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f issels was a huge influence on Dr klinghardt and I very

impressed by DR Issel's work. For him integrative medicine meant

having a dentist in his hospital!

With CFS we have a chronic illness without signicant pathology as in

Cancer, but apart from that his model is very useful for us.




Ilse Marie Issels

f M. Issels, M.D., is remembered worldwide as the foremost

pioneer of the holistic integrative approach to cancer and chronic

degenerative disease.

He developed a very comprehensive logistic treatment system which he

first published in 1953 and administered to approximately 15.000

cancer patients in the hospital and clinic he founded in 1951 at

Lake Tegernsee near Munich/Germany. In 1970 the hospital was

enlarged from 80 to 120 beds with extensive research facilities

including a dental ward (for the diagnosis and treatment of focal

infection) , immunological and microbiological departments where

various vaccines were developed. Programs included research on

pleomorphism (Enderlein), microbes in oncogenesis, for example

mycoplasma (Gerlach), autologous vaccines (Issels), mixed bacterial

vaccines (Coley), darkfield microscopy, hyperthermia etc. The

facility provided state-of-the-art medical care in a resort setting.

It was the first hospital of its kind, designed for the

immunobiological treatment of cancer patients who had exhausted

conventional treatments. Over 90% of all patients were suffering

from progressive metastatic cancer, and too often in the terminal

stage. The massive confrontation with these patients posed new

problems of therapy which had not been considered in classic cancer

therapy, that is the treatment of the tumor alone. The possibility

of daily clinical observation and comparison of similar incurable

cases for months at a time - the research at the bedside - permitted

new experience, centered on the body's natural defense, repair and

regulatory mechanisms.

Dr. Issels summarized his conclusions from this experience in his

holistic concept of the development of chronic degenerative disease

and malignancy. It serves as the fundament for his comprehensive

treatment strategy which attends to b o t h the disease symptoms and

the causes and preconditions for the development of these symptoms.

In the case of cancer the treatment is not only directed at the

malignant tumor, but also at the correction of the preconditions for

the formation of the tumor. It aims at the restoration of the

natural defense, repair and regulatory mechanisms of the cancer

afflicted person as a whole.

Research has shown that every vertebrate organisms is constantly

threatened by cancer cells whose formation is a daily occurrence.

Not every newly produced cancer cell leads to a tumor, as the body

possesses a natural defense system. The system with the highest

differentiation within the entity of the natural defenses is the

cellular immune system. This has a homeostatic control function or

immune surveillance according to the concept of . It is this

system which differentiates between " self " and " non-self " and

destroys alien or outlaw cells including cancer cells. Thus an

intact immune system and intact regulation of physiological cell

death (Villunger, Strasser) is capable of protecting the organisms

from the development of a malignant tumor.

Dr. Issels differentiated between two causal complexes in the

development of cancer, namely:

the factors which induce the transformation of a normal cell into a

cancer cell, and

those factors which impair the immune and regulatory systems to an

extent that they cannot prevent cancer cells from developing into a


According to Buttersack, Eppinger, Schade and others the defense

potential is a multi-layered structure of numerous, very different

functional systems embracing virtually the whole body. During the

decades of treating advanced cancer, Dr. Issels observed the

synergistic effect of treatment modalities that comprise all the

defense zones.

Table 1 Interaction between the Neuro-Hormonal Control System and

the Four Defense Zones.

Luckey and Schmid differentiate between four successive defense


The adaptive " extracorporal defense zone " . It consists of the

physiological obligatory microflora on all epithelial surfaces with

its autonomous defense function. It is responsible for the

development of the " basic immunity of the organism " ( Gordon, Luckey

and Miyakawa). The functional integrity of the other defense zones

can only be guaranteed by a healthy eubiotic microflora.

The functional integrity of the other defense zones can only be

guaranteed by a healthy eubiotic microflora.

The constitutive " epithelial defense zone " . It consists of all

epithelial surfaces and performs defense, filtration, excretion and

absorption (Carbonara, Crabbe, Heremans, Mitchison).

