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Others have had success with oxone,

and or l lysine internally and externally.





Can anyone give me some advice in the treatment of shingles?



OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing information

we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your own risk.

Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to take

responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to hold

yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found here

without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher or health

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message! :


oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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Obie wrote:

> Shingles is bacteria feeding upon our skin. In my own experience--this is

> just what happened to me--I sprayed my wife's chest one time with Dr.

> 's sanitary spray and they departed. Obie.


> _____


> From: alltogethernow@... [mailto:alltogethernow@...]

> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 12:55 PM

> oxyplus

> Subject: Re: shingles



> I gave my girlfriends sister a gallon of Colloidal Silver, and she got

> over her attack rather quickly.....




> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

> alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

> for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

> information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

> own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

> take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

> hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

> here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

> or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following

> address - NOT TO THE OXYPLUS LIST! -


> message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.




> _____



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Shingles is bacteria feeding upon our skin. In my own experience--this is

just what happened to me--I sprayed my wife's chest one time with Dr.

's sanitary spray and they departed. Obie.


From: alltogethernow@... [mailto:alltogethernow@...]

Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 12:55 PM


Subject: Re: shingles

I gave my girlfriends sister a gallon of Colloidal Silver, and she got

over her attack rather quickly.....

OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.

You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



message! :


oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.


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> Becky,


> Colloidal Silver has worked well for a friends mother who had a terrible

> case for years. She has had much relief.


> gypsyrose

Shingles is caused by a strain of the Herpes virus. Shegoi (concentrated

extracted Larrea tridentata) was patented specifically for use against Herpes.

Information is on my website at:

http://www.nenahsylver.com/default.asp?contentID=735 & toplevel=598



Nenah Sylver, Ph.D.

Products, services, and information about health

Author, *The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing*

Order the book and read excerpts at


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She is drinking it now only but she was spraying it on open sores at one

time and that has since cleared up.


----Original Message Follows----

From: Barbara <barby@...>



Subject: Re: Shingles

Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 10:11:10 -0600

Are they drinking it, using it topically, or both>


> Becky,


> Colloidal Silver has worked well for a friends mother who had a terrible

> case for years. She has had much relief.


> gypsyrose


> _________________________________________________________________

> Rethink your business approach for the new year with the helpful tips


> http://special.msn.com/bcentral/prep04.armx



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal




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> Obie,


> You said you sprayed your wife's chest one time with Dr. 's sanitary

> spray and the

> shingles departed. Where did you buy the spray? Or did you make it?


> Any other suggestions from anyone concerning how to stop the pain and itch

> of shingles?


> Thanks!

> Becky

Shegoi spray. One time does it for many. For more details, go to

http://www.nenahsylver.com/default.asp?contentID=735 & toplevel=598


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> Obie,


> You said you sprayed your wife's chest one time with Dr. 's sanitary

> spray and the

> shingles departed. Where did you buy the spray? Or did you make it?


> Any other suggestions from anyone concerning how to stop the pain and itch

> of shingles?


> Thanks!

> Becky

Shegoi spray. One time does it for many. For more details, go to

http://www.nenahsylver.com/default.asp?contentID=735 & toplevel=598


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

A couple years ago, my boss had shingles and just kept coming to work and scratching/picking. Next thing we knew, one of the girls I work with had chicken pox (she'd never had them before). She was out of work 2 weeks & then her hubby got them too. We all told the boss he nedded to pay her since it was his fault she was out. I think he paid her half or something.


Faith is the ability to not panic.

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  • 1 month later...

Lee, to paraphrase, Tabers, Merck on shingles: Herpes Zoster- reactivation

of the varicela virus years after the initial chickenpox infection, most

commonly after 50 years of age. It is marked by inflammation of the posterior


ganglia of only a few segments of the spinal or cranial peripheral nerves.

Painful red blisters appear 4-5 days after early symptoms of pain, tingling in

area, general ill feeling, mild chills and fever. The fluid filled vesicles

appear on a broad streak of reddened skin following the nerve root dermatome.

They occur most often on the chest and are unilateral (I've seen them cross

the mid-line though)

It is estimated that 50% of people who live to 80 yrs will have an attack of

h.z. One attack usually gives lifelong immunity to h.z. but 4% of people will

have further attacks.

The infection is more common in persons with a compromised immune system: the

elderly, those with HIV, Hodgkin's and Diabetes, those taking corticosteroids

or undergoing chemotherapy. Blisters that last more than 2 weeks or cover

large areas usually indicate immune compromise.

