a well-ventilated area, measure the lye. Hold your breath (not because of the danger, but because there will be fumes) and pour the lye slowly into the water, stirring until

dissolved. The lye solution will top 175 degrees.Place the Crisco in the stainless-steel pot over low heat until it melts (about 20 minutes). Add the olive oil. After another 15 minutes, take the soap pot off the heat.Within five minutes, both the pot and the heatproof cup should feel toasty (about 115 degrees if you have a glass candy thermometer) but not hot. Slowly pour the lye solution into the fats, stirring steadily. The mixture will lighten and start to thicken.Looking for trace. Stir diligently for 15 minutes, or until the soap traces. Trace occurs when a bit of raw soap, dribbled from the spatula across the surface, leaves "traces" for a few seconds before sinking back in. If you don't get trace after 15 minutes, take a 10-minute break. Stir another 15 minutes. Repeat. Your soap should eventually trace. (If it doesn't, recheck your measurements. You may have to start over.)At trace, stir in 1 1/2 tablespoons

scent and pour the soap immediately into the mold. Insulate. Scrape the leftover soap in the pot onto a paper towel and toss it.Wash the utensils in hot water.The cure. Leave the soap undisturbed for 24 hours. It will heat up as it goes through its chemical reaction, then cool. When the soap is firm, cut into four to six bars and put them in a dry, well-ventilated place, away from kids and pets.Vegetable-based soap needs at least two weeks to tie up loose ends, while soaps made with animal fat seem to take twice that long to lose their "bite." Be patient.Otherwise, you'll arouse unnecessary suspicion if you offer your creation with the words: "Here is your mild and moisturizing bar of homemade soap, but don't use it for two weeks, OK?> >> > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish soap and plant spray as well )> > > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or

something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit. Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't dry right back out. If you need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a small squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also been told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray to keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.>


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Very cool, thanks.

> > >

> > > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish soap

and plant spray as well )

> > >

> > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a

good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the

lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you

use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the

impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or

something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't

know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your

condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the

soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit.

Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you

want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix

for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't

dry right back out. If you

> need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a small squeeze

bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also been told if

you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray to keep

unwanted bugs away from your plants.

> > >

> >


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Yes, I bought the one from horse and stable. I thought I understood that it lacked the silicates that best yet had. Since it is ordered from China or wherever out of the country by the ton, that made it out of reach. This process will make the silicate solution found in best yet I think. It makes the (liquid glass) the crystal solution needed.

You guys were so right about getting lazy with the protocal. I was so comfortable with no attacks that I slowed down considerably on my cleaning of the house and car. Then, at this last full moon, an over night hatching occurred. Back to collembola nightmare!

My sister had had enough of my complaints and came last week to spend the night to prove to me that I did not have bugs. She brought a microscope. She looked at the samples I had in the freezer from off my body and then looked at the dust particles on the refrigerator that I accused of being hatching collembola. She packed her bags and went to a hotel immediately! She and my father believe me now and will stop telling me to cool my imagnination. They are also mad at the doctors. They now call me to give me advice I already have from websites.

Oh, yes. Doctors found I have severe hypothyroidism. I'm sure this is what allowed parasites that polluted my body and made it easy for the mites, scabies, lice, and collembola to take over.

Diet, thyroid balance, and protocal for home, car, and body back online.

> > > From: healinghope <mfrreman@...>> Subject: Re: Liquid Lye Soap Lotion> bird mites > Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 2:57 PM> > > Â > > > > Another simple good recipe. You can blend in flower of sulfur in the final step, or make liquid lye and blend flower of sulfur into olive oil then blend into liquid soap. > A beginner's recipe to stir the imagination> > There are endless combinations in soapmaking, limited only by your ingenuity, budget and natural law. Keep your first batch simple.> > Very simple soap> > 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons Crisco> > 1 1/3 cups olive oil> > 1/4 cup Red Devil lye> > 6 fluid ounces cool distilled water> > Arrange for two hours without interruptions. Wear long sleeves. Put on safety glasses and gloves. Keep vinegar at hand for lye splashes.> > Measure

