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my update

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Hey babe,

"Anyway, I had my endoscopy done yesterday morning. Y'all were right, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. They found two (at least) ulcers in my duodenum and sent a sample off for biopsy to see if it's the Crohn's or something else. So, have to wait two weeks 'til my next GI appt. to find out about that."

OUCH! Sounds horrible. I don't even know what it is ... so where are all the gory details?

Are you considering having another child hon?? (So much I don't know! And I have to know it all LOL)

Your jaw hurts???? OK... now I'm just plain dumb... why?

Love ya sweetie... hope you get on top of it all soon and don't feel so tired.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey ,

"I'll let y'all know what I find out about the thyroid test and the endoscopy. I may not be on as much this week either"

Please do cause you know we love you and worry about you. And get your rest super woman!! I had to laugh when you hurt your foot though ~ you are so much like me. If it can fall on us or us over it we will *hug* LOL...

Take care sweetie and let us know how you are when you can!

Thinking of you,

love Aisha.

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  • 10 months later...
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**Gentle Hugs**


> Hi all,


> Just visited my pain yesterday. Well, not a fruitful one as I had

hoped.. He

> sat there cracking his brains to see there is anything he could do

for me.


> He did not do a block as the previous one got me real sick. He then


> through his favourite drug reference book [by the way, this is a US


> and we are in Singapore -He is an American] and finally wanted me

to try

> Lithium carbonate, Escalith] 300mg, saying that if the blocks work

on me,

> this should too. [it's an anti-psychotic, but I read it is used for


> headaches too.]


> I brought the prescription to the pharmacy and meet with another


> there. The pharmacy does not Escalith, but they have Lithium

carbonate, at

> 250mg.


> Afer waiting for some time for the pharmacist to speak to the doc,

I finally

> got the lithium. The joke is, I am now feeling like a walking a


> feeling crappy, giddy, feverish and having nausea. This really

kicks me off

> the confidence I have in medications.


> Ling

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Thanks, Chelle..... How have you been?


Re: My update

**Gentle Hugs**


> Hi all,


> Just visited my pain yesterday. Well, not a fruitful one as I had

hoped.. He

> sat there cracking his brains to see there is anything he could do

for me.


> He did not do a block as the previous one got me real sick. He then


> through his favourite drug reference book [by the way, this is a US


> and we are in Singapore -He is an American] and finally wanted me

to try

> Lithium carbonate, Escalith] 300mg, saying that if the blocks work

on me,

> this should too. [it's an anti-psychotic, but I read it is used for


> headaches too.]


> I brought the prescription to the pharmacy and meet with another


> there. The pharmacy does not Escalith, but they have Lithium

carbonate, at

> 250mg.


> Afer waiting for some time for the pharmacist to speak to the doc,

I finally

> got the lithium. The joke is, I am now feeling like a walking a


> feeling crappy, giddy, feverish and having nausea. This really

kicks me off

> the confidence I have in medications.


> Ling

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"Bunbun" wrote:

Hi all,

Just visited my pain (doc?) yesterday. . . wanted me to try Lithium carbonate, Escalith 300mg, [it's an anti-psychotic, but I read it is used for some headaches too.] . . . The joke is, I am now feeling like a walking zombie . . .

Dear Ling,

Hey, I wouldn't knock walking around like a zombie. I used to spend

a lot of hard earned money to walk around like a zombie. But, alas, that

was many, many moons ago.

More serious for a moment though, I hope this helps. I know how

much pain stinks. Sorry you got so sick from the last block you had.

Actually, I have been a bit of a zombie today myself. I got my Lortab

refilled, but the pharmacy at the hospital where my wife, , works forgot

to give her my Oxycontin. That ticks me off cuz now I have to take extra

Lortab until Monday night because that pharmacy is closed over the weekend.

The extra Lortab plus lots of Robaxin for a back spasm that won't let go

had me walking in circles while making dinner tonight. I didn't tell ,

though, because she would have thought I was doing it on purpose. LOL.