The excretory function of this zone is of special importance for the

elimination of metabolic and oncolytic toxins. A back flow of the

waste products leads to a blockade of this system with all the

consequences for the other zones, and thus to an impairment of the

defense potential.

The constitutive " lympho-reticular defense zone " . It consists of

the " lympho-epithelial system " with the thymus, the Waldeyer's

tonsillar ring, the Peyer's patches, the " lympho-retothelial system "

such as the white pulp of the spleen, the lymphatic centers, the

white bone marrow and the storage endothelia.

The importance of this zone has been shown by the research work of

, Good, Hellstrom, Klein, Nossal, Old, and others.

The constitutive " reticulo-histiocytary defense zone " . It is the

pluripotent mesenchyme which embraces almost half of the body

weight. It is also called the regulatory ground system (Pischinger)

with its various functions such as

the stem cell function;

the transit function that intervenes between nerves, organ cellss,

blood, lymphatic and intestinal cells;

the homeostatic function;

the defense, detoxification and storage functions.

These four defense zones are successive, are closely interrelated

and - what is often neglected - they are under neuro-hormonal

control. They do not only fulfil defense but also other vital


The blockade of only one function of one of these zones, for example

of the excretion belonging to the second zone, or even the blockade

of the control system such as the diencephalon or the autonomous

nervous system on its own, may contribute indirectly to a lowering

of the defense potential.

The activities of the kybernetic synergism of the four defense zones

are defined by some authors as the " big resistance " . The resistance

is a very complex mechanism which is not alone to be seen in the

much discussed importance of the T-and B-lymphocytes. It is an

accomplishment of the entire organism and therefore holistic.

To achieve optimal results treatment should cover all the defense

zones including the control system whose importance has been shown

by the research findings of psychoneuro-immunology.

The Issels Treatment comprises the person as a whole - body and

mind. It is based on the concept of oncogenesis (Issels 1953) as

outlined under table 2 :

TABLE 2 - Hypothesis of the Pathogenis of Cancer.

Pre-and post-natal endogenous and exogenous factors (I) can lead by

mutagenic, toxic, sensitizing and neural effects via the transit

mesenchyme to secondary damage (Roessle) (II) to organs and organ

systems as well as to functional disturbances of the neural,

hormonal, excretory and defense systems.

Affects on the detoxifying and excretory systems deteriorate the

endogenous environment or " milieu " and can lead to complex metabolic

disturbances which are common to all chronic degenerative diseases

and vary according to constitution and disposition.

Further constant influence of the causal factors and the persistence

of secondary damages can impair the defense, repair and regulatory

mechanisms to an extent that produces an imbalanced condition which,

in the case of a genetic predisposition, can gradually develop into

a " tumor-milieu " (III). This constitutes a specific endogenous

environment which provides the ideal medium for cancer cells, and

microorganisms found in cancer, to thrive. From such pre-cancerous

condition (III), when defense potency is lowered further, a

malignant tumor may develop at the site of least resistance.

With the manifestation of the malignant tumor (IV) and its symptoms

(V) the cancer disease enters the recognizable phase and

conventional treatment starts with the weapons directed against the

tumor and the cancer cells. However, the latent pathological

processes preceding and producing the manifestation of the tumor,

remain chronically active, even after elimination of the tumor;

hence the high rate of recurrence after standard cancer treatment.

Standard cancer treatment is based on the " localistic " concept that

views the malignant tumor as the beginning of a disease which

progressively spreads throughout the body. This interpretation of

cancer makes all measures of treatment concentrated on the tumor,

seem causal and exhaustive. They are exhaustive in those cases in

which the immune system is capable to recuperate after alleviation

from the tumor load (Rubin).

The holistic concept views cancer as a systemic disease from the

onset and the tumor as its late stage symptom. This concept,

therefore, calls for a holistic strategy in order to achieve optimal

treatment results.

Based on the holistic concept, the Issels Treatment has two main

lines of approach to cancer which complement each other:

A. Treatment aiming at the removal or reduction of the tumor :





Hyperthermia and other non-toxic modalities

Specific Immunotherapy.

B. Non-specific immunobiological basic treatment aimed at the

restoration of the impaired defense, repair and regulatory functions

of the tumor host.

