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>Well the doctor said I should start walking 4 times a week for an hour. Not

sure if I can do that yet???

Even the special " walking " issue of Woman's Day (or whatever the other one

is, Family something?) that's on the supermarket shelves right now tell you

to start with a smaller time block and work your way up, increasing the

amount each week. To set you out to immediately do one hour only sets you up

for failure and aches the first time out, making the mere thought of doing

it again the next day too excruciating to bear! Heed the unofficial motto of

this list - Baby steps! :)

>I do drink water but never enough.I love my Diet Pepsi Vanilla, so hard to


So for every can of diet soda you drink, make sure you drink an equal amount

of water. Flavor it up a bit with a spritz of juice, or invest in some of

those bottled flavorings that add taste without calories. This page has

examples of what I mean. I've never bought from this store, just using the




or try


Sue in NJ

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In a message dated 1/30/06 7:19:34 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, shp@... writes:

love my Diet Pepsi Vanilla, so hard to

Just make sure you have more water than soda.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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HI ,

It stands for One Day At A Time....Something I picked up in overeaters anonymous which I stopped going to but really need to get back there.

Suzy :o)

Re: introduction


Welcome to the group! What is ODAAT? This is my first time hearing about it.

Is it a program that teaches a new lifestyle of eating?

One Step More


Suzy <shp@...> wrote:

Hi All,

What are the most popular cars? Find out at Autos

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Hey welcome. My best advice start a journal. Get a .50 notebook from walmart. Sometimes you can find them 3 for a $1. OR go to a $$ store and they usually have sometime of pretty journal for a buck. Take Inventory. I do mine monthly. Evaluate the things in your life. EXamples exercise, weight, portions, emotions, finances, sleep, water, or anything you would like to improve on. Even if it is non weight related. Then make a page of things you would have to do to get better. Increase water, walk more, journal my food, and so on. Set a date to redo inventory. And when you do you will see improvements. It is great to give you a motorvator to keep going.

Most of us are on budgets of some sort. Make a grocery wish list OR things that would help reduce your calories and improve your health. I call these staples of every diet. Examples spray butter, reduced fat peanutbutter, tuna fish (albacore), Lite bread, sugar free jello and pudding. Dont buy it all in one week. Buy a little here and there and before you know it your pantry will have the extras to help you make better decisions. Do you live alone and only cooking for one? Follow the sale papers and buy when on sale. Alot of times lean cuisines and smart ones go on sale that is when I stock up. Or lean pockets. I go to the reduce racks to make sure there isnt something that would help with my diet that is dented or something and buy it. Great place to get dented can fruit. NOTE watch whether it is heavy syrup. Our store even has a reduce veggie rack. I sometimes will buy if good and freeze or make sure I eat right away.

For me reading and getting as much info as possible helps me make better choices at the store. REad threw your foodmover info it will give you ideas. Do you get cable? Some cable stations have fittv or exercise tv. FREE exercising.

Once again Welcome. If you have any questions feel free to ask. OH YA dont forget to measure your body it is great when you dont have a scale.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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In a message dated 2/2/2006 4:48:19 A.M. Central Standard Time, sandra.mygroup@... writes:

Hi, I just joined today so I really don't know how things work here. I am assuming we are suppose to make a intro as in most groups. I am , I weigh 260 pounds.

Hi my name is Legina. Welcome to the group so glad you joined. You are not alone as I am in some of the same position you are. I live on a fixed income too and know all about those beans and cornbread meals. Not to mention being from the south like I am we eat stuff like that alot. I watch the papers for stuff on sale and try to stock up best I can. I have faith in you that you can do this. Small goals are the best to do. I have a couple hundred pounds to lose and when I look at all that it makes me crazy so i take small steps too lol So good luck and if ya ever need anyone just yell the group will be here.

hugs, Legina

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Thanks, I have tons of tablets I bought from when the kids was in school there was a sale and I bought enough so I would never need another tablet in my lifetime.LOL I have bought me some oil spray and I just absolutely love my chicken cooked in my foreman grill with lemon pepper. Burgers are also great from it. Today I got up and had 2 boiled eggs for breakfast. However I still had my hot chocolate. I usually have a large glass of it but I did cut it down to a cup and used half the chocolate powder then what is suppose to be there. I plan on first trip to the store to get the lite kind and stay with a cup instead of a glass. So I haven't gone cold turkey but have cut it down. For me and cooking...I cook for my husband, my grown son and myself. I fix breakfast and supper for all of us and for dinner it is just my husband and me for lunch because my son is sleeping(he is on 3rd's). So dinner consist of really something simple like TV dinners or hotpockets, or sandwiches that we can nuke.(I will start picking out the lower calorie ones) My husband will eat pretty much anything although my son is a bit pickier. However the whole family has a fit if I buy sugar free or lite for something they will eat. I personally can tell a difference but not enough to complain about. If it is something where we have indivual items like soda or hotpockets, I can buy mine in lite and regular for them.It seems to me buying prepacked foods like hotpockets is the easiest way to track your calories and portions. But Sometimes home cooking can become confusing to try and figure out your exchanges etc.... Like when I fix soup. Everything but the kitchen sink goes into it. I have a leftovers bowl in my freezer when we have leftovers it is raked into it. On soup day everything is added. I think when my main problem areas are is potato chips and dip when my son supplies supper, a lot of the time he buys subway sandwiches and potato chips and dip. Also I am a glutton for bacon for breakfast. So I know that is 2 problem areas of mine that I have to break. Also pizza and cheesesticks with popper is another of our favorite meals. I do have so much in my eating habits that needs to be changed. I know I also need to exercise more but I truly believe my diet needs a major overhaul. I have had these eating habits for so long it is going to be a huge battle to change them.Just like today may be a beans and cornbread day. As previously mentioned it is a staple at our house because of the money stretching benefit. I know that has a ton of calories so all I know I can do is try going for a small plate and bowl to eat from and be sure not to go back for extra helpings.My daughter is coming over tonight for supper and she is fixing Enchilada bake. I'm not really sure how many calories will be it or how to figure exchanges for it. All this calorie counting and food moving is new to me so it will take me some time to get into the swing of it. I do however have the concept of eating off a small plate and not to go back for more servings down. It takes no counting and moving just will power.LOL I don't get cable TV but I do have my internet. I should be able to find some exercise videos somewhere on the www wouldn't ya think?

