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visit www.thinktwice.com.

Also purchase the book Vaccines: Are They Really Safe & Effective ISBN

1-881217-10-8 $8.95

After that follow the links to the numerous sites that are vaccine related.

Then make your

decision. I too had my child vaccinated at 2 months - out of fear! That was

the last time my

child saw a needle.

My concern after my research was how to defend my decision not to vaccinate. A

very good friend,

a physician who has never vaccinated any of his 5 children, gave me a great

idea. When anyone

questions my decision I offer to lend them my piles of research (organized into

binders) and then

request that they tell me what their decision would be given all the

information. It usually is a

very effective and polite way to deal with folks!

Please em me privately if you need any more encouragement!


--- dhallwirth68@... wrote:

> My name is Diane, and I recently had my son vaccinated at 2 months.

> He had no bad reaction, but I am concerned about having him fully

> vaccinated. I teach 6th grade (I'm on leave now), and it does seem

> like kids in recent years have had more ADD and other medical

> problems.

> I am thinking I will consider each vaccine before he gets it. We are

> not getting any at 4 months, and we will decide from there. I would

> hate to think that my consenting to a vaccination caused problems for

> him somewhere down the line. Also, my cousin is a resident

> pediatrician and I want to have information when have " the talk " with

> her.




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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi Everyone,

I am traveling again, so I am not able to get on line as much, but I wanted to

check in and say hi and thanks to all of you who are striving to achieve your


Remember to be kind and patient with yourself. Treat yourself as you would your

most beloved, best friend. Keep in your mind that by doing your Life Lift

breaths slow and easy, take your time, no rushing, your body will be able to

absorb the oxygen better and also release the toxins and fat better. Keep it

slow, smooth and precise. Pay attention to your breaths. Appreciate each one as

a gift you are giving your body.

I love reading all of your messages even when I only have time to read. Those

of you who are here daily, you are my total winners. By checking in daily you

are increasing your possibilities for success and at the same time you are

helping others to succeed.

I am getting ready to leave soon, but I want to read through some of the mail

and send a few more replies before I go.

Love you all!


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Hi Liz, Happy anniversary!

Hi everyone,

I am here, but I have been recording most of the past couple of days, and

working on some new projects for you. I think you will love them. I am

trying to give you some simple little, things that will help to keep you

motivated and on track. I have heard from so many who say the new audio

tapes have really made a difference for them, so I am feeling inspired. I am

working on Life Lift daily cards. You may be surprised what I am doing with

them. They are really fun. My husband and daughter love them. I am also

doing work on the calendar so it will be ready for us next year. It is

amazing how much planning that takes. It will be worth it. Anything that

helps you succeed is worth the effort.

It seems the audio tapes are such a hit that I am getting requests for more.

I just finished the Positive Relationship audio and just set up the

scripting for one called Forever Young and another called Creating order

(removing clutter). I know Liz will love that one. She asked for it.

I am open to requests.

I will try to get back to answer all of your mail soon. I am so happy to see

all of the positive, wonderful messages you are sending. You are all so


This week I have heard from so many new Life Lifters who are having

incredible results. It must be the good air we are all breathing. I am soooo

excited after reading the past two days mail.

Poornima just said she lost a whole dress size. Pretty wonderful.

I will let you all know as soon as I hear who the winner is, or who they

are, of the Inspiration Contest. I am going to start a new one, so get

ready. It will begin as of May 1 and go for two months as the last one did,

ending on the last day of June. Once again the main prize will be a $50.00

gift certificate toward anything on any of my web sites. Good luck all.

The point of the contest is to help you all get energized and enthused to

reach your goals. It really seemed to get our new list of to a great start,

so thanks to all of you who write your wonderful, inspirational messages

each and every day. You never know what a difference you are making for

someone out there who may be struggling. It is a very good thing when you

share your struggles, and your triumphs. In the end, you are the winner.

Take good care,


Be sure to check out all of the great specials available on my web sites.

All new workout videos and audios are on sale now!

Save on the Large Body Wrap package. Some sales have been extended.

