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Workshops on Sibling Issues and Training on the SibShop Model

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Dear IPADD members, please forward this to any agency or organization that

would be interested. Thanks Nora

Workshops on Sibling Issues and Training on the Sibshop Model

The Sibling Support Project is pleased to announce that we are now

scheduling workshops for 2008. Please share this announcement with families

you know

and training directors, conference planners, and coordinators of family

services from appropriate agencies.

Many agencies wisely value the families they serve and are committed to

providing family-centered care and services. However, even the most

family-friendly agencies often overlook brothers and sisters. Brothers and

sisters are

too important to ignore, if for only these reasons:

* Siblings will be in the lives of family members with special needs

longer than anyone. Brothers and sisters will be there after parents are gone

and special education services are a distant memory. If they are provided

with support and information, they can help their sibs live dignified lives

from childhood to their senior years.

* Throughout their lives, brothers and sisters share many of the

concerns that parents of children with special needs experience, including

isolation, a need for information, guilt, concerns about the future, and


demands. Brothers and sisters also face issues that are uniquely theirs

including resentment, peer issues, embarrassment, and pressure to achieve.

* No classmate in an inclusive classroom will have a greater impact on

the social development of a child with a disability than brothers and

sisters will. They will be their siblings’ life-long “typically-developing



The Sibling Support Project is the United States’ only national project

dedicated to the concerns of brothers and sisters of people with special


developmental and mental health concerns. We specialize in providing

lively, family-friendly, and highly-rated workshops on sibling (and father and

grandparent!) issues to audiences of parents, service providers, university

staff and students, and siblings of all ages.

We’ve conducted workshops on sibling issues in all 50 states, Canada,

Ireland, Japan, Guatemala, New Zealand, and England and have helped establish


200 replications of our award-winning _Sibshop_

(http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?q=Sibshop*+ " Sib+shop " + " Sib+shops " & kl=XX & \

pg=q & Translate=on & search.x=3

1 & search.y=16#Sibshop) program in eight countries. Our books for families

include Sibshops, Views from Our Shoes, Living with a Brother or Sister with

Special Needs, and Uncommon Fathers and our new book for teen sibs, The Sibling

Slam Book. And our work and publications have been featured in newspapers

(Washington Post, New York Times), magazines (Exceptional Parent, Sesame

Street Parent, Reader’s Digest), professional publications (JASH, Journal of

Pediatric Psychology, The American Academy of Pediatrics News), and television

(ABC News’ 20/20, Nightline, World News Tonight and Brazelton on Parenting)

across the United States.

We’d welcome an opportunity to present at your agency or your next

conference or training event. We’ll show you how parents and providers can


siblings’ concerns and increase their opportunities, how to create “sibling

friendly†services, and even how to start your own Sibshop.

Addressing siblings’ concerns benefits everyone: brothers, sisters, parents,

agencies, taxpayers and especially the family member who has special needs.

In many important ways, brothers and sisters ARE the future--and are too

important to ignore.

If you would like to learn more about our workshops, seminars, and keynotes

please call or contact us by email and we’d be happy to send you more

information. Our schedule is beginning to fill up, but we still have openings.

Don Meyer

Director, Sibling Support Project

A Kindering Center program

6512 23rd Ave. NW #213

Seattle, WA 98117


_donmeyer@..._ (mailto:donmeyer@...)

_www.siblingsupport.org_ (http://www.siblingsupport.org/)

online training calendar: _http://plus.calendars.net/sibshop_


Our Brothers, Our Sisters, Ourselves

************************************** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

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Ellen Garber Bronfeld


Workshops on Sibling Issues and Training on the Sibshop Model

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Announcing Workshops on Sibling Issues and Training on the Sibshop


The Sibling Support Project is pleased to announce that we are now

scheduling workshops for fall of 2011 and winter of 2012. Please share this

announcement with families you know and service coordinators, training

directors, conference planners, and directors of family support services from

appropriate agencies.

