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Yes, lots of prayers for all of you, especially Cameron. It's good that

some family was able to come in to help you. Will have a glass of wine for

you tonight.

God bless,

Carole, mom to , 5 in April, DS/autism, g-tube

Re: Re: Leah

> Leah,

> I'll be thinking of you and hope everything goes well for Cameron with

> the surgery tomorrow. Staying calm is good!! Maybe keeping busy will help


> keep you that way. You have to watch for the let down though. In your case

> maybe there won't be a letdown with all you have going on. Poor Baby! I'm

> glad you had such a great weekend.

> Marisa




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my prayers that everything goes well with the surgery, and for your

strength. shawna

>From: smilinggail@...



>Subject: Re: Re: Leah

>Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 21:52:42 EST


>In a message dated 3/13/01 4:53:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>okieleah@... writes:


><< cameron is having surgery

> tomorrow and will be there for two or three days............. >>


>Lots of prayers for Cam too. Glad you got to enjoy a little time with your

>Mom and sister before his surgery. Let us know how things went as soon as

>you can?



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they think cameron has van b. something disorder...blood clotting something

or other. we were in today for 102 fever and blisters in his mouth....shot

of rocephin and back on antibiotics. we see hemotology on monday, until then

it's give or take and see what we can get.... i am so worried about him..had

a hellva of a day.... had an meeting at ashtons school regarding a fba on

her then i opened the garage door and a piece of the metal hinge knocked me

in the head and left a whopper of a knot on my forehead and then i also took

cammie in.....what a day....tomorrow up early to take both mothers to the

airport..... then i am home to build a relationship with my

bottle..........tc leah

ps if anyone is a pro on fba's please educate me...i have had no time to

prepare...... also the new ignorant teacher told me today she doesnt think

ashton belongs in the autism class because she is so social .....no shit

sherlock, but where else are you going to put her...with the teacher that

abused her....I THINK NOT.....

>From: Imaddenmom@...



>Subject: Re: Leah

>Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 16:42:11 EST


>Hi Leah,

>Speaking of prayers, how's it going with Cameron?






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I wish I could give you a big HUG! At least there is a virtual one coming

your way! What do you need to know about the functional behavior analysis?

has had two. I will help you with whatever I can.


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Dear Leah,

Lots of prayers & {{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}} coming your way. You

have given all of us so much support & help with your S of H & your

wonderful spirit. Hang in there. It's so awful having to wait for tests &

appts - I know - have been there, done that, etc. What's an fba? I presume

it's an American thing. Good luck with everything & keep us posted ( I know

you will). Love,

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  • 3 weeks later...
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How are your kids doing? Is Cameron getting medication to help his blood

to clot and when is that surgery again? I hope things are settling down

with his health problems.


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Hi Leah, the special needs change rooms have over head lifts that are used

to move children out of wheelchairs, onto beds to be changed etc. They are

just little boxes on the ceiling that have a small chain hanging from it,

and it slide along a track when in operation. But this thing wasn't moving

and she has seen it sooooo many times before. But like alot of the fears

they are unusual as they are sudden and usually are gone the next day. She

had this thing about her yellow socks this week. They really freaked her

out. For two days she didn't want to see them and was quite upset when she

saw them in the sock drawer. but, yesterday she wore them no prob. Go


When we drive around town and stop at a light I always say and sign the

color and tell her to look at it. We talk about red is stop, when it is

green tell mom to 'go'. so she does. Pays very good attention for this.

On Friday as we drove to school I turned right on a red light. She freaked

out at me and kept yelling stop and signing over and over to me. Wondered

why and then realized the light was red and I didn't stop. Boy was she mad

at me. I broke the rule. Wonder how I will teach turning right on reds


she is just the coolest kid you know. She has taught me a gazillion things.

and given me the greatest love ever.

Angel was always okay about santa until this year. She didn't want to sit

on his lap, took many visits to the store, hoping she would want to go near

him. She didn't even want to be on the same floor in the dept store as him.

