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Secret Santa

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Peggy your very welcome! I was worried that the soapdish would break in the

cold air out there. Glad it arrived safely.


Secret Santa

Thanks to Shaye for my secret Santa box! I got 2 beautiful bars of

soap in a cute little bath tub, a christmas trivet, some CHOCOLATE,

and a cute little stuffed dog with a winter hat on. The dog is

holding some chews in his paws. My dogs love these!


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Dear Bekka,

I'm your secret swap partner ... I'm sorry to spill the beans, but I tried

e-mailing you privately the other day to ask for your address. We still

don't have Internet access at home, and I'm not able to access any of

my previous messages before we moved. Could I have your address?

And I will get your swap package in the mail to you today!


nne in Columbia County


mail2web - Check your email from the web at

http://mail2web.com/ .

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Sorry you aren't feeling well...

glad you liked it... man what a pain to send a bottle of wine in

mail... never realized it was illegal to send a bottle of wine

standard mail... oh well... had access to UPS... works for me...

Organic wine... Organic Chocolate... = happy camper...

At least it will when you feel better...



> I received my wonderful package on Monday. Was too sick to do

> anything but open the package. Why do I always get sick on my day

> off?


> , thanks so much for the great gift of candy and wine!!


> and I are fans of New York State wines and this one looks


> As with cheese, the pairings are now chocolate and wine. Will


> as soon as I finish the antibiotics and am able to taste things



> Really liked the packaging! The gold cannister is too nice to


> as a gift to anyone else - keeping that for me..Again, thank you


> Happy Holidays.


> Jeanine

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for permission to open the box, boss <grin>

I hope everyone is happy as I am with my Secret Santa/ Secret Buddy gift! It's



Re: Secret Santa

Hi !

Feel free to open your box, but please don't discuss it on the list yet.

As soon as I know everyone has their box I will reveal who had who &

then we can discuss what we got.



Handcrafted Glycerin Soap


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  • 3 years later...


©2007 Kathleene S. Baker

The man had just filled his car with gas; he was cold, wet, and ready to head for home. He opened his car door and bent down to climb inside.

"Sir, sir."

He glanced in the direction of the frail voice to find a well-dressed, elderly lady attempting to get his attention.

He closed the car door and walked towards her. "Can I help you, ma'am?"

The older woman explained that the gas pump was not working properly, and asked if he knew what she was doing wrong.

"These are new pumps and very touchy-even for me. I've found the easiest thing to do is forget locking them while I fill; they keep shutting off for some reason."

"Oh my! I can't keep pressure on that handle until my tank is full. My hands don't have much strength in them anymore." She cast her blue eyes to the ground in frustration.

"I'd be honored to fill your tank for you!" The man's Texas accent was gentle and he gave her a little wink. "By the way, I love your British accent."

"Yes, a British accent in Texas.people always notice!" She smiled. "We just came to the States a few years ago. That's my husband in the car." She paused for a moment, "He has Alzheimer's now."

"I'm so very sorry.for both of you." After a slight lull the gentleman continued. "Why don't you get back in the car while I do this; the snow is picking up and you're going to get wet."

She was a lovely woman with snowy-white hair; her attire was prim and proper as one would expect from a Brit. "I'd rather visit if you don't mind. Our son is out of town for Christmas; he's with his wife's family this year and I'm feeling a bit blue."

A knot formed in the Texan's throat and he hoped to change the subject. "Just what are the two of you doing out in this weather? I hope your drive home is a short one. You know these Texas drivers aren't the best when it comes to snow and sleet," he teased.

"We're on our way home from a Christmas party. The medical center has one each year for the Alzheimer patients. They are rather like children's parties-and they have Santa visit. Oftentimes patients will have moments they recall things from their past. Some sing along to Christmas carols when they haven't carried on an actual conversation in quite a long while."

"Did anyone recognize Santa today?"

"Oh, yes, my husband recognized Santa and tried to steal his hat! He even said, 'Ho, ho, ho-Merry Christmas.' His recollection was rather brief but it was the highlight of my day." She grinned.

The gas pump clicked off, the woman swiped her credit card to make payment, and turned to thank the man who had been willing to help her. The two were saying their farewells when the squeal of brakes, a thud, and breaking glass at the intersection caught their attention.

"Oh, my!" The lady whimpered with a distressed expression. "It's getting so slick. I've got to hurry and get home."

"Ma'am, I'd be honored to follow you in case you have problems."

She hesitated momentarily and then appeared relieved, "Oh, I'd be so grateful. I can't thank you enough. And by the way, my name is Margaret." She reached out to shake hands with her new friend.

"Margaret, I'm pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Ray." He patted her hand gently before they released their grasp. "You just drive slowly; I'll be right behind you."

When Margaret pulled into her garage Ray stopped curbside. "I just want to be sure you get inside safely," he shouted.

Margaret waved and asked him to wait for a moment-then nodded and spoke to her neighbor hanging Christmas lights. She guided into the house, quickly reappeared in the garage, and motioned for Ray to pull into the driveway.

She thanked Ray again and soon mentioned this being the first Christmas she and her husband had ever spent alone. Ray, always a soft touch for older folks, was happy to listen. She spoke fondly of traditions her family adhered to when she was a child in England and revealed an interesting glimpse into her past.plus a taste of her cherished memories from across the pond.

"You know mistletoe is very traditional in England. My first "real" kiss was under the mistletoe when I was a teenager. Oh, what memories I have." For a split second, Margaret looked like a young girl again.

Several minutes passed before Margaret began to shiver and they were forced to say farewell.


Christmas morn found Margaret peeking out her front door just as the sun crested the horizon. She stepped outside, instantly clasped her hands like a small child, and peered up and down the street. With not a soul in sight she began to examine the items discovered on her porch.each one dredged up memories of years gone by in Merry Old England.

Just above her head hung an arrangement of mistletoe adorned with elegant lace; she touched it gently. Bedecked with n ornaments, a small, lighted Christmas tree sat in the corner-beneath it a homemade mincemeat pie wrapped securely and tied with golden ribbon. The card attached said only, "From: Santa." Hanging from the doorknob a brilliant red Santa Claus hat with tag, "."

Margaret called to ; he slowly made his way and stepped outside. Nothing on the porch sparked his interest until Margaret placed the Santa hat in his hands. After staring at it and stroking the velvety softness, he plopped it onto his head. It sat askew but 's face beamed as his voice rang out across the neighborhood, "Ho, ho, ho! Ho, ho, ho!"


Parked several houses away, a Secret Texas Santa sniffed and wiped at a lone tear. a happy tear. "Merry Christmas and God Bless." He smiled and drove towards home.

Aseem Kaistha

It's your attitude and not your aptitude that determines your altitude.

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