Re: introduction

Hey welcome. My best advice start a journal. Get a .50 notebook from walmart. Sometimes you can find them 3 for a $1. OR go to a $$ store and they usually have sometime of pretty journal for a buck. Take Inventory. I do mine monthly. Evaluate the things in your life. EXamples exercise, weight, portions, emotions, finances, sleep, water, or anything you would like to improve on. Even if it is non weight related. Then make a page of things you would have to do to get better. Increase water, walk more, journal my food, and so on. Set a date to redo inventory. And when you do you will see improvements. It is great to give you a motorvator to keep going.

Most of us are on budgets of some sort. Make a grocery wish list OR things that would help reduce your calories and improve your health. I call these staples of every diet. Examples spray butter, reduced fat peanutbutter, tuna fish (albacore), Lite bread, sugar free jello and pudding. Dont buy it all in one week. Buy a little here and there and before you know it your pantry will have the extras to help you make better decisions. Do you live alone and only cooking for one? Follow the sale papers and buy when on sale. Alot of times lean cuisines and smart ones go on sale that is when I stock up. Or lean pockets. I go to the reduce racks to make sure there isnt something that would help with my diet that is dented or something and buy it. Great place to get dented can fruit. NOTE watch whether it is heavy syrup. Our store even has a reduce veggie rack. I sometimes will buy if good and freeze or make sure I eat right away.

For me reading and getting as much info as possible helps me make better choices at the store. REad threw your foodmover info it will give you ideas. Do you get cable? Some cable stations have fittv or exercise tv. FREE exercising.

Once again Welcome. If you have any questions feel free to ask. OH YA dont forget to measure your body it is great when you dont have a scale.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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Thanks so much Legina, I have to take these small steps or else I would just quit in frustration. These small steps are huge ones for me so there is no way I could make the 100 pound weight loss goal. I would never get pass the week. But with me saying one pant size....well that seems doable. As for the meals yes I know what you mean. I came from a family that grew up poor and we home cooked everything from staples. We grew up with chicken dumplings and meals like that. We could make a whole chicken feed us for 3 meals. We used the broth for soup and dumplings. Nothing goes to waste. I even still make home made biscuits. Noone makes home made biscuits anymore...except my family that is:) And beans just isnt beans unless you have the ham skin or bone from your last ham(that you saved and cut into small bowls to freeze for ham seasoning). So you can see why I have such a huge weight. Home cooking is good. You can't get anything in the stores that can even come close to compare in taste but I'm paying for it in weight gain. Thanks for the support. I'm afraid I'm gonna need all the support i can get. LOL

Re: introduction

In a message dated 2/2/2006 4:48:19 A.M. Central Standard Time, sandra.mygroup@... writes:

Hi, I just joined today so I really don't know how things work here. I am assuming we are suppose to make a intro as in most groups. I am , I weigh 260 pounds.

Hi my name is Legina. Welcome to the group so glad you joined. You are not alone as I am in some of the same position you are. I live on a fixed income too and know all about those beans and cornbread meals. Not to mention being from the south like I am we eat stuff like that alot. I watch the papers for stuff on sale and try to stock up best I can. I have faith in you that you can do this. Small goals are the best to do. I have a couple hundred pounds to lose and when I look at all that it makes me crazy so i take small steps too lol So good luck and if ya ever need anyone just yell the group will be here.

hugs, Legina

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H i,

Welcome. OI just joined the group at the beginning of the week. It sounds like you and I have a lot in commom. I have a treadmill but have yet to start using it again. This week I am just working on eating better. Next week I will start working on the smoking and exercise. One Day at a Time!

Suzy :o)

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Hi Suzy, Glad to meet another beginner. If I can support you in any way, give me a yell. yes I know I have to take the baby steps toward loosing this weight. Thankfully I dont have a smoking issue too. My daughter and I both have breathing issues if we are anywhere close to cigarette smoke. She actually has to get breathing treatment when around a lot of second hand smoke. So needless to say I have never smoked in my life but one time when a teenager and didnt see the big deal and never did it again. My son goes and visits friends who are heavy smokers and comes home reeking of smoke on his clothes. He has to hit the showers and wash his clothes when he gets home. But I hear it can be as hard of a habit to break as overeating. I wish you great success in it. Just think of all the money you would have when you quit. It sure is amazing how habits are so easy to learn but so hard to break. LOL I think my largest stuggle is eating properly. I don't really think it is how much I eat but what I eat. I'm not a big snacker but what I eat at my meals is what kills me. Good Luck on your venture and maybe we can both get though this with each others support:)

Re: introduction

H i,

Welcome. OI just joined the group at the beginning of the week. It sounds like you and I have a lot in commom. I have a treadmill but have yet to start using it again. This week I am just working on eating better. Next week I will start working on the smoking and exercise. One Day at a Time!

Suzy :o)

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Hi -- One of the things that I have learned on this journey called a healthier lifestyle is that instead of focusing on getting rid of bad habits, what has worked for me is that I have focused on what I am adding to my life. Instead of getting rid of the bad habits, I have worked on adding new healthier habits to my life. That way I am not thinking about what I can't do or what I shouldn't be doing -- but I am focusing on what I can do. What I can change. What I am adding to my life. As I've been adding those good, healthy habits the bad habits have not been as much a part of my life as before. Sooner or later the good healthy habits will be more established than all of those bad habits that I won't miss. As for eating & cooking, you may want to decide that there really is nothing off limits to what you want to eat. Just have less of it. Eat only half of what

you normally would. Do you dish up your meals at the table? or in the kitchen? I've learned that if I put the food on my plate, in the kitchen and not have the food on the table with me, I eat a lot less. As for cooking, an idea that was given to me by a friend is that if you are one of those people that need to taste as you cook -- get a surgical mask to wear while you are cooking. It goes over your mouth & you can't get the food into your mouth. You will have to make the decision to move the mask in order to taste the food. Hope these ideas help. Dacia <>< For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

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Thanks for the welcome Rich. For many years, I thought I was the only

one pursuing my particular line of enquiry with CFS. It's really

great to find this group and the protocols. I just read the FWIW?

protocol, and it matches my current thinking on the cause and

treatment of the disease. I've been doing the transfer factors,

nattokinase + bromelain, antibiotics, silver, glutathione, vitamin D,

B12, magnesium, anti-viral approach. Most of the info I've picked up

from experimentation or from lurking on autism, HIV, and PBC groups

(i.e., other conditions probably caused by retro or entero viruses).