Everyone, take good care of yourselves tomorrow.

Love and Peace,

ie B


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Hi ie,

"More serious for a moment though, I hope this helps. I know how much pain stinks. Sorry you got so sick from the last block you had."

Thanks so much for your kind words, they really mean a lot!

"Actually, I have been a bit of a zombie today myself. I got my Lortab refilled, but the pharmacy at the hospital where my wife, , works forgot to give her my Oxycontin."

Sorry to hear about the menigitis and you having a rough time right now..... that feeling like a zombie is horrid, plus the pain, makes life miserable at times. Well, I guess there is one consolation for you though - you are not alone feeling horrid.. there is at least me too! :-)

Take care,


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  • 10 months later...
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Long time no see!

> I am glad winter is over BUT my luck still stinks. Between the kids being

> sick and me being sick all winter I thought for sure spring would bring


Around here, spring isn't here until the traffic cones go up along the NJ

Turnpike! LOL

Like , you'll be glad when flu season is over, too, with the kids.

> things. First day of spring we got 8 in of snow here in NH. Thurs my dad

> fell broke his arm. Fri my well went dry. YUGH. Then I got aunt flo.

Everything happens at once. I hope your dad is doing OK - broken bones are a

horror to live with in a younger person, but unfortunately as we get older

they come more easily.


> you know how it is do have flo with no running water.

No, and I hope to never find out! We have resevoirs around here, not wells,

but with them all at under 50% capacity we may be in the same boat as you by

summer if we don't start getting more rain.

>flipping statioins and saw

> on QVC.

I didn't know he was on, since I don't usually watch QVC except for Crafting

days. Does even have a calendar on his new web site?

>I have been trying to buy blastoff via ebay but never could

> find a deal. On QVC they added the gold food mover.

Did he finally introduce the new videos? His web site has 3 new ones - 60's

music, I think another Latin, and I forget the third, available separately.

When I phoned the 800 number they denied these were for sale, just like when

I tried to order the Platinum Sweat from his site.

>Had to do behind hubbys back because he said no more money for

> exerise stuff.

Sounds like mine, then yesterday he lets me buy a tai chi tape and a rice


>MY spring attack on my weight. I also have decided

> I do not renew my spirit enough. TIME for me is going to be in place.

All right, ! Remember to come around here to spread news of you attack

and for encouragement! We're all in this together and *will* get healthier

in 2002!!

Sue in NJ

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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 3/29/2003 10:14:07 PM Central Standard Time,

lynnie53@... writes:

> how far along are you? have you picked a name yet? child birth is a huge

> miracle! god bless u & the baby

I'm 11 weeks. We've narrowed it down to Lily or Olivia for a girl and

Maximilian, Damien, or Odin for a boy (I think =) Yes, this will be a

miracle for sure. Thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...
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" Kent " <superman00_41@...>

>I think I'll be the first graduate with a disease.

That is so awesome Superman!!!! Something to be really proud of:) But really

what do you expect from Superman???



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  • 9 months later...

.....I AM NORMAL...or what the world perceives as normal.

> So there are days that I say " Why Me " but most days I say " Why Not

> Me " and keep on plugging along.

> I am eternally thankful for all of you and feel so honored to be a

> part of this amazing group of " friends " .

> Love and Hugs to All.....a

> preop......311 pounds

> today......165 pounds...looking good in size 10 lo rise jeans :)


You inspire me. You are such a trooper. And I am honored to have you

as my friend.

Sharon in Onyx

Gods blessings to you

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> a,

> You inspire me. You are such a trooper. And I am honored to have


> as my friend.

> Sharon in Onyx

> Gods blessings to you

With a great big smile I say thanks...every once in a while we all

need a little pat on the back...I consider myself patted now..:)

Now if I could just get as small on top as you are I would be so darn

thrilled with myself...oopps better go life some more weights...lol

Love and Hugs....a

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> a,

> You inspire me. You are such a trooper. And I am honored to have


> as my friend.