Visit us at http://www.lifelift.com


> Hi Friends,


> I have less than a second, but I needed a breather. Today has been one of

> those days!!!!!! It's our 14th wedding anniversary

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi ,

What a wonderful message. I have re-read it over a few times. Your attitude

is so great.

You are so right in looking at the big picture and realizing that it takes

so little for us to give to ourselves to have the huge return of feeling

better for our entire lives. When we understand that we are only given one

body in our life time to nourish, to cherish, to love and to totally

appreciate we will then be on track to be the very best we can be.

It is true that you can do Life Lift with or without the positions. The

positions are for body sculpting and they are wonderful, but the key to the

success of Life Lift is doing the breaths correctly. Timing is everything.

When we try to run a race with Life Lift we actually dilute the results we

will achieve. Life Lift is meant to be relaxed and serene. It is not your

typical exercise video and that is why is does not give your typical

results,( with traditional exercise that often means little or none). With

Life Lift it is not unusual to hear someone tell us that they have lost a

few inches in a week. That does not usually happen with traditional


I called it Life Lift because it is about changing and lifting your entire

life. It is about elevating the way you feel, the way you look and even the

way your express yourself. When we are in a state of joy and peace we are

nicer to be around. When we feel good physically and mentally we are so much

more attractive to the world. It will change the way we function within our

families and when we are with our friends. it will give us more energy to

meet our challenges and much more joy to greet life's pleasures. Life Lift

is not just about weight loss, that is just the frosting on the cake. I have

found that when life has presented me with a challenge I find it easier to

turn it into a gift if I do some Life Lift breaths so I can see a clear

picture of what is happening. Doing Life Lift seems to open my eyes and my

heart in a way that traditional exercise never could.

When you value your body as a treasure that was given you, your life will be

flooded with good things.

Having a lot of money to take a wonderful trip to a far off place would mean

little or nothing if you don't have the energy to enjoy it. Think of all the

things you gain when you treat your body like the greatest gift you have

ever been given.

Love you all,



> Me too Rose.Just remember it took a long time for us

> to get to this place in our lives where we want to

> take better care of our selves and look better,and

> it's going to take some time to improve.Just ask

> yourself this.What on earth will I do if I don't do

> this.To me LL is healing as well as helping us look

> better.> pain comes back when I skip a day.Rashelle said in one

> of her answers that one can just do LL without

> positions and still get results.After all it's all

> about oxegen burning off our fat reserves.It will just

> take us time.For me lots of time because of all the

> stress I am under.But what choice do I have?I could

> stop and go back to the way things were before with

> lots of back pain.Thats where I unconsiously funnel my

> stress.I wish you tons of determination.

> --- Rose Kaval <Rosebookay@...> wrote:

> >

> ============================================================

> > Exclusive: ½ Price Omaha Steaks Top Sirloins- Only

> > $22!

> > Order today and we'll add 6 Burgers FREE when you

> > checkout.

> > 100% guaranteed to thrill; order today!

> >

> http://click.topica.com/caaab4BbUrFKSbVfIvaa/OmahaSteaks

> >

> ============================================================

> >

> > Hi,

> > I am plugging along. So often I have started

> > something and then not

> > followed through. This is something I feel strongly

> > about because I believe

> > it will have long term positive effects both in how

> > I look and how I feel.

> > Thanks for the encouragement.

> >

> >

> > Rose

> >

> >

> ============================================================

> > How do you want to save today?

> > 29 ways to save big bucks on stuff you want - FREE.

> >

> http://click.topica.com/caaacgDbUrFKSbVfIvaf/TopOffers

> >

> ============================================================

> >

> > Be sure to check out all of the current specials.

