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checking in

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Just wanted to make sure you didn't loose contact hon.Take care of that bug you have and watch out for Spyke.


Re: Checking In

Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day.


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Yeah Gail, SpYke's just being way too nice right now. I know he's got something planned for when I get better (if he did it now I'd probably beat him up - no patience) He was flirting with the visiting nurse today & ignoring me. Brat!!! SuZiegail <gaila@...> wrote: Just wanted to make sure you didn't loose contact

hon.Take care of that bug you have and watch out for Spyke. Gail Re: Checking In Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to

connect the other day. SuZie Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Shhhh Gail, don't say it too loud. SpYke already has a girlfriend - Connie's cat, Lucky the One-eyed Wonder Cat. It's true love between those two even if SpYke's eyes do tend to wander. SuZiegail <gaila@...> wrote: Sounds like his hormones are working fine.Everyone needs a girlfriend.Sounds like Spyke found one. Gail Re: Checking In Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day. SuZie Next time I'm coming back as a cat Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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HelloGroup, Hope everyones doing great today! Just checking in. Have a lovely day you all. Jeff {rooster } bye for now!!!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gail <gaila@...> wrote: Sounds like his hormones are working fine.Everyone needs a girlfriend.Sounds like Spyke found one. Gail Re: Checking In Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day. SuZie Next time I'm coming back as a cat Next time I'm coming back as a cat

We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love(and love to hate): TV's Guilty Pleasures list.

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Sounds like his hormones are working fine.Everyone needs a girlfriend.Sounds like Spyke found one.


Re: Checking In

Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day.


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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HelloGroup, Hope everyones doing great today! Just checking in. Have a lovely day you all. Jeff {rooster } Honey around here it's y'all. :) See y'all in chat tonight. Love and Hugs. Deb

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But Gail, I'm his human girlfriend! SuZiegail <gaila@...> wrote: He's allowed a human girlfriend too.One of each sort of. Gail Re: Checking In Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day. SuZie Next time I'm coming back as a cat Next time I'm coming back as a cat Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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What are you doing up so late Mama Gail? Little insomnia tonight? Hugs, SuZie & Sir SpYke the Flirtatious Felinegail <gaila@...> wrote: Doing ok here but will be glad when spring and summer gets here. Gail Re: Checking In Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day. SuZie Next time I'm coming back as a cat Next time I'm coming back as a cat We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love(and love to hate): TV's Guilty Pleasures list.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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He's allowed a human girlfriend too.One of each sort of.


Re: Checking In

Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day.


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Doing ok here but will be glad when spring and summer gets here.


Re: Checking In

Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day.


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love(and love to hate): TV's Guilty Pleasures list.

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Be careful Mama Gail, Bingo is a dangerous sport for people who don't win ! My Mum went to Bingo last year, didn't win & had a heart attack when she got home. She's recovered fully but we won't let her go if she's not gonna win. SpYke needs his Gramma. Love, SuZie & Sir SpYke the Grandbaby with four legs & furgail <gaila@...> wrote: Went to bingo so am up late to unwind.Didn't win again. Gail Re: Checking In Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day. SuZie Next time I'm coming back as a cat Next time I'm coming back as a cat We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love(and love to hate): TV's Guilty Pleasures list. Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Went to bingo so am up late to unwind.Didn't win again.


Re: Checking In

Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day.


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love(and love to hate): TV's Guilty Pleasures list.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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No you are his mama.


Re: Checking In

Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day.


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Bingo is my night out.Hope to win but don't worry about it if I don't win.


Re: Checking In

Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day.


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love(and love to hate): TV's Guilty Pleasures list.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Bingo is my night out.Hope to win but don't worry about it if I don't win.


Re: Checking In

Thanks Gail, Connie told me she'd sicced you on me. We managed to connect the other day.


Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love(and love to hate): TV's Guilty Pleasures list.

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope you have your power back on. We got between 2 and 3ft of snow in the Akron/Barberton area.


For a fun time try http://www.peternoone.com.