> Sharon in Onyx

> Gods blessings to you

With a great big smile I say thanks...every once in a while we all

need a little pat on the back...I consider myself patted now..:)

Now if I could just get as small on top as you are I would be so darn

thrilled with myself...oopps better go life some more weights...lol

Love and Hugs....a

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> With a great big smile I say thanks...every once in a while we all

> need a little pat on the back...I consider myself patted now..:)


> Now if I could just get as small on top as you are I would be so

darn thrilled with myself...oopps better go life some more



> Love and Hugs....a

Oh a,

Be careful what you wish for! lol It is so funny and we are all so

different, but we are always wanting what someone else has. I would

love to have boobs....sigh...but never really did. And now after the

ds I have even less...

I shared last nite when we were all talking about boobs and wishing

we had s, that my Mike says I can do calligraphy with mine. Hes

lucky I dont poke his eye out! lol

Now if I could just get my legs smaller I would be happy! lol

Sharon in Onyx

who realizes if they were pointed up or out instead of down, they

could be dangerous!

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In a message dated 1/30/2004 9:22:22 AM Pacific Standard Time,

RRSandovals@... writes:

> " you have had four surgeries

> in two years, you are struggling with this iron issue, would you do

> this DS surgery again knowing all this ahead of time?....it took me

> about a second to answer YES...because I am alive, I am hopeful about

> my future,

And, a, my dear, that is what it is all about. So many of us were

managing severe health problems that were potentially life-threatening while

obese, so we just keep plugging along when we have conditions or problems along


road. I, too, am hopeful for you...that they will find your answer and give

you a more normal life (without infusions)! Hugging you tightly with my

heart, you brave lady!

Hugs and blessings, Ann

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Oh a, I'm so sorry to hear your levels haven't gone back up!

God bless Dawn and her dedication! She's such a wonderful human

being! No wonder Dr. K fell in love with her.

Please keep us posted on how things are going. Your post was very

uplifting, despite the problems you're having!



> I have gotten some emails over the past month with wonderful and

> uplifting thoughts from many of you, and asking how I am doing...I

> thank all of you for your concern.

> Love and Hugs to All.....a

> preop......311 pounds

> today......165 pounds...looking good in size 10 lo rise jeans :)

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  • 1 year later...
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Damn, Eddie, that must have been scary. Glad you're seeing someone more knowledgeable. Prayer going up for you.


Faith is the ability to not panic.

-----Original Message-----From: Tubs46@... [mailto:Tubs46@...] Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:00 PMHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies ; HepperPad Subject: My Update

Well after an unsuccessful try on the TX a yr and a half ago my primary care Dr. thought it would be a good idea to do a complete blood work up with a viral load. It all came back looking pretty good for an old man but my viral load was at 400,00.He started talking about another biopsy. I reminded him that trying TX again was not an option so why do the biopsy. So in our talking he mention the fibro sure test. That's the new blood test so I said that that would be fine. Well that test came back as a stag4 grade 4 which is into the cirrhoses level. To say the least he scared the Hell out of me. I told him I thought the world of him and trusted his judgement and his skills, but I reminded him our our conversation where he told me that other than me his only knowledge of Hep-C was from the books.I asked to be referred to Either Emory Hosp. in Atlanta or to the infectious Dr. here. I stayed here and saw the Dr.

He said that going from a stage 1 grade 1 to a stage 4 grade 4 in 12 months just don't happen and that is one of the reasons that he didn't like try new ways of testing till they are proven to be accurate. The fact that the lab and Dr. didn't know I was supposed to fast for 12 hrs probably didn't help the test either.

Any ways he said that I should not worry about the hep-c for the time being and that he wanted to find out what was making my body over produce red blood cells and take care of that now, so I'm going to see a blood and be tested for sleep apnea. Boy I went around the world to tell you guys. and I appreciate you listen, or in this case reading.

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  • 1 month later...
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I don't think it's entirely normal for joints, especially the hip

joints to be popping out of the socket/joint.