> > http://www.lifelift.com

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


The story was very good. My husband was a 24 year guard member who has had a

reaction. He has been denied access to Walter which the guard bureau could

have sent him to. The command of the MI ANG, Gen. E. Gordon Stump and his

commanders all denied Sen. Carl Levins request Tom be sent there. We know all

about continous diahrea, nightsweats, joint and muscle pain and a host of other

symptoms. At the moment he is going to the VA. The test show a healthy 45 year

old male but don't explain the headaches which nothing will aleviate or the fact

he couldn't run anymore. We know all about the commands treatment of enlisted

members. Tom was interviewed by Insight magazine in November of 99 at the

Defense Forum Luncheon. It puts life in perspective when you meet others having

the same problems. Please keep tabs on the AVIP program. The problems are

fixable with the right people. Debbie Starkweather

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I think some times its the drugs that some of us are taken and just being sick causes people to be more gentle in nature or for us to react to things. I read all the post and enjoy most of them. I find some of the information real important and just when I feel like I am alone in the world so will post to brighten my day.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Several of the members have mentioned coke syrup to

stop the spasm. There is a medication others have

mentioned called Levsin??? (it will show in the past

postings), and I have found relief through hypnosis to

help me relax the muscles.

Since going through hypnosis, I have only choked twice

(both times I had gone through stressful situations

prior to the spasms). Other than those couple of

times, I've done really well and not choked at night.

Prior to hypnosis, I was choking every night and

getting viral pneumonia on a regular basis.


--- Dale <chard1st@...> wrote:


<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>

<P><BR>Hi, I've only just found the site, and its

brilliant, I'm 28 and live in Jersey in the Channel

Islands, and have had a myotomy two months ago,

following severe weight loss and malnutrition. I still

have problems eating however, and worry it will get

worse again, my consultant is lost for words, and can

give me no answers, other than to have a liquid diet

for the rest off my life!!! Does anyone have any

suggestions on who to see in the U.K? are there any

specialists in this field? no one i've met knows a

thing about it! My consultant was even doubting that

it was still Achalasia! and can give me no ideas on

how these muscle spasms can be stopped. I'd love to

here if anyone's got any answers!</P>

<P><BR> & nbsp;</P></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr>Get

your FREE download of MSN Explorer at <a




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Hi Dale,

I'm ten years older than you and its taken me about that long to get a diagnosis !!! I've only had one lot of BotTox injections ( without sucess ! ) and at my consultants insistence am on the waiting list for another lot asap ( which could be months ) This si depsite the reasearch papers that say the second lot of injections are probably less effective than the first lot ..... I'm just trying to be positive and hope to prove the research I've read to be incorrect this time . I see a Gastroenterologist in Plymouth . It seems to me they are all at a loss to know what to do and little appears to be known about it . I've spent ages searching the Web for info but keep being drawn back to American sites as the UK appears useless at managing this condition .

I'm thankful for a helpful dietican . What do you have to drink ? I use Enlive and Fortijuice as I don't like Provide extra . In addition to that I have build up in the savoury flavours as I find it to be less powdery than complan . I also use some recipes from a booklet of nourishing drinks , such as using plain chocolate in milk for hot chocolate , more calories and nutrients and soft fruits in milk shakes etc.

It appears to me its about time we came together on this one and got thsi condition recognised . I contacted the Digestive Disorders Foundation ... guess what ???!!!!

They'd never even heard of it and have passed my comments on to one of their medcial advisors .

Would anybody be interested in a proper info and support group besides this web site ? Let me know as I feel its the time to do something to help more people ... I only found this site by chance and know many more people must be desperate ......

, let me know how you get on and how you manage day to day .


Hi, I've only just found the site, and its brilliant, I'm 28 and live in Jersey in the Channel Islands, and have had a myotomy two months ago, following severe weight loss and malnutrition. I still have problems eating however, and worry it will get worse again, my consultant is lost for words, and can give me no answers, other than to have a liquid diet for the rest off my life!!! Does anyone have any suggestions on who to see in the U.K? are there any specialists in this field? no one i've met knows a thing about it! My consultant was even doubting that it was still Achalasia! and can give me no ideas on how these muscle spasms can be stopped. I'd love to here if anyone's got any answers!

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I have not had a spasm in two weeks. It is a miracle! I am on Nexium, after

being on every drug in the world. Please ask your Dr. if this might be a

good choice. I had a balloon procedure 5 years ago and had recently begun to

get spasms at any time of the day.

I hope this suggestion helps.

Gayle from CT

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What did you mean when you said " Would anybody be interested in a

proper info and support group besides this web site ? Let me know as I

feel its the time to do something to help more people ... I only found

this site by chance and know many more people must be desperate ......

