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I'm so excited!

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Thanks! As for being 100% on the program, well, from 1/18/01

through 2/13/01 I THOUGHT that I was doing everything right, but I

had to re-evaluate my nutrition because I couldn't tell a difference

at all in the photos. I was eating authorized foods, and balancing

the protein and carb and eating at least 5 and most of the time 6

meals per day, but I was eating portion sizes that were larger that I

should have. I also realized that I wasn't doing the weight training

exactly right. I read the book again and made the appropriate

adjustments and started seeing results almost immediately. From that

point on, I have done BFL exactly by the book, and I do enjoy my free

days on Sunday (my mother-in-law is a wonderful cook), but I still do

some light to moderate cardio on free days. I've still got a ways to

go, but I'm enjoying the journey every rep (pun intended) of the way!


> In a message dated 3/17/01 4:51:23 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> on2gold@y... writes:


> << Today I had my body

> fat tested again, and I am down to 32.2%, or 52 pounds of fat.

> That's still alot of fat, and I have a ways to go, but I am


> to know that I have lost 21 pounds of fat and gained 9 pounds of

> muscle in just 2 months! >>


> Kathy, that is simply fantastic! Have you been 100% on the program

or have

> you had a few slips? Can you tell us about your routine?


> See, you've become the inspirational one that people will seek for




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  • 1 year later...

, that's great to hear about 's report card. I know you were

proud. Congrats on the honor roll also. Way to go AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!! :)

>From: linman42@...


>Subject: I'm so excited!

>Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 23:50:53 EST



> got her report card today - well tonite and we had parent teacher

>conferences. well, she got mostly 80's and i think an 85 and she got

>silver honor roll!!!!!! I have never seen a report card before that


>her abilities and reports on what she can do. Its pretty exciting and to


>see all ones on her report card (the rating system goes 1-4, 4, being the



>She has been working conscientiously and her overall middle school


>has been postive so far. Not without some tears and alot of toil to get



>, when i can think clearly, I will get back to you about Mav.


>Bottom line, the school and the teachers are the most important factor in


>this. They really believe in all their students and set them up to be



>Now on to an inclusion High School - I've got 2 1/2 years to get one, but

>will go back to work in 7 months. It will be tough but worth it if it



> ~ Mom to 12 DS and Diabetes Type 1 and 8 NY


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In a message dated 2/26/2003 11:52:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,

linman42@... writes:

<< got her report card today - well tonite and we had parent teacher

conferences. well, she got mostly 80's and i think an 85 and she got

silver honor roll!!!!!! I have never seen a report card before that reflects

her abilities and reports on what she can do. Its pretty exciting and to


see all ones on her report card (the rating system goes 1-4, 4, being the

highest.) >>

Congratulations ! It's great to hear success stories like this.

Kathy, Liam's mom(almost 5)

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  • 2 years later...

- good luck on your exam tomorrow! Beth P.

<cathy.yoon@...> wrote:As most (all) of you know, I have a very

major exam coming up on

Friday. I've talked about it often enough. Well, Jillian was

having a book signing today at the Santa and Noble.

So, my dilemma was whether or not to go to the book signing. So, I

went to B & N early to study and attend the book signing.

Jillian is the most sweetest and nicest person. She really cares

about you, the person. She talked about the show (but didn't give

anything away) and about her book. She's really down to earth.

I told her my situation about my weight lose and regain of that

weight and she really wants to help. She didn't just sign her book

but wrote something personal.

Also, she gave me her email address so that I can email her when I


BTW, she said that since Seth had immunity on the last episode, he

intentionally loaded up on water so that on the next weigh in he will

have a huge result.

Also, have you noticed that the clothes the contestants wear really

fit them and are not loose? Well, Jillian and Bob take their teams

shopping on off days and buy them an outfit. Isn't that really

nice. She said that the show's been nice to them so they give it

back to their team.

Well, back to studying!

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I love Jillian...for the past month I have been doing her workout in her

book. Lets just say the routine.. if done right will give you an awesome

workout!! She is a dream trainer, I would die to have her as a trainer.


--- <cathy.yoon@...> wrote:

> As most (all) of you know, I have a very major exam coming up on

> Friday. I've talked about it often enough. Well, Jillian was

> having a book signing today at the Santa and Noble.

> So, my dilemma was whether or not to go to the book signing. So, I

> went to B & N early to study and attend the book signing.


> Jillian is the most sweetest and nicest person. She really cares

> about you, the person. She talked about the show (but didn't give

> anything away) and about her book. She's really down to earth.


> I told her my situation about my weight lose and regain of that

> weight and she really wants to help. She didn't just sign her book

> but wrote something personal.


> Also, she gave me her email address so that I can email her when I

> stumble.


> BTW, she said that since Seth had immunity on the last episode, he

> intentionally loaded up on water so that on the next weigh in he will

> have a huge result.


