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thank you - can you give me more info - re: why they recommended it?

how ill she was? how long it took - how much it cost etc? can anyone

go to the NIMH or does it have to be part of a study??? - sorry just

trying to see if we should go this route - did you bring it up to your

pediatrician first or call NIMH??

thanks eileen

Quoting shjames67 <shjames@...>:

> Hi,

> I just wanted to add that my DD received IVIG for PANDAS and it was a

> lifesaver. This is another treatment that was also done at the NIMH

> during the same study that the plasmapheresis was performed. She's

> also on prophylactic antibiotics as well.





>> > He had the plasma apheresis done there. That's when they clean out

>> > the antibodies from the blood. It took 2 weeks of visits which

> lasted

>> > a few hours each. It was tough, but it helped my son.

>> > Robin

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >> what did you mean by treated???

>> >> eileen

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> >> Quoting Robin <rbeers@>:

>> >>

>> >> > Hi Dina,

>> >> > I read your post and immediately thought of PANDAS which is a

>> > syndrome

>> >> > characterized by sudden onset of OCD symptoms cause by strep

>> > throat.

>> >> > The way your daughter's symptoms came on so suddenly brought

> this

>> > to

>> >> > my mind. You may want to look into this. Here is a site to

> start

>> > with:

>> >> > http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/pandas.htm

>> >> > My 16 yo son had it and is now doing very well. He was treated

> at

>> >> > Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and is now on an antibiotic

>> >> > prophylactically.

>> >> > Let me know if you have any questions.

>> >> > Best of luck to you,

>> >> > Robin in NJ

>> >> >

>> >> >

>> >> >

>> >> >

>> >>

>> >

>> >

>> >





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In a message dated 11/27/2006 2:11:51 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, mariah@... writes:

I am from Alabama and am so disguisted by my weight right now. Iam in another weight loss group that deals with bible principles but Ineed a group to go along with it that can understand the 100 plusoverweight person. I have well over 100 to lose and am so discouragedright now.

Hi and welcome here. Me too (being in a Christian group besides this one) - don't be discouraged by the amount you need to lose, break it down.... makes it easier to handle.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi and welcome! Ohhhhhh you'll fit right in here: from the 100+ lbs to lose, been on many diets and a member of FLY Lady LOL!! We have them all.

Well..... maybe dh could be encouraged to not sabotage by bringing in goodies...? Out of sight, out of mind works well for me. I've lost 30-ish lbs and have another 95-120 to go, depending on where I decide to stop.


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In a message dated 1/20/2007 1:24:25 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, mariah@... writes:

I can hardly walk some days which really limits any exercise I get. I am almost at a loss as where to begin.

Have you tried 's "Sit Tight" program, or the PBS channel's "Sit and Be Fit"?? I have never done either of them... I have watched the sit and be fit series and she is excellent. I think the lady's name is Ann something or other, an RN from my city/state. Anyway, I would recommend doing just a little... one day at a time. I read something about some gal that could only go outside and walk the distance of 4 houses at first and started adding a house at a time until she was going a mile or more. Just ideas.

The only one I was successful at was Rosemary Green, Diary of A FAT HOUSEWIFE, She and I have been friends for many years and I lost 79 pounds on her program.

What is her "action plan" or program that you follow? It must be alright, inspite of the negative reviews, if you lost 79 lbs following it. Has the author lost all her weight and kept it off, is there a happy ending here?

I wish you well on this journey... be sure to drink your water, do some journaling of your own and I'd try some light walking or exercises until things get better in that category.