My boyfriends hips pop out all of he time, but he has leg perthes

disease, which is extremely rare.

Maybe check with a doctor if it bothers you. Who knows? Sometime it

may pop out and not want to go back in.

> Aimee,


> Colleen had mentioned spacing out the meals every three hours

would help when I had to pull a double work shift in a 24 hour

period. Meaning I am up a whole lot more than I have rest time.


> Well trying to increase speed at one point then incline at another

point on the tread mill didn't agree with the body, I had knee pains

from incline increase then ankle pains from speed increase.


> I figured out what was going on in my workout. Working out with

machines can trick you as to the weight you should be trying to

lift. The reason I wasn't feeling the full effects of the workout

was because even though I was increasing my weight I wasn't

following through with the entire rep of the workout so I wasn't

giving the muscle the complete attention. I found this out by

decreasing the weight and feeling the burn when I was able to fully

stress the muscle.


> By the way is anyone here double jointed? My arms and hip joints

pop in and out of the sockets fairly easy and have since I was a

child. I felt it strain my shoulder in the joint (one reason why I

reduced the weight) but just curious if anyone else has to deal with



> I watched Oprah's Thursdays show. It was interesting how she said

the scale was not her friend. I have done the same thing in the

past. When the scale would go down I would think ok I can splurge

then at times it won't move. Tom Green said the first two months

you really shouldn't look at the scale because muscle and a healthy

body retains alot of water and that this was a good thing. OK this

makes me feel better ending week 7 and dealing with the scale. I

really thought I would have seen more of a drop that 2.5 lbs but it

is not upsetting because the visual effects are there as well as

fitting into a particular skirt again.


> How did I get to this program? Yoyoing.... as I have said before

sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have some other reasons

as well but this is the main one.


> 5 weeks left :)








> ---------------------------------


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Loose ligaments can cause crepitus in joints - so can mx imbalances

and/or arthritis


> I don't think it's entirely normal for joints, especially the hip

> joints to be popping out of the socket/joint.


> My boyfriends hips pop out all of he time, but he has leg perthes

> disease, which is extremely rare.


> Maybe check with a doctor if it bothers you. Who knows? Sometime it

> may pop out and not want to go back in.





> > Aimee,

> >

> > Colleen had mentioned spacing out the meals every three hours

> would help when I had to pull a double work shift in a 24 hour

> period. Meaning I am up a whole lot more than I have rest time.

> >

> > Well trying to increase speed at one point then incline at another

> point on the tread mill didn't agree with the body, I had knee pains

> from incline increase then ankle pains from speed increase.

> >

> > I figured out what was going on in my workout. Working out with

> machines can trick you as to the weight you should be trying to

> lift. The reason I wasn't feeling the full effects of the workout

> was because even though I was increasing my weight I wasn't

> following through with the entire rep of the workout so I wasn't

> giving the muscle the complete attention. I found this out by

> decreasing the weight and feeling the burn when I was able to fully

> stress the muscle.

> >

> > By the way is anyone here double jointed? My arms and hip joints

> pop in and out of the sockets fairly easy and have since I was a

> child. I felt it strain my shoulder in the joint (one reason why I

> reduced the weight) but just curious if anyone else has to deal with

> this.

> >

> > I watched Oprah's Thursdays show. It was interesting how she said

> the scale was not her friend. I have done the same thing in the

> past. When the scale would go down I would think ok I can splurge

> then at times it won't move. Tom Green said the first two months

> you really shouldn't look at the scale because muscle and a healthy

> body retains alot of water and that this was a good thing. OK this

> makes me feel better ending week 7 and dealing with the scale. I

> really thought I would have seen more of a drop that 2.5 lbs but it

> is not upsetting because the visual effects are there as well as

> fitting into a particular skirt again.

> >

> > How did I get to this program? Yoyoing.... as I have said before

> sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have some other reasons

> as well but this is the main one.

> >

> > 5 weeks left :)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> >

> > Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour

> >

> >

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> Aimee,


> Colleen had mentioned spacing out the meals every three hours would

help when I had to pull a double work shift in a 24 hour period.

