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Question for the Group

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Christa wrote:


> ... i went for a physical in march and blood work was borderline

> amenic. ...


Glad to hear you have been contact with the doctors on this. Did they

just give up or suggest you come back if it progresses? You may no

longer be borderline and unless they tested for a number of vitamins and

such they could have missed something. I would ask just what they tested

for or get a copy of the test reports. If you post the findings we can

tell you what they are talking about. There are also some web sites

specifically for looking up what test results relate too. On the reports

the data that is not in the normal ranges is usually flagged in some

manor. Sometimes it will even show the range. Somewhere on the report

there is usually a findings section where they list anything they think

may need attention.

> saw a neurologist who took xrays, etc and told me i do not have lupas

> or diabetes.

> going to call the primary again.


Also glad you had those possibilities checked. Diabetes is definitely

one of the usual suspect. Depending on how well your blood sugar was you

may want to be retested. Some people can have high sugar spikes that

cause damage but look fine on a fasting test. An A1C may be a better

test if appropriate. I know a woman that had neuropathy in her feet

though she past fasting blood tests but was just a little over 6 on an

A1C. You wouldn't expect neuropathy at those levels but she had it.

If these doctors give up I would, if it were me, find another, perhaps

someone that specializes in diagnosing nutritional disorders. A real Md

and not one of those quacks that hooks you up to an electrical gage and

tells you it lets him know what you need.


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by GE Hastings - 2005 - Related articles

Sep 12, 2005 – (hepatomegally), jugulovenous distention (JVD) & pedal edema. ...

Worldwide the most common secondary cause of lymphedema is ... They usually do

have glossitis, chelosis, peripheral neuropathy & /or ... vascular tone upon

refeeding a patient who has experienced severe protein or calorie starvation.

Print: Chapter 379. Peripheral Neuropathy


In contrast, most demyelinating neuropathies affect motor fibers and sensory

fibers ..... By far the most common form of diabetic neuropathy is a

length-dependent ..... (acral and pedal hyperhidrosis), DMAPN (urologic and

sexual dysfunction), and .... may occur in alcoholism, anorexia, intentional

dieting, starvation, or bulimia.

Doctors in this country are NOT terrific at ferreting out the side effects of

starvation unless they deal with eating disorders. And sometimes not even then.

Good luck, love!


> >>

> >> All-

> >> Lately, I have been experiencing constant numbness in my feet.   They

both feel like they are asleep most of the time and are " tingly " to the touch. 

Sometimes, I wonder if I will be able to walk.   It is quite odd.   Does

anyone have any thoughts about this sympton and whether it could be related to

A?   Like a vitamin deficiency????

> >> Otherwise, guess it will be something else that I need to figure out.

> >> Thank you for reading.

> >> Christa

> >> Ohio

> >>

> >>

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With Pernicious Anaemia you have tingling and numbness of the extremites i:e

feet and hands. You also feel tired a lot too. Ask about Pernicious Anaemia! I

have it and have to have regular B12 injections for it.

from the UK


From: Christa D. Deegan <christa1110@...>

" achalasia " <achalasia >

Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2012 4:58 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Question for the Group


thank you everyone for your remarks.   i went for a physical in march and

blood work was borderline amenic.  saw a neurologist who took xrays, etc and

told me i do not have lupas or diabetes. 

going to call the primary again.   need to do something.   feet are tingling

away today. 

again, my sincere thanks.



> From: puddleriver13 <puddleriver13@...>


>Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2012 11:23 AM

>Subject: Re: Question for the Group






>Christa -- you have lost almost 80 pounds. You are *starving* to death.

Period. Notan's right: it *could* be something else, but. . . . Is *anyone*

watching your blood work? Is anyone actually AWARE of what's going on with you?

That it IS an emergency? Really.


>Yes. The feet thing happened to me, too. My doc and I are working on getting

the bloodwork back to SANE. I'm taking big doses of potassium, and B12. Also,

selenium. But pedal neuropathy is VERY common in starvation, and you won't fix

it until the starvation is fixed. And the longer it goes on, the more

*permanent* damage is done. Mine is retreating a little after six months of

treating. But I spect there will always be some. It sort of feels now like I

have a tight sock on the right foot. The left, only like I'm standing on sand









>> All-

>> Lately, I have been experiencing constant numbness in my feet.   They both

feel like they are asleep most of the time and are " tingly " to the touch. 

