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In a message dated 1/17/99 8:30:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, nicashay@...


<< My immediate concern right now is how do I convey this to my pediatrician.

My ped,. is in Rhode Island, and I have a feeling this is

going to attract some attention. Should I just quietly go to another doctor?

My friend knows of a family practitioner in MA who

allows the parents to choose whether to vaccinate or not. I'd appreciate

advice about how the approach this with the ped. >>

Welcome !

I don't have alot of helpful advice about pediatricians. I have had horrible

experiences with most because I chose not to have my older two children

vaccinated against pertussis (due to my uncle's severe reaction causing mental

and physical retardation) and that was with allowing them to get the rest of

the vaccinations! I have chosen not to have my baby (4 months old) vaccinated

at all and fortunately, I have found a pediatrician who agrees with me about

vaccinations. She has chosen not to have her own children vaccinated and

absolutely hates vaccinations. I guess what I'm saying is present your

viewpoint to your pediatrician and see what s/he says, and if you don't agree

with it, look for another doctor. It may take awhile, but there are doctors

out there who are anti-vaccine. Don't allow a doctor to bully you or make you

feel uncomfortable about your decision. You are the parent and you know your

children the best. It took me a long time to learn this and find a doctor I

could trust. I wish you the best of luck!

Maggie, mom to Danny (11/26/89), Devin (1/7/92), and Dylan (my little birthday

present 9/26/98)

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Dear Nicashay,

When I took my children to the pediatrician, I simply told him I didn't want

them to get any shots until they were at least one year. He

gave some comment and I said " he's too little " . He went on with his

examination, and I was preparing myself in my mind for the big battle

with him over the shots. But surprisingly, he finished the exam and left the

room, and on the way out he told the nurse " No shots " . She

brought me papers to sign and that was it. Since then my oldest one had 2 DT

and IPV's and after the second one he got a big huge bump on

his shoulder, so I'm not giving him any more. I'm sure I was lucky with my

pediatrician, but you never know until you try it. If he keeps

arguing with you about it and tries to make you feel guilty about not

vaccinating, then it's time to find a new pediatrician.

Best of luck to you,


Nicashay wrote:

> From: " Nicashay " <nicashay@...>


> Hi,

> I'm and I have four lovely children. I did not know about the dangers of

vaccinations until just recently. My youngest child, 6

> months, was born with Down Syndrome. When she was born, the medical

establishment (which I had always thought was pretty

> much correct about things) did not offer me any hope as to her health. She

was born perfectly healthy-no heart problems, etc. but

> they told me she would have URI's frequently along with ear infections. They

never even mentioned that there are nutritonal

> therapies that are legitimate and helpful to the the child's immune system.


> The reason I am bringing all this up is because I have learned that as a

parent, I must investigate everything that pertains to my

> child, including medical interventions. I just checked a book out from the

library entitled " VACCINES: Are They Really Safe and

> Effective? by Neil Z. . Anyway, Chrissa, my 6 month-old has had her

first DTaP shot along with the other standard

> immunizations. I talked with her ped. about giving her only one shot at a

time at the last visit in January. Now I don't want her

> vaccinated anymore at all. And that goes for all my children. My next child

in line is 6, and then I have a 13 year-old who has

> never had chidken pox. I didn't even have knowledge about immunizations but I

did not have him vaccinated against chicken

> pox because the vaccine is so new.


> My immediate concern right now is how do I convey this to my pediatrician. My

ped,. is in Rhode Island, and I have a feeling this is

> going to attract some attention. Should I just quietly go to another doctor?

My friend knows of a family practitioner in MA who

> allows the parents to choose whether to vaccinate or not. I'd appreciate

advice about how the approach this with the ped.


> Thank you,



> P.S. So far Chrisa has NEVER been sick! She's healthy and I want her to stay

that way. Praise God for his goodness to us.



> Mom to 4 children, including Chrissa 6 mo. DS


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Judy,

I'm 51 also, and I'm presently in remission for Hepatitis C after being on

the interferon. I had to get off the interferon, because it was causing

thyroid problems. I'm now taking thyroid medicine. I found out just over

two years ago that I have Hep C, when I gave blood for knee surgery. As far

as I can figure, I got the Hep C from a blood transfusion 20 years ago.