The basic treatment is modified to suit each individual patient's

needs. It includes:

Elimination of all seizable exogenous and endogenous causal factors

that may lead to an impairment of the immune functions and may

contribute to a transformation of symbiotic microorganisms into


a) Malnutrition to be replaced by a diet designed to meet the

special needs of the individual cancer patient (Budwig, Gerson,

Hildenbrand), with supplementation of vitamins, anti-oxydants,

minerals, trace elements, enzymes;

B) Abnormal bacterial intestinal flora to be normalized by diet and

long term ad- ministration of coli cultures (Nissle) and probiotic


c) Head foci of infection such as dental, alveolar and tonsillar

foci to be removed by surgical intervention (Issels, Pischinger);

d) Fields of neural disturbance to be neutralized by neural therapy

(Huneke). Neural therapy and acupuncture are also administered in

conjunction with conventional pain therapy;

e) Hereditary allergoses and toxicoses to be treated by

administration of specific colloids (Issels, Spengler);

f) Environmental and occupational factors and addictions to be

rectified by change of life style;

g) Psychic stress to be relieved by psychological guidance, in

single and group therapy, biofeedback, relaxation techniques,

meditation, visualization;

h) Physical therapy, hydrotherapy, breathing techniques, massage,

lymph drainage etc.

Treatment of secondary damage and metabolic disturbance to restore

normal function of organs by:

a) Activation of cellular respiration by oxygen-ozone therapy in

various forms, ultraviolet blood irradiaton;

B) Regeneration of organs and compensation of losses by

administration of organ extracts or organ hydrolysates, (e.g. liver

extract, thymus peptides);

c) Therapy to improve detoxification, i.e. elimination of toxins

resulting from oncolysis, and of metabolic residues by activation of

liver and kidney function assisted by herbal extracts and high fluid

intake, colon hydrotherapy, enemas;

d) Enzyme therapy with lytic enzymes to eliminate immune suppressive

factors such as immune complexes;

e) Homeopathy, Isopathy.

Stimulation of immune response by:

a) Hyperpyrexia, i.e. the injection of bacterial

lypopolysaccharides, e.g. an autolysate of streptococci and

bacterium prodigiosum (Coley), to raise body temperature up to 104

F. Hyperpyrexia fights latent infections, loosens regulative

blockades, improves detoxification, damages cancer cells,

temporarily raises the white blood count up to 30 - 40,000 and

increases the release of interferon and interleukin. Over the past

40 years more than 100,000 applications were given in the Issels

Hospital and Clinic in Germany without any adverse side effects.

Biological Response Modifiers, Autologous Vaccines.

The vaccines were developed in the Microbiological Department of the

Issels hospital. From 1958 until 1973 Dr. Franz Gerlach was its

director of research. He was a Professor of the University of

Vienna, a researcher of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, well

published in peer- reviewed medical journals, and internationally

renowned for his research on mycoplasma and cancer. In the Issels

hospital, thousands of mice served for a variety of studies, all of

which confirmed that mycoplasma species can be causative or co-

factors in oncogensis.

To quote Gerlach: " Mycoplasmas are, synergistically with other

factors, essential and obligatory for oncogensis " . For example,

after cell free depot inoculation of mycoplasmas under the skin of

209 albino mice, 90.9% developed all types of malignancies, whereas

of 600 control animals which were not inoculated, only 0,83%

developed cancer.

Over the last hundred years, other scientists have as well

associated microorganisms with oncogenesis. Recent research by

reputable US scientists confirms the involvement of certain

mycoplasma species in cancer (S.C.Lo et al.), the Gulf War Syndrome,

Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis (Nasralla M.,

Nicolson G.L.et al.)

The mycoplasma vaccines developed in the Issels hospital were

administered within the comprehensive treatment program.

Clinical observation showed that even in an advanced stage of

malignant disease an immune reaction with complete long term

remission can be achieved. The basic therapy seems to improve the

immune reactivity of the body and the efficacy of applied tumor

antigens. This may explain why tests in some cancer centers where

only tumor antigens were given without the basic treatment, did not

achieve the same results and led to such statements as " tumors of a

certain size cannot be influenced immunologically " .

