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Hi , I seen your post on you fitting into those Jeans. I don't know you yet but in my mind I can see you doing your dance. I'm so happy for you. That has to give you inspiration to continue on to whatever goal you set for yourself. As for me and my hot chocolate. It is one thing I would find hard to give up so about all I could do is cut my portion. I don't drink coffee so hot choclate is my coffee in the morning. I am going to try and get me some lite hot chocolate when i go shopping if my budget will allow it. And yes my soup is never same any 2 times. When we was growing up and didnt eat everything mom fixed she would take whatever was left in the pots, mixed them in one large bowl and pop it in the freezer and add to it thoughout the week. And always had the comment there was starving children out there and we should be thankful we had this and shouldnt waste. I so wanted sometime to give her postage and tell her to please mail the leftovers to them. LOL But as I have grown up I look back on mom raising us kids and think Wow, she did a great job. That leftover pot in our freezer was such a budget stretcher and soup always came out great. Sometimes it may have been next to nothing but veggies and the next time we may have had 3 different meats in it. It was always different. So I learned to cook that way and now my daughter is doing the same. She came to me one day and asked how to make homemade soup. My receipe is so easy. Just dont throw nothing away(and i mean nothing), pile it up and add some tomato based product like tomato sauce,tomato paste, ketsup, tomato juice....once again whatever you have in your panty.There is no way to mess up. She fixed it and her hubby who grew up on fast food loves it. I have to say now I love vegetables. I don't care for them raw unless in a salad or with dip in which case I have to watch the dip and dressing now that I am trying to lose weight. But I eat almost any kind cooked. It don't much matter whether its microwaved,baked, or boiled. I love fruit too but really don't get much fruit as it is so high in cost here. I also love my breads as I love breaded foods like breaded okra and breaded cheese sticks. I find I am really having to look up foods to see how many calories is in them now and to see what a average serving size is. I used to eat like 7 or 8 cheesesticks(I love em) but now I have cut down to 3. Trust me I still drool over them when I fix them and I want more but I am not depriving myself of them and if I eat them slowly enough I do get satisfied from them. Well shoot, I realized I have rattled on again. Maybe thats my problem...I always have my mouth open:)

Re: introduction

I still had my hot chocolate. I usually have a large glass of it but I did cut it down to a cup and used half the chocolate powder then what is suppose to be there. I plan on first trip to the store to get the lite kind and stay with a cup instead of a glass. So I haven't gone cold turkey but have cut it down. For me and cooking...I cook for my husband, my grown son and myself. I fix breakfast and supper for all of us and for dinner it is just my husband and me for lunch because my son is sleeping(he is on 3rd's). So dinner consist of really something simple like TV dinners or hotpockets, or sandwiches that we can nuke.(I will start picking out the lower calorie ones) My husband will eat pretty much anything although my son is a bit pickier. However the whole family has a fit if I buy sugar free or lite for something they will eat. I personally can tell a difference but not enough to complain about. If it is something where we have indivual items like soda or hotpockets, I can buy mine in lite and regular for them.It seems to me buying prepacked foods like hotpockets is the easiest way to track your calories and portions. But Sometimes home cooking can become confusing to try and figure out your exchanges etc.... Like when I fix soup. Everything but the kitchen sink goes into it. I have a leftovers bowl in my freezer when we have leftovers it is raked into it. On soup day everything is added. I think when my main problem areas are is potato chips and dip when my son supplies supper, a lot of the time he buys subway sandwiches and potato chips and dip. Also I am a glutton for bacon for breakfast. So I know that is 2 problem areas of mine that I have to break. Also pizza and cheesesticks with popper is another of our favorite meals. I do have so much in my eating habits that needs to be changed. I know I also need to exercise more but I truly believe my diet needs a major overhaul. I have had these eating habits for so long it is going to be a huge battle to change them.Just like today may be a beans and cornbread day. As previously mentioned it is a staple at our house because of the money stretching benefit. I know that has a ton of calories so all I know I can do is try going for a small plate and bowl to eat from and be sure not to go back for extra helpings.My daughter is coming over tonight for supper and she is fixing Enchilada bake. I'm not really sure how many calories will be it or how to figure exchanges for it. All this calorie counting and food moving is new to me so it will take me some time to get into the swing of it. I do however have the concept of eating off a small plate and not to go back for more servings down. It takes no counting and moving just will power.LOL I don't get cable TV but I do have my internet. I should be able to find some exercise videos somewhere on the www wouldn't ya think?

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Bonnie, Glad you like reading my post as I seem to like to talk. I have borrowed 2 videos from my sister-in-law and my mom gave me 2 of richard simmons vcr tapes. so I have 4 exercise videos right now. But just being honest with you I am not sure how much they will get used. With as big as I am and the old floors in this house I'm not sure all the bouncing and jumping is a good thing. And to top it off I am still a bit self consious about exercising in front of people even if it is my own family. And there is always someone here. Maybe after I lose a few pounds I will feel better about it. I am using the treadmill faithfully right now. It just seems better for me. However I may be crying before long as my treadmill is a old one that my mom gave me and it has been acting up lately. I got on last night and had to give it a push with my feet to get it to go. I think maybe the motor is about shot in it. So I may be using those videos faster then I'm thinking.