" ? How do you define a proper info and support group? I'm curious

and also agree that more people could be helped, as well as more MD's

having a clue about this disease.


> Hi Dale,

> I'm ten years older than you and its taken me about that long to get

a diagnosis !!! I've only had one lot of BotTox injections ( without

sucess ! ) and at my consultants insistence am on the waiting list for

another lot asap ( which could be months ) This si depsite the

reasearch papers that say the second lot of injections are probably

less effective than the first lot ..... I'm just trying to be positive

and hope to prove the research I've read to be incorrect this time . I

see a Gastroenterologist in Plymouth . It seems to me they are all at

a loss to know what to do and little appears to be known about it .

I've spent ages searching the Web for info but keep being drawn back

to American sites as the UK appears useless at managing this condition


> I'm thankful for a helpful dietican . What do you have to drink ? I

use Enlive and Fortijuice as I don't like Provide extra . In addition

to that I have build up in the savoury flavours as I find it to be

less powdery than complan . I also use some recipes from a booklet of

nourishing drinks , such as using plain chocolate in milk for hot

chocolate , more calories and nutrients and soft fruits in milk shakes


> It appears to me its about time we came together on this one and got

thsi condition recognised . I contacted the Digestive Disorders

Foundation ... guess what ???!!!!

> They'd never even heard of it and have passed my comments on to one

of their medcial advisors .

> Would anybody be interested in a proper info and support group

besides this web site ? Let me know as I feel its the time to do

something to help more people ... I only found this site by chance and

know many more people must be desperate ......


> , let me know how you get on and how you manage day to day .


> HI




> Hi, I've only just found the site, and its brilliant, I'm 28 and

live in Jersey in the Channel Islands, and have had a myotomy two

months ago, following severe weight loss and malnutrition. I still

have problems eating however, and worry it will get worse again, my

consultant is lost for words, and can give me no answers, other than

to have a liquid diet for the rest off my life!!! Does anyone have any

suggestions on who to see in the U.K? are there any specialists in

this field? no one i've met knows a thing about it! My consultant was

even doubting that it was still Achalasia! and can give me no ideas on

how these muscle spasms can be stopped. I'd love to here if anyone's

got any answers!










> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com



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Hi Carol,

He did say that I should stay on it for a while. There doesn't seem to be

many side effects. I did a search on Google, which is the best search

engine. Since it is working for now, I plan to use it until I see the Dr.

He is a gastroenterologist and I trust him with new meds. He said that

spasms could be caused by acid touching the sphincter. I don't take any

medicine without a lot of research.

Do you see a specialist for your spasms?

Please stay in touch.

By the way, my worst fear is to have these spasms when I am teaching.

I hope this works.


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Where are you ? In the UK ?

I don't feel the UK is very good at knowing anything about this illness and

during my internet searchs find the the Us have support and info groups to

turn to to meet others etc. There are info. groups for things like MS , CFS

, MND , Fibromyalgis ,asthma etc. and I feel that as we all appear to only

be coming across this site by chance then perhaps theres more to be done.

I have a lot of expereince in working with groups for people with

disabilities and chronic illness .. therefore I have a fair few contacts

..... So its over to you UK citizens .. shall we ahve a 'snail mail group' so

that its well known and our message gets heard and perhaps more

acceptance/understanding ? If every other condition can have a group , why

not us .. it was the first thing I looked for and its taken me months to

find out about this contact ...

Keep in touch and let em knwo if anybody else has any ideas/ thoughts etc




> >

> >

> >

> > Hi, I've only just found the site, and its brilliant, I'm 28 and

> live in Jersey in the Channel Islands, and have had a myotomy two

> months ago, following severe weight loss and malnutrition. I still

> have problems eating however, and worry it will get worse again, my

> consultant is lost for words, and can give me no answers, other than

> to have a liquid diet for the rest off my life!!! Does anyone have any

> suggestions on who to see in the U.K? are there any specialists in

> this field? no one i've met knows a thing about it! My consultant was

> even doubting that it was still Achalasia! and can give me no ideas on

> how these muscle spasms can be stopped. I'd love to here if anyone's

> got any answers!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

> --------

> > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

> >

> >

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I could have written your email. I just can't believe how similar all of our

stories are. I never went anywhere without my Zantac, Maalox, Tums, and

Lifesavers. When I had a spasm, I would take a Zantac, followed by all of

the above. I dread restaurants and parties. I even went white water rafting

before the diagnosis, and everyone said that it was just in my head. I was

literally choking and lived on practically nothing for seven days. Five

years later, I still feel very uncomfortable going places where I have to

eat. I am always full of anxiety. Well, I hope you get some good news from

your Doctor.

