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Hi Joan,

Welcome ! I am in the U.K. but not around much on here at the

moment but trying to keep up with following it all. We have found real

benefits from this diet altho I still struggle mentally with meat but

am getting there slowly.

Wow, christmas break - you lucky thing - both me and dh had to work

right through!

Good to have you here.


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Welcome Joan - You'll learn a lot here, it's a nice group:-)


jdr_referral wrote:

> Hi everbody,

> I'm new to the group. Just wanted to say hi and tell a little about

> myself.


Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220.

www.angelfire.com/fl/furryboots/clickhere.html (Veterinary Homeopath.)

Proverb:Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it.

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Thanks for the welcome .

Yea, being a teacher has it's benefits. It has been hard making

myself get up in the mornings this week. I got spoiled to sleeping

in. But, we're back at it now.



> Hi Joan,

> Welcome ! I am in the U.K. but not around much on here at


> moment but trying to keep up with following it all. We have found


> benefits from this diet altho I still struggle mentally with meat


> am getting there slowly.


> Wow, christmas break - you lucky thing - both me and dh had to


> right through!


> Good to have you here.


> :o)


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  • 3 months later...
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Welcome, Carolyn!

I think some of our Texas members may be able to advise you. It

seems to me I have heard about one or two specialists in Houston who

are familiar with flatback syndrome, but you probably don't want to

travel more than 200 miles for a diagnosis, especially if you think

you might need further treatment. I will try to research this some

more, and meanwhile, I am wondering if anyone else may know of

someone in San to suggest.

The other possibility that occurs to me: The world-famous " revision

superstar " in Amarillo, Dr. LaGrone, has generally been very willing

to review people's scoliosis films and talk to them about the

diagnosis via phone. (He has a website referenced in our site

resources, as you probably know.) I don't think he charges a fee for

this. If you sent him your films -- has your former surgeon or

anyone in San taken the kind of long-cassette spinal films

you need for the flatback diagnosis? -- he might be able to confirm

your suspicions.

Dr. Lagrone might also be willing to recommend someone you could

see. I am less certain of this suggestion, though, since he once

recommended someone for me in Chicago whom I would not consult in a

million years! -- the guy from the practice that caused my flatback

to begin with, then lied to me by omission about the diagnosis for

many years, then finally admitted I had flatback but attributed it

to " your disk disease. " (A general spinal surgeon, followed by my

internist and about three other MDs, broke it to me that the

flatback was from my Harrington rod. I knew relatively little about

all this at the time and had not even started this group as yet.)

Admittedly the Chicago surgeon Dr. LaGrone recommended for me is

world-famous and was also recommended to me by my insurance people

and various well-meaning experts from here to California, but he and

his group had very little experience in correcting flatback

syndrome, at least at the time Dr. LaGrone recommended them.

I wish I could offer you more help. Please do keep us posted on your

specialist-hunt. And please keep bugging your scoliosis surgeon for

your records. You might be surpised at how many of the docs who put

in people's Harrington rods seem to get a little " senile " when it

comes to producing patients' records. You know your surgeon, and as

you say, he may simply be confused. But during the six years this

group has been swapping our stories, I think I have heard almost

every excuse a scoliosis surgeon could dream up for failure to

produce " the evidence " ! I even think I heard one about a surgeon in

San who cited a fire in his garage, but maybe I have my

cities mixed up. At 57, and after undergoing eight spinal surgeries

entailing many hours of general anesthesia (plus two episodes of

post-anesthetic delirium), I find that I, too, am a bit confused at

times. :-)



> Hi Everyone-


> Not even sure where to start with all of this. I had the

Harrington rod

> implanted in 1976, when I was 15. I had a laminectomy at L5-S1 in

October 2004,

> and the exact same surgery, exact same location, again in January



> I live in San , Texas. The doctor who did my scoliosis

surgery is

> still around, but he is getting a bit senile, apparently. When I

try to ask him

> questions lately, such as how I can get any records from him, he

gets very

> confused. He was the top of the line surgeon at the time I had the


> surgery in 1976 here in San . I had an 88 degree curve

before surgery, so

> I actually have two rods in my spine. I'm not sure what the other

rod is

> called, if it even has a name.