Meaning I am up a whole lot more than I have rest time.


You should try to eat " at least " every 3 hours. If you are dying of

hunger at 2 hours, I'd go ahead and eat. But make sure not to go more

than 3 hours without eating.


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Hi, -

I have loose joints (the techy term I've heard is that

they're " hypermobile " ) and not so big a deal. Over the years as I've

continued to lift, my body has stabilized a LOT - so while I can

still intentionally do what kids call " turn my elbows inside out "

(no, it's not really *that* far), my joints don't pop nearly as

much, plus they tend to stay where they belong a lot more often.

As I understand it, a lot of folks with fibromyalgia have loose

joints and I'm one of them. Finding the right balance for my body

between lifting weights and stretching - plus doing my cardio

consistantly has made all the difference in the world for my comfort

level and - bonus - my joints are quieter now, too!



> Aimee,


> Colleen had mentioned spacing out the meals every three hours

would help when I had to pull a double work shift in a 24 hour

period. Meaning I am up a whole lot more than I have rest time.


> Well trying to increase speed at one point then incline at another

point on the tread mill didn't agree with the body, I had knee pains

from incline increase then ankle pains from speed increase.


> I figured out what was going on in my workout. Working out with

machines can trick you as to the weight you should be trying to

lift. The reason I wasn't feeling the full effects of the workout

was because even though I was increasing my weight I wasn't

following through with the entire rep of the workout so I wasn't

giving the muscle the complete attention. I found this out by

decreasing the weight and feeling the burn when I was able to fully

stress the muscle.


> By the way is anyone here double jointed? My arms and hip joints

pop in and out of the sockets fairly easy and have since I was a

child. I felt it strain my shoulder in the joint (one reason why I

reduced the weight) but just curious if anyone else has to deal with



> I watched Oprah's Thursdays show. It was interesting how she said

the scale was not her friend. I have done the same thing in the

past. When the scale would go down I would think ok I can splurge

then at times it won't move. Tom Green said the first two months

you really shouldn't look at the scale because muscle and a healthy

body retains alot of water and that this was a good thing. OK this

makes me feel better ending week 7 and dealing with the scale. I

really thought I would have seen more of a drop that 2.5 lbs but it

is not upsetting because the visual effects are there as well as

fitting into a particular skirt again.


> How did I get to this program? Yoyoing.... as I have said before

sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have some other reasons

as well but this is the main one.


> 5 weeks left :)








> ---------------------------------


> Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour



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People who have loose joints commonly have loose ligaments. You can't

change that fact, but strengthening the mxs around those joints does help :)

cyberbink2 wrote:

> Hi, -


> I have loose joints (the techy term I've heard is that

> they're " hypermobile " ) and not so big a deal. Over the years as I've

> continued to lift, my body has stabilized a LOT - so while I can

> still intentionally do what kids call " turn my elbows inside out "

> (no, it's not really *that* far), my joints don't pop nearly as

> much, plus they tend to stay where they belong a lot more often.


> As I understand it, a lot of folks with fibromyalgia have loose

> joints and I'm one of them. Finding the right balance for my body

> between lifting weights and stretching - plus doing my cardio

> consistantly has made all the difference in the world for my comfort

> level and - bonus - my joints are quieter now, too!


> ;D


> Ali



> > Aimee,

> >

> > Colleen had mentioned spacing out the meals every three hours

> would help when I had to pull a double work shift in a 24 hour

> period. Meaning I am up a whole lot more than I have rest time.

> >

> > Well trying to increase speed at one point then incline at another

> point on the tread mill didn't agree with the body, I had knee pains

> from incline increase then ankle pains from speed increase.

> >

> > I figured out what was going on in my workout. Working out with

> machines can trick you as to the weight you should be trying to

> lift. The reason I wasn't feeling the full effects of the workout

> was because even though I was increasing my weight I wasn't

> following through with the entire rep of the workout so I wasn't

> giving the muscle the complete attention. I found this out by

> decreasing the weight and feeling the burn when I was able to fully

> stress the muscle.

