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In a message dated 11/17/2003 8:41:46 PM Central Standard Time,

alisonemails@... writes:

> the specialist tells us

> it's " transient'

Part of me wishes they wouldn't stick their neck out and say one way or the

other, because you are just going to fear the worst anyway! What they told us

is that if the numbers are low but the function is okay, it looks transient,

that the numbers should come up. But if both the numbers and the function are

low (they have trouble making antibodies), then it points to it NOT being

transient. They were wrong in our case as far as we know, because her function

improved on some things (making antibodies to polio and HiB), her numbers


on everything, and the only antibodies we know of that she's not making now

are the polysaccharides.

I guess the lesson is " live in the moment " and deal with what you have at the

current time... take the precautions you need to and try not to guess what

the future holds. Easier said than done, I used to just absolutely PINE AWAY for

a crystal ball to just tell me how this story was going to turn out!! I'm

getting better at being more patient, but still working on it.

(mom to Kate, born 9/19/02, dairy intolerant; and , age 4-1/2,

GERD, dairy intolerant -- currently has polysaccharide antibody def, previously

had transient IgG, IgA, t-cell & other defs)

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  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Great Advice Anne. Mine will be in April. I had mine a year ago March. I always go threw chaos for my mamagram BUT insist on doing it. My heart goes out to the lady in your group. Did she not go regularly? For the stirrup thing I always bring leg warmers with me. Makes it a little easier.

NHMom to Abby Liz 10/25/94 Anne 7/1/99

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> Speaking of doctors..... when was the last time you had a pap smear and

> mammogram? Yes, you. All of you.

Um, er, let's see. It's been 4 years since my last mammo, and . . . (Henry's

now 21 and I was on progest after I was veg a year or so and that was in the

early 1990's...) Last pap ws probably aorund 1995-1996 or so. I *tried*

making appointments the past 2 years, but between doctors cancelling, last

year's snowstorm causing me to cancel, Henry's foot surgery which caused me

to cancel, and the last one the nurse warned me the doc was going to push

WLS so I cancelled. I have no plans to try again any time soon, for various


> Why don't I go to the doctor? Because I'm

> fat and I want to lose weight before I go and because I have things I'd


> rather do with my spare time than spread my legs in the stirrups. BLECH!

The doc who delivered Henry handed his service over to his son a few years

back, and althrough his specialty is GYN (Most docs here dropped deliveries

because of the high malpractice rates), he now leans more towards plastic

surgery and WLS, becasue that's where the money is. Because most insurance

companies won't pay for most of the procedures he does, he can demand - and

usually get - the full cost of the surgery and follow-up visits up front

before he even picks up a scalpel. SOme procedures he's not even doing in a

hospital but in their own office, a building they dubbed a " women's

hospital " although I know some nurses who work there and say to NEVER agree

to have anything done there because most of the time the docs (About 5 in

the group now) do the procedure and leave, leaving the place manned by

nurses only so if an emergency occurs they just call for an ambulance if

they can't handle it.

The doc I last saw, a BIG man himself (About 350 on his 6' frame), spent

more time telling me how unhealthy I must be because I weighed 250 pounds.

When I told him of the irregular periods I was having, he first suggested a

D & C even before examining me, then denied he ever suggested it in later

visits. He put me on progesterone pills and told me I'd have to be on them

the rest of my " womanly " life without doing blood work to check my hormone

levels. When all my routine lab work (the same chemistry, CBC and other

tests my regular doc has done every few years) came back all within normal

ranges, he lied to me and said the test tube broke in the centrifuge (All 5

of them??) and I had to have the work repeated at their cost. He was

perplexed when it all came back with the same good results, brushed it off

as a fluke, insisted I have them repeated a third time (His nurse, a woman I

knew since Henry was a baby, told me about the broken test tube lie, because

she ran the tests herself). When I refused, telling him to contact my family

doctor if he has any questions about my lab work, he told me not to bother

coming back to him if I'm not going to do what he tells me to.

And that's about it for GYN's in our city who speak English and take our

insurance. None of the others here I would trust with a mangy stray dog,

much less touch me. I worked with the majority of them, and know how filty

they are or their attitudes towards women in general.

