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Happy New Year!

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You go girl! [high five!]

Hey- I'm not the only lil old sma lady- !


> Hello Everyone,


> Mike and I want to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year. May 2008

bring health and happiness to you, your loved ones, and friends.

> Thank you for all the help and love we received from so many since

our ordeal with Katrina in 2005.

> Hopefully 2008 will bring only good things.


> December 19, 2007 brought me a day that I never imagined in my

wildest dreams that I would see. All my life doctors had put a limit

on my lifespan; 2 years old, 8 years old, 20 years old. I finally

stopped listening and went on with my life; living it to the fullest

for however long it would last. Now all of a sudden, without my even

realizing it, I am an astounding 60! Proving all the doctors wrong by

outliving most of them. So I thank God, , my ever supporting

family, and my friends who loved me; for my still being alive. I hope

that whatever the reason I am still here, I am fulfilling my purpose

in life and living my life as an example of simple faith, hope, and



> Love,

> Pamela





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Wow, awesome! Happy 2008 Pamela and !


Happy New Year!

Hello Everyone,

Mike and I want to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year. May 2008 bring health

and happiness to you, your loved ones, and friends.

Thank you for all the help and love we received from so many since our ordeal

with Katrina in 2005.

Hopefully 2008 will bring only good things.

December 19, 2007 brought me a day that I never imagined in my wildest dreams

that I would see. All my life doctors had put a limit on my lifespan; 2 years

old, 8 years old, 20 years old. I finally stopped listening and went on with my

life; living it to the fullest for however long it would last. Now all of a

sudden, without my even realizing it, I am an astounding 60! Proving all the

doctors wrong by outliving most of them. So I thank God, , my ever

supporting family, and my friends who loved me; for my still being alive. I hope

that whatever the reason I am still here, I am fulfilling my purpose in life and

living my life as an example of simple faith, hope, and LOVE.



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What a pretty thought Miss. Thank you, Connie

Happy New Year!


> May we have a 2008 that, like a beautiful bow, ties all our

> goals neatly together and makes them a gift by becoming our realities.


> God's Blessing to All,


> Love,


> :-) " Miss "





> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with

> Mobile. Try it now.



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New beginigs



Happy New Year!

May we have a 2008 that, like a beautiful bow, ties all our goals neatly

together and makes them a gift by becoming our realities.

God's Blessing to All,


:-) " Miss "


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Dear Lori,

That picture is just beautiful. Glad you enjoyed the Ren fest again.

It has been really cold here and I am still enjoying that light weight blanket

you brought me in Houston. It is so hard to find something light enough that it

doesn't feel like it is crushing me. Thank you again.



Re: Happy New Year!

Wow, awesome! Happy 2008 Pamela and !


Happy New Year!

Hello Everyone,

Mike and I want to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year. May 2008 bring health

and happiness to you, your loved ones, and friends.

Thank you for all the help and love we received from so many since our ordeal

with Katrina in 2005.

Hopefully 2008 will bring only good things.

December 19, 2007 brought me a day that I never imagined in my wildest dreams

that I would see. All my life doctors had put a limit on my lifespan; 2 years

old, 8 years old, 20 years old. I finally stopped listening and went on with my

life; living it to the fullest for however long it would last. Now all of a

sudden, without my even realizing it, I am an astounding 60! Proving all the

doctors wrong by outliving most of them. So I thank God, , my ever

supporting family, and my friends who loved me; for my still being alive. I hope

that whatever the reason I am still here, I am fulfilling my purpose in life and

living my life as an example of simple faith, hope, and LOVE.



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Thank you!

I'm glad you are still enjoying the blanket. I like light-weight blankets too

so I don't feel trapped.


Happy New Year!

Hello Everyone,

Mike and I want to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year. May 2008 bring health

and happiness to you, your loved ones, and friends.

Thank you for all the help and love we received from so many since our ordeal

with Katrina in 2005.

Hopefully 2008 will bring only good things.