> Also, have you noticed that the clothes the contestants wear really

> fit them and are not loose? Well, Jillian and Bob take their teams

> shopping on off days and buy them an outfit. Isn't that really

> nice. She said that the show's been nice to them so they give it

> back to their team.


> Well, back to studying!








- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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  • 2 months later...

Just about an hour ago I was really down in the dumps. I think it was because I could only do 10 minutes of that one video and then 20 minutes of the Sweetin to the oldies video. I went and laid down and my husband came in and said, "Do you think that maybe if we got out that you would feel better?" Well, I decided that even though it is like 43 degrees outside and really windy, that maybe we could try and walk around the track across the street. In the past I would have to stop at every single bench around the track. There is about five. Well, today we went and the walk did me wonders. I didn't stop at any of the benches. I was able to walk to the track, around the track and back to the apartment without stopping. It is .8 miles around the track, and we had to walk to the track and back home again. So I think I walked around 1 whole mile. I am so excited about what I did. I didn’t know I could do that. To be able to walk around the track without even stopping once. It might not seem like such a big deal to others, but to me it was a long way. On top of everything else it was windy that made it that much harder to walk. I feel so much better both physically and especially mentally. I don't feel like hiding in my bed now, like I did earlier today. Thanks to my husband that suggested that I try getting out. Well, just wanted to share my excitement with you all. By the way, my husband walked with me around the track. 340/307.4/135

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YEAH! I'm so happy for you. That is a great accomplishment. Wonderful progress. I'm so proud of you! Yeah for hubby too... he sounds like a wonderful guy!!

Take Care,Amy294/289/140 ID: amy102090

I'm so excited!

Just about an hour ago I was really down in the dumps. I think it was because I could only do 10 minutes of that one video and then 20 minutes of the Sweetin to the oldies video. I went and laid down and my husband came in and said, "Do you think that maybe if we got out that you would feel better?" Well, I decided that even though it is like 43 degrees outside and really windy, that maybe we could try and walk around the track across the street. In the past I would have to stop at every single bench around the track. There is about five. Well, today we went and the walk did me wonders. I didn't stop at any of the benches. I was able to walk to the track, around the track and back to the apartment without stopping. It is .8 miles around the track, and we had to walk to the track and back home again. So I think I walked around 1 whole mile. I am so excited about what I did. I didn’t know I could do that. To be able to walk around the track without even stopping once. It might not seem like such a big deal to others, but to me it was a long way. On top of everything else it was windy that made it that much harder to walk. I feel so much better both physically and especially mentally. I don't feel like hiding in my bed now, like I did earlier today. Thanks to my husband that suggested that I try getting out. Well, just wanted to share my excitement with you all. By the way, my husband walked with me around the track.


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>Just about an hour ago I was really down in the dumps. I think it was

because I could only do 10 minutes of that one video and then 20 minutes of

the Sweetin to the oldies video.

Remember, you're just starting out! Did Olympic marathoners run a 26 mile

race their first day out or did they take years of training? DO musicians go

straight to Carnegie Hall do they have to practice, practice, practice

first? Doing 30 minutes in one day as a beginner exerciser is GREAT!

And some of those songs on 's videos are FAST! Even when I was in my

30's and 50 pounds lighter I could never do Wipe Out!

>It is .8 miles around the track, and we had to walk to the track and back

home again. So I think I walked around 1 whole mile.

And you did this in addition to the 30 minutes of aerobic videos! You

*better* be excited! LOL

Sue in NJ

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that's so cool!!! reminds me of another saying I keep handy - SUBJECT TO CHANGE you were down and now you're flying high! keep up the terrific work and kudos to hubby too <memyselves@...> wrote: Just about an hour ago I was really down in the dumps. I think it was because I could only do 10 minutes of that one video and then 20 minutes of the Sweetin to the oldies video. I went and laid down and my husband came in and said, "Do you think that maybe if we got out that you would feel better?" Well, I decided that even though it is like 43 degrees outside and really windy, that

maybe we could try and walk around the track across the street. In the past I would have to stop at every single bench around the track. There is about five. Well, today we went and the walk did me wonders. I didn't stop at any of the benches. I was able to walk to the track, around the track and back to the apartment without stopping. It is .8 miles around the track, and we had to walk to the track and back home again. So I think I walked around 1 whole mile. I am so excited about what I did. I didn’t know I could do that. To be able to walk around the track without even stopping once. It might not seem like such a big deal to others, but to me it was a long way. On top of everything else it was windy that made it that much harder to walk. I feel so much better both physically and especially mentally. I don't feel like hiding in my bed now, like I did earlier today. Thanks to my husband that

suggested that I try getting out. Well, just wanted to share my excitement with you all. By the way, my husband walked with me around the track. 340/307.4/135Live, Love, Laugh

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WTG that is wonderful you did the entire track!!! Ad what a hubby!!! Tell that man he totally rocks!!!!! My hubby is gettign better, not that good but better. He actually wanted to join Bally's with me. I am so excited. WTG again on your walk, that really is great!!