Re: introduction

Hi ! Don't cut your posts down too much, I like reading them!:) What about borrowing some workout DVDs/videos from the library? That's been a fantastic source for me...and then, if you really,really love one, maybe you could get it for your birthday, mother'sday, etc. :) Most of my Christmas and birthday (early January)presents were exercise DVDs I'd asked for. Just a thought. It'sgreat that you're able to exercise on a treadmill--I wish I could dothat on a regular basis!-Bonnie

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Hi Terasee, I have just added you to my buddy list. Feel free to contact me any time. I know having a weight gain instead of a loss is so frustrating. But it is done. Now you just have to focus on(well what am I gonna do about it?)You know you can lose it right? Because you have loss weight. So you just have to focus on getting back on track again. I know it can be so hard. I'm sure so many of us in the group has struggled with this. And if your friend you work with is supportive and she sounds like she is...take advantage of it. Tell her you are struggling and trying to get back on track and would love it if she would walk with you daily. I bet it will be so much easier to do this with a friend. And this Wellness Center sounds idea. You might not want to do all that they have offered. But thats ok too. The main thing is to get moving. In any shape or form that you want. Do you like playing games? Try engaging your hubby into some air hockey if you have one somewhere in your area. I found this out by playing my hubby at it a couple of weeks ago. We had a blast. And my arms was so sore the next day but I got a great workout and it was fun. It was just 2 people playing a game and I didnt feel self consious getting my exercise in front of people. I bet those bikes will be great too. If your friend and your hubby are supporting you then you are already 2 steps ahead of most of us. You can do it even if you dont have them for support. You said you work. When you drive to work in the morning, find the parking space as far from the door as possible. Then you will have a little walk in the morning and a little walk to get to your car when you go home. That isnt a lot but I try to remember. A little is more then what I was doing before. You can get back on track Terasee. It wont be a fast process and will probably actually be slow. But you can do it. Don't get discouraged!

Re: introduction

Hi ,

I am Terasee and I live in South Central Texas. I weigh just about the same as you...maybe even a little more. I have been doing 'this' for over a year now and I am regressing right now. I am not quite sure why but there it is.

All I know is that it is baby-steps baby steps. I think your goal of a pant size is great (by the way that is the same size I am! (0= ) That is about 10 pounds I am told.

this is a great group.

Just hang in there...together we will get there.

Shalom (Peace)

Terasee <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote:

Hi, I just joined today so I really don't know how things work here. I am assuming we are suppose to make a intro as in most groups. I am , I weigh 260 pounds. I just got weighed January 27th at a doctors visit. As with most people who is over weight I have problems getting up and down because of knee pain and back aches frequently. I have high blood pressure and the doctors are really watching the blood sugar levels. I have a used treadmill now that I received from my mom but other then that I own no other exercise equipment. I need to limit my exercise to indoor activities mostly as I am sensitive to the sun. I really need to lose 100 pounds. When I look in my albums and see my pictures, I think Goodness....Is this me? I am so ashamed as to how I looked at my kids graduation and my daughters wedding. I never realized how huge I was until I seen the pictures.The pictures are worth a thousand words. I really don't "feel fat". I also was so embarrassed when I went to Wal-Mart to buy me some Jeans and realized I am buying the largest they had on the rack and they are a tight fit. What I want to accomplish is to work toward losing one pant size at a time. I wear a 28 now and I would like to reach the size 26. Then worry about moving on down to the next size after I reach that goal. I have very small will power as I have tried to "diet" before and never make it very long. I hope maybe this group will be the type of support that can give me the extra nudge I sometimes need. I also have the Food Mover (also from my mom) but have never used it. I don't own a scale so my weigh ins are limited to when I can find a scale to weigh on such as Doctors visits etc.... And my income is a fixed income and very small so I cannot afford to do any kind of gym memberships, exercise equipment, etc....buying special diet foods or expensive foods. A lot of our meals consist of beans, potatoes and cornbread because it is so economical. So to sum it all up......I am obese, have a treadmill and the food mover program (that to this point has been unused)and very little will power. Any hints, tips and suggestions are welcome. I would like to know what is a good length of time for someone my weight to start walking on the treadmill. And oh... I also have one of them step-o-meter thingys that measures how much you walk. Ok now I think maybe I have told you all more then what you wanted to know about me. I hope I don't give up and quit this time. One pant size at a time.....just focusing and working to drop one pant size...the rest I'll tackle after I reach this first goal. Thanks for listening to me.

One Day Ata Time,


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One Day Ata Time,


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just measure yourself in the same area (you'll never hit the exact spot each time LOL)each time - me I grab the biggest part of the area I want. In the beginning I had more butt than tape. How about how your clothes are fitting? that's a good way to monitor too. <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote: I wish I had a better way to track my weight as I don't own a scale and I don't go to the doctor on a regular basis. Someone had mentioned to me to take my measurements and it would help. I have measured myself but not sure I am getting it measured in the right spots but giving it a attempt anyway. Live, Love, Laugh

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ok - temporary set back. It's time to regain control. It seems that the job change is part of the problem - but you've already found a solution - WTG! will you and hubby go together to the wellness center or will you go before or after work? are you bringing good things for lunch? are you getting your water in? you can do this :) Truthe <shirah605@...> wrote: I got on the scale this morning and nearly cried. I have been calling Sundays weigh in days but I hate Sundays...I dread looking at the scale. I had lost to 245 and I am back up to 263. I can't believe it -- just 5 months and I have gained almost 20 pounds back. That is a pound a week -- which is what I should be losing!!!!! NOT GAINING!!!!! I will say -- I have changed jobs. I was teaching and

now I am sitting at a desk all day. BIG DIFFERENCE!!! I was substituting at the High School and every 90 minutes the kids changed classes and many times I had to change rooms from one side of the campus the other. They had 5 minutes between classes and I walked for the entire 5 minutes sometimes. Now I am at a desk, on the phone or at a computer. My co-worker and I had started walking around the building every hour. We have been so busy that we haven't done it in the past week and a half. Starting tomorrow...every hour I am going whether she does or not....! (She will though) We also have a TV/VCR combo in our office and plenty of space to do an exercise video. That will be at a later date but it is available. Dh and I have joined a place called the Wellness Center in our little town. They have nautilus equipment and bikes, elliptical trainer and treadmills. You can sign up for various exercise

classes...anyway we have only gone once together.. I think he went when I was working but This week we are hitting the place 3 times. I am determined that I will NOT gain back what it took me almost a year to lose!!!!! I gotta do this! And I am glad to have your company! TeraseeLive, Love, Laugh

