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Enbrel Pre Auth.

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I was wondering if any of you have experience getting the preauthorization

for Enbrel approved by the insurance company for those with the Reactive

Arthritis diagnosis. My preauth. for Remicade was denied last summer by

Blue Cross/Blue Shield. I am switching to National Association of Letter

rs and will be trying to do a preauth. for Enbrel soon. I'm worried

the insurance company will deny because Enbrel is not specifically

FDA-approved for Reactive Arthritis/Reiter's Syndrome. Does anybody have

any advice/experience with this preauth. process for Enbrel?


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Janet I'm kind of dealing with the same thing at the moment.

I had no trouble getting on remicade through medicaid --apparently the dr

knew what to say and what strings to pull. I don't have that dr now though

as he left. My new dr wants me on enbrel but he has to get the auth as

right now even though i got my Number and everything for Enbrel, still

insurance won't pay for it at the moment. The dr has to work it out.

He said just do the remmy again but I'm concerned because my liver enzymes

are getting higher.. were 69 at the last test before this one and I do'nt

know my new results.

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, , Janet wrote:

> I was wondering if any of you have experience getting the preauthorization

> for Enbrel approved by the insurance company for those with the Reactive

> Arthritis diagnosis. My preauth. for Remicade was denied last summer by

> Blue Cross/Blue Shield. I am switching to National Association of Letter

> rs and will be trying to do a preauth. for Enbrel soon. I'm worried

> the insurance company will deny because Enbrel is not specifically

> FDA-approved for Reactive Arthritis/Reiter's Syndrome. Does anybody have

> any advice/experience with this preauth. process for Enbrel?


> Janet




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Hello Janet,

I did have trouble getting approved for Enbrel for treatment of AS

because it is not FDA approved for that purpose. My husband's company

switched insurance companies as of the first of this year. My

rheumatologist and opthalmologists both send very persuasive letters to

the new company along with documentation of how Enbrel works on AS

patients and, fortunately, they have agreed to pay 90%. I have read

that some states have an appeal process for patients trying to receive

coverage for meds - your state might be one of them. Good luck to you.


" , Janet " wrote:


> I was wondering if any of you have experience getting the preauthorization

> for Enbrel approved by the insurance company for those with the Reactive

> Arthritis diagnosis. My preauth. for Remicade was denied last summer by

> Blue Cross/Blue Shield. I am switching to National Association of Letter

> rs and will be trying to do a preauth. for Enbrel soon. I'm worried

> the insurance company will deny because Enbrel is not specifically

> FDA-approved for Reactive Arthritis/Reiter's Syndrome. Does anybody have

> any advice/experience with this preauth. process for Enbrel?


> Janet


> -------------------------------------------------


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Dear Janet,

I was approved for Enbrel after my doctor changed my diagnosis

to " Psoriatic Arthritis " . It's one leg of this lousy disease I have,

but by focusing on that diagnosis, I got approved with no problem.

Good Luck

CelticJade (Judy D.)

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Thanks for the info. Do you have psoriasis? My problem is I don't. I

guess it's not a problem, it's good, but I wonder if you have to have

psoriasis to get that diagnostic code?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Janet, I am going to start Enbrel too. My Doc is doing everything under one

diagnoses of RA. He said I have a conglomerate of the rheumatic diseases,

but insurance co.'s usually cover RA. We'll see. I hope this med works. I

have a good feeling about it. Nothing else really helps, none of the pain

meds even touch it. I go in the hospital for a kidney infection, they give

me morphine and I still hurt from the spondy problem. The kidney at least

quiets down, but when I get home from the hospital the residual from the

infection has traveled to all the painful places, and makes me paralyzed with

pain for a few weeks. I get suicidal, really. I have a couple of scripts of

anti depressants I take daily, but when this type of pain starts, I am

hanging on by my nails. I usually call my 7 year old grandson just to hear

his voice keeps me hanging on. We are very close, and I call him my guardian

angel. But I sure am hoping this Enbrel gives me back a least part of my

life. I've always been very active and being stuck in the house in pain all

the time, isn't what I call a life. I was married to a man 20 years younger

than me for 10 years, and he couldn't keep up with me, then when I started

being home bound, he left. Well, I should have known better. But we had a

ball for all those years, traveling and just having a great time. Hope your

Enbrel isn't too hard to get and works. Take care. EFD

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Good luck with the Enbrel! Let us know how it turns out. I think the

insurance company will approve it for RA. Wish I could talk my doc. into

that diagnosis. I'm so sorry for your pain. The good news is that Enbrel

seems to be the most effective for our type of arthritis, so I bet it will

really help you.

I'm sorry your husband wasn't man enough to hang around. I've read studies

saying that men are much more likely to leave a disabled spouse, than women.

Actually, it might have been spouses with cancer, women with cancer are more

likely to be abandoned than men with cancer. But, the same principle

applies. I always say having arthritis is like having cancer, except you

don't die.

Best regards,


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