For The DC5 fans, please check the updates on Mike at


Checking In

Hello All!I am checking in too with the group (Hi Momma Bear).I have been really busy & haven't been on thecomputer much. Cincinnati got lots of ice last week & here at my house, we lost power from 6:30 Tuesdaynight until early Thursday morning. We ended up goingto a local hotel to sleep for a couple of nights. Nowthe sun has been out for 2 days & the temperature isgoing up, so the snow/ice is melting. I like thewinter season but have had enough! Cincinnati had 22days of below freezing temperatures through this pastweekend. This weekend I'm going on a Women's Retreat throughmy church so I won't be on-line from Thursdaynight-Monday night. You all have a good weekend. P.Music is a gift from God____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time with the Search movie showtime shortcut.http://tools. search.. com/shortcuts/ #news

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I hope you have your power back on. We got between 2 and 3ft of snow in the Akron/Barberton area.


For a fun time try http://www.peternoone.com.

For The DC5 fans, please check the updates on Mike at


Checking In

Hello All!I am checking in too with the group (Hi Momma Bear).I have been really busy & haven't been on thecomputer much. Cincinnati got lots of ice last week & here at my house, we lost power from 6:30 Tuesdaynight until early Thursday morning. We ended up goingto a local hotel to sleep for a couple of nights. Nowthe sun has been out for 2 days & the temperature isgoing up, so the snow/ice is melting. I like thewinter season but have had enough! Cincinnati had 22days of below freezing temperatures through this pastweekend. This weekend I'm going on a Women's Retreat throughmy church so I won't be on-line from Thursdaynight-Monday night. You all have a good weekend. P.Music is a gift from God____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time with the Search movie showtime shortcut.http://tools. search.. com/shortcuts/ #news

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

what i am doing is i do 40 before i get out of bed . It has

really helped me to keep it on track i just wake up a little early

so i can do them . and i also try to get in another 40 before i fall

asleep at night.

Molly : O )


> Hello,


> I am checking in. I have a question. Do any of you have trouble

> motivating yourself to the 40 breaths? This is how my day goes -

> I drive to work do about 5 or 10 LL. Then at my desk I get in


> 5 before I get interupted. Then when I think of it I get a few


> in. Driving home I get a few more. I like how I feel after 40 in a

> row.


> I was thinking about how they say it takes 21 days to develop a

> habit. So, even though I have been doing LL off and on for years,


> am inspired this time to REALLY make this a part of my daily


> like Pat suggested. I want LL to be a HABIT that I do



> Does anyone have any mind tricks or advice to get myself to stay


> track for the next 21 days ?? I am choosing to do it I just need


> make it routine. Any insights are appreciated.


> Love,




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Hi ,

Here is my advice to you as regards making Life Lift breathing a VITAL part of

your daily routine!!! Start thinking of Life Lift breathing as something

ESSENTIAL to your survival and make it TOP PRIORITY in your life. Start

thinking of Life Lift breathing as your NEW method of NORMAL breathing--a form

of breathing that, if you stopped doing it, would actually KILL you!!! I know

that these ideas might seem extreme to you, but this is exactly how I think of

Life Lift breathing!!!! I could go on and on and on about all of this, but I

have just given you the answer that I think will notivate you the most!!!! So,

just consider Life Lift breathing a new method of " normal " breathing and

something that, if you stoppped doing it, would cause you to die!!!! You have

to make Life Lift breathing as automatic, or ALMOST as automatic, as normal

breathing is!!!! Try this and see if it helps you stay motivated, and, if it

does, please let all of us know!!!!

Love always,


Checking in


I am checking in. I have a question. Do any of you have trouble

motivating yourself to the 40 breaths? This is how my day goes -

I drive to work do about 5 or 10 LL. Then at my desk I get in about

5 before I get interupted. Then when I think of it I get a few more

in. Driving home I get a few more. I like how I feel after 40 in a


I was thinking about how they say it takes 21 days to develop a

habit. So, even though I have been doing LL off and on for years, I

am inspired this time to REALLY make this a part of my daily routine

like Pat suggested. I want LL to be a HABIT that I do automatically.

Does anyone have any mind tricks or advice to get myself to stay on

track for the next 21 days ?? I am choosing to do it I just need to

make it routine. Any insights are appreciated.




Don't pick lemons.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

June is certainly looking to be injury month! Hope you feel better soon Carolyn!