The importance of the basic therapy can be seen in the fact that

with its use immune paralysis simulated by intoxication could be

eliminated within a few days and a sufficient immune response was

achieved. In the Issels Hospital and Clinic it was repeatedly

observed that by the elimination of foci, above all infected

devitalized teeth and chronically infected tonsils, or with an

active fever therapy, a blockade of the neuro-hormonal systems was


Table 3 - Table 4 - Table 5 - Table 6

Especially during the first years of the development of the Issels

Treatment, it became evident: Specific immunotherapy was more

effective when causal factors could be eliminated systematically and

detoxification mechanisms and herewith the endogenous environment,

the " milieu " , could be normalized.

The normalization of the detoxification processes is an essential

part of basic therapy. This is generally ignored in research and

practice. Despite all efforts, even to-day many patients are lost

who respond well to the tumor antigens, but who are not able to

excrete the products of tumor lysis. Without sufficient

detoxification neither immunotherapy nor chemotherapy will achieve

long term results.

In patients with a rapidly growing tumor who cannot expect immediate

help from long term immunotherapy, the latter is combined with

chemotherapy according to the morphology of the tumor. Thus the

progression of the tumor growth can be stopped and the patient gains

time to respond to immunotherapy. In qualified cases, cautious short

term administration of chemotherapy avoids the severe immune

suppression associated with prolonged use of these drugs (Frei).

Experience of 40 years has shown that chemotherapy combined with

basic therapy, has less toxic side effects, and in special cases,

when given in lower than the standard doses, it has the same

cytotoxic effect. Thus many patients can be helped who would die, if

only one of these therapies were used.

It has also been observed that through comprehensive

immunobiological treatment alone or in combination with

chemotherapy, a variety of inoperable tumors can be rendered

operable. Blocked ureters or gall bladders can be freed, making it

possible to continue treatment of patients who would otherwise be


A decisive improvement of cure rates can be achieved through

comprehensive immunotherapy as follow-up treatment shortly after

standard treatment, such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The

restoration of the immune functions can reduce the incidence of

recurrence from about 50% (World Statistics) to 13% by combined

conventional treatments and comprehensive immunotherapy.

f M. Issels, M.D. reported in " Immunotherapy in Progressive

Metastatic Cancer, A Fifteen Year Survival Follow-up " 1970, Clinical

Trials Journal , 7(3): 357-366, London, a peer reviewed paper, that

of 370 patients with various types of cancer who were given

immunological treatment shortly after surgery or radiation therapy,

322 (87%) were alive and well after five years without recurrence or

detectable metastases.

An independent statistical study by A.G. Audier, M.D., University of

Leiden, Holland, " Immunotherapie Metastasierender Malignome " , 1959,

Die Medizinische 40: 1860-64, Stuttgart, a peer reviewed paper,

reported a 16.6% cure rate of histologically verified metastatic

malignomas by the Issels comprehensive immunotherapy. The study

comprised 252 patients with various types of cancer after all

conventional methods were exhausted (World wide cure rate is 2%).

, M.D., Teaching Professor at King's College Hospital,

London, reported 17% cures of histologically verified metastatic

malignomas by the Issels comprehensive immunotherapy. The

independent randomized study comprised 570 patients with various

types of cancer after all conventional methods were exhausted

(General Practitioner, 1971 : 15-16, London).

The Issels Treatment opens up the following therapeutic


Treatment of cancer of all types and stages offering a considerable

chance of recovery even for patients in advanced stages who have

exhausted all standard treatments.

Follow-up treatment to reduce the risk of recurrence after standard

cancer therapies through restoration of the patient's defense and

repair functions.

Nontoxic preventive treatment for patients at risk (genetic

predisposition coupled with environmental challenges), and those

with precancerous lesions.

Preparatory treatment prior to surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy

to reduce complications and in qualified cases, to render inoperable

tumors operable.

Treatment of chronic degenerative diseases which are untreatable by

standard methods.

A system of monitoring regulatory functions on a day by day basis is

used to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.