Finally we saw him outside of the store, we had bought tickets to take the

girls on a train ride with santa as Angel really loves trains alot, and so

dh sat on Santa's knee and me on the other, then our older daughter climbed

on, and finally Angel joined us. She thought that was so cool, everyone was

sitting on his knee so she joined us.

Yet she loves blues clues when he comes to the daycare. Guess that's like

disney isn't it. More motivation to like it if it is connected with

something you know is fun.

Take care, Cheryl

Re: does your kid ever do this.......

> >

> >

> > > Cheryl,

> > > does hurtful things to people as well and I am not convinced

> >that

> >he

> > > understands that he is " hurting " someone. He can be just as happy as

> >can

> >be,

> > > hugging you, and then either take a chunk out of your shoulder or

> >scratch

> > > you. He isn't angry or anything and when you react with surprise


> > > pain, he just looks at you like " what " ? LOL He also smears and


> >eat

> > > feces given the opportunity. Yuck!

> > > Terry

> > >

> > >

> > >

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You keep working on it and good things are bound to happen. Get some other

advocates to call also or write letters on your behalf. I'm sure they know

you mean business by now and that should help too. Take Care of yourself to



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i am so glad your able to be positive on my behalf. i don't feel very

positive at this point in my life.. one thing turns into many and many turn

into volumes and volumes turn into a whole set of things to do... but i am

trying very hard to be sane if only when my kids are watching me with their

so very innocent but yet absorbing eyes... thanks for the support.. take

care, leah



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Thanks for the hugs. The same to you. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} I am really sorry you

are having such a hard time. Right now, I have two toddlers (That includes

Gennie and Brook) that are both very demanding and need constant supervision.

It seems that " When it rains it pours " is how it is right now. Get those darn

in-laws to help you! I hope Cameron starts to feels much better soon. When

Brook had his tonsils and adenoids out at 4 yrs the doctor said there was

really major scarring on them indicating he had had many infections. I guess

we probably new about a lot of them because he was on a lot of antibiotics.

And there are the viral infections too.

Get some rest and let your in-laws watch the kids and make their own

meals and clean up after themselves!! Maybe if they don't like the service at

your house the will decide to go home. Exactly why are they visiting you at

this time if not to help? I'm sure you're totally prepared for the IEP. Just

stay calm and stick to your guns.

Best Wishes and Good Luck too!

Hugs, Marisa

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IT'S POURING!!!!!` those inlaws will never help...heck i have spent more

time cleaning up and trying to keep peace...everyone is sick...my house is

the poop factory and smells nasty..i have lysoled, bleached, febreezed, and

lit i don't know how many candles...dh sick, neice sick, baby sick, ashton

sick,and poor cameronis quarantined to his room..lmao we are the only

healthy ones..god forbid heget the flu, i could see the vomit ripping open

his stitches...i THINK and hope and pray they may leave in the am so my

neice can benear herdoctor...my opinion is LEAVE NOW!!! lmao and yes i am

yelling... i will be so happy to have my house all to myself,,,,

as for gennie and brooke, hugs and thoughts and prayers and major sanity

pills coming your way... it's still pouring at your house too... when shall

we ever have a dry spell... lmao tc leah

>From: poggim@...



>Subject: Re: Leah

>Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 12:55:19 EDT



> Thanks for the hugs. The same to you. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} I am really sorry


>are having such a hard time. Right now, I have two toddlers (That includes

>Gennie and Brook) that are both very demanding and need constant


>It seems that " When it rains it pours " is how it is right now. Get those


>in-laws to help you! I hope Cameron starts to feels much better soon. When

>Brook had his tonsils and adenoids out at 4 yrs the doctor said there was

>really major scarring on them indicating he had had many infections. I


>we probably new about a lot of them because he was on a lot of antibiotics.

>And there are the viral infections too.

> Get some rest and let your in-laws watch the kids and make their own

>meals and clean up after themselves!! Maybe if they don't like the service


>your house the will decide to go home. Exactly why are they visiting you at

>this time if not to help? I'm sure you're totally prepared for the IEP.