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LOL - once I saw it in my head - I thought I look like that dumb girl on that annoying fotness club commercial but I was so darn tickled. I understand - I can't totally give up my coke so I count 300 calories in for it. We grew up on take out - mom knew how to make goulash, tuna and creamettes and tuna and peas on toast. She's a great cook now - but Lordy growing up it was pizza's and MickyD's. My grandparents came out on Sundays and Nana made wonderful Sunday dinners. Of course those starving children were discussed at our house a lot. They always put 2 pieces of meat on my plate and you were expected to eat it. I have never served my daughter 2 pieces of chicken or por chops etc. Heck I only cook 1 for each of us so it's never even been an option unless we were at my moms. As far as the 'leftover' soup/stew that came about in desperation - my budget LOL. Since it was always good I just keep doing it - though often now I'll throw in a head of cabbage to the soup

and always canned tomatos :) I learned last year eating over at a clients house you can add your leftover gravy as well - funny I had never thought of that. rambling keeps our fingers busy and we can't be throwing stuff in our mouth while doing it<GBG> <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote: Hi , I seen your post on you fitting into those Jeans. I don't know you yet but in my mind I can see you doing your dance. I'm so happy for you. That has to give you inspiration to continue on to whatever goal you set for yourself. As for me and my hot chocolate. It is one thing I would find hard to give up so about all I could do is cut my portion. I don't drink coffee so hot choclate is my coffee in the morning. I am going to try and get me some lite hot chocolate when

i go shopping if my budget will allow it. And yes my soup is never same any 2 times. When we was growing up and didnt eat everything mom fixed she would take whatever was left in the pots, mixed them in one large bowl and pop it in the freezer and add to it thoughout the week. And always had the comment there was starving children out there and we should be thankful we had this and shouldnt waste. I so wanted sometime to give her postage and tell her to please mail the leftovers to them. LOL But as I have grown up I look back on mom raising us kids and think Wow, she did a great job. That leftover pot in our freezer was such a budget stretcher and soup always came out great. Sometimes it may have been next to nothing but veggies and the next time we may have had 3 different meats in it. It was always different. So I learned to cook that way and now my daughter is doing the same. She came to me one day and asked how to make homemade soup. My receipe is so easy. Just dont throw

nothing away(and i mean nothing), pile it up and add some tomato based product like tomato sauce,tomato paste, ketsup, tomato juice....once again whatever you have in your panty.There is no way to mess up. She fixed it and her hubby who grew up on fast food loves it. I have to say now I love vegetables. I don't care for them raw unless in a salad or with dip in which case I have to watch the dip and dressing now that I am trying to lose weight. But I eat almost any kind cooked. It don't much matter whether its microwaved,baked, or boiled. I love fruit too but really don't get much fruit as it is so high in cost here. I also love my breads as I love breaded foods like breaded okra and breaded cheese sticks. I find I am really having to look up foods to see how many calories is in them now and to see what a average serving size is. I used to eat like 7 or 8 cheesesticks(I love em) but now I have cut down to 3. Trust me I still drool over them when I fix them and I want more but I

am not depriving myself of them and if I eat them slowly enough I do get satisfied from them. Well shoot, I realized I have rattled on again. Maybe thats my problem...I always have my mouth open:)Live, Love, Laugh

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Hi, Jill.

> > >

> > > Hi Rich,

> > > I saw your answer about how the mitochondria issue relates to

> > gluatathione depletion. Do you have a theory about how the


> > inability to eliminate mold toxins relates to gluathione


> >

> > ***No, I don't, but I wish I did! I have a hunch that there is


> > to be a connection, but I haven't figured it out yet. This is


> > of the things I'd like to do, along with about a million others,

> > unfortunately! I would first need to get my brain around the

> > mechanisms that Dr. Shoemaker has come up with for mold illness,


> > I haven't totally done that yet, though I have his book and his

> > recent slides from a conference. I'm not sure when I'm going to


> > able to do it.

> > >

> > > Seems like a fair % of the new research and theories that come


> > apply to me. I haven't had my genes tested but the


> > problem, but the definition sounds like me. I had glutathione

> > depletion from mercury fillings. I have genetic


> > defects. And I have the mold gene. (Plus and IgG subclass

> > deficiency and the class CFS immune abnormalities.) Then I


> > my illness with CMV and EBV, so that may have been an


> > trigger.

> >

> > ***I hear you. It's this kind of story that makes me believe


> > there is a connection, too.

> > >

> > > Do you suspect that most people that get CFS will turn out to


> > a number of these types of things (genetics and environment)


> > them towards CFS?

> >

> > ***Yes, I do. We don't have a good body of published data on


> > genetic polymorphisms in CFS yet, and that's something we sorely

> > need. I hope it will happen soon, and I've written to the


> > groups doing the genomics in CFS about this. I think it's very

> > likely that different PWCs will turn out to have different

> > combinations of polymorphisms in a fairly large set of genes.


> > autism researhcers are estimating that polymorphisms in 20 or 30

> > genes will be ultimately found to be important for that


> > With that large a number, and all the possible polymorphisms in


> > one, I think there has to be subsets within that population, and


> > think that corresponds to the emphasis in DAN! on tailoring the

> > treatment to the individual, based on what is found to work. I

> > think the same will be found in CFS, and hopefully it will help


> > illuminate the different subsets, which we know are there, based


> > various types of research as well as the differences in response


> > various treatments that PWCs report. On the environmental side,


> > think there is also no question that PWCs have had big


> > in environmental factors. I've read quite a few histories, and


> > are all over the map. And I think that a variety of physical,

> > chemical, biological and psychological/emotional factors can all


> > rolled together to produce the same effects. The common

> > denominators in these things is that they raise cortisol


> > and adrenaline, and they deplete glutathione. For some people,


> > really seems as though a chemical toxin was responsible. For


> > it really seems that emotional stress played a big part. For


> > it seems that a variety of infections played a major role. And


> > on.

> >

> > I ask because I think a lot of people hope there is one thing


> > is going to make them well, and I wonder if that will be true


> > many people.