> I'm not even sure where I can go to even verify this flat-back


> which I believe I have. I did start seeing a rehab doctor

recently, and he wants

> me to go for physical therapy.


> I am very confused! Any suggestions?


> Thanks so much,

> ~Carolyn


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  • 4 months later...

Hi Patty:

I see you found this great web site. Let know that I am

thinking of him and sincerely hope all goes well with his upcoming


Even I need some help from others when it gets close to getting

another scan - it is great to have such wonderful support.

Hang in there and trust that all will be okay!



> Hi all--And, hi and thanks especially to Grandpa Henry, who has

gotten me through the first few weeks of my boyfriend's diagnosis of

SLL. First onc appointment is day after tomorrow, but I am guessing

it is just to give him the list of tests he needs. He is only 40

which, in my research, seems awfully young for this. So, decades and

decades and decades is what I am looking for!


> I just wanted to introduce myself because I am sure I will have

questions after the next two weeks of appointments. --Patty



> ---------------------------------

> All-new - Fire up a more powerful email and get

things done faster.


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  • 3 weeks later...

, there is also a support group that meets the 3rd Thursday of the month in

Arlington if you are interested.

<TigerFn@...> wrote: Hi all!

I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello.

My name is , and I am a 35 year old stay at home mom.

I had my surgery on August 14th of this year. Dr. Landerholm of Puget

Sound Surgical Clinic did my surgery at s Hospital in Edmonds,


I started at 251.5 pounds and am down 22 pounds so far. I had my

first fill on the 28th of Sept, but am going back this Wednesday for

additional fluid, as I feel NO restriction what-so-ever.

Hoping to get into a support group either in Edmonds or Everett. I

live in Lake s so Everett would be closer.

Just wondering too if anyone had to go back within days of getting a

fill to get more fluid. I hope I'm not just expecting too much. He

put in 1.2 cc last week. I just don't feel any different at meal time.

Hope to meet you all soon and chat.


in WA


Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.

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I had my first fill last Tuesday and felt zilch in the restriction dept! I

have another appt tomorrow for another fill. I'll let you know how it goes!



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Wow! Looks like you and I are on the same page here! lol

It's nice to know I'm not alone though. I was starting to wonder if something

was wrong, or if my pouch stretched...you know, all the concerns we have when

things don't go the way they're supposed to. lol

Good luck, can't wait to hear how it went.

----Complete original quoted post removed by moderator----

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Had my 2nd fill this morning she put in 0.7, which brings me up to 1.7 in a

4cc space. I had a baked potato with the low fat sour cream about 2 hours

afterwards and didn't feel any different. I'm drinking the same amount of

water/CL. We'll see what happens when tomorrow rolls around and I try some

fish or chicken for lunch. I see Dr.M on Thursday for my gallbladder and the

nurse that if I'm still not feeling restriction by then, then Dr.M will put

more fluid in for me. I am also worried about the whole stretched pouch

thing too- even though I know I haven't eaten all that much any certain time

etc. I am sure we are both okay, lots of people on here have said it takes

several fills to get to restriction in the beginning. I'll keep you updated!

And you keep me updated too, ok?




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That's awesome . Hopefully today when you eat " real " food you can find

out just how restricted you are. Hopefully you will feel more.

I'll let you know how mine goes. My appointment is at 11:45 with Dr. L.

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---Entire quoted message snipped by moderator---

Hi ..Not sure if you have a support group yet but the

Northwest Weight Loss Surgery has a group the 2nd Monday of the

montha t 7:00 pm and also the 3rd thursday of the month at 10:00 am.

I am new at this..had surgery the 5th of Sept 2006 lost 12 pounds

but and always hungry..need my fill//any suggestions on good stuff

that keep you full? Thanks Judy

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<<Northwest Weight Loss Surgery has a group the 2nd Monday of the

montha t 7:00 pm>>

Funny you mention this support group....lol A friend that I sing in choir with

at church told me about this, and invited me to come. Her name is Sylvia...in

case you know her....beautiful person in and out. But I am going to come this

Monday evening, so if you're there, hopefully we can meet.