>stay calm and stick to your guns.

>Best Wishes and Good Luck too!

>Hugs, Marisa




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Oh my gosh, How much can one person bear before they throw the in-laws out

of the house for being so extremely inconsiderate. I think I would have had

them out of there right away and you are actually taking care of them and

your sick children and dh. Unbelievable. Does your dh condone this type of

behavior from his family? Maybe a little talk with him is in order. Big

Hugs!!!!{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}} I really hope you don't get sick! When I was

younger, newly married, etc., I had to have talks with my dh about his

family. They don't understand how difficult it is with Brook and want my dh

to come over to their house and do their odd jobs, paint their whole house,

put up fences, and help move them from one house to another etc. This last

one was when Gennie was a little baby too. I don't think so. My dh loves his

family and is very good to them, but they haven't helped us with Brook.

Anyway I have told my dh at times, that if you can't say no to them that I

will call them and explain that you are unable to do what they are asking.

And believe me I would have too. Now he is much better about it. As soon as

they heard that he was going to be laid off from his job they were lining up

jobs for him to do at their house. Now I just stand up to them when they make

their demands and say " Sorry, but we can't " They are just always trying to

save money by doing everything themselves instead of hiring someone to do the

job. And they have plenty of money, they just won't spend any of it. Anyway I

hope your in-laws leave soon so you can recover from their invasion and have

your house back again. I really empathize with you and all the latest


By the way my dh is still working at his job and it turns out they really

didn't want him to leave the company, but they did need him in Montana. So

when he said he wouldn't move to Montana they rethought the whole thing. So

now it looks like they are actually going to give him a promotion. We are

still waiting for the details on their proposal. So I'm really hoping that

everything is going to workout okay for us in the end.



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Sorry you are now sick.But thank god the relatives are gone. I have been

having a very hard time because my grandmother is in the hospital, she has a

kidney infection, dehydration, bed sores and is non responsive. We have been

going everyday and trying to decide what is best for her. It's very hard on

all of us since we were all very close to her. Yesterday she was slightly

better but still basically nonresponsive. She is 101 years old and has

Alzheimer's disease. So we want her to go peacefully and without pain. But if

she were to become somewhat alert once the dehydration and kidney infection

are better then we have to decide what to do next. Apparently she has been

sleeping a lot lately and the board and care home she was in never told my

parents what was really going on until the bedsores became severe. If she

gets through this episode she will not be going back there. Thank goodness

Brook is going back to school tommorrow. Gennie has to go back to Children's

Hospital for more X-rays on Tuesday, I have a psych appt. for me on Wed. and

Brook's IEP on Thursday. Plus visit Grandma in the hosp everyday.


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In a message dated 4/22/01 4:20:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, poggim@...


<< Apparently she has been

sleeping a lot lately and the board and care home she was in never told my

parents what was really going on until the bedsores became severe. If she

gets through this episode she will not be going back there. Thank goodness

Brook is going back to school tommorrow. Gennie has to go back to Children's

Hospital for more X-rays on Tuesday, I have a psych appt. for me on Wed. and

Brook's IEP on Thursday. Plus visit Grandma in the hosp everyday.

Marisa >>


Hope your week goes well. A lot of IEP's on Thursday! LOL I have heard

that bed sores can happen in 3 days, don't know if that is true or not. My

prayers for your Grandma and that you have a better week this week. How is

Gennie doing with the cast?


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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Leah,

Thrilled that Ashton's party went well! It is a really good feeling,keep that

feeling with you and put the hospital incident behind you.Zeb's flipped a few

times at the fairs with me over noise issues.One day it's okay and the next

day forget it,we keep him home now. The majority of people are ignorant esp.

the older population,they just don't understand.My mother-in-law keeps asking

me when I am going to send Zeb away,stupid! I just ignore the negative crap

and get on with it.I am sending you the IEP magic!! I just happened to be

lucky this year.Ct. finally settled this PJ case that has been in litagation

for 10 yrs. and will improve school conditions in this state for every child

with MR,the timing was right.Thanks to many other parents from this state for

paving the way.I am fortunate to be on ARC board,it gives me some leverage

with the schol district.