Table 7 - Table 8 - Table 8 & Table 9 - Table 10 & Table 11 - Table

12 & Table 13

It is not the purpose of immunotherapy to replace surgery, radiation

and chemotherapy. These " localized " treatments have their place

within the integrative approach to cancer. On their own, however,

they cannot be expected to be the answer to a chronic systemic

disorder, although they have given their utmost in removing its

symptom, the tumor.

Therefore, interdisciplinary collaboration should no longer be

subject to the primacy of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy under

the exclusion of immunotherapy.

It is the integrative approach to cancer based on the h o l i s t i

c concept that will bring physicians and scientists closer to their

goal : More Cures of Cancer.

About the author

Ilse Marie Issels was the wife and for 40 years the closest

collaborator of f M. Issels, M.D. (1907 - 1998). His continuous

research until his recent death enabled him to integrate advanced

state-of-the-art technologies into his comprehensive treatment

program. Mrs. Issels follows this strategy. As the president of the

Issels Foundation she carries on Dr. Issels legacy. Mrs. Issels is a

consultant to hospitals and clinics implementing the Issels

Treatment. For more information: Internet: www.issels.com, Email :



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TABLE 3 - Consequences of Head-Foci on the body's regulatory and

repair functions which over time can lead to an impairment of the

defense potential.

TABLE 4 - Interrelation between head-foci and tumor demonstrated by

the measurement of the infrared emission above devitalized teeth and

infected tonsils. After extraction of devitalized (root canal

treated) teeth and tonsillectomy and subsequent neural therapy

(procain injections into the scars), the infrared emission

completely disappeared. Measurement by infrared toposcope (Schwamm

and Reh)

TABLE 5 - Example of breaking through a blockade of the neuro-

hormonal control system by administering hyperperexia or active

fever treatment (Coley's mixed bacterial vaccines). A fever chart of

the Ringberg-Klinik, Dr. Issels' hospital in Germany, demonstrates

the course of the Issels treatment for 4 weeks of a boy suffering

from an oligodendroglioma who had not responded to conventional

treatments and was considered in terminal stage. He received

hyperpyrexia and developed fever for several hours with a peak of

104. Before the fever treatment he had up to 8 epileptic seizures

daily, which is marked on the fever chart with flashes. During the

rise of the temperature and its peak he had seizures, but on the

following day the seizures subsided to one seizure once per week

during the fever treatments. Three months of intensive inpatient

treatment were followed by 6 months of outpatient treatment.

Complete long term remission of the brain tumor was achieved through

comprehensive immunotherapy without any conventional treatment.

TABLE 6 - Measurement to objectivate the reactivity of the

sympathicotonic and para-sympathicotonic systems. The correlation

between the polarisation capacity C and resistance R of the skin on

the one hand and the sympathicotonic and para-sympathicotonic

reactivity on the other hand, can be utilized to evaluate the

condition of the neuro-hormonal control systems. It is one tool to

monitor the patient's response to treatment on a day by day basis.

For example in Table 5, the chart below the fever chart shows a

blockage of the neuro-hormonal control which cannot be seen from the

temperature and pulse. Judging from previous experience it was

assumed that due to this freeze of regulations, the patient did not

respond to any treatment. The fever achieved a release of this

freeze and subsequent Issels treatment (comprehensive

immunotheraphy) was successful.

TABLE 7 - Demonstration of the enhancement of the immune mechanisms

by hyperpyrexia, the active fever treatment. Count of the leukocytes

24 hours after fever treatment showed a temporary increase from 4000

to 10,000 and from 9,000 even up to 40,000, wereas passive

hyperthermia did not increase the white blood count.

TABLE 8 - Examination under the darkfield of blood stained by the

modified gram stain after the method developed by von Brehmer. This

slide shows blood of a healthy person. Erythrocytes look quasi

normal in shape and there are no inclusions. TABLE 9 - This slide

shows blood stained by the modified gram stain after v. Brehmer and

represents blood as seen with 90% of cancer patients. Von Brehmer

and other researchers interpret the inclusions within the

erythrocytes as microorganisms which are thought to be causal or co-

factors in oncogenisis. In Dr. Issels' hospital the patients' blood

was examined under the darkfield on weekly basis or, depending on

individual needs, more often. It was observed that during successful

cancer therapy, blood as represented in table 9 could be reverted to

the condition as seen. It was observed that during successful cancer

therapy, blood as represented in table 9 could be reverted to the

condition as seen in table 8. Table 9 shows a magnification of the

blood sample.

