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Re: Makes you think......

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Personally, I think there is more at the root of this problem than prayer in

school. Our society has a whole has evolved in a direction that has allowed

some of these actions to take place. But I have no nostalgia for the past

practices that accompanied the prayer in school. My father didn't spank us,

he beat us, cruelly. We had teachers who were unfair, who lied and who just

about tortured kids they didn't like, on a daily basis. If you were of a

certain " class " in school, determined by your family's income, you didn't

stand a chance. And as a Navy brat, I went to many schools spread out all

over the country and saw much of the same thing in these different schools.

In Virginia we had a big debate over a proposed law that will force children

to say the pledge of allegiance. It has passed. Now, who do you blame for

children who do not have enough respect for their flag or their country or

their rights or their ancestors that fought so these students can enjoy the

life they have today that we must legislate saying the pledge of allegiance

..... is it the school's fault?

Cheryl in VA

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In a message dated 03/13/2001 9:01:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,

gboughton@... writes:

<< <<Why is it that in countries like mine, shooting incidents never occur.



Some countries don't have their kids in schools, they are on the streets

robbing and trying to survive.

Cheryl in VA

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when I read this message I really was anoid. I thought I was in a group with

some common sense. I't doesn't bother me when people spray out there

believes everywhere they go and use it everywhere they see fit, but this

draws the line.

Maybe you should start with a fight to ban guns in your country. The wild

west is long gone in case you didn't notice.

Why is it that in countries like mine, shooting incidents never occur. Or

even vicious attacks for that matter. The violence in our schools is


Why is it that in this open country the rate of teen age pregnance is almost

zero. Maybe because we are so OPEN about it. Maybe because we teach our boys

what responsibility is.

Why is it that there are still people who think that to avoid a child from

hitting eachother we hit him ourselves. We are the thinking adults. Teaching

that violence is wrong with the use of violence. A bit strange don't you

think. Do you hit your friends or neighbours to when they disbehave? Or do

you just shoot them?

Doen't matter when sometimes a parent hits somewhat to hard. It's in the


The bible is in for many interpretations, unhappily enough people

interpretate in in the way it fits their own WAY best.

And I live in a liberal country, where the ground rule is RESPECT.

Lets get one thing very clear, WE are the ones that raise our children, not

the media, not the schools, WE. I try to give my children the right values.

And thats to respect. And to love.

So respect those who don't think like you. That bans out the hatred. It's

letters like this that make people hate each other. And I don't think

religion was invented as a tool of hate. So stop using it in that way! These

ways of thinking start the bombings of abortion clinics.

Start the bashing of gays.

And stop this nonsense, it doesn't show much respect to the victims and

their families.


father of Merel and Summer DS

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In a message dated 03/13/2001 9:20:32 AM Eastern Standard Time,

bspyle@... writes:

<< Name one industrialized nation, like the USA, where this is true, Cheryl.


I had read in the past of the skinhead gangs in England that roam the

streets, metros, etc., perhaps they no longer exist. Wasn't Britain where

the young boys murdered the toddler a few years back. But I wasn't thinking

of industrialized countries, just thinking that violence among kids is not

just limited to here.

One of the saddest elements I see in all these shootings we have in the US is

the fact that so many of these kids send out warning signals no one heeds.

Cheryl in VA

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First of all, the Supreme Court has never ruled against prayer in school.

What it has ruled is that the government cannot tell you what prayers you

can and cannot say. Besides, how do you stop someone from praying? As long

as there are exams, there will be prayer in schools.

If the child has a family that reads the Bible at home, he doesn't need to

read the Bible at school except as an academic subject, which is allowed.

All a child learns from a spanking is that it's okay for big people to hit

little people.

Discipline in school is alive and well. My son is in charge of the program

where he teaches. He says most of the students sent to him are mentally ill

and abused at home, but there is no help for them.

It is none of my business what other people do in private as long as it's

between consenting adults.

I truly have no problem with nude pictures ... be it in a magazine or

hanging in the Louvre. It God created it, it is good.

" > And someone else took that appreciation a step further

> and published pictures of nude children and then

> stepped further still by making them available on the

> internet. And we said they're entitled to their free

> speech. " -- blatantly UNTRUE. When did you decide lying is okay?