If I ever start having a problem " down there " I know my family doc will do a

PAP - he's done it before when I bled for 3 straight weeks and the soonest

appointment I could get (With the WLS-happy doc) was in 6 months. If I need

anything further after that, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

>I've been really good about taking my

> blood pressure meds but I need to check my bp occasionally just to make


> it is ok.

I do have to make the follow-up appointment for this. Maybe later today I'll

call for an appointment later this week or early net. His office is only a

block away, but I don't know if he was able to drive in from where he lives

with this snow.

> Please call your doc if you haven't seen her lately.

The last female GYN in this area died over a decade ago, and she was pretty

awful to begin with.

Sue in NJ

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----- Original Message -----

From: " Sue in NJ " <susang@...>

> The last female GYN in this area died over a decade ago, and she was


> awful to begin with.

Why do you need a gyn? I don't even have one any more and I won't get one

unless I need gyn surgery. My family doc is perfectly capable of doing a

pap smear and referring for a mammogram.

No excuses Sue!! Get thee to a mammogram!


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----- Original Message -----

From: <Jase4567@...>

> goes out to the lady in your group. Did she not go regularly? For the

> stirrup thing I always bring leg warmers with me. Makes it a little


I really don't know when her last mammogram was. It might just be a very

aggressive form of cancer but regular check ups can help.


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

It's too bad that when our forefathers thought about putting " checks

> and balances " into our form of government and decided on the

> separation of church and state, that they didn't put the same sort


> checks and balances into medicine and also demand a separation of

> state and science.


> Haven

Our country is broken. I spent the 4th of July reading a long article

about a series of mining " accidents " in WVA, in which enormous slurry

pools collapsed, spilling sludge all down the mountainside. The

sludge contains high levels of arsenic, lead, and of course mercury.

It's just the same story as autism -- government agencies that are

supposed to protect the public are totally corrupt; the corporations

responsible made large donations to the Bush campaign and the

Administration did all it could to support those corporations without

concern for the people and land of WVA; anyone who tried to correct

the problem before the disaster is intimidated or fired; anyone who

tries to have the perpetrators sanctioned is intimidated or fired;

the corporation gets off with barely a slap on the wrist while people

were killed, and a large chunk of formerly beautiful and abundant

land is poisoned, and continues to poison anyone who lives there. And

as always, it's all for money.

Maybe I'm just in a bad mood this morning. But when corporate power

is merged with the government in this way, how do we stop it?

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I wish I knew how to stop the downward spiral. It is all starting to

sound like the " fall' part of " The Rise and Fall of the Roman

Empire. "

Now we have this new " eminent domain " mess that allows corporations

to take people's houses away on a whim so big business can make more money. I

see individual rights and the right to free speech falling away. I

can't imagine living in a house for thirty years and then being told

I have to move.

I used to be such an idealist and optimist. I keep having faith that

things will change and we'll get better.

Today, my husband went shopping with me and saw what it costs to buy

organic food for our son for a hopefully two-week period. He almost

fell over. I guess we will continue to eat the nitrate, nitrite,

sulfite, hormone-containing, over-processed crap so that at least our

son can eat decently. How backwards is it, that the junk is called

" conventionally grown " while the pure food that is as God intended

isn't and costs three times as much?

I wish I had the answers. I have long felt that we have too many

politicians and too few STATESMEN. How do we begin to fix it?

Regarding the situation most of us are in, a doctor friend asked me

when I would trust the vaccine program again. I said when the CDC

opens up the data system. When politicians cannot take money from

corporations. When it is illegal for doctors to own stock in

pharmaceutical companies, when doctors cannot own partial patents in

the drugs they force on our children, when there are parent advisors

on the vaccine board, when hospital doctors aren't required to meet

quotas so that they have to rely on pharmaceutical grants to meet those

quotas, when doctors cannot take perks from the drug companies, when

the term " First, do no harm, " actually means something again, and

when they have granted justice to our children.

What is the difference between a doctor owning stock in the drug

companies and Pete Rose betting on baseball? Any politician who takes

money from corporations is, in my opinion, taking a bribe. I don't

understand how they are allowed to do this.


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  • 1 month later...