--Kathy Calvin: I'm a genius, but I'm a misunderstood genius. Hobbes: What's misunderstood about you? Calvin: Nobody thinks I'm a genius

-------------- Original message -------------- From: Festival City Concrete/ & Carolyn Visser <pvisser@...>

hi everyone - yep, im still alive! so sorry that i still have not been posting lately. sadly ive had to put my slim series/express rotation on hold for a few days (geesh ! just as soon as i get started...ugh! it is so frustrating!) because ive hurt one of my feet. i thought that i had broken my little toe, but now i think that it is just sprained/bruised. ive been busy trying to walk and havent given an actual workout much thought. i have been trying to walk my dog, but it is slow going and my form is awful which is causing some other aches and pains. im also still required to do the housework and grocery shopping, of course, and everything is taking alot of time to get done. oh well, i will just keep plugging along.... it will be better in a few more days, i think.... and then i will resume my workout rotation. it was going so well, too! it figures!! i am 500 messages behind in my fitness groups, so if someone has add

ressed me in their posts, then please know that i will get to them and will respond soon.hugs,:*carolyn.

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Oh, ((HUGS)) Carolyn! I also hurt my foot -(stupid

splinter!) and back (stupid Barre workouts!) I'm laid

up this week as well. My foot is much better, but my

back is a wreck - this is the worst pain I've had in a

long time with my back. Hey, if we're both recovered

soon and if my SS Ex arrives soon, you want to jump

back on the wagon and do the rotation together? I

should have joined you the first time you asked as I

wouldn't be suffering now thanks to stupid me and the

Bar Method ab work. Grr..

I'm hoping to be back at it next week, but I'm playing

it by ear. I may do a light tomorrow and then

some more stretching.

Take care!


--- Festival City Concrete/ & Carolyn Visser

<pvisser@...> wrote:

> hi everyone - yep, im still alive! so sorry that i

> still have not

> been posting lately. sadly ive had to put my slim

> series/express

> rotation on hold for a few days (geesh ! just as

> soon as i get

> started...ugh! it is so frustrating!) because ive

> hurt one of my

> feet. i thought that i had broken my little toe,

> but now i think

> that it is just sprained/bruised. ive been busy

> trying to walk and

> havent given an actual workout much thought. i have

> been trying to

> walk my dog, but it is slow going and my form is

> awful which is

> causing some other aches and pains. im also still

> required to do

> the housework and grocery shopping, of course, and

> everything is

> taking alot of time to get done. oh well, i will

> just keep plugging

> along.... it will be better in a few more days, i

> think.... and then

> i will resume my workout rotation. it was going

> so well, too!

> it figures!! i am 500 messages behind in my

> fitness groups, so

> if someone has addressed me in their posts, then

> please know that i

> will get to them and will respond soon.

> hugs,

> :*carolyn.




Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play

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hope you heal up soon. kassia ldy_solana's domain Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don’t want to impress people they don’t like.-Will

Got a little couch potato?

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OUCH! Feel better Carolyn!!! I hope you'll be back to working out soon! And don't worry about replying to this, just wanted to let you know I'm here sympathizing with you!

checking in

hi everyone - yep, im still alive! so sorry that i still have not been posting lately. sadly ive had to put my slim series/express rotation on hold for a few days (geesh ! just as soon as i get started...ugh! it is so frustrating!) because ive hurt one of my feet. i thought that i had broken my little toe, but now i think that it is just sprained/bruised. ive been busy trying to walk and havent given an actual workout much thought. i have been trying to walk my dog, but it is slow going and my form is awful which is causing some other aches and pains. im also still required to do the housework and grocery shopping, of course, and everything is taking alot of time to get done. oh well, i will just keep plugging along.... it will be better in a few more days, i think.... and then i will resume my workout rotation. it was going so well, too! it figures!! i am 500 messages behind in my fitness groups, so if someone has addressed me in their posts, then please know that i will get to them and will respond soon.hugs,:*carolyn.

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Good to hear from you.

Oh my gosh! I wouldn't know what to think if someone I knew killed their family and themselves. That is a huge stress on you. Take care of yourself.

Hugs, Kerry

Hey all, I just wanted to check in and let you know that I'm still here. I've been so busy this month with trying to get a new home business started on top of doing some personal training online and classes and it has all kept me busy. I was catching up with email and then got some news Monday that a friend of mine went nuts and killed his family and himself. I've been kinda zoned out ever since. I'm trying to deal with my emotions and come to terms with all this. It still doesn't seem real and especially not from the man I knew. It just wasn't him.

Anyway, I haven't read any email since Monday because I'm just not able to focus right now. I'm trying to get my act together, but if I don't respond to something, please don't take offense. I'll catch up eventually.

Tonya L. -, CPTwww.smellabella.comwww.trainingwithtonya.com

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