> >

> > ***So far, I don't know of a " blanket " way to deal with all

cases of

> > CFS. I guess I doubt that there will be one. I do think that


> > sulfur metabolism block with glutathione depletion will be found


> > be a factor in many or most PWCs, though. What set it off will


> > different in different PWCs, and I think that has to be


> > and dealt with too, to make sure PWCs don't relapse.

> >

> > Personally I solved things one at a time: glutathione


> > mercury elimination, constant viral and bacterial elimination,


> > thinning, and those all helped some. But it wasn't until I was

> > removed from mold that I was truly " well " . However if I had done

> > that step first without the other things, maybe the result would


> > have been the same.

> >

> > ***I hear you. It's hard to say for sure. Maybe we will get to


> > understanding of how mold sensitivity ties in with glutathione

> > depletion. I hope so. My problem is trying to figure out which

> > problem to work on first. They're all important, in my opinion,


> > all very interesting, too.

> >

> > Lately I've been trying to leverage my efforts by trying to


> > the rest of the research community in looking at some of these

> > things. Seeing this gene expression stuff come out about the

> > mitochondria is very encouraging. I'm hopeful that that will


> > an impact. The mitochondria have not been viewed as a trendy

> > research area lately, because quite a lot is already known about

> > what goes on in there. So the basic researchers at NIH would


> > to work on other things, such as the neuroendocrineimmune


> > That's all very interesting, but I think it is downstream in the

> > pathogenesis. I did receive a pretty positive response from


> > Hanna, who coordinates the CFS research at the NIH when I sent


> > autism-CFS writeup to her. The folks on the Gulf War Illnesses

> > Research Advisory Committee have also responded favorably to


> > I think that if and when Myhill gets her mitochondrial


> > published, that will also have a good impact.

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Doris

> >

> > ***Thank you for raising this subject.

> >

> > Rich

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hi, Jill.

> > >

> > > Hi Rich,

> > > I saw your answer about how the mitochondria issue relates to

> > gluatathione depletion. Do you have a theory about how the


> > inability to eliminate mold toxins relates to gluathione


> >

> > ***No, I don't, but I wish I did! I have a hunch that there is


> > to be a connection, but I haven't figured it out yet. This is


> > of the things I'd like to do, along with about a million others,

> > unfortunately! I would first need to get my brain around the

> > mechanisms that Dr. Shoemaker has come up with for mold illness,


> > I haven't totally done that yet, though I have his book and his

> > recent slides from a conference. I'm not sure when I'm going to


> > able to do it.

> > >

> > > Seems like a fair % of the new research and theories that come


> > apply to me. I haven't had my genes tested but the


> > problem, but the definition sounds like me. I had glutathione

> > depletion from mercury fillings. I have genetic


> > defects. And I have the mold gene. (Plus and IgG subclass

> > deficiency and the class CFS immune abnormalities.) Then I


> > my illness with CMV and EBV, so that may have been an


> > trigger.

> >

> > ***I hear you. It's this kind of story that makes me believe


> > there is a connection, too.

> > >

> > > Do you suspect that most people that get CFS will turn out to


> > a number of these types of things (genetics and environment)


> > them towards CFS?

> >

> > ***Yes, I do. We don't have a good body of published data on


> > genetic polymorphisms in CFS yet, and that's something we sorely

> > need. I hope it will happen soon, and I've written to the


> > groups doing the genomics in CFS about this. I think it's very

> > likely that different PWCs will turn out to have different

> > combinations of polymorphisms in a fairly large set of genes.


> > autism researhcers are estimating that polymorphisms in 20 or 30

> > genes will be ultimately found to be important for that


> > With that large a number, and all the possible polymorphisms in


> > one, I think there has to be subsets within that population, and


> > think that corresponds to the emphasis in DAN! on tailoring the

> > treatment to the individual, based on what is found to work. I

> > think the same will be found in CFS, and hopefully it will help


> > illuminate the different subsets, which we know are there, based


> > various types of research as well as the differences in response


> > various treatments that PWCs report. On the environmental side,


> > think there is also no question that PWCs have had big


> > in environmental factors. I've read quite a few histories, and


> > are all over the map. And I think that a variety of physical,

> > chemical, biological and psychological/emotional factors can all


> > rolled together to produce the same effects. The common

> > denominators in these things is that they raise cortisol


> > and adrenaline, and they deplete glutathione. For some people,


> > really seems as though a chemical toxin was responsible. For


> > it really seems that emotional stress played a big part. For


> > it seems that a variety of infections played a major role. And


> > on.

> >

> > I ask because I think a lot of people hope there is one thing


> > is going to make them well, and I wonder if that will be true


> > many people.

> >

> > ***So far, I don't know of a " blanket " way to deal with all

cases of

> > CFS. I guess I doubt that there will be one. I do think that


> > sulfur metabolism block with glutathione depletion will be found


> > be a factor in many or most PWCs, though. What set it off will


> > different in different PWCs, and I think that has to be


> > and dealt with too, to make sure PWCs don't relapse.

> >

> > Personally I solved things one at a time: glutathione


> > mercury elimination, constant viral and bacterial elimination,


> > thinning, and those all helped some. But it wasn't until I was

> > removed from mold that I was truly " well " . However if I had done

> > that step first without the other things, maybe the result would


> > have been the same.

> >

> > ***I hear you. It's hard to say for sure. Maybe we will get to


> > understanding of how mold sensitivity ties in with glutathione

> > depletion. I hope so. My problem is trying to figure out which

> > problem to work on first. They're all important, in my opinion,


> > all very interesting, too.