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Welcome ... You say your husband wants you to lose, but he brings home coke, cookies and ice cream. He loves you. He wants you to feel happy. Having to lose over a hundred pounds is overwhelming. Its easy to look at it holistically and get discouraged. Here we encourage taking it slowly. It took time to gain it, so it will take time to lose it. I am struggling with this battle. So you lost 79 pounds on The diary of a fat housewife? Have you beeen able to keep it off and you are wanting to continue, or have you gained it back? I am just curious where you are at on your journey. What is diary of a fat housewife? Take care and I look forward to getting to know you! Shirley in CO

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, "I can hardly walk some days which really limits any exercise I get. I am almost at a loss as where to begin." This made me wonder, is there a gym, like a YMCA near you? Water aerobics are much easier on the joints than even walking. It might be something for you to consider. There are a few ladies here who are doing the water aerobics and it sounds like a lot of fun. blessings, Shirley in CO

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Welcome , I hope this group provides you with the support you need to

reach your goal. I have never heard of Rosemary Green. But if it works for

you and is a healthly plan then stick with it. I don't know much about alot

of the different plans out there because I haven't been a dieter really

until I joined this group. There are plenty of people here that are on so

many different plans. I'm sure someone could help you with almost any

question about any plan. I think really the thing that all plans have in

common is to eat less and move more. You say you can hardly walk some days.

So this will hinder you on your exercise but don't let it stop you. I don't

know when you say you can hardly walk exactly how bad that is. Can you walk

to your mailbox? Can you go to a neighbor 2 houses down? Or is it hard to go

from room to room? What I'm trying to get at is just get started. Start

slow. Don't try and run:) You want to push yourself just a little bit but

listen to your body. Try walking as much as you can one day. Time yourself.

Then walk that same amount each day for a week. Next week add 2 or 3

minutes....etc... Just look at what you are doing now and add some

movement. Any kind of movement as long as you start somewhere. The key is to

just move more then you have been. It will get easier as you build your

endurance up. I hope you good luck. Let us know how it is going. We're here

for ya:)

>I found this group thru a search last night and joined. I hope this group

> will be what I need. I have well over 100 to lose and am losing hope. Have

> debated on WL surgery but hubby is afraid of that. My health is suffering

> and I know it. I can hardly walk some days which really limits any

> exercise

> I get. I am almost at a loss as where to begin. I have done so many diets.

> , Liquid fasts, diet pills,WW, tops, OA. The only one I was

> sucessful at was Rosemary Green, Diary of A FAT HOUSEWIFE, She and I have

> been friends for many years and I lost 79 pounds on her program. She had a

> Action Plan to go along with the book. A lot of people have not liked the

> book because of her hopelessness at times but anyone who has ever been

> truly

> overweight, obese knows those feelings all too well. So last night I

> opened

> up the action plan again and am giving this another try.So I am glad to be

> here and hoping this group will be the key to encouragement that I do not

> get elsewhere. Hubby wants me to lose but does not seem to know how to

> encourage. Instead he brings cokes and cokies and icecream in so I will

> have

> what I want.Ok. Enough for now. I am off to a lunch with some FlyLady

> friends and then will be back. Will check in then.

> in Alabama



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That was about 4 yeqrs ago and have gained it back. Diary of a Fat husewife is about one womans journey to lose. She lost 188 pounds. You can find the book on ebay and www.half.com

She has action plan sheets to keep track of what you are eating. What you weigh as well as setting realistic goals.

It is hard right now to walk at all but I know I need to. Between fallen arches, heel spurs and tendoniits I am in a lot of pain.

Re: New Here

Welcome ...

You say your husband wants you to lose, but he brings home coke, cookies and ice cream. He loves you. He wants you to feel happy.

Having to lose over a hundred pounds is overwhelming. Its easy to look at it holistically and get discouraged. Here we encourage taking it slowly. It took time to gain it, so it will take time to lose it. I am struggling with this battle. So you lost 79 pounds on The diary of a fat housewife? Have you beeen able to keep it off and you are wanting to continue, or have you gained it back? I am just curious where you are at on your journey.

What is diary of a fat housewife?

Take care and I look forward to getting to know you!

Shirley in CO

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Hey welcome. I am a overweight sahm and flyer. Trying desparately to fly better this year. Never heard of the book you are referring to? Can you give some details on the plan.

NH. 246.6

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In a message dated 1/20/2007 5:47:16 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, mariah@... writes:

That was about 4 yeqrs ago and have gained it back. Diary of a Fat husewife is about one womans journey to lose. She lost 188 pounds. You can find the book on ebay and www.half.com

Cool - I was looking at it at Amazon.com and just went to half.com and bought it (wooohoooo $.75 + shipping.... not too shabby).... So, she's left all the weight off - is there a sequel (LOL)??