However, I have to say that your protocol is more formulated, and

probably a little more scientific. I just had a herx reaction so bad

that I could barely breath, walk, or type some days. I guess I should

have backed off on the enzymes...

So, what do you recommend I get done with the smokies? Why are the

detox and genovations panels so useful? Could you provide a URL or

message number to read?

Thanks again Rich. Very nice to meet you.



> Hi, Kat.


> I also want to welcome you to the group. Sounds as though you've

> been down a long road since age 11. I'm glad to hear that you're

> going to get some Great Smokies Lab tests run. I hope you include a

> comprehensive detox panel. We learn a lot from those. I don't know

> if you're thinking about their Genovations tests, but I think

> they're very helpful, too, especially the DetoxiGenomics panel.


> Rich

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Hi Dacie, I guess you are right. I never thought about focusing on what I'm doing right. It always seem to come down to what I'm doing wrong.Maybe I should be looking on the bright side of my life. I guess when you get into a mind set of thinking it takes someone else to point it out. And you are right...when I joined this group I decided I wouldn't go off the deep end and set goals I couldn't reach and most importantly I would not say any food was off limit. I think if i was to put some foods off limit then I would fail miserably. If I want a chocolate milk shake then I should be able to have it. But as you said I am trying to limit my portions and so far I am pleased. I went though my kitchen cabinets and got me out the smallest plate that I own. I eat from it now so my plate actually looks fuller(A trick on my eye:))I really don't taste as I cook (although I loved the tip you shared) as I have learned in the past to cook judging by the look of the food. I was going to dring a glass of water before each meal to help fill me but I forgot today. I just havent gotten that down yet. I think maybe that will be hard for me too because our city water taste horrible and I'm out of filters right now. Thanks for your tips. I am so glad I have joined as the support here so far as been great!

Re: introduction

Hi --

One of the things that I have learned on this journey called a healthier lifestyle is that instead of focusing on getting rid of bad habits, what has worked for me is that I have focused on what I am adding to my life. Instead of getting rid of the bad habits, I have worked on adding new healthier habits to my life. That way I am not thinking about what I can't do or what I shouldn't be doing -- but I am focusing on what I can do. What I can change. What I am adding to my life. As I've been adding those good, healthy habits the bad habits have not been as much a part of my life as before. Sooner or later the good healthy habits will be more established than all of those bad habits that I won't miss.

As for eating & cooking, you may want to decide that there really is nothing off limits to what you want to eat. Just have less of it. Eat only half of what you normally would. Do you dish up your meals at the table? or in the kitchen? I've learned that if I put the food on my plate, in the kitchen and not have the food on the table with me, I eat a lot less.

As for cooking, an idea that was given to me by a friend is that if you are one of those people that need to taste as you cook -- get a surgical mask to wear while you are cooking. It goes over your mouth & you can't get the food into your mouth. You will have to make the decision to move the mask in order to taste the food.

Hope these ideas help.



For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9

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Hi, Kat.

What's been happening lately is that I have come to the belief that

the genetic and biochemical bases for many or most cases of CFS are

the same or similar to those in many of the cases of autism, as

elucidated by the people associated with the Defeat Autism Now!


The basic mechanism is that the person has inherited a set of

genetic variations in certain genes that code for enzymes that

impact the sulfur metabolism and the production and use of

glutathione. As a result, if an appropriate additional factor (or

factors) come along that lower glutathione sufficiently, the

resulting oxidative stress puts a partial blockade into the sulfur

metabolism, usually in the methylation (also called methionine)

cycle. This lowers the production of glutathione and thus results

in a vicious circle that keeps the person ill. Then a whole cascade

of symptoms develops from the resulting depletion of S-

adenosylmethionine, cysteine, glutathione, taurine, and sulfate, as

well as problems that are propagated from the methylation cycle into

the folate metabolism, from there to the biopterin cycle, and from

there to the urea cycle and to the production of serotonin and

dopamine. That is the basic story of the pathogenesis of CFS in

many or most PWCs, in my current opinion.

Now, getting to your questions, the Genovations tests characterize

certain genetic variations in certain genes. The Detoxigenomic

profile includes several associated with the detoxification system.

Quite a few PWCs are showing up with polymorphisms there, which can

contribute to glutathione depletion. Actually if you can find it in

your budget to get all five of the Genovations panels, the results

will shed light on quite a few things, including enzymes that affect

the methylation cycle. The results will be valid for your lifetime,

since the genes will not change (barring some new technology which

has not yet been developed), and will thus give you information

about other possible vulnerabilities you may want to be aware of and

take actions to guard against, such as associated with cancer, heart

disease, or osteoporosis.

The comprehensive detox panel will give the current status of your

sulfur metabolism as well as your phases 1 and 2 detox and your

glutathione status. This will tell you whether or not the

hypothesis above fits your case. If it does, then the DAN! autism

treatments will probably help you. They are described in the book

by Pangborn and Baker entitled Autism: Effective Biomedical

Treatments (Sept. 2005) which is available from Amazon for people in

the U.S., and from http://www.autismresearchinstitute.com for people

overseas. You can also view the last two DAN! conferences free at


In looking at your list of treatments, it appears that you are

already sort of doing some of the DAN! treatments, but not full on.

That's the story as I see it. If you read some of my posts in the

archives of this list going back to the first of November 2005, you

will find more information about this.


> So, what do you recommend I get done with the smokies? Why are the

> detox and genovations panels so useful? Could you provide a URL or

> message number to read?


> Thanks again Rich. Very nice to meet you.


> Kat.

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Hi Rich,

I saw your answer about how the mitochondria issue relates to gluatathione

depletion. Do you have a theory about how the genetic inability to eliminate

mold toxins relates to gluathione depletion?

Seems like a fair % of the new research and theories that come out apply to me.