In two weeks, I have more liver and thyroid tests. It's been seven months

since my last liver enzyme tests. I'm a little nervous, since 85% of people

in remission relapse after 6 months.

I've been eating right and taking Milk Thistle so I hope that has helped.

I would probably go back on interferon if I relapsed, because I can't afford

the combination treatment. Also I had lots of side effects with the mono

dose, so the doctor thinks the combination treatment wouldn't be worth the


Glad to have you with us on the list. Keep fighting that dragon.



At 02:46 PM 2/14/99 -0600, you wrote:



>I am also new to this list. I am 51 years old, diagnosed in 1993. I am

>now doing the combo after not responding to Intron A mono treatment. My

>labs so far look good.

>A good friend had his liver transplant on Nov. 30 after a year wait on

>the list. He was very sick before his transplant and had infection

>problems after. He was out of the hospital in 3 weeks and is doing

>great. He helped me cook a spaghetti dinner for 150 people last night

>!!!! He says he feels good and he is on his way back to a full


>I am glad I found this list and am looking forward to meeting others

>fighting the dragon.






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In a message dated 2/15/99 1:47:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,

lucasjt@... writes:

<< mostly organic, nutritious foods to keep her immune system

well functioning. >>

I actually just asked this question on my VeggieKids list, but I am going to

ask everyone here to since it has been brought up. I have some questions

pertaining to organic produce. What is best? Is certified organic by

California standards the best? Currently, I but most of my produce at the

local farm and it is not organic. Organic is so expensive and so out of the

way, you know? What I do is wash everything that I do not peel (mostly

everything) in soap and water, does that sufficiently remove pesticides?



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Hi !

My name is Alice and I too have chosen NOT to vaccinate my daughter (21mos old).

My husband and I practice attachment parenting, family bed, homeopathy, etc. (I

am the Believer, he just allows me to make the decisions and thankfully goes

along with them!). I have taken my daughter to well baby check ups, but only

because our doctor is WONDERFUL-he is a certified MD (which is great God forbid

we have an emergency, but he is an alternative medical practitioner and treats

his patients with homeopathy and other natural treatments. I adore him!!!!

I gave up a 10yr executive career to stay home with Dayna and will do so as long

as I can (hopefully another year or so!). I am thankful that she isn't in

daycare, but still worry about her going to school. I believe I made the right

decisions regarding vaccination and now just need to be vigilant in my child

rearing, mostly organic, nutritious foods to keep her immune system well


Any parent that takes a TRUE interest in the welfare of their child, and

questions the " status quo " is doing the " right thing " , no matter what your

decisions are! Pat yourself on the back for being such a good mommy!

Write back anytime you like. Would love to chat with you. (What state do you

live in? Will you have a problem getting her in school? I'm in NJ and expect a





Visit http://www.ivillage.com for your FREE iVillage.com email account.

iVillage.com: The Women's Network -- Real Solutions for Busy Women.

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Re: Introduction

>From: " Alice " <daynasmom@...>



>Hi !


>My name is Alice and I too have chosen NOT to vaccinate my daughter (21mos

old). My husband and I practice attachment parenting, family bed,

homeopathy, etc. (I am the Believer, he just allows me to make the

decisions and thankfully goes along with them!). I have taken my daughter

to well baby check ups, but only because our doctor is WONDERFUL-he is a

certified MD (which is great God forbid we have an emergency, but he is an

alternative medical practitioner and treats his patients with homeopathy and

other natural treatments. I adore him!!!!

It's sounds like you and I are a lot alike. Our doctor is both a homeopath

and a family practitioner so we all can use him. I have brought her to some

well baby checks, but she never had anything wrong--no ear infections etc.

so I just stopped going.


>I gave up a 10yr executive career to stay home with Dayna and will do so as

long as I can (hopefully another year or so!). I am thankful that she isn't

in daycare, but still worry about her going to school. I believe I made the

right decisions regarding vaccination and now just need to be vigilant in my

child rearing, mostly organic, nutritious foods to keep her immune system

well functioning.

Us too! We just joined our second food coop so we can get our " special "

food cheaper.


