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I just sent another reply about the IV antibiotics and

how that is going. As for how I'm doing physically

I'm hanging in there. I had thought the pain was

going to stay away so that I could try to go off of my

Lorcet on Mon but I may not be able to for a couple

more days. We shall see what happens though in that


I will just be glad when I can start to feel a whole

lot better physically. Of course I know that the

healing process is a very slow thing but I try to make

sure that I don't overdo b/c I know what will happen

to me if I do.

Have a great week.

Kristy :)


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You are quite welcome. Hang in there and know that

you are in my thoughts. (((((Hugs))))) to you. I'm

also sorry that the guestbook was inactive but glad

that the problem is now fixed.

Kristy :)


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The IV antibiotics are all finished at least for now. Now

I just have to go in for another appt to have another

culture done to see if this antibiotic that she had me on

took care of the problem. Hopefully it did. I will let

everyone know how it goes. Also I hope that all goes well

with the ending of the semester work for your schooling.

Please know that you are always in my thoughts.

Take care!!


Kristy :)



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Thanks for the well wishes, hon. *hugs* School is going fine, just getting

down to crunch time. lol

Crossing my fingers for you that the antibios worked, and the infection is



Kristy Sokoloski wrote:

> ,


> The IV antibiotics are all finished at least for now. Now

> I just have to go in for another appt to have another

> culture done to see if this antibiotic that she had me on

> took care of the problem. Hopefully it did. I will let

> everyone know how it goes. Also I hope that all goes well

> with the ending of the semester work for your schooling.


> Please know that you are always in my thoughts.


> Take care!!


> =====

> Kristy :)


> http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Falls/4659/kristyspage.html


> __________________________________________________


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Would you like to be a specialty nurse of some kind after

you graduate? If so what?

Yes, I hope that this infection is gone once and for all.

The next appt to the dr is on the 8th. I will let everyone

know how it goes.


Kristy :)



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Would you like to be a specialty nurse of some kind after

you graduate? If so what?

Yes, I hope that this infection is gone once and for all.

The next appt to the dr is on the 8th. I will let everyone

know how it goes.


Kristy :)



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Hi Kristy!

Yep, once I get my RN (ah, jeez, about 10 years from now!!LOL), I want to

specialize in pediatric hematology/oncology. :)


Kristy Sokoloski wrote:

> ,


> Would you like to be a specialty nurse of some kind after

> you graduate? If so what?


> Yes, I hope that this infection is gone once and for all.

> The next appt to the dr is on the 8th. I will let everyone

> know how it goes.


> =====

> Kristy :)


> http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Falls/4659/kristyspage.html


> __________________________________________________


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My grandma wanted me to either become a dr or a nurse. If

I were going to do either one it would be ob/gyn.

As for me, I did ok painwise until about 11 p.m. last nite

and then I had to take a pain pill. Unfortunately the

vulvodynia also makes me itch like crazy. I would just

like for it to go away. So I know that I will be doing

sitz baths for some time to come. I did one a couple of

hours ago so I will probably do another one to keep from

itching anymore tonight even though the itching is quiet

for the time being.

I hope that you have a good rest of the weekend and I will

talk to you later.


Kristy :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Barbara,

I'm trying to keep everyone on the list updated about me,

but like you I've not been feeling all that well physically

even though I'm sure trying to do my best to stay positive.

I'm still having a nasty flare up that started last

weekend. I have another appt with my dr on the 8th to see

how things are going in the infection dept, etc.

Other than all of that I'm doing my best to hang in there.

I will try to write to you again soon. Please know that

you are always in my thoughts and I hope that you will be

feeling much better real soon.

Take care my friend.


Kristy :)



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Hi again (((((Barbara)))))),

What I did on Sat was help my mother thru a dr's appt with

my ob/gyn for her gyn annual exam, and then after that we

had some lunch at a restaurant not too far from the office

(Indian-my mother went to India years before I was born

when she was working for the U.S. Embassy), and went to

listen to some CDs. That was all but I think that what

made me so tired was the standing too long. Well, of

course now I know that I can't stand too long a period a

time. For some reason it messes with my vulvar area.