Duration of pain is usually 10 days to 5 weeks. Some people go on to develop

post-herpetic neuralgia where pain persists for months after the rash


(I recently got fooled by shingles, I thought the patient was having an AMI)

Before the blisters appear pain in a vague band on one side of the body may

be a useful clue to the diagnosis. The pain may resemble that caused by kidney

stones, gall stones, appendicitis or large intestine inflammation.

Shingles are contagious to those who have not had chickenpox, until all

blisters are scabbed

Herpes Zoster can also occur in the face and cause blindness or deafness

h.z. opthalmicus- Symptoms are pain, redness and eyelid swelling. If the 5th

cranial nerve, trigeminal, is infected it a can rarely cause uveitis, corneal

damage and glaucoma. Corticosteroids can be dangerous.

Ramsay Hunt's syndrome- an infection of the auditory nerve by h.z. virus

producing severe pain in the ear, hearing loss and vertigo. Small flluid filled

vesicles form on the outer ear and in the canal. It can also cause facial


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In article <BAY19-F27ziBEmmZjid00049b2e@...>, lee oshea

<leeoshea1000@...> writes

>Hello again Peeps,


>Can someone please tell me Does Shingles (herpes zoster virus) lay dormant

>within the spine.

sort of - is within the dorsal root ganglion (just after the dorsal root

leaves the cord)

>When it decides to come out to play does it travel through the T nerve i

>remember something about T5 but can't remember exactly.

Whatever nerve root it is sitting in - i dont think anyone knows why it

might activate from whichever root it does

>Also is it immuno activated?

I don't understand the question - sorry




Dr Jel Coward

The UK Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician and Command Physician course is

7-13 November 2004 at Glenmore Lodge, Aviemore, Scotland




'There's no such thing as bad weather - just bad clothing "

Anon Norwegian

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  • 4 months later...

<<i would like to hear your comments about her posting... (sheri?)>>

Sheri is out for a few weeks, but I'm sure she'll have something to say

about this. Sounds like scare tactics to me. My usual response to

someone like this (when I don't have the facts available) is that the

risks of the vaccine(s) outweigh the benefits for me. So not worth it!



Mom to Brittany, born 8/31/93, dx'd-IDDM 5/28/01; , born 6/28/97;

and Shayna, born 6/1/00.

Vaccine free since 1999! See our site at http://www.loonatics-fringe.com

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I actually had a doctor who said that she thought that all of the claims of

the chicken pox vaccine preventing shingles were bunk. She said that the

vaccine used a live form of the virus and that she thought that it could

cause shingles just the same.



From: Sara [mailto:saragubits@...]

Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 4:23 AM


Subject: shingles

in a parenting group (conventional one) someone posted scary posting

about chickenpox and shingles..

i would like to hear your comments about her posting... (sheri?)

and I am gonna to write it in her group, because of all the

misinformation and the fear it stirred in that group. many women

answered and most are worried and scared

and i would like to see informative references in websites, and also

if possible medical ones to refer to (as that group is doctor



here is her posting:


its very important to vaccinate your children for chickenpox.

anyone who had chiceknpox the immunity lasts approximately 50 years.

the reason its important to vaccinate your next child, if your

natural immunity wanes, you are at risk to catch shingles.

there is risk of 10% - 20% of anyone who had chicenpox in the past

to come down with shingles.. mostly in ages 50's, but it can happen

before. It happened to me. I came down with it in age 32.

shingles is a very harash condition. whoever didn't have chicenpox

can't have shingles., that why the vaccination is so imporant.

here are few links about shingles.




herpes zoster - shingles comes from variclla zoster. anyone who had

chiceknpox has the virus dormat in his nerve system by the spinal

cord. the virus can attack again as shingles even after few decades.

there will be shingles rash and have nerve damage (acyclovir).

treatment includes rest, pain killer, antiviral medicine. 25% of the

victims have permanent damage, as severe pain in the area,

(neuralgia) that can continue as severe pain many months, and

requires pain killer.

medicines for shingles: Famvir, Valtrex, Zovirax

I got Valtrex.

there is no way to diagnose the disease, before the rash appeares.