Where can a minor receive any surgery without the parent or guardian's


My TV has an " off " button. I do not have to go to a movie I consider

immoral. I can prevent any minor living in my home from watching anything.

These are nothing more than excuses for parents who need a scapegoat for

their failure as parents.



" Beautiful that war and all its deeds of carnage must

in time be utterly lost. " -- Walt Whitman


Makes you think......

> Food for thought


> In light of the recent shootings in our schools,

> let's see, I think it started when Madeline Murray

> O'Hare complained she didn't want any prayer in

> our schools, and we said OK.


> Then someone said you better not read the Bible in

> school...the Bible that says thou shalt not kill,

> thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as

> yourself. And we said OK.


> Dr. Spock said we shouldn't spank our

> children when they misbehave because their little

> personalities would be warped and we might damage

> their self-esteem. And we said, an expert should

> know what he's talking about so we said OK, we won't

> spank them anymore.


> Then someone said teachers and principals better not

> discipline our children when they misbehave. And the

> school administrators said no faculty member in this

> school better touch a student when they misbehave

> because we don't want any bad publicity, and we surely

> don't want to be sued (There's a big difference

> between disciplining and touching, beating, smacking,

> humiliating, kicking, etc. And we accepted their

> reasoning.


> Then someone said, let's let our daughters have

> abortions if they want, and they won't even have to

> tell their parents And we said, that's a grand idea.

> Then some wise school board member said, since boys

> will be boys and they're going to do it anyway, let's

> give our sons all the condoms they want, so they can

> have all the fun they desire, and we won't have to

> tell their parents they got them at school. And we

> said, that's another great idea.


> Then some of our top elected officials said it doesn't

> matter what we do in private as long as we do our

> jobs. And agreeing with them, we said it doesn't

> matter to me what anyone, including the President,

> does in private as long as I have a job and the

> economy is good.


> And then someone said let's print magazines with

> pictures of nude women and call it wholesome,

> down-to-earth appreciation for the beauty of the

> female body. And we said we have no problem with

> that.


> And someone else took that appreciation a step further

> and published pictures of nude children and then

> stepped further still by making them available on the

> internet. And we said they're entitled to their free

> speech.


> And the entertainment industry said, let's make TV

> shows and movies that promote profanity, violence, and

> illicit sex. And let's record music that encourages

> rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes.

> And we said it's just entertainment, it has no adverse

> effect, and nobody takes it seriously anyway, so go

> right ahead.


> Now we're aking ourselves why our children have no

> conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and

> why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their

> classmates, and themselves.


> Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough

> we can figure it out.


> I think it has a great deal to do with " WE REAP WHAT

> WE SOW. "


> Dear God,

> Why didn't you save the little girl in Michigan?

> Sincerely,

> Concerned Student




> Dear Concerned Student,

> I am not allowed in schools.

> Sincerely,

> God


> Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and

> then wonder why the world's going to hell.


> Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but

> question what the Bible says.


> Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they

> do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything the

> Bible says.


> Funny how someone can say " I believe in God " but still

> follow Satan who, by the way, also " believes " in God.


> Funny how we are quick to judge but not to be judged.


> Funny how you can send a thousand " jokes " through

> e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you

> start sending messages regarding the Lord, people

> think twice about sharing.


> Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass

> freely through cyberspace, but the public discussion

> of Jesus is suppressed in the school and workplace.


> Funny how someone can be so fired up for Christ on

> Sunday, but be an invisible Christian the rest of the

> week.


> Are you laughing?


> Funny how when you go to forward this message, you

> will not send it to many on your address list because

> you're not sure what they believe, or what they will

> think of you for sending it to them.


> Funny how I can be more worried about what other

> people think of me than what God thinks of me.


> Are you thinking?


> Pass it on if you think it has merit! If not then

> just discard it...no one will ever know what you did

> for sure.


> But, if you discard this thought process, then don't

> sit back and complain about what a bad shape the world

> is in...



> Tena

> mailto:tmac@...





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<<Why is it that in countries like mine, shooting incidents never occur.