December 19, 2007 brought me a day that I never imagined in my wildest dreams

that I would see. All my life doctors had put a limit on my lifespan; 2 years

old, 8 years old, 20 years old. I finally stopped listening and went on with my

life; living it to the fullest for however long it would last. Now all of a

sudden, without my even realizing it, I am an astounding 60! Proving all the

doctors wrong by outliving most of them. So I thank God, , my ever

supporting family, and my friends who loved me; for my still being alive. I hope

that whatever the reason I am still here, I am fulfilling my purpose in life and

living my life as an example of simple faith, hope, and LOVE.



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I couldn't have said it better myself. Amen


--- Rettig <drettig@...> wrote:

> Amen


> New beginigs



> Blessings

> R

> Happy New Year!



> May we have a 2008 that, like a beautiful bow,

> ties all our goals neatly together and makes them a

> gift by becoming our realities.


> God's Blessing to All,


> Love,


> :-) " Miss "




> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all

> with Mobile. Try it now.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]






> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



;-) Virginia

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsover things are honest,

whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be

any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8



Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.


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  • 11 months later...

From: Janne

And thank you for making me , BillJanne:

You're welcome. But I'm pretty experienced at that. I make my wife laugh everytime I suggest we have sex. And when she has insomnia and just can't go to sleep, she lets me make love to her, and she's sound asleep in less than a minute. The last time i felt amourous and she was willing the phone rang and it was one of her friends from work. She told me to start without her.

From California where my ICD is endorsed by the Catholic Church. Not only is it a St. Jude modl, it also is committed to the rhythm method of birth control. It also has an attachment that everytime I eat somethiong I'm not supposed to, a little nun rushes out and hits my wrist with a ruler.


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  • 1 year later...

Thanks Deb and a great new year to you and Bob.


Jeanine's Hummingbird Soap Works

Happy New Year!

Hi all my fav listbuds! Sitting here early(stayed home with hubby Bob last

night... ;0 )doing some research online and watching the snow come down

since dawn-a pretty sight indeed. Let's hope 2010 brings some " good things "

to one & all. With most folks trying to be better about recycling and doing

more to keep our earth healthier perhaps it will begin to show.

Sending good thoughts & Blessings for a healthy, creative new year to all-

Deb Sturdevant

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WOW! That is great!! Thanks so much for that workbook!! I had been attempting

to try to keep up with the assignments, but founf myself drowning instead!

Thank you again and thank you for your work!!

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Happy New Year!

Hi Gang!

Happy 2010!

I'm not much of a resolution maker, but, as you can probably guess, I

do like to set intentions for the coming year. And of course, one of

mine is to help more.

As you reflect on 2009, I encourage you to do so from a place of

kindness and forgiveness, and deep respect for the sincerity of your

intentions in all you have done. I also encourage you to focus on what

you have learned from your experiences and how that learning will help

you going forward.

As you consider 2010, I encourage you to dream your big dreams, and

also to focus as much on your best day to day experience, as you let

your material goals (yes, including a number on the scale), be gentle

intentions. One of the members of my group program that just

concluded said that by about week two she stopped really caring about

her goal of losing 20 lbs, and started focusing only on increasing her

self-acceptance and personal growth. 12 weeks later, she was

delighted to notice that not only was she more self accepting, but

those 20 lbs had also been released.

I also suggest you use this forum to share your reflections and

intentions with this amazing group of like minded souls, here to

support and be supported.

Podcast in a Workbook?

Finally, I wanted to let you know that IOWL episodes 1 - 18 are now

available as a workbook! The workbook contains the edited

transcripts, plus workbook space to complete each of the exercise, all

beautifully laid out. You can see it here:

http://reneemethod.net/index.php?page=shop.product_details & flypage=flypage.tpl & p\

roduct_id=22 & category_id=7 & option=com_virtuemart & Itemid=74 & vmcchk=1 & Itemid=74.

(Man, that's a long url! the short version is to go to

www.reneemethod.com and click on " new workbook " ).