> >

> > Lately I've been trying to leverage my efforts by trying to


> > the rest of the research community in looking at some of these

> > things. Seeing this gene expression stuff come out about the

> > mitochondria is very encouraging. I'm hopeful that that will


> > an impact. The mitochondria have not been viewed as a trendy

> > research area lately, because quite a lot is already known about

> > what goes on in there. So the basic researchers at NIH would


> > to work on other things, such as the neuroendocrineimmune


> > That's all very interesting, but I think it is downstream in the

> > pathogenesis. I did receive a pretty positive response from


> > Hanna, who coordinates the CFS research at the NIH when I sent


> > autism-CFS writeup to her. The folks on the Gulf War Illnesses

> > Research Advisory Committee have also responded favorably to


> > I think that if and when Myhill gets her mitochondrial


> > published, that will also have a good impact.

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Doris

> >

> > ***Thank you for raising this subject.

> >

> > Rich

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hi, Jill.

> > >

> > > Hi Rich,

> > > I saw your answer about how the mitochondria issue relates to

> > gluatathione depletion. Do you have a theory about how the


> > inability to eliminate mold toxins relates to gluathione


> >

> > ***No, I don't, but I wish I did! I have a hunch that there is


> > to be a connection, but I haven't figured it out yet. This is


> > of the things I'd like to do, along with about a million others,

> > unfortunately! I would first need to get my brain around the

> > mechanisms that Dr. Shoemaker has come up with for mold illness,


> > I haven't totally done that yet, though I have his book and his

> > recent slides from a conference. I'm not sure when I'm going to


> > able to do it.

> > >

> > > Seems like a fair % of the new research and theories that come


> > apply to me. I haven't had my genes tested but the


> > problem, but the definition sounds like me. I had glutathione

> > depletion from mercury fillings. I have genetic


> > defects. And I have the mold gene. (Plus and IgG subclass

> > deficiency and the class CFS immune abnormalities.) Then I


> > my illness with CMV and EBV, so that may have been an


> > trigger.

> >

> > ***I hear you. It's this kind of story that makes me believe


> > there is a connection, too.

> > >

> > > Do you suspect that most people that get CFS will turn out to


> > a number of these types of things (genetics and environment)


> > them towards CFS?

> >

> > ***Yes, I do. We don't have a good body of published data on


> > genetic polymorphisms in CFS yet, and that's something we sorely

> > need. I hope it will happen soon, and I've written to the


> > groups doing the genomics in CFS about this. I think it's very

> > likely that different PWCs will turn out to have different

> > combinations of polymorphisms in a fairly large set of genes.


> > autism researhcers are estimating that polymorphisms in 20 or 30

> > genes will be ultimately found to be important for that


> > With that large a number, and all the possible polymorphisms in


> > one, I think there has to be subsets within that population, and


> > think that corresponds to the emphasis in DAN! on tailoring the

> > treatment to the individual, based on what is found to work. I

> > think the same will be found in CFS, and hopefully it will help


> > illuminate the different subsets, which we know are there, based


> > various types of research as well as the differences in response


> > various treatments that PWCs report. On the environmental side,


> > think there is also no question that PWCs have had big


> > in environmental factors. I've read quite a few histories, and


> > are all over the map. And I think that a variety of physical,

> > chemical, biological and psychological/emotional factors can all


> > rolled together to produce the same effects. The common

> > denominators in these things is that they raise cortisol


> > and adrenaline, and they deplete glutathione. For some people,


> > really seems as though a chemical toxin was responsible. For


> > it really seems that emotional stress played a big part. For


> > it seems that a variety of infections played a major role. And


> > on.

> >

> > I ask because I think a lot of people hope there is one thing


> > is going to make them well, and I wonder if that will be true


> > many people.

> >

> > ***So far, I don't know of a " blanket " way to deal with all

cases of

> > CFS. I guess I doubt that there will be one. I do think that


> > sulfur metabolism block with glutathione depletion will be found


> > be a factor in many or most PWCs, though. What set it off will


> > different in different PWCs, and I think that has to be


> > and dealt with too, to make sure PWCs don't relapse.

> >

> > Personally I solved things one at a time: glutathione


> > mercury elimination, constant viral and bacterial elimination,


> > thinning, and those all helped some. But it wasn't until I was

> > removed from mold that I was truly " well " . However if I had done

> > that step first without the other things, maybe the result would


> > have been the same.

> >

> > ***I hear you. It's hard to say for sure. Maybe we will get to


> > understanding of how mold sensitivity ties in with glutathione

> > depletion. I hope so. My problem is trying to figure out which

> > problem to work on first. They're all important, in my opinion,


> > all very interesting, too.

> >

> > Lately I've been trying to leverage my efforts by trying to


> > the rest of the research community in looking at some of these

> > things. Seeing this gene expression stuff come out about the

> > mitochondria is very encouraging. I'm hopeful that that will


> > an impact. The mitochondria have not been viewed as a trendy

> > research area lately, because quite a lot is already known about

> > what goes on in there. So the basic researchers at NIH would


> > to work on other things, such as the neuroendocrineimmune


> > That's all very interesting, but I think it is downstream in the

> > pathogenesis. I did receive a pretty positive response from


> > Hanna, who coordinates the CFS research at the NIH when I sent


> > autism-CFS writeup to her. The folks on the Gulf War Illnesses

> > Research Advisory Committee have also responded favorably to


> > I think that if and when Myhill gets her mitochondrial


> > published, that will also have a good impact.

> > >

> > > Thanks

> > > Doris

> >

> > ***Thank you for raising this subject.

