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My son & I both had severe appetite loss when we started iodine. Mine has been up & down ever since. (My son is a young adult, who forages for himself a lot of the time, so it is hard for me to monitor what he is eating.) I think the mild liver cleanse helped, but it is hard to be sure.AnneOn Aug 30, 2010, at 8:15 AM, West wrote: Lately, I just haven't been hungry. Yesterday morning, I skipped breakfast (ran out of my usual breakfast food), and it didn't seem to matter. And when I do eat, the foods I usually enjoy -- even look forward to -- taste pretty blah. Is this a detox symptom? In the last seven or so years, I've been through a lot of heavy-duty detoxing and never experienced this kind of thing. It's not a big deal for me, but I do hope it's short-term. :(

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Thank, Anne.  It helps to know it's detox and not something new

going wrong. :)


My son & I both had severe appetite loss when we

started iodine. Mine has been up & down ever since.

(My son is a young adult, who forages for himself a lot of

the time, so it is hard for me to monitor what he is

eating.) I think the mild liver cleanse helped, but it is

hard to be sure.

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  • 3 months later...


My partner started taking 12.5mg iodoral a day about a week ago. She's started

having some stomach issues and has been really tired and a bit puffy. Just

wondering whether this sounds like detox and if so how long it usually lasts


Also is there any way to tell the difference between detox and iodine maybe not

being right for a person?

She has low thyroid and pcos. She's taking all of the supporting nutrients.


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  • 1 year later...

Karey,Did the symptoms occur when you didn't take the vitamins on the weekend? Does it occur if you lower your iodine dosage? Are you taking a B-Complex or just the individual B's? Have you tried just stopping one supplement at a time to see which may be causing the issue? Does Salt Loading take the symptoms away?

Just some things that might help you determine if it is detox or not. IF it is detox I would be seriously reducing my dosage of whatever is causing it. in Alaska

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 5:40 PM, KAREY <klajoye@...> wrote:


Background: Hashimotos diagnosis in August. Taking companion nutrients was able to increase my Iodine to 75mg a day been taking this amount for 4 months. Have had diarrhea/constipation off and on since Hashi diagnosis. Was on Naturethroid.. Went off on 2/4/2012 due to HYPER symptoms. Doc had me go off of the naturethroid for 2 days then take a smaller dose the next day. I went immediatley hype again... Heart racing, Very hyper.. could not go to sleep, tons of energy.

This week I had some weird stomach pains..that moved around my stomach/intestines. Very uncomfortable pains. Not like stomach cramping when you get sick. I recently read article about selenium. Was taking 2 200 mg pills per day.. Also found that my Multivitamin had it in it as well, that I was taking 2-3 times daily. I have been doing this since August. Due to the stomach issues.. I stopped all vitamins this weekend. Did not take any Sat thru Monday. Took my vitamins again this am... No selenium except for in my multi vitamin, iodine took 25 mg, vitamin c 2000, celtic salt 1/4 tsp in capsules, Vitamin b1/b6, b2 and b3 and chromium. I take 2 magnesium 635 mg at night which helps me sleep. Within 1 1/2 hours after taking the vitamins today, I had a severe dizzy spell.. Like vertigo. I had been bent over for a few minutes and when I stood back up.. got severely dizzy, along with depth perception being off. Could not move my head or would get severe dizzy and nauseated. I left work and slept for 3 hours, woke up better but still feel " off " . Also, I have had at times a dizzyness when laying flat on my back, especially with turning my head to one side. This has been going on for a few months. Is the dizziness a part of detox symptoms?

Anyone else have stomach pains as I described? Anyone ever have issues with too much selenium?

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I too have hashis and started 25mg 3 weeks? ago.  I am doing the companion supps + milk thistle and ashwaganda.  Each day I would get more dizzy (exactly like you described).  I couldn't see it listed in the detox symtoms, but did a msg seach for " dizzy " and saw comments about it being an adrenal problem.


I got some Gaia adrenal herbs today (ashwaganda, rodiola, holy basil etc) and pulse dosing helps me recover from being dizzy.  I took my iodine today without incident, but

will be making sure to pulse dose.  I was taking too much salt and got edema in my face, so avoiding extra salt right now.





ps.  I am very grateful to have found this group.  My energy improved the first dose of 12.5mg of iodine.  I have felt more energetic ever since.  Thanks to owner and mods.