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! That is AWESOME! I can't wait for the day that I can do what you just did! I understand about the benches and not being able to make once around. WTG! And good for hubby! =0) T. <bryefield@...> wrote: that's so cool!!! reminds me of another saying I keep handy - SUBJECT TO CHANGE you were down and now you're flying high! keep up the

terrific work and kudos to hubby too <memyselves@...> wrote: Just about an hour ago I was really down in the dumps. I think it was because I could only do 10 minutes of that one video and then 20 minutes of the Sweetin to the oldies video. I went and laid down and my husband came in and said, "Do you think that maybe if we got out that you would feel better?" Well, I decided that even though it is like 43 degrees outside and really windy, that maybe we could try and walk around the track across the street. In the past I would have to stop at every single bench around the track. There is about five. Well, today we went and the walk did

me wonders. I didn't stop at any of the benches. I was able to walk to the track, around the track and back to the apartment without stopping. It is .8 miles around the track, and we had to walk to the track and back home again. So I think I walked around 1 whole mile. I am so excited about what I did. I didn’t know I could do that. To be able to walk around the track without even stopping once. It might not seem like such a big deal to others, but to me it was a long way. On top of everything else it was windy that made it that much harder to walk. I feel so much better both physically and especially mentally. I don't feel like hiding in my bed now, like I did earlier today. Thanks to my husband that suggested that I try getting out. Well, just wanted to share my excitement with you all. By the way, my husband walked with me around the track. 340/307.4/135 One Day Ata Time, Terasee

Photos Got holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP.

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Thanks Sue in NJ, What you said really encouraged me. I guess some times I just try to put the cart before the horse so to speak. Got to crawl before I walk. Got to walk before I run. Right? I'll get there. Your right, I am just starting out, and I am proud of myself for at least trying. 340/305.2/135

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Myssi, I told my hubby what you said. It is going to be around 67 degrees out today, and so I am thinking about walking the track again today. The only problem is going to be the wind. It is supposed to be really really really windy today. I'll let you know how I do. Glad to hear that your hubby is wanting to join Bally's with you. Step in the right direction. 340/305.2/135 Re: I'm so excited!WTG that is wonderful you did the entire track!!! Ad what a hubby!!! Tell that man he totally rocks!!!!! My hubby is gettign better, not that good but better. He actually wanted to join Bally's with me. I am so excited. WTG again on your walk, that really is great!!

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T., If I can do this others can too. I had to take it slow, but I got around there finally. One step at a time. A few years back I used to walk around the track 5 times. I had to work up to that, and I was losing weight like crazy back then. I don't know why I stopped. I so wish I didn't. I would be so much healthier. I am hoping that some day that I will be able to once again go around that track 5 times. For now though, I am totally excited about making it around there one time. 340/305.2/135 Re: I'm so excited!! That is AWESOME! I can't wait for the day that I can do what you just did! I understand about the benches and not being able to make once around. WTG! And good for hubby! =0) T. <bryefield@...> wrote:that's so cool!!! reminds me of another saying I keep handy - SUBJECT TO CHANGE you were down and now you're flying high! keep up the terrific work and kudos to hubby too <memyselves@...> wrote:Just about an hour ago I was really down in the dumps. I think it was because I could only do 10 minutes of that one video and then 20 minutes of the Sweetin to the oldies video. I went and laid down and my husband came in and said, "Do you think that maybe if we got out that you would feel better?" Well, I decided that even though it is like 43 degrees outside and really windy, that maybe we could try and walk around the track across the street. In the past I would have to stop at every single bench around the track. There is about five. Well, today we went and the walk did me wonders. I didn't stop at any of the benches. I was able to walk to the track, around the track and back to the apartment without stopping. It is .8 miles around the track, and we had to walk to the track and back home again. So I think I walked around 1 whole mile. I am so excited about what I did. I didn’t know I could do that. To be able to walk around the track without even stopping once. It might not seem like such a big deal to others, but to me it was a long way. On top of everything else it was windy that made it that much harder to walk. I feel so much better both physically and especially mentally. I don't feel like hiding in my bed now, like I did earlier today. Thanks to my husband that suggested that I try getting out. Well, just wanted to share my excitement with you all By the way, my husband walked with me around the track. 340/307.4/135One Day Ata Time,Terasee PhotosGot holiday prints? See all the ways to get quality prints in your hands ASAP.

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, This is awesome! This is how I started! I did one mile a day and now I'm up to 3 miles. <memyselves@...> wrote about walking around the track!

Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

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Hi , I can't wait until I am up to 3 miles. How long did it take you to get up to 3 miles? Re: I'm so excited!,This is awesome! This is how I started! I did one mile a day and now I'm up to 3 miles.

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