>Any parent that takes a TRUE interest in the welfare of their child, and

questions the " status quo " is doing the " right thing " , no matter what your

decisions are! Pat yourself on the back for being such a good mommy!


>Write back anytime you like. Would love to chat with you. (What state do

you live in? Will you have a problem getting her in school? I'm in NJ and

expect a battle!)

We are in Milwaukee, WI. School wont be a problem because you just have to

mark that you have a personal objection to vaccinations. All the school

wants is there paper work. It's sillly, because they kick kids out of

school who don't have their shot records up to date for the safety of other

children, yet all one has to do is sign this " personal objection " statement

and they are not a risk anymore! Go figure.





>Visit http://www.ivillage.com for your FREE iVillage.com email account.

>iVillage.com: The Women's Network -- Real Solutions for Busy Women.




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, my name is Kim and I also shared your uncertainties. We all want

what is best for our children; have faith that all you have put into your

child are building a strong immune system. I, too, get pressure when my

daughter has bronchitis and I opt for herbs and essential oils rather than

antibiotics. I am a registered nurse and what I have seen in the past 12

years has not left me with undying faith for our medical system.

Furthurmore, my daughter just turned six and is happy and healthy. Read and

inform yourself and let your intuition guide you.


From: Troy Lucas <lucasjt@...>


Subject: Introduction

Date: Monday, February 15, 1999 10:55 AM

Hi my name is and I am new to this group. I joined it because I

need to hear from other parents who chose to not vaccinate their children.

I have one daughter who is two. Most of the information I have gotten is

from Mothering magazine and I am looking for good websites or books to

reassure me that I am soing the right thing.

My husband and I try to practice attachment parenting. We have a family

bed, she goes to a homeopath (only when sick and not for well baby checks),

and I am still nursing her. I work outside of the home as a teacher.

Any support you can lend me would be great. I am afraid of her catching

diseases, since she is in child care, but am more afraid of the vaccination

risk. I am looking forward to meeting everyone.

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Re: Introduction

>From: MooMomTo2@...


>In a message dated 2/15/99 1:47:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>lucasjt@... writes:


><< mostly organic, nutritious foods to keep her immune system

> well functioning. >>


>I actually just asked this question on my VeggieKids list, but I am going


>ask everyone here to since it has been brought up. I have some questions

>pertaining to organic produce. What is best? Is certified organic by

>California standards the best? Currently, I but most of my produce at the

>local farm and it is not organic. Organic is so expensive and so out of


>way, you know? What I do is wash everything that I do not peel (mostly

>everything) in soap and water, does that sufficiently remove pesticides?


I can't remember where I just read it but washing definately does not

remove most of the pesticides. It's better to buy the real goods. At least

the high risk foods like peppers and such. Jen

> ~~G




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In a message dated 99-02-15 14:42:57 EST, you write:

<< I actually just asked this question on my VeggieKids list, but I am going


ask everyone here to since it has been brought up. I have some questions

pertaining to organic produce. What is best? Is certified organic by

California standards the best? Currently, I but most of my produce at the

local farm and it is not organic. Organic is so expensive and so out of the

way, you know? What I do is wash everything that I do not peel (mostly

everything) in soap and water, does that sufficiently remove pesticides? >>

What veggiekids list are you on? I would love to be on a list like this.


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Hi to all. My name is Lora. I am a SAHM and have not vaccinated my 21 month

old daughter. We practice attachment parenting. We eat pretty healthy. No

meat, only, mostly organic foods, and no processed foods. My daughter has

just gotten her first fever. She is quickly recovering from a cough and sore

throat. She has never been on antibiotics, no ear infections. Only a few

runny noses.

Glad to see there are so many others out there. Anybody in NJ?


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What are the high risk foods? And another good question, how do I

convince my husband to eat good for him food? I swear, if it isn't

meat, potatoes, or " just-add-water-and-box-contents " (aka Mac and

Cheese) he doesn't want anything to do with it. ACK! He drives me

nuts! At least Tyler (my baby, he's 8 1/2 months old,) loves fruits and

veggies. But which ones are ESSENTIAL to get organic?

Thanks for any information!