Take Care


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Hi ,

I know that route , but of course I'm pretty sure alot has changed

since I've been there. loved his pool , had fun . He surprised

me again by helping out, making up the bed and actually sat at the

table to have breakfast , on his own . Normally, he likes to sit in

front of the TV . Still working on that toilet training , though . I

really wanted him trained by this summer . I know its the beg. of

summer , I shall just to have patience . I guess I should be thank-

ful that he is getting some sleep and we're actually able to go out

with and enjoy our outings . Maybe you could e-mail the camp

visuals of Ashton . I'm not a computer wiz , it wouldn't hurt to ck.

them out . I'm waiting on my friend to give me an update scoop of her

(DS) son , he went for a week to camp . I shall see, if I'm ready to

send to camp or not , but it won't happen until next year .

Bet, Ashton is having a blast , sounds like alot of fun . We could

all use it after we've delt with the schools . Take Care .


-- In @y..., " leah leah " <okieleah@h...> wrote:

> irma,

> the end up my street backs to quantico marine base. i go to the


> there and we to Lunga park to feed the ducks and ride in the

rowboats. to

> drive there it takes about ten minutes because we don't connect by


> only a big treeline which is a great place for catching lightning


> that is great steven cooperated to go all those places, especially

in the

> heat.......i think as an adult i would have melted down after the

first two

> places.. we lived in texas until i was 8 and i remember vividly the

> hothothot sticky humid weather..... all was worth it for him i am


> since now he has a pool to float in... heheh

> i do have some camp visuals i made last year, when ashton went to


> notsogood easter seals... she is not going back there, so we don't

look at

> them, but if you want them i can fax, email, or snail mail them to


> just let me know... ashton is staying close to home this summer...

i started

> a social swimming group that is meeting twice a week at my house


> swimming and fun...that keeps us busy enough with baseball and

> stuff........take care and leave your air conditioner on......lmao


> careleah



> >

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Hi ,

I know that route , but of course I'm pretty sure alot has changed

since I've been there. loved his pool , had fun . He surprised

me again by helping out, making up the bed and actually sat at the

table to have breakfast , on his own . Normally, he likes to sit in

front of the TV . Still working on that toilet training , though . I

really wanted him trained by this summer . I know its the beg. of

summer , I shall just to have patience . I guess I should be thank-

ful that he is getting some sleep and we're actually able to go out

with and enjoy our outings . Maybe you could e-mail the camp

visuals of Ashton . I'm not a computer wiz , it wouldn't hurt to ck.

them out . I'm waiting on my friend to give me an update scoop of her

(DS) son , he went for a week to camp . I shall see, if I'm ready to

send to camp or not , but it won't happen until next year .

Bet, Ashton is having a blast , sounds like alot of fun . We could

all use it after we've delt with the schools . Take Care .


-- In @y..., " leah leah " <okieleah@h...> wrote:

> irma,

> the end up my street backs to quantico marine base. i go to the


> there and we to Lunga park to feed the ducks and ride in the

rowboats. to

> drive there it takes about ten minutes because we don't connect by


> only a big treeline which is a great place for catching lightning


> that is great steven cooperated to go all those places, especially

in the

> heat.......i think as an adult i would have melted down after the

first two

> places.. we lived in texas until i was 8 and i remember vividly the

> hothothot sticky humid weather..... all was worth it for him i am


> since now he has a pool to float in... heheh

> i do have some camp visuals i made last year, when ashton went to


> notsogood easter seals... she is not going back there, so we don't

look at

> them, but if you want them i can fax, email, or snail mail them to


> just let me know... ashton is staying close to home this summer...

i started

> a social swimming group that is meeting twice a week at my house


> swimming and fun...that keeps us busy enough with baseball and

> stuff........take care and leave your air conditioner on......lmao


> careleah



> >

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Leah ,

I guess our prayers were answered on the Houston mom , it was just a

rumor . Thank God ! Time is getting near on the ndss conference and I

know I have not replied . I guess by now you know it won't happen ,

THIS TIME ! I know you love conferences so if it ever happens again .