>I hope these doctors will begin discussing this increase among themselves and come to the realization that there is, indeed, something terribly wrong here.<

My family doctor is also a friend and he has been fairly open with me about the position doctors find themselves in. The neurologist agreed with me off the record that Tristan's autism is most likely from vaccines and he included encephalopathy in his diagnosis: PDD/Autistic Type, Encephalpathy. When I told my family doctor that he would only say this unofficially, my family doctor said, yes, it is a matter of survival. This is the biggest problem. There are a few doctors who have spoken the truth without reservation and many of them have been attacked by the AMA and some have lost their license.

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  • 2 months later...


I'm in Staten Island, so yes I'd be interested. I don't usually take

them for well visits or anything like that.. but I like to keep names

on hand :) Thanks!


Laurette :)


> hi guys, I havent posted in a long time, but I just

> wanted to say if there is anyone here looking for a

> doctor in ny who is no-vax friendly, I just found a

> decent practice in brooklyn who dont mind no-shots. I

> was so happy & surprised when they didnt look at me

> funny when I showed them my vax exemption papers! im

> glad I finally found a tolerant practice. anyway, if

> there is anyone looking for a tolerant doc in the

> brooklyn area, let me know :) have a good one , ki




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On 11/18/2005 at 8:37:07 A.M. Central Standard Time you wrote:

I got a call back from one of the admin people at the surgeons office; along the lines of 'what is this in reference to?, why don't you write a letter - blah, blah, blah - basically no interest on the part of the surgeon to speak with me for 5 minutes. Is it so much to ask for a few minutes of even feigned interest?

, I would indeed write him a letter, address it to his

home if you can find a home address. If not, then to his office

marked "personal and confidential". I would tell him how

disgusted I was that he seemed to have no interest in his patients

or learning how to better serve his future patients. Let him

know that you do not appreciate the interference from someone

in his office making this decision for him or if it was on his

instructions that she did so, you'd like to know so you could

pass the word to friends and family not to use him.

If nothing else, it would help relieve your frustrations and it

might even make him aware that patient's time and feelings

are his bread and butter.



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The Guy who did my Heller 6 years ago never wanted to hear from me It didn't work I was having problems from day one His office said get in touch with the GI DR Guess some Surgeons are holy or something from cold NJ

-- Re: doctors

On 11/18/2005 at 8:37:07 A.M. Central Standard Time you wrote:

I got a call back from one of the admin people at the surgeons office; along the lines of 'what is this in reference to?, why don't you write a letter - blah, blah, blah - basically no interest on the part of the surgeon to speak with me for 5 minutes. Is it so much to ask for a few minutes of even feigned interest?

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Congratulations . It's great you are feeling better already.

My surgeon gave me his mobile for when I need him ( iI would feel bad

using though, he is such a busy person). I have kept in touch with

him by email so he has had feedback on my progress and replies at his


The doctors both said they rarely get feedback and really appreciated

it. It feels good thanking them too I think.

Happy recovery.


> Hey Everyone - here's an interesting experience I had yesterday. I

> shared with all of you the very pleasant surprise for me that what


> thought were gut-wrenching spasms all of these years have been for

> the most part Gall Bladder attacks and that now I've had my GB

> removed, I've been much better --Yeah!!

> Well, in the interest of our continuing education and spreading our

> knowledge, I called both my GI and the surgeon who did the GB


> I got a call back from one of the admin people at the surgeons

> office; along the lines of 'what is this in reference to?, why


> you write a letter - blah, blah, blah - basically no interest on


> part of the surgeon to speak with me for 5 minutes. Is it so much


> ask for a few minutes of even feigned interest?


> My GI on the other hand was wonderful!! He called me back within 2-


> hours and I gave him a brief rundown. He was so genuinely


> and happy for me. I told him that I was telling him this story

> because who knows- maybe it would help someone else with A. He


> and said he would keep it in mind when treating all of his other A

> patients.


> Well, one listened and that's a great thing. Slowly but surely,


> get them all! WE are our own best advocates!!


> Happy Swallowing!