I haven't had my genes tested but the Mitrochondria problem, but the definition

sounds like me. I had glutathione depletion from mercury fillings. I have

genetic hypercoagulation defects. And I have the mold gene. (Plus and IgG

subclass deficiency and the class CFS immune abnormalities.) Then I started my

illness with CMV and EBV, so that may have been an environmental trigger.

Do you suspect that most people that get CFS will turn out to have a number of

these types of things (genetics and environment) pushing them towards CFS? I

ask because I think a lot of people hope there is one thing that is going to

make them well, and I wonder if that will be true for many people. Personally I

solved things one at a time: glutathione depletion, mercury elimination,

constant viral and bacterial elimination, blood thinning, and those all helped

some. But it wasn't until I was removed from mold that I was truly " well " .

However if I had done that step first without the other things, maybe the result

would not have been the same.



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, Welcome to the group! Even with all those obsticles in the way. You can still lose weight. I'm struggling with my income right now and I've been losing weight too. You can eat the beans, the rice, the corn bread, the pasta. It's just how much of it that you eat. So your sensitive to light...How bout getting someone to rent exercise videos for you. How about dancing to music in your living room. I'm currently 300+ pounds. If I can do it, you can too! <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote: Hi, I just joined today so I really don't know how things work here.

Relax. virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

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, Hi. I'm so glad I joined. My income is a large factor as it wont change. My husband is on social security disability so we just have to live on it. So that is how I am trying to approach this. I'm trying to watch my servings and eating from a small plate. And I have a few exercise videos that my mom gave me, I haven't used those yet as I have been doing the treadmill. I'm sensitive to the sun but I still get out in it. It don't bother me all the time just mainly on the really hot summer days. I had a heat stroke back years earlier and since then at times when I am in the hot sun I get terrible headaches and feel like I'm gonna past out. I have passed out once and almost numerous times. But unless it is in the middle of summer during the hottest days I am ok. And I have to have those sunshades for my eyes. I got my mp3 player that I got for free when I hooked up to DSL loaded and I turn it on when I start to exercise. It makes the time go by faster for me. Listening to all my favorite songs just makes a big difference. I wish I had a better way to track my weight as I don't own a scale and I don't go to the doctor on a regular basis. Someone had mentioned to me to take my measurements and it would help. I have measured myself but not sure I am getting it measured in the right spots but giving it a attempt anyway. Scales are so high! I looked at some at Wal-Mart and they was 35-40 dollars. I likened to stepped on my chin when my mouth dropped open.LOL This group has already been such a blessing to me. I figured I would be the largest one here and I have already seen where I am in the ball park with so many more people. It is so uplifting to see other people facing the same things I am and seeing they have already lost weight. It gives me hope and support. I know what works for one person might not work for another but I think we all have faced the same struggles and have shared the same feelings. Sharing ideas, hints and just being there for each other is the things that just might make a difference for so many of us. Well shoot I see I have rattled on again. I'll try and curb my letters to a wee bit shorter. I know I talk too much.

Re: introduction


Welcome to the group! Even with all those obsticles in the way. You can still lose weight. I'm struggling with my income right now and I've been losing weight too. You can eat the beans, the rice, the corn bread, the pasta. It's just how much of it that you eat.

So your sensitive to light...How bout getting someone to rent exercise videos for you.

How about dancing to music in your living room. I'm currently 300+ pounds. If I can do it, you can too! <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote:

Hi, I just joined today so I really don't know how things work here.

Relax. virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

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Hi , I am Terasee and I live in South Central Texas. I weigh just about the same as you...maybe even a little more. I have been doing 'this' for over a year now and I am regressing right now. I am not quite sure why but there it is. All I know is that it is baby-steps baby steps. I think your goal of a pant size is great (by the way that is the same size I am! (0= ) That is about 10 pounds I am told. this is a great group. Just hang in there...together we will get there. Shalom (Peace) Terasee <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote: Hi, I just joined today so I really don't know how things work here. I am

assuming we are suppose to make a intro as in most groups. I am , I weigh 260 pounds. I just got weighed January 27th at a doctors visit. As with most people who is over weight I have problems getting up and down because of knee pain and back aches frequently. I have high blood pressure and the doctors are really watching the blood sugar levels. I have a used treadmill now that I received from my mom but other then that I own no other exercise equipment. I need to limit my exercise to indoor activities mostly as I am sensitive to the sun. I really need to lose 100 pounds. When I look in my albums and see my pictures, I think Goodness....Is this me? I am so ashamed as to how I looked at my kids graduation and my daughters wedding. I never realized how huge I was until I seen the pictures.The pictures are worth a thousand words. I really don't "feel fat". I also was so embarrassed when I went to Wal-Mart to buy me some Jeans and realized I am buying the largest

they had on the rack and they are a tight fit. What I want to accomplish is to work toward losing one pant size at a time. I wear a 28 now and I would like to reach the size 26. Then worry about moving on down to the next size after I reach that goal. I have very small will power as I have tried to "diet" before and never make it very long. I hope maybe this group will be the type of support that can give me the extra nudge I sometimes need. I also have the Food Mover (also from my mom) but have never used it. I don't own a scale so my weigh ins are limited to when I can find a scale to weigh on such as Doctors visits etc.... And my income is a fixed income and very small so I cannot afford to do any kind of gym memberships, exercise equipment, etc....buying special diet foods or expensive foods. A lot of our meals consist of beans, potatoes and cornbread because it is so economical. So to sum it all up......I am obese, have a treadmill and the food mover

program (that to this point has been unused)and very little will power. Any hints, tips and suggestions are welcome. I would like to know what is a good length of time for someone my weight to start walking on the treadmill. And oh... I also have one of them step-o-meter thingys that measures how much you walk. Ok now I think maybe I have told you all more then what you wanted to know about me. I hope I don't give up and quit this time. One pant size at a time.....just focusing and working to drop one pant size...the rest I'll tackle after I reach this first goal. Thanks for listening to me. One Day Ata Time, Terasee