Hi Rob,

What country are you in? I get so afraid everytime I hear about kids

shooting kids! I am almost afraid to send Ted to school. Can I move to

where you are? :)

Gail, mom to Theodore (9)



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Just about any country except the good old US of A, where children have easy

access to guns, Gail. We're the only one without very strict gun control.



" Beautiful that war and all its deeds of carnage must

in time be utterly lost. " -- Walt Whitman


Re: Makes you think......

> <<Why is it that in countries like mine, shooting incidents never occur.

> >>


> Hi Rob,

> What country are you in? I get so afraid everytime I hear about kids

> shooting kids! I am almost afraid to send Ted to school. Can I move to

> where you are? :)

> Gail, mom to Theodore (9)


> ________________________________________________________________


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Re: Makes you think......

> Some countries don't have their kids in schools, they are on the streets

> robbing and trying to survive.

> Cheryl in VA

Name one industrialized nation, like the USA, where this is true, Cheryl.



" Beautiful that war and all its deeds of carnage must

in time be utterly lost. " -- Walt Whitman


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In a message dated 3/13/2001 7:35:10 AM Central Standard Time,

bspyle@... writes:

> First of all, the Supreme Court has never ruled against prayer in school.

> What it has ruled is that the government cannot tell you what prayers you

> can and cannot say. Besides, how do you stop someone from praying? As long

> as there are exams, there will be prayer in schools.


> If the child has a family that reads the Bible at home, he doesn't need to

> read the Bible at school except as an academic subject, which is allowed.



Granny you want to correct the second paragraph here? If you refuse to let a

child read the Bible in school to himself/herself you aren't you in effect

going against the SC's ruling? If the child makes the Bible his reading

chioce what is it to you?

If you believe it's not right to read a Bible in school by choice then what

makes you think that the schools haven't gone off the deep end regarding

prayer. There are many areas where I do believ ethat shool administrations

are completely losing their marbles, I mean don't you concider it an

infringement for the school to fire or reprimand a teacher for bowing her

head and praying silently before eating her lunch? this has happened.


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In a message dated 3/13/2001 8:04:26 AM Central Standard Time,

bspyle@... writes:

> We're the only one without very strict gun control.


> granny


So? Did you hear England is arming the bobbies in some cities because the

gangs have guns and the people need someone to try to protect them?


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Hi Granny,

I thought that this goes on in the US everyday.....with the homeless

children & runaways (for example)


(mom to lese 11 yrs & Adelena 8.7 yrs w/ds)

----Original Message Follows----

From: " B. S. Pyle " <bspyle@...>

" " < >

Subject: Re: Makes you think......

Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 08:18:22 -0600

Re: Makes you think......

> Some countries don't have their kids in schools, they are on the streets

> robbing and trying to survive.

> Cheryl in VA

Name one industrialized nation, like the USA, where this is true, Cheryl.



" Beautiful that war and all its deeds of carnage must

in time be utterly lost. " -- Walt Whitman



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> would LOVE it, as long as they were the right

> prayers. But what if there is a school with a minority of Christians,

> would those same people feel comfortable if the organized prayer was

> based on Judiaism? I doubt it.

Just my two cents... This is a good point. I grew up in a mostly Baptist

town in Western NY, my family is the only Jewish (the only non-Christian

family that we knew of) in our town. I went to a High School of 2,500

students. This is no small Farm Village! My parents moved there because my

father's University where he teaches is only a 45 minute drive from our

home and my mother's Elementary school where she teaches is just 1 hour

away, so it was sort of in the middle. Had we lived closer, the homes would

have been too expensive for them at the time to buy. In 1996, when I was a

Sophomore in High School a student " club " called " Christian Crusade " pushed

for something call " Prayer at the Pole. " The school board approved it and

every morning during " homeroom " a bunch of students would go out to the

flag pole and pray. Being a religious (Jewish) person, I wouldn't have

minded to join them, only their prayers, lead by a Christian preacher were

all directed to Jesus Christ and spoke of helping the poor souls who did

not follow Jesus to return to Him, and I felt as if I didn't belong there

and I certainly was not invited. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying nor