Episodes 1 - 18 contain the core concepts and the key foundational

pieces of the IOWL program. If you have an intention related ending

your weight struggle and developing and sharing your soul's gift, this

workbook could support you nicely.

Love and Light in 2010!

Renée s


Host of " Inside Out Weight Loss "

iTunes top Weight Loss Podcast

(and it's f*r*e*e)

Over 2,000,000 downloads to date

Available at www.personallifemedia.com/iowl

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Happy New Year Deb. I was watching the snow fall too. It was so pretty, peaceful

and quiet. The good part was when we woke up this morning there was hardly any

snow to shovel.



> Hi all my fav listbuds! Sitting here early(stayed home with hubby Bob last

night... ;0 )doing some research online and watching the snow come down since

dawn-a pretty sight indeed. Let's hope 2010 brings some " good things " to one &

all. With most folks trying to be better about recycling and doing more to keep

our earth healthier perhaps it will begin to show.

> Sending good thoughts & Blessings for a healthy, creative new year to all-

> Deb Sturdevant


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  • 2 weeks later...

, you are doing great with your Lifelift. It feels good to drop those sizes,

doesn't it?


> Welcome all....yep, I'm still here. As of January 24th it will be a YEAR that

I am back and daily life lifting.


> Again, I can honestly say, it is the ONLY exercise I maintain daily.

> I'm still working my 40 in the morning. And I use my stationary bike with my

lifelift breaths. I continue to grab 5 here 5 there during the day...My abs are

THERE....hah...never thought I would have a waist.

> Since August, and following a healthier plan of eating, and with LL I've lost

20 lbs and about 21 inches all over.


> Just recently have dropped a size in my JEANS....hot diggety....


> Again, I don't know the mechanics of it but I do like to read about it...

> The OXYGEN hitting my muscles when they are stretched as they need to be daily

helps me get a better stretch and I am able to " release " the muscle cramping

associated with MS.


> A new year...always new resolutions and OLD ONES....I will continue my DAILY

40....it just feels too good to do it...and I'll keep everyone posted on my

progress. I would guess I still need about 40 lbs lost, but that will come....I

am not as concerned about the NUMBER.





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  • 11 months later...

thanks and same to u veraFrom: Vera Lucia <veradentaluk@...>Subject: HAPPY NEW YEAR!"oremuttualsupportgroup" < >Date: Friday, December 31, 2010, 4:05 PM


Its a New Year !!Its like a new Sunrise....Of Hope, Of Prosperity, Of Happiness.Its like a new Begining...Of Thoughts, Of Words, Of Actions.Its like a new Day...Of Energy, Of Strength, Of Ideas.Its like a Bunch of whole new Things...Of Prayers, Of Friends, and Of Love.



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  • 11 months later...

Dear Lea Ann,

I can’t just let that one slip

by. You are NOT bad for never making New Year’s resolutions. You

(and we all) have permission to begin the new year in a different mindset than

that if we choose; no need at all for even the vaguest self-recriminations.

We are allowed to joyfully acknowledge and value our previous efforts and goals

and continue to support them in an optimistic, encouraging frame of mind, no

matter how unsuccessful we were in the past.

Marking the new year as a time for fresh

beginnings is a tradition that goes back at least 6000 years, and has

traditionally included celebrating the good things and accomplishments of the

year past as a way of bringing in more of the same in the months to come.

And you have lots and lots to be acknowledged for, what with helping so many

people make a new beginning with their health and happiness.

It was the early Puritans who gave us

later Americans the dour legacy of putting outselves down and setting lofty

rules for ourselves in the new year to come. They were leery of anything smacking

of paganism, such as the association of January and its first day with the

Roman god Janus. So they forbade their congregants to mark the new year

with celebrations, and instead spent the time ruminating on their damning sins

and making chastized, strict promises to God to be spotless, impossible

examples in the New Year. That’s why our American view of New Year’s

resolutions carries such moralistic baggage that practically dooms us to

failure. But I say “pfuh!” on that practice. We don’t

have to own it if it doesn’t fit since a wagging, accusing inner finger

is entirely unnecessary for us to enjoy success and happiness in our new Raw


Neil (on the Left coast in Calif.)