> >

> > Rich

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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What is your ID and I will add you too? You are right I have lots of support here. I just need to take advantage -- not in a bad way --- of it. Today I have done really well on my eating but I become a vegetable on the weekend... It is just something mental...:-) Monday seems to be the best day to START something. I did order a new video called CHAIR DANCING... it should be here by the end of the week and that will be good for me too. gotta go, Terasee <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote: Hi Terasee, I have just added you to my buddy list. Feel free to contact me any time. I know having a weight gain

instead of a loss is so frustrating. But it is done. Now you just have to focus on(well what am I gonna do about it?)You know you can lose it right? Because you have loss weight. So you just have to focus on getting back on track again. I know it can be so hard. I'm sure so many of us in the group has struggled with this. And if your friend you work with is supportive and she sounds like she is...take advantage of it. Tell her you are struggling and trying to get back on track and would love it if she would walk with you daily. I bet it will be so much easier to do this with a friend. And this Wellness Center sounds idea. You might not want to do all that they have offered. But thats ok too. The main thing is to get moving. In any shape or form that you want. Do you like playing games? Try engaging your hubby into some air hockey if you have one somewhere in your area. I found this out by playing my hubby at it a couple of weeks ago. We had a blast. And my arms was so sore the next

day but I got a great workout and it was fun. It was just 2 people playing a game and I didnt feel self consious getting my exercise in front of people. I bet those bikes will be great too. If your friend and your hubby are supporting you then you are already 2 steps ahead of most of us. You can do it even if you dont have them for support. You said you work. When you drive to work in the morning, find the parking space as far from the door as possible. Then you will have a little walk in the morning and a little walk to get to your car when you go home. That isnt a lot but I try to remember. A little is more then what I was doing before. You can get back on track Terasee. It wont be a fast process and will probably actually be slow. But you can do it. Don't get discouraged! Re: introduction Hi , I am Terasee and I live in South Central Texas. I weigh just about the same as you...maybe

even a little more. I have been doing 'this' for over a year now and I am regressing right now. I am not quite sure why but there it is. All I know is that it is baby-steps baby steps. I think your goal of a pant size is great (by the way that is the same size I am! (0= ) That is about 10 pounds I am told. this is a great group. Just hang in there...together we will get there. Shalom (Peace) Terasee <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote: Hi, I just joined today so I really don't know how things work here. I am assuming we are suppose to make a intro as in most groups. I am , I weigh 260 pounds. I just got weighed January 27th at a

doctors visit. As with most people who is over weight I have problems getting up and down because of knee pain and back aches frequently. I have high blood pressure and the doctors are really watching the blood sugar levels. I have a used treadmill now that I received from my mom but other then that I own no other exercise equipment. I need to limit my exercise to indoor activities mostly as I am sensitive to the sun. I really need to lose 100 pounds. When I look in my albums and see my pictures, I think Goodness....Is this me? I am so ashamed as to how I looked at my kids graduation and my daughters wedding. I never realized how huge I was until I seen the pictures.The pictures are worth a thousand words. I really don't "feel fat". I also was so embarrassed when I went to Wal-Mart to buy me some Jeans and realized I am buying the largest they had on the rack and they are a tight fit. What I want to accomplish is to work toward losing one pant size at a time. I wear a

28 now and I would like to reach the size 26. Then worry about moving on down to the next size after I reach that goal. I have very small will power as I have tried to "diet" before and never make it very long. I hope maybe this group will be the type of support that can give me the extra nudge I sometimes need. I also have the Food Mover (also from my mom) but have never used it. I don't own a scale so my weigh ins are limited to when I can find a scale to weigh on such as Doctors visits etc.... And my income is a fixed income and very small so I cannot afford to do any kind of gym memberships, exercise equipment, etc....buying special diet foods or expensive foods. A lot of our meals consist of beans, potatoes and cornbread because it is so economical. So to sum it all up......I am obese, have a treadmill and the food mover program (that to this point has been unused)and very little will power. Any hints, tips and suggestions are welcome. I would like to know

what is a good length of time for someone my weight to start walking on the treadmill. And oh... I also have one of them step-o-meter thingys that measures how much you walk. Ok now I think maybe I have told you all more then what you wanted to know about me. I hope I don't give up and quit this time. One pant size at a time.....just focusing and working to drop one pant size...the rest I'll tackle after I reach this first goal. Thanks for listening to me. One Day Ata Time, Terasee Brings words and photos together (easily)

withPhotoMail - it's free and works with . One Day Ata Time, Terasee Brings words and photos together (easily) withPhotoMail - it's free and works with . One Day Ata Time, Terasee

Brings words and photos together (easily) with PhotoMail - it's free and works with .

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Hi Terasee, I am grandma_sandrar on the messenger. Its the only one I use. If anyone adds me, Just make sure to put the note on it that you are from 100 plus or I might turn you down not knowing who you are:) Well My day has started off bad. Went to boil a egg for breakfast and peeled the egg, still raw inside so I had to nuke it. Then it was a rubbery mess. I'm going out with my granddaughter to the dentist today so I'll be out for dinner. Hopefully I can make a decent dinner choice. It will probably be Mickey D's as those kids love playing in the playground. Well good luck on your day. I hope it is a nice one for you.

Re: introduction

Hi ,

I am Terasee and I live in South Central Texas. I weigh just about the same as you...maybe even a little more. I have been doing 'this' for over a year now and I am regressing right now. I am not quite sure why but there it is.

All I know is that it is baby-steps baby steps. I think your goal of a pant size is great (by the way that is the same size I am! (0= ) That is about 10 pounds I am told.

this is a great group.

Just hang in there...together we will get there.

Shalom (Peace)

Terasee <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote:

Hi, I just joined today so I really don't know how things work here. I am assuming we are suppose to make a intro as in most groups. I am , I weigh 260 pounds. I just got weighed January 27th at a doctors visit. As with most people who is over weight I have problems getting up and down because of knee pain and back aches frequently. I have high blood pressure and the doctors are really watching the blood sugar levels. I have a used treadmill now that I received from my mom but other then that I own no other exercise equipment. I need to limit my exercise to indoor activities mostly as I am sensitive to the sun. I really need to lose 100 pounds. When I look in my albums and see my pictures, I think Goodness....Is this me? I am so ashamed as to how I looked at my kids graduation and my daughters wedding. I never realized how huge I was until I seen the pictures.The pictures are worth a thousand words. I really don't "feel fat". I also was so embarrassed when I went to Wal-Mart to buy me some Jeans and realized I am buying the largest they had on the rack and they are a tight fit. What I want to accomplish is to work toward losing one pant size at a time. I wear a 28 now and I would like to reach the size 26. Then worry about moving on down to the next size after I reach that goal. I have very small will power as I have tried to "diet" before and never make it very long. I hope maybe this group will be the type of support that can give me the extra nudge I sometimes need. I also have the Food Mover (also from my mom) but have never used it. I don't own a scale so my weigh ins are limited to when I can find a scale to weigh on such as Doctors visits etc.... And my income is a fixed income and very small so I cannot afford to do any kind of gym memberships, exercise equipment, etc....buying special diet foods or expensive foods. A lot of our meals consist of beans, potatoes and cornbread because it is so economical. So to sum it all up......I am obese, have a treadmill and the food mover program (that to this point has been unused)and very little will power. Any hints, tips and suggestions are welcome. I would like to know what is a good length of time for someone my weight to start walking on the treadmill. And oh... I also have one of them step-o-meter thingys that measures how much you walk. Ok now I think maybe I have told you all more then what you wanted to know about me. I hope I don't give up and quit this time. One pant size at a time.....just focusing and working to drop one pant size...the rest I'll tackle after I reach this first goal. Thanks for listening to me.

