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CFS Personality Type Survey

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>> Any degree to which this illness may be corrected by

> mental/emotional factors is the degree to which it IS a

> mental/emotional illness.

> The ME/CFS phenomenon that I observed is a horrifying physiological

> illness that has emotional lability as a consequence - not as a

> cause. Yes I can ignore all assertions of mental causality, they

> have no place in this illness.


** The brain type and personality measures are NOT mental/emotional

factors. What they are is a possible marker for brain physiology, for a

specific structure. This did all begin with Jung's characterization of

temperament, then was morphed into Meyers-Briggs classification scheme, so I

can understand your view if you are thinking of the origin of personality

theory. But as has pointed out, more recently Neidnagel has

popularized the idea (which he borrowed from medical research) that the MBTI

system is actually a reflection of different brain structures. He can

actually observe the motor movements of an athlete and identify that

person's MBTI, that is how physiological the structure types are. So the

updated view of temperament, or brain type is about PHYSIOLOGY and not

psychology. Probably 'personality' is the wrong word to be using now that

we know that, I should probably say 'brain type.' Sorry if that has been


My purpose in pursuing this is the hypothesis that 'brain type' factors as

expressed through the MBTI are possible genetic markers for vulnerability

to biotoxin illness. This is perhaps analogous to Shoemaker's observation

that 'wingspan' is a genetic marker for mold illness vulnerability.

And as far as what happened at Incline, I don't see any conflict with this

hypothesis, just some unanswered questions. For example, a strong enough

trigger will bring down nearly anyone exposed. In WWII entire barracks of

soldiers sometimes became sick with mycoplasma phneumonia, for example, that

was a strong trigger in an enclosed space. The specific trigger at Incline

is the unanswered question of course, perhaps it was a strong encephalitic

virus, that would leave large numbers of people severely affected. But over

a long period of time only those with certain predispositions would remain

sick, those who were perhaps more injured by the virus due to the way their

brains and immune responses worked. I would not be surprised if a brain

type survey revealed that most of the people who have remained sick from

Incline fall into the same categories as the episodic CFS patients in terms

of brain type, if that is a real marker. But there may be many different

triggers that lead to similar brain injury, so some elements of the cases

would differ of course.


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> " bob niederman " <bobn1955@...> wrote:


> > You keep talking about " inherited disease " whenever anybody brings up

> > " genetic predisposition " . Why is that? They are DIFFERENT.


On 10/18/06, erikmoldwarrior <erikmoldwarrior@...> wrote:

> Because people generally place " genetic predisposition " in a context

> of heritable genes.

OK. so far.

> Since every structure and function of any living thing is " genetic " ,

> if one wishes to say that the environmental or infection is the cause

> of a genetic alteration that results in a predisposition, they can

> simply use the customary terms indicating that an infection or toxic

> exposure is responsible,

, the 'pre' in predisposition means *before* - as in before the

infectious agent/toxic mold/whatever shows up.

By the way, you've stated you had mold problems before CFS/ME. Now

*that* sounds like a genetic predisposition to me.

- Bob Niederman

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" Kurt Rowley " wrote:

> ** The brain type and personality measures are NOT mental/emotional

factors. What they are is a possible marker for brain physiology,



Thanks for your excellent explanation.

It sounds like a good project, and I'm all in favor of anything that

helps further our understanding of this illness.

After the way presumed mental states have always been used as an

excuse to deny research into CFS, I hope you can forgive me if I'm a

little touchy about this subject.


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" bob niederman "

> , the 'pre' in predisposition means *before* - as in before the

> infectious agent/toxic mold/whatever shows up.


> By the way, you've stated you had mold problems before CFS/ME. Now

> *that* sounds like a genetic predisposition to me.


> - Bob Niederman

Measurable by HLA DR assay and not rare.

I've already witnessed a spectacular increase in expression of this

reasonably common " predisposition " .

I expect to see many more.


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> " Kurt Rowley " wrote:


> > ** The brain type and personality measures are NOT mental/emotional

> factors. What they are is a possible marker for brain physiology,

> -Kurt

> >


> Thanks for your excellent explanation.

> It sounds like a good project, and I'm all in favor of anything that

> helps further our understanding of this illness.


> After the way presumed mental states have always been used as an

> excuse to deny research into CFS, I hope you can forgive me if I'm a

> little touchy about this subject.

> -

Yes, I understand. I have been battling CFS for 10 years now, and can

only imagine how frustrated the 20+ year veterans must be at this

point. Probably 'touchy' is an understatement. :)


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