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I wonder why mine did not bring this up as a viable option with the SCS I am

going to discuss this with him when I go back

Re: Introduction

My Dr brought up the Pain Pump. I also use a 10,s unit a nd I don't

feel the Stimulator would do the trick. I now by takeing Pain Meds I

can get relife from my Pain so I think with the Pain Pump I can get


> >

> > Hello

> > My name is Kim. I have been in chronic pain since 2003. I have had

> back problems since 2000 but they got really bad in 2003. I had a

> laminectomy then and things went down hill from there. I was a massage

> therapist at the time. Needless to say, I can no longer work in that

> field. I have since been down a long road and finally found out most


> my problems are due to scoliosis. I had a 2 level lumbar fusion in


> which did not heal. I am in pain management for sciatic type pain that

> is ongoing.

> > Right now I am on meds and having SI injections. I had the last

> injection yesterday which was a real booger. He injected a lot more

> steroid into the site and seemed to inject into several different


> instead of just one, like before.

> > Yesterday, he asked a lot more questions including whether I had

> gotten an EMG done previously. I had but its been years ago. Long


> short, he feels my hardware is sitting on the sciatic nerve and


> pressure on that SI joint keeping it inflamed.

> > He told me that we may be looking at taking out some of the hardware

> and then doing rehab or continuing the current therapy, or look at


> a SCS.

> > I looked into a SCS prior to having my fusion in 06. At the time, I

> saw that the positive results were very mixed at best. I want to know


> that has improved. I would really like to hear from all of you as to


> much it has helped your sciatic pain.

> > My worst pain is down my left hip, left leg to the foot and big toe.

> My leg burns, tingles, gets numb, I limp. etc

> > Thanks I am glad to be here

> > Kim

> > Kim

> > Freelance Copywriter and Blogger

> > Articles on Suite 101

> >




> _mansion

> >




> adings_guide

> >

> > My Blog

> >

> > http://ghosthuntingtips101.blogspot.com/

> >

> > My articles on E-How

> > Search E-How for Kim Leach

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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1 have 3 boxes of liderm patches put away. they help my nmuscle and

nerve pain. did you dentist use liberm as a numbing tool. anyway liderm

patches help me when pain real bad. mike group owner


> Kim,

> I also suffer from sciatic pain and have found that strips of the

Lidoderm patches help the pain best. I put a strip in the sciatic area,

another at the hip area, one at the very top of my leg, kinda in the

groin area, one behind my knee and another on my foot.


> Dorothy




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I forgot to mention that I also have a pump which controls my RSD pain quite

well. The sciatic pain is, however, separate from the RSD pain. I cut a regular

Lidoderm patch into 4 strip and then place them at the main points of my sciatic



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Kim nice to meet you I also scitica pain runsv down left leg the

stimulator took my burning stabbing pain and made my pain dual achy

pain. it stopped the burning pain and took stabbing pain into na dual

achy pain. mike group owner

> > >

> > > Hello

> > > My name is Kim. I have been in chronic pain since 2003. I

have had

> > back problems since 2000 but they got really bad in 2003. I had


> > laminectomy then and things went down hill from there. I was a


> > therapist at the time. Needless to say, I can no longer work in


> > field. I have since been down a long road and finally found out


> of

> > my problems are due to scoliosis. I had a 2 level lumbar fusion


> 2006

> > which did not heal. I am in pain management for sciatic type

pain that

> > is ongoing.

> > > Right now I am on meds and having SI injections. I had the


> > injection yesterday which was a real booger. He injected a lot


> > steroid into the site and seemed to inject into several


> areas

> > instead of just one, like before.

> > > Yesterday, he asked a lot more questions including whether I


> > gotten an EMG done previously. I had but its been years ago.


> story

> > short, he feels my hardware is sitting on the sciatic nerve and

> putting

> > pressure on that SI joint keeping it inflamed.

> > > He told me that we may be looking at taking out some of the


> > and then doing rehab or continuing the current therapy, or look


> doing

> > a SCS.

> > > I looked into a SCS prior to having my fusion in 06. At the

time, I

> > saw that the positive results were very mixed at best. I want

to know

> if

> > that has improved. I would really like to hear from all of you

as to

> how

> > much it has helped your sciatic pain.

> > > My worst pain is down my left hip, left leg to the foot and

big toe.