the cool water in the heatproof cup. Place it in the sink, where it can't be knocked over. Working in a well-ventilated area, measure the lye. Hold your breath (not because of the danger, but because there will be fumes) and pour the lye slowly into the water, stirring until dissolved. The lye solution will top 175 degrees.> > Place the Crisco in the stainless-steel pot over low heat until it melts (about 20 minutes). Add the olive oil. After another 15 minutes, take the soap pot off the heat.> > Within five minutes, both the pot and the heatproof cup should feel toasty (about 115 degrees if you have a glass candy thermometer) but not hot. Slowly pour the lye solution into the fats, stirring steadily. The mixture will lighten and start to thicken.> > Looking for trace. Stir diligently for 15 minutes, or until the soap traces. Trace occurs when a bit of raw soap, dribbled from the spatula across the surface,

leaves "traces" for a few seconds before sinking back in. If you don't get trace after 15 minutes, take a 10-minute break. Stir another 15 minutes. Repeat. Your soap should eventually trace. (If it doesn't, recheck your measurements. You may have to start over.)> > At trace, stir in 1 1/2 tablespoons scent and pour the soap immediately into the mold. Insulate. Scrape the leftover soap in the pot onto a paper towel and toss it.> > Wash the utensils in hot water.> > The cure. Leave the soap undisturbed for 24 hours. It will heat up as it goes through its chemical reaction, then cool. When the soap is firm, cut into four to six bars and put them in a dry, well-ventilated place, away from kids and pets.> > Vegetable-based soap needs at least two weeks to tie up loose ends, while soaps made with animal fat seem to take twice that long to lose their "bite." Be patient.> > Otherwise, you'll

arouse unnecessary suspicion if you offer your creation with the words: "Here is your mild and moisturizing bar of homemade soap, but don't use it for two weeks, OK?> > > >> > > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to

make shampoo, dish soap and plant spray as well )> > > > > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit. Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix for. Now be sure to put

your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't dry right back out. If you> need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a small squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also been told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray to keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.> > >> >>

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Makes one wonder if Your family can see this whats up with the doctors and

government? I am so sick of going by the book and wearing blinders to this! I

found the full moon a factor to. You may be correct about the stay fresh

packages, however I have never added anything to the horse and stable. Have you

tried MMS baths yet?

> > > >

> > > > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish

soap and plant spray as well )

> > > >

> > > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a

good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the

lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you

use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the

impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or

something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't

know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your

condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the

soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit.

Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you

want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix

for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't

dry right back out. If you

> > need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a small squeeze

bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also been told if

you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray to keep

unwanted bugs away from your plants.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Your thyroid is also symptomatic of lyme. There is lots of scientific

studies stating that parasites are more active during a full moon, I am now a







> > > >

> > > > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish

soap and plant spray as well )

> > > >

> > > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a

good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the

lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you

use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the

impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or

something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't

know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your

condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the

soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit.

Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you

want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix

for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't

dry right back out. If you

> > need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a small squeeze

bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also been told if

you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray to keep

unwanted bugs away from your plants.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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You two ladies are light years ahead of me. The information on silica/silane

fluid is greatly appreciated.

> > > >

> > > > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish

soap and plant spray as well )

> > > >

> > > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is a

good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the

lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you

use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the

impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or

something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't

know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your

condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the

soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit.

Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you

want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix

for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't

dry right back out. If you

> > need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a small

squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also been

told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray to

keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Lynn It is silane fluid used for a carrier with the cedar oil from cedarcide.

> > > > >

> > > > > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish

soap and plant spray as well )

> > > > >

> > > > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is

a good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the

lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you

use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the

impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or

something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't

know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your

condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the

soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit.

Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you

want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix

for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't

dry right back out. If you

> > > need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a small

squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also been

told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray to

keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Hey Rose, Lynn I agree I was not suggesting that be tested. Perhaps making

a list of symptoms then considering a clinical diagnosis. Or if she chooses

testing consider the bands positive even without a CDC positive. Band 18 is a

positive, simply, however the CDC will not recognize this as a positive. Anyone

receiving a negative lyme should insist on a positive bands being known in the

test. CDC positive is almost impossible to get, I guess I was just one of the

luck ones:(


Simply, if you are blindfolded and touch the side of an elephant, you may not be

sure it is an elephant–perhaps this is a rhino? This is the 41 band. It is from

the flagella, or huge stringy rod that projects from it. Very crudely, the

flagellum looks a dash like a sperm tail on the Lyme organism and is most often

positive. However, the 41 antibody is not specific to Lyme, since many organisms

have flagella.