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Hi ..I will be missing this Monday..my mom is in town..I have a new

Grandbaby coming tues so I will go to the one on Thur the 19..What Church do you

go to? Hopefully I can meet you next month.


" C. " <TigerFn@...> wrote:

<<Northwest Weight Loss Surgery has a group the 2nd Monday of the

montha t 7:00 pm>>

Funny you mention this support group....lol A friend that I sing in choir with

at church told me about this, and invited me to come. Her name is Sylvia...in

case you know her....beautiful person in and out. But I am going to come this

Monday evening, so if you're there, hopefully we can meet.

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<<<Hi ..I will be missing this Monday..my mom is in town..I have a new

Grandbaby coming tues so I will go to the one on Thur the 19..What Church do you

go to? Hopefully I can meet you next month.



You enjoy your visit with your Grandbaby and your mother. Family always comes

first. I'll catch you at the next meeting.

I go to Alderwood Community Church in Lynnwood. Been going for a year and a

half and love it. I am active in the choir, MOPS, and both my kids are in


Take care,

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Wow small world..I know that church. I live in Everett..Do you know and

Mark Murdock?

Have a great Sunday


" C. " <TigerFn@...> wrote:

<<<Hi ..I will be missing this Monday..my mom is in town..I have

a new Grandbaby coming tues so I will go to the one on Thur the 19..What Church

do you go to? Hopefully I can meet you next month.



You enjoy your visit with your Grandbaby and your mother. Family always comes

first. I'll catch you at the next meeting.

I go to Alderwood Community Church in Lynnwood. Been going for a year and a half

and love it. I am active in the choir, MOPS, and both my kids are in AWANA.

Take care,

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<<<Do you know and Mark Murdock?>>>

Wow, the names sound soooo familiar....

I know names, and I know faces, but putting the two together sometimes is tough

for me...lol

The church is sooo big, it takes a while.

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  • 1 year later...
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My numbness and tingling are in my feet. The nuerosurgeon is ready to operate but I'm not. I've had the shots in my back and continue to take pain meds. I hope your appointment goes well Monday. Joan

I was diagnosed with minor cervical spinal stenosis about 18 months ago. It started with numbness and tingling in my right hand. They ruled out carpal tunnel and through other testing noticed the stenosis. Last year I had injections into my spinsl canal and after the third one it seemed to help so I didn't have any serious problems for a year. I then has another flare up and went back for more injections and had to see a new dr. He said the stenosis wasn't bad enough to cause my problem and that I had carpal tunnel and to go home and use a brace for a couple of weeks. Well, that was 5 months ago with no relief. I have a new appt. with him on monday. My primary told me to tell him it's NOT carpal tunnel and that the injections worked last time and to do them again. If he has a problem to call her. Any body else have this problem?

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I would make an appointment with another spine surgeon

for a second opinion.

See your doc again and see what he has to say, but he

will not respond well to you telling him what your

primary told you to tell him.

The symptoms of cervical spinal stenosis can mimic

some of the pain symptoms of carpal tunnel, but a good

qualified spinal surgeon will be able to rule that in

or out as part of the cause of your pain.

Some people continue to get steroid injections into

the epidural area for pain relief and it can work

well, but it is not a fix for the problem.

You can only get 3 injections per year and their are

many, many side affects of the steroids in the body.

Eventually you will build up a tolerance to the

injections and they won't work for you.

It is also possible that continued compression of the

nerves can result in permanent nerve damage if it is

not corrected with surgery. No one can tell you how

long you can continue with the nerve compression

before that happens. It is a risk that one takes by

not having surgery to relieve the nerve compression.

As I said before, though, if it where me, no matter

what this spine doctor tells you when you see him

again, I would get another opinion before I agreed to

do anything further.