At least now I know that this is the thing that causes the

problem in the first place but I didn't think that standing

too long just like sometimes walking too much would have

caused that problem too. Well, now I know.

In spite of the flare reaching it's highest peak it was a

good day. And of course I will let everyone know how the

visit to the dr on Fri goes. And for sure I will tell her

about this cold.

I hope that you had a good day and I will talk to you



Kristy :)



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Hi again (((((Barbara)))))),

What I did on Sat was help my mother thru a dr's appt with

my ob/gyn for her gyn annual exam, and then after that we

had some lunch at a restaurant not too far from the office

(Indian-my mother went to India years before I was born

when she was working for the U.S. Embassy), and went to

listen to some CDs. That was all but I think that what

made me so tired was the standing too long. Well, of

course now I know that I can't stand too long a period a

time. For some reason it messes with my vulvar area.

At least now I know that this is the thing that causes the

problem in the first place but I didn't think that standing

too long just like sometimes walking too much would have

caused that problem too. Well, now I know.

In spite of the flare reaching it's highest peak it was a

good day. And of course I will let everyone know how the

visit to the dr on Fri goes. And for sure I will tell her

about this cold.

I hope that you had a good day and I will talk to you



Kristy :)



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Thanks Kristy I know there are many of you who have gone through the family

struggle and I guess I feel it would be better if my disease WERE invisible.

That is part of the prob I dont look like my old self and that seems to freik

people out--I was always tan and healthy and big bright eyes. Now no tan and my

eyes look like Ive been crying all the time etc. I am learning to accept that

there are some people who may never accept this and I cant accept being treated

like shit right now(or ever)-so I have just watched many people fade out of my

life during this hell year-

Hugs Colleen

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My illnesses are invisible to the public but I still have

to contend wit those that don't believe me. That's why

some days when I feel so bad my dr is sometimes the only

friend I have left when it comes to the local level b/c she

gives me the understanding, friendship, compassion, etc

that I wish that some of the others that I have come across

would give me. It would be a lot nicer if I could make

everyone accept me the way that I am but it doesn't always

work that with endometriosis and vulvodynia (the two

problems that cause me a lot of grief-the vulvodynia being

the worst).

The reason that people freak out is b/c they are ignorant

of the situation, and sometimes I just want to tell those

who don't know the difference that I would like for them to

be quiet b/c I don't want to hear their opinions unless

they have been in my shoes but until then they aren't

welcome to give me an opinion. I've yet to say it but I

know that one day I might and will do so in the most

courteous manner even though sometimes that can be quite


Please know that I'm here if you need anything. Take care.


Kristy :)



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Aisha,

I'm quite familiar with endometrial ablation. I've read up

on it a lot as a result of the e-mail lists that I belong


As for vulvovaginitis that doesn't apply to me. That's

different from vulvodynia or vestibulitis. The surgery

that caused my problem in the vulvar area was a repair job

done 3 years ago. The repair job I had done was a


At the time that I had the surgery I didn't want it either

but had to do it or I would have created other problems.

One of the e-mail lists that I belong to is for general

questions related to Women's Health. If you would like me

to post the link to that forum for any of the others who

would like to check it out let me know and I will be glad

to do it.

Other than that I'm hanging in there the best that I can.

I think that later tonight I will post some other links

related to my problems if that's ok.


Kristy :)



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Hi Kristy,

"One of the e-mail lists that I belong to is for generalquestions related to Women's Health. If you would like meto post the link to that forum for any of the others whowould like to check it out let me know and I will be gladto do it. Other than that I'm hanging in there the best that I can. I think that later tonight I will post some other linksrelated to my problems if that's ok."

Go for it hon, there are prolly many here who would benefit from it! Knowledge is best shared!!

Love Aisha

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  • 2 weeks later...