She has action plan sheets to keep track of what you are eating. What you weigh as well as setting realistic goals.

Sounds like my typical journal, but it will still be interesting to gain perspective from someone else who's "been there"

It is hard right now to walk at all but I know I need to. Between fallen arches, heel spurs and tendoniits I am in a lot of pain.

Is your doctor or medical-type person working with you on this? I don't know the pain that all of those things bring on, but can they get or keep you comfortable while you lose weight to a certain point? (Not necessarily pushing medicines here, but you gotta get comfortable so you *can* exercise a little)... try one of the sit n be fit programs, lifting cans of beans or something, leg lifts, etc to get a little movement in.... then as you start losing weight, you can add walking. Don't beat yourself up over it, one of our members in MO said she used to have to ride in those wheelie things at Walmart to get around for shopping - it was a big day when she didn't have to do that (Yay hope you are still doing ok!!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone, my name is . I have been a member for a couple of months but just have been observing and getting some great info here. I am Geno type 1a and and stage 2-3. I started tx in October last year but only for 3 weeks because I became so ill from day one and had to stop. In January I was able to talk my doctors at Cedars in L.A. to allow me to start tx again but at a much lower rate of both meds. They agreed telling meto note that my time does not start until I am taking the full dose. Sooo... I started 2 weeks ago with 80mcg Peg and 800mg Ribo and did very well. Last Saturday they upped my Ribo by 200 mg and am told that this Friday I will be taking 120mcg fo the peg to see how I do... I am hoping I can adjust this way since from what I can see... there really is no other tx. They told me that the new drugs are not "stand alone" drugs and need to be taken with the above tx. Thank you all for your openess.

Don't be flakey. Get for Mobile and always stay connected to friends.

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Great to meet you, . Sounds like starting you slowly and so far so

good! Let us

know how the next shot goes. One of the great things I find here is that there

is support

no matter where you are with this disease. hugs, karen


> Hi everyone, my name is . I have been a member for a couple of months


just have been observing and getting some great info here. I am Geno type 1a and


stage 2-3. I started tx in October last year but only for 3 weeks because I

became so ill

from day one and had to stop. In January I was able to talk my doctors at Cedars

in L.A. to

allow me to start tx again but at a much lower rate of both meds. They agreed

telling meto

note that my time does not start until I am taking the full dose. Sooo... I

started 2 weeks

ago with 80mcg Peg and 800mg Ribo and did very well. Last Saturday they upped my


by 200 mg and am told that this Friday I will be taking 120mcg fo the peg to see

how I

do... I am hoping I can adjust this way since from what I can see... there

really is no other

tx. They told me that the new drugs are not " stand alone " drugs and need to be

taken with

the above tx.

> Thank you all for your openess.





> ---------------------------------

> Don't be flakey. Get for Mobile and

> always stay connected to friends.


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I think a diagnosis can help him if he needs extra services later down the road. Don't change anything thing else with his routine. Also a diagnosis will also help teachers with understanding any issues he may have in the classroom. Allman <emilyallman@...> wrote: Hello everybody,I have just joined this group and I am happy to find an active and supportive group. My son mikey is 4 years old and I strongly suspect that he has high functioning autism. When I look at the criteria for diagnosis he

definitely "fits" if you know what I mean. He is doing pretty well right now. We have worked very hard with him and his social interaction, and his language skills. At two and a half he had about five words, at three he had lots of words but none together. At this point he is communicating fairly well but he uses alot of repetitive language and is not capable of having a conversation. He does answer some questions but gets confused (example- answers who instead of what or where). He speaks in sentences most of the time. He has always been okay with his interactions with adults, and is now getting better with his peers. I have been running a little preschool a couple times a week to help with this. In the last six months he has started playing more, but he is still unable to play any type of "pretend". He is farely rigid in his routine and structure, but he has learned to communicate what is wrong better, and is not having