Good luck


--- mom4aa_8509 <mom4aa@...> wrote:

> I was diagnosed with minor cervical spinal stenosis

> about 18 months

> ago. It started with numbness and tingling in my

> right hand. They

> ruled out carpal tunnel and through other testing

> noticed the

> stenosis. Last year I had injections into my spinsl

> canal and after

> the third one it seemed to help so I didn't have any

> serious problems

> for a year. I then has another flare up and went

> back for more

> injections and had to see a new dr. He said the

> stenosis wasn't bad

> enough to cause my problem and that I had carpal

> tunnel and to go home

> and use a brace for a couple of weeks. Well, that

> was 5 months ago

> with no relief. I have a new appt. with him on

> monday. My primary

> told me to tell him it's NOT carpal tunnel and that

> the injections

> worked last time and to do them again. If he has a

> problem to call

> her. Any body else have this problem?



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Welcome! You are in good company here. I too struggled with thyroid

issues. Spent 15 yrs on synthroid/levoxyl and continued to suffer. I

immediately felt better once on Armour. I felt as if I woke up from

a coma. Read www.stopthethyroidmadness.com it will give you tons of

information. Not enough iodine is the root cause for low thyroid

function. Read as much as you can from www.iodine4health.com. Ask

questions here. There is some very knowledgeable people here. You

can feel better!


> Hello Everyone!

> I'm new here, just joined a couple of days ago. I have been reading

> all of your posts. I am about to be 42, and have low thyroid. My

> doctor only ran t-3, and t-4, she said thats all she needed to

> run. ?????? I feel exhausted most of the time, and have an


> heart beat. My weight is out of control, and it is making my joints

> hurt, and my feet. I am also having hair loss, and PCOS, which I

> don't know if it has anything to do with iodine deciciency. with


> of this, I'm at my whits end! My doctor prescribed me a low dose of

> Levothyroxine, but it has done nothing for me. The posts about the

> nascent iodine caught my attention, so I went online and did a bit


> homework. I would like to give it a try, maybe this will help me?

> Have any of you who take it, had any weight loss? Maybe someone


> can point me in the right direction. I live in a very small town,


> we don't have access to alot of doctors here. I'm tired of feeling

> this way, and want to feel like myself again. Can anyone tell me

> where I can buy this nascent iodine? I saw plenty of websites, but

> I'm leary, and would rather go to a reliable source. Thanks for


> time,


> Blessings,

> Dianna


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Oh, I am sorry, I didn't know there was another post titled " New

Here " . I guess I'll be " New Here Also " . Any advice is extremely

welcome and appreciated.



> Hi Everyone - I have autoimmune thyroiditis. I have become


> in iodine supplementation due to the fact that my mother who is


> hypothyroid was told 30 some years ago when she became hypothyroid

> that she was iodine deficient which caused her goiter and


> hypothyroidism. Now, my question is that recently she just had an

> idoine loading test done and it came back at 74%. Does that mean a

> moderate deficiency? Also, she did try kelp some years ago and did

> not have a good experience with it. She said she felt puffed up and

> nauseaous. What would be a sourse of iodine that she could tolerate

> and how much should she take?



> PS - I did a patch test on myself twice and each time the patch

> disappeared within 8 hours. What would be my best course of

> treatment. Both my mother and I are on Armour thyroid. I take 3 1/2

> grains but I get alot of muscle twitching that high. My mother is


> 2 grains of Armour.



> Sorry my post is so long and full of so many questions. Any input

> would be appreciated.


> Thank you,

> Robin


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see group, files menu, disease research




> anyone here with RA = rheumatoid arthritis with success using these

> protocols?


> thanks

> monique


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go to www.miraclemineral.org and read the book on line...it's all in there

Re: new here



>> I believe www.miraclemineral.org will also cure hiv aids



> What exactly do you base that belief on? Are there any confirmed cures of

> AIDS that have been documented? And what miracle minerals are in this

> exactly?



> ------------------------------------



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I looked it up and found the miracle mineral supplement never made it

into peer-review in this context. Maybe properly structured studies

weren't done, I don't know.


Here are 27 cold-extracted nutritional products that had only been

available to health professionals for years: http://tinyurl.com/Med-11

The company is also ready to launch three self-test kits for cancer

that are now undergoing the FDA's approval process.

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