Now, what if you touch this same elephant on its tusks or on its long

peanut-eating tubular nose? You know it is an elephant. Period. One touch and

you are certain, because these parts are very unique to this huge animal. This

is Dr. ' point. It you see an 18 antibody that has a positive, you have

Lyme. You do not need to check any other bands, because the 18 antibody is

highly specific to Lyme—just like a tusk on an elephant.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo,


> >soap and plant spray as well )

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it


> >a good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make


> >lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend


> >use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the

> >impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or

> >something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you


> >know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your

> >condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get


> >soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit.

> >Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you

> >want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the


> >for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it


> >dry right back out. If you

> > > > need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a small

> >squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also been

> >told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray to

> >keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Thanks everyone.

From: healinghope <mfrreman@...>Subject: Re: Liquid Lye Soap Lotionbird mites Date: Sunday, October 31, 2010, 1:33 AM

Hey Rose, Lynn I agree I was not suggesting the be tested. Perhaps making a list of symptoms then considering a clinical diagnosis. Or if she chooses testing consider the bands positive even without a CDC positive. Band 18 is a positive, simply, however the CDC will not recognize this as a positive. Anyone receiving a negative lyme should insist on a positive bands being known in the test. CDC positive is almost impossible to get, I guess I was just one of the luck ones:(http://www.personalconsult.com/articles/drjonesapproach.htmlSimply, if you are blindfolded and touch the side of an elephant, you may not be sure it is an elephant–perhaps this is a rhino? This is the 41 band. It is from the flagella, or huge stringy rod that projects from it. Very crudely, the flagellum looks a dash like a sperm tail on the Lyme organism and is

most often positive. However, the 41 antibody is not specific to Lyme, since many organisms have flagella.Now, what if you touch this same elephant on its tusks or on its long peanut-eating tubular nose? You know it is an elephant. Period. One touch and you are certain, because these parts are very unique to this huge animal. This is Dr. ' point. It you see an 18 antibody that has a positive, you have Lyme. You do not need to check any other bands, because the 18 antibody is highly specific to Lyme—just like a tusk on an elephant.> > > > > >> > > > > > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo, dish > >soap and plant spray as well )> > > > > > > > > > > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact it is > >a good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make the > >lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend you > >use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the > >impurities

removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy or > >something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you don't > >know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating your > >condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to get the > >soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit. > >Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency you > >want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making the mix > >for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it won't > >dry right back out. If you> > > > need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a small > >squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also been > >told if you thin

down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray to > >keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.> > > > > >> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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  • 1 year later...

Older post with new video.


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > LYE SOAP LOTION - HOW TO MAKE IT ( same process to make shampoo,


> > >soap and plant spray as well )

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > To make a lotion out of the soap it is really very easy. In fact

it is

> > >a good way to recycle those small pieces left over from the shower. To make


> > >lotion just take several small pieces and mix them with water. We recommend


> > >use either a spring water or a distilled water. Something that has the

> > >impurities removed. Especially if your using the lotion for a skin allergy


> > >something of the like. They put so many things in city water any more you


> > >know what you may be mixing into your lotion thus maybe even irritating


> > >condition further. Also you may need to add a little heat when trying to

get the

> > >soap and water mix if the pieces are really hard. Not much heat just a bit.

> > >Anyway just mix in enough water and stir it until you get the consistency


> > >want for your lotion or dish soap or shampoo, whatever it is your making

the mix

> > >for. Now be sure to put your mix into something relatively air tight so it


> > >dry right back out. If you

> > > > > need to take it with you in your purse or something just get a small

> > >squeeze bottle or a zip lock bag that your sure won't leak. We have also


> > >told if you thin down the solution enough you can use it as a plant spray


> > >keep unwanted bugs away from your plants.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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