PLEASE be sure to let me know too....I am hopping around crazy....I sure

hope you are okay. No...I know you are okay, and nothing is wrong,

everything is good. Right? RIGHT???? Please say I'm right, I want to be


Sorrry. I just worry about you guys sometimes. I don't usually get in to

these groups I'm on, but I sure feel like you all are a part of my family.


Re: Kristy


My biopsy is in the a.m. (yes on a Sat). I will let

everyone know how it goes. Other than that I'm hanging in



Kristy :)



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Everything isn't ok at all. I have some more infections

that I have to get taken care of and then the biopsy is

rescheduled for the 8th of March.

But I will feel better real soon.


Kristy :)



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Thanks for the thoughts even though my biopsy has been

rescheduled for March 8th b/c of the infection(s) that we

have to control now.

Please know that you too are in my thoughts.


Kristy :)



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It's been rescheduled for March 8th b/c of the infections

that I have right now.

My task now is to fight tooth and nail for my pain med to

help me hang on until this biopsy even though it was

supposed to have been done Sat.

I hope that you are well and I will talk to you later.


Kristy :)



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Bummer hon!! I'm so sorry that you're dealing with yet more infections, and

that it has forced the postponement of your biopsy. There is nothing more

frustrating than having to postpone something that might prove to be valuable,

ya know?

I sure don't envy you at all, hon. *hugs* You are such a strong and brave

woman. I admire you, Kristy. Please know that I'm here if you ever need

anything. :-)


Kristy Sokoloski wrote:

> ,


> It's been rescheduled for March 8th b/c of the infections

> that I have right now.


> My task now is to fight tooth and nail for my pain med to

> help me hang on until this biopsy even though it was

> supposed to have been done Sat.


> I hope that you are well and I will talk to you later.


> =====

> Kristy :)


> http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Falls/4659/kristyspage.html


> __________________________________________________

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> “Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you

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even, if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to

let go. " - Pueblo Prayer

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Hi Kristy

I am so sorry to hear they had to put of your biopsy for another month, that must be so frustrating. I hope you can get the infections under control so it can all go ahead next month {hugs}

take care

Lots of love


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Thanks for the note sweetie. I'm really not disappointed

that the biopsy is going to be in March instead of when it

should have been. And so far it looks like the infections

especially the BV may be on its way out. But the pain from

the vulvodynia and the endo of course continue to bother me

so while I do that I have to fight to keep my pain meds. I

am getting a second opinion on the Pain Management

recommendation in the afternoon and will let everyone know

how it goes.

I hope that you are well and if not feel better soon.


Kristy :)



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Please make sure to let us know how the appointment with pain management goes,

won't you? I've been thinking about you alot today! *hugs* Hope they are at

least open to listening to what you have to say, since you know you better than

anyone else does.


Kristy Sokoloski wrote:

> Nerys,


> Thanks for the note sweetie. I'm really not disappointed

> that the biopsy is going to be in March instead of when it

> should have been. And so far it looks like the infections

> especially the BV may be on its way out. But the pain from

> the vulvodynia and the endo of course continue to bother me

> so while I do that I have to fight to keep my pain meds. I

> am getting a second opinion on the Pain Management

> recommendation in the afternoon and will let everyone know

> how it goes.


> I hope that you are well and if not feel better soon.


> =====

> Kristy :)


> http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Falls/4659/kristyspage.html


> __________________________________________________


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The appt was all right but she did say that she thinks I

should go to the Pain Management dr and I am going to have

a tough decision to make b/c I don't want to lose my dr but

yet I don't want to do this either. I'm not sure what I'm

going to do but I'm not going to worry about it right now.

Thanks for asking.


Kristy :)



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Hi ,

I'm still trying to decide if I want to go. Also, if you

are on now my IM is on if you would like to talk to me

directly about all of the details. But I went to get that

second opinion and she thinks that I should go. So now I'm

between a rock and a hard place.

If I do it then I can keep my dr happy but then I would be

miserable going somewhere where they don't want anything to

do with me. Oh well, I will take things one day at a time

and we shall see what happens.


Kristy :)



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