I had severe headaches and back aches.

very important to know that the medical treatment helps only if its

given immediatelly after the reash apperance, or in the first 3

days. its the time when the virus multiplites, and its the only time

the medicine can help. after that only pain killer can help.

if the rash appears in a weekend, go to emergency room!! don't wait

until monday when your doctor is available.

my husband is a doctor and he was aware of it and I was treated


the rash doesn't cause to the terrible pain. its painful like any

regular rash. the terrible pain is from the virus in the nerve

system, and directly irritates it. the 6 days before the rash

appeared i was in terrible pain.

my doctor prescrived vikodin and it didn't help. I got CT scan to

eliminate possiblity of brain bleeding.

then I had stomach CT to eliminate possiblity of stones in kidneys,

and they gave me morphine shot which didn't help!!

all of my disease time I was so weak my husband had to support me

for walking, feed me, and wash me. when I went to the bathroom my

husband would stand to watch in case i will black out.

my husband said I cried in sleep every night from pain. when i came

to the doctor who diagnosed shingles I got demerol shot that erased

all meemory.

everything i am telling here is what my husband told me. I dont'

remember anything.

if shingles isn't treated, it heals in few days. the rash dries and

falls off. but the terrible pain stays for months. that why its

important to immediately treat it.

now its almost a year after my shingles. I still have scars on my

back. due to the quick diagnose and treatment I don't have any

permanent nerve pain of neuralgia and post herpetic.

also I have only 5 poxes, because the treatment stopped them. if no

treatment it can be several or hundreds.

here is picture of shingles. if you are squeasy or have children

with you, don't look



<http://www.irishhealth.com/?level=4 & con=408> & con=408

so vaccinate your children and be aware of shingles.

hope I helped

yours: XXXXX


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Besides, shingles comes out when people have compromised immune systems,

nothing like a vaccine to accomplish that.


From: [mailto:vaclibohio@...]

Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2005 9:50 AM


Subject: RE: shingles

<<i would like to hear your comments about her posting... (sheri?)>>

Sheri is out for a few weeks, but I'm sure she'll have something to say

about this. Sounds like scare tactics to me. My usual response to

someone like this (when I don't have the facts available) is that the

risks of the vaccine(s) outweigh the benefits for me. So not worth it!



Mom to Brittany, born 8/31/93, dx'd-IDDM 5/28/01; , born 6/28/97;

and Shayna, born 6/1/00.

Vaccine free since 1999! See our site at http://www.loonatics-fringe.com


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I thought there were now cases of shingles in vaccinated kids showing up.

I'll look for it on google later today....


Mommy to

Seth and Saron


in a parenting group (conventional one) someone posted scary posting

about chickenpox and shingles..

i would like to hear your comments about her posting... (sheri?)

and I am gonna to write it in her group, because of all the

misinformation and the fear it stirred in that group. many women

answered and most are worried and scared

and i would like to see informative references in websites, and also

if possible medical ones to refer to (as that group is doctor



here is her posting:


its very important to vaccinate your children for chickenpox.

anyone who had chiceknpox the immunity lasts approximately 50 years.

the reason its important to vaccinate your next child, if your

natural immunity wanes, you are at risk to catch shingles.

there is risk of 10% - 20% of anyone who had chicenpox in the past

to come down with shingles.. mostly in ages 50's, but it can happen

before. It happened to me. I came down with it in age 32.

shingles is a very harash condition. whoever didn't have chicenpox

can't have shingles., that why the vaccination is so imporant.

here are few links about shingles.




herpes zoster - shingles comes from variclla zoster. anyone who had

chiceknpox has the virus dormat in his nerve system by the spinal

cord. the virus can attack again as shingles even after few decades.

there will be shingles rash and have nerve damage (acyclovir).

treatment includes rest, pain killer, antiviral medicine. 25% of the

victims have permanent damage, as severe pain in the area,

(neuralgia) that can continue as severe pain many months, and

requires pain killer.

medicines for shingles: Famvir, Valtrex, Zovirax

I got Valtrex.

there is no way to diagnose the disease, before the rash appeares.

I had severe headaches and back aches.

very important to know that the medical treatment helps only if its

given immediatelly after the reash apperance, or in the first 3

days. its the time when the virus multiplites, and its the only time

the medicine can help. after that only pain killer can help.

if the rash appears in a weekend, go to emergency room!! don't wait

until monday when your doctor is available.

my husband is a doctor and he was aware of it and I was treated


the rash doesn't cause to the terrible pain. its painful like any

regular rash. the terrible pain is from the virus in the nerve

system, and directly irritates it. the 6 days before the rash

appeared i was in terrible pain.

my doctor prescrived vikodin and it didn't help. I got CT scan to

eliminate possiblity of brain bleeding.

then I had stomach CT to eliminate possiblity of stones in kidneys,

and they gave me morphine shot which didn't help!!