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Hi Terasee, Glad to get to know you. Give me a yell if I can support you in any way. Don't beat yourself up over regressing. I'm sure we all will sooner of later. If you ever need someone to talk to. To vent or even cry. Just email me and I'll give you my messenger id. It took a long time to put this weight on. I'm sure it will take longer to take it off. I was hoping to gauge my weight loss by judging when I go down a pant size but something I noticed tonight is I have 2 different pant sizes and they both fit me the same. I have a size 28 and the pair I am wearing is a 26. I noticed because the pair I am wearing is wearing out in the upper thigh(as always) and I'm gonna have to buy a new pair. I was hoping not to buy anymore clothes until I dropped a size but that's not going to happen. But my whole plan of telling my weight loss by when I fit into a size 26 just went out the window. I might be able to tell maybe by the brand. As I think the two pants are made by different companies. oh well, I guess I'll just continue on my efforts to lose and I guess I will eventually be able to see visual results. Guess what! Tonight I did a whole 30 minutes and 1 mile all in one session. I was ready to quit though when I was finished but I felt so good being able to do it. My feet are really aching tonight though. I have really dry skin on them and then the exercise really is screaming at me. I'm thinking of digging out my foot bath and soaking them for awhile. I noticed though that I am filling up faster at meal time. Tonight I actually threw some of my food away because I was full. I think the exercise is wearing me out so I don't feel like eating. And I seem to be sleeping better. I still havent managed to drink a lot of water. I'm drinking more then I did before but goodness I think I would float away drinking what I'm suppose to! Good luck on getting to your next pant size. Maybe we can throw our pants in a barrel at the size time and burn them boogers when we meet our goal. LOL

~:~The Personal Touch~:~Tags, Stats, or anything else personalized with your name.Everything here is personalized!http://free.hostdepartment.com/t/thepersonaltouchMy Personal Web Site

Re: introduction

Hi ,

I am Terasee and I live in South Central Texas. I weigh just about the same as you...maybe even a little more. I have been doing 'this' for over a year now and I am regressing right now. I am not quite sure why but there it is.

All I know is that it is baby-steps baby steps. I think your goal of a pant size is great (by the way that is the same size I am! (0= ) That is about 10 pounds I am told.

this is a great group.

Just hang in there...together we will get there.

Shalom (Peace)

Terasee <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote:

Hi, I just joined today so I really don't know how things work here. I am assuming we are suppose to make a intro as in most groups. I am , I weigh 260 pounds. I just got weighed January 27th at a doctors visit. As with most people who is over weight I have problems getting up and down because of knee pain and back aches frequently. I have high blood pressure and the doctors are really watching the blood sugar levels. I have a used treadmill now that I received from my mom but other then that I own no other exercise equipment. I need to limit my exercise to indoor activities mostly as I am sensitive to the sun. I really need to lose 100 pounds. When I look in my albums and see my pictures, I think Goodness....Is this me? I am so ashamed as to how I looked at my kids graduation and my daughters wedding. I never realized how huge I was until I seen the pictures.The pictures are worth a thousand words. I really don't "feel fat". I also was so embarrassed when I went to Wal-Mart to buy me some Jeans and realized I am buying the largest they had on the rack and they are a tight fit. What I want to accomplish is to work toward losing one pant size at a time. I wear a 28 now and I would like to reach the size 26. Then worry about moving on down to the next size after I reach that goal. I have very small will power as I have tried to "diet" before and never make it very long. I hope maybe this group will be the type of support that can give me the extra nudge I sometimes need. I also have the Food Mover (also from my mom) but have never used it. I don't own a scale so my weigh ins are limited to when I can find a scale to weigh on such as Doctors visits etc.... And my income is a fixed income and very small so I cannot afford to do any kind of gym memberships, exercise equipment, etc....buying special diet foods or expensive foods. A lot of our meals consist of beans, potatoes and cornbread because it is so economical. So to sum it all up......I am obese, have a treadmill and the food mover program (that to this point has been unused)and very little will power. Any hints, tips and suggestions are welcome. I would like to know what is a good length of time for someone my weight to start walking on the treadmill. And oh... I also have one of them step-o-meter thingys that measures how much you walk. Ok now I think maybe I have told you all more then what you wanted to know about me. I hope I don't give up and quit this time. One pant size at a time.....just focusing and working to drop one pant size...the rest I'll tackle after I reach this first goal. Thanks for listening to me.

One Day Ata Time,


Brings words and photos together (easily) withPhotoMail - it's free and works with .

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Hi, Doris.


> Hi Rich,

> I saw your answer about how the mitochondria issue relates to

gluatathione depletion. Do you have a theory about how the genetic

inability to eliminate mold toxins relates to gluathione depletion?

***No, I don't, but I wish I did! I have a hunch that there is going

to be a connection, but I haven't figured it out yet. This is one

of the things I'd like to do, along with about a million others,

unfortunately! I would first need to get my brain around the

mechanisms that Dr. Shoemaker has come up with for mold illness, and

I haven't totally done that yet, though I have his book and his

recent slides from a conference. I'm not sure when I'm going to be

able to do it.


> Seems like a fair % of the new research and theories that come out

apply to me. I haven't had my genes tested but the Mitrochondria

problem, but the definition sounds like me. I had glutathione

depletion from mercury fillings. I have genetic hypercoagulation

defects. And I have the mold gene. (Plus and IgG subclass

deficiency and the class CFS immune abnormalities.) Then I started

my illness with CMV and EBV, so that may have been an environmental


***I hear you. It's this kind of story that makes me believe that

there is a connection, too.


> Do you suspect that most people that get CFS will turn out to have

a number of these types of things (genetics and environment) pushing

them towards CFS?

***Yes, I do. We don't have a good body of published data on the

genetic polymorphisms in CFS yet, and that's something we sorely

need. I hope it will happen soon, and I've written to the research

groups doing the genomics in CFS about this. I think it's very

likely that different PWCs will turn out to have different

combinations of polymorphisms in a fairly large set of genes. The

autism researhcers are estimating that polymorphisms in 20 or 30

genes will be ultimately found to be important for that disorder.