was I ever saying that Jesus was a bad person (on the contrary I'm sure),

but he is not my G-d to be prayed to and THEY made that clear. So, I stayed

in my homeroom. And my school filled with posters that said " Make

Friends... See you at the pole! " Then, they started to get the students

that went to pray at the pole candy. One by one, I saw kids pressured into

going to the pole... after all, it was the only way to have friends (and

get candy in school). Was this a religious revolution?? Were High Schoolers

finally finding G-d?? I can honestly say.. NO WAY! See, these same kids at

the pole in the morning were smoking pot every night, skipping classes,

fighting in the lunch room, etc. The school's violence record did not

decline, the number of students dropping out continued to increase as it

had before the " pole, " and teen pregnancy continued to increase as well.

This was not a remedy for my school and it was a source of huge rejection

for me. That year, my Mass Media teacher, Mrs. Haber, said to me, " What's

the big deal Sara? Why can't you just accept the Lord like the rest of

us?? " This may sound like a fine question to you, but to a girl who was

being taught by her school that she was the outcast, that she was the one

with the family that was all wrong, it struck me deep and hurt. And I can

honestly say that at that moment in my life I felt the strongest hate I

have ever felt. I hated my school for making me feel unwelcomed and wrong.

I hated my friends who went to the pole every morning just for the candy

and cursed G-d 15 minutes later. I hated my school board who was seeing

this as their problem solver for their High School. I didn't go get a gun

and shoot everyone... I was taught better than that. But G-d didn't come

to our HS when the meeting was at the pole, but diversity was being fed to

the devil.

Anyway, if you got to this part of the post, G-d bless you! LOL Sorry this

was so long!! It is a topic that really puts salt in an old wound.


Sara (still a devote Jew... but loves diversity! :o))

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I thought this happened everyday IN the US with the homeless & runaway

children(for example)


(mom to lese 11yrs & Adelena 8.7 yrs w/ds)

----Original Message Follows----

From: " B. S. Pyle " <bspyle@...>

" " < >

Subject: Re: Makes you think......

Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 08:18:22 -0600

Re: Makes you think......

> Some countries don't have their kids in schools, they are on the streets

> robbing and trying to survive.

> Cheryl in VA

Name one industrialized nation, like the USA, where this is true, Cheryl.



" Beautiful that war and all its deeds of carnage must

in time be utterly lost. " -- Walt Whitman



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>Dear God,

>Why didn't you save the little girl in Michigan?


>Concerned Student


>Dear Concerned Student,

>I am not allowed in schools.




I hope you don't view this as a flame. But since you expressed your opinion

by posting what you did, I just want to express my opinion.

I don't ever remember anyone saying God is not allowed in school. Children

are free to pray at anytime during the day...nobody can stop that.

Organized prayer is another thing. I suppose those who think we should have

organized prayer in school would LOVE it, as long as they were the right

prayers. But what if there is a school with a minority of Christians, would

those same people feel comfortable if the organized prayer was based on

Judiaism? I doubt it.

And I also find it funny that so many people who blame no prayer in school

on everything that is wrong, also feel that we should all have access to

guns. Regardless of the moral fiber of the children in school...school

shootings would not happen if kids did not have access to guns.


A devout Christian

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>> We're the only one without very strict gun control.


>> granny



> So? Did you hear England is arming the bobbies in some cities because

> the gangs have guns and the people need someone to try to protect them?


> Joy

Speaking of gun control... I think our major problem is that people

(probably mostly kids) in the US do not see guns as the tool for disaster

that they are. I served (half of what most Israelis serve) in the IDF and I

was trained to use an M16 and to carry it and to care for it. It made me

want to vomit everytime I had to put that thing on my shoulder. We were

trained to use it for what it was... a tool of war and not a toy or part of

a " game. " Almost every home in Israel has an M16, but NO home (no Israeli,

Palestinian homes are a different story) has an M16 that the adults

(usually the man, women only serve 2½ years) didn't go through at least 3

years of training for!!! And the only reason why they have it still in

their home is because they must serve each year for a certain time. I have

yet to meet an Israeli that WANTS to have an M16 (other than a few in the

settlements who feel they need it for protection... and lately they do!).