Keep in touch.


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Gayle -

This is amazing news, and I know how happy you must be to have something

that works. My spasms come on sporadically (sporadic spasms??) and so I'm

wondering about the safety of being on something long-term as a preventive

measure. Did you MD share with you any of the side effects of this drug, or

discuss how long you could be on it? There are relatively few medications

that one can take indefinitely, and so I'm just wondering what the advice is

on this one, especially since it's so new.

Take care -


Re: HI

> ,

> I have not had a spasm in two weeks. It is a miracle! I am on Nexium,


> being on every drug in the world. Please ask your Dr. if this might be a

> good choice. I had a balloon procedure 5 years ago and had recently begun


> get spasms at any time of the day.

> I hope this suggestion helps.


> Gayle from CT






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Gayle -

Thanks for writing back - your info was great and I'll check out google for

info. My gastroenterologist has been treating my vigorous achalasia (the

spasms are what differentiate it from regular achalasia) with Levsin and I

haven't talked to him about this new medication yet. The spasms come on at

inconvenient times - while shopping with friends, while walking in a

Memorial Day parade, while in a meeting with a client (that was a tough

one - trying to take the Levsin, not panic, keep the meeting going without

client noticing I'm in excruciating pain!). I always have my Levsin with

me - like a heart patient always having nitroglycerine. I'd love to have

the freedom of not having that safety net with me all the time - when I

don't take it with me, like when I go for a walk around the neighborhood -

it's always in the back of my mind " am I going to be able to get through a

few minutes without a spasm? " . If this new drug could relieve that, it

would be worth it.

Take care -


Re: HI

> Hi Carol,

> He did say that I should stay on it for a while. There doesn't seem to be

> many side effects. I did a search on Google, which is the best search

> engine. Since it is working for now, I plan to use it until I see the Dr.

> He is a gastroenterologist and I trust him with new meds. He said that

> spasms could be caused by acid touching the sphincter. I don't take any

> medicine without a lot of research.

> Do you see a specialist for your spasms?

> Please stay in touch.

> By the way, my worst fear is to have these spasms when I am teaching.

> I hope this works.


> Gayle






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I've been on Prilosec for years. . .do you think the

Nexium would work better at controlling the spasms?


--- connfan1@... wrote:

> ,

> I have not had a spasm in two weeks. It is a

> miracle! I am on Nexium, after

> being on every drug in the world. Please ask your

> Dr. if this might be a

> good choice. I had a balloon procedure 5 years ago

> and had recently begun to

> get spasms at any time of the day.

> I hope this suggestion helps.


> Gayle from CT



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Hi and ,

I live in Bath and have just had an successful operation for this. It took a long time to get to this stage, and although I wasn't personally very fond of my gastrointerologist Dr, Lynahan, he was very through. I collapsed with dehydration before my GP started to really get things moving, I ended up in hospital for 18 days, so much for a shortage of beds!! The reason I sat it out in there was that I was finally in the system, they did a barium swallow. an endoscopy and a manomatry test while I was in there they finally diagnosed achalasia. They also sent me to Bristol for an oesopagicial ultra sound. This ruled out the possibility of anything else. They did a couple of dilations, neither of which worked so I lived with an NG tube while they sorted out a date for my operation.My surgeon was absolutely wonderful, Mr. J Tate at the RUH in Bath. I had an NG tube as I couldn't get enough food or liquid in to stay alive and I lost 41/2 stone. some of which has started to go back on. My GP who I really like, knows nothing about achalasia as neither did the nurses in the hospital nor even Mr. Tates registrar, this was the first case of achalasia she'd seen. Mr. Tate had done this operation before which was wonderful and he was very clear about telling me that there was no guarantee as to how well I'd be able to eat afterwards, but at the rate I'm now eating it has obviously worked well, after what we go through with this it is hard to believe we might be able to be near normal again, long may it last is my wish.