With that large a number, and all the possible polymorphisms in each

one, I think there has to be subsets within that population, and I

think that corresponds to the emphasis in DAN! on tailoring the

treatment to the individual, based on what is found to work. I

think the same will be found in CFS, and hopefully it will help to

illuminate the different subsets, which we know are there, based on

various types of research as well as the differences in response to

various treatments that PWCs report. On the environmental side, I

think there is also no question that PWCs have had big differences

in environmental factors. I've read quite a few histories, and they

are all over the map. And I think that a variety of physical,

chemical, biological and psychological/emotional factors can all be

rolled together to produce the same effects. The common

denominators in these things is that they raise cortisol (initially)

and adrenaline, and they deplete glutathione. For some people, it

really seems as though a chemical toxin was responsible. For some

it really seems that emotional stress played a big part. For some,

it seems that a variety of infections played a major role. And so


I ask because I think a lot of people hope there is one thing that

is going to make them well, and I wonder if that will be true for

many people.

***So far, I don't know of a " blanket " way to deal with all cases of

CFS. I guess I doubt that there will be one. I do think that this

sulfur metabolism block with glutathione depletion will be found to

be a factor in many or most PWCs, though. What set it off will be

different in different PWCs, and I think that has to be identified

and dealt with too, to make sure PWCs don't relapse.

Personally I solved things one at a time: glutathione depletion,

mercury elimination, constant viral and bacterial elimination, blood

thinning, and those all helped some. But it wasn't until I was

removed from mold that I was truly " well " . However if I had done

that step first without the other things, maybe the result would not

have been the same.

***I hear you. It's hard to say for sure. Maybe we will get to an

understanding of how mold sensitivity ties in with glutathione

depletion. I hope so. My problem is trying to figure out which

problem to work on first. They're all important, in my opinion, and

all very interesting, too.

Lately I've been trying to leverage my efforts by trying to interest

the rest of the research community in looking at some of these

things. Seeing this gene expression stuff come out about the

mitochondria is very encouraging. I'm hopeful that that will have

an impact. The mitochondria have not been viewed as a trendy

research area lately, because quite a lot is already known about

what goes on in there. So the basic researchers at NIH would prefer

to work on other things, such as the neuroendocrineimmune stuff.

That's all very interesting, but I think it is downstream in the

pathogenesis. I did receive a pretty positive response from Eleanor

Hanna, who coordinates the CFS research at the NIH when I sent my

autism-CFS writeup to her. The folks on the Gulf War Illnesses

Research Advisory Committee have also responded favorably to this.

I think that if and when Myhill gets her mitochondrial paper

published, that will also have a good impact.


> Thanks

> Doris

***Thank you for raising this subject.






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This was a very good post. Could someone possibly put it in the files


I think it is very good thinking.

I would add a few points:

1) The whole point of DAN, and of Garry Gordon's work with RNA

therapies, is that genes are responsive to the environment. If 20 or

30 polymorphisms are at work then we have to realize that this is so

many, that epigenetics is really important. So the polymorphisms may

guide where you need to supplement or occasionally what you need to

avoid, but we should NOT be looking for cause-effect in any direct

way. We would not have evolved, no complex organism would have

evolved, if not for the flexibility and responsiveness of genes to the

environment. This is cause for hope.

2) Mold toxins and glutathione--why not a simple explanation? All

endotoxins from whatever source need to be detoxified by glutathione.

Mold is pretty bad for lots of folks...and more prevalent these days,

with fungal toxins on most grains, and lots of sick buildings

harboring mold.

3) The cortisol part--Rich, did you see the article which I think was

in New Scientist a while back, that poor grooming of a baby rat (ie

stressful upbringing) caused it to donate a methyl group to a gene

that would then upregulate cortisol production--i.e. exactly what you

see in ptsd or adults who come from abusive childhoods...chronically

upregulated cortisol and therefore a chronic poor response to stress.

Well they were able to take healthy rats and do the same thing by

injecting, if I recall correctly, methionine? Anyway, some amino acid

or other. Which just shows we are primed to alter our methylation

pathways in response to lots of things in the environment. WHich

brings me back to #1

4) I really think some of the genetic shifts we will be seeing are the

result of chronic infection and would aright themselves if the

infections were eradicated. And I really do feel that a lot of CFS is

due to underlying lyme infection, and that is a really dastardly

bioweaponized bug, and when babesia is added to the mix, truly bad. I

think we're dealing with an epidemic of it and a large part is due to

spirochetes and protozoa. I really don't think virii are such a big

cause. That is because, usually over time, a body figures out how to

handle a virus. So the elevated viral counts are downstream of other

infections/immune supppression.

> >

> > Hi Rich,

> > I saw your answer about how the mitochondria issue relates to

> gluatathione depletion. Do you have a theory about how the genetic

> inability to eliminate mold toxins relates to gluathione depletion?


> ***No, I don't, but I wish I did! I have a hunch that there is going

> to be a connection, but I haven't figured it out yet. This is one

> of the things I'd like to do, along with about a million others,

> unfortunately! I would first need to get my brain around the

> mechanisms that Dr. Shoemaker has come up with for mold illness, and

> I haven't totally done that yet, though I have his book and his

> recent slides from a conference. I'm not sure when I'm going to be

> able to do it.

> >

> > Seems like a fair % of the new research and theories that come out

> apply to me. I haven't had my genes tested but the Mitrochondria

> problem, but the definition sounds like me. I had glutathione

> depletion from mercury fillings. I have genetic hypercoagulation

> defects. And I have the mold gene. (Plus and IgG subclass

> deficiency and the class CFS immune abnormalities.) Then I started

> my illness with CMV and EBV, so that may have been an environmental

> trigger.


> ***I hear you. It's this kind of story that makes me believe that

> there is a connection, too.

> >

> > Do you suspect that most people that get CFS will turn out to have

> a number of these types of things (genetics and environment) pushing

> them towards CFS?


> ***Yes, I do. We don't have a good body of published data on the

> genetic polymorphisms in CFS yet, and that's something we sorely

> need. I hope it will happen soon, and I've written to the research

> groups doing the genomics in CFS about this. I think it's very

> likely that different PWCs will turn out to have different

> combinations of polymorphisms in a fairly large set of genes. The

> autism researhcers are estimating that polymorphisms in 20 or 30

> genes will be ultimately found to be important for that disorder.