> > My leg burns, tingles, gets numb, I limp. etc

> > > Thanks I am glad to be here

> > > Kim

> > > Kim

> > > Freelance Copywriter and Blogger

> > > Articles on Suite 101

> > >

> >

> http://ghosts-


> \

> > _mansion

> > >

> >

> http://psychic-


> \

> > adings_guide

> > >

> > > My Blog

> > >

> > > http://ghosthuntingtips101.blogspot.com/

> > >

> > > My articles on E-How

> > > Search E-How for Kim Leach

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hello Kim,

Sorry late on reply. Just wanted to drop a note to say hi to the

group. I've been dealing with myofacial pain in my back since about

1996 due to a car accident. I don't think it got better, if anything,

it just moved. At the time of accident, my back was damaged from L4 to

L6, T1 to T3, and C1 to C3. The doctor who I was working with at the

time I felt like a human pretzel because of the extreme damage my

spine went through. It took awhile for my spine to heal but it never

did heal correctly.

In 2001, my back was re-damaged by a technician who performed a bone

density test. She lifted my legs and tore every muscle in my back that

healed from previous car accident. At any rate, I went through it all

for two years from x-rays to cat-scan to pain management. Nothing

worked. Went as far as we could go and finally ended up seeing two

neurosurgeons for surgery. First one said, I just needed to deal with

the pain and he offered no suggestions on how to resolve it, did not

even touch me to look at the situation. The second one however was

awesome. I spent more time talking to him than any other surgeon. He

checked my back from neck to tailbone. We discovered that even though

there is an area on my back that hurts like a bitch, it's not coming

from where I think. The neurosurgeon determined it is the trigger

point nerves along the lower points of my back below the kidneys and

above the buttocks to be the point of problem. Those trigger point

nerves when barely touched actually cause pain that effects my disc

and my lower back.

Two ways were determined to correct the situation. One the

neurosurgeon corrected in the office and that was the realignment of

my hips. He said over time the more I exercise they will automatically

readjust. Second, he suggested I start to swim, clean house a little

with taking breaks to prevent damage or take walks that can help as


I'm ready to go back to work at this point as I just graduated with my

Masters. Sorry so long.

Looking forward to chatting with you.


S. Elvins

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This is Kathy G.

I HAD to jump in on your conversation

and tell you that I think that you are AMAZING for what you have

accomplished...especially due to all your horrendous pain issues!

You are to be commended for all your hard work, determination and sheer


I am so inspired when I read this mail and I wanted to share with you the

pride I have for you....GREAT JOB!!!!

Wow...graduating with your Masters...are you kidding me...that is SO

UNBELEIVABLE...I am sure your head is spinning with all the hard work,blood,


and tears that it took to get where you are...you should absolutely enjoy in

the rewards now!!!

Thank you for sharing your wonderful and beautiful story with us all!!!

Once again, GREAT JOB!!!

With all my admiration, and sincere congratulations,

Kathy G.

Group Co-owner

**************Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial

challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and

calculators. (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall00000001)

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Hi Kat,

Glad to see you're back girl friend. Hope that things are going okay

with family.

I just got the last two grades yesterday and I am officially

completed. Of course it's not official until that diploma is in my hot

little hands *evil grin* That thesis paper I worked 11 weeks on has

paid off, I got an A- in the class. As for the Economics class, I got

a B in the class. Now, I need a break so I can clean my house as it

has been so ignored.

Thanks to all for your patience and support during these past few

weeks. I greatly appreciate it.


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In a message dated 9/24/2008 4:21:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

babiesx7@... writes:

look forward to chatting with all of you and getting to know you.


thanks for your intro. I checked out some of your blog. I'm so sorry you

had so many problems. I just want you to know that it's families like yours

that have literally saved my daughter from ever seeing a vaccine. I'm so

sorry for your hardships, but know the work you are doing now is making a


Holly and (2 1/2)

**************Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial

challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and

calculators. (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall00000001)

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Dear Sue!!!!


An A and a B in Economics.....you should be strutting around with pride!!!!!

With all that you have going on...it is amazing what you have

accomplished....some folks who have no problems at all don't even come close to


grades.....hooray for you, Sue!!!!

As for the housework....the good thing about dust and is that it can be

called Angel droppings....this way you know that the angels are looking over

you..LOL...and the other good thing is that you can always get to it


will still be there.

I am so very happy for you, Sue. Really...all jokes aside...you really

should be so very proud of yourself...for I sure am of you!

Way to go, Sue!