> in VA


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

I have run across several doctors like the one your describing , and each time I just fire them . Unless a doctor cares enough to talk to me and give me positive feedback then who needs em .I had one doc who would walk in the exam room and never raised his eyes to look at me , he would look only at his clip board . It's really is a common problem with hep c patients , we get the stigma and the doctors think we are all losers or something .


Hello everyone, I have a question for you. I just finished treatment for six months (peg and copeg) and am waiting to see if I stay undetectable. During the course of my treatment I had the meanest doctor. I had to rely on all of my own research and he definitely looked down on me because of the stigma of hep c. He never told me side effects to be expected from any of the other stuff he prescribed (migraine meds etc., procrit) and I thought he was very rude. At the end of the treatment session my husband and I came in really early (20 minutes ahead of time) and the doctor just sat there silently waiting for me to ask questions. He had nothing to say at this mandatory end of treatment session (although he got paid 200 bucks) and he looked at his watch implying we were taking up his time even though the clock was ten minutes earlier than our appointment was scheduled for. Has anyone ever experienced judgment by their doctors and if so is it worth complaining about? Thanks, Jenn

New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.

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I n some cases docs look like a butcher and they treat the patient and money making machines. They are least concerned about concerns of the patients just concerned to their fee and also making a lot of money through Phama cos but all are not such. there are angles in the profesion. What can we do we have to live with it. Best of luck saleemjennifer green <jenngreeny@...> wrote: Hello everyone, I have a question for you. I just finished treatment for six months (peg and copeg) and am waiting to see if I stay undetectable. During the course of my treatment I had the meanest doctor. I had to rely on all of my own research and he definitely looked down on me because of the stigma of hep c. He never told me side effects to be expected from any of the other stuff he prescribed (migraine meds etc., procrit) and I thought he was very rude. At the

end of the treatment session my husband and I came in really early (20 minutes ahead of time) and the doctor just sat there silently waiting for me to ask questions. He had nothing to say at this mandatory end of treatment session (although he got paid 200 bucks) and he looked at his watch implying we were taking up his time even though the clock was ten minutes earlier than our appointment was scheduled for. Has anyone ever experienced judgment by their doctors and if so is it worth complaining about? Thanks, Jenn New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.

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At least we know who we are :-) It makes me feel better just to vent this you know. It definitely has made me more sensitive to others after feeling the unwarranted judgment. I guess I now will always have a place for the 'underdogs' in my heart. Jennelizabethnv1 <elizabethnv1@...> wrote: I have run across several doctors like the one your describing , and each time I just fire them . Unless a doctor cares enough to talk to me and give me positive feedback then who needs em .I had one doc who would walk in the exam room and never raised his eyes to look at me , he would look only at his clip board . It's really is a

common problem with hep c patients , we get the stigma and the doctors think we are all losers or something . doctors Hello everyone, I have a question for you. I just finished treatment for six months (peg and copeg) and am waiting to see if I stay undetectable. During the course of my treatment I had the meanest doctor. I had to rely on all of my own research and he definitely looked down on me because of the stigma of hep c. He never told me side effects to

be expected from any of the other stuff he prescribed (migraine meds etc., procrit) and I thought he was very rude. At the end of the treatment session my husband and I came in really early (20 minutes ahead of time) and the doctor just sat there silently waiting for me to ask questions. He had nothing to say at this mandatory end of treatment session (although he got paid 200 bucks) and he looked at his watch implying we were taking up his time even though the clock was ten minutes earlier than our appointment was scheduled for. Has anyone ever experienced judgment by their doctors and if so is it worth complaining about? Thanks, Jenn New Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big. __________________________________________________

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im at a loss with docs here as well as im trying to find a new doc my 3rd,he returned the call himself and just had a few questions #1 was are you still useing drugs,assumeing im a drug addict,2nd was do i have co infection,3rd was insurance come on when do i get a break in this town ,I GUESS MAYBE YOU CAN UNDERSTAND Y I FEEL I MUST TREAT MYSELF,AND LOOK AT THINGS FROM THE OTHER SIDE,ALTERNATIVE DOCS WILL SPEND THE TIME AND THE HEALTH STORES HERE HAVE SOME HEP C EMPLOYEES THAT HELP ALOT AND DONT SEEM TO JUDGE,DONT GET MY WRONG IM NOT ASHAMED OF A THING IVE MADE MISTAKES AND SOME BAD CALLS IN MY LIFE BUT WHO HASNT,THE ATERNATIVE ADVICE I GET IS MUCH MORE SINCERE AND THE KNOWLEGE SEEMS FAR MORE THEN ANY DOC IVE TALKT TO, SO TELL ME AM I WRONG?