all of my disease time I was so weak my husband had to support me

for walking, feed me, and wash me. when I went to the bathroom my

husband would stand to watch in case i will black out.

my husband said I cried in sleep every night from pain. when i came

to the doctor who diagnosed shingles I got demerol shot that erased

all meemory.

everything i am telling here is what my husband told me. I dont'

remember anything.

if shingles isn't treated, it heals in few days. the rash dries and

falls off. but the terrible pain stays for months. that why its

important to immediately treat it.

now its almost a year after my shingles. I still have scars on my

back. due to the quick diagnose and treatment I don't have any

permanent nerve pain of neuralgia and post herpetic.

also I have only 5 poxes, because the treatment stopped them. if no

treatment it can be several or hundreds.

here is picture of shingles. if you are squeasy or have children

with you, don't look


http://www.irishhealth.com/?level=4 & con=408

so vaccinate your children and be aware of shingles.

hope I helped

yours: XXXXX



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" Immunisation with the varicella vaccine can protect people from chickenpox.

The vaccine involves a single injection for children under 12 and two

injections for teenagers and adults. However, there is no evidence that

immunisation against chickenpox will prevent shingles later in life. " And

that's from a provax site!!!!


http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/chickenpox.htm <- Sheri's site probably has

the same links or similar ones. Great information! Just thumb through it.


Mommy to

Seth and Saron


in a parenting group (conventional one) someone posted scary posting

about chickenpox and shingles..

i would like to hear your comments about her posting... (sheri?)

and I am gonna to write it in her group, because of all the

misinformation and the fear it stirred in that group. many women

answered and most are worried and scared

and i would like to see informative references in websites, and also

if possible medical ones to refer to (as that group is doctor



here is her posting:


its very important to vaccinate your children for chickenpox.

anyone who had chiceknpox the immunity lasts approximately 50 years.

the reason its important to vaccinate your next child, if your

natural immunity wanes, you are at risk to catch shingles.

there is risk of 10% - 20% of anyone who had chicenpox in the past

to come down with shingles.. mostly in ages 50's, but it can happen

before. It happened to me. I came down with it in age 32.

shingles is a very harash condition. whoever didn't have chicenpox

can't have shingles., that why the vaccination is so imporant.

here are few links about shingles.




herpes zoster - shingles comes from variclla zoster. anyone who had

chiceknpox has the virus dormat in his nerve system by the spinal

cord. the virus can attack again as shingles even after few decades.

there will be shingles rash and have nerve damage (acyclovir).

treatment includes rest, pain killer, antiviral medicine. 25% of the

victims have permanent damage, as severe pain in the area,

(neuralgia) that can continue as severe pain many months, and

requires pain killer.

medicines for shingles: Famvir, Valtrex, Zovirax

I got Valtrex.

there is no way to diagnose the disease, before the rash appeares.

I had severe headaches and back aches.

very important to know that the medical treatment helps only if its

given immediatelly after the reash apperance, or in the first 3

days. its the time when the virus multiplites, and its the only time

the medicine can help. after that only pain killer can help.

if the rash appears in a weekend, go to emergency room!! don't wait

until monday when your doctor is available.

my husband is a doctor and he was aware of it and I was treated


the rash doesn't cause to the terrible pain. its painful like any

regular rash. the terrible pain is from the virus in the nerve

system, and directly irritates it. the 6 days before the rash

appeared i was in terrible pain.

my doctor prescrived vikodin and it didn't help. I got CT scan to

eliminate possiblity of brain bleeding.

then I had stomach CT to eliminate possiblity of stones in kidneys,

and they gave me morphine shot which didn't help!!

all of my disease time I was so weak my husband had to support me

for walking, feed me, and wash me. when I went to the bathroom my

husband would stand to watch in case i will black out.

my husband said I cried in sleep every night from pain. when i came

to the doctor who diagnosed shingles I got demerol shot that erased

all meemory.

everything i am telling here is what my husband told me. I dont'

remember anything.

if shingles isn't treated, it heals in few days. the rash dries and

falls off. but the terrible pain stays for months. that why its

important to immediately treat it.

now its almost a year after my shingles. I still have scars on my

back. due to the quick diagnose and treatment I don't have any

permanent nerve pain of neuralgia and post herpetic.

also I have only 5 poxes, because the treatment stopped them. if no

treatment it can be several or hundreds.

here is picture of shingles. if you are squeasy or have children

with you, don't look


http://www.irishhealth.com/?level=4 & con=408

so vaccinate your children and be aware of shingles.

hope I helped

yours: XXXXX



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In a message dated 1/23/2005 at 9:12:05 AM Central Standard Time,

SaraShaughnessy@... writes:

I actually had a doctor who said that she thought that all of the claims of

the chicken pox vaccine preventing shingles were bunk. She said that the

vaccine used a live form of the virus and that she thought that it could

cause shingles just the same.