As for me...things are about the same...with one great exception...my dad is

getting stronger day by day. His heart unfortunately has been affected by

the pneumonia, and is only working about 35%...and that is with a

defibrillator and a pacemaker implanted. He takes it easy and does what the

docs tell

him to do...so he is improving bit by bit...as much as he will at least. He is

in definite heart failure...but as long as we keep him out of congestive

heart failure..he will be okay.

Kate is doing so much better thank God! Her pneumonia is all the way gone!!

My legs are horrendous. The RSD is just killing. They are back and forth

on amputation again...I just wish I could do it..but I can't since the RSD

will spread even more...if that is possible...after an amputation...it will go

into organs next...which I will not allow...so the BKA is out..as far as I am

concerned. It is just the pain is so severe that it is so tempting....but I

will not go from the pan into the fire....you know that saying, right.

Well...back to the positive...I am so happy for you!!!

Congratulations, my friend!Love,

Kathy G.

Group Co-owner

**************Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial

challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and

calculators. (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall00000001)

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Welcome! I actually saw your blog in another forum we are on

together in NC.


> Hello! I thought I would introduce myself. I am new to this group


> heard about it from someone who has read the blog I am writing

about my

> daughters vaccine reaction and the terrible compensation program


> is currently in place.


> I wish I knew then what I know now but I cannot go back in time and

> change anything so all I can focus on now is taking care of my

> daughter, educating others, and trying to change the compensation

> program so it will operate as intended and stop treating people as

> deplorably as we have been treated.


> I look forward to chatting with all of you and getting to know you.


> Theresa

> http://vaccinecompensationprogramfix.blogspot.com/


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Hi, Theresa--welcome! I'm so sorry this happened to your daughter, and you're

right. The compensation program has major problems, nothing I've personally

experienced but many others feel the same way. Glad you joined up!




> Hello! I thought I would introduce myself. I am new to this

> group and

> heard about it from someone who has read the blog I am writing

> about my

> daughters vaccine reaction and the terrible compensation program

> that

> is currently in place.


> I wish I knew then what I know now but I cannot go back in time

> and

> change anything so all I can focus on now is taking care of my

> daughter, educating others, and trying to change the

> compensation

> program so it will operate as intended and stop treating people

> as

> deplorably as we have been treated.


> I look forward to chatting with all of you and getting to know you.


> Theresa

> http://vaccinecompensationprogramfix.blogspot.com/



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Maranda, I could have written your email. I have HBP. I to have been diagnosed with PCOS. AND heart disease and diebetes runs on both sides of the family. My mom had 12 siblings. 10 did not make it to 60.

Finding a good dr for PCOS is key. It is one of those zebras diseases that you may have some symptoms but not others. For me it is a pain BUT in the last 2 years I got a really good dr who is working with me to strip my lining every 90 days or so. Right now I am going on 8 months without being successful. I am off the pill do to age and BP. Her opinion is fertility was not an issue because I was on the pill for so long and when I went off to get preggers got pregnant right away because my body was used to having a period. Depending on what your issues with PCOS is you can cope with it IF you have a great dr that is willing to work with you.

I have known woman that have followed the diebetic diet and have pcos that find they lose that way. Your sugars can be affected by PCOS.


N.H.Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hello ! I grew up in Northern CA.

Hope things work out for you. My Pain Management doctor can't help me

now, waiting for Neurosurgeon to contact me.He can't get the leads to

my head like he'd wanted to, it's very tight in my cervical region

because of fusion of C-4 through C-7 that my Neurosurgeon did in May

07. It's looking like more surgery is in my future. Just can't keep

taking money out of our retirement for all of these medical bills.


> Hi, Guess it's time to introduce myself. I'm . Age 53,former

> labor and delivery nurse for 25 years in northern Ca. Been thinking

> about getting a SCS for awhile, due to herniated lower back discs &

> spinal stenosis with horrible back, leg and foot pain. Hoping to get

> off some of these pain meds. I had a consult last week with a pain

> management Dr who does them and he said I was a good candidate for one.

> He is going to put in to workman's comp for the psych consult which he

> says will take about a month and then another month to have the

> appointment with him and then another month to get the approval for the

> trial. My niece has one which seemed to work very well for her until

> she got pregnant and wouldn't use it during pregnancy and now the

> battery's dead and she is looking at getting it replaced. I also have

> very painful hands, having 6 surgeries on them in the last 2 years but

> the PM doc says that he won't put in leads to my hands at the same as

> the ones to my back because he needs to see how it works for my back

> first. Hope to talk with others soon.