>From bounce-Vaccinations--776-rands68 Mon Feb 15 19:53:00 1999

>Received: from [] by hotmail.com (1.1) with SMTP id

MHotMailB892369C4ED2CD1017077D1CF87E510100; Mon Feb 15 19:53:00 1999

>Received: (qmail 8492 invoked by alias); 16 Feb 1999 03:50:01 -0000

>Received: (qmail 8341 invoked from network); 16 Feb 1999 03:49:50 -0000

>Received: from unknown (HELO troy.milwaukeepc.com) ( by

pop.onelist.com with SMTP; 16 Feb 1999 03:49:50 -0000

>Received: from lucasjt (unverified []) by

troy.milwaukeepc.com (Rockliffe SMTPRA 2.1.6) with SMTP id

<B0000255965@...> for <Vaccinationsonelist>; Mon,

15 Feb 1999 21:56:21 -0600

>Message-ID: <000401be5960$b3bd1b40$2df8facf@lucasjt>

>From: " Troy Lucas " <lucasjt@...>


>Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 21:59:06 -0600

>X-Priority: 3

>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal

>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.1

>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3

>Mailing-List: list Vaccinationsonelist; contact


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>Mime-Version: 1.0

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset= " iso-8859-1 "

>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

>Subject: Re: Introduction


>From: " Troy Lucas " <lucasjt@...>



> Re: Introduction



>>From: MooMomTo2@...


>>In a message dated 2/15/99 1:47:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>>lucasjt@... writes:


>><< mostly organic, nutritious foods to keep her immune system

>> well functioning. >>


>>I actually just asked this question on my VeggieKids list, but I am



>>ask everyone here to since it has been brought up. I have some


>>pertaining to organic produce. What is best? Is certified organic by

>>California standards the best? Currently, I but most of my produce at


>>local farm and it is not organic. Organic is so expensive and so out



>>way, you know? What I do is wash everything that I do not peel


>>everything) in soap and water, does that sufficiently remove




>I can't remember where I just read it but washing definately does not

>remove most of the pesticides. It's better to buy the real goods. At


>the high risk foods like peppers and such. Jen

>> ~~G




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In a message dated 2/17/99 11:37:02 AM Eastern Standard Time, sue@...


<< Gets rid of the pesticides etc. ??? don't know

what you all think of this?

Sue >>

I do that with raspberries and other potentially bacteria-ridden produce, but

I have no idea about pesticides.


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I took a cooking class before I got pregnant with my twins, and believe

it or not, the teacher told us to wash veggies and such in water with a

capful of bleach!! Gets rid of the pesticides etc. ??? don't know

what you all think of this?


> From: " Shalia Overbaugh " <rands68@...>


> What are the high risk foods? And another good question, how do I

> convince my husband to eat good for him food? I swear, if it isn't

> meat, potatoes, or " just-add-water-and-box-contents " (aka Mac and

> Cheese) he doesn't want anything to do with it. ACK! He drives me

> nuts! At least Tyler (my baby, he's 8 1/2 months old,) loves fruits

> and

> veggies. But which ones are ESSENTIAL to get organic?


> Thanks for any information!

> Shalia


> >From bounce-Vaccinations--776-rands68 Mon Feb 15 19:53:00 1999

> >Received: from [] by hotmail.com (1.1) with SMTP id

> MHotMailB892369C4ED2CD1017077D1CF87E510100; Mon Feb 15 19:53:00 1999

> >Received: (qmail 8492 invoked by alias); 16 Feb 1999 03:50:01 -0000

> >Received: (qmail 8341 invoked from network); 16 Feb 1999 03:49:50

> -0000

> >Received: from unknown (HELO troy.milwaukeepc.com) (

> by

> pop.onelist.com with SMTP; 16 Feb 1999 03:49:50 -0000

> >Received: from lucasjt (unverified []) by

> troy.milwaukeepc.com (Rockliffe SMTPRA 2.1.6) with SMTP id

> <B0000255965@...> for <Vaccinationsonelist>;