Wise doctor! There are many cases of children.. young children with

shingles.. that used to never be.. and these children had never had chicken


BUT did have the vaccine...that says something to me..........

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  • 5 weeks later...


> From: " heims_boxers " <heidi.heim@...>

> Date: 2005/02/21 Mon PM 07:35:44 GMT

> Vaccinations

> Subject: Shingles




> Hi all,


> Say, can anyone help shed light on Shingles. I just learned today

> that there are at least 4 people in my office that have it.


> I had chicken pox when I was little but does that mean I can or

> cannot get shingles? Since there seems to be " a lot " of cases in my

> office am I at risk? Is it contagious? I don't work directly with

> any of these individuals but do find myself near them most days.


> Of course I know homeopathy can help me through it if i get it but

> just think it's weird that so many have it.


> Heidi


Well, it is more and more common with the chix pox vaccine out there. Also

concern that less natural chix pox around, the more of a problem. It is

probable that those that had chicken pox and usually would have life long

immunity DON'T have lifelong immunity unless exposed regularly to chix pox. See

my chix pox pages


So, if you do get shingles, see a homeopath as you said.

But usually shingles are in immune impaired (high stress, other immune problems)


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Thanks Sheri,

I hope pregnancy isn't making me " immune impaired " . I'll check

your pages.




> >

> > From: " heims_boxers " <heidi.heim@r...>

> > Date: 2005/02/21 Mon PM 07:35:44 GMT

> > Vaccinations

> > Subject: Shingles

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > Say, can anyone help shed light on Shingles. I just learned


> > that there are at least 4 people in my office that have it.

> >

> > I had chicken pox when I was little but does that mean I can or

> > cannot get shingles? Since there seems to be " a lot " of cases

in my

> > office am I at risk? Is it contagious? I don't work directly


> > any of these individuals but do find myself near them most days.

> >

> > Of course I know homeopathy can help me through it if i get it


> > just think it's weird that so many have it.

> >

> > Heidi

> >


> Well, it is more and more common with the chix pox vaccine out

there. Also concern that less natural chix pox around, the more of

a problem. It is probable that those that had chicken pox and

usually would have life long immunity DON'T have lifelong immunity

unless exposed regularly to chix pox. See my chix pox pages

> http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm


> So, if you do get shingles, see a homeopath as you said.

> But usually shingles are in immune impaired (high stress, other

immune problems)


> Sheri

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


Do you get shingles IF you've had chicken pox?

Sheri B.

KPhilpot <KPhilpot@...> wrote:

Does anyone have experience with shingles? My almost 14 year old son came home

yesterday with a strange rash on the back of one of his arms. It covers an area

about the size of an adult hand, but it's not completely filled in. He has a

similar rash right in the middle of his back, about the size of a quarter. It's

red and raised, and bumpy, but not really blistery. He says it doesn't itch but

it hurts terribly.

My first thought was shingles. I can't think of any other kind of rash that

would be painful. ???

A friend of my daughter's (15 year old), had shingles several months ago. I

know it used to be something older people got, but I've heard of kids getting it

now, too. I'm thinking the chicken pox vax may have alot to do with that.

My son had chicken pox when he was 2. So the vax doesn't apply to him.


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Guest guest

Yes. Shingles comes from the dormant herpes zoster virus in the body which is

from chicken pox.


Re: Shingles


Do you get shingles IF you've had chicken pox?

Sheri B.

KPhilpot <KPhilpot@...> wrote:

Does anyone have experience with shingles? My almost 14 year old son came

home yesterday with a strange rash on the back of one of his arms. It covers an

area about the size of an adult hand, but it's not completely filled in. He has

a similar rash right in the middle of his back, about the size of a quarter.

It's red and raised, and bumpy, but not really blistery. He says it doesn't

itch but it hurts terribly.

My first thought was shingles. I can't think of any other kind of rash that

would be painful. ???

A friend of my daughter's (15 year old), had shingles several months ago. I

know it used to be something older people got, but I've heard of kids getting it

now, too. I'm thinking the chicken pox vax may have alot to do with that.

My son had chicken pox when he was 2. So the vax doesn't apply to him.


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