The only thing I am dealing with now are trying to get the spasms under control !!

So there are a few Dr's here who do know a bit, Mr. Tate's secretary is very nice I don't know if she may know of any other Dr's who deal with this but I'd be happy to find out if you'd like.

All the best,


Hi, I've only just found the site, and its brilliant, I'm 28 and live in Jersey in the Channel Islands, and have had a myotomy two months ago, following severe weight loss and malnutrition. I still have problems eating however, and worry it will get worse again, my consultant is lost for words, and can give me no answers, other than to have a liquid diet for the rest off my life!!! Does anyone have any suggestions on who to see in the U.K? are there any specialists in this field? no one i've met knows a thing about it! My consultant was even doubting that it was still Achalasia! and can give me no ideas on how these muscle spasms can be stopped. I'd love to here if anyone's got any answers!

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Dear ,

Great to hear from you today .

I've had some good news getting a date for the second lot of injections in a few weeks time .

Also heard from Jess in Staffordshire so it helps knowing there are people this side of the continent with whom I can be in contact . It helps as the USA etc. have different drugs and ideas it seems .

I am also so pleased to hear a positive story , how delighted to you must be to have found the surgery has worked . Jess is waiting for surgery at the moment and so I am sure she will be encouraged to ehar this can help so much as in your case .

Look forward to 'speaking' to you again soon .

Bye for now

To any others of you in the UK who may be reading this please get in touch so we can support each other .


Hi, I've only just found the site, and its brilliant, I'm 28 and live in Jersey in the Channel Islands, and have had a myotomy two months ago, following severe weight loss and malnutrition. I still have problems eating however, and worry it will get worse again, my consultant is lost for words, and can give me no answers, other than to have a liquid diet for the rest off my life!!! Does anyone have any suggestions on who to see in the U.K? are there any specialists in this field? no one i've met knows a thing about it! My consultant was even doubting that it was still Achalasia! and can give me no ideas on how these muscle spasms can be stopped. I'd love to here if anyone's got any answers!

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I was on Prilosec, Procardia, Nitro, Inderal, assorted Benzos, and many other

drugs for these past 6 years. I have not had a spasm in ten days on the

Nexium. For me this is a miracle. When I start the school year in two weeks

I hope and pray that I won't have to get a spasm while I am teaching. I am

always fearful whenever I have to go anywhere that I will get a spasm and

that I will look foolish.

Please talk to your Dr. about any new medication.

Good Luck and let me know what your decision is.


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Hi Gayle. I too have to return to work in about two weeks...not a teacher, but


principal's secretary. I dread the days of running in the lounge chugging as

much water as I possibly can and taking the nitro, which gives me an extreme

headache! The staff at my school is small and mostly everyone is aware of my

problem though, they are understanding. My question to you is do you have

frequent spasms? I am just wondering about this nexium, for the amount spasms

that I have, few and far between, is it worth taking something long term like


connfan1@... wrote:

> Hi,

> I was on Prilosec, Procardia, Nitro, Inderal, assorted Benzos, and many other

> drugs for these past 6 years. I have not had a spasm in ten days on the

> Nexium. For me this is a miracle. When I start the school year in two weeks

> I hope and pray that I won't have to get a spasm while I am teaching. I am

> always fearful whenever I have to go anywhere that I will get a spasm and

> that I will look foolish.

> Please talk to your Dr. about any new medication.


> Good Luck and let me know what your decision is.


> Gayle






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Hi ,

My spasms were getting more frequent by the day. Ten days ago, I started

Nexium and haven't had one at all. My spasms were painful to say the least

and lasted from a few minutes to hours. I plan to stay on this medicine

until it stops working or until the Doctor says to stop.

Where is your school?

Mine is in New Canaan, CT.

I hope I have helped.

Have a good evening.


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I will have to decide if I want to be on something long term for something that

doesn't happen that often. That is my only concern. I don't want to be on a

lot of medications, any medications if at all possible.

My school is in Michigan. It is a Technical Education Center for the students

from the 10 area high schools.