> Mon,

> 15 Feb 1999 21:56:21 -0600

> >Message-ID: <000401be5960$b3bd1b40$2df8facf@lucasjt>

> >From: " Troy Lucas " <lucasjt@...>

> ><Vaccinationsonelist>

> >Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 21:59:06 -0600

> >X-Priority: 3

> >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal

> >X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.1

> >X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3

> >Mailing-List: list Vaccinationsonelist; contact

> Vaccinations-owneronelist

> >Delivered-mailing list Vaccinationsonelist

> >Precedence: bulk

> >List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:Vaccinations-unsubscribeONElist>

> >Reply-to: Vaccinationsonelist

> >Mime-Version: 1.0

> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset= " iso-8859-1 "

> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> >Subject: Re: Introduction

> >

> >From: " Troy Lucas " <lucasjt@...>

> >

> >

> > Re: Introduction

> >

> >

> >>From: MooMomTo2@...

> >>

> >>In a message dated 2/15/99 1:47:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> >>lucasjt@... writes:

> >>

> >><< mostly organic, nutritious foods to keep her immune system

> >> well functioning. >>

> >>

> >>I actually just asked this question on my VeggieKids list, but I am

> going

> >to

> >>ask everyone here to since it has been brought up. I have some

> questions

> >>pertaining to organic produce. What is best? Is certified organic

> by

> >>California standards the best? Currently, I but most of my produce

> at

> the

> >>local farm and it is not organic. Organic is so expensive and so

> out

> of

> >the

> >>way, you know? What I do is wash everything that I do not peel

> (mostly

> >>everything) in soap and water, does that sufficiently remove

> pesticides?

> >>Thanks!

> >

> >I can't remember where I just read it but washing definately does

> not

> >remove most of the pesticides. It's better to buy the real goods.

> At

> least

> >the high risk foods like peppers and such. Jen

> >> ~~G

> >>

> >>

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------


> >>

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Whatever you do, PLEASE don't get any more vaccinations just yet for your

daughter. Look at the contraindications on the package insert. I know that

at one time, ANY history, including familial history, of seizures was

contraindicated for further doses of Dpt.

I also suggest talking to a pediatric neurologist concerning further

immunizations. My experience with pediatric neuros has been more positive

concerning nonimmunization issues than pediatricians.

I am sure others on this list will have more current information than I do.

Just keep reading and learning.


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Hi Everyone!!

Finally getting around to writing my intro. I've been busy getting my

homepage up, which is almost ready for public viewing. Will let you


I'm a SAHM to Austin (9-27-96) He's was born at home and other than

seeing a doc at two weeks to be circumsized (my biggest regret to date)

he has never been to an md.

I use alternative medicine on him and he is still breastfed, and I try

to minimize exposure to toxins - I have a real problem with man-made

chemicals in our everyday life. All these factors together are why I

believe he is so healthy.

I publish a free email alternative health newsletter once or twice a

month, so that keeps me busy. has been on my list for awhile, and

I recently found out about hers, and told everyone about it and several

people have now joined this one - really exciting!!

Oh, and I post my name twice because some people can't see my html

signature encoded in my emails! :-)

All for now!! ~~

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Hi ! Others will elaborate more, but briefly,

the DTaP reduces the incidence of immediate severe reactions, but not

milder reactions. If she has seizures, you have no idea how her body

will react next time. It could literally " overload " her body and put her

over the edge. Unfortunately, you have no idea how her body will react

to the toxins in ANY vaccine any more.

She is past the " critical " age (12 months I think) of worrying about

pertussis now, anyway. So I definitely wouldn't chance it. I believe it

says right on the insert pamphlet of the vaccines that they should not

be given to anyone with a history (or even family history) of allergies,

asthma, seizures, etc., so they should not even be considering giving

this to her with her history.

Hope this helps a little! Please viisit my homepage - pages 6-7-8 for

more info if you'd like. It has lots of links, and even links to message

boards where you can get more paental info and support.



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Hi !

Is it possible to subscribe to your newsletter?? I am just getting into

alternative medicines/health and would love any info!!




DeMaio wrote:



> Hi Everyone!!


> Finally getting around to writing my intro. I've been busy getting my

> homepage up, which is almost ready for public viewing. Will let you

> know!