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Hi....I am a disabled NICU RN here in St louis MO> I received a SCS on the

15th of this month. If you have any questions let me know? Have you had

any surgeries? If not, may I ask why? My doc will only place stim's in

people that have had surgery and no further surgery is appropriate. I guess

their reasoning is because it doesn't fix the problem.

Deb RN

From: Stimulator [mailto:Stimulator ] On

Behalf Of catwoman_96007

Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 11:50 PM


Subject: Introduction

Hi, Guess it's time to introduce myself. I'm . Age 53,former

labor and delivery nurse for 25 years in northern Ca. Been thinking

about getting a SCS for awhile, due to herniated lower back discs &

spinal stenosis with horrible back, leg and foot pain. Hoping to get

off some of these pain meds. I had a consult last week with a pain

management Dr who does them and he said I was a good candidate for one.

He is going to put in to workman's comp for the psych consult which he

says will take about a month and then another month to have the

appointment with him and then another month to get the approval for the

trial. My niece has one which seemed to work very well for her until

she got pregnant and wouldn't use it during pregnancy and now the

battery's dead and she is looking at getting it replaced. I also have

very painful hands, having 6 surgeries on them in the last 2 years but

the PM doc says that he won't put in leads to my hands at the same as

the ones to my back because he needs to see how it works for my back

first. Hope to talk with others soon.

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I would want a different doctor if that is his requirement for an SCS. With RSD

there is no surgery that can improve it and surgery of any type is strongly



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Hey Deb..what type of surgery is he talking about...I have had RSD now

through out my entire body...there is no surgery that will alleviate it or


it better in the least bit.....believe me if there was...I would of had this

surgery at least 20 times!!!

There is NO quick fix for RSD..and ANY doctor who says that there is....has

no business taking care of patients with this sydrome he or she obviously has

no idea about!!

I know I sound really firn on this and I am not trying to sound nasty...it

just pisses me off to no end that some doctors pretend that they know all about

RSD and they do not know the least bit.

I am not saying that your doc doesn't know anything about it, since I don't

know if he or she told you about this so called surgery....just looking out

for your best interest at heart...please know that is My first importance

regarding this group...Mike and I are to help...and all the other folks help

eaachother just the same!

Take care


kathy G.


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  • 2 months later...

Welcome, Carla! You were so smart to put off vaccinating until you researched

more. That pediatrician did you a huge favor to quit on you. You are so lucky.

Glad to have you on board!




> Hello all!!


> I an new to the group and so happy to find a group that

> discusses vaccinations openly.


> I am a mother of a 3 y/o boy who is the light of my life. I have

> a wonderful husband who is the most supportive individual I have

> ever met!!

> We live in Ontario, Canada.

> Before becoming a mother I worked in the field of autism,

> specifically preschoolers doing Applied Behavior Intervention

> and LOVED it.


> Once I became pregnant our intention was to selectively

> vaccinate and delay them for as long as possible. At the 2 month

> check up of my son, our family doctor asked when we were going

> to start and made it very clear that I was " running out of time "

> to vaccinate. I told him that we wanted to make not only the

> right decision for ourselves, but also an informed decision!! He

> was not impressed and ended the appointment. At the next

> appointment he bluntly asked " what are we doing?? " re: the vax.

> We stated that at this time we weren't finished our research and

> so we were not ready yet. He stated that we needed to do this if

> we wanted the best for our child and I answered " that is exactly

> what we are trying to do! " He then proceeded to tell me that if

> that was our decision, then he was resigning from being our

> doctor!! So he left me, a new mother struggling with

> breastfeeding, with no help--except for my husband--stranded in

> a city where there are no doctors. I

> was compelled to find out the reasons for his pressure and

> really got into the research!! His own secretary told me " you

> know, there IS a catch up schedule, right!!?? " When she told me

> that I knew that I needed to really think about our decision.


> Soooo....I wound up at a homeopath's office, because I felt that

> I needed some support in case something happened. She is great

> and since I have began my journey in becoming a homeopath

> myself. I am currently half way through an loving it!! I want to

> be that support for parents who feel like they are alone, are

> fearful of the unknown, and need someone to help them deal with

> every day events. I want to inform parents about vaccinations so

> that they can make THEIR right choice!!


> Looking forward to the discussions!


> Peace and Love, Carla Cavallo





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What a great journey to homeopathy. You will be an asset to this list.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


Hello all!!