I know who to invite for far away trips . Sorry , though . My husband

is off to work, so by the time he gets back from his trip . I know I

could go out your way , too . Keep me posted on events your way .

Take Care .

Irma , 12,DS/ASD .

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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 7/7/01 3:51:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

pastmidvale@... writes:

<< Elie comes home from camp tomorrow - a big 16 you (birthday was


They never called even once the whole week!! Life is good.


Sara >>

Happy Birthday to Elie!!!!!!! Happy life to Sara! LOL My daughter leaves

for music camp tomorrow and I am in tears tonight, but think maybe I will

enjoy the week after a couple of days. LOL


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In a message dated 7/7/2001 9:12:08 PM EST, smilinggail@... writes:

<< I am in tears tonight, but think maybe I will

enjoy the week after a couple of days. LOL >>

I remember that so well. The first time he went to outdoor school and then

camp later that summer. I was a recent widow and he had never been away

from me more than overnight one night at a time. The second time he left I

went to the beach alone just so I didn't have to be in my house or my office

where he spent a lot of time normally.


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In a message dated 7/7/01 8:00:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

Strider3@... writes:

<< Y'all keep my half brother in your prayers. He'll be

35 in few months, and he had gallblader surgery



Prayers . Hope everything turns out fine for him.


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Happy B-day to whoever it was. I hope that you

had a good birthday and that your wishes come true. I

hope that you have a good b-day again.

Y'all keep my half brother in your prayers. He'll be

35 in few months, and he had gallblader surgery


--- smilinggail@... wrote:

> In a message dated 7/7/01 3:51:28 PM Pacific

> Daylight Time,

> pastmidvale@... writes:


> << Elie comes home from camp tomorrow - a big 16 you

> (birthday was

> yesterday).

> They never called even once the whole week!! Life

> is good.




> Sara >>


> Happy Birthday to Elie!!!!!!! Happy life to Sara!

> LOL My daughter leaves

> for music camp tomorrow and I am in tears tonight,

> but think maybe I will

> enjoy the week after a couple of days. LOL

> Gail


> --------------------------------------------------

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> of the archives for our list.


> --------------------------------------------



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  • 5 weeks later...
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Interesting on the stuff you made as a guide for the autistic class .

Your welcome to share it , this would be nice . I'm glad the magnetic

spray on the wall has helped Ashton . Hmm , I guess I will look into

it . Nah , I will not be a Martha , either . I'll add this to

my husband's To Do List . I know he would not mind . Sounds like it

was put to good use . Never heard about the chalkboard spray . I

guess , I missed that post . First , I'll take my baby steps starting

off . slept at 2:00 AM , again . I hope, I could get him off

to let go of the summer mode and put him on the right track . Time to

transition to school . I have contacted the Autism Treatment Ctr. ,

hope to hear from them and see if our health Ins. is accepted . I

just want to rule out if there's any medical problems . Ok , I'll be

glad to read any ideas , from getting up to bedtime . My so-called

brain is running on low at this time . Thank You, for refueling with

info .

Irma , 13,DS/ASD.


> irma,

> sounds like your ready to mark,set, and go full speed ahead with


> schedule/daily planner..... i have used the magnetic paint and i


> it....i painted it low to the floor so ashton can lay down in prone


> and do her abcs, spell her name, etc...i did the same with


> paint....doesnt look reallly pretty.....but who cares, since when

do i care

> what people think about my walls..... ((((((( martha stewart is

> crinching)))))))) ;-)what kind of ideas do you need...i just made

some stuff

> for a " model' autistic class for the teachers to use as a guide....

i would

> be more than happy to help ya brainstorm.....tc leah


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