> >

> > By the way is anyone here double jointed? My arms and hip joints

> pop in and out of the sockets fairly easy and have since I was a

> child. I felt it strain my shoulder in the joint (one reason why I

> reduced the weight) but just curious if anyone else has to deal with

> this.

> >

> > I watched Oprah's Thursdays show. It was interesting how she said

> the scale was not her friend. I have done the same thing in the

> past. When the scale would go down I would think ok I can splurge

> then at times it won't move. Tom Green said the first two months

> you really shouldn't look at the scale because muscle and a healthy

> body retains alot of water and that this was a good thing. OK this

> makes me feel better ending week 7 and dealing with the scale. I

> really thought I would have seen more of a drop that 2.5 lbs but it

> is not upsetting because the visual effects are there as well as

> fitting into a particular skirt again.

> >

> > How did I get to this program? Yoyoing.... as I have said before

> sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have some other reasons

> as well but this is the main one.

> >

> > 5 weeks left :)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> >

> > Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour

> >

> >

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  • 10 months later...
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I can TOTALLY relate with you Bonnie about being afraid that it was the 'end'....man it feels so good knowing that a LOT of us are having the same feelings....for me it comes from SO many times trying and SO many times failing that when I 'do' mess up, it scares the HECK out of me, thinking this is the beginning of the failure 'again' for me....but the good news is, YOU LOST and we ARE making better choices than we were 'before'.....

You GO Girl!


My update

I've missed this group! I was able to pop on two or three times totry to catch up on posts, but I wasn't able to post much. Um, I did okay last week, but not fantastic. I went over on mycalories two days in a row (something I have not done since startingin September, was scared it was 'the end' for me) and on top of that,didn't manage to get in a lot of exercise. However, I didn't go overhugely on calories, and while I didn't get intense workouts everyday,I *did* get some form of exercise each day. I weighed in this morningdespite feeling bloated and icky, and I've lost a total of 61.5pounds! I hit my goal for the month! I'm down to 276.5lbs. Ihaven't been this low in 7 years and I feel great! When I stepped onthe scale this morning, I thought I'd gained back *up* to 286 and Ialmost cried. Then I looked closer and squealed because I didn'tthink there was ANY possible way I had lost this past week. I triedmy best to make good choices (even when it was the lesser of twoevils) and I really did try to get some exercise. I guess that paid off.Anyway, just glad to be back into my normal routine...even if onlyuntil we leave on Friday. And it was a great trial run for nextweek--if I can make it through this last week, I can make it throughjust about anything!-Bonnie338/276.5/268 (mini-goal)

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  • 4 weeks later...
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These things happen for a reason LOL and I am glad you "had to" exercise then. But yes, it is an endless, vicious cycle, IF we let it be. Try not to stay on that bandwagon too long!! Hang in there, the slumps and plateaus will break.

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hold onto that control!! I cycle the same way :( Glad that the dvd came and kicked you back into gear :)brgk44 <brgk44@...> wrote: Yesterday I felt so blah...possibly from overeating the day before. Does anyone else feel that way after they eat too much? Then, for me at least, because I feel so blah, I'm tempted to not exercise and often wind up wanting to overindulge again--it's a dangerous cycle. Anyway, had pretty much decided I wasn't going to exercise when the doorbell rang and one of my exercise DVDs had arrived (already!). I immediately changed into my workout clothes and popped it in--it was one of the first Reebok stepping videos with Gin and I *love* it! It's 45 minutes long--5 warm up, 30 stepping, 8 abs/toning, 3 stretching. I was sweating really hard after the cardio--she makes you

move! So I'm thrilled to have something new to do. I think I have one or two more on the way...hopefully they're as good as this one. Anyway, despite a couple bad choices in terms of food, I did very wellyesterday--and all of a sudden I feel back in control. Happy Friday, ladies!-BonnieLive, Love, Laugh

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