Sometimes, I wonder if I will be able to walk.   It is quite odd.   Does

anyone have any thoughts about this sympton and whether it could be related to

A?   Like a vitamin deficiency????

>> Otherwise, guess it will be something else that I need to figure out.

>> Thank you for reading.

>> Christa

>> Ohio



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  • 2 weeks later...
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thanks everyone for your input.   the tingling and numbness continues in my

feet and legs. 

someone asked that i post my blood work results.  here is what it showed

outside of normal ranges:


protein total                 6.0   Low    (6.2-8.3 normal)

RDW                           15.4 

High   (11.0-15.0 normal)

Folate, Serum               5.2    Low    (3.4-5.4



My B12 was 556


Just a quick read tonight has revealed that a normal MCV (which i have) coupled

with the high RDW could indicate B12 deficiency....but yet, that did not show on

my results.


primary care doc now says that my results are not consistent with my symptons

and now wants to do a lumbar spine MRI.   since i have lost so much weight and

now have a underweight BMI, really think it is a condition related to the A and

lack of good nutrition.   going to the A docs at the cleveland clinic on july

27th...obviously, will show them these numbers.............


anybody have a thought??


as always, my sincere thanks.





> From: Hulmes <christine.hulmes@...>

> " achalasia " <achalasia >

>Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2012 6:43 AM

>Subject: Re: Re: Question for the Group






>With Pernicious Anaemia you have tingling and numbness of the extremites i:e

feet and hands. You also feel tired a lot too. Ask about Pernicious Anaemia! I

have it and have to have regular B12 injections for it.

> from the UK



>From: Christa D. Deegan <christa1110@...>

> " achalasia " <achalasia >

>Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2012 4:58 PM

>Subject: Re: Re: Question for the Group





>thank you everyone for your remarks.   i went for a physical in march and

blood work was borderline amenic.  saw a neurologist who took xrays, etc and

told me i do not have lupas or diabetes. 

>going to call the primary again.   need to do something.   feet are

tingling away today. 

>again, my sincere thanks.




>> From: puddleriver13 <puddleriver13@...>


>>Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2012 11:23 AM

>>Subject: Re: Question for the Group






>>Christa -- you have lost almost 80 pounds. You are *starving* to death.

Period. Notan's right: it *could* be something else, but. . . . Is *anyone*

watching your blood work? Is anyone actually AWARE of what's going on with you?

That it IS an emergency? Really.


>>Yes. The feet thing happened to me, too. My doc and I are working on getting

the bloodwork back to SANE. I'm taking big doses of potassium, and B12. Also,

selenium. But pedal neuropathy is VERY common in starvation, and you won't fix

it until the starvation is fixed. And the longer it goes on, the more

*permanent* damage is done. Mine is retreating a little after six months of

treating. But I spect there will always be some. It sort of feels now like I

have a tight sock on the right foot. The left, only like I'm standing on sand









>>> All-

>>> Lately, I have been experiencing constant numbness in my feet.   They both

feel like they are asleep most of the time and are " tingly " to the touch. 

Sometimes, I wonder if I will be able to walk.   It is quite odd.   Does

anyone have any thoughts about this sympton and whether it could be related to

A?   Like a vitamin deficiency????

>>> Otherwise, guess it will be something else that I need to figure out.

>>> Thank you for reading.

>>> Christa

>>> Ohio



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Christa, this is an excellent page from a very good thread on a fine forum. May

help! (Your doc is going to say that your B12 level is fine -- there is a *lot*

of disagreement about that. . . .)



All of us, having dealt with trying to get a diagnosis for Achalasia should be,

by now, self-help addicts, lol!



> >>>

> >>> All-

> >>> Lately, I have been experiencing constant numbness in my feet.   They

both feel like they are asleep most of the time and are " tingly " to the touch. 

Sometimes, I wonder if I will be able to walk.   It is quite odd.   Does

anyone have any thoughts about this sympton and whether it could be related to

A?   Like a vitamin deficiency????

> >>> Otherwise, guess it will be something else that I need to figure out.

> >>> Thank you for reading.

> >>> Christa

> >>> Ohio

> >>>

> >>>

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