> With that large a number, and all the possible polymorphisms in each

> one, I think there has to be subsets within that population, and I

> think that corresponds to the emphasis in DAN! on tailoring the

> treatment to the individual, based on what is found to work. I

> think the same will be found in CFS, and hopefully it will help to

> illuminate the different subsets, which we know are there, based on

> various types of research as well as the differences in response to

> various treatments that PWCs report. On the environmental side, I

> think there is also no question that PWCs have had big differences

> in environmental factors. I've read quite a few histories, and they

> are all over the map. And I think that a variety of physical,

> chemical, biological and psychological/emotional factors can all be

> rolled together to produce the same effects. The common

> denominators in these things is that they raise cortisol (initially)

> and adrenaline, and they deplete glutathione. For some people, it

> really seems as though a chemical toxin was responsible. For some

> it really seems that emotional stress played a big part. For some,

> it seems that a variety of infections played a major role. And so

> on.


> I ask because I think a lot of people hope there is one thing that

> is going to make them well, and I wonder if that will be true for

> many people.


> ***So far, I don't know of a " blanket " way to deal with all cases of

> CFS. I guess I doubt that there will be one. I do think that this

> sulfur metabolism block with glutathione depletion will be found to

> be a factor in many or most PWCs, though. What set it off will be

> different in different PWCs, and I think that has to be identified

> and dealt with too, to make sure PWCs don't relapse.


> Personally I solved things one at a time: glutathione depletion,

> mercury elimination, constant viral and bacterial elimination, blood

> thinning, and those all helped some. But it wasn't until I was

> removed from mold that I was truly " well " . However if I had done

> that step first without the other things, maybe the result would not

> have been the same.


> ***I hear you. It's hard to say for sure. Maybe we will get to an

> understanding of how mold sensitivity ties in with glutathione

> depletion. I hope so. My problem is trying to figure out which

> problem to work on first. They're all important, in my opinion, and

> all very interesting, too.


> Lately I've been trying to leverage my efforts by trying to interest

> the rest of the research community in looking at some of these

> things. Seeing this gene expression stuff come out about the

> mitochondria is very encouraging. I'm hopeful that that will have

> an impact. The mitochondria have not been viewed as a trendy

> research area lately, because quite a lot is already known about

> what goes on in there. So the basic researchers at NIH would prefer

> to work on other things, such as the neuroendocrineimmune stuff.

> That's all very interesting, but I think it is downstream in the

> pathogenesis. I did receive a pretty positive response from Eleanor

> Hanna, who coordinates the CFS research at the NIH when I sent my

> autism-CFS writeup to her. The folks on the Gulf War Illnesses

> Research Advisory Committee have also responded favorably to this.

> I think that if and when Myhill gets her mitochondrial paper

> published, that will also have a good impact.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Doris


> ***Thank you for raising this subject.


> Rich

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi ! Don't cut your posts down too much, I like reading them!

:) What about borrowing some workout DVDs/videos from the library?

That's been a fantastic source for me...and then, if you really,

really love one, maybe you could get it for your birthday, mother's

day, etc. :) Most of my Christmas and birthday (early January)

presents were exercise DVDs I'd asked for. Just a thought. It's

great that you're able to exercise on a treadmill--I wish I could do

that on a regular basis!


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nice adjustment on your hot chocolate! That is the best kind of soup - mine is moslty left over veggies(I add leftover to a bowl in the freezer - when it's full - time to make soup LOL) I generally have less than a pound of meat in it or my stew and they make about 8 servings so I usually count 2-3 protien - counting high. veggies take so many to make a serving I figure I'm good :) Deans has a decent lite dip - 35 calories for 2 tbls - there's a light chip in the blue bag that doesn't suck. This is easier to pull of when I'm counting calories instead of the foodmover. I do the 3 strips of bacon (70 calories) - yep this may be the reason that this go around I am counting calories instead of closing windows. I love bacon and a bagel for breakfast. initially, just the change from what you ate to watching what you're eating is enough to shake off a few pounds - then it's time to get tough. I have been on a tight budget forever - I use a lot of frozen veggies - better than canned not as good as fresh and it lasts longer. I tend to buy canned fruit in lite juice. can you fill out a meal with fruit or veggies? I have to do that with those 300 calorie tv meals. www.sparkpeople have demo videos - don't know if that is what you're looking for but it sure beats a poster LOL

Re: introduction

I still had my hot chocolate. I usually have a large glass of it but I did cut it down to a cup and used half the chocolate powder then what is suppose to be there. I plan on first trip to the store to get the lite kind and stay with a cup instead of a glass. So I haven't gone cold turkey but have cut it down. For me and cooking...I cook for my husband, my grown son and myself. I fix breakfast and supper for all of us and for dinner it is just my husband and me for lunch because my son is sleeping(he is on 3rd's). So dinner consist of really something simple like TV dinners or hotpockets, or sandwiches that we can nuke.(I will start picking out the lower calorie ones) My husband will eat pretty much anything although my son is a bit pickier. However the whole family has a fit if I buy sugar free or lite for something they will eat. I personally can tell a difference but not enough to complain about. If it is something where we have indivual items like soda or hotpockets, I can buy mine in lite and regular for them.It seems to me buying prepacked foods like hotpockets is the easiest way to track your calories and portions. But Sometimes home cooking can become confusing to try and figure out your exchanges etc.... Like when I fix soup. Everything but the kitchen sink goes into it. I have a leftovers bowl in my freezer when we have leftovers it is raked into it. On soup day everything is added. I think when my main problem areas are is potato chips and dip when my son supplies supper, a lot of the time he buys subway sandwiches and potato chips and dip. Also I am a glutton for bacon for breakfast. So I know that is 2 problem areas of mine that I have to break. Also pizza and cheesesticks with popper is another of our favorite meals. I do have so much in my eating habits that needs to be changed. I know I also need to exercise more but I truly believe my diet needs a major overhaul. I have had these eating habits for so long it is going to be a huge battle to change them.Just like today may be a beans and cornbread day. As previously mentioned it is a staple at our house because of the money stretching benefit. I know that has a ton of calories so all I know I can do is try going for a small plate and bowl to eat from and be sure not to go back for extra helpings.My daughter is coming over tonight for supper and she is fixing Enchilada bake. I'm not really sure how many calories will be it or how to figure exchanges for it. All this calorie counting and food moving is new to me so it will take me some time to get into the swing of it. I do however have the concept of eating off a small plate and not to go back for more servings down. It takes no counting and moving just will power.LOL I don't get cable TV but I do have my internet. I should be able to find some exercise videos somewhere on the www wouldn't ya think?