> I'm a SAHM to Austin (9-27-96) He's was born at home and other than

> seeing a doc at two weeks to be circumsized (my biggest regret to date)

> he has never been to an md.


> I use alternative medicine on him and he is still breastfed, and I try

> to minimize exposure to toxins - I have a real problem with man-made

> chemicals in our everyday life. All these factors together are why I

> believe he is so healthy.


> I publish a free email alternative health newsletter once or twice a

> month, so that keeps me busy. has been on my list for awhile, and

> I recently found out about hers, and told everyone about it and several

> people have now joined this one - really exciting!!


> Oh, and I post my name twice because some people can't see my html

> signature encoded in my emails! :-)


> All for now!! ~~


> ----------------------------------------------------------------

> ~~

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Hi . I would love to subscribe to your newsletter as well.



At 10:31 AM 2/18/99 -0500, you wrote:

> Hi ! I am just getting into alternative medicines/health and

>would love any info!! thanks! Love


> DeMaio wrote: together are why I believe he is so healthy. I

>publish a free email alternative health newsletter once or twice a month,

>so that keeps me busy. has been on my list for awhile, and I recently

>found out about hers, and told everyone about it and several people have

>now joined this one - really exciting!! Oh, and I post my name twice

>because some people can't see my html signature encoded in my emails! :-)

>All for now!! ~~ ~~


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hey Nadine! What kind of info did you have on hand to take with you to the

ped? After reading so many articles on to vaccinate or not, I am totally

confused! We were asked to leave our peds office, and as yet have not found

another one. Thankfully, our kids have not needed one since then.

Also, has anyone know about the Japan report related to SIDS and the

Pertusis vaccine? I have read several different articles (some for and some

against vaccinating), and of course the reasons for not vaccinating differ

as do the results. I would love to actually read the actual report myself.

If anyone could help it would be much appreciated!

Thanks, Camille

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Guest guest

Your best " defense " with your pediatrician is information!! When I first

started out, I was afraid to even have a conversation with my ped. because I

ws afraid I would say the wrong thing or not have a legitimate response to

some statistic he may throw my way. A few months ago, I actually had an hour

long DISCUSSION with the resident PA and he was amazingly receptive to my

ideas. Not necessarily supportive, but receptive and even offered some

interesting info. on updated vaccine info. I think it was because I was well

informed and appeared to know what I was talking about. And, I also let him

know that I wasn't anti-establishment, just a very cautious and concerned

parent. He seemed to respect that. Good Luck, and if you have a hard time,

look for another pediatrician. GOOD LUCK!! Nadine

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Guest guest

Camille, I read ALOT of books (How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of your

Doctor), articles (especially in MOTHERHOOD magazine) and internet info. It

wasn't a question of whether or not I had information with me, just knowing

that there was alot of pro- and anti- info. out there and I had made an

" educated " decision based on all the information I had. I just really did my

homework so to speak. I was also asked to leave my first pediatricians

practice (almost 6 years ago) and asked around for people with like minds for

their pediatrician. I actually told a white lie on our initial form at my

current ped. office when they asked if all of my son's shots were current. He

was extremely sick and we had just moved into the area. I was afraid they

wouldn't see him. As it turns out, I had nothing to be afraid of. It is all

a matter of having the courage of your convictions. Not whether or not you

have the " right " information, just what is right for YOU. I still worry, at

times, whether or not I have made the right choices for my children ( I have a

6 year old little boy, and a 2 year old little girl) but I have to believe I

;am doing what is best at this time. Good luck on your search and I am here,

as well as MANY others, for support. Let me know if you need titles of

articles, books, websights, etc....keep in touch. Sincerely,Nadine

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Guest guest

Thanks so much Nadine!! The risks on both sides scary, but I think that for

right now, the risks are greater on the side of vaccinating. I just had a

conversation today with a friend who is pro vaccination, and he kept saying

things like...if everyone had your point of view and from this point on no

children were vaccinated then in x number of years all the diseases would be

back again...what do you say in situations like that? I said, well, that

could be the case, but the diseases would be better treated today than they

could have been 30 to 40 years ago because of the advances in medicine. I

don't know if that is true or not, but it sounded good anyway.

Thanks again! Camille

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