I'm not familiar with what it takes to get a gun license in the US (I do

know it is apparently too easy to get a gun without a license) but I'm sure

it's not 3 years of intense training. And I think that has everything to do

with how serious a society views these weapons.

Just my 2 cents...


PS, hey? Isn't this a family DS-related list?? I hope I'm not contributing

to mass unwanted email. Please let me know if I am... I'll stop posting

off-DS-related topics!!


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> I'm not familiar with what it takes to get a gun license in the US (I do

> know it is apparently too easy to get a gun without a license) but I'm

> sure it's not 3 years of intense training. And I think that has

> everything to do with how serious a society views these weapons.

Just to clarify, I am NOT suggesting mandatory draft in the USA (LOL!! On

the contrary! I hated the army!!) nor am I suggesting 3 years of intense

training to get a gun, I am just saying that the countries that do have the

guns " available " so-to-say in the homes do not face the problems we are

because their situations in obtaining them are put on a more serious level

than here. Oh, does that make sense??? Maybe I am making this worse?? Sorry!


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>Dear Concerned Student,

>I am not allowed in schools.



Simply not true. God is allowed anywhere you want to carry him. What's not

allowed is mandated, imposed God-of-whose-religion, to allow for the variety

of religious beliefs in our country.


Mom to Ian (2/89),


and Rose (6/94)

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I was beginning to think that myself. I don't really like the tone this

discussion is taking. Everybody is feeling criticized for their beliefs, and

no one is going to change anybodys mind about these issues.


> PS, hey? Isn't this a family DS-related list?? I hope I'm not contributing

> to mass unwanted email. Please let me know if I am... I'll stop posting

> off-DS-related topics!!

> http://www.DSyndrome.com




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I have been thinking about how to respond to this and you sort of said what I

think I believe. Since all this has been going on with the students in the

schools with guns, I was speaking today about what I thought is a possible

problem. Now I'm speaking as a teacher and a parent. I feel that we have

relinquished our discipline and along with it has gone respect for adults

like parents and teachers.

And by no means do I mean corporal punishment or hitting. My son is only 6

and he knows about values and whats right and wrong. But he also knows what

isnt right and may not have reprecusssion for it. Parents are the main

players in instilling values in their children and schools can only reinforce


I also agree about the military and the right to bear arms. 15 year olds

have no right to bear arms. Let's all keep that in mind.

It is a very scarry world we are living in. Let's try to make it brighter

for our children.

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In a message dated 3/13/01 9:32:03 AM Central Standard Time,

List@... writes:

> Anyway, if you got to this part of the post, G-d bless you! LOL Sorry this

> was so long!! It is a topic that really puts salt in an old wound.


> Cheers!

> Sara (still a devote Jew... but loves diversity! :o))

Hi Sara :)

Just got back into town and caught this thread, I have to say I feel blessed

my child's middle school has prayer at the flag pole :) I can be a real

Prayer Warrior and I'm grateful this is available to my 11 yr. old daughter.

True.... some may be using this as a social time but as a Christian I know

one day the message will sink in :) I have seen this with many young adults

who were wild teens. I live in a community with diverse religious folks, and

many of them gather in areas around the school to pray.

I am truly sorry you felt bad, as Christians we don't want that, and I

imagine the young Christians didn't know how to handle the differences.

Ohhhhh only more thing to add Christians are NOT perfect, never will be but

we are forgiven :)

Kathy mom to Sara 9.............who had to do a whole lot of praying this

weekend, baby Tater-Tot had surgery and he's home now doing great :)

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In a message dated 3/13/01 10:18:14 PM Central Standard Time, tmac@...


> Sara and others,


> I too like diversity. :) In high school I had several good

> friends who

> were Jewish others who were Catholic dated a guy once

> who was southern

> Baptist...anyway I have attened services with all and

> truely enjoyed it. I

> have respect for all in there beliefs. I didn't write the post

> it was sent

> to me by a friend. I felt it made some good points and

> thought others

> might enjoy it also. It was never my intention to offend

> anyone. If I have I appologize.