I an new to the group and so happy to find a group that discusses vaccinations


I am a mother of a 3 y/o boy who is the light of my life. I have a wonderful

husband who is the most supportive individual I have ever met!!

We live in Ontario, Canada.

Before becoming a mother I worked in the field of autism, specifically

preschoolers doing Applied Behavior Intervention and LOVED it.

Once I became pregnant our intention was to selectively vaccinate and delay them

for as long as possible. At the 2 month check up of my son, our family doctor

asked when we were going to start and made it very clear that I was " running out

of time " to vaccinate. I told him that we wanted to make not only the right

decision for ourselves, but also an informed decision!! He was not impressed and

ended the appointment. At the next appointment he bluntly asked " what are we

doing?? " re: the vax. We stated that at this time we weren't finished our

research and so we were not ready yet. He stated that we needed to do this if we

wanted the best for our child and I answered " that is exactly what we are trying

to do! " He then proceeded to tell me that if that was our decision, then he was

resigning from being our doctor!! So he left me, a new mother struggling with

breastfeeding, with no help--except for my husband--stranded in a city where

there are no doctors. I

was compelled to find out the reasons for his pressure and really got into the

research!! His own secretary told me " you know, there IS a catch up schedule,

right!!?? " When she told me that I knew that I needed to really think about our


Soooo....I wound up at a homeopath's office, because I felt that I needed some

support in case something happened. She is great and since I have began my

journey in becoming a homeopath myself. I am currently half way through an

loving it!! I want to be that support for parents who feel like they are alone,

are fearful of the unknown, and need someone to help them deal with every day

events. I want to inform parents about vaccinations so that they can make THEIR

right choice!!

Looking forward to the discussions!

Peace and Love, Carla Cavallo

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Welcome Carla! You will find a lot of like-minded individuals on this

list, it is a great resource for support. Your post touched me, as I

could have written the part of your post where you talk about wanting

to support and help parents make their right choice. I feel the EXACT

same way. You summed it up so nicely!

It's great to have you aboard. :)

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 6:35 PM, carla docanto <carladocanto27@...> wrote:

> I want to be that support for parents who feel like they are

> alone, are fearful of the unknown, and need someone to help them deal with

> every day events. I want to inform parents about vaccinations so that they

> can make THEIR right choice!!

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Welcome Donna!

The journo questions:

1 & 2 combined.) We began vaccinating at 6 mths. Baby reacted so badly and was

brain injured, we were told never to vaccinate him again. Most doctors though,

said it wasn't the vaccines DPT & polio & we should continue with their poison


Second baby, didn't allow the vaccs that DS#1 had, but stupid enough to allow a

single measles vac at 13 mths - baby was asthmatic within a week. Never had any

more jabs either.

Homoeopathy and diet helped both.

3) Initially I got info from the dr - that is, none, I was just told at 3 mths

it was time for his jabs. Gut feeling - not yet. Waited until he was 6 mths

against my gut feeling which was still strong. So delayed vaccinating can be

just as dangerous, also there were fewer jabs in 1975.

After the fact, I started researching at the local med school library - it was

in the days of microfiche and sending away for articles and books took weeks!

This was from the horses mouth - medical sources, that's when I realised that

they are liars when they talk to parents about adverse reactions, or else they

have never read their own literature.

2 great resources were the Birth & Life Bookstore in Seattle, and the Clymer

Health Clinic in Pennsylvania.

Hope this helps.


From: powersofhomeopathy <powers4@...>

Subject: Introduction


Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 6:36 PM

hello all,

I am happy to be joining this group and to see the strong network that is so



I have been studying with Sheri for the last year or two and I am grateful for

what I am


I am a practicing homeopath in Calgary, Alberta and I have a particular fondness


working with children and families. I came to homeopathy when my children were


age and my oldest was struggling with a urinary issue. After several incredibly


tests, we were told that there was nothing wrong. Tell that to a youngster who

is punching

himself in the genital area every night out of frustration! My mother thankfully

found out

about homeopathy and literally, overnight, the " peeing " problem was alleviated.

In homeopathy I found the " thing " I had been looking for. I knew there was

something out

there that supported the immune system but I had not known the name until I had


experience of my son being helped.

My children are adults now with babes of their own. It's wonderful to see them


their way learning about vaccines...not that they always ask gramma the

homeopath but

they are doing the research!

