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motd Wednesday Aug 17, 2011

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Wednesday, 17 August 2011


receive correspondence from people of all ages. I

received an E-mail from a 15 year-old girl the other day

who was truly suffering because she was so overweight.

As I read her letter, I was deep in thought.

I was

thinking, it's gotta be harder being an overweight

teenager today than when I was that age. I mean,

there's just so much more pressure on kids. Everybody's

gotta look like they're ready for Hollywood these days.

And here she was about to enter high school, where the

pressure to "look good" really gets tough.

Well, this young lady was not only writing about her

weight. She was writing about her mother's

weight, too. As far back as she could remember, her

mother was a big lady. She remembers her mother walking

her to school and, later, she'd be teased about

how fat her mother was by the other students. (That

really must have hurt.)

Besides those walks to school, this young lady found

trips to the mall uncomfortable with her mother, too.

She could see other people staring at both of

them. She'd always wonder what they must have been

thinking while staring at the two of them. So you can

see why the shopping experience was so unpleasant for



15 year-old was writing to ask what she could do or say

to her mother. How could she possibly convince her mom

to do something about her weight? I could really feel

for her as I read the letter she'd written. I'll bet

she must have been crying as she wrote to me and I just

had to write her back right away.

I told her that she should sit down with her mother and

have a heart-to-heart talk. I told her that while they

were having the talk, to hold her mother's hands and

look right into her eyes. She had to tell her mother,

first of all, how much she loved her. But she also had

to say how worried she was about her mother and...herself.


I suggested she talk her mother into doing a

mom-and-daughter buddy program, working together to lose

weight. I told her that this talk wasn't going to be

easy but losing the weight was something she and her

mother both had to do.


I believe that you can win just about anyone over with

your own honesty, loving and caring. Because, chances

are, if you don't sit and have this kind of talk with

your mother, your father, a grandparent or other loved

one, they'll only continue to gain weight. And, as they

do, their health will suffer and I know you don't want

to see that happen. Do you?

Now before I go, let me ask you something.

Could this E-mail have come from your



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