Thanks for your information. I'm still checking on that tea too!

connfan1@... wrote:

> Hi ,

> My spasms were getting more frequent by the day. Ten days ago, I started

> Nexium and haven't had one at all. My spasms were painful to say the least

> and lasted from a few minutes to hours. I plan to stay on this medicine

> until it stops working or until the Doctor says to stop.

> Where is your school?

> Mine is in New Canaan, CT.

> I hope I have helped.

> Have a good evening.

> Gayle






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Sorry it's taken me so long to respond but I haven't checked my email in

3 days (My profession is in computers hence I'm not always faithful to jump back

on when I get home).

No, I'm not in the UK. I live in northern New York (US). I guess that's why I

didn't quite understand your mention of proper info and support group. I must

admit that I didn't find this group on my own. A colleague of mine, who

sympathizes with what I've been going through this year, took it upon himself to

do some research and found this. He's one of a kind and a really good friend.

Anyway, .... I know understand what you meant. But if you think of it, this

group has a wealth of knowledge and most especially first-hand experience, that

I think it wouldn't take too much to use the US to your benefit. If the

promoting of this disease in the UK is your intent and you wish to pursue

setting up a system for others to understand or a place for them to go to (ie: a

group like this) then I would think this group could be one of your references

of information.

Re: HI



> What did you mean when you said " Would anybody be interested in a

> proper info and support group besides this web site ? Let me know as I

> feel its the time to do something to help more people ... I only found

> this site by chance and know many more people must be desperate ......

> " ? How do you define a proper info and support group? I'm curious

> and also agree that more people could be helped, as well as more MD's

> having a clue about this disease.


> .



> > Hi Dale,

> > I'm ten years older than you and its taken me about that long to get

> a diagnosis !!! I've only had one lot of BotTox injections ( without

> sucess ! ) and at my consultants insistence am on the waiting list for

> another lot asap ( which could be months ) This si depsite the

> reasearch papers that say the second lot of injections are probably

> less effective than the first lot ..... I'm just trying to be positive

> and hope to prove the research I've read to be incorrect this time . I

> see a Gastroenterologist in Plymouth . It seems to me they are all at

> a loss to know what to do and little appears to be known about it .

> I've spent ages searching the Web for info but keep being drawn back

> to American sites as the UK appears useless at managing this condition

> .

> > I'm thankful for a helpful dietican . What do you have to drink ? I

> use Enlive and Fortijuice as I don't like Provide extra . In addition

> to that I have build up in the savoury flavours as I find it to be

> less powdery than complan . I also use some recipes from a booklet of

> nourishing drinks , such as using plain chocolate in milk for hot

> chocolate , more calories and nutrients and soft fruits in milk shakes

> etc.

> > It appears to me its about time we came together on this one and got

> thsi condition recognised . I contacted the Digestive Disorders

> Foundation ... guess what ???!!!!

> > They'd never even heard of it and have passed my comments on to one

> of their medcial advisors .

> > Would anybody be interested in a proper info and support group

> besides this web site ? Let me know as I feel its the time to do

> something to help more people ... I only found this site by chance and

> know many more people must be desperate ......

> >

> > , let me know how you get on and how you manage day to day

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Hi ,

Thanks for the response. You're the first Belfast person with achalasia that I have ever communicated directly with! Where are you living now?

I will be happy to give you info. on what I know of achalasia treatment in your old home town. Hope it is better where you are now!!



Hi Lesley, I'm a bit behind on my mail but I just read that your from Belfast way and although I haven't lived there for many years that's were I'm from originally. Interesting to hear about achlasia there.

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  • 2 months later...


Glad to hear from you and that BJ is doing so well. Well, and Jellybean too

I guess! how cute is that? I know that who ever this baby is when it is

born, you will love it so much. And BJ must be excited to be a big brother.

My kids are 4 years apart too. amanda is a great big sister and my son has

learned so much form her about unconditional love, acceptance, patience, and

tolerence. He is a better person because of amanda.

is doing very well in school this year. She is happy and very well


Take it slow and try to relax now while you still can!

~ mom to amanda 11 DS and jesse 7 NY

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