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Burning our pants in a barrell sounds good to me right now! I have a ID teraseem AOL Messenger terasee and MSN is teraseem I use the one the most. I got on the scale this morning and nearly cried. I have been calling Sundays weigh in days but I hate Sundays...I dread looking at the scale. I had lost to 245 and I am back up to 263. I can't believe it -- just 5 months and I have gained almost 20 pounds back. That is a pound a week -- which is what I should be losing!!!!! NOT GAINING!!!!! I will say -- I have changed jobs. I was teaching and now I am sitting at a desk all day. BIG DIFFERENCE!!! I was substituting at the High School and every 90 minutes the kids changed classes and many times I had to change rooms from one side of the campus the other. They had 5 minutes

between classes and I walked for the entire 5 minutes sometimes. Now I am at a desk, on the phone or at a computer. My co-worker and I had started walking around the building every hour. We have been so busy that we haven't done it in the past week and a half. Starting tomorrow...every hour I am going whether she does or not....! (She will though) We also have a TV/VCR combo in our office and plenty of space to do an exercise video. That will be at a later date but it is available. Dh and I have joined a place called the Wellness Center in our little town. They have nautilus equipment and bikes, elliptical trainer and treadmills. You can sign up for various exercise classes...anyway we have only gone once together.. I think he went when I was working but This week we are hitting the place 3 times. I am determined that I will NOT gain back what it took me almost

a year to lose!!!!! I gotta do this! And I am glad to have your company! Terasee <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote: Hi Terasee, Glad to get to know you. Give me a yell if I can support you in any way. Don't beat yourself up over regressing. I'm sure we all will sooner of later. If you ever need someone to talk to. To vent or even cry. Just email me and I'll give you my messenger id. It took a long time to put this weight on. I'm sure it will take longer to take it off. I was hoping to gauge my weight loss by judging when I go down a pant size but something I noticed tonight is I have 2 different pant sizes and they both fit me the same. I have a size 28 and the pair

I am wearing is a 26. I noticed because the pair I am wearing is wearing out in the upper thigh(as always) and I'm gonna have to buy a new pair. I was hoping not to buy anymore clothes until I dropped a size but that's not going to happen. But my whole plan of telling my weight loss by when I fit into a size 26 just went out the window. I might be able to tell maybe by the brand. As I think the two pants are made by different companies. oh well, I guess I'll just continue on my efforts to lose and I guess I will eventually be able to see visual results. Guess what! Tonight I did a whole 30 minutes and 1 mile all in one session. I was ready to quit though when I was finished but I felt so good being able to do it. My feet are really aching tonight though. I have really dry skin on them and then the exercise really is screaming at me. I'm thinking of digging out my foot bath and soaking them for awhile. I noticed though that I am filling up faster at meal time. Tonight I actually

threw some of my food away because I was full. I think the exercise is wearing me out so I don't feel like eating. And I seem to be sleeping better. I still havent managed to drink a lot of water. I'm drinking more then I did before but goodness I think I would float away drinking what I'm suppose to! Good luck on getting to your next pant size. Maybe we can throw our pants in a barrel at the size time and burn them boogers when we meet our goal. LOL ~:~The Personal Touch~:~Tags, Stats, or anything else personalized with your name.Everything here is personalized!http://free.hostdepartment.com/t/thepersonaltouchMy Personal Web Site Re: introduction Hi , I am Terasee and I live in South Central Texas. I weigh just about the same as you...maybe even a little more. I have been doing 'this' for over a year now and I am regressing right now. I am not quite sure why but there it is. All I know is that it is baby-steps baby steps. I think your goal of a pant size is great (by the way that is the same size I am! (0= ) That is about 10 pounds I am told. this is a great group.

Just hang in there...together we will get there. Shalom (Peace) Terasee <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote: Hi, I just joined today so I really don't know how things work here. I am assuming we are suppose to make a intro as in most groups. I am , I weigh 260 pounds. I just got weighed January 27th at a doctors visit. As with most people who is over weight I have problems getting up and down because of knee pain and back aches frequently. I have high blood pressure and the doctors are really watching the blood sugar levels. I have a used treadmill now that I received from my mom but other then that I own no other exercise equipment. I need to limit my exercise to indoor activities

mostly as I am sensitive to the sun. I really need to lose 100 pounds. When I look in my albums and see my pictures, I think Goodness....Is this me? I am so ashamed as to how I looked at my kids graduation and my daughters wedding. I never realized how huge I was until I seen the pictures.The pictures are worth a thousand words. I really don't "feel fat". I also was so embarrassed when I went to Wal-Mart to buy me some Jeans and realized I am buying the largest they had on the rack and they are a tight fit. What I want to accomplish is to work toward losing one pant size at a time. I wear a 28 now and I would like to reach the size 26. Then worry about moving on down to the next size after I reach that goal. I have very small will power as I have tried to "diet" before and never make it very long. I hope maybe this group will be the type of support that can give me the extra nudge I sometimes need. I also have the Food Mover (also from my mom) but have

never used it. I don't own a scale so my weigh ins are limited to when I can find a scale to weigh on such as Doctors visits etc.... And my income is a fixed income and very small so I cannot afford to do any kind of gym memberships, exercise equipment, etc....buying special diet foods or expensive foods. A lot of our meals consist of beans, potatoes and cornbread because it is so economical. So to sum it all up......I am obese, have a treadmill and the food mover program (that to this point has been unused)and very little will power. Any hints, tips and suggestions are welcome. I would like to know what is a good length of time for someone my weight to start walking on the treadmill. And oh... I also have one of them step-o-meter thingys that measures how much you walk. Ok now I think maybe I have told you all more then what you wanted to know about me. I hope I don't give up and quit this time. One pant size at a time.....just focusing and working to drop one pant

size...the rest I'll tackle after I reach this first goal. Thanks for listening to me. One Day Ata Time, Terasee Brings words and photos together (easily) withPhotoMail - it's free and works with . One Day Ata Time, Terasee

Brings words and photos together (easily) with PhotoMail - it's free and works with .

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