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 6:40 PM, KAREY <klajoye@...> wrote:


Background: Hashimotos diagnosis in August. Taking companion nutrients was able to increase my Iodine to 75mg a day been taking this amount for 4 months. Have had diarrhea/constipation off and on since Hashi diagnosis. Was on Naturethroid.. Went off on 2/4/2012 due to HYPER symptoms. Doc had me go off of the naturethroid for 2 days then take a smaller dose the next day. I went immediatley hype again... Heart racing, Very hyper.. could not go to sleep, tons of energy.

This week I had some weird stomach pains..that moved around my stomach/intestines. Very uncomfortable pains. Not like stomach cramping when you get sick. I recently read article about selenium. Was taking 2 200 mg pills per day.. Also found that my Multivitamin had it in it as well, that I was taking 2-3 times daily. I have been doing this since August. Due to the stomach issues.. I stopped all vitamins this weekend. Did not take any Sat thru Monday. Took my vitamins again this am... No selenium except for in my multi vitamin, iodine took 25 mg, vitamin c 2000, celtic salt 1/4 tsp in capsules, Vitamin b1/b6, b2 and b3 and chromium. I take 2 magnesium 635 mg at night which helps me sleep. Within 1 1/2 hours after taking the vitamins today, I had a severe dizzy spell.. Like vertigo. I had been bent over for a few minutes and when I stood back up.. got severely dizzy, along with depth perception being off. Could not move my head or would get severe dizzy and nauseated. I left work and slept for 3 hours, woke up better but still feel " off " . Also, I have had at times a dizzyness when laying flat on my back, especially with turning my head to one side. This has been going on for a few months. Is the dizziness a part of detox symptoms?

Anyone else have stomach pains as I described? Anyone ever have issues with too much selenium?

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Jagrati,Was the edema from the unrefined salt? in AlaskaOn Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Jagrati H. <hellojagrati@...> wrote:


I too have hashis and started 25mg 3 weeks? ago.  I am doing the companion supps + milk thistle and ashwaganda.  Each day I would get more dizzy (exactly like you described).  I couldn't see it listed in the detox symtoms, but did a msg seach for " dizzy " and saw comments about it being an adrenal problem.


I got some Gaia adrenal herbs today (ashwaganda, rodiola, holy basil etc) and pulse dosing helps me recover from being dizzy.  I took my iodine today without incident, but

will be making sure to pulse dose.  I was taking too much salt and got edema in my face, so avoiding extra salt right now.





ps.  I am very grateful to have found this group.  My energy improved the first dose of 12.5mg of iodine.  I have felt more energetic ever since.  Thanks to owner and mods.


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 6:40 PM, KAREY <klajoye@...> wrote:


Background: Hashimotos diagnosis in August. Taking companion nutrients was able to increase my Iodine to 75mg a day been taking this amount for 4 months. Have had diarrhea/constipation off and on since Hashi diagnosis. Was on Naturethroid.. Went off on 2/4/2012 due to HYPER symptoms. Doc had me go off of the naturethroid for 2 days then take a smaller dose the next day. I went immediatley hype again... Heart racing, Very hyper.. could not go to sleep, tons of energy.

This week I had some weird stomach pains..that moved around my stomach/intestines. Very uncomfortable pains. Not like stomach cramping when you get sick. I recently read article about selenium. Was taking 2 200 mg pills per day.. Also found that my Multivitamin had it in it as well, that I was taking 2-3 times daily. I have been doing this since August. Due to the stomach issues.. I stopped all vitamins this weekend. Did not take any Sat thru Monday. Took my vitamins again this am... No selenium except for in my multi vitamin, iodine took 25 mg, vitamin c 2000, celtic salt 1/4 tsp in capsules, Vitamin b1/b6, b2 and b3 and chromium. I take 2 magnesium 635 mg at night which helps me sleep. Within 1 1/2 hours after taking the vitamins today, I had a severe dizzy spell.. Like vertigo. I had been bent over for a few minutes and when I stood back up.. got severely dizzy, along with depth perception being off. Could not move my head or would get severe dizzy and nauseated. I left work and slept for 3 hours, woke up better but still feel " off " . Also, I have had at times a dizzyness when laying flat on my back, especially with turning my head to one side. This has been going on for a few months. Is the dizziness a part of detox symptoms?

Anyone else have stomach pains as I described? Anyone ever have issues with too much selenium?

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Yes . I was using Himalayan.  I've gone back to my Celtic.  I had read some bad stuff about flouride in Himalayan on Bee Wilders' website some months ago plus I was putting it in every glass of water as well as eating it.


It could have just been too much?  I don't know anything about edema per say, but my face got wider and humps swelled up on the sides near my eyes. I felt crappy and intuitively felt it was too much salt.


I have gone back to normal amounts of celtic without problem.  I have a pinch in " some " glasses of water and use it liberally in my cooking.





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