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TB/Mono Vacc

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I was recently looking at all of the vaccines that I had received in the

past. I did a bit of foreign travel as a child when my parents were in the

military. I noticed on my record that I received the smallpox vaccines,

cholera vaccines, typhoid vaccines and many more. There is two that are

puzzling to me. One reads as 'TB/Mono Vac'. Does anyone know if this is the

BCG? Also, does anyone know what time frame they say this will cover you(How

long you have so called 'Immunity " ? I have had strange reactions to the TB

skin test and wonder if this is why.

Also, does anyone know what the 'Trivalent' vacc is that is given in 2 drop

dosages? I have seen this mention in relation to the Polio vacc and the

intranasal flu vacc, which I am sure the latter was not available in 1972 or

1974. I also note that I had three doses of oral Polio vacc prior to the

time of receiving the Trivalent....????? Confusing.

Can't find either of these in any of my nursing books or on the web. Any

information is appreciated.



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