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For me personally, I would like to take the technological advances and put them with the Eastern docs and for me that would be a great combination. I think how we are all treated makes a big difference in our healing, so I think it's great to have this place to eliminate the rest of the worlds behavior (and affect). It's great that you find Eastern meds work for you, I think we all should find something that we feel helps us and go for it. Discrimination in any form is bad, but I've been thinking of it this way: some doctors look down on us, what does it say about them if they are making money off of us? Pimps - :-) Hillbilly Tim <knoxweb1@...> wrote: im at a loss with docs here as well as im trying to find a new doc my 3rd,he returned the call himself and just had a few questions #1 was are you still useing


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Hahahahahhahahaha now that made my day ...I think next time I see my doc I will call him a pimp ! hehehehe

Re: doctors

For me personally, I would like to take the technological advances and put them with the Eastern docs and for me that would be a great combination. I think how we are all treated makes a big difference in our healing, so I think it's great to have this place to eliminate the rest of the worlds behavior (and affect). It's great that you find Eastern meds work for you, I think we all should find something that we feel helps us and go for it. Discrimination in any form is bad, but I've been thinking of it this way: some doctors look down on us, what does it say about them if they are making money off of us? Pimps - :-) Hillbilly Tim <knoxweb1@...> wrote:

im at a loss with docs here as well as im trying to find a new doc my 3rd,he returned the call himself and just had a few questions #1 was are you still useing drugs,assumeing im a drug addict,2nd was do i have co infection,3rd was insurance come on when do i get a break in this town ,I GUESS MAYBE YOU CAN UNDERSTAND Y I FEEL I MUST TREAT MYSELF,AND LOOK AT THINGS FROM THE OTHER SIDE,ALTERNATIVE DOCS WILL SPEND THE TIME AND THE HEALTH STORES HERE HAVE SOME HEP C EMPLOYEES THAT HELP ALOT AND DONT SEEM TO JUDGE,DONT GET MY WRONG IM NOT ASHAMED OF A THING IVE MADE MISTAKES AND SOME BAD CALLS IN MY LIFE BUT WHO HASNT,THE ATERNATIVE ADVICE I GET IS MUCH MORE SINCERE AND THE KNOWLEGE SEEMS FAR MORE THEN ANY DOC IVE TALKT TO, SO TELL ME AM I WRONG?

Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2�/min with Messenger with Voice.

Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Messenger with Voice.

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Hahahahahhahahaha now that made my day ...I think next time I see my doc I will call him a pimp ! hehehehe

Re: doctors

For me personally, I would like to take the technological advances and put them with the Eastern docs and for me that would be a great combination. I think how we are all treated makes a big difference in our healing, so I think it's great to have this place to eliminate the rest of the worlds behavior (and affect). It's great that you find Eastern meds work for you, I think we all should find something that we feel helps us and go for it. Discrimination in any form is bad, but I've been thinking of it this way: some doctors look down on us, what does it say about them if they are making money off of us? Pimps - :-) Hillbilly Tim <knoxweb1@...> wrote:

im at a loss with docs here as well as im trying to find a new doc my 3rd,he returned the call himself and just had a few questions #1 was are you still useing drugs,assumeing im a drug addict,2nd was do i have co infection,3rd was insurance come on when do i get a break in this town ,I GUESS MAYBE YOU CAN UNDERSTAND Y I FEEL I MUST TREAT MYSELF,AND LOOK AT THINGS FROM THE OTHER SIDE,ALTERNATIVE DOCS WILL SPEND THE TIME AND THE HEALTH STORES HERE HAVE SOME HEP C EMPLOYEES THAT HELP ALOT AND DONT SEEM TO JUDGE,DONT GET MY WRONG IM NOT ASHAMED OF A THING IVE MADE MISTAKES AND SOME BAD CALLS IN MY LIFE BUT WHO HASNT,THE ATERNATIVE ADVICE I GET IS MUCH MORE SINCERE AND THE KNOWLEGE SEEMS FAR MORE THEN ANY DOC IVE TALKT TO, SO TELL ME AM I WRONG?

Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2�/min with Messenger with Voice.

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Because needle sharing is so common among drug users and drug users pass this disease along frequently, it is (rightly or wrongly) assumed that many of the people who have HVC come from that background. They HAVE to collect the pertinent information for the statistics people. One doc I saw tried very hard to claim me as a druggie statistic and then as a heavy drinker, and I have never even been around some one else who used drugs nor have I ever drank very much, I simply throw up!!. I'm from small town mid America and from a VERY conventional family. He sure tried, tho. Once you're past the hurdles, you might have found a good doctor, who knows. I would be much more upset with rudeness and an uncaring attitude to me than with answering questions about the source of the problem. (which does not matter to you and me, but does to those who are counting). SharonHillbilly Tim <knoxweb1@...> wrote: im at a loss with docs here as well as im trying to find a new doc my 3rd,he returned the call himself and just had a few questions #1 was are you still useing drugs,assumeing im a drug addict,2nd was do i have co infection,3rd was insurance come on when do i get a break in this town ,I GUESS MAYBE YOU CAN UNDERSTAND Y I FEEL I MUST TREAT MYSELF,AND LOOK AT THINGS FROM THE OTHER SIDE,ALTERNATIVE DOCS WILL SPEND THE TIME AND THE HEALTH STORES HERE HAVE SOME HEP C EMPLOYEES THAT HELP ALOT AND DONT SEEM TO JUDGE,DONT GET MY WRONG IM NOT ASHAMED OF A THING IVE MADE MISTAKES AND SOME BAD CALLS IN MY LIFE BUT WHO HASNT,THE ATERNATIVE ADVICE I GET IS MUCH MORE SINCERE AND THE KNOWLEGE SEEMS FAR MORE THEN ANY DOC IVE TALKT TO, SO TELL ME AM I WRONG? Love

cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Messenger with Voice.

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Because needle sharing is so common among drug users and drug users pass this disease along frequently, it is (rightly or wrongly) assumed that many of the people who have HVC come from that background. They HAVE to collect the pertinent information for the statistics people. One doc I saw tried very hard to claim me as a druggie statistic and then as a heavy drinker, and I have never even been around some one else who used drugs nor have I ever drank very much, I simply throw up!!. I'm from small town mid America and from a VERY conventional family. He sure tried, tho. Once you're past the hurdles, you might have found a good doctor, who knows. I would be much more upset with rudeness and an uncaring attitude to me than with answering questions about the source of the problem. (which does not matter to you and me, but does to those who are counting). SharonHillbilly Tim <knoxweb1@...> wrote: im at a loss with docs here as well as im trying to find a new doc my 3rd,he returned the call himself and just had a few questions #1 was are you still useing drugs,assumeing im a drug addict,2nd was do i have co infection,3rd was insurance come on when do i get a break in this town ,I GUESS MAYBE YOU CAN UNDERSTAND Y I FEEL I MUST TREAT MYSELF,AND LOOK AT THINGS FROM THE OTHER SIDE,ALTERNATIVE DOCS WILL SPEND THE TIME AND THE HEALTH STORES HERE HAVE SOME HEP C EMPLOYEES THAT HELP ALOT AND DONT SEEM TO JUDGE,DONT GET MY WRONG IM NOT ASHAMED OF A THING IVE MADE MISTAKES AND SOME BAD CALLS IN MY LIFE BUT WHO HASNT,THE ATERNATIVE ADVICE I GET IS MUCH MORE SINCERE AND THE KNOWLEGE SEEMS FAR MORE THEN ANY DOC IVE TALKT TO, SO TELL ME AM I WRONG? Love

cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Messenger with Voice.

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maybe we can start them a club :-) elizabethnv1 <elizabethnv1@...> wrote: I think I might even email him the message about doc's being pimps ,lol he has a great sense of humor Re: doctors LMAO VERY FUNNY LIZ How low will we go? Check out Messenger�s low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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