TABLE 10 - Blood of a sarcoma patient who had undergone preparatory

Issels treatment before radiation (sample stained after the method

of v. Brehmer). TABLE 11 - Blood of the same sarcoma patient 6 hours

after the first radiation treatment of 250 r (sample stained after

the method of v. Brehmer).

TABLE 12 - Blood of the same sarcoma patient 64 hours after the

fifth radiation treatment (sample stained after the method of v.

Brehmer). TABLE 13 - Blood of the same sarcoma patient 3 months

after the tenth radiation treatment. Issels treatment (comprehensive

immunotherapy) administered during and after radiation gradually

improved the endogenous environment (sample stained after the method

of v. Brehmer).

Representative Cases

That Demonstrate Complete Long Term Remission Due to the Issels

Treatment Without Conventional Therapy or in Combination With

Conventional Therapy

Patient T.C.D. File 166/52 Complete long term remission of a

partially resected recurring fibrosarcoma surrounding the spine

through the Issels Treatment (comprehensive immunotherapy) without

conventional treatment. No recurrence, no further treatment,

observation 28 years.

Patient M.H. File 10325/72 Complete long term remission of a primary

Hodgkin's Lymphoma through the Issels Treatment (comprehensive

immunotherapy) in combination with low dose chemotherapy. No

recurrence, no further treatment, observation 25 years.

Patient E.D.S. File 203/55 Prevention through the Issels Treatment

(comprehensive immunotheraphy) of further recurrence of a tumor of

the Mamilla which had recurred 9 times after surgery and had

progressed towards malignancy (Paget). The suggested bilateral

mastectomy could be prevented. No recurrence, no further treatment,

observation 40 years.

Patient D.T. File 784/70 Complete long term remission of a

recurring lymphosarcoma through the Issels Treatment (comprehensive

immunotherapy) in combination with chemotherapy. No recurrence, no

further treatment, observation 28 years.

Patient G.P. File 447/67 Complete long term remission of a primary

osteosarcoma through the Issels Treatment (comprehensive

immunotherapy) without conventional treatment. No recurrence, no

further treatment, observation 28 years.

Patient G.K. File 98/56 Complete long term remission of a primary

thyroid carcinoma through the Issels Treatment (comprehensive

immunotherapy) without conventional treatment. No recurrence, no

further treatment, observation 14.9 years.

Patient I.G. File 33/76 Large Rhabdomyosarcoma of liver. Resection

of 85% of liver followed by chemotherapy. Suspsicion of metastases

in remaining 15% of liver. Due to leukopenia interruption of

chemotherapy. Subsequent Issels Therapy (comprehensive

immunotherapy) achieved complete long term remission of 23 years

without recurrence. Patient became mother of 3.

Patient U.H. File 233/56 Complete long term remission of a recurring

lymphosarcoma through the Issels Treatment (comprehensive

immunotherapy) without conventional treatment. No recurrence, no

further treatment, observation 39 years.

Patient D.M. File 171/66 Complete long term remission of a

progressive spindle-cell sarcoma through the Issels Treatment

(comprehensive immunotherapy) combined with chemotherapy. No

recurrence, no further treatment, observation 33 years.

Patient J.G. File 204/70 Complete long term remission of an

inoperable malignant teratoma through the Issels Treatment

(comprehensive immunotherapy) without conventional treatment. No

recurrence, no further treatment, observation 9.10 years.

Patient H.S. File 827/70 Inoperable Rhabdomyosarcoma of the jaw

rendered operable through the Issels Treatment (comprehensive

immunotherapy). Subsequent surgery and Issels follow-up treatment

achieved long term remission. No recurrence, no further treatment,

observation 29 years.



FROM ABROAD 480 585 6804 (USA)

. ©1999

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