meltdowns much anymore. Sometimes he will crumble, but no temper tantrums.Anyways, after all my rambling, my question is this: Should I push for a diagnosis. He seems to be doing so much better. The truth is when he was younger I just thought he was obsessive, or uncooperative. I spent alot of time working with him. Increasing his vocabulary, forcing him to participate, to interact. He did see a speech therapist, but she just gave me some stuff to do at home with him, and that was it. I'm just wondering if it would do him harm to not get him diagnosed. I mean what are the pros and coms of getting your child diagnosed? Is there anyone out there who chose not too? He does attend a little nursery school program outside of my home. His teacher has called him immature, and easily distractable, but she seems to think he is "progressing" quite nicely. Also she says if there is a structured activity he does great. I am

wondering if he will have trouble in school. Do you think it would be ok to leave him undiagnosed if/when he does have problems???Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.__________________________________________________________Windows Live Spaces: share your New Year pictures! http://discoverspaces.live.com/?loc=en-CAAlly

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I would get him evaluated. If he is, he is...if he isn't, he isn't...know what I mean?

Couldn't hurt to get a real professional opinion.

Best of luck in your journey! :)

new here

Hello everybody,I have just joined this group and I am happy to find an active and supportive group. My son mikey is 4 years old and I strongly suspect that he has high functioning autism. When I look at the criteria for diagnosis he definitely "fits" if you know what I mean. He is doing pretty well right now. We have worked very hard with him and his social interaction, and his language skills. At two and a half he had about five words, at three he had lots of words but none together. At this point he is communicating fairly well but he uses alot of repetitive language and is not capable of having a conversation. He does answer some questions but gets confused (example- answers who instead of what or where). He speaks in sentences most of the time. He has always been okay with his interactions with adults, and is now getting better with his peers. I have been running a little preschool a couple times a week to help with this. In the last six months he has started playing more, but he is still unable to play any type of "pretend". He is farely rigid in his routine and structure, but he has learned to communicate what is wrong better, and is not having meltdowns much anymore. Sometimes he will crumble, but no temper tantrums.Anyways, after all my rambling, my question is this: Should I push for a diagnosis. He seems to be doing so much better. The truth is when he was younger I just thought he was obsessive, or uncooperative. I spent alot of time working with him. Increasing his vocabulary, forcing him to participate, to interact. He did see a speech therapist, but she just gave me some stuff to do at home with him, and that was it. I'm just wondering if it would do him harm to not get him diagnosed. I mean what are the pros and coms of getting your child diagnosed? Is there anyone out there who chose not too? He does attend a little nursery school program outside of my home. His teacher has called him immature, and easily distractable, but she seems to think he is "progressing" quite nicely. Also she says if there is a structured activity he does great. I am wondering if he will have trouble in school. Do you think it would be ok to leave him undiagnosed if/when he does have problems???Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.__________________________________________________________Windows Live Spaces: share your New Year pictures! http://discoverspaces.live.com/?loc=en-CA

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My son is also 4 and in his second year of preschool at Headstart. Last year he did have an aide and will probably need one in kindergarten but he may be doing another year of preschool, his bday is in Aug though so he won't be behind. I did get my son, Dante, diagnosed at about 2 1/2. I did this mainly because the state declared him disabled, he is now on disability. I'm not sure if it because he is a Medicaid patient or because we live in such a remote location, but he gets in the home speech therapy. He also gets OT at a clinic. I'm not sure but I think you may need to have a diagnoses to get some of the treatment he needs. The in school therapy for speech is a woman from Developmental Opportunities that sees him 15 minutes a week. His speech therapy is 30-45 min at home 3 XS a week. I think the state and I have a very