I will be interviewed tomorrow morning (Thursday the 29th of January) for a


magazine on vaccination. The journalist has sent some of his questions and if

you feel

compelled/inspired to reply, I would be very grateful. I feel I am representing

all the

families who have chosen to research and make conscious decisions around

vaccinating or


His questions:

Why wouldn't parents vaccinate?

What are their concerns?

How do parents get their information?

Many thanks, Donna Powers, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom (NA)

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HI Carla,

Great that you stood your ground!!! I wonder how many parents give in with the

pressure..... thousands and thousands no doubt. A few years ago I had heard

that some doctors were dropping their infants and toddlers here in Ontario if

the parents were not getting the shots and that they got a bonus for having

fully vaccinated kids!! So, sure enough, here it is in black and

white.............. oh, they also get a bonus if a large percentage of seniors

are vaccinated for the flu!!

Rita in Ontario


Immunizations for Enrolled Patients under Two Years

This Service Enhancement Fee is payable to the FHN and calculated annually on an

individual FHN Physician basis based on the percentage of Enrolled Patients who

are between 18 months and two years of age and are rostered to the FHN Physician

and who have received all of the ministry supplied immunizations recommended by

the National Advisory Committee on Immunization. To claim this Service

Enhancement Fee, the FHN Physician must retain detailed records, including the

name of the vaccine, lot number, manufacturer, date of immunization, and route

of administration.

Percentage of Enrolled Patients - Fee Payable - Service Enhancement Code

85% $440 Q115

90% $1,100 Q116

95% $2,200 Q117

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  • 3 weeks later...

I forgot to add my state to my introduction.

I am from Milwaukee, WI.


From: Alissa Gonyea <al_gonyea@...>

Subject: Introduction


Date: Sunday, February 15, 2009, 2:09 PM

Hi there,

I am Alissa, a first time mom to Joby, almost one years old.  I decided not to

vaccinate because I just don't believe it is 100 percent safe and I am not

willing to chance my baby's health.  I teach special education for a public

school district.  My students (3-5 years old) have all been vaccinated and that

frightens me. 

I have millions of questions and am eager to learn here. 

Thanks for giving me this opportunity and I look forward to learning from all of

you moms.


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Welcome, Alissa! Glad to have you on board.




> Hi there,


> I am Alissa, a first time mom to Joby, almost one years old. I

> decided not to vaccinate because I just don't believe it is 100

> percent safe and I am not willing to chance my baby's health. I

> teach special education for a public school district. My

> students (3-5 years old) have all been vaccinated and that

> frightens me.


> I have millions of questions and am eager to learn here.


> Thanks for giving me this opportunity and I look forward to

> learning from all of you moms.


> Alissa








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Hello Tamra!

I wish you luck with the permanent one, hon.

My name is Kathy G. I have had RSD now for 26 years in multiple areas. I

can really understand and sympathize with you regarding your chronic pain


I am so happy for you that the trial was such a great success!!!!

If you don't hear from the scheduler, I would be a polite PITA with her/him

until I get a call back and a date for surgery. I know that the schedulers

are busy, as I worked as one at Jefferson University Hospital. As a

scheduler, you MUST call back every patient that calls you that date. You may

not be able to give that pt a date yet...but the scheduler should at least

call and let the pt know that we are working on it.

I hope you hear from them asap...but like I wrote above....I would be a real

polite hemmrhoid until I got a date...you know a pain in the a_ _.

If you have any questions, need to vent or just chat...we have a great bunch

of folks who are just so caring, kind and darn funny!

Take care!!

Kathy G.

Group Co-Owner

**************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy





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You can get them from Marilyn, the list owner!


Promises are as good as the moment spoken.

From: Lee and Dana <zoomin89@...>

Subject: introduction

Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 11:03 AM

Hello everyone!

I am looking to get started in making my own kefir. I've been buying Lifeway

brand from my local Kroger, but that gets expensive! I have to ration it out

because my daughter and I enjoy it so much, and I don't have endless funds, as

I've been unemployed since Thanksgiving time and still haven't found anything

yet. Dang economy!

I've been researching online to find kefir grains...and it's a big confusing

world out there! There are various suppliers on websites, multiple e-bay

suppliers, etc. It's hard to know who the best suppliers are!

So I thought by joining this list, that I could read and absorb good info,

thereby helping me make a good decision about where to get my grains, and then

how to care for them after I get started.

Sorry for being longwinded, folks...but thanks for reading!

Dana in WV

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