The Sibling Support Project is a national project dedicated to the

concerns of brothers and sisters of people with special health, developmental

and mental health concerns. We specialize in providing lively, family-friendly,

and highly rated workshops on sibling (and father and grandparent!) issues to

parents, service providers, university staff and students, and siblings of all


We see our workshops and trainings as having multiple benefits. Here

are just three:

a.. Sibshops—a unique service in most communities--get started.

School-age sibs connect with peers (usually for the first time) and form

friendships that can provide a lifetime of support.

b.. Parents and service providers turn their attention to the

issues faced by brothers, sisters, and other traditionally overlooked family

members. This discussion will change the way parents look at all of their

children and how service providers look at the families they serve.

c.. Adult brothers and sisters connect with their peers to offer

fellow sibs validation, support, and information—and explore the creation of

much-needed adult sibling initiatives.

We've conducted workshops on sibling issues in all 50 states and

have helped communities over 325 replications of our award-winning Sibshop

program in eight countries.

We'd welcome an opportunity to present at your agency or your next

conference or training event. We can help assure that your workshops are as

affordable as possible--and reach the widest number of families and service


If you would like to learn more about our workshops, seminars, and

keynotes please call or contact us by email and we'd be happy to send you more

information. Our schedule is beginning to fill up, but we still have openings.

Don Meyer

Director, Sibling Support Project

A Kindering Center program

6512 23rd Ave NW

Seattle, WA 98117 USA



Sibling Support Project website


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Sibling Support Project/The Kindering Center

6512 23rd Ave NW

Seattle, Washington 98117


Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy.

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Workshops on Sibling Issues and Training on the Sibshop ModelFYI


Ellen Garber Bronfeld


Workshops on Sibling Issues and Training on the Sibshop Model

Click to view this email in a browser

Announcing Workshops on Sibling Issues and Training on the Sibshop


The Sibling Support Project is pleased to announce that we are now

scheduling workshops for 2012. Please share this announcement with families you

know and service coordinators, training directors, conference planners, and

directors of family support services from appropriate agencies.

The Sibling Support Project is a national project dedicated to the

concerns of brothers and sisters of people with special health, developmental

and mental health concerns. We specialize in providing lively, family-friendly,

and highly rated workshops on sibling (and father and grandparent!) issues to

parents, service providers, university staff and students, and siblings of all


We see our workshops and trainings as having multiple benefits. Here

are just three:

a.. Sibshops—a unique service in most communities--get started.

School-age sibs connect with peers (usually for the first time) and form

friendships that can provide a lifetime of support.

b.. Parents and service providers turn their attention to the

issues faced by brothers, sisters, and other traditionally overlooked family

members. This discussion will change the way parents look at all of their

children and how service providers look at the families they serve.

c.. Adult brothers and sisters connect with their peers to offer

fellow sibs validation, support, and information—and explore the creation of

much-needed adult sibling initiatives.

We've conducted workshops on sibling issues in all 50 states and

have helped communities over 340 replications of our award-winning Sibshop

program in eight countries.

We'd welcome an opportunity to present at your agency or your next

conference or training event. We can help assure that your workshops are as

affordable as possible--and reach the widest number of families, students, and

service providers.

If you would like to learn more about our workshops, seminars, and

keynotes please call or contact us by email and we'd be happy to send you more


Best regards,

Don Meyer

Director, Sibling Support Project

A Kindering Center program

6512 23rd Ave NW

Seattle, WA 98117 USA



To see a list of upcoming trainings and learn more about our

sibling-related initiatives, please visit the Sibling Support Project website

PS--Check out this new video about sibling issues and Sibshops!


If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please reply to this

message with " Unsubscribe " in the subject line or simply click on the following

link: Unsubscribe


Sibling Support Project/The Kindering Center

6512 23rd Ave NW

Seattle, Washington 98117


Read the VerticalResponse marketing policy.

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