> Tena

HI Tena :)

My sister sent me the same post :) and in a way it had some valid points

Heehee I wont say which ones but life sure did seem simpler in the old days :)

Kathy mom to Sara 9

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Rob, I agreed with most of your points but I don't think putting down

someone else's country or their belief system was not the way to make it.

Our country allows a great many freedoms. I do not own a gun and most

people I know do not. My husband is in the Army and we don't own a gun.

The second ammendment of our constitution gives the right to bear arms (with

regard to a militia). It has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to mean

that everyone has the right to bear arms. I do not agree with this

interpretation but it is the law of MY country and I abide by it.

Most of us do teach our boys responsibility. I have seen a real

degredation of values since discipline was taken from schools and parents.

I don't simply mean spanking, but real discipline. You must TEACH the

correct behavior as well as model it. There are times however when you lay

down the law to kids. These are the rules and there will be REAL

consequences if you disobey them. Just like in life. I think that you have

heard all our sensationalized news and never hear the good things about our

country. Many of us know that we are perceived as gun toting vigilantes and

barbarians. We are neither. We have a free society and when people are

free, there will be people who take advantage of the system. If we weren't

free, you couldn't have published this letter putting us down. Oh BTW,

annoyed is spelled like this.


RE: Makes you think......

> Tena,


> when I read this message I really was anoid. I thought I was in a group


> some common sense. I't doesn't bother me when people spray out there

> believes everywhere they go and use it everywhere they see fit, but this

> draws the line.


> Maybe you should start with a fight to ban guns in your country. The wild

> west is long gone in case you didn't notice.

> Why is it that in countries like mine, shooting incidents never occur. Or

> even vicious attacks for that matter. The violence in our schools is

> minimal.


> Why is it that in this open country the rate of teen age pregnance is


> zero. Maybe because we are so OPEN about it. Maybe because we teach our


> what responsibility is.


> Why is it that there are still people who think that to avoid a child from

> hitting eachother we hit him ourselves. We are the thinking adults.


> that violence is wrong with the use of violence. A bit strange don't you

> think. Do you hit your friends or neighbours to when they disbehave? Or do

> you just shoot them?

> Doen't matter when sometimes a parent hits somewhat to hard. It's in the

> book.


> The bible is in for many interpretations, unhappily enough people

> interpretate in in the way it fits their own WAY best.

> And I live in a liberal country, where the ground rule is RESPECT.


> Lets get one thing very clear, WE are the ones that raise our children,


> the media, not the schools, WE. I try to give my children the right


> And thats to respect. And to love.


> So respect those who don't think like you. That bans out the hatred. It's

> letters like this that make people hate each other. And I don't think

> religion was invented as a tool of hate. So stop using it in that way!


> ways of thinking start the bombings of abortion clinics.

> Start the bashing of gays.


> And stop this nonsense, it doesn't show much respect to the victims and

> their families.


> Rob

> father of Merel and Summer DS





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As far as I know there is no LAW to prevent a child from taking his

Bible to school and reading it, as long as he is not forcing it on anyone

else. Also there is no LAW that prevents a teacher from bowing her head and

saying a silent prayer over her lunch. I'm sure there are nuts in some

schools who would go off the deep end about it but it is not a correct

interpretation of the Constitution. Jessie

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Sara and others,

I too like diversity. :) In high school I had several good

friends who

were Jewish others who were Catholic dated a guy once

who was southern

Baptist...anyway I have attened services with all and

truely enjoyed it. I

have respect for all in there beliefs. I didn't write the post

it was sent

to me by a friend. I felt it made some good points and

thought others

might enjoy it also. It was never my intention to offend

anyone. If I have I appologize.



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In a message dated 3/14/2001 5:58:03 AM Eastern Standard Time,

bspyle@... writes:

> We have more homeless children than ever in this country

> thanks to welfare " reforms. "


I watched the movie " The Cider House Rules " this weekend. Do we have

orphanages any longer, or is everyone processed thru social services to

foster care in the community. I know we have residential facilities for

children with disabilities that are given up by their parents, we have two in

our area. And I know young adults with disabilities that live in nursing

homes, they have nowhere else. But for children without disabilities, are

there still warehouse type facilities in our country?

Cheryl in VA

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