different idea of how much therapy hr needs. When he was diagnosed Children's Hospital advised that he needed 25-30 hours of small group and one on one therapy and I agree. That is in his ISP. I guess my diagnoses just reconfirmed what I thought needed to be done so I use it as a weapon of his needs as recommended by trained professionals in this field. I am sure the diagnoses is very different for others and not as positive but mine was. Nikki Allman <emilyallman@...> wrote: Hello everybody,I have just joined this group and I am happy to find an active and supportive group. My son mikey is 4 years old and I strongly suspect that he has high functioning autism. When I look at the criteria for diagnosis he definitely "fits" if you know what I mean. He is doing pretty well right now. We have worked very hard with him and his social interaction, and his language skills. At two and a half he had about five words, at three he had lots of words but none together. At this point he is communicating fairly well but he uses alot of repetitive language and is not capable of having a conversation. He does answer some questions but gets confused (example- answers who instead of what or where). He speaks in sentences most of the time. He has always been okay with his interactions with adults, and is now getting better with his peers. I have

been running a little preschool a couple times a week to help with this. In the last six months he has started playing more, but he is still unable to play any type of "pretend". He is farely rigid in his routine and structure, but he has learned to communicate what is wrong better, and is not having meltdowns much anymore. Sometimes he will crumble, but no temper tantrums.Anyways, after all my rambling, my question is this: Should I push for a diagnosis. He seems to be doing so much better. The truth is when he was younger I just thought he was obsessive, or uncooperative. I spent alot of time working with him. Increasing his vocabulary, forcing him to participate, to interact. He did see a speech therapist, but she just gave me some stuff to do at home with him, and that was it. I'm just wondering if it would do him harm to not get him diagnosed. I mean what are the pros and coms of getting your child diagnosed? Is

there anyone out there who chose not too? He does attend a little nursery school program outside of my home. His teacher has called him immature, and easily distractable, but she seems to think he is "progressing" quite nicely. Also she says if there is a structured activity he does great. I am wondering if he will have trouble in school. Do you think it would be ok to leave him undiagnosed if/when he does have problems???Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.__________________________________________________________Windows Live Spaces: share your New Year pictures! http://discoverspaces.live.com/?loc=en-CA

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Sissy - nice to meet you, good luck on your journey. Do you have a plan you are following, or anything?

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Hello Sissy! Welcome to the group.

I'm Kim, mom to two boys 9 & 10 yrs, married to Mr. Wonderful almost 20

yrs. I'm on a weightloss journey of 120+ lbs to lose, so far I'm down

about 10 lbs.

Love to hear more about you. Please share your weightloss strategy if

you like. I'm always just so curious about other's WOE & exercise.

Welcome again!



On 3/10/07, sissyfit <sissyfit@...> wrote:

> Did I already post this? If so, please ignore -- I'm so scatter-

> brained it's ridiculous! anyway Hello everybody, nice to find this

> group.

> Sissy

> female age 52

> housewife

> Arkansas

> happily married 33 years

> BMI = 36

> weight loss goal 150ish


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Hello Kim and everybody else here! Thanks for the kind welcome. So

nice to meet you all! I'm trying to figure out a strategy and my

exercise consists mostly of walking, gardening, and housework, talk

about low-impact LOL


> Hello Sissy! Welcome to the group.

> I'm Kim, mom to two boys 9 & 10 yrs, married to Mr. Wonderful almost 20

> yrs. I'm on a weightloss journey of 120+ lbs to lose, so far I'm down

> about 10 lbs.

> Love to hear more about you. Please share your weightloss strategy if

> you like. I'm always just so curious about other's WOE & exercise.

> Welcome again!

> warmly,


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> Hi my name is . I am 33 from WV. I just started WW at home

last week

> and I am down 6lbs as of today.

Welcome to the group and Congratulations on the weight loss!!!

My short term goal right now is to get down

> 35 pounds but I have much more to lose. I just want to focus on


> bits at a time.

I have found it much easier to focus on smaller amounts, espceially

when you have alot to lose!





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Welcome and Good job on the loss!!! If smaller bits are what you need to focus on the "just do it"! I am focusing on moving more and eating less. I HATE excercise but love to dance. So I dance my way thru my day!!!!!


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming - Wow! What a ride!~ Unknown

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Hi -

Welcome!! I am and joined WW about 4 weeks ago... that was after following Thin Within for a couple of years. Now I am incorporating the healthier eating choices (more) into the hunger/fullness of TW. Congrats on your first weight loss and you are right, small goals is much better.

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