One Day Ata Time,


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One Day Ata Time,


Brings words and photos together (easily) withPhotoMail - it's free and works with .

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nuked egg - ewww - The day has to better from there LOL. I've downsized at MickyD's - gone from a big mac and large fry to a cheeseburge and an apple dipper (tossing the carmel). I used to get the side salad too but it tatses different to me now. Good luck there are options :) and enjoy the grandkids <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote: Hi Terasee, I am grandma_sandrar on the messenger. Its the only one I use. If anyone adds me, Just make sure to put the note on it that you are from 100 plus or I might turn you down not knowing who you are:) Well My day has started off bad. Went to boil a egg for breakfast and peeled the egg, still raw inside so I had to nuke it. Then it was a rubbery mess. I'm going out with my granddaughter to

the dentist today so I'll be out for dinner. Hopefully I can make a decent dinner choice. It will probably be Mickey D's as those kids love playing in the playground. Well good luck on your day. I hope it is a nice one for you.Live, Love, Laugh

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If you just gotta have a burger & fries at Mc's, you can try getting a kid's meal. That is what I have done in the past. Just enough for a taste -- but not enough to blow my day of calories. <bryefield@...> wrote: nuked egg - ewww - The day has to better from there LOL. I've downsized at MickyD's - gone from a big mac and large fry to a cheeseburge and an apple dipper (tossing the carmel). I used to get the side salad too but it tatses different to me now. Good luck there are options :) and enjoy the grandkids Dacia <>< For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

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Well we got back before dinner today. The dentist was too booked up to see her today. I had 2 wieners and some kraut. No bread or sides. I tell you...I'm getting the exercise part down but this diet is kicking my butt:(

Re: introduction

If you just gotta have a burger & fries at Mc's, you can try getting a kid's meal. That is what I have done in the past. Just enough for a taste -- but not enough to blow my day of calories.

<bryefield@...> wrote:

nuked egg - ewww - The day has to better from there LOL. I've downsized at MickyD's - gone from a big mac and large fry to a cheeseburge and an apple dipper (tossing the carmel). I used to get the side salad too but it tatses different to me now. Good luck there are options :) and enjoy the grandkids



For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.

Ephesians 2:8-9

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hang in there - soon enough it will be second nature <sandra.mygroup@...> wrote: Well we got back before dinner today. The dentist was too booked up to see her today. I had 2 wieners and some kraut. No bread or sides. I tell you...I'm getting the exercise part down but this diet is kicking my butt:(Live, Love, Laugh

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  • 2 weeks later...

--- jabba34@... wrote:

> Hello Group..


> I am just saying hello, I have just joined this

> group and hope to learn a lot from you all and also

> to share what little I might know at this

> stage..very little!


> I live in Australia and am married with 5

> children..I am not really sure what to say here..so

> will leave it at that for now..I can't wait to get

> to know you all...


> in Australia

Hey Manda!

I have been here a few weeks myself, but have

definitely expanded my knowledge on natural perfumery!

Take care

Yoki :)


(tel) 340-277- 4146

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Hi Yoki..

I just posted another hello to the group, thinking I had not showed myself and

here I am..sigh..sorry folks, I must have been so excited yesterday that I

joined lol..but now you got to see me twice today!


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Hi and welcome!

I would have to agree with Kassia on suggesting Kest. He is more advanced, but well worth working up towards. When I first done one of his workouts I was amazed how hard they were, but yet doable. I had to do his workouts a few times before I was able to hold the poses as long as they do, but well worth getting to that point. After doing his yoga workouts I feel really worked out, but yet really relaxed too.

Have you thought of trying any of the Firm workouts? They also have a yoga workout that is very good.


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Welcome to the list ! I don't have any answers for you, but Im betting someone will. :)


On 2/21/06, Bill and W <modgirlreporter@...> wrote:

Hi, everyone. I'm and I just joined the list. I was looking for somewhere I could chat about this sort of thing and tried searching " yoga " at first but they all seemed much more interested in the Buddhism and such than in the physical benefits and that's not really my bag.

I'm 44 and mostly interested in combating the (ack! I hate saying this) middle-age tummy pooch. I think I'm pretty much okay except for that. I like yoga the best -- Austin and Suzanne Deason's are my favorite DVDs -- but I've got a couple of dance workouts (Crunch Salsa and Belly Dancing Slim Down with Veena and Neena) and I like weights a couple of times a week, too.

I'd like to find a yoga workout that was a bit more vigorous but not so vigorous that I lose the " mindfulness " and relaxation benefits of yoga. Anyone have a suggestion?