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Lea Ann Savage

Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011

5:57 AM

Subject: Re:

Happy New Year!

I'm bad. I never make New Year's

Resolutions. But I can say that I'm always working to improve myself in

the physical, spiritual, and mental areas. A goal (for my physical

aspect) for 2012 is to begin the GAPS diet " Intro " . I've been

" easing " into it by making bone broths, fermented foods, and cutting

out grains, but haven't gone " Full GAPS " yet. My main reason

for wanting to do GAPS is to heal my gut which seems to be extremely deficient

in enough beneficial bacteria populations.

I have also recently discovered just how important stress management is

to health, and since I have more stress in my life than most people could

imagine (and it doesn't come from my Vitamix activities) I need to ACTIVELY

focus on ACTIVE, DELIBERATE methods of Stress Reduction. I've recently

ordered a few books on Deep Breathing, and I have this book http://www.amazon.com/Relaxation-Reduction-Workbook-Harbinger-Self-Help/dp/1572245492

which is a gold mine of information (the trick is actually DOING the



Lea Ann Savage


Beach, FL

(321) 773-7088 (home)

(321-961-9219 (cell)




On Dec 30, 2011, at 6:31 AM, Cone wrote:

So…given that tomorrow is New Year’s

Eve…what is your New Year’s Resolution(s)?

No virus found in this message.

Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4711 - Release Date: 12/29/11

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Hey Neil,It really means a lot that you wrote to help me assuage my guilt :-) It means to me that you care!I was being sarcastic (and sarcasm is such a delicate art, too often soiled by the inefficiencies of the written word, void of facial expressions! :-)I gave up "New Year's Resolutions" years ago, mainly because I am a "perfectionist", and I finally grew to reach the place where I realized that I don't have to place any additional burdens or expectations on myself.I think that New Year's Resolutions are AWESOME for people who don't STRESS over them! I stress enough with my own perfectionistic mind set - that I will always struggle with - heck, I make "resolutions" on an hourly basis - I'd wager ;-) And I LOVE the paragraph about the Puritans. I SO HAVE a puritan on my shoulder wagging that accusing finger. At least in the area of New Year's Resolutions, I've learned to, "flick the Puritan off of my shoulder".Thank you so much for your words of affirmation. Words of Affirmation is my Love Language!http://www.5lovelanguages.com/learn-the-languages/the-five-love-languages/

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Dec 30, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Neil Rhoads wrote:

Dear Lea Ann,I can’t just let that one slip

by. You are NOT bad for never making New Year’s resolutions. You

(and we all) have permission to begin the new year in a different mindset than

that if we choose; no need at all for even the vaguest self-recriminations.

We are allowed to joyfully acknowledge and value our previous efforts and goals

and continue to support them in an optimistic, encouraging frame of mind, no

matter how unsuccessful we were in the past. Marking the new year as a time for fresh

beginnings is a tradition that goes back at least 6000 years, and has

traditionally included celebrating the good things and accomplishments of the

year past as a way of bringing in more of the same in the months to come.

And you have lots and lots to be acknowledged for, what with helping so many

people make a new beginning with their health and happiness. It was the early Puritans who gave us

later Americans the dour legacy of putting outselves down and setting lofty

rules for ourselves in the new year to come. They were leery of anything smacking

of paganism, such as the association of January and its first day with the

Roman god Janus. So they forbade their congregants to mark the new year

with celebrations, and instead spent the time ruminating on their damning sins

and making chastized, strict promises to God to be spotless, impossible

examples in the New Year. That’s why our American view of New Year’s

resolutions carries such moralistic baggage that practically dooms us to

failure. But I say “pfuh!” on that practice. We don’t

have to own it if it doesn’t fit since a wagging, accusing inner finger

is entirely unnecessary for us to enjoy success and happiness in our new Raw

life.Neil (on the Left coast in Calif.)


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Lea Ann Savage

Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011

5:57 AM

Subject: Re:

Happy New Year!

I'm bad. I never make New Year's

Resolutions. But I can say that I'm always working to improve myself in

the physical, spiritual, and mental areas. A goal (for my physical

aspect) for 2012 is to begin the GAPS diet "Intro". I've been

"easing" into it by making bone broths, fermented foods, and cutting

out grains, but haven't gone "Full GAPS" yet. My main reason

for wanting to do GAPS is to heal my gut which seems to be extremely deficient

in enough beneficial bacteria populations.

I have also recently discovered just how important stress management is

to health, and since I have more stress in my life than most people could

imagine (and it doesn't come from my Vitamix activities) I need to ACTIVELY

focus on ACTIVE, DELIBERATE methods of Stress Reduction. I've recently

ordered a few books on Deep Breathing, and I have this book http://www.amazon.com/Relaxation-Reduction-Workbook-Harbinger-Self-Help/dp/1572245492

which is a gold mine of information (the trick is actually DOING the



Lea Ann Savage


Beach, FL

(321) 773-7088 (home)

(321-961-9219 (cell)




On Dec 30, 2011, at 6:31 AM, Cone wrote:

So…given that tomorrow is New Year’s

Eve…what is your New Year’s Resolution(s)?

No virus found in this message.

Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4711 - Release Date: 12/29/11

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Dear Lea Ann,

I’m proud of you for giving that

shoulder-Puritan the finger! The flicking-finger, that is. It strengthens you

finger for pushing the Vitamix buttons!




[mailto: ] On

Behalf Of Lea Ann Savage

Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011

7:32 AM


Subject: Re:

Happy New Year!

Hey Neil,

It really means a lot that you wrote to help me assuage my guilt :-)

It means to me that you care!

I was being sarcastic (and sarcasm is such a delicate art, too often

soiled by the inefficiencies of the written word, void of facial expressions!


I gave up " New Year's Resolutions " years ago, mainly because

I am a " perfectionist " , and I finally grew to reach the place where I

realized that I don't have to place any additional burdens or expectations on


I think that New Year's Resolutions are AWESOME for people who don't

STRESS over them! I stress enough with my own perfectionistic mind set -

that I will always struggle with - heck, I make " resolutions " on an

hourly basis - I'd wager ;-) And I LOVE the paragraph about the Puritans.

I SO HAVE a puritan on my shoulder wagging that accusing finger. At

least in the area of New Year's Resolutions, I've learned to, " flick the

Puritan off of my shoulder " .

Thank you so much for your words of affirmation. Words of

Affirmation is my Love Language!



Lea Ann Savage

Satellite Beach, FL

(321) 773-7088 (home)

(321-961-9219 (cell)




On Dec 30, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Neil Rhoads wrote:

Dear Lea Ann,

I can’t just let that one slip by.

You are NOT bad for never making New Year’s resolutions. You (and we all)

have permission to begin the new year in a different mindset than that if we

choose; no need at all for even the vaguest self-recriminations. We are

allowed to joyfully acknowledge and value our previous efforts and goals and

continue to support them in an optimistic, encouraging frame of mind, no matter

how unsuccessful we were in the past.

Marking the new year as a time for fresh

beginnings is a tradition that goes back at least 6000 years, and has

traditionally included celebrating the good things and accomplishments of the

year past as a way of bringing in more of the same in the months to come.

And you have lots and lots to be acknowledged for, what with helping so many

people make a new beginning with their health and happiness.

It was the early Puritans who gave us

later Americans the dour legacy of putting outselves down and setting lofty

rules for ourselves in the new year to come. They were leery of anything

smacking of paganism, such as the association of January and its first day with

the Roman god Janus. So they forbade their congregants to mark the new

year with celebrations, and instead spent the time ruminating on their damning

sins and making chastized, strict promises to God to be spotless, impossible

examples in the New Year. That’s why our American view of New Year’s

resolutions carries such moralistic baggage that practically dooms us to

failure. But I say “pfuh!” on that practice. We don’t have to own

it if it doesn’t fit since a wagging, accusing inner finger is entirely

unnecessary for us to enjoy success and happiness in our new Raw life.

Neil (on the Left coast in Calif.)


[mailto: ] On

Behalf Of Lea Ann Savage

Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011

5:57 AM

Subject: Re:

Happy New Year!

I'm bad. I never make New Year's

Resolutions. But I can say that I'm always working to improve myself in

the physical, spiritual, and mental areas. A goal (for my physical

aspect) for 2012 is to begin the GAPS diet " Intro " . I've been

" easing " into it by making bone broths, fermented foods, and cutting

out grains, but haven't gone " Full GAPS " yet. My main reason

for wanting to do GAPS is to heal my gut which seems to be extremely deficient

in enough beneficial bacteria populations.

I have also recently discovered just how important stress management is

to health, and since I have more stress in my life than most people could

imagine (and it doesn't come from my Vitamix activities) I need to ACTIVELY

focus on ACTIVE, DELIBERATE methods of Stress Reduction. I've recently

ordered a few books on Deep Breathing, and I have this book http://www.amazon.com/Relaxation-Reduction-Workbook-Harbinger-Self-Help/dp/1572245492

which is a gold mine of information (the trick is actually DOING the exercises!)


Lea Ann Savage

Satellite Beach, FL

(321) 773-7088 (home)

(321-961-9219 (cell)




On Dec 30, 2011, at 6:31 AM, Cone wrote:

So…given that tomorrow is New Year’s Eve…what is your New

Year’s Resolution(s)?

No virus found in this message.

Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4711 - Release Date: 12/29/11

No virus found in this message.

Checked by AVG - www.avg.com

Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4711 - Release Date: 12/29/11

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Happy New Year to all!

I decided to take control of my health and thank each one for input from this group,

So…given that tomorrow is New Year’s Eve…what is your New Year’s Resolution(s)?

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Hey Lea Ann---I'm planning on doing GAPS in the new year also--except I haven't been easing into it!!  I'll go full tilt on the 1st---my poor body may rebel by the 2nd!!  I have set a goal of 2 weeks--if I can do it 2 weeks then I'll see from there.  I'm having a difficult time just reading the book!!

I always make resolutions---just so I can see it on paper.  I'm a list sorta gal and then at the end of the year I can write in how close I came (or didn't) to making the goal!Happy New Year to the list!

StaceyOn Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 7:57 AM, Lea Ann Savage <lsavage@...> wrote:


I'm bad.  I never make New Year's Resolutions.  But I can say that I'm always working to improve myself in the physical, spiritual, and mental areas.  A goal (for my physical aspect) for 2012 is to begin the GAPS diet " Intro " .  I've been " easing " into it by making bone broths, fermented foods, and cutting out grains, but haven't gone " Full GAPS " yet.  My main reason for wanting to do GAPS is to heal my gut which seems to be extremely deficient in enough beneficial bacteria populations.

I have also recently discovered just how important stress management is to health, and since I have more stress in my life than most people could imagine (and it doesn't come from my Vitamix activities) I need to ACTIVELY focus on ACTIVE, DELIBERATE methods of Stress Reduction.  I've recently ordered a few books on Deep Breathing, and I have this book http://www.amazon.com/Relaxation-Reduction-Workbook-Harbinger-Self-Help/dp/1572245492 which is a gold mine of information (the trick is actually DOING the exercises!)

Blessings,Lea Ann Savage

Satellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)www.VitamixLady.comwww..com


On Dec 30, 2011, at 6:31 AM, Cone wrote:


So…given that tomorrow is New Year’s Eve…what is your

New Year’s Resolution(s)?

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Given my self push to enjoy Christmas no matter how bad I felt has left me back

in a fetal position squalling but it is slowly passing. I don't think I updated

the board since my 1st hospital stay, but I spent another week in the week of

Thanksgiving. I blacked out in the lobby of a dr's apt and was rushed to the ER.

I wont go into the grotesque details as I was treated awful by all but one

doctor, who upon my arrival had to stand bedside as I kept coding. I have to

share, he slammed my door, put one hand on my head and another on my stomach and

began praying for well over twenty minutes. During this time, my vitals

stabilized allowing me to be moved into a room. I went through literal Hell at

the hands of a different doctor in rotation but stayed strong, partly due to the

cards I was still receiving from you guys. Finally after begging and then

finally demanding a new doctor, I was given to a female Internist (who really

knew nothing about GP). HOWEVER, she told me my smoothies, particularly the

green ones were what was actually saving my life. I was stunned. My self care

was doing more for me than the 8 doctors trying to help. Many of you know I had

no insurance and when I was admitted the last time, I was in the end of stage 2

of starvation. B/P 89/40, R 4-6, P 135; black outs, dizziness, fatigue and long

q waves creating heart palpitations.

I was also told in front of my children that since I had no insurance, I needed

to accept that there was no more they could do and quit praying for miracles.

Well let me tell you that put a spark in me. I was infuriated. So I applied for

SSI (temporary) and wad immediately approved less than 2 weeks later with

insurance. It was a true Christmas miracle! So my resolution is to NEVER let a

doctor tell me when to quit fighting again, keep my green smoothies until I

complete the transition to the GAPS diet aside Lea Ann. I've also been able to

reserve a spot with a world known GP specialist for Feb. 15, followed by the

Mayo in ville for June. I plan to make serious headway in raising

awareness in Washington this year for motility disorders along side G-PACT.

Above all that, I vow to live WELL again.

I've sent some thank yous out already, but the rest are on the way. Thank you to

each one of you for your thoughts, prayers, cards, advice, calls and love. Those

things, however minor to some, gave me the positive energy and strength to not

let them let me just give up and die. Eternally grateful to this board, to me

you are all family!

Love, hugs and prayers,

--- Original Message ---

From: Landmon <landmon@...>

Sent: December 30, 2011 12/30/11

Subject: Re: Happy New Year!


Happy New Year to all! 


I decided to take control of my health and thank each one for input from this



So…given that tomorrow is New Year’s Eve…what is your New Year’s


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GAPS---Gut and Psychology Syndrome--it could be considered a nutritional protocol.StaceyOn Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Schafer <brojames@...> wrote:


Pardon my ignorance, but what is a GAPS? 

Bro & Billie

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Good question and excellent answer!At one time, people with celiacs disease (and other digestive ailments) were treated with a diet called, "The Specific Carbohydrate Diet" which could CURE the condition of gut dysbiosis (an imbalance of good vs bad gut flora). But this was a difficult diet to follow. Then a doctor presented a paper somewhere with a diet of simply eliminating wheat (gluten) from the diet. This diet was easier to follow, but it was a life-long diet. It did not "cure" or correct the gut dysbiosis. But it quickly became the leading "diet" RXed for celiacs disease.GAPS is a continuation (or evolution of) the SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet). Many people are using it to cure mental (Psychology) conditions - has great positive influences on Autism Spectrum Disorders. GAPS is even a little bit more strict than SCD, but again, it is not a forever diet and has the potential to cure rather than treat many conditions.Here is an interesting article about the two diets: http://gapsfacts.com/ And a Google Search for GAPS vs SCD will give you a LOT of additional information!

Blessings,Lea Ann SavageSatellite Beach, FL(321) 773-7088 (home)(321-961-9219 (cell)))><'>www.VitamixLady.comwww..com<:)))><

On Dec 30, 2011, at 2:24 PM, ssummers1 tds.net wrote:

GAPS---Gut and Psychology Syndrome--it could be considered a nutritional protocol.StaceyOn Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Schafer <brojames@...> wrote:

Pardon my ignorance, but what is a GAPS?

Bro & Billie

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