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hello valarie and welcome, well i say for a some good and intense yoga without all the new age mumbo i always go for bryan kest. i mean he speaks about connecting with the body while you are powerfully holding a downward dog or chatterunga but he doesn't get into buddha or all that. he explains it more about how you feel then what a pose looks like, and you should only work to where you challenge yourself COMFORTABLY. and i hate to say this one but the Better Sex Through Yoga Series is surpisngly good yoga but doesn't focus at all on the mind body connection,but they are great yoga workouts. i have level 3 advanced but watching the previews of others its pretty much the same thing but less advanced poses. there is also http://www.bodywisdommedia.com 's yoga complete for everybody and yoga complete for atheletes. tons of practices varying in length and purpose. they really don't go into the spiritual

side of things. all are reasonable priced and worth the money. bryan's and better sex through yoga are a bit longer being about 50-60mins. while the other two have varying length of practices. all end with savasana(corpse or resting pose)and you can do with this time how you feel to just let your body relax after all that hard work with the poses. now these are the only videos that I have worked with.i hope some others have some answers for you but i hope what i did offer helped. also you can use http://www.collagevideo.com and bodywisdom's site for quick previews of yoga videos. welcome again and i hope you stick around and review some of your favorite workouts for us. kassia

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bryan does have a 20 min beginner video. i think amazon has it then from there you could try the weight loss power yoga and then he has his power yoga 3 workouts on 1. now supposedly each one increases in intensity for fitness level. i have only done one and two(and that is not easy LOL) but i haven't tried 3 let alone viewed it so its something i am working up to. right now i am working with shiva rea. some of those poses are crazy, like trying to tie yourself up in a pretzel but for me its a spiritual connection so its something i work up to in body but mind i always center myself and sometimes i wind up doing the full pose b'c i am so centered that i slowly move my body to the pose. its a surprising thing but i don't want to scare you off. yoga is different things for different ppl and the connection to your body for better health is just as great as me using it for mind,soul, and body. :-) kassiafitgrl222@...

wrote I would have to agree with Kassia on suggesting Kest. He is more advanced, but well worth working up towards.=

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I've been doing yoga for four years so advanced is okay. I can tie myself into knots just fine, it's the stuff like standing forward bend and seated forward bend I have problems with. Tight hamstrings. But I know how to modify most of the usual poses that require more hamstring stretch than I can do. Thanks for the suggestions; I'll look into those.

Re: introduction

Hi and welcome!

I would have to agree with Kassia on suggesting Kest. He is more advanced, but well worth working up towards. When I first done one of his workouts I was amazed how hard they were, but yet doable. I had to do his workouts a few times before I was able to hold the poses as long as they do, but well worth getting to that point. After doing his yoga workouts I feel really worked out, but yet really relaxed too.

Have you thought of trying any of the Firm workouts? They also have a yoga workout that is very good.


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I went looking at the Kest vids on Amazon and it also suggested a couple of new (to me) DVDs by Rodney Yee, whom I'm already familiar with and like -- I have a couple of his videos and always find his challenging but doable. So I ordered Yoga Burn and Power Yoga. If those don't do the trick I'll go try the Kest vids. I tried a Voight video a while back and it was not my bag at all. She didn't give verbal cues well enough to allow me to follow by sound and I found myself spending more time looking at the TV than doing the poses, while with Rodney, and also Suzanne Deason and Austin, I can follow without always having to watch, too, and you yogis know that there are some poses where you simply CAN'T be looking at the TV and maintain proper form at the same time.

Suzanne's Yoga for Weight Loss is my favorite (I don't use the DVD anymore; I've done it so often I have the thing memorized and just do it on my own). It's a little too basic for me now, so I added some of my other favorite poses, but when you are just starting out learning yoga, it's fabulous, challenging at the same time you're learning how to do the poses and how to modify as needed. She has four women on screen (including her) doing variations of each pose and she's very good at verbal cues so you don't have to keep watching every moment, even the first time through it. It's also very soothing. The music is very much in the background so it doesn't intrude, but loud enough to soothe the nerves after a long day. I'm a night exerciser. LOL Once you've mastered that video, the one I would consider a step up in difficulty is her Yoga for Women. The poses are considerably more advanced, and this time it's just her on screen doing the full poses, but there are modifications available on the DVD so you can go and learn them and then go back to the regular workout portion for the flow and sequence.

Rodney Yee -- any of his videos that I've used so far -- is for intermediate to advanced practice. A beginner would have a hard time keeping up. But once you've learned the poses so that you don't have to be guided through each one and when you hear "downward facing dog" (for example), you know what to do, he's excellent for pushing you a little bit further than you thought you could go.

Re: introduction

hello valarie and welcome,

well i say for a some good and intense yoga without all the new age mumbo i always go for bryan kest. i mean he speaks about connecting with the body while you are powerfully holding a downward dog or chatterunga but he doesn't get into buddha or all that. he explains it more about how you feel then what a pose looks like, and you should only work to where you challenge yourself COMFORTABLY. and i hate to say this one but the Better Sex Through Yoga Series is surpisngly good yoga but doesn't focus at all on the mind body connection,but they are great yoga workouts. i have level 3 advanced but watching the previews of others its pretty much the same thing but less advanced poses. there is also http://www.bodywisdommedia.com 's yoga complete for everybody and yoga complete for atheletes. tons of practices varying in length and purpose. they really don't go into the spiritual side of things. all are reasonable priced and worth the money.

bryan's and better sex through yoga are a bit longer being about 50-60mins. while the other two have varying length of practices. all end with savasana(corpse or resting pose)and you can do with this time how you feel to just let your body relax after all that hard work with the poses.

now these are the only videos that I have worked with.i hope some others have some answers for you but i hope what i did offer helped. also you can use http://www.collagevideo.com and bodywisdom's site for quick previews of yoga videos.

welcome again and i hope you stick around and review some of your favorite workouts for us.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

At 11:04 AM 3/8/2006 -0000, you wrote:


>I am Tamara from Austria.I have a 3 months old baby and have decided

>not to vaccinate it at all.I read a lots of books about vaccine

>hazards and made up my decision.

>What do you all think about the Theory of the " non exixting viruses " ?





I think its a strong possibility - or if they do exist, that they are doing

a job and not the cause of anything.

What have you read?



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

earthmysteriestours@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